11/13/2011 05:09 AM (UTC)
Should they include him... He should be DLC like Skarlet was.
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11/13/2011 10:00 PM (UTC)
Espio872 Wrote:
I'm kind of curious why Tasia and No Face don't get as much demand as Tremor, it's not like Tremor had special moves or story that just did it on em, making him superior to them.

Tasia is my favorite of the Special Forces cast. I like her look, and those orb things she has.. I
11/18/2011 09:05 AM (UTC)
Tremor already feels apart of MK so YES! also he is awesome and has loads of potential, we don't need many more ninjas but he should be the last one made playable
11/19/2011 03:19 PM (UTC)
To some of the Tremor fans here, I'd like to ask you: what exactly makes Tremor more worthy of returning than say, Jataaka, Kia, the other elementals from MKM: Sub-Zero, or other bosses from MK: Special Forces such as Tasia and No-Face (as already mentioned by some other posters)?

One thing Tremor and these other characters save perhaps the elementals have in common is that not much is known about them, storywise. When it comes to special moves, he's got nothing the earth elemental couldn't also have, and they aren't more distinctive than most of the other characters'. Design-wise, well there's no doubt the other characters have him beat in that department, as far as individuality is concerned.

So why isn't there as big a demand for Jataaka or No-Face? I think I already know the reason, but who knows, maybe I'll be surprised.
Nix Dolores
11/25/2011 03:35 AM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
Espio872 Wrote:
I'm kind of curious why Tasia and No Face don't get as much demand as Tremor, it's not like Tremor had special moves or story that just did it on em, making him superior to them.

Tasia is my favorite of the Special Forces cast. I like her look, and those orb things she has.. I

If you're going to bag Tremor and talk up Tasia, you need to be able to back it up. Chances are, you'll say the same things we do about Tremor.
DG1OA Wrote:
To some of the Tremor fans here, I'd like to ask you: what exactly makes Tremor more worthy of returning than say, Jataaka, Kia, the other elementals from MKM: Sub-Zero, or other bosses from MK: Special Forces such as Tasia and No-Face (as already mentioned by some other posters)?

One thing Tremor and these other characters save perhaps the elementals have in common is that not much is known about them, storywise. When it comes to special moves, he's got nothing the earth elemental couldn't also have, and they aren't more distinctive than most of the other characters'. Design-wise, well there's no doubt the other characters have him beat in that department, as far as individuality is concerned.

So why isn't there as big a demand for Jataaka or No-Face? I think I already know the reason, but who knows, maybe I'll be surprised.
And you. I would LOVE for Kia and Jataaka to be added to the main roster, but they have no more potential than Tremor. The truth is, people hating on Tremor are running out of reasons to hate him. They are mentioning the fact that he is a ninja and his earth theme. Well, I (and several others) already stated we don't want him to be a ninja, but rather something completely different. As for the earth theme: if you want to hate on it, you should also hate on Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Fujin for having elemental powers. Sure, Tremor would be the last one, but are you saying he's too late? That's ridiculous. Just because he's the only elemental yet to be included doesn't mean he shouldn't be at all. If Scorpion was the only elemental not in the game, would you say the same thing? I know that you think catering to all four classic elementals is cliche, but there are so many cliches already present in Mortal Kombat. From the characters to the dialogue, you've seen most of it before. Don't get me wrong, I am by NO means hating on Mortal Kombat. It is probably my favorite game. I'm just saying that if you payed close attention to all the movies you watched, games you played, etc, than you would notice these things. Phrases like "Let's do this," "It's too late," etc (sorry, those were terrible examples), are omnipresent in yesterday's, today's, and tomorrow's media. People just need to accept the fact that cliches, as annoying as they may be at times, are everywhere. So there, that's another point of opposing argument rebutted.
11/25/2011 05:20 AM (UTC)
Last time: Tremor should NOT be a ninja! I repeat, NOT a ninja!

Yes, Tremor to me is not the big brown guy from MK:SF, he is a raw concept of what that big brown guy COULD have and SHOULD have been. NRS can go any number of directions with his background, his associated organizations, and most importantly, his personality (personally, I would love for him to be the highly intelligent and articulate Tremor from Jerrod's fanfics smile). He is bursting with fan-fueled potential! All you have to do to see it is wipe his unfortunately bad introduction to the franchise from your mind.

Plus I'd prefer a revamped Tremor to half the post MK3 kast nearly any day of the week (only on days that end in "y"). grin
11/25/2011 01:56 PM (UTC)
Making him into a giant golem kind of character would be even worse than just bringing him back as a ninja. I can't think of anything more clichéd.

JAX007's interpretation is the best I've seen.
11/25/2011 02:10 PM (UTC)
I don't want him to be a Golem either. Just something modern looking. Maybe a "safari" outfit like Kano's alt. or I could see him wearing a combat vest or even shirtless with paramilitary pants on and some combat boots (he's a criminal first and foremost). I don't think his costume should totally reflect his powers, they should be more indicitive of his criminal behavior and affilitiations. Oh, I think him having a Black Dragon tattoo across his chest or maybe even just a smaller, more discreet one on his forearm would be awesome!

I'm not as imaginative as some of the more, uh, imaginative people here but you get what I'm saying... hopefully. smile
11/26/2011 04:33 AM (UTC)
If it hasn't been linked yet, here's JAX007's art.

If Tremor had to show up, that's how I'd want him.
11/26/2011 05:35 AM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
If it hasn't been linked yet, here's JAX007's art.

If Tremor had to show up, that's how I'd want him.

100% agreed.
11/26/2011 06:45 AM (UTC)
That is great; love the mohawk.
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Touching wires causes instant death. $200 fine.

11/26/2011 05:18 PM (UTC)
He was an interesting character, maybe a DLC. Possibly meat too. They both have a lot of interesting traits. I mean like you have Rain, the water character,
Scorpion, the flame character, Sub-zero, the ice character, Raided, the lightning character, Noob, the shadow character. They need an Earth character.
Just my personal thoughts.
12/18/2011 03:49 AM (UTC)
I guess why people like him better than the other MKSF guys is because he was actually planned to be in UMK3, unlike the rest of them. Personally, whether he stays a ninja or not, I'd welcome him into a new MK game.

I saw a couple of complaints about his moveset being too generic. Remember, Reptile started off as just being the green ninja who stole Scorpion and Sub-Zero's moves. Then since MK2 he got a completely new, original moveset. I feel like Tremor could get a similar treatment.

As for a backstory, I'm actually liking the former Lin Kuei-turned-Black Dragon idea. And as a little nod to being scrapped for Rain in UMK3, he could have some kinda grudge/rivalry towards Rain or something.
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12/19/2011 08:57 PM (UTC)
I think people clamor on about Tremor simply because he's yet another "ninja character". The rest is born from the fan's imagination of "wouldn't it be cool" so they connect the dots mentally and awe at all the possibilities of an Earth-powered, Black Dragon, Ninja character.
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12/20/2011 05:29 AM (UTC)
I want to see Hornbuckle before Tremor. Period. For them to include Tremor first would be passing up a huge plot device and fan desire for just a fan desire.

No offense. I would love Tremor too, but Hornbuckle, at this point in the story. Can have a HUGE imact on the direction of the plot. Because this next game is going to end up setting up for the Dragon-King era, if at all we stay the threat course. We are to assume that Shujinko is within the last part of his quest, presumably locked up in order realm right now.

With the Dragon King era, comes blaze. And with what supposedly happened with Blaze and Onaga's holy men, it just makes sense to have one around. Even if not playable.

Here is hoping for both.
12/20/2011 10:50 PM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
I think people clamor on about Tremor simply because he's yet another "ninja character". The rest is born from the fan's imagination of "wouldn't it be cool" so they connect the dots mentally and awe at all the possibilities of an Earth-powered, Black Dragon, Ninja character.

CyberDemon13 Wrote:
Last time: Tremor should NOT be a ninja! I repeat, NOT a ninja!

12/22/2011 06:54 AM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
I want to see Hornbuckle before Tremor. Period. For them to include Tremor first would be passing up a huge plot device and fan desire for just a fan desire.

No offense. I would love Tremor too, but Hornbuckle, at this point in the story. Can have a HUGE imact on the direction of the plot. Because this next game is going to end up setting up for the Dragon-King era, if at all we stay the threat course. We are to assume that Shujinko is within the last part of his quest, presumably locked up in order realm right now.

With the Dragon King era, comes blaze. And with what supposedly happened with Blaze and Onaga's holy men, it just makes sense to have one around. Even if not playable.

Here is hoping for both.

How could I forget Hornbuckle!? Y'know what? I agree with you completely. Since he has the same origin as Blaze (real life-wise), it would bring the whole thing full circle if he and Blaze were both in MK10.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
12/22/2011 09:16 PM (UTC)
I. Would. Sooner. Revamp. Chameleon.

Explain, in essay format, why Tremor is more interesting and deserves more of a chance to be present in a future MK game than Tasia, No-Face, Mythologies' Water and Fire gods, or Hornbuckle (show all work).
12/22/2011 11:52 PM (UTC)

Seriously, there are three pages of well thought out justifications for Tremor's return. In addition to reasons why he should be included in the future, there have also been numerous speculations/ideas on his character (backstory, personality, appearance) and moveset/playstyle (SPECIFIC powers and attacks). A very large amount of effort has been put into this thread by those who wish for his return, and I feel we've collectively presented our case very well numerous times. Peace bruh. tongue
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
12/23/2011 11:48 PM (UTC)
A myriad of directions for him, and paths he could take, have been presented (and if we were to make him a rock golem....why the hell not just resurrect the Earth God instead?). I'm not disputing that. But nothing present explains what makes him a better choice over the likes of the others I mentioned, which was my question. A tenuous Black Dragon-Lin Kuei connection isn't anywhere near good enough. Both of those plots have so many players and are complex enough on their own that trying to connect them will surely result in more clusterfuckery.

Now, the starting point for his return is, as you've admitted, a borderline non-existent concept in connection with a supposed place he was apparently supposed to occupy in MKT. And to the best of my awareness, no one has ever documented this "Tremor bio glitch". After nigh-on twenty years, I think it can be filed squarely away in the realm of pure speculation and rumor being passed off as fact. Or, if one wishes, "bullshit".

Strictly speaking, I have nothing against bringing fan speculation to life. I'm a full supporter of Skarlet, who was just that. But at least she had the benefit of being first rumored near the genesis of the series' beginnings, way way before the many, many, times during the late 90's and earlier '00s that I watched and listened to the MK series being referred to in derisive tone as the one that was infamous for having a cast of characters that was halfway composed of goddamn ninjas. It became a running joke after MK3. The staff knew that; this is why starting with MK4, steps were made to start differentiating characters.

And Tremor was an unnecessary eighth or ninth ninja in a series that had long, long since become said joke over the sheer amount of pallet-swaps that were present. It does not help that he starred in what was the single shittiest entry in the series (And yes, I own it).

Even if you bring him back completely revamped, he is always, always, always going to carry that ninja stigma with him. Always. He only ever started getting any amount of support because he's a member of the spandex clique; that's undeniable. It's not going to disappear. And let's face it - look at our old pallet-swaps. While they are no longer identical characters, they sure as hell still have that masked, sleekish, x-color plus black look about them. And this is as good as it's going to get - they tried changing Reptile to a full-on lizardman and half his fanbase shat themselves. You bring Tremor back and you WILL start hearing whinging from the same incredibly vocal minority who want him back about how "a ninja alternate would be sooooo coool!!!!1" Thank god Ed's set against it. And hell, look at the amount of people here who've said "no thanks". Tremor's population base isn't even that huge. It has nothing on even Rain's. The staff would piss off at least as many people as they'd please by bringing him in.

If we're going to revamp an ancient side character or a rumored one, let's take one that has virtually no history, and no strings attached.

Seriously. Start fresh.

By the by, if I had to revamp Chameleon, I'd pretty much take a page out of John Carpenter's The Thing and make him this liquid, horrible blob-like creature that steals the abilities of others after consuming or infesting them. I'd try my damnedest to give him a form that would make it impossible for people to even THINK of him having any ninja connotations whatsoever. ...knowing this fanbase, that's a nearly impossible task, and I'd still rather leave him to rot, however.
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May the MK ninja$ live!

12/26/2011 02:42 AM (UTC)
Bring Tremor back!!!furious
Nix Dolores
01/06/2012 12:01 AM (UTC)
RT @Onyce85 @noobde tremor and reiko for mk10!!!! Noobde: no.

Well, fuck.
01/11/2012 11:11 PM (UTC)
Well, fuck. sad
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01/12/2012 07:57 AM (UTC)
zephyrwestwind Wrote:
RT @Onyce85 @noobde tremor and reiko for mk10!!!! Noobde: no.

Well, fuck.

Both of them? Awesome.
01/12/2012 11:17 PM (UTC)
Tremor deserves to be in the game. If not... then a new earth character.
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