06/09/2014 12:55 PM (UTC)
For any one who did not know.. Tremor was a playable character in MK9 during a bonus challenge tower only available on the PS Vita. Most people I am assuming have not played the PS Vita version so this information may have slipped by them. Credit to MK Wiki.

Could this point to Tremor's eventual inclusion in MKX? I always have thought of tremor being a character that Boon would adamantly refuse to put in a game but this clearly over rides that notion. EDIT: refuse to put in a game *after MKSF*
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06/09/2014 01:15 PM (UTC)
I think so. For better or worst he deserves a fair chance in a actual MK fighting game.
06/09/2014 01:36 PM (UTC)
I don't think Tremor even has a real fan base, really when you get down to it people don't want Tremor because he's a unique character with lots to offer.

People just want another Ninja, They are Ninja Fans, and he fills that role for them. It's a plus that he's already got a fraction of a back story and a potential earth based move set to differentiate him.

I like Ninjas, and I like new things. So an Earth Ninja would be fun to play as. It doesn't really have to be Tremor but he would be the quickest to add as oppose to introducing someone else I guess.
06/16/2014 06:35 PM (UTC)
If Jax returns, give him Tremor's outfit as an alt. There you go! And if Jax doesn't return, just make Tremor's outfit an alt for Torr (with Ferra dressed as Tasia). No reason Jax and Torr couldn't both have a Tremor alt. Even better, they could pull a MegaMan X and announce Tremor as DLC, only to reveal that his outfit just an alt for two other characters.

Could someone explain this obsession with Tremor? What gives him more potential as a character than MKM's Earth Elemental (as well as the other Elementals), Jataaka, Kia, and the other MK:SF bosses like Tasia and No-Face? What does he have that these other characters don't, besides the revered ninja garb?

Speaking of the Earth Elemental, he's another character who could get Tremor's outfit as an alt.
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06/16/2014 07:10 PM (UTC)
I like the Tremor alt for Torr. It wouldn't have to have any storyline implications, just a fun little easter egg.
06/16/2014 09:27 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
If Jax returns, give him Tremor's outfit as an alt. There you go! And if Jax doesn't return, just make Tremor's outfit an alt for Torr (with Ferra dressed as Tasia).

I don't know if you're being serious or not.
06/16/2014 09:55 PM (UTC)
We don't need another ninja, for real!
06/16/2014 10:38 PM (UTC)
What has most people excited about Tremor is the idea of having a GeoKinetic character in MK for the first time, AND with Next-Gen graphix. The MK "Ninja Nostalgia" adds to it obviously.

For anyone who can't imagine any GeoKinetic specials besides the "EarthQuake" move Tremor and Jax are notorious for, check out this Link below. Its a montage of "Toph" from The Last Airbender series. She is an "EarthBender" which basically means GeoKinetic.

06/16/2014 11:00 PM (UTC)
Jerrod Wrote:
No. Let Tremor rot. I'm sorry, but people only want him because he's a ninja, and that's it; if that wasn't true, there'd be just as much demand for Tasia or No Face. The Lin Kuei story's about as leak-proof as a sieve, with no real proof that that was ever meant to be his story and not Rain's*, and he only had two attacks when he was introduced, a ground-pound, and a fireball which shot in three directions. That's as generic as you can get when there are so many other characters who had that attack before Tremor debuted (Jax, Sheeva, Jarek), and the other one's just 3 fire balls. Lame and boring, let's just forget Special Forces like the rest of the MK crew and let it be.
*I've never seen any proof that Tremor was meant to be in Trilogy, as I've always heard it was speculation based on a badly-coloured Ermac picture in an MKT manual along with a bio about a former Lin Kuei character.

Thank you! Finally someone who agrees! Tremor is probably the most dull character in all of video game existence, I hope they don't make a character slot for that waste of space, at least not without him ditching that generic-ass ninja outfit.
06/16/2014 11:07 PM (UTC)
Yes he should be in!!!!
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06/16/2014 11:09 PM (UTC)
NapalmXiphias Wrote:
... at least not without him ditching that generic-ass ninja outfit.

How many of us have played the games released after MK4? I think we can safely assume a palette swap from an obscure 2000 third-person shooter is not the standard. Chances are the characters anyone wants to see instead of Tremor have already undergone this type of update. It's a silly complaint. Short sighted. Obsolete. A non-issue.
06/16/2014 11:39 PM (UTC)
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
NapalmXiphias Wrote:
... at least not without him ditching that generic-ass ninja outfit.

How many of us have played the games released after MK4? I think we can safely assume a palette swap from an obscure 2000 third-person shooter is not the standard. Chances are the characters anyone wants to see instead of Tremor have already undergone this type of update. It's a silly complaint. Short sighted. Obsolete. A non-issue.

This. Thank you.. I was just going to type this out (glad I read your comment first)

Can anyone sincerely think that NRS would put an mk1,2, or3 ninja in the game? Barring a DLC release as an alternative costume of course.

Where there is a lot of love for the MK ninjas there always has been fans who are bitter at how much attention they recieve. But in my opinion, and I am not alone in my thinking, the ninjas provide for some of the most compelling character abilities and costume designs.
06/17/2014 12:19 AM (UTC)
I wish there was a "Like" button for the last 2 comments. Well said
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06/17/2014 02:10 AM (UTC)
McHotcakes Wrote:
Sure. I think he is an interesting concept for a character and he has a lot of potential.

06/17/2014 06:02 PM (UTC)
I would love Tremor as a brown-wearing, brown skinned ogre-sized guy that controlls earth and who is the big bodyguard goon for Kano & the black Dragon. He should also be full of black dragon tattoos of earth dragons, maybe some rocky/crystal growth on his face/body to trace some monstrous ancestors or species.

Not as Brown Ninja.
06/17/2014 06:51 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I would love Tremor as a brown-wearing, brown skinned ogre-sized guy that controlls earth and who is the big bodyguard goon for Kano & the black Dragon. He should also be full of black dragon tattoos of earth dragons, maybe some rocky/crystal growth on his face/body to trace some monstrous ancestors or species.

Not as Brown Ninja.

I would like to see Tremor as a golem-esc profile sure. But I would want him to be more of suave elemental type person. Who calls upon elemental earth powers rather than has earth powers from size and physical might.

It would be awesome if he were a human geocaster that could change his body to a rock golem, (Much like subby freezes himself) as a defensive move. And he could call upon the earth (meaning the level/map itself) to rise up and fling at his opponents.

If he becomes a dumb brute that smashes the ground and makes the earth quake I will be so un-interested.
06/17/2014 06:57 PM (UTC)
Lol don't worry! I mean a ogre-brute with magical powers over earth. He would even make a very good sub-boss with his earth-generation powers much like the Mythological giant named Antaeus.

Maybe Antaeus would be a better name for him than Tremor...

I hope he can shape the earth into huge animals and fists which grab his enemies, also earthquakes and avalanches and sharp crystals from the ground much like shang tsungs fire ball attack from below.

His three fighting styles could be.

Crystal Slicer (more with sharp body armor and crystal attacks.)
Earth Mover (many earth-based abilities and spells)
Regeneration Horror (hack and slash and little earth powers, but faster regeneration)
06/17/2014 07:11 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Lol don't worry! I mean a ogre-brute with magical powers over earth. He would even make a very good sub-boss with his earth-generation powers much like the Mythological giant named Antaeus.

Maybe Antaeus would be a better name for him than Tremor...

I hope he can shape the earth into huge animals and fists which grab his enemies, also earthquakes and avalanches and sharp crystals from the ground much like shang tsungs fire ball attack from below.

His three fighting styles could be.

Crystal Slicer (more with sharp body armor and crystal attacks.)
Earth Mover (many earth-based abilities and spells)
Regeneration Horror (hack and slash and little earth powers, but faster regeneration)

Now we're talkin'. Power over the earth is a must, his fighting style would be so original and just plain awesome. I like what your saying about the earth hand that grabs his opponents, Thats freaking sweet.

It would be cool to incorporate a reverse teleport move where he can move the earth to bring his enemies closer, His move list has limitless potential, why not add him to the roster NRS?
06/17/2014 07:36 PM (UTC)
I agree, it would be a instant favourite character of mine! Earth is mostly my favorite element together with wind/electric so they really should do something with it!

We have storm/wind/water/ice/fire/shadow and light powers, but not earth?

Earth has most potentional in a fighting game! The possibilities are endless with Tremor, just don't turn it into another pallet-swap ninja, give him a alternate costume where he is the brown ninja, but his main appearance should be like an unique earth/crystal-like horror humanoid.
06/17/2014 07:44 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I agree, it would be a instant favourite character of mine! Earth is mostly my favorite element together with wind/electric so they really should do something with it!

We have storm/wind/water/ice/fire/shadow and light powers, but not earth?

Earth has most potentional in a fighting game! The possibilities are endless with Tremor, just don't turn it into another pallet-swap ninja, give him a alternate costume where he is the brown ninja, but his main appearance should be like an unique earth/crystal-like horror humanoid.

yepp. done deal.. pack it in boys, write it off; move along nothin to see here.. case closed. EDIT: buttered the bread, cracked the eggs, see ya in the morning, hasta manana, arrivederci, we have a winner, come on down, the price is right, trial by kombat, winter is koming, so is earth, see ya in 2015
06/18/2014 03:04 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind actually, Who knows since it's a whole new timeline he might have more of a purpose this time around if he is included.
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06/18/2014 03:05 PM (UTC)
If Tremor is in the game they should make him look different than any other of the ninjas. If they do that then I would love to see him in this game. I am saying Yes to adding him in the game.
06/19/2014 02:30 PM (UTC)
Why is it that many people seem to have forgotten the Earth Elemental from MKM: Sub-Zero? People are pretty much acting as if Tremor's the first earth-based character in the series. What can be done with him that can't be done with the Earth Elemental? Is it because the EE was just a big, lumbering brute? I'm sure he could be downsized a bit (but still heaver and taller than most of the other characters). He'd bring a little more variety to the roster than Tremor could. The most interesting thing about Tremor imo is that he's bigger than the other ninjas. But unless that factored into his gameplay, like mixing brute strenght with with his abilities as a ninja, he wouldn't be all that interesting.

Though I do have this idea of Tremor being re-introduced as the Earth Elemental in a more mobile form. Tremor would now be his individual name, the same way the wind god became known as Fujin. Though I'm not sure he should still wear the ninja garb, except as an alt.
06/19/2014 02:37 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Why is it that many people seem to have forgotten the Earth Elemental from MKM: Sub-Zero? People are pretty much acting as if Tremor's the first earth-based character in the series. What can be done with him that can't be done with the Earth Elemental? Is it because the EE was just a big, lumbering brute? I'm sure he could be downsized a bit (but still heaver and taller than most of the other characters). He'd bring a little more variety to the roster than Tremor could. The most interesting thing about Tremor imo is that he's bigger than the other ninjas. But unless that factored into his gameplay, like mixing brute strenght with with his abilities as a ninja, he wouldn't be all that interesting.

Though I do have this idea of Tremor being re-introduced as the Earth Elemental in a more mobile form. Tremor would now be his individual name, the same way the wind god became known as Fujin. Though I'm not sure he should still wear the ninja garb, except as an alt.

The entire reason nobody really liked the Earth God was because he's too big and does he even have a name other than earth god?

I'd rather see Tremor.

I love the story of Tremor first being a ninja for the Sub-Zero group and then changed sides by joining Kano's black dragon.
10/01/2014 10:32 PM (UTC)
well, fist of all.. i need to respond to that stupid complains about the character and why Tremor don't deserve a chance in MK 10

1.- "It's just a ninja palette nothing special or new"

- Ermac, Reptile and Rain start as simple ninja palettes too ¿ that means they are nothing special either?... the point i wanna make with this 3 characters is that every character can be redesign, Ermac isn't a ninja anymore, it's kind of a sorcerer/telekinesis guy and Reptile becomes an original character too out of the ninja style maybe Tremor can become a character out of the "ninja palette style" or have a unique ninja style being a Lin Quei who becomes a Black Dragon.

2.- "He have copied moves from other characters"

Smoke start with the abilitys of scorpion, and that doesn't mean he end with his own move set in the next game.

Being a Geomancer give him a lot of differente posibilitys for special powers, X ray's, and fatality's with rocks and earth.

3.- He is not a cannon character, he appears is a very mediocre game.

Quan Chi initially debuted in the "Defenders of the Realm" cartoon in 1996, a whole year before his game debuts in Sub-Zero Mythologies and Mortal Kombat 4 respectively. so your argument is invalid

4.- He don't have a solid history, he's just a henchman of kano, and he's dead anyways.

actually , in MK9 his histoy change.. here's the brief history we have in mk 9 Challenge Tower.

- member of the Black Dragon clan

- Escaped from custody to exact revenge on Kano for abandoning him in prison.

- Searched for Jax in order to kill him.

- Confront the Lin Kuei clan

that is enough to make a very interesting story in the next games.

5.- Tremor sucks!!!!..... Earth Elemental for evah!!!!!!11

.....pff.... BWHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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