09/24/2011 02:10 PM (UTC)
^That's not true at all, well, at least in my case. I actually stated that I DON'T want him to be a ninja. I think an "urban" feel, such as in Kano's alt. would be awesome.

I know all this Earth power stuff is just fan speculation, but if it makes him an interesting character, why not? I honestly feel that, if done right, Tremor could be a great character-- build on his backstory: former Lin Kuei, possible "Geomancer" heritage, and his joining of the Black Dragon. Give him kickass gameplay: there is just so much you can do with a set of powers like this. Also, they should not make him very graceful, he should have a sort of brutish fighting style.

I guess I just imagine the potential of the Tremor "concept," while most of you guys are still stuck on his past performance. Like I said in another Tremor thread, it would basically be like Smoke in MK9- for all intents and purposes, he is a brand new character; Smoke 2.0, if you will. Another example is Stryker- almost everybody HATED him before MK9, and now, because of an awesome Story Mode showing, almost everyone LIKES him. Is it that much of a stretch for something similar to be done, and done well, with Tremor?
09/24/2011 09:06 PM (UTC)

He has a lot of potential. They could really give him some cool earth power special moves. He could be a really fun and unique character to play as.
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09/24/2011 10:15 PM (UTC)
CyberDemon13 Wrote:
^That's not true at all, well, at least in my case. I actually stated that I DON'T want him to be a ninja. I think an "urban" feel, such as in Kano's alt. would be awesome.

I know all this Earth power stuff is just fan speculation, but if it makes him an interesting character, why not? I honestly feel that, if done right, Tremor could be a great character-- build on his backstory: former Lin Kuei, possible "Geomancer" heritage, and his joining of the Black Dragon. Give him kickass gameplay: there is just so much you can do with a set of powers like this. Also, they should not make him very graceful, he should have a sort of brutish fighting style.

I guess I just imagine the potential of the Tremor "concept," while most of you guys are still stuck on his past performance. Like I said in another Tremor thread, it would basically be like Smoke in MK9- for all intents and purposes, he is a brand new character; Smoke 2.0, if you will. Another example is Stryker- almost everybody HATED him before MK9, and now, because of an awesome Story Mode showing, almost everyone LIKES him. Is it that much of a stretch for something similar to be done, and done well, with Tremor?

I'm still indifferent about Stryker, and Tremor doesn't deserve a spot over Tasia. She's the most interesting of the MKSF cast.
09/24/2011 11:37 PM (UTC)
I think him being the former Lin Kuei and joining Black Dragon will give him instant booth in the story. Think about it. Being a Black Dragon means ties to Kano,Kabal,Jarek and possibly Sonya and Jax. Already good start. But being a "Former Lin Kuei" is another good thing.As we know,you can't just leave Lin Kuei easily,so that will make him the main target of theirs.Hell,indicate some failed attempts of killing him by Lin Kuei warriors and make him one of the first targets Sektor wants to eliminate since becoming the Lin Kuei Grandmaster.

As for his gameplay,I think a lot can be done about it.He can control not only the ground beneath,but,for example,some plants and whatever is coming from the ground.MK9 just proved to me that with time and resources they can make ANY character interesting. For me,Tremor is worth a shot.
10/02/2011 07:25 PM (UTC)
I think we can compromise.
Maybe as a playable reptile like in mk1?
Like you find him, kill him, and get points.
THEN get an option "Want to restart the ladder as TREMOR? Y/N"
Make him SUPER hard as was reptile though...
Like get a double flawless and a fatality on two people in a row?
Maybe get a flawless on an endurance round and push UP and Bl at the same time.
There are possibilities to be had with Tremor.
We just gotta think about it though. tongue
10/28/2011 09:54 PM (UTC)
I think so. I never played Special Forces, or any other games with him, but it would be nice to at least have some characters since more than half of the characters died in MK 9. Otherwise they may just make his outfit an alternate color for scorpion. They may also rename him or give him a twin brother named Stone. There is everyone happy. I am not so up for earth bending wannabees, but if they make him just a normal human, it will be nice for a change to have an actual ninja without powers, or high graded Technology, just classic weapons and stuff. Example: Ninjato, Shurikens, no fireballs, no rockets, Major Bad-A## ninja, maybe Scorpions Kunai, etc.
I think a couple people would like a Classic Ninja.
10/29/2011 10:01 AM (UTC)
Why do people mention that a character should not come back or make a proper debut just coz in their first appearance they had a boring look, moves and story? The MK team has proven that they can take a worthless pallet character and turn him to an awesome fighter with a large fanbase!
What they should do with Tremor to make him a legit character appearance-powers-story-wise:

Appearance: I reaaally don't want another ninja! We have too many and I already feel bad for asking for Rain sooo much, coz yes he is another ninja but he was my fav and the only one that wasn't added so he doesn't count :P About Tremor, I also wasn't fan of his first appearance. In fact if they introduce him as another ninja wearing brown garments then no, I don't want him back. If on the other hand, they completely revamp his look then I'm down for it. A character that can turn into smoke, or completely invisible, or turn into shadows, or whatever SHOULD look like a ninja. That's what they are about; elusiveness and agility. Let alone that those characters were introduced as ninjas in a canon game. Tremor wasn't. That means they can do ANYTHING they wan't with him this time coz practically there isn't a canon appearance and backstory for him. So get rid of the ninja thingy. Tremor has earth powers! He should be bigger, more muscular, slower and powerful! What I think would be cool, is to make him look like a golem. That's what a golem looks like:

I know, I know! This is too much...but I don't want him to turn into a beast entrirely out of rocks or whatever. This is just the direction I want them to take him. Make his skin look like these rocky stuff -think the Thing from F4:

but still keep some human features on him. Generally make Tremor what Astaroth is to Soul Calibur.

Powers: Here's why I am glad to have Tremor in the game. His power is something we have never seen in MK before. That was why I also wanted Rain. Coz they could do wonders with his powers. He has the ability to control earth! How awesome is that? He could turn the ground under the opponent into sand and trap him for a free hit, he could shoot rocks, vines, he could cause lava bursts on the ground, he could cause earthquakes, he could raise the ground to form a shield and block an attack, he could do ANYTHING! They could even give him a weapon to emphasise his powerhouse status but still connect it to his abilities. Something like that:

Generally Tremor would become an awesome alternate option for people who are more into slower but powerful characters instead of the huge variety of ninjas we already have!

Story: I won't get into that a lot coz we don't really have something canon for him so they could do whatever they want. I will be happy enough if his look and powers are what I wish for them to be, so about his backstory I only want them to make him "relevant" to the general story. Not like a vampire searching for an orb, or a demon wanting to ascend from Netherrealm, or a guy that shoots motion capture -.-' You know tie him to other characters! Make his relationships with the rest of the fighters important and interesting. That way he won't complete his personal motives and just dissapear after that, like many other other characters in the past have. Now if that means he is part of the Black Dragon, or Netherealm's Oni, or a human that changed through mutation (like Kabal I think), or Outworld's/Edenia's army, I don't know. That decision is in their hand.
10/29/2011 10:47 PM (UTC)
Nah. Tremor has no fututre really. When Ed and his team have no time to develop a character they alway turn them into a ninja (i.e. The Reiko design from MK4 is based on Rain, that's why his costume is a purple ninja, but the head is different ).
The developement team must have looked into Tremor many times (mainly because there is a small fanbase), but they seem to have decided every time that there is no good foundations in story or gameplay to consider him. After all, if you want to create\reboot a character in the MK universe, the first thing must be is are they able to be compared to the most liked characters (i.e. Scorpion, Sub-zero, e.t.c.)
Tremor sadly doe's not have that. He groundpounds (but we have Jax for that), he can throw a fireball (big deal, so can all the rest). He is part of the black Dragon (that's all we know).
Chances are you will never see him in any future MK game and goodbye to him too. I only hope Hutaru and Meat joins him.
10/30/2011 02:23 AM (UTC)
I honestly don't care either way, if he shows up fine, if not fine but I find it odd that people say there's no possible way to make him a cool and respectable character, which isn't true, any character can be made great if given the right moves, story, and design.

I think part of the problem is since he's associated with Special Forces, people are under this odd notion that he's going to be inherently horrendous and I don't see it as a 100% certainty; regardless, I don't care enough about him either way.
10/30/2011 11:19 AM (UTC)
They should just give Earth powers to Dairou or Jarek and bring one of them back. I don't want another "ninja" character.
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10/31/2011 07:50 AM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
They should just give Earth powers to Dairou or Jarek and bring one of them back. I don't want another "ninja" character.


But Kai instead.
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11/02/2011 06:04 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Why do people mention that a character should not come back or make a proper debut just coz in their first appearance they had a boring look, moves and story? The MK team has proven that they can take a worthless pallet character and turn him to an awesome fighter with a large fanbase!
What they should do with Tremor to make him a legit character appearance-powers-story-wise:

Appearance: I reaaally don't want another ninja! We have too many and I already feel bad for asking for Rain sooo much, coz yes he is another ninja but he was my fav and the only one that wasn't added so he doesn't count :P About Tremor, I also wasn't fan of his first appearance. In fact if they introduce him as another ninja wearing brown garments then no, I don't want him back. If on the other hand, they completely revamp his look then I'm down for it.
A character that can turn into smoke, or completely invisible, or turn into shadows, or whatever SHOULD look like a ninja. That's what they are about; elusiveness and agility. Let alone that those characters were introduced as ninjas in a canon game. Tremor wasn't. That means they can do ANYTHING they wan't with him this time coz practically there isn't a canon appearance and backstory for him. So get rid of the ninja thingy. Tremor has earth powers! He should be bigger, more muscular, slower and powerful! What I think would be cool, is to make him look like a golem. That's what a golem looks like:

I know, I know! This is too much...but I don't want him to turn into a beast entrirely out of rocks or whatever. This is just the direction I want them to take him. Make his skin look like these rocky stuff -think the Thing from F4:

but still keep some human features on him. Generally make Tremor what Astaroth is to Soul Calibur.

Powers: Here's why I am glad to have Tremor in the game. His power is something we have never seen in MK before. That was why I also wanted Rain. Coz they could do wonders with his powers. He has the ability to control earth! How awesome is that? He could turn the ground under the opponent into sand and trap him for a free hit, he could shoot rocks, vines, he could cause lava bursts on the ground, he could cause earthquakes, he could raise the ground to form a shield and block an attack, he could do ANYTHING! They could even give him a weapon to emphasise his powerhouse status but still connect it to his abilities. Something like that:

Generally Tremor would become an awesome alternate option for people who are more into slower but powerful characters instead of the huge variety of ninjas we already have!

Story: I won't get into that a lot coz we don't really have something canon for him so they could do whatever they want. I will be happy enough if his look and powers are what I wish for them to be, so about his backstory I only want them to make him "relevant" to the general story. Not like a vampire searching for an orb, or a demon wanting to ascend from Netherrealm, or a guy that shoots motion capture -.-' You know tie him to other characters! Make his relationships with the rest of the fighters important and interesting. That way he won't complete his personal motives and just dissapear after that, like many other other characters in the past have. Now if that means he is part of the Black Dragon, or Netherealm's Oni, or a human that changed through mutation (like Kabal I think), or Outworld's/Edenia's army, I don't know. That decision is in their hand.

This is exactly what would kill whatever Tremor is. let us see:

Big guy / brick syndrome.

Earthen appearance.

The "elemental" thing. Yes, but catering to all four classical elements is already pretty cliche.

Problem is, he is utterly redundant and in all seriousness, has nothing to add to the MK mythos. Another ninja? People would rather listen to infants choke to death.
11/02/2011 10:52 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Why do people mention that a character should not come back or make a proper debut just coz in their first appearance they had a boring look, moves and story? The MK team has proven that they can take a worthless pallet character and turn him to an awesome fighter with a large fanbase!
What they should do with Tremor to make him a legit character appearance-powers-story-wise:

Appearance: I reaaally don't want another ninja! We have too many and I already feel bad for asking for Rain sooo much, coz yes he is another ninja but he was my fav and the only one that wasn't added so he doesn't count :P About Tremor, I also wasn't fan of his first appearance. In fact if they introduce him as another ninja wearing brown garments then no, I don't want him back. If on the other hand, they completely revamp his look then I'm down for it.
A character that can turn into smoke, or completely invisible, or turn into shadows, or whatever SHOULD look like a ninja. That's what they are about; elusiveness and agility. Let alone that those characters were introduced as ninjas in a canon game. Tremor wasn't. That means they can do ANYTHING they wan't with him this time coz practically there isn't a canon appearance and backstory for him. So get rid of the ninja thingy. Tremor has earth powers! He should be bigger, more muscular, slower and powerful! What I think would be cool, is to make him look like a golem. That's what a golem looks like:

I know, I know! This is too much...but I don't want him to turn into a beast entrirely out of rocks or whatever. This is just the direction I want them to take him. Make his skin look like these rocky stuff -think the Thing from F4:

but still keep some human features on him. Generally make Tremor what Astaroth is to Soul Calibur.

Powers: Here's why I am glad to have Tremor in the game. His power is something we have never seen in MK before. That was why I also wanted Rain. Coz they could do wonders with his powers. He has the ability to control earth! How awesome is that? He could turn the ground under the opponent into sand and trap him for a free hit, he could shoot rocks, vines, he could cause lava bursts on the ground, he could cause earthquakes, he could raise the ground to form a shield and block an attack, he could do ANYTHING! They could even give him a weapon to emphasise his powerhouse status but still connect it to his abilities. Something like that:

Generally Tremor would become an awesome alternate option for people who are more into slower but powerful characters instead of the huge variety of ninjas we already have!

Story: I won't get into that a lot coz we don't really have something canon for him so they could do whatever they want. I will be happy enough if his look and powers are what I wish for them to be, so about his backstory I only want them to make him "relevant" to the general story. Not like a vampire searching for an orb, or a demon wanting to ascend from Netherrealm, or a guy that shoots motion capture -.-' You know tie him to other characters! Make his relationships with the rest of the fighters important and interesting. That way he won't complete his personal motives and just dissapear after that, like many other other characters in the past have. Now if that means he is part of the Black Dragon, or Netherealm's Oni, or a human that changed through mutation (like Kabal I think), or Outworld's/Edenia's army, I don't know. That decision is in their hand.

This is exactly what would kill whatever Tremor is. let us see:

Big guy / brick syndrome.

Earthen appearance.

The "elemental" thing. Yes, but catering to all four classical elements is already pretty cliche.

Problem is, he is utterly redundant and in all seriousness, has nothing to add to the MK mythos. Another ninja? People would rather listen to infants choke to death.

Not sure if you've noticed but, uh, ninjas are one of the most popular things about MK.
11/02/2011 07:13 PM (UTC)
^So? He HAS to be a ninja just because they are the most popular?
11/05/2011 06:01 AM (UTC)
The bottom line is, there are too many ninja esque characters as it is, popular or not it's redundant and unneeded to keep Tremor a ninja, he could easily become a rocky fighter, perhaps a golem of some sort.

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11/07/2011 06:55 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
the technical term for earth powers is "Geokinetic" or "Geomancer".

Ouch, ground-mover is ok, but Earth-diviner?
11/08/2011 05:41 AM (UTC)
They use "Cryomancer" to describe Sub Zero's powers, I don't see why they wouldn't do the same for Tremor.

(Even if it is incorrect grin).
11/09/2011 04:55 AM (UTC)
I'm kind of curious why Tasia and No Face don't get as much demand as Tremor, it's not like Tremor had special moves or story that just did it on em, making him superior to them.
11/09/2011 06:23 AM (UTC)
To quote Garlador...

Garlador Wrote:
(Guys, I know Tremor has his fans that demanded he be in this game, but when the team agrees he's so lame they need to improve him by turning him into RAIN... it's just time to move on... Let it go...)
11/09/2011 08:25 AM (UTC)
I say YES grin .....am I actually expecting it?...No...but Boon did see that alot of people were requesting him during the summer...maybe they'll take that into consideration...although...I believe Boon hates Tremor....FML
11/09/2011 10:43 AM (UTC)
keyara412 Wrote:
I believe Boon hates Tremor....

Hopefully enough not to ever include him in any future games... But that's just my opinion, of course. Why? Because I can't let go of the memories of the suckage he added to MK:Special Forces which was already suffering from overall suckage.

... Lords, I hate him. XD
Nix Dolores
11/12/2011 01:35 AM (UTC)
I'm going to create some moves that would kick 7 flavors of ass. These moves could possibly introduce some new hit mechanics and bring more originality to MK:

Stomach Punch: Tremor punches his opponent in the stomach. This move causes a crumple.
EX: Adds an uppercut that allows for an easy juggle combo

Throw (F): Tremor grabs his opponent, hardens his hands by turning them all rocky and chokes him/her. He then throws the opponent.

Throw (B): Tremor grabs his opponent, hardens his hands by turning them all rocky and chokes him/her. He then throws the opponent the other way.

Eruption: Tremor causes a small pillar of lava to come out of the ground (hits OTG).
EX: Adds a grab: Tremor hardens his hand by turning it all rocky and punches his opponent a couple times before slamming them on the ground.

Rock Throw: Tremor produces a medium sized rock out of thin air and hurls it violently at his opponent. This move is good for extending juggle combos.
EX: Adds another rock throw.

Rock Slam: Tremor produces a large rock out of thin air and slams it down on his opponent and causes a stun state.
EX: After the rock slam, Tremor turns his foot rocky and stomps on the opponent's head

Ground Pound (Near, Medium, Far): Tremor pounds the ground with both fists and the opponent is launched into the air. The near version is a great move for juggle combos.
EX: Adds a rock throw

Vine Impale: This move is a command grab that also works on aerial opponents. Tremor grabs his opponent and summons a vine from the ground to stab him/her. Tremor pulls his opponent of the vine. He then clenches his empty hand and the vine burns. He throws his opponent.
EX: Tremor burns the vine before taking his opponent off of it.

Rock Harden: Tremor turns his body rocky causing him to take less damage.
EX: Also slightly boosts attack damage

Brute Force (X-Ray Move): Tremor grabs his opponent by the neck and hardens his hands. He crushes his/her trachea (X-Ray). He punches him/her in the abdomen (X-Ray). Finally, he throws them up in the air and brutally punches his/her head on the way down (X-Ray). This last move causes the opponent to fly across the screen. This is tied with Jax's and Kano's X-Ray moves for the most damaging in the game.

Fatalities (I didn't give much thought to these because they aren't really my main point here):

I'll Gut You: Tremor summons a vine that wraps around his opponent's neck and starts to hang him/her. He then produces a VERY sharp rock knife which he uses to slice deeply into his opponent's abdomen. The lower half of the opponent's body sort of hangs off while intestines fall out.

Brutality (This is still a fatality): Tremor rock hardens his fists and brutally beats his opponent to death. This fatality contains minimal blood.

Okay, I am quite pleased with the moves that I have created here, and if one of them actually made it into the game along with Tremor himslef I would be able to die happy.
I also agree with those of you who said that Tremor should have a look that doesn't very much resemble a ninja. I also think his gameplay style should be heavy, but I added some things to that through his moves that I created.
He should be capable of short combos (like 5 hits in the hands of a mediocre player and 8-10 in the hands of a pro) and should deal heavy damage. Tremor should be a character of a middle number of hits but crapkilograms of damage. The biggest drawback to his gameplay is that he should be quite slow. He should have about 75% of the average walking speed.

Wow, that is probably my longest post ever...

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11/12/2011 03:15 PM (UTC)
I agree with Zephyr about Tremor, and I also think adding Tasia could be cool. The only problem though is that Tremor has a decently sized fanbase and he doesn't have a very large chance. Tasia doesn't have as large of a fanbase, so her chances are below Tremor's.

I think the reason Tremor has such a large fanbase is not because he was originally a ninja, but because his name and his groundpound move inspired us to see potential that many others didn't. It is as if we have formed our own ideas as to what Tremor should be, and that the Tremor we want isn't the one from MK:SF. Even though there are so many different ideas as to what Tremor could be, I think we can all agree that they center around a character named Tremor with earth powers. That means that they (NRS) could develop him based off of that and make him almost an entirely new character. There is no need to hate, guys and girls.
11/12/2011 04:59 PM (UTC)
Yes, I wouldn't mind a Graboid as a guest.

But on a serious note (not to say I don't want a Graboid making a guest appearance), as far as I'm concerned, I don't particularly care if he returns or not, though if he does return, they need to make him more distinctive. To his credit he did bring some variety among the ninjas by being a little heavier than the others, and probably being the only strenght-based one. But I would rather prefer them to bring back the Earth Elemantal from MKM: Sub-Zero instead.
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11/12/2011 10:36 PM (UTC)
Tremor fans in all seriousness should consider surrendering their lobes to me. Either that or I extract it from you once I find out you are one.

This unoriginal piece of crap and the idiotic need for "elemental" characters needs to stop. The last thing you need is another character littering the roster.
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