08/02/2012 08:22 PM (UTC)
Yeah joining the Red Dragon would definitely make for an awsome flip story; Mavado could use some better help, not Hsu Hao lol.
08/07/2012 03:09 PM (UTC)
move - quicksand sinks the fighter into the ground for a free hit.
move - sharp wind kicks up dsand and dirt into a funnel to cut up the person.
move - ground ripple he puts his hands into the ground and lefts up sending a ripple of chunks of rocks at the fighter.
move - spike stabs he forms his arms like the t2 and stabs the fighter 2-5 times in the stomach and chest.
move - incase rock he forms a barrier of rock to deflect projectiles back at the opponnent.

appearance 1 - classic ninja look but with his hood and mask made out of sand with red eyes. when he walks he leaves a trail of sand.

appearance 2 - something along the lines of pyron from darkstalkers and sandman from spiderman.

fatal 1 - he calls forth a volcano and a fiery rock smooshes the opponnent.

fatal 2 - turns into sand and enters the mouth/nose/ears/eyes of the fighter and kkills them from the inside to the outside.

xray - he sinks the fighter into the ground and punt kicks them few times. lift them out and then gives them a backbreaker.

babality - he turns into a baby forms a binkie made out of sand puts it into his mouth. it falls apart and he begins to cry.

story- ?

these are just few ideas for tremor.
02/22/2014 06:30 PM (UTC)
If only Tremor was given another chance despite Ed Boon's protest, how would NRS be more developed with earth abilities?

Plus his story needs to fit in throughout the Shinnok Netherrealm invasion saga.

Jarek was useless. Hopefully Tremor will be given a second chance.

I don't know, what do you think?

He'll need earth, sand, stone, mud & clay.

He can take Jax's place for a while. Oh wait! Cyrax is taking over isn't he?
02/22/2014 07:41 PM (UTC)
Well, if he deserves another chance, what about the other characters that debuted in Special Forces? They have as much of another chance just as much as Tremor does.

I'd rather see what they could do with THOSE characters rather than an earth-bending "ninja."
05/15/2014 10:29 PM (UTC)
Any more ideas of how to bring Tremor back?

Somebody put up a petition! How would you change his story if Tremor took Jarek's spot?
05/17/2014 12:02 AM (UTC)
Well since he was basically made in the Vita version of MK9 just for ladder purposes & hopefully the June 2nd reveal will be MK10 do you think Tremor might be a full fledged character in the next game?

I wouldn't be surprised if he would. If there are going to cover 3 story arcs like last time then this time they may do the same covering MK4 - MKD & just possible thrown in some MK:SZM & MK:SF characters(Not too many, maybe one or two from each) since most of the characters from MK1-MKT are basically dead(The good guys at least) So this might not be far feched.

What do you guys think?
05/17/2014 12:21 AM (UTC)
No thanks.
05/17/2014 01:52 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat Special Forces is not canon.... and his appearance on the Challenge Tower was not canon either. I'm willing to bet if anything the reason they put him in there was to be tongue-in-cheek

i mean, there was also a challenge where Mileena gave Scorpion a teddy or something like that.

He still hasn't even appeared in the main MK story.
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Not down with Mk X? F**k off! I'm sure lameass street fighter will take you in.

05/17/2014 11:22 AM (UTC)
I think they should keep his story from MK: Special forces, but he definitely needs his own look rather than brown scorpion.
05/17/2014 12:59 PM (UTC)
DarkKard4 Wrote:
Mortal Kombat Special Forces is not canon.... and his appearance on the Challenge Tower was not canon either. I'm willing to bet if anything the reason they put him in there was to be tongue-in-cheek

i mean, there was also a challenge where Mileena gave Scorpion a teddy or something like that.

He still hasn't even appeared in the main MK story.

I see, well now that the timeline has changed due to the MK9 events maybe chars like him, meat & a few others might appear since things are different, if not a full game then maybe as a NPC in story mode. I just think he may show up in some form or fashion.
05/17/2014 03:57 PM (UTC)
mtwalpurgis Wrote:
I think they should keep his story from MK: Special forces, but he definitely needs his own look rather than brown scorpion.

I like his story of being once a Lin Kuei and now a Black Dragon.

In fact, he and Kano should be the last ones minus Jarek when the Red Dragons starts eliminating them.

Plus since Tremor hears of the cyber initiative he'd be on the run from them. He should join the Forces of Light against Shinnok. And there should be an origin of him like perhaps... his connection with Jax.
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05/17/2014 06:20 PM (UTC)
Kill Him in his first scene.

05/17/2014 08:26 PM (UTC)
I really don't see a point to bring him into the game. I'd rather have a character that's completely new with earth wielding abilities than this guy.
About Me

Not down with Mk X? F**k off! I'm sure lameass street fighter will take you in.

05/18/2014 11:24 AM (UTC)
Yeah his story is fine. I just hate that even in his most recemt appearance, he's still a palatte swap.
About Me

Not down with Mk X? F**k off! I'm sure lameass street fighter will take you in.

05/18/2014 11:30 AM (UTC)
Could always have thrown out a shit character like Kobra and put Tremor in his place
05/21/2014 04:02 AM (UTC)
I would like to see spikes in Tremor

05/21/2014 09:32 PM (UTC)
Yes! Yes I do... but as a DLC.

Besides... give him a second chance.
05/21/2014 10:14 PM (UTC)
I hope not.
05/21/2014 10:34 PM (UTC)
I would like to see him in it, I see people saying "Just make a new Earth powered based character and forget about Tremor." When you can just as easily say ...or just make Tremor?

The argument is pointless, the character has a pretty nice sized following, NRS would benefit at least some-what from making a character that they already KNOW a nice chunk of people want in the game, so what, it takes up a slot that could have "been for an all new character that might have been better." Yeah, or that new character could suck just as easily, if not more so. I'd go with the character that NRS already knows people want to see.

Give him his own personality and see where it goes. I have no problem with him being a DLC option.
05/21/2014 10:39 PM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
I would like to see him in it, I see people saying "Just make a new Earth powered based character and forget about Tremor." When you can just as easily say ...or just make Tremor?

The argument is pointless, the character has a pretty nice sized following, NRS would benefit at least some-what from making a character that they already KNOW a nice chunk of people want in the game, so what, it takes up a slot that could have "been for an all new character that might have been better." Yeah, or that new character could suck just as easily, if not more so. I'd go with the character that NRS already knows people want to see.

Give him his own personality and see where it goes. I have no problem with him being a DLC option.

The arguement, at least from me, is that he is another ninja... and there's more than enough ninja characters in the game. It's an easy, uninteresting and cheap way of making him popular.
05/21/2014 10:57 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
H3ndrix Wrote:
I would like to see him in it, I see people saying "Just make a new Earth powered based character and forget about Tremor." When you can just as easily say ...or just make Tremor?

The argument is pointless, the character has a pretty nice sized following, NRS would benefit at least some-what from making a character that they already KNOW a nice chunk of people want in the game, so what, it takes up a slot that could have "been for an all new character that might have been better." Yeah, or that new character could suck just as easily, if not more so. I'd go with the character that NRS already knows people want to see.

Give him his own personality and see where it goes. I have no problem with him being a DLC option.

The arguement, at least from me, is that he is another ninja... and there's more than enough ninja characters in the game. It's an easy, uninteresting and cheap way of making him popular.

Oh definitely.

If NRS was going to put him in the game as an actual character (Not that Challenge Tower joke) I don't really see them making him just another ninja. Back in the day, maybe. But there is penitential in in making him more than that.

I'd hope that they would make something else out of him if they decided to add him in this time around, and I'm all for that.
05/22/2014 05:30 AM (UTC)
I honestly don't care
05/22/2014 08:07 AM (UTC)
As long as he seems relevant to the story like the Black Dragon want to fend off the Netherrealm forces. Or work for them if Shinnok keeps his affiliation with the Red Dragon a secret.

I think Tremor in the next MK too
05/22/2014 12:48 PM (UTC)
As a DLC character sure.
05/23/2014 07:04 PM (UTC)
I think the only reason people do not want Tremor is because of the game he comes from.

I honestly don't think it has anything to do with him. With that, I say stop being cruel and give the guy a shot. I offer the same for Kia and Jataaka, especially for MK10.
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