05/26/2014 12:47 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
hankypanky1 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:

I think if Tremor were to be placed in MK10, he'd grow on you quite well.

What do you base that on? I don't even like terramancers.

What is the name for people that can manipulate metal like T1000 from Terminator 2? And about Tremor over Freddy in MK, Freddy was the best selling DLC characters. So if they're gonna make Tremor an official character make him in the original roster. Rain was the most requested character for MK9 and him being DLC didn't go down too well because he wasn't the best selling DLC character.

Freddy might be the best selling DLC, but that doesn't mean I have to like him for that. I utterly despised the fact he took the spot from a potential MK character, and I hate the movies, so...

Someone who can manipulate metal is called a ferrummancer, ferrum meaning metal in Latin.

Yes the MK community might not like it, but Freddy is a well known character and widely recognised and whatever brings the bread to the table is fair game for NRS. I didn't like Freddy or even Kratos but I think this has become fashion because they want casuals to be part of this community.
05/26/2014 12:54 AM (UTC)
hankypanky1 Wrote:

Yes the MK community might not like it, but Freddy is a well known character and widely recognised and whatever brings the bread to the table is fair game for NRS. I didn't like Freddy or even Kratos but I think this has become fashion because they want casuals to be part of this community.

I disagree. NRS has a responsibility to their fans. The MK community is the loyal fans who make sure NRS can continue being successful and who buys their games. If they neglect the fans by just trying to cash in by filling the game with bait-characters, then they will lose the MK community.

Just look at what happened to Capcom. They are on the brink of collapse because they couldn't please their main fanbases.
05/26/2014 01:29 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Just look at what happened to Capcom. They are on the brink of collapse because they couldn't please their main fanbases.

*Sighs* Resident Evil... Rest in peace!
05/26/2014 01:35 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Just look at what happened to Capcom. They are on the brink of collapse because they couldn't please their main fanbases.

*Sighs* Resident Evil... Rest in peace!

And Mega Man. *sigh*
05/26/2014 01:41 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I disagree. NRS has a responsibility to their fans. The MK community is the loyal fans who make sure NRS can continue being successful and who buys their games. If they neglect the fans by just trying to cash in by filling the game with bait-characters, then they will lose the MK community.

But they are loyal to us. They have been since MK9. Putting in guest characters isn't disrespecting us. Those characters sell and it's happened twice already. And let's face it, the MK community aren't the ones who make MK such a big success. It's the casuals who buy the millions of units. We just keep the game alive months after release.
05/26/2014 02:01 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I disagree. NRS has a responsibility to their fans. The MK community is the loyal fans who make sure NRS can continue being successful and who buys their games. If they neglect the fans by just trying to cash in by filling the game with bait-characters, then they will lose the MK community.

But they are loyal to us. They have been since MK9. Putting in guest characters isn't disrespecting us. Those characters sell and it's happened twice already. And let's face it, the MK community aren't the ones who make MK such a big success. It's the casuals who buy the millions of units. We just keep the game alive months after release.

And what is more important? To get alot of money from a game's release, or to form a community, a fanbase who will play and love the game the rest of their lives?

Of course, the financial part is important, but if a company becomes all about the money, it loses it's soul and turns into... EA games. *shudders*
05/26/2014 02:12 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
And what is more important? To get alot of money from a game's release, or to form a community, a fanbase who will play and love the game the rest of their lives?

Of course, the financial part is important, but if a company becomes all about the money, it loses it's soul and turns into... EA games. *shudders*

I hate to say it, but at the end of the day it is a business. So yes, money is the most important thing if they want to be successful.

If MK10 tanks in sales, WB would be pretty reluctant to give NRS more money to make an MK game. But luckily MK is very popular and has a casual appeal with fatalities and relatively easy to get into gameplay. So we really don't have to worry about MK sales wise :)
05/26/2014 02:13 AM (UTC)
Well I don't know how NRS is gonna satisfy the core MK community because they killed off nearly everyone and I really liked the roster give or take a few. Getting in an outside character like Freddy over one of the MK9 characters will be like a kick in the teeth and I'm sure people will be up in arms about that.
05/26/2014 02:21 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
And what is more important? To get alot of money from a game's release, or to form a community, a fanbase who will play and love the game the rest of their lives?

Of course, the financial part is important, but if a company becomes all about the money, it loses it's soul and turns into... EA games. *shudders*

I hate to say it, but at the end of the day it is a business. So yes, money is the most important thing if they want to be successful.

If MK10 tanks in sales, WB would be pretty reluctant to give NRS more money to make an MK game. But luckily MK is very popular and has a casual appeal with fatalities and relatively easy to get into gameplay. So we really don't have to worry about MK sales wise :)

I'm just saying, Capcom became greedy and now they are going bankrupt. Street Fighter, Mega Man, Devil May Cry, Onimusha... they had alot of popular titles to back them up, but then they started focusing on the money.

Here's a good example as well... Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale. It was the perfect recipe! Take something as popular as Super Smash Bros and instead put in alot of, well, stars from various popular Playstation series... It would have been the perfect game to reel in a bunch of casual players! However, it was a flop.

Another good example: World of Warcraft! So many people from the fanbase complains about how Blizzard changed it to cater to casuals, and they have lost millions of subscribers because of it.

Mortal Kombat is popular, yes... but if it only catered to casuals and ignored the fanbase, it will most likely go down the same path. That said, a few guest characters here and there aren't going to ruin it, but they ARE nothing but bait-characters for casuals. Luckily, NRS still listens and caters to the fans as well, and I hope that never changes.
05/26/2014 02:41 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I'm just saying, Capcom became greedy and now they are going bankrupt. Street Fighter, Mega Man, Devil May Cry, Onimusha... they had alot of popular titles to back them up, but then they started focusing on the money.

Here's a good example as well... Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale. It was the perfect recipe! Take something as popular as Super Smash Bros and instead put in alot of, well, stars from various popular Playstation series... It would have been the perfect game to reel in a bunch of casual players! However, it was a flop.

Another good example: World of Warcraft! So many people from the fanbase complains about how Blizzard changed it to cater to casuals, and they have lost millions of subscribers because of it.

Mortal Kombat is popular, yes... but if it only catered to casuals and ignored the fanbase, it will most likely go down the same path. That said, a few guest characters here and there aren't going to ruin it, but they ARE nothing but bait-characters for casuals. Luckily, NRS still listens and caters to the fans as well, and I hope that never changes.

Capcom had a lot of different issues. Now they're paying for it. But SF4 is still doing successful. People hate the whole "Super Ultra" editions but it's still doing pretty well. Of course it's the only one of of those you listed that's actually doing anything.

PSAS didn't 't succeed for a number of reasons. But the main one was it lacked the necessary third party characters. If it had Crash, Spyro, Lara Croft, Snake, and Cloud it would have sold 10x better. That is a fact.

WoW seems to be still doing successful. But I don't know jack shit about it so...

Nothing wrong with trying to get other fanbases in MK. Guests are definitely geared towards casuals, but I know plenty of GoW fans who bought MK9 just for Kratos. So appealing to other fanbases is not a bad thing. And yes NRS has been very good to us. So we really haven't anything to worry about.
05/26/2014 02:59 AM (UTC)
But isn't it a bit sad if the game sells better because of guesting bait-characters than because of the MK characters? Isn't it sad if they have to do something like that to make sure the game sells well? Isn't it sad if the game can't sell well without them?
If the majority buy the game because of a character that has nothing to do with Mortal Kombat, then it isn't Mortal Kombat that's a success... It would mean that people aren't buying the game because it is Mortal Kombat... It might sell well with such bait-characters, but I would deem it a failure when they need to pull in bait-characters to ensure its success. I would rather people buy Mortal Kombat because people want Mortal Kombat. But I guess that's not important as long they get their money somehow...
05/26/2014 03:14 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
But isn't it a bit sad if the game sells better because of guesting bait-characters than because of the MK characters? Isn't it sad if they have to do something like that to make sure the game sells well? Isn't it sad if the game can't sell well without them?

If the majority buy the game because of a character that has nothing to do with Mortal Kombat, then it isn't Mortal Kombat that's a success... It would mean that people aren't buying the game because it is Mortal Kombat... It might sell well with such bait-characters, but I would deem it a failure when they need to pull in bait-characters to ensure its success. I would rather people buy Mortal Kombat because people want Mortal Kombat. But I guess that's not important as long they get their money somehow...

Is it sad? I guess so. But as long as MK is successful I really don't care. And I wouldn't say that the guests are the main driving for cd for casuals buying the game. It's more or less a bonus to them. I digress, as we're getting way off topic.
05/26/2014 03:24 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Is it sad? I guess so. But as long as MK is successful I really don't care. And Zi wouldn't say that the guests are the main driving for cd for casuals buying the game. It's more or less a bonus to them. I digress, as we're getting way off topic.

Oh, of course, this is just if we're talking about extremes. I'm disappointed that you don't really care though. Personally, I'd like for Mortal Kombat to be successful because it is Mortal Kombat, not because of something gimmicky they decide to put into the game.

But yeah, I had happily forgotten this thread was about Tremor...
05/26/2014 06:53 AM (UTC)
When you guys are talking about casuals, are you referring to the 3D games? If so I fully agree. Otherwise, wat?
05/26/2014 11:47 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:

I think if Tremor were to be placed in MK10, he'd grow on you quite well.

What do you base that on? I don't even like terramancers.

I honestly have no idea. lol

I just think he'll turn out pretty nice, and many of us will enjoy him, yourself included. wink Come on, it's not like I'm trying to push for Nimbus or Zebron or some shit. Tremor actually has potential. Give him a chance! sad

Nimbus would be a better character. Zebron... not so much.
But saying I am going to like Tremor should he be in the next game is a bit pretentious.

Shit, I didn't mean to seem protentious. My apologies.

And why Nimbus over Tremor, if I may ask?
05/26/2014 05:34 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:

Shit, I didn't mean to seem protentious. My apologies.

And why Nimbus over Tremor, if I may ask?

Well, first of all, he's not a ninja. That's a plus. :P
Second, there aren't any MK characters like him. He's a kickboxer, so I could imagine his fighting style being alot like Bruce Irvin's or Bryan Fury from Tekken, having quick and powerful kicks.
05/26/2014 05:44 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:

Shit, I didn't mean to seem protentious. My apologies.

And why Nimbus over Tremor, if I may ask?

Well, first of all, he's not a ninja. That's a plus. :P
Second, there aren't any MK characters like him. He's a kickboxer, so I could imagine his fighting style being alot like Bruce Irvin's or Bryan Fury from Tekken, having quick and powerful kicks.

Well we have Jax, and he does Muay Thai. Which is what Kickboxing derives from. And isn't Kobra a Kickboxer? I could be wrong but I thought he was.
05/26/2014 05:48 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:

Shit, I didn't mean to seem protentious. My apologies.

And why Nimbus over Tremor, if I may ask?

Well, first of all, he's not a ninja. That's a plus. :P
Second, there aren't any MK characters like him. He's a kickboxer, so I could imagine his fighting style being alot like Bruce Irvin's or Bryan Fury from Tekken, having quick and powerful kicks.

Well we have Jax, and he does Muay Thai. Which is what Kickboxing derives from. And isn't Kobra a Kickboxer? I could be wrong but I thought he was.

I thought Kobra was trained in the same style as Ryu tongue
05/26/2014 05:56 PM (UTC)
mkwhopper Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:

Shit, I didn't mean to seem protentious. My apologies.

And why Nimbus over Tremor, if I may ask?

Well, first of all, he's not a ninja. That's a plus. :P
Second, there aren't any MK characters like him. He's a kickboxer, so I could imagine his fighting style being alot like Bruce Irvin's or Bryan Fury from Tekken, having quick and powerful kicks.

Well we have Jax, and he does Muay Thai. Which is what Kickboxing derives from. And isn't Kobra a Kickboxer? I could be wrong but I thought he was.

I thought Kobra was trained in the same style as Ryu tongue

Ryu uses ansatsuken, which is a form of karate, I believe.
As for Jax using Muay Thai - that was in the old timeline. In the new timeline his fighting style is more an MMA style than anything else.
05/26/2014 06:06 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
As for Jax using Muay Thai - that was in the old timeline. In the new timeline his fighting style is more an MMA style than anything else.

Jax still has pretty strong Muay Thai influence. He uses knees, inside leg kicks, front kicks, a superman punch, and an overhead elbow. You could say other characters uses moves like that too, but it's clear that Jax retains some of his Muay Thai just by looking at the moves.

One thing they should do though, is give him the Muay Thai Clinch. That way he can still grapple but also have stronger roots in Muay Thai.
05/26/2014 06:07 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
mkwhopper Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:

Shit, I didn't mean to seem protentious. My apologies.

And why Nimbus over Tremor, if I may ask?

Well, first of all, he's not a ninja. That's a plus. :P
Second, there aren't any MK characters like him. He's a kickboxer, so I could imagine his fighting style being alot like Bruce Irvin's or Bryan Fury from Tekken, having quick and powerful kicks.

Well we have Jax, and he does Muay Thai. Which is what Kickboxing derives from. And isn't Kobra a Kickboxer? I could be wrong but I thought he was.

I thought Kobra was trained in the same style as Ryu tongue

Ryu uses ansatsuken, which is a form of karate, I believe.
As for Jax using Muay Thai - that was in the old timeline. In the new timeline his fighting style is more an MMA style than anything else.

Welp, that joke went over your head .-.
I was referencing that Kobra looked like Ken
05/26/2014 07:39 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
As for Jax using Muay Thai - that was in the old timeline. In the new timeline his fighting style is more an MMA style than anything else.

Jax still has pretty strong Muay Thai influence. He uses knees, inside leg kicks, front kicks, a superman punch, and an overhead elbow. You could say other characters uses moves like that too, but it's clear that Jax retains some of his Muay Thai just by looking at the moves.

One thing they should do though, is give him the Muay Thai Clinch. That way he can still grapple but also have stronger roots in Muay Thai.

That's the thing with MMA fighters, they don't have one specific fighting style, but used many different ones. Hence the name MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). So yeah, Jax might still have some Muay Thai moves, but it doesn't define his entire style. His special moves are all about grapples and punches.

If Nimbus became a playable character, it would be cool if he was pure Kickboxer, imo, with alot of kicks and special moves build around that.

mkwhopper Wrote:

Welp, that joke went over your head .-.
I was referencing that Kobra looked like Ken

Hehe, I did get it, but that's not really a joke. More a fact. :P
But yeah, Kobra uses Shorin Ryu Karate and Kickboxing, hadn't thought of him actually. Should Kobra return though, I'd like for him to purely use Karate to strengthen his ties with Ryu and Ken from Street Fighter. Though I find those the most boring characters of the SF series, I do think it is neat that MK has a tribute character like that.
05/26/2014 07:49 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
As for Jax using Muay Thai - that was in the old timeline. In the new timeline his fighting style is more an MMA style than anything else.

Jax still has pretty strong Muay Thai influence. He uses knees, inside leg kicks, front kicks, a superman punch, and an overhead elbow. You could say other characters uses moves like that too, but it's clear that Jax retains some of his Muay Thai just by looking at the moves.

One thing they should do though, is give him the Muay Thai Clinch. That way he can still grapple but also have stronger roots in Muay Thai.

That's the thing with MMA fighters, they don't have one specific fighting style, but used many different ones. Hence the name MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). So yeah, Jax might still have some Muay Thai moves, but it doesn't define his entire style. His special moves are all about grapples and punches.

Yeah Muay Thai is most likely his base style. He started with Muay Thai and then started practicing Wrestling as well.
05/26/2014 07:51 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
As for Jax using Muay Thai - that was in the old timeline. In the new timeline his fighting style is more an MMA style than anything else.

Jax still has pretty strong Muay Thai influence. He uses knees, inside leg kicks, front kicks, a superman punch, and an overhead elbow. You could say other characters uses moves like that too, but it's clear that Jax retains some of his Muay Thai just by looking at the moves.

One thing they should do though, is give him the Muay Thai Clinch. That way he can still grapple but also have stronger roots in Muay Thai.

That's the thing with MMA fighters, they don't have one specific fighting style, but used many different ones. Hence the name MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). So yeah, Jax might still have some Muay Thai moves, but it doesn't define his entire style. His special moves are all about grapples and punches.

Yeah Muay Thai is most likely his base style. He started with Muay Thai and then started practicing Wrestling as well.

If he was a Muay Thai fighter from start, wouldn't it make more sense if he gave himself cyborg legs instead of arms? I mean, if his kicks are his strong suit, then why strengthen his arms and have all his special moves be grapples and punches?
05/26/2014 09:08 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
If he was a Muay Thai fighter from start, wouldn't it make more sense if he gave himself cyborg legs instead of arms? I mean, if his kicks are his strong suit, then why strengthen his arms and have all his special moves be grapples and punches?

Muay Thai isn't just kicks. Muay Thai uses a fair amount of Punching and Elbows as well. But I would think the cybernetic arms have to do with his Ground Pound. Which wouldn't matter what fighting style he had because punching the ground isn't derived from any fighting style.

But I gotta stop here. Somehow we've once again gone off topic xD
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