I would like him to stay, but only if he's human again. I hate the new Reptile.
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05/27/2010 05:32 PM (UTC)
Yea Reptile needs to go back to his old school look if he is gonna stay.
05/27/2010 06:22 PM (UTC)
i'd like reptile to stay but have a new look complamenting his ninja form and his reptillian form. although not his shaolin monks look. give him some new moves already. i'd like to see him have tongue whip, claw attack and a tail whip if the mk team decides to give him a tail. also bring back the forcball special.
05/27/2010 07:39 PM (UTC)
I give a solid Stay for Reptile...I don't care wich form he uses because i pretty much like them all. Reptile is one of my favorites.
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Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
05/27/2010 09:09 PM (UTC)
Reiko: GO
Reptile has always been a favourite of mine. I was sorely disappointed that he got ignored pretty much after MKDA. I posted my idea for him earlier under Onaga's analysis so I'll just copy and paste it here. This is what I was hoping to see for Reptile in MKD or MKA. The idea revolves around him regaining his body and retaining some of Onaga's power.
I've had this sort of idea for a long time and was hoping they'd utilise it to explain Reptile's return. The full story arc I had was that it would tie in with both Sindels and Nightwolfs MKD endings. Though Reptile had been banished from his body and Onaga had taken it over, Reptile would exist on a spectral plain as a ghost like entity. He'd be severly weakened but able to tap into his body to try and regain consciousness and force Onaga out. Sometimes he might even manipulate Onaga's actions.
Upon Sindel moving Onaga's soul back to his original body or Nightwolf summoning Onaga's soul to the Netherrealm, Reptile would be able to help by taking back his body and pushing Onaga out. In the process he would retain some of Onaga's power. As a a result, he would be able to reshape his mishapen body back to his original form giving us the Reptile we know. Or even reshape it to something of his own imagining giving himself a complete makeover, perhaps some sort of cross between his reptilian and human forms. Furthermore, he'd be alot stronger and perhaps more agile. And finally, due to the power increase perhaps, Reptile would be alot more intelligent and able to speak properly. He wouldn't be insane like he was in MKDA. From this he could finally move on from wanting to serve a master and take matters into his own hands. Perhaps he might hunt down his former masters and kill them or choose to try and find Khameleon and mate. Also, he would be able to retain his form and not de-evolve any further meaning Khameleon would not be required for this.
Reptile should stay but I seriously hope he's not a servant in the future. He needs to start putting foot to arse and stop being walked over.
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05/27/2010 09:44 PM (UTC)
I'm way behind, so I'll try to be quick.
Ashrah, stay, but get rid of her manface.
Baraka go.
Blaze go, he served his purpose.
Bo Rai Cho, stay.
Cage go.
Chameleon go.
Cyrax, stay.
Daegon, go.
Dairou, go.
Darrius, go.
Drahmin, go
Ermac, stay.
Frost, go.
Fujin, stay.
Goro, go.
Havik, stay.
Hotaru, stay.
Hsu Hao, really needs to go.
Jade, stay.
Jarek, go.
Jax, go.
Kabal, stay.
Kai, go.
Kano, go.
Kenshi, stay.
Kintaro, go.
Kira, go.
Kitana, stay.
Kobra, go.
Kung Lao, stay.
Li Mei, stay.
Liu Kang, needs to go. I wish they used Quan Chi's MKDA ending where Liu Kang's soul went into Kano's body.
Mavado, stay.
Meat, stay.
Mileena, stay.
Mokap, go.
Moloch, go.
Motaro, go.
Nightwolf, stay.
Nitara, go.
Noob Saibot, stay.
Onaga, go.
Quan Chi, go.
Raiden, stay.
Rain, go.
Reiko, go.
Reptile's story is going nowhere so I say go.
05/27/2010 09:56 PM (UTC)
Reptile never does anything interesting. Fuck him. Fuck his whole species. Let it go extinct already.

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05/27/2010 10:00 PM (UTC)
Reptile falls into the same file as Kung Lao. I like him a lot, but I just don't think there's space for him. He's gone from guardian, to servant, to general, to retarded servant, to commandeered flesh. Love ya Reptile, but the jig is up.

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Formaly known on MKO as crash-kid.

05/27/2010 10:09 PM (UTC)
Reptile - STAY.

He's always been one of my top fav's. I know so many people will completely disagree but I kind of liked his MKDA look. I liked how they were showing him physically evolve. But I do prefer his MK:SM look much much more.

So apperence wise something like MK4/MK:SM look...but something a little different..not a typical ninja costume, something new grin
Story wise I mean they could go anywhere..as some have mentioned, he should have his own story this time..not serving anyone. Be more independent.

Missed him in MKDC, and I think many others did too..so hopefully they'll include him in the new MK. Plus its always cool to have a reptillian like creature.
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05/27/2010 11:58 PM (UTC)
I enjoy Reptile's story very much. He seeks to gain something by winning the tournament. He's easily corruptable, like most people, and will do anything to gain what he wants.

I'd like to see him return for another game, to see what they can do with him back in 2D, if this game is 2D. Hopefully we'll see the Force Ball again.

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05/28/2010 12:22 AM (UTC)
After Onaga's invasion of his body. just think, it was literally shang tsung, quan chi and raiden vs reptile.... and he won. I would imamgine some remnant of Onaga's power will stay with him aswell as some "mind opening" with a look into his concience and memory. Reptile may just ebcome ruthless.

Stay, at least for 1 or 2 more games.
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You will die mortal. TOASTY Speed Metal will never die.

05/28/2010 01:09 AM (UTC)
Definate stay for Reptile. I don't give a fuck if he's still serving people, he's a bad ass, evil character. With Mortal Kombat, I find it hard to find pure evil characters. Way too many good characters, and tons of "neutral" ones. Reptile is one of those evil ones. They can do alot with his story if they want to. I'm obvously a bit biased, because he is my favorite character, but I think he needs to stay. I loves his Shaolin Monks look, so if they keep that, or expand upon that direction, I'm all for it. 100% stay.
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05/28/2010 03:54 AM (UTC)
I can still remember the first time I saw Reptile in the first MK. I immediately wanted nothing more than to find out how to fight him. When I first got to use him in MK2, I thought that was one of the coolest things ever. I mean, taking a hidden character and making him playable in the next game? From that alone, I felt this connection to Reptile. He was immediately awesome to me.

Then MK4 happened. Sorry to disagree with others, but I thought that he looked ridiculous and the way he talked was hilariously bad. By this time, he was pigeon-holed into the "servant" role. Of course, MK:DA was even worse. Between his horrifically bad look to his Crab fighting style, I mean, he basically became a joke.

Of all the characters in MK, no character started off so highly in my mind and fell so far.

That said, the fact that they used his body as the Dragon King's vessel was a nice twist on his story and I'd be curious to see where he goes from here. It would be nice to see a Reptile character return with some of the Dragon King's power, perhaps with the ability to switch his look between human and Reptile, with different fighting moves for the human that are more ninja-based and more savage, brutal moves for the animal based look.

But even having said the potential possibilities for him, I don't think that Reptile should come back. To me, it feels as though his story is complete and I see no reason for him to continue on. Plus, I get the feeling that anything they do with Reptile now will only further destroy the original image I have of him from MK1 and MK2.

Sorry, but I can't simply vote on nostalgia and what was cool way back when. It's tough, and if done well, I wouldn't mind seeing him return, But "wouldn't mind" doesn't equal "must return" in my mind.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gone: 32, saved: 16

Saved thus far: Baraka, Drahmin, Ermac, Fujin, Hotaru, Kabal, Kai, Kano, Kenshi, Kira, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Nitara, Noob and Rayden.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
05/28/2010 04:09 AM (UTC)
Love him though I do, I have to concur with everyone who's sick of him filling that servant role over and over again; the only real difference between him and Baraka was that Baraka seems to get a modicum of respect from his Tarkatans. Reptile will serve anyone or anything that promises him candy, without fail, every single time. It's sad.; I've wanted him to finally strike out on his own ever since UMK3, and it just never happens. The introduction of Khameleon was a great idea, and we find out that he tried to kill her. Lovely.

Having Onaga use his body as a shell for his rebirth was a good idea, though. It was pretty much all they could do with him at that point.

I'd like that experience to leave him with some of Onaga's age-old wisdom and cunning. It's his only hope at this point.

Unless that happens: GONE. He's a classic, but I'd rather see him in a future non-canon tag-team fighter or something than see him kissing yet another master's ass.
05/28/2010 04:44 AM (UTC)
I've always had an appreciation for Reptile. A lot of people criticize him for constantly being used and abused, but I actually kind of like that, sometimes, things just don't work out for a character. I actually think that's the point of Reptile's story. We're watching a guy/thing crash and burn. I think of him as sort of the Gollum of Mortal Kombat.

Leading up to Armageddon...when everyone was discussing what should happen to whom, who should survive, how should some characters' end, etc....Reptile was one of those characters I wasn't sure about. He has that tragic element to his character, which would suggest he deserves some kind of redemption or justice or something close to a happy ending.

But now that we know he ultimately betrayed Khameleon during MK3...I've gotten over that. He made his choice. He had his chance at redemption and he renounced it. Reptile don't deserve a "happy ending." The closest I could see is having him realize how much he's fucked himself over and sacrifice himself during the battle to help someone (against Kahn to help Kitana, I would personally recommend).

Basically, I think Reptile's story is at an end.
Much like Scorpion's endless bitching about his family & clan, Reptile's endless quest to bring back his race has grown beyond stale. The Zaterran race is gone anyway. Banging Khameleon...which I can't see happening since he's already tried to kill her...or some random Raptor broad he finds in Argus' Pyramid isn't going to solve that. You can't repopulate a race with only two or three people. Inbreeding.
Even if he were to find some way of repopulating his people....what then?

He strives to defend them from outside threats? Like Nitara?
He forms an army out of them to lead? Like Kitana? Or Baraka?
He creates some kind of secret clan? Like Sektor? Or Noob Saibot? Or Sub-Zero? Or Kabal?

All right, say they ditch his race and he moves on. What next? Does he strive to take power due to some residual Onaga-ness left behind from being used as his vessal? Don't we already have Mileena...who's already off to a decent start? Or Noob Saibot (again)?
He goes rogue, fighting only for himself or maybe tries to redeem himself? Again...like I mentioned earlier...I'd rather see Mileena (again) do something like that.

I really can't think of anything he could do that A) isn't already being done; or B) would rather see Mileena or maybe even Khameleon do. I really think it would be better for Reptile's story to just end with proper closure.

Another thing is I've really lost interest in playing as Reptile. Compare his special moves in Armageddon to MK2. His acid spit doesn't seem like an actual spit of acid anymore. Just a generic green projectile. No more force ball...instead a bunch a bland looking dash & roll attacks. Playing as Reptile just isn't as fun as it used to be.
Looks-wise Reptile's never bothered me. In the early days he had the mysterious ninja mystique. I appreciated that he escaped that template and they made him look more like an actual reptillian creature. The MK:SM look is a nice compromise between the two.

Overall, I'm not going to say there's no way Reptile can be brought back and I can't say I'd throw a shit-fit if he was. But I think it'd be better for him to bow out gracefully and make way for newer characters.

05/28/2010 05:26 AM (UTC)
Reptile always has and always will be my favorite character in Mortal Kombat, so that alone is why I want him to stay.

I'll admit that his whole servant story needs to go and that the MK team needs to give him a new story direction. If they do something along the lines of what tgrant wrote, I think Reptile will have a lot more potential to be a total badass. They also need to bring back the forceball. tongue
05/28/2010 08:04 PM (UTC)
Reptile: I always thought he was pretty cool loooking as a ninja, and I like his special moves. His story never really intrigues me. It seems like he is always a pawn or henchman. I didn't really like how he transformed into Onaga it makes MKA not make any scense. I think for the next game they need to make his story more intreresting. His primary costume should be the ninja form, and not that mummy wrap look from MKA. Make him look human, and as he gets hurt have the flesh peel off. His altrernate costume should be the lizard as fanservice for those who like that look.

Verdict: Give him a good story and an updated version of his original costume and you got yourself a deal. Stay.
05/29/2010 11:43 PM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
Make him look human, and as he gets hurt have the flesh peel off.

I'm pretty sure Reptile doesn't need to wear fake skin over top of his real skin, the way Scorpion does to hide his skull. His human disguise is just him changing the color of his scales like a chameleon.
05/30/2010 01:50 AM (UTC)
Ugh, Reptile. Baraka summed it up best; I've never seen a character start out with so much potential, so at the top of his game, so much mystique and coolness surrounding him only to fall so far. I don't want the MK Team's "Reptile" to stay. I want my memory of who Reptile was back in MK1 and MK2 to stay. But sadly, that guy's been gone since 1993 and he's never coming back.

This dumbass henchman that's been running around since UMK3 isn't the Reptile that I was interested in. It's some loser that doesn't know how to think for himself, how to stand up for himself, that begs to serve anyone and everyone that happens to pass by. He wears green and he's called Reptile, but it's just not the same guy. I could give a shit less if the MK Team's "New and improved" Reptile comes back. They ruined him beyond all repair. Even if the whole point of Reptile's character is to be the Gollum, that story's more than played out. Even Gollum eventually fell into the lava.

Time to go, not-Reptile. GONE.


. . .
*pictures lizard Reptile standing there, looking clueless as usual.
NINJA Reptile from MK1/ MK2 walks into frame.

"Thanks for standing in for me, cousin Jimbo. You can go home now." tongue
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How the fuck do you all get those giant pictures here? oh well this is good enough

05/30/2010 02:28 AM (UTC)
I absolutely love Reptile. But he's been summed to down to the level of one of my other fav's Baraka. Reptile had (and still does have) potienal to be one of the most greatest characters of MK.

Pretty much everything about this fighter makes him a fan favorite. The thing that I don't like is his apperence he looks like a human crocodile. The perfect apperence for him is that MK 1 sub-zero ninja suit but green.

The thing that makes him terrible though is his recycled story-line. He's always niave enough to believe that the people that he serves will bring back his people. Personally he should forget about his people and..........i dont know. Thats the thing about these fighters if you change their story it cant be DRASTIC. As in Reptile changes his servant ways and becomes a anti-hero or a leader of his own. It has to be really small to make it BELIEVABLE.

Overall: STAY but needs a "small' change to his story.

PS: Isn't it funny how the people that have the "worst" story are always the most apealing and are always in the game.

Ex: Scorpion, Reptile, Baraka, Jade, Kitana, Sonya, and Kung Lao.
05/31/2010 06:15 AM (UTC)
He should definitely stay since he still has a lot of potential. What they did to Ermac, they could do to Reptile as well. He needs a new costume but I want it to still retain that ninja flavor and vibe, like Ermac's (this does not mean they have to copy Ermac's costume, what it means is the design for Reptile's ninja costume should be different). Like jbtrash said, make his lizard look his alternate since him actually looking like a gecko could not be denied (At least his headchomping fatality from MKII showed that).

I would like it better though if he had a human head and make his entire body covered in reptillian scales that makes him look like a Yakuza gangster or something or if this doesn't work, equip his hands with some claws like those raptors had in Jurassic park (they should be retractable, you don't want him looking like a freak), make it look like his lizard head in MKII was just a mask to help get rid of the idea that he's just Lizardman in a ninja suit.

Make him his own man by turning him into a protagonist for a change or as a boss character. Anything I guess to take him out of the doldrums. tongue
05/31/2010 07:31 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
jbthrash Wrote:
Make him look human, and as he gets hurt have the flesh peel off.

I'm pretty sure Reptile doesn't need to wear fake skin over top of his real skin, the way Scorpion does to hide his skull. His human disguise is just him changing the color of his scales like a chameleon.

Then why does he pull the mask off all the time?
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05/31/2010 01:42 PM (UTC)
Reptile is redundant. Kill it.
05/31/2010 02:45 PM (UTC)
I let this character sit for a while. Time for the next one:


The Netherrealm demon, lost her human form in an attack from the fallen Elder God, Shinnok. She was transposed back into her demon form as her essence descended back to the 5th plane of the Neatherrealm. Sareena remained there until she discovered an abandoned portal that led to Outworld. Once in Outworld, she learned to feed off the living aura of that realm to regain her human appearance. She no longer needed Quan Chi’s sorcery to sustain her exterior beauty.

While in Outworld Sareena encountered Sub-Zero. Since she had freed his brother from his confines of the Netherealm so many years ago, Sub-Zero offered her asylum within the Lin Kuei. His compassion may be honorable, but befriending a demon of the Netherealm is no an action without risk. As Sub-Zero may soon discover.

I would like to see more of this character. Having to debut in Mythologies, be somewhat connected to Reiko, being debuted as a playable character in Tournament Edition, and finally comes Armageddon. I would have figured in TE that she would have had something dealt with Quan Chi rather than encountering Sub-Zero. It’s just that Sub-Zero has too many connections with most of the roster, I would like to see this character go off into some other direction, leaving Sub-Zero out of it. Many were suggesting that she would get into a scuffle with Ashrah, which to me I think would be the best thing that she could have happen to her if she is brought back.

Of course with Armageddon’s story, Sub-Zero gets attacked by Noob, Sareena says that Sub-Zero shouldn’t have trusted her, she’s Quan Chi’s assassin girl blah blah blah... Like I said, ditch Sub-Zero in her story, I don’t want to see another character dealing with Sub-Zero anymore. Quan Chi, well, I would imagine that he would be somewhat tied in with her... So I don’t know where she would be playing in the next game but I would like to see her rival up against Ashrah as many have stated.

Her appearance I don’t mind, but if she doesn’t work for Quan Chi anymore, then it’s time to ditch the assassin look and have something different. Make her look like she’s still fighting the demons off of her, make her look dark... While you have Ashrah looking completely pure, Sareena will be the exact opposite. I can see her have the colors of black and magenta on her. I don’t know why but a combination of those two colors plus making her look like a demon would make her look bad-ass.

Her moves, I don’t know. I was pretty fond with her knife throw move as you can just do that very fast and throw five out at a time. I’m glad they didn’t giver her some stupid fireball move or anything like that. No, her moves are fine.

I want to see this character stay. There’s a lot more to do than just having her in two games.

So, let’s debate. Should Sareena stay or leave?
05/31/2010 03:12 PM (UTC)
At first I wanted to say stay, but no, I'm gonna say GONE. I just don't care about the character, even though she's rather fresh and I guess she could play a part in the Netherealm sub-plot, but there are enough of other characters already involved with the Netherealm.

I thought her special moves in MKA were average at best and her in-game voice was rather annoying. Her primary costume was OK, I didn't like the alternate one though.

The problem is I just don't care about her, totally indifferent...

... ... ...

My verdicts so far:

STAY: 26

GONE: 23
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