10/04/2014 03:39 PM (UTC)
Huh, because you think that the concept of a female alien being stronger than male humans didn't turn out good, it should never, ever be attempted again. Yeah, because there's no such thing as bad execution of a concept or anything like that. Let's just give up on ever making it work (though I liked Sheeva, so it did work for me).

In short, your argument is predictably defeatist. Yawn. Of course, you're probably happy that the "strong female alien" didn't work out for you, anyway. It must validate your sexism.

Quality over quantity. That same argument could be used for male fighters. But I doubt there can be too many men in a roster for you.

And you expect MK's roster to be male-dominated? Yeah, so what? Why should that matter, exactly?

Please don't tell me you think I'm being homophobic here. I was just pointing out how many male gamers are straight and homophobic, yet want a male-dominated roster, yet still look down on gay male gamers who I feel would have a more legitimate reason to want a male-dominated roster.

I'm just amused, that's all. Misogyny and machismo are such jokes, heh heh.
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10/04/2014 03:40 PM (UTC)
Im fine with girl characters but god please stop with the "MISOGYNIST" shit. When ever girls in games get talked about now so many pc people have to start complaining how there needs to be more girls as lead characters in all the games.

And that would be cool if a game came out with girl characters if thats what they wanted to do. Its just getting to the point where girls are gonna start being thrown in games not because its how they want the story but because people will complain and say they hate women.

Now i would imagine there will be 2-4 more girl characters. If thats not enough for you go play something else. It doesnt mean Mk hates all women because they didnt make it 50/50 or something. It's their game so they can decide their own roster.
10/04/2014 03:59 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Are we seriously bringing this nonsense into MK?

Go play some fucking DOA or something. All the independent womyns you can handle.

Awww, poor butthurt sexist loser. Telling people who he disagree to go play some "fucking DOA" with such an authoritarian tone. Yeah, who would dare disobey him? Heh.

"All the independent womyns you can handle" you probably can't even handle one independent woman in real life, heh heh!
10/04/2014 04:08 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
If the lack of women in fighting games is a successful concept, it might be because of mysogynistic idiots who despite being straight want a sausage fest, yet still look down on homosexuals. Not that I'd expect that to cross your mind. You seem like one of these people who always take the path of least resistance and settle for mediocrity. "Huh, it's always been this way, surely that makes it right, huh".

Wait.. because i said it before i always go the path of least resistance? Ehm... no! You know what you did? You generalize:)

10/04/2014 04:09 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Please don't tell me you think I'm being homophobic here. I was just pointing out how many male gamers are straight and homophobic, yet want a male-dominated roster, yet still look down on gay male gamers who I feel would have a more legitimate reason to want a male-dominated roster.

I'm just amused, that's all. Misogyny and machismo are such jokes, heh heh.

... I never stated anything about you being homophobic, I said what does your point have anything to do with this topic? I clearly remember your dumb Putin thread you made a while back because you have a problem with people not liking the gay community, so I know you're not homophobic.

And who cares what other gamers think. Their choice in what they want to like and not shouldn't mean squat to another gamer. It's their opinion, anyone can disagree or just not give a damn. If Netherrealm Studios want to add in more femininity and gay characters, they'll do it. If not, oh well.

But in the end, it's a fighting game, a game that is memorable by its violent and gory content more than a political stance.
10/04/2014 04:17 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat, just like 95% *estimate* of the other fighting games out there now and over history, have or have had predominantly male casts. Why, do you ask? It's actually a very simple answer. They are catering to a mostly male audience.

As much as i would love for more girls and women to pick up the sticks and get in on the fun, because let's face it, girls that game are awesome, it just hasn't happened. If women had a stronger voice in the FGC, I would be willing to bet that there would be more female fighters in games.

I'm all for equality, in pretty much every aspect, up to and including video games. However, for that equality to happen, the women who ARE active in the FGC have to make their voices heard.
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10/04/2014 04:50 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:

Awww, poor butthurt sexist loser. Telling people who he disagree to go play some "fucking DOA" with such an authoritarian tone. Yeah, who would dare disobey him? Heh.

"All the independent womyns you can handle" you probably can't even handle one independent woman in real life, heh heh!

Oh boy, I can't wait for you to go full SJW and try and prove to me how a woman can take a punch to the face as well as any man can. It's been a slow morning so far, and I really need something to laugh at.
10/04/2014 05:16 PM (UTC)

The game is how it has always been, and there's nothing wrong with that. 1/3-1/4 the roster being female isn't a "sausage fest" or anything of the sort. There's games like DoA and Skull Girls if you want female dominated rosters.

When you're going out of your way to make sure there's equal representation of females, it's a real slippery slope from there. Because how dare you stop there. Do you not care about equality across the board? Where are all the African Americans, Native Americans, Mexicans, or Asians? How about Samoans, Germans, Canadians, Indians, and Russians? Where's the Jewish, Catholic, Christian, Islamic, Muslim, or Hindus? Where's our skinny or fat equality? Where's the smart and dumb representation? How about the mentally handicapped, or the physically impaired?

Do you see why this is a pointless argument to make, and is a very shallow one at that, when you are trying to wave the flag for one group, claiming we need more equality? Women are the 2nd most represented "minority" in this game. How do you think black people, and any other sort of minority feel, when there's maybe 0-2 characters to represent them in this game?

The point is, it's dumb, and a pointless argument here. This is a game. Let them create what they want to create, without having to abide by any sort of restrictions on character types, just for the sake of equality in representation.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

10/04/2014 05:21 PM (UTC)
Napalm1980 Wrote:
Ok honestly. I don't like those Kind of threads. Let me Show you why.

Mortal Kombat 1.. 7 playable fighter, 1 of them female. ~14%
Mortal Kombat 2.. 12 playable fighter, 2 of them female ~17%
Mortal Kombat 3.. 15 playable fighter, 3 of them female ~20%
Mortal Kombat 4.. 15 playable fighter, 2 of them female ~13%
MK:Deadly Alliance.. 22 playable fighter, 5 of them female ~23%
MK:Deception.. 24 playable fighter, 7 of them female ~29%

I didn't Count Trilogy, Armageddon or MK9 because this games were some "best of"-games from MK.

As you can see MK always had more male fighter and we didn't even the full roster of MKX. This thread is redundant.. sry to say it like this :)

10/04/2014 05:32 PM (UTC)
Kotaku: The Thread
Now playing on an MKO board near you.
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10/04/2014 05:36 PM (UTC)
b-but muh soggy knees
10/04/2014 05:52 PM (UTC)
That post triggered me. Check your privlege, cis-scum.
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10/04/2014 06:17 PM (UTC)
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

10/04/2014 06:24 PM (UTC)
PointGuard_Material Wrote:
-____- Would more females make the game that much better or something?

It would please a lot of penises and fill more R34 folders.
10/04/2014 06:48 PM (UTC)
Fact of the matter is the vast majority of video game players are male. The vast majority of people buying mkx will be male. (I would say more than 3/4's of consumers will be male)

I personally, as a male, tend to relate with male characters, especially in video games. I have a feeling I am not in the minority.

1/4 to 1/3 is plenty of female characters.
About Me

10/04/2014 06:52 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
mysogynistic idiots who despite being straight want a sausage fest, yet still look down on homosexuals.

Basically describing an MMA fighter/BJJ instructor right here.
10/04/2014 07:14 PM (UTC)
Do you really need more female characters just for the sale of it? This thread is rodiculous. There's people that main/ play female characters only no matter what, so if that's your case, why do you need 15 of them, if you play females just for the sale of them being female? Wouldn't you play the sole female character if the game only had 1? Does that make you feel better?
10/04/2014 08:37 PM (UTC)
Kind of a rough topic to make my first post, lol.

Anyways, not really understanding the majority of the responses here. While the title of the thread seems a bit "trollish", the OP's actual post (plus his one follow up response) seemed well spoken and not at all inflammatory.

Seems like he was hoping for a few more females in this game and the initial 6 characters gave him hope. Since then it has been only male reveals, so he is a bit bummed. Not the end of the world.

However, when I read some of these responses, I have to scratch my head. Correct me if I am wrong, but people seem to be really against the idea of narrowing the gap between M/F characters. Not really talking about a 50/50 split, but even 70/30 like the OP mentioned.

One person brought up real life as an example to why there shouldn't be many female characters. "Li Mei should not be able to beat Kano" or something like that. In that case, MK1 should have ended with Goro breaking Liu Kang in half like a twig. But no...because that is a silly argument, lol.

Then you got some responses bordering on asshole territory. No offense, but directhit basically said, "If all you care about is whether or not a character is female, then one female should be enough for you. Just play as her!" That is just being an asshole for no reason. It's also a dumb argument that can be turned around for male characters.

Not going to paint everyone with a broad stroke, though. There have been some level headed responses as well. And others don't give a damn one way or the other.

Anyway, on a personal note, even though my favorite characters consist of the two hapless fools, Baraka and Reptile, I wouldn't mind seeing more female characters added to the roster. There have been some great ones in the past.

I don't know, the game is shaping up to be pretty awesome, regardless. I think most will agree with that. But it would be nice to see a bit more support for other peoples' desires. Like others have said, the series has always been dominated by male characters and this installment will not change that. But maybe you can take a step back and just say, "You know, it doesn't really bother me, but if others would like more female characters, more power to them."

So...pretty horrible way to start my MKO career with a flame-bait post, lol.

TLDR: More Friendships...less fatalities on your fellow MKOers. Then again, that might make this place less fun to browse.
10/04/2014 08:45 PM (UTC)
Mishima44 Wrote:
Kind of a rough topic to make my first post, lol.

Anyways, not really understanding the majority of the responses here. While the title of the thread seems a bit "trollish", the OP's actual post (plus his one follow up response) seemed well spoken and not at all inflammatory.

Seems like he was hoping for a few more females in this game and the initial 6 characters gave him hope. Since then it has been only male reveals, so he is a bit bummed. Not the end of the world.

However, when I read some of these responses, I have to scratch my head. Correct me if I am wrong, but people seem to be really against the idea of narrowing the gap between M/F characters. Not really talking about a 50/50 split, but even 70/30 like the OP mentioned.

One person brought up real life as an example to why there shouldn't be many female characters. "Li Mei should not be able to beat Kano" or something like that. In that case, MK1 should have ended with Goro breaking Liu Kang in half like a twig. But no...because that is a silly argument, lol.

Then you got some responses bordering on asshole territory. No offense, but directhit basically said, "If all you care about is whether or not a character is female, then one female should be enough for you. Just play as her!" That is just being an asshole for no reason. It's also a dumb argument that can be turned around for male characters.

Not going to paint everyone with a broad stroke, though. There have been some level headed responses as well. And others don't give a damn one way or the other.

Anyway, on a personal note, even though my favorite characters consist of the two hapless fools, Baraka and Reptile, I wouldn't mind seeing more female characters added to the roster. There have been some great ones in the past.

I don't know, the game is shaping up to be pretty awesome, regardless. I think most will agree with that. But it would be nice to see a bit more support for other peoples' desires. Like others have said, the series has always been dominated by male characters and this installment will not change that. But maybe you can take a step back and just say, "You know, it doesn't really bother me, but if others would like more female characters, more power to them."

So...pretty horrible way to start my MKO career with a flame-bait post, lol.

TLDR: More Friendships...less fatalities on your fellow MKOers. Then again, that might make this place less fun to browse.

Welcome to MKO! And that was a good first post with alot of good points in it. ^^
10/04/2014 08:48 PM (UTC)
I don't care. Gender of the fighter is irrelevant if they are fun to play or not. If you can only relate to/play as female fighters, then that's your problem.
10/04/2014 08:48 PM (UTC)

I know this is a touchy subject that usually doesn't lead anywhere good. Just trying to get some points across without being an ass about it. Not sure if I succeeded, though, lol.

@Lord Greyjoy (Theon or Balon?) Yeah, that is what I am getting from a lot of people. But I was just saying, if you don't care, maybe offer support for those who do? Since the balance is pretty off concerning M/F fighters.
10/04/2014 08:55 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:

Awww, poor butthurt sexist loser. Telling people who he disagree to go play some "fucking DOA" with such an authoritarian tone. Yeah, who would dare disobey him? Heh.

"All the independent womyns you can handle" you probably can't even handle one independent woman in real life, heh heh!

Oh boy, I can't wait for you to go full SJW and try and prove to me how a woman can take a punch to the face as well as any man can. It's been a slow morning so far, and I really need something to laugh at.

Why would I care about proving you that women can take a punch in the face as well as men? I don't think fighters in real life are that big a deal, so even if you proved that men were inherently better fighters, my answer would be: so what.

I don't need fictional characters to be of the same race, gender and sexual orientation for me to relate to them. Why is it the case for so many people?
10/04/2014 09:04 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:
Are we seriously bringing this nonsense into MK?

Go play some fucking DOA or something. All the independent womyns you can handle.

Awww, poor butthurt sexist loser. Telling people who he disagree to go play some "fucking DOA" with such an authoritarian tone. Yeah, who would dare disobey him? Heh.

"All the independent womyns you can handle" you probably can't even handle one independent woman in real life, heh heh!

You're such a joke. Do you actually feel like you're being "held down" or being "discriminated against" because of this? Because of more female characters... In a fucking game. You have no life, seriously. It's a game... who gives a shit like this? You're such a piece of shit and you make other woman look bad. Chances are, you're a hopeless shut in with retarded piercings, tattoos and a hair color that craves attention. Seriously, you make us look bad!

every woman I met that was a feminist was either; lazy, fat, stupid or a spoiled piece of trash. You're all the above, no doubt.

Sorry everybody, I usually just visit the site for news but I had to make an account to say my thoughts. You guys are trying to be too understanding to these self entitled, me me me, generation Of losers. Being a woman myself, everyone should understand that real woman don't care about this kind of stuff. Only snobbish punks who don't work hard at anything.
10/04/2014 09:04 PM (UTC)
Mishima44 Wrote:

I know this is a touchy subject that usually doesn't lead anywhere good. Just trying to get some points across without being an ass about it. Not sure if I succeeded, though, lol.

@Lord Greyjoy (Theon or Balon?)
Yeah, that is what I am getting from a lot of people. But I was just saying, if you don't care, maybe offer support for those who do? Since the balance is pretty off concerning M/F fighters.

Neither. I just think Greyjoy sounds awesome. Balon and Theon are both scum, even though Theon is a very interesting character.

I understand what you want and I'm fine with it, but personally I'd rather let NRS do their own thing. This thread is premature, though - as others have said, you should wait until the final roster is revealed, even though it's unlikely that the female-male ratio changes.

blackcyborg and cpleck brought up good points, I think. You should address them if you haven't already.

Don't listen to the guys talking about triggers, soggy knees and privilege-checking . You shouldn't be insulted for simply bringing up a discussion.
10/04/2014 09:08 PM (UTC)
Boxing Wrote:
You're such a joke. Do you actually feel like you're being "held down" or being "discriminated against" because of this? Because of more female characters... In a fucking game. You have no life, seriously. It's a game... who gives a shit like this? You're such a piece of shit and you make other woman look bad. Chances are, you're a hopeless shut in with retarded piercings, tattoos and a hair color that craves attention. Seriously, you make us look bad!

every woman I met that was a feminist was either; lazy, fat, stupid or a spoiled piece of trash. You're all the above, no doubt.

Sorry everybody, I usually just visit the site for news but I had to make an account to say my thoughts. You guys are trying to be too understanding to these self entitled, me me me, generation Of losers. Being a woman myself, everyone should understand that real woman don't care about this kind of stuff. Only snobbish punks who don't work hard at anything.

Like you speak for all us ladies. -_-
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