02/10/2010 08:46 PM (UTC)
Well thank you for being more clear.

PS: whether you hated the gameplay and acting in Mythologies or not, the Prison Stage DID fit into MK4 because it's where Hell keeps it's damned and MK4's villains were the rulers and legions of Hell. Kinda obvious. That's all I'm sayin'.
MK4 and MKM's storylines were way more important to the mythology of the series than people give credit for. I would say, in fact, that Mythologies is the cornerstone of every story told in the MK universe. Every single game has something that ties back to an event or character from MKM, and the storytelling methods employed set the example that all of the Konquest modes follow.
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02/10/2010 08:55 PM (UTC)
Wow, I babbled on in those two posts for so long that I didn't even see a new character was introduced.

I'm really sorry about that Icebaby. I'll keep on topic from now on and if I have a long, rambly post that's not about the character being talked about, I'll stick to IM. I feel like I'm almost bordering on spamming your thread and that's CERTAINLY NOT my intention!

I just keep getting interested in all of these sort of subtopics or whatever. Plus there seem to be a lot of smart people that know their MK in this thread and I dig that.

Ermac: I'm really torn on him/them. On one hand, I saw him as sort of a one off for Trilogy. Sort of a love letter to fans. Then MK:D comes out and he's totally redesigned and looking flat out awesome. His weapon is cool, his moves are cool and his look is cool as well.

But do we really need two people that use telekenetic attacks? I could certainly see Ermac as sort of a guide for Kenshi, but to me, that just throws him further in to the support role. Much like henchmen, I really don't like support characters.

If I'm supposed to believe that MK is a collection of the best fighters that are fighting for the big prize, whatever it may be, then I don't overly want to use a bunch of henchmen and support characters.

So without Kenshi, what can Ermac really do? I'm not a huge fan of his overall story of being a collection of defeated warriors that were brought together by Shao Khan to serve him. Maybe he has some sort of stuggle in order to try and be one human? Maybe he purges all other defeated warriors from him? Perhaps this changes him from being Ermac to being that one warrior? It's kind of like his Armageddon ending, only not really and without the suck.

I dunno, the more I look at Ermac's background, the less I can see in terms of future potential. It's a shame too, because his look and his moves were great in MK:D and his plot with Kenshi worked for that game.

I'd say rework his story somehow, but bring him back as a bonus, hidden character only.

VERDICT: STAY, but just barely.
Historical Favorite
02/10/2010 08:56 PM (UTC)
On topic: Of course Ermac needs to come back. The MK team has barely scratched the surface of what could be done with his telekinetic powers in game.

Off topic:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Y'know what you get when you say "let's go back to the MK1 feel"? You get Kobra. Everyone HATED Kobra! Why? Because he didn't fit. He was a throwback to MK1 and the time for throwbacks to MK1 is long since over.

In what way is Kobra a throwback to MK1? He's based entirely on Ken Masters. Explain yourself.
02/10/2010 08:58 PM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Y'know what you get when you say "let's go back to the MK1 feel"? You get Kobra. Everyone HATED Kobra! Why? Because he didn't fit. He was a throwback to MK1 and the time for throwbacks to MK1 is long since over.

In what way is Kobra a throwback to MK1? He's based entirely on Ken Masters. Explain yourself.

He's actually meant to be a homage to Johnny Lawrence from Karate Kid. Like how Liu Kang is a homage to Bruce Lee. And Johnny Cage to Jean Claude Van Damme.

Cobra Kai never die!
02/10/2010 08:58 PM (UTC)
i'd say keep ermac. but i would like him to use the arena to his advantage by using his telakinatic power similar how that power is used in bioshock.
maybe a tad bit different. although if ermac returns i'd rather not see kenshi.
Historical Favorite
02/10/2010 08:59 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Y'know what you get when you say "let's go back to the MK1 feel"? You get Kobra. Everyone HATED Kobra! Why? Because he didn't fit. He was a throwback to MK1 and the time for throwbacks to MK1 is long since over.

In what way is Kobra a throwback to MK1? He's based entirely on Ken Masters. Explain yourself.

He's actually meant to be a homage to Johnny Lawrence from Karate Kid.

Cobra Kai never die!

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02/10/2010 09:03 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Well thank you for being more clear.

PS: whether you hated the gameplay and acting in Mythologies or not, the Prison Stage DID fit into MK4 because it's where Hell keeps it's damned and MK4's villains were the rulers and legions of Hell. Kinda obvious. That's all I'm sayin'.

MK4 and MKM's storylines were way more important to the mythology of the series than people give credit for. I would say, in fact, that Mythologies is the cornerstone of every story told in the MK universe. Every single game has something that ties back to an event or character from MKM.

Agreed! No, I definitely remember what you're saying about the Prison Stage. As soon as you said it, I remembered. Shinnok wanting to make Hell in to a version of Earth, but failing because it was hell, so everything was twisted in a way. I definitely recall that.

Begredugingly... Sadly. Ugh, why couldn't that game have played like MK:SM? I mean sure, the graphics obviously wouldn't have been there yet since it was a generation before, but my God, I just remember trying to jump on those godawful swing platforms and there was almost no way of telling whether you were jumping on the platform or jumping to your death.

Just a horribly designed game. But yeah, there was a ton of story in that game and a large part of what we ACTUALLY know beyond the intros for each game comes from MKM. That's about 95% of why I slogged through it in the first place lol.
02/10/2010 09:05 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
So without Kenshi, what can Ermac really do?


Five on one against some of the series' greatest heroes and Ermac is "more than a match". Kenshi is the one who's a henchman, Ermac is the master. Recognize.

Besides, how many guys does MK have who use fire? How many sorcerers? Lots of folks have the same power source, it's only a problem when their actual special moves are identical. So give them different looking attacks and the fact that they're both psychic won't matter at all.

XiahouDun84 Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Y'know what you get when you say "let's go back to the MK1 feel"? You get Kobra. Everyone HATED Kobra! Why? Because he didn't fit. He was a throwback to MK1 and the time for throwbacks to MK1 is long since over.

In what way is Kobra a throwback to MK1? He's based entirely on Ken Masters. Explain yourself.

He's actually meant to be a homage to Johnny Lawrence from Karate Kid. Like how Liu Kang is a homage to Bruce Lee. And Johnny Cage to Jean Claude Van Damme.

Cobra Kai never die!


I thought that was common knowledge. How do you not know that, Grime?

So do you see now how they were trying to go back to the "characters inspired by kung fu movies" thing that they haven't done since MK1?
02/10/2010 09:14 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

Five on one against some of the series' greatest heroes and Ermac is "more than a match".

Tell the truth, it kind of bugged me they made Ermac look that powerful. Even though I hate three of those five characters....way to make the so-called "greatest heroes" look like total chumps.

But anway, in regard to Ermac and Kenshi....personally, I would rather the put more emphasis on Kenshi's swordsmanship in his special moves than the telekinetic stuff. Just my opinion, but I found the "master swordsman" aspect of Kenshi more interesting than his telekinesis.

Not saying they should completely abandon Kenshi's telekinetic moves, but I'd rather being a swordsman be more his thing and telekinesis be more Ermac's thing.
02/10/2010 09:19 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind having Ermac around. But it should either be Kenshi OR Ermac to make it in the next game. Not both, unless one is going to be selectable and the other is hidden. If that's the case, I'll have Ermac be selectable and Kenshi to be a secret character due to his sword and telekinetic skills.
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02/10/2010 09:28 PM (UTC)
Razor, I know that Ermac's powerful. lol.

I just meant that in terms of story, what can he offer? I get that he can kick ass, but that's not exactly a story element.

I'm just trying to envision what his next role could be post-Armageddon. I mean, at the end of Deception, was it Blaze that he foresaw as the evil of the realms that was pulling at the Dragon King, despite his being unaware? Or was it the one being?

Before, I always took Ermac's sense of the future to be his predicting Armageddon. I fthat's the case, then yeah, my most logical thought is for Ermac's next step to be a sort of guide or master for Kenshi, which would make him more of a support character. That's what I meant before, not that he was beneath Kenshi somehow.

But maybe he's predicting an impending battle with The One Being? Or something along those lines. In which case, Ermac could be an invaluable part of the next story. It just depends on how his MK:D ending is interpreted.

What do you think?
02/10/2010 09:31 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

Five on one against some of the series' greatest heroes and Ermac is "more than a match".

Tell the truth, it kind of bugged me they made Ermac look that powerful. Even though I hate three of those five characters....way to make the so-called "greatest heroes" look like total chumps.

It never bothered me but that's because Kung Lao and Kitana are the only ones of the five that I think are good fighters. Sonya, Jax, and Johnny have never been useful or won any important fights.

Also they were all under mind control. Having no free will would logically dull one's abilities and instincts in battle.
Baraka407 Wrote:
Razor, I know that Ermac's powerful. lol.

I just meant that in terms of story, what can he offer? I get that he can kick ass, but that's not exactly a story element.

I'm just trying to envision what his next role could be post-Armageddon. I mean, at the end of Deception, was it Blaze that he foresaw as the evil of the realms that was pulling at the Dragon King, despite his being unaware? Or was it the one being?

Before, I always took Ermac's sense of the future to be his predicting Armageddon. I fthat's the case, then yeah, my most logical thought is for Ermac's next step to be a sort of guide or master for Kenshi, which would make him more of a support character. That's what I meant before, not that he was beneath Kenshi somehow.

But maybe he's predicting an impending battle with The One Being? Or something along those lines. In which case, Ermac could be an invaluable part of the next story. It just depends on how his MK:D ending is interpreted.

What do you think?

I kinda already said what I think in my first post about Ermac, but I guess I can elaborate.
I've already established that I would get rid of Bo' Rai Cho and Li Mei. Now, once you do that, then Ermac is the ONLY good guy who lives in Outworld. He's the hero of a whole realm. Kenshi, on the other hand, is just another guy from Earth.
I'm a huge Kenshi fan, don't get me wrong, but he's not useful to the story, while Ermac is. I'd have Ermac as a main character from now on, while if Kenshi does come back, it should only be as a surprise hidden character, this wandering badass who shows up out of nowhere to settle disputes with wisdom and samurai-ness.
BTW: In his ending, he wasn't seeing the future, he was sensing the One Being's presence. It says so specificially with the words "He could feel its influence on Onaga, though the Dragon King was oblivious to its manipulation." That could only refer to the One Being, especially since Armageddon hadn't been concieved yet when Deception came out. There are no Armageddon references in the whole game unless you get the PSP version with Frost, Kitana, Blaze, and Jax added.
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02/10/2010 10:05 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

I'm a huge Kenshi fan, don't get me wrong, but he's not useful to the story, while Ermac is. I'd have Ermac as a main character from now on, while if Kenshi does come back, it should only be as a surprise hidden character, this wandering badass who shows up out of nowhere to settle disputes with wisdom and samurai-ness.

BTW: In his ending, he wasn't seeing the future, he was sensing the One Being's presence. It says so specificially with the words "He could feel its influence on Onaga, though the Dragon King was oblivious to its manipulation." That could only refer to the One Being, especially since Armageddon hadn't been concieved yet when Deception came out. There are no Armageddon references in the whole game unless you get the PSP version with Frost, Kitana, Blaze, and Jax added.

Okay, getting rid of BRC and Li Mei, I'm on the same page with ya there. I've already said why I don't like the former and the latter is jsut too much of an almost Mileena for me to care as much about her. The slave storyline was interesting, but then they crapped on it by making her a lover (?) of the Dragon King. eew. I dont' care of Dragons are mythical, it still looks like beastiality to me, and not to make a bad joke (too late) but that's an "ality" I'd rather not see in MK.

Rim shot!!

But yeah, I like the idea of Kenshi being a lone, wandering swordsman as he was at the start of his MK:DA storyline. I like that a whole lot more than "Special Forces lackey" or whatever his figurative title would be in MK:D.

I didn't mean "seeing the future," in a literal sense. I knew that i misspoke when I said that. I meant, was he sensing Armageddon was coming, or was he sensing the One Being? While the latter seems obvious, given the whole plot of the very next game, it could easily be interpreted that the former was what they were alluding to.

Maybe Armageddon wasn't announced yet, maybe the ideas weren't even written down by Ed Boon yet, but maybe in his mind, he was intending to have the next game be this sort of apocalyptic battle. Tough to say.

But yeah, even as the sole good guy from Outworld, is that enough to put him in the next game? I mean, isn't Havik the only real representative from Chaosrealm? Should that give him a free ticket in to the next MK game?

I get it though, you like Ermac and you think he's got a place in the future games. Dispite his name being Error Macro and that he was a glitch to begin with, I think the MK team really stepped it up with him and made him a great character in MK:D, much more so than his previous appearance in Trilogy.

Like I said, I'd be cool with him staying, I just don't know what his story would be. Okay, he senses the One Being, he's the lone warrior left from Outworld... Sooooo, what's his actual reason for being in the next game? That he sensed the One Being and must destory him? Okay... I guess.

Maybe it's that desire in me to get more plot, more depth of character, more gray area in terms of good/evil etc... But I almost feel like he should have more to do in the game than just sensing the bad guy and wanting to destroy him. That's where Ermac kinda starts to lose me. I just don't see where the real depth would come from.

Again though, that's just me and that's just what I, personally want out of MK. If that story is enough for you, then more power to ya. Seriously.

02/10/2010 10:13 PM (UTC)
Important things, especially villainous plots, usually happen in Outworld. Thus, the defender of Outworld is important and his place in the plot is obvious. The way you're questioning Ermac's future, I could say the exaxt same about Sub-Zero, Sonya, Kung Lao, etc.
Obviously, in order to explain where the "depth" in his future storylines would come from, I'd have to write the plot to an entire goddamned video game, come up with villains and connections between characters, the whole nine yards. I've never written fan fiction or made topics like XD's MK: Rebirth stuff. Not that I wouldn't like to...but it ain't worth it. Who would appreciate the effort?
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02/10/2010 10:29 PM (UTC)
I really like the direction they took Ermac in recently. And that's hard for me, since it was cool to see Ermac as a "normal" villain. Either way, I like the character, and I think he should return.
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02/10/2010 11:04 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Obviously, in order to explain where the "depth" in his future storylines would come from, I'd have to write the plot to an entire goddamned video game, come up with villains and connections between characters, the whole nine yards. I've never written fan fiction or made topics like XD's MK: Rebirth stuff. Not that I wouldn't like to...but it ain't worth it. Who would appreciate the effort?

No no, I just meant like... What could you see Ermac doing in the next game? What type of a role would you give him beyond protector of Outworld? Maybe that does require a bit of imagination, but I wasn't expecting you to outline every single plot element of a game that you haven't designed in your mind and probably don't need to.

When looking at these characters, I kind of try to envision what their role could be, just to help me determine, for myself, if that character could or should have a future in MK. I suppose in theory, any character could have a great future if they had a great enough look, moves, story etc, but I guess the way I can tell if I want to keep a character is just how far I have to stretch myself in order to make a character fit in to a mold that I consider to be good enough for a returning character.

Drahmin? I see a lot of potential for based on his story in the past, some slight changes to his look and an upgrade to his move set. Ermac? He already has great moves and a great look, I'm just having a hard time envisioning the story.

Anyways, that's obviously on me, not on you. So feel free to disregard if you want, I was simply trying to figure out in my own mind where Ermac could fit.
02/10/2010 11:58 PM (UTC)
i say yes to ermac. cool ninja with cool powers. but if i would have first played him in mkd, i would have said no. ermac is messed up in that game and it doesnt have good gameplay. i mean gamplay really means alot when i decide who should come back. not trying to get off topic though!!!!!
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02/11/2010 02:07 AM (UTC)
I think Ermac should stay.
He's got cool moves and cool fatalites and I've always anjoyed playing as him.
02/11/2010 02:38 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Baraka, you're completely wrong about the stages in MK4. Most of the ones you complained about did fit in the story, you just don't seem to know what the damn story was. That's your problem, not the game's. For instance, the prison with the giant fan was completely established in MK Mythologies: Because Shinnok wants to rule Earth so bad, he tried to make Hell look more like Earth. So the damned are kept in a prison that looks very industrial and modern like an Earth penitentiary except twisted and evil because it's Hell. Sure, they had stages from old games in there that didn't make sense, but that practice started in Trilogy, not in 4. The only new stages that didn't make sense were Reptile's Lair and the Tomb (and that's only because the Tomb was SUPPOSED to be for Shao Kahn, but then they decided Kahn wasn't dead yet in Deadly Alliance.)

Also, none of your ideas make cohesive sense. First you say "close off the portals and have an Earth-only tournament" but the only reason the MK tournament exists is to settle wars between realms! You can't HAVE an Earth-only Mortal Kombat. There is no such thing. There's no reason to name a champion if we're not under attack!

And THEN you say do a reboot...but you're still not talking about a reboot, you're talking about a sequel! A Reboot would be retelling MK1, not telling what happened after Armageddon. So which do you really want? An MK1 remake or a completely new game? Because I'll tell you right now, if the next game IS a sequel and not a restart, you better get used to dragons flying on a red sky. Outworld and the Netherealm ain't going nowhere.

Besides, this topic really isn't for reboot supporters. How can you be in here saying "I want this guy to come back, I want that guy gone" if you want to go back in time to before most of them were even introduced yet? It doesn't work that way. If you're waiting on a reboot, you don't get a choice. Your roster is automatically Cage, Kano, Raiden, Kang, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Sonya, Goro, Shang, and Reptile. Discussion over.

And Thrash, everything you say just sounds like you don't understand that 3D lets them have more detail on their costumes than 2D did. It's not copying Soul Calibur, it's just making use of the resources they have at their disposal. Welcome to the future. Won't you please join us in embracing it, instead of living in bitterness with nostalgia as a security blanket?

Moving on...Ermac is one of my favorite characters, has been ever since Deception gave him the hive mind and echo voice, and I hope he continues on for a long time and becomes a hero and defender of Outworld the way Liu, Sonya, Sub-Zero, Raiden, etc. are defenders of Earth. Lord knows Outworld could use SOMEBODY to clean the place up.

Yes I do understand the concept of 3D. I want the characters to be rendered in 3D. I have no idea how you could have taken my words completely out of context. Hotaro looks like a shitty Soul Calibur character, not because of the graphics, but because of the design only. I think the characters should have more detail using 3D graphics, but that doesn't mean I want them to have ridiculous designs that don't blend well with the game. I honestly don't know why I'm writing this, becuase I know your just going to argue with me some more even though my thoughts are completely opinion oriented, and in no way should they offend you so damn much. I may need to stop living in my nostalgia security blanket, but you need to get off your high horse.
02/11/2010 02:48 AM (UTC)
Ermac. I say he stays if they have a big roster of 35-40 characters. I also liked his old costume better than his deception one. The decption one reminded me of chinese mummy rather than a ninja. I don't know his story that well, because I didn't care but I wouldn't mind seeing a telekinetic ninja if there was room in the roster. However, I'm feeling generous so STAY.
02/11/2010 04:04 AM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
Ermac. I say he stays if they have a big roster of 35-40 characters. I also liked his old costume better than his deception one. The decption one reminded me of chinese mummy rather than a ninja. I don't know his story that well, because I didn't care but I wouldn't mind seeing a telekinetic ninja if there was room in the roster. However, I'm feeling generous so STAY.

His MKA/MKD alternate outfit was pretty sexy. wink
02/11/2010 04:36 AM (UTC)
i guess i am the .01% of the fan base that does not like Ermac...go figure.
02/11/2010 06:04 AM (UTC)

Ahh, one of my favorite characters. Supposed to be a character in MK2, was one character that managed to make people write death notes to the creators NOT to make her, she managed to appear anyways as a new character in Deadly Alliance... Here’s Frost’s story:

She was a student of the new Lin Kuei clan that Sub-Zero created after he left his old clan. He held a tournament to recruit the best of the best. Frost was the winner who had similar freezing abilities towards Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero took it upon himself to train Frost and managed to make her even stronger than she was before. He though, could not teacher her humility, and her arrogance grew along with her fighting abilities. Raiden requested for Sub-Zero to go to Outworld to defeat the Deadly Alliance, Frost aided him to gain more experience as a warrior. By participating in “real-world battles,” Sub-Zero hoped that Frost would gain perspective and enlightenment. But, unknown to him, Frost had other intentions on why she journeyed him along the way. She just waited for the right time to attack.

In the end, we find out that she only wanted the amulet that Sub-Zero possessed that he received after becoming Grand Master. Despite that she had superior abilities, she could not contain the power the amulet possessed and it froze her completely.

In Unchained, Frost only remembers what had happened to her with the amulet. She woke up in a tomb surrounded by corpses, and believed that she was left to die where she was placed at in the hands of Sub-Zero. She manages to find herself back in Earthrealm and headed to the Lin Kuei and awaited for Sub-Zero to arrive. Hearing some chit-chat, she hears that he is still in Outworld. And when he returns, he will pay “dearly.”

In the end, Sub-Zero finds Frost delirious and believed that she saw Sub-Zero everywhere. Sub-Zero blasted her with his powers and froze her until she can be revived and cured of her dementia. And when she manages to wake up, she will have to answer for her crimes against the Lin Kuei.

Well, what can I say about my favorite character? A lot, actually. I HATED the fact that they gave her such a crappy ending in Deadly Alliance. She’s well-liked around in the staff, even Vogel stated that she’s a personal favorite of his. I would like to see her return, and actually return as a good character not some delirious character that has mental issues about an amulet. I doubt that she’ll ever team up with Sub-Zero, unless the unimaginable happens. But her ending leads to many different outcomes for her since she’s not dead just in a frozen coma (in some way.) Therefore, Frost could do one of many things if a come back is happening... She could be bad, she could be evil, or neutral... Fate can only decide.

Her moves should stay. I laugh at those who continuously dislike this character just because she possess two of Sub-Zero’s moves, which is the puddle and the slide. NO DUH! It clearly states in her biography that she possesses similar freezing abilities towards Sub-Zero, so of course she’ll have a few moves that he won’t have if the two are in the same game. I liked the teleport punch because it opened up to a massive combo so I think that should stay as well. Keep the moves that she had in Armageddon.

Her appearance, ditch the crappy secondary costume, it makes no sense to have a student suddenly look like a freaking skank only because she barely exposes any skin in her first costume. I really have no idea what she should look like if she was brought back. But I think what could make an interesting look is if her hair grew a bit longer (depending on the time that she spent frozen) and that’s basically it.

She’s a good character that has some issues to fix, and I believe that if she’s a personal favorite of a guy who helped created her, I think I can see her return. It’ll be a shame if they don’t because basically her endings have a great opening to have her do something new. If she wakes up, will she still be evil or be good? We don’t know, it’ll only depend if she returns.

And, I know that many would have seen this coming, I vote that she should stay.

So, let’s debate, should Frost stay or leave?
02/11/2010 01:23 PM (UTC)
i say no to frost. never liked her design, copycat moves, or her story. we already had one fighter with ice powers. her fighting style was wack too. the only reason i would say yes to frost is because the game needs more girls. but i still say NO.
02/11/2010 02:04 PM (UTC)
i really want to like Frost...she is appealing to the eye imo but i think she needs a set of new moves or something. i say stay.
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