10/02/2014 12:38 AM (UTC)
1.- "It's just a ninja palette nothing special or new"

Other ninjas had years to evolve and yet they still have common elements in their designs and moves. Tremor could have been evolved into something new, but with 8 ninja archetypes on board I don't see any neccessity to bring him back. At least not as a ninja. If NRS would have made a character with ability to control earth, that looked nothing like ninja - I would've been OK with that.

3.- He is not a cannon character, he appears is a very mediocre game.

Quan Chi was planned for MK4 and MKM, before his appearance in DOTR. After / Despite his outing in mediocre cartoon, he has become one of the most important characters in the main series. Tremor is yet to become something more rather than "generic ninja-boss in one of the worst spin-off MK games" and "easter egg".
10/02/2014 12:56 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Tremor is yet to become something more rather than "generic ninja-boss in one of the worst spin-off MK games" and "easter egg".

I don't get why people have to have something happen before it can legitimize an idea. Some people have no vision I guess? They need others to manifest an idea for them before they can hop on board?

Red Sumac I can't tell which side of the boat you are on, if your stating reasons why tremor shouldn't be given a chance or if you are mocking the people who are too dense to give him a chance.

I hope it is the latter.
10/02/2014 01:18 AM (UTC)
If anything, Tremor will probably come in as DLC, like Skarlet did.

I don't see him being included in the main roster.
10/02/2014 03:29 AM (UTC)
I'm fine with him if he's not a ninja. I'm tired of ninjas; I wanna see the character's face, dammit.
10/02/2014 04:16 AM (UTC)
I want You Tremor in because Earth hasn't really bee touched yet in MK I look passed him being a ninja and I think I speak for a lot of people about this

Just face it the imaginations are wild here and thats good. I want to play with every character that has potential in a future MK.

U know I think Tasia should've been in more games considering she is the Black Dragons First Lady and all. I think she had a cameo in MK (2011).
10/02/2014 01:11 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
I don't get why people have to have something happen before it can legitimize an idea. Some people have no vision I guess? They need others to manifest an idea for them before they can hop on board?

Red Sumac I can't tell which side of the boat you are on, if your stating reasons why tremor shouldn't be given a chance or if you are mocking the people who are too dense to give him a chance.

1. I have a vision and imagination, but I, also, pragmatist and don't see what exactly Tremor could bring to the table. I want completely new faces, not some obscure Z-listers.
2. I never was pro-Tremor, so to speak.
10/02/2014 01:31 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
I don't get why people have to have something happen before it can legitimize an idea. Some people have no vision I guess? They need others to manifest an idea for them before they can hop on board?

Red Sumac I can't tell which side of the boat you are on, if your stating reasons why tremor shouldn't be given a chance or if you are mocking the people who are too dense to give him a chance.

1. I have a vision and imagination, but I, also, pragmatist and don't see what exactly Tremor could bring to the table. I want completely new faces, not some obscure Z-listers.
2. I never was pro-Tremor, so to speak.

I want tremor to be a new face. I have said it before (in another thread I think) That I would count Tremor amongst the new characters if he were to make it in to MKX. On the simple basis that he would have to be completely revamped from Costume to gameplay.

He would keep his back story and name and powers. It would be a new character with a nod to past piece of MK lore that has gained quite a large fan base. I dont see anything wrong with that.
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10/02/2014 01:36 PM (UTC)
I'm not aware of more Tremor-lovers than any other 'obscure barely-there character' fans. In fact reading over this thread I see mentions of others. Tremor is just the most well known out of the least well known, and represents potential development for the rest of the characters left by the wayside.

Personally i want to see all and every character ever thought of come together in a massive war that makes Armageddon look like a children's tea party. I feel there's no point in making them if they're just going to be left and forgotten forever, and i think this is how the Tremor-fans think. It is about completion of knowing everything about everyone.
10/02/2014 01:39 PM (UTC)
PickleMendip Wrote:
i think this is how the Tremor-fans think. It is about completion of knowing everything about everyone.

It definitely is about potential being realized.
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10/02/2014 08:33 PM (UTC)
For me it's more like a collection, all neatly stacked and categorized, all acknowledged and worthy of inclusion. If someone (or something) isn't worthy, then why would they be made real in the first place?

(If you can't tell at this point, i'm pro-Tremor, but i'm pro just about every possible inclusion)
10/02/2014 08:54 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
RedSumac Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
I don't get why people have to have something happen before it can legitimize an idea. Some people have no vision I guess? They need others to manifest an idea for them before they can hop on board?

Red Sumac I can't tell which side of the boat you are on, if your stating reasons why tremor shouldn't be given a chance or if you are mocking the people who are too dense to give him a chance.

1. I have a vision and imagination, but I, also, pragmatist and don't see what exactly Tremor could bring to the table. I want completely new faces, not some obscure Z-listers.
2. I never was pro-Tremor, so to speak.

I want tremor to be a new face. I have said it before (in another thread I think) That I would count Tremor amongst the new characters if he were to make it in to MKX. On the simple basis that he would have to be completely revamped from Costume to gameplay.

He would keep his back story and name and powers. It would be a new character with a nod to past piece of MK lore that has gained quite a large fan base. I dont see anything wrong with that.

I like your tastes bruh. Totally agree about Tremor. His variations/special moves could be the stuff of legend!

And don't bother debating ninja like characters with Red Sumac, he's actually posting from the mid nineties and gets very upset and confused by the topic. Just let him keep shouting "BUT PALETT SWAAAAAPS!!11!" until he calms down and gets sleepy. Lil guy will burn himself out.
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10/03/2014 06:22 AM (UTC)
I'd love to see him in. Even if he's DLC. As long as we don't get Tremor replaced this game by Nimbus Terrafaux I'm good. Lbvfs.
10/03/2014 07:46 AM (UTC)
He would make for an awesome new character for sure so i say hell yes.
10/03/2014 04:33 PM (UTC)
Glad to see this thread still kickin' as it was originally made in September of 2011.

Hopefully NRS has seen the desire for Tremor and will find a way to include him into MKX.

I'd prefer him to be main roster, but I'd also be ecstatic if he became DLC.
10/03/2014 04:50 PM (UTC)
I honestly wouldn't mind tbh. Ninja or not, just make him interesting
10/03/2014 06:50 PM (UTC)

honestly wouldn't mind tbh. Ninja or not, just make him interesting


Exaclty, i don't care if he have the same history of special forces ... maybe Boon can ignore all that a put this character in a new line

maybe as a defender of earth, protector of Quan Chi, Black Dragon member o even as a indepent character.

the point is, i like the abilitys being a Lin Kuei and a Geomancer... hell he can even be a character out of lin kuei, i just want a cool geomancer in the rooster...

10/03/2014 08:59 PM (UTC)
I'd love for Tremor to finally be playable in MK X. We have has ninjas of nearly every other element, so why not earth?

NRS would really have to be creative with him, though. Personally, I have trouble imagining different earth-elemental moves on a 2D fighting plane. There's an earthquake/ground pound move, sure.....but what other moves could they give him? The only other move I can think of is summoning a rock stalagmite, like Killer Frost summons her ice stalagmite in Injustice.

I find it difficult to think of a basic special move set for him, let alone three variations. I want him in, I just hope NRS has the creativity to give him an awesome move set and variations, because I sure as hell can't think of anything. confused
10/03/2014 09:40 PM (UTC)

I trust NRS could come up with some wicked specials for Tremor, and IIRC, I think this thread is chalk full of creative fan ideas.
10/03/2014 09:46 PM (UTC)

theres a lot of fans talking about the moveset for tremor... there is a exmaple of a fan who make some moves for him in deviant art
10/03/2014 10:06 PM (UTC)
Sheesh, TWELVE pages devoted to a nobody character who's remained a nobody for nearly two decades.
June0082 Wrote:
U know I think Tasia should've been in more games considering she is the Black Dragons First Lady and all. I think she had a cameo in MK (2011).

No, she doesn't. Plus, Kira more or less holds this "Black Dragon first lady" position.
10/03/2014 10:27 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Sheesh, TWELVE pages devoted to a nobody character who's remained a nobody for nearly two decades.


wow what an asshole ...

yeah, Tremor remained a nobody for two decades... but right now the character has a lot of followers after he appears in mk 9, it's the same that happened with Ermac. everyone wants him as a playable character before mk 4 ultra and theres a lot of assholes who disagree of put him in in the game.

so i think the history repeat i guess...
11/23/2014 08:06 PM (UTC)
X-Ray he pounds the ground with his fist making a rock spike emerge from the surface & Impales the foe through the chest which pops out of there back damaging ribs & organs then he forms a boulder in his hands then slams it on there head which shatters & breaks there skull then he opens a pit in the ground & puts the foes legs in the chasm while holding them by the throat with 1 hand & stomps the ground closing the pit on the foes legs breaking them before opening the pit & tossing them out then closes the pit.

Fatality 1 club smash Tremor Earth based abilities

-Stomps on the ground, encasing/trapping the opponent in a rock only leaving their head out. Tremor forms a club like weapon around his arm and hits the opponent across the face twice. With the 3rd hit he smashes the club into their head splitting it open. The club is stuck in their head so Tremor removes his arm from the weapon and raises it in victory as a pool of blood flows down the trapped opponent.

Fatality 2 rock spikes -Knocking the opponent down on their back. Tremor traps their legs and arms to the ground. Forming spikes from the ground above the opponent, Tremor drops them on the opponent impaling them several times before Tremor jumps in the air and stomps on the opponents head crushing it.
11/23/2014 08:36 PM (UTC)
Uhh buddy, you coulda combined your 3 threads into one idea thread or something.
11/23/2014 09:33 PM (UTC)
Tremor can summon a life like earth tremor from the ground and have it devour his opponent in a gruesome way.

Tremor can also create two big boulders (one on each side of his opponent), then he brings his hands together having the boulders squash his victim. He does it repeatedly until they are splattered. Tremor spreads the boulders apart and all that's left of his foe is guts, flesh, bones n blood stuck on the boulders.

I agree that all three of you posts should be merged into one.
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11/27/2014 12:21 PM (UTC)
I never really knew much about Tremor til recently.... Didnt play special forces..... But ive done my reaearch..... Earth elemental? None other really has that covered and its personally my fav elemental gimmick so yeah..... Black Dragon member? Right on.... Imma BD/RD fan so that works for me..... Ninja? Fine with me but i get y ppl would want him to be more original in the way he looks.

So yeah im not doing no petition shit but im on the Tremor bandwagon :)
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