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01/13/2012 12:58 AM (UTC)
Chrome, you're troll :D otherwise the fan art of Tremor is what he should look like!booN, you big eyebrow, just copy.paste it and make some new kool character for the next MK you eyebrow!
01/13/2012 02:37 AM (UTC)
people only want him because he looks like scorpion.

01/15/2012 05:05 PM (UTC)
as long as he isn't a golem, i like him to be in the game.
01/15/2012 05:29 PM (UTC)
^^ indeed. i like ninjas so i would say make him ninja but different as other ninjas. something similar to jax007's design but a little more evil looking.

i hope in the future character developments somethings change. like things as "strong characters= slow paced, weak characters= fast paced. i know its for balancing, but it isn't the only method. its just the easiest, Nthis shit is getting old.
02/10/2012 02:52 AM (UTC)
Thank you all for posting (accept all the people who said no) please kontinue posting comments TREMOR ROCKS!grin
05/07/2012 07:12 PM (UTC)
What would his moves be that are earth-related? As for his story, that should involve the Shinnok saga... how would it go?

Since Tremor is till Black Dragon, he should be a rival of Jax to replace Hsu Hao. Of course, since Jarek, Hsu Hao, Kira & Kobra are the worst.... Tremor will be something brand new of the Black Dragon.

No Face would be just a cover up/disguise of Sektor to keep in eye on Tremor and what he's up to.

His earth moves...
- earth - rock, boulders
- sand
- mud
- clay
- iron
- glass
- petrification
- stalagmites

His design shouldn't be all ninja. But also a strong man.
05/07/2012 10:07 PM (UTC)
I think instead of the ground pound thy copied from Jax he should pound the ground and a clump of earth hits the opponent.

Muddy teleport the power is the name.

Solidified: stomps on the floor an the floor raises and and holds the opponent in place.

Back breaker: grabs opponent and does a back breaker

Strength: like in poke on only he rips out a piece of earth and tosses it at the opponent.

Earthquake: the name for his ground pound

Xray; gets on a knee and pushes. The ground hits the opponent zooming into their skull showing the jaw damage. He jumps and tombstones the opponent showing damage to the skull he then elbow their gut and runs away.
05/07/2012 11:32 PM (UTC)
Here's a few ideas for Tremor that we thought of in spur of the moment.

Boulder Throw - A giant boulder rock appears in his outstretched arms above his head. He then in an overhanded motioning with both arms launches the giant boulder towards his opponent. The rock can crumble upon impact.

Boulder Roll - A giant bouler rock appears in his arms that are extended past his backside hip. He can cradle the rock into a roll across the screen towards his opponent. The rock can then crumble upon impact.

Sand Pit - Tremor can stomp his foot forcefully to the ground and cause the screen to shake with a tremor like crack skating across the plane of the floor. This could then cause the ground beneath his opponent's feet to crumble into a small sand pit locking them in place knee high. Tremor can then follow up with a series of hand/kicking combos while opponent is disabled.

Landscaping - Tremor kneel down and pull out a large chunk of ground with both hands and underhand throw a giant boulder rock across the screen in an arching motion towards his opponent. The rock can crumble upon impact.

Anthropology - Tremor can kneel down and pull out a large chunk of ground and hearld it up in the air while rising to his feet. He then can thrust into a power based jab with his backside fists crushing the rock and hearlding all the elemental minerals, rocks and dirt into smaller pieces at his opponent across the screen. The elements can be iron, coal, smaller rocks, zinc, precious metals and various materials to shoot across the screen scoring Tremor with a barrage of hits.

Body Slamming - Tremor can execute a giant step towards his opponent and thrust his backside hand into the throat of his opponent and slam them to the ground on their back with grappling hand, flinging his opponent's feet out from underneath them. In this motion his grappling hand can solidify into rock like substance.

Piledriver - Tremor can grab his opponent into a tight knitted bear hug while solidifying and incasing himself in rock. He then can execute a vertical jump towards the top of the screen and come slamming his body down lateral to the plane of the ground, with his opponent underneath. It can look like a lateral piledriver using gravity to slam the force his rock incased body to sandwich his and his opponent's body against the ground.

Those are just some ideas... comments and criticisms are welcomed.

05/08/2012 02:22 AM (UTC)
Clay Punch: His arm turn into clay-like rock for a hard punch. If it turned into a double clay punch, both his arms to into rock.

Rock Boulder: He stomps the ground with his foot and side kicks the boulder at the opponent. Summons two rock boulders and roundhouse kicks at his enemy.

What about his story for MK10? He should be someone Jax knows of or maybe from a country like Smoke's story.
05/08/2012 03:01 AM (UTC)
Tremor: Raised in the ghettos of Brooklyn NY tremor was exposed to crime life and the "thug life." He was constantly living in fear until he met an old man who agreed to teach him martial arts. Accustomed to the street life the rules of martial arts frustrated tremor and he often found himself using his martial arts to land him in jail. One day his master had enough and after he bailed him out he told him that he had to leave. Without a home tremor went back to crimes and began to kill for hire. Kano took notice of his skill and recruited him as a black dragon. The two were drown by their ruthlessness and became instant friends. Kano taught tremor what he knew and appointed him enforcer of the Black Dragon. For years he fought off Jax and his special forces until Jax got the Jump on them. Many members were killed and in order to save Kano, Tremor fought off Jax. Jax won and left tremor for dead. In his rage and recovery Tremor felt the uneasiness of the earth beneath him. His anger caused an earthquake that caved him into the old Black Dragon HQ. Having escaped Tremor has learned that he can manipulate the earth. How he came across this power remains a mystery to him but he will use this power to kill Jax and Sonya and avenge the death of his brethren.

Story in relation to Shinnok. Shinnok notices Tremors angst and anger against the Special Forces and promises him a chance to kill Jax if he helps him in his war. Tremor agreed to help Shinnok but begins his agenda. Many of the Brotherhood of Shadow's members have little faith in quan chi and Shinnok. Tremor sees their weakness as an. Opportunity, long live the New Black Dragon.

*ending* (assumig he's in the next game and shinnoks the boss)
Serving in Shinnoks army helped Tremor expand his skills and master his powers over earth. He helped Shinnok defeat earthrealm and expected his reward. Shinnok tried to kill Tremor but tremors instincts warned him this would happen. In a display of enormous strength Tremor defeated the fallen elder god and Killed him once an for all. The elder gods were pleased and made tremor the new Earth God. Tremor used his new power to revive Jax so he could kill him. Just when he was about to deliver the crushing blow, Quan Chi took Jax and escaped into the netherrealm, where it is said he used his necromancy to make Jax his servant. With members of the Brotherhood of Shadow at his command Tremor will form the New Black Dragon and hunt down Quan Chi and his new bodyguard. Vengeance will be served.

Okay the ending kinda sucks I admit it bit feedback? Any other ideas?
05/10/2012 11:50 PM (UTC)
He should possess powers from the Earth god Inari. Maybe a childhood friend of Jax's who learned the ways of ninjutsu.
05/13/2012 05:19 PM (UTC)
Any more thoughts on Tremor?
05/13/2012 06:12 PM (UTC)
According to special forces he's dead right? Maybe quan chi and Shinnok revive him for their purpose and this I his entrance also I have some fatality ideas.

Impaled: headbutts the opponent and lifts them over his head. He stomps his foot and the jagged earth rises from the floor. He does a backbreaker and then flips the opponent on the spikes impaling the opponent.

Crushing earth: Earth surrounds the opponent like the way the ice surrounds the opponent in subzeros fatality. tremor then crushes the earth severing his the oppOnents lower half. They crawl and he smashes their head with his foot.
05/14/2012 07:35 PM (UTC)
Maybe another specialty move he can have would be that he...

Rock Debris - Tremor can step forcefully to the ground causing the screen the shake and as a result, have a series of small boulder like rocks to fall from the sky and strike his opponent's head several times before crumbling into pieces.

Possible Intro:
He could walk towards his opponent and crush a small handsized rock in his hand into dust, pouring from his clinched fist and then fling his clinched back past his waist to fling the dust in the air behind him.

Winning Pose:
Facing the plane of his opponent, Tremor could forcefully slam his foot into the ground shaking the terrain of the ground and then turn and pump his fist into the air.

About Me

I will rock you.

05/15/2012 03:00 AM (UTC)
Only thing i can think of is fatalities.

1. Shock Wave - He shoots out shock waves that burns the opponents skin then the opponent evaporates in to nothing but blood.

2. Earthquake - He shoots out some ground waves that opens up the ground by an earthquake and the opponent falls into hot lava.

This is all I can think of right now. I want to see some more fatality ideas on here.

05/15/2012 04:25 AM (UTC)
Gout Foot - Tremor can motion into a single-footed forceful step across his opponent's front side foot leaving an oversized gout crystaline structure to be drived inside of the bone structure of his foot. Opponent can raise up the foot to waist with dust debris pouring off like as if to be aching in pain, hopping around. This could also provide a Tremor to follow up with hand/kicking based combos.

Tremor X-Ray Move:
Tremor could be that he executes a series of jabs to the opponent's soloplex. This could also showcase the internal damage done to his opponent open rib cage. He then can arch back past his backside shoulder only to showcase a series of large kidney stones inside of his opponent. He could then motion into a jumping roundhouse kick to their head causing them to spin around to where they're back is facing the plane of their Tremor's body. Camera again could showcase the internal damage. Finally, he could thrust into a power based jab to opponent's back striking and disrupting his opponent's kidney stones and arching their back while falling on their knees. Camera could again showcase the internal damage.

Tremor's Finishing Move:
Rocky Turmoil - Tremor can summon a series of large boulder like rocks from the sky and circulate them around his disoriented opponent kind of like in a centrafuge like rotation in opposite directions only to eventually cause them to collide and sandwich his opponent's upper torso in mid-air. It can kind of look like asteroid colliding with each other. His hapless opponent could then fall to their knees and face down, while he also slammed the rocks on his opponent's backside until the boulders crumbled into pieces.

Pressurized Gradient - Tremor can summon a large boulder from the sky and circulate them around his disoriented opponent and hearld the rock onto his disoriented opponent. Pushing them on their back with the large like rock weighing his opponent down on their back across the plane of the ground. He then can walk over to the giant boulder and then motion into a open palm strike at the top of the rock, crumbling the rock into pieces and causing blood spill on his laid out opponent.

Those are some additional ideas that could possibly be implemented.
05/15/2012 04:34 AM (UTC)
Monolith can be a bare chest like warrior with a bald head and brute strength. He can wear loose fit flowing balooning-like gladiator like pants in a dirty brown color and an alternate can be in a black color armed with an ancient styled battle axe. He can look similar to Proagethus in the opening fighting scene in the move “Troy”. Monolith’s can also have a build similar to picture shown below or Ajax’s character in the movie “Troy”.

Loyal servant to Shao Kahn, Monolith has often served as the muscle to Shao Kahn raids with his oversized built, he often overpowered his enemies with a certain physical prowess and brute strength. With Shao Kahn’s rise to prominence, Monolith was left as no use to serve except for Shao Kahn’s bodyguard. Bored with his demotion in position, Shao Kahn’s obliged his request to see more action, and assigned him to a role of Shang Tsung’s elite legion of assassins. Shang Tsung being informed of his idea, decided to test his combat skills to ensure himself of his ability. In the course of their fight, Shang Tsung’s sorcery proved to be his only advantage making him more than impressed with adding him to the roster. After the fight, Shang Tsung learns that Monolith’s source of power is generated through his rushes of adrenaline. When stimulated, Monolith’s adrenaline causes his skin to form into granite acting as both a defensive barrier to physical hits and an offensive weapon enhancing his physical hits to his opponent. Also through previous experience in wars with Shao Kahn, he is a proven expert in combat with the long axe. Convinced of his use Shang Tsung adds him to the legion of assassins to fight in the tournament of Mortal Kombat.

Monolith uses a combination of grappling based moves, mid-paced kicks and punches, submissions, offensive leaps and jumps and slashing movements with his long axe. Although his movements aren’t as quick, they proved to be more powerful and damaging then other fighters. The element of his adrenaline causes him to move in a more stealth like speed and gives his physical hits more impact to the opponent.

Louisville Slugger - Swings long axe in a baseball bat motion to slice opponent and knock them off their feet across the screen.

Bull Dash - Dashes at opponent with whole body leaning forward shoulder first with granite incasing facing the plane of his opponent's body and in a swift motion charges them and blows opponent off their feet.

Upwards Bull Dash - Dashes in a diagonal upwards direction towards opponent with whole body leaning forward shoulder first with granite incasing facing the plane of his opponent's body in a swift rising motion.

Whirlwind Axe - Swings long axe in a infinity silhouette motion across his body slicing his opponent.

Granite Skin - A burst of adrenaline stimulates granite to incase Monolith’s body as defense mechanism against physical hits, punches and projectiles from opponent. Hitting Monolith while he has granite skin takes bars of life meter also.

Overhead Circular Slice - Twirls his long axe in a circular motion above his head parallel to the plane of ground then transitions to movement across his body to descend down on his opponent’s body to deliver a powerful slice and blow to opponent.

Granite Punch - A sudden rush of adrenaline to hand and wrist quickly transform into a fist of granite which allows him to deliver a more Impactful blow and hit to opponent while clutching axe in other hand.

Granite Kick - A sudden rush of adrenaline to kicking leg and foot quickly transform into granite form to allow him to deliver a more Impactful kick and blow to opponent.

Axe Ground Strike - Twirls long axe around above his head parallel to plane of ground and slams handle of axe down on the ground to cause an earthquake sensation throughout the terrain causing opponent to stumble and fall over. This opens them up for more combos and hits.

Over-headed Slice - Monolith leaps in the air and extends his body in a posture similar to a backwards capital letter “C” if fighting from the left side of screen, a capital letter “C” if fighting from the right side of screen, he then slams the bladed tip of his axe down on opponent taking a considerable amount of bars of off opponent’s energy meter.

Blitz Package - Monolith hunches over in a three point stance like a safety in football and charges towards his opponent as a safety does in a blitz towards a quarterback. While dashing towards his opponent he rams his opponent by the shoulder and continues to dash forward with opponent slumped over his body, sprinting with quick paced steps and also transforming his body into solid granite and hardening his body. He then sandwiches his granite body and his opponent’s body against the wall or wall of a screen.

Granite Handgrip – Monolith grabs his opponent by the neck and raises their body to the sky. His grappling arm then morphs into granite stone and temporarily suffocates his opponent by tightening his grip into a rock’s firmness around his opponent’s throat disabling all movement by his opponent while in his hand. He then single-handedly throws his opponent across the screen.

Human Avalanche - Monolith dives into a lunge forward at his opponent in his granite skin and collapses on top of his opponent laying them out flat across the floor upon their back face up with Monolith on top of them. It would crush them from the weight and density of his body mass such as a boulder rock falling on top of a corpse. Monolith then gain his footing back and stands up while his grantite skin rescends back into his normal human flesh casing.

Boulder, Colorado - Monolith flexes his free hand by his head generating a small boulder sized rock. He then motions into a quick series of spins like a shot put and hearlds the weight intense rock boulder in a rainbow motion towards his opponent causing it to collide on his opponent and hearld them into a free fall across the screen before the rock breaks down in smaller pieces across his opponent's laid out chest.

Rolling Rock - Monolith flexes his free hand by his head generating a small boulder sized rock. He then motions into a quick series of spins like a shot put and rolls a weight intense rock boulder across the plane of the floor towards his opponent like a bowling ball. Upon impact the rock crumbles into pieces and hearlds his opponent from across the screen into a free fall on their back landing face up.

Standing Avalanche - Monolith leans back clutching his long axe in both hands above his head and then thrusts into slamming the handle of his axe to the ground causing a tremor like sensation across the screen, shaking the whole screen. This in turn causes a series of small weight intense rocks to fall from the top of the screen down on his opponent's head before the tremor sensation ceases.

Standing Tremor - Monolith leans back clutching his long axe in both hands above his head and then thrusts into slamming the handle of his axe to the ground causing a tremor like sensation across the screen, shaking the whole screen. This in turn causes his opponent to stumble forward towards Monolith for a possible series of follow up combos.

Landslide - Monolith extends his forward side arm with an open palm towards his opponent. A then mid-sized rock boulder from opposite screen comes rolling from behind his opponent pinning them up against the rock as it races towards Monolith. As the rock rolls into close range, he then can cock back his long axe like a baseball player does when swing at a pitch and strike his opponent and rock with a forceful swipe to where it crumbles the boulder rock. Opponent then can fall to their knees from impact.

Mud Slide - Monolith extends his forward side arm with an open palm towards his opponent. A then mid-sized rock boulder from opposite screen comes rolling from behind his opponent pinning them against the ground as the rock as it races towards Monolith across the screen.

Shovel Exscavation - Monolith can thrust the bladed tip of his axe into the ground dig out a large chunk of ground by stepping and flinging his axe like a shovel hearlding a giant piece of boulder rock across the screen in an arching motion towards his opponent. The rock can crumble upon impact.


A full cut shot to Monolith shows him clinching his fists in the air along with his long axe. He grunts with excitement and anticipation with each motion he makes in the air. He then screams the phrase, “Yeah, yeah!”. He can grunt like Proagethus in the opening scene of “Troy” before he fights with Achilles.

He walks back to his location on stage and yells with adrenaline as if to pander to the crowd/camera pumping the plane of his axe in the air with one of his hands screaming and snarling with adrenaline.

Solid Rock - Monolith reaches for his opponent’s neck with forward arm, and raises his opponent to the sky by the neck. He then squeezes his victim’s neck with a sudden rush of adrenaline until grip transforms into granite. Opponent then grimaces and chokes from pain. He then thrusts the bladed tip of axe in the chest of his opponent until they slump over from pain. He then with granite gripping arm flings his opponent the air single-handedly and swings his long axe like a baseball bat at opponent’s upper extremities. Camera with each hit showcases internal damage.

Floor Mop - Monolith leaps fully extended into the air twirling his long axe while in mid-air parallel to plane of the ground then transitions into a slicing motion to lodge the bladed part of his axe into the skull of his opponent. Then drags his opponents corpse around on the ground with his long axe like Achilles did to Hector in the movie “Troy” or a long mop then swings his opponents body into the air with a swing of his axe to launch them out of the arena.

Monolith pumps his long axe in the air and yells as if to pander to a crowd.

After winning the tournament, Earthrealm and Outworld merges into one. Shao Kahn arranges a meeting with members of his circle to discuss expansion. He then sends Monolith to Earthrealm to head up an extermination squad to vanquish any remnants. Monolith thriving on conflict gets a feeling of exhilaration from the fighting. Within days, Earthrealm is under the control of Outworld as Monolith returns back to Shao Kahn to report of the actions. Shang Tsung then commands his legion of assassins to the Chaos realm to which, Shao Kahn orders an immediate raid and to then takes surviving skilled warriors captive to fight in another Mortal Kombat tournament. This process repeats over and over with Monolith serving as a tool of extermination. With each raid, Monolith gradually increases the power and numbers of Shao Kahn’s armies. With a job well done, Monolith is eventually appointed ruler of a realm of his liking.

05/17/2012 03:29 PM (UTC)
* Triple-shot Lavaball - he shoots one fireball and it splits into 3 when you tell it to (super version - each of the 3 it split into splits again equalling 9 hits if at the closest of range)

* Quicksand Trap - he causes a quicksand swirl under the opponent which lowers them for a few seconds for a good beating (super version - lasts perminent)

* Seizmic Lift - he punches the ground and instead of a simple quake-attack, the ground rises from under the character juggling them similar to Shang's ground eruption (super version does 3 from far screen to close if pulled off right)

* Comet - he summons a comet from space similar to Iceman in MvC2 (super version - it breaks up into smaller pieces and rains "Fire n' Brimestone", in one area of screen taking multiple hits)

* Sandstorm Teleport - he simply can teleport close, far, mid-screen (super version a.k.a Dirtdevil, will take hits if opponent is in the sandstorm's path)

* Clayfist - he burns his own hand molding it into hard clay in the form of a big fist and does a simple dash-punch (super version - he does an uppercut after the dash-punch allowing a juggle to follow)

X-Ray - Begins if you fall in his quicksand trap, in this case the opponent falls on their back, which a stalagmite and a stalactite both impale opposite limbs, then a comet hits them in the head cracking the skull (he himself doesn't even touch the opponent)

Fatality 1 - Stalagmite Rip - he uppercuts the opponent, summons a stalagmite under them similar to MKT's Classic Sub Zero, but the opponent is still partially alive, and he grabs their arms and rips them vertically from the belly to the groin causing the guts to fall out.

Fatality 2 - Magma Chamber - he forms a 3D wall of dirt around the opponent in a conish-shape and a hole opens on the ground through a blast, lava starts to pooring out and the opponent scrapes their nails off trying to climb out but is slowly consumed by the boiling hot lava. (this fatality would take up 3/4ths to the whole screen, but will work with the whole blackening-out for Fatality time)

Babality - he catches the hickups and it causes the ground under him to rise him up like a see-saw
05/31/2012 01:11 AM (UTC)
Can Tremor be an old friend/cousin of Jax Briggs that he didn't know about and secretly joined the Lin Kuei? Or something else?

This warrior needs to be a part of the next game!
06/02/2012 03:35 AM (UTC)
More ideas for Tremor can be:

Seismic Wave - Tremor leans back and flings his intersecting arms backward and launches spherical ripple through the air that causes a slight shaking sensation to generate across the screen and shake his opponent into a stumble forward towards his opponent for a possible follow up combo.

Slagamate - Tremor can fling his front side arm forward across his body towards his opponent and give rise to a conical shaped rock to rise out of the ground propelling his opponent up in the air for a possible air-juggle.

Raining Slagamate - Tremor can motion into a crouching position while fling his intersecting arms back past his waist and cause a series of jagged like rock daggers (similar to the ones inside a cave) to fall from the top of the screen in a sequential and advancing order across the screen at his opponent.

Leeward Breeze - Tremor can motion into a series of circulatory based hand movements around and across himself only to fling his front side arm across his body towards his opponent and launch a series of hand-sized rocks around his body in a swaying wind across the screen only to hearlded and pepper his opponent's body before flying off screen or crumbling into smaller pieces.

Seismic Shift - Tremor can stomp his foot down on the ground and cause a trembling sensation around the screen that causes a small platform of the earth to lift up beneath his opponent's footing and propell them into either a stumble forward or a aerial pop-up head over heels towards his opponent for a possible air-juggle before the land sinks back into the ground.

06/09/2012 02:58 AM (UTC)
I don't think we can Tremor anytime soon ,since even ED Boon don't want him.
06/15/2012 07:55 PM (UTC)
The Lin Kuei capture Tremor and turn him into a cyborg
07/03/2012 09:04 PM (UTC)
Tremor needs to be given a chance. We need an earth warrior.
About Me

07/18/2012 01:05 PM (UTC)
His story is already pretty interesting with being former Lin Kuei warrior and Black Dragon member.

I like the ideas for a Shockwave / Earthquake style moves, maybe a Magnetic Wave in there too, to reflect projectiles coming at him.

Was also thinking of a move where he would channel a Stone Hand coming out of the ground that would throw his opponent towards him, setting them up for an easy combo.

And yes, I agree with the general sentiment that he deserves a chance!

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07/29/2012 09:37 PM (UTC)


Mud Tornado


Stone Sword

After Kano left him to die Tremor walked through Jade's Desert.A group of Assassins stopped him in the desert.Mavado let Tremor join their Clan!
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