09/15/2012 12:45 AM (UTC)
Yes for a punching bag. Got tired of seeing baraka and reptile getting whooped.

There are several members on the mk team that hate him. Yet I still will like to see him return, only because his is a member of the Red Dragon.

I personally wouldn't compare him to stryker. They are like opposite of each other. Stryker had good gameplay, but his story as a policeman was kind of pointless. Hsu Hao is interesting only because he is apart of a secret organization thousand of years old. I rarely played with him (played with MK3 stryker more).

But his little wind force push move was kinda cool

Wats up with these black dragon and red dragon members sucking so much. And they wonder why we mostly favor "ninja" factions....
09/15/2012 04:24 AM (UTC)
Just wanted to drop a reminder as well that since this is the Deadly Alliance Era naturally Kenshi would be next in line to discuss. However, Kenshi has already made a komeback in MK9, and is, in all likelihood, going to be in MKX. Therefore, I will not cover Kenshi during this discussion. He's a super cool character nothing against him, but he's pretty much a shoe in. He's one of the devs favorites.

My Favorite character out of MK4-MKA is coming up though. I'm sure you can all guess who it is.

Anyways I will be back hopefully Sunday to post the next character.

Also just wanted to say I'm surprised that Hsu Hao got any love, but is seems like at least a couple people wouldn't mind him coming back. He does have a pretty cool look though I'm not gonna lie. Just doesn't interest me enough to give a crap about him though.
Hsu Hao gets a no from me. I feel like he's the worse version of Jax where any improvements on him go unrecognized and he still remains a character where people go "eh whatever"

Still the Sun-Moon blades were very cool and fun
09/17/2012 02:38 AM (UTC)
Well, the last two names have been somewhat of a downer for me in this thread. I don't really care for either Hsu Hao or Frost. However, it's been worth the wait for my favorite of all of the MK4-MKA generation characters.

Li Mei.

Li Mei entered Quan Chi's "tournament" in order to help save her family and clan from being enslaved. However, Quan Chi had no intentions of saving her family. He attempted to entomb her soul into one of the soldiers that he and Shang Tsung had reanimated.

Bo Rai Cho came along and saved her from that very fate, and rescued her from the deadly alliance. However, she still felt strange feelings towards the new to come dragon king, and had to fight an inner struggle. Remain loyal to her friends, the forces of light, or ultimately turn on them so that the dragon king could rule.

She chose to stay with her friends and fought that inner battle til the end in Armageddon, and folks this all happened within the length of basically two games. What an amazing story she gained over this short amount of time.

That plus she had a decent moveset. She was my favorite female during this generation, besides Jade of course, and she remains one of my favorites today.

That's why I'm giving a YES to Li Mei. I fully feel that she deserves it more than a whole lot of the characters and hopefully I will get to see her again in MKX.

Another good reason I like Li Mei is that along with both Kenshi and Mavado I felt like this was truly a new start to Mortal Kombat. Liu Kang was dead and new heroes were moving in. Bo Rai Cho felt like a new mentor a la Raiden. Kenshi was your new Kang. Li Mei was a new Sonya or Kitana. While Mavado could have grown into a new huge villain such as a Shang. Unfortunately they weren't all given a chance to grow, but at least they gained a few fans along the way.

Anyways, I'm gonna give you guys a few pics since she's my favorite from this generation of fighters.


Here's the link for that last one.

Here are my results so far as well.

Fujin: Yes
Jarek: No
Kai: Yes
Reiko: Yes
Tanya: Yes
Blaze: No
Bo Rai Cho: Yes
Drahmin: Yes
Frost: No
Hsu Hao: No
Li Mei: YES
09/17/2012 04:54 AM (UTC)
I vote yes for Li Mei.

Give her some new moves just like how Kenshi got an upgrade.
09/17/2012 02:33 PM (UTC)
I definitely vote "yes" for Li Mei. Her return in MK: Deception actually helped her character, imo. With Shao Kahn's defeat, it would make sense to reintroduce her in the next game and establish her as an upcoming heroine in the Outworld side of the story. For her special moves, I feel that NRS should really focus on that Wuxia aspect to her character to go with that sort of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" style.
09/17/2012 02:54 PM (UTC)
yes she should return i used her more times then any new character introduced in mkda and continued using her in mkd.

she has a nice varity of kicks, and always thought of her being the chun li of mk. so that is a yes for me.
About Me

I like to pretend I'm older than I actually am.

09/18/2012 12:07 AM (UTC)
Sure, why not. Yes for Li Mei.
09/18/2012 04:25 AM (UTC)
Yes because MK needs a slut.

Joking aside I say yes because everyone gets a yes.
09/18/2012 04:38 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Yes because MK needs a slut.

Joking aside I say yes because everyone gets a yes.

Lol. You're right and Mileena fills that role perfectly.lol.

I've always seen Li Mei as one of the more conservative female's in MK actually. Then when Deception rolled around and she was half naked I thought when did Li Mei lose her clothes?

I'm hoping they get back to her being a more clothed female. I like nudity as much as the next guy, but this is a video game guys. A video game. Watch porn if you want half naked girls. When I play MK sometimes I think dang them girls would be in pain in two seconds cuz every piece of them would be cut to shreds.lol.

Mileena is fine to do this too, and even Jade... to an extent. However, no other girl is really subject to that.

Why the hell is the princess dressed like she's getting ready to oil up her stripper pole?

and Why does a Special forces officer feel the need to show off her tits to everyone? It makes zero sense. Although I will admit I did like Sonya's attire in MK9. I think with a white T it would have probably been the best sonya's ever looked. Jade's best look came back in Deception. While Mileena's best look was also in Deception as well. Kitana I don't think has ever had a perfect look. They need to fix that.

I feel the same about any guys in the tournament as well. Liu Kang honestly shouldn't be shirtless. I liked his attire in MK4 better than any of them. If a fight is going on the less clothes you have on the more likely you are going to get hurt.

Of course I'm just talking from a sensical viewpoint. As if this was an actual fight.lol. Which it's not, but oh well.

Anyway back on topic. I like me some Li Mei, and hope she get's a pivotal role in MKX.
09/18/2012 07:51 PM (UTC)
Give her back the sparkling orb she uses as a projectile.

She'd be the only female from MKDA to return. I hope Mavado will get accepted as the only Red Dragon in the next game in fact... he can use Hsu Hao's sunmoon blades to honor him.
09/18/2012 09:17 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
Give her back the sparkling orb she uses as a projectile.

She'd be the only female from MKDA to return. I hope Mavado will get accepted as the only Red Dragon in the next game in fact... he can use Hsu Hao's sunmoon blades to honor him.

I really love the way that they made Kenshi play different from Ermac in MK9, yet they still incorporated telekinesis. They did an awesome job with Kenshi, and I know they can do the same with Li Mei.

I was thinking that for Li Mei, her moveset could be along the lines of a dazzler/jubilee from X-men. I think this would fit her perfectly. Does anyone else agree with this? Maybe her projectile's could be tiny little explosions that take time to go off (ex. like Cyrax). Or maybe we could even see her as a mix of a Dazzler/Gambit. Maybe one of her moves could be she grabs her opponent into her and charges them leaving them to explode into the air leaving free time for juggling and combos from her.

Holy crap, the possiblities are endless for Li Mei.
About Me


09/18/2012 09:53 PM (UTC)
Always liked Li Mei in terms of story & moveset. Favourite outfits MKDA primary (silks) and MKD secondary (armour).

I think Li Mei & Kenshi were the best new characters in MKDA, followed by Nitara & Hsu Hao (i like him, even if no-one else does).

The third picture above is what i think SHOULD have been done with her in an artistic direction (talking about face & hair more than clothes).
09/19/2012 05:14 AM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
Give her back the sparkling orb she uses as a projectile.

She'd be the only female from MKDA to return. I hope Mavado will get accepted as the only Red Dragon in the next game in fact... he can use Hsu Hao's sunmoon blades to honor him.

I really love the way that they made Kenshi play different from Ermac in MK9, yet they still incorporated telekinesis. They did an awesome job with Kenshi, and I know they can do the same with Li Mei.

I was thinking that for Li Mei, her moveset could be along the lines of a dazzler/jubilee from X-men. I think this would fit her perfectly. Does anyone else agree with this? Maybe her projectile's could be tiny little explosions that take time to go off (ex. like Cyrax). Or maybe we could even see her as a mix of a Dazzler/Gambit. Maybe one of her moves could be she grabs her opponent into her and charges them leaving them to explode into the air leaving free time for juggling and combos from her.

Holy crap, the possiblities are endless for Li Mei.

I agree. Plasma Generation and Pyrotechnics. Plus kung fu. Her specialty.

She deserves to be one of the good guys in Outworld.
Li Mei?

09/20/2012 06:32 AM (UTC)
Yea I would like to see more of Li Mei. I like her Deception alt costume better and she looks better in Deception than Deadly Alliance. Not too much to say about her since she is not a favorite, but we do need more women in MK, slut or no slut lol....
09/20/2012 07:16 PM (UTC)
Li Mei? Hell yes she should make a komeback, she was one of my favorites of the MKDA to Armageddon era.
09/22/2012 02:20 AM (UTC)
Nobody should make her look like a slut. MAKE HER LIKE A REAL WARRIOR YES!

Kitana - blue, Jade - green, Mileena - pink, Tanya - yellow & Li Mei & Sindel - Purple/Violet.
09/22/2012 12:10 PM (UTC)
Yes, I'd like to see Li Mei back, but the spinning kick move (named "Carnival Spin" in MKA) needs to go. I'm not a fan of characters sharing special moves and this one was given to Reiko first so I'd like to see Li Mei be given something else instead. I liked her MKD/MKA alt costume and story-wise she's OK. I'm not crazy about her, but I don't mind her either.

List so far:

Fujin: YES
Jarek: NO
Kai: YES
Reiko: YES
Tanya: YES
Blaze: NO
Bo' Rai Cho: YES
Drahmin: YES
Hsu Hao: NO
Li Mei: YES
09/24/2012 06:12 AM (UTC)
Ah, but I disagree with you on that one Nephrite. i think that Reiko could have many moves that should honestly resemble a slower, bulkier playstyle which would mostly rely on fists and upper body strength. This is why i don't feel that the Carnival Spin move fits him. I think it is much more fit for Li Mei, but everyone has their differences. I guess mine is he may have had it first but she did it better.

Anyway moving on. Li Mei has had her moment to shine and unfortuanately we have to move on from my favorite of the MK4-MKA generation characters. However, it is moving me to the third in line of my favorites of this generation. It goes Li Mei, Kenshi, MAVADO. Yes my friends the hook sword wielding Mavado is next in line.

I am a story nerd admittedly. That's why it pains me to say that what first made me fall in love with Mavado's character was purely aesthetics. He is a cool looking character. He reminds me of a Ninja-guiden esque character on looks alone. He looks like a stealthy sneaky guy, and upon first look i figured he was an anti-hero of sorts. However, after reading into his story I quickly found out he was related to the Red Dragon which ultimately made me not like his story. The whole Red Dragon and Black Dragon clan stories are just meh to me.

I'm thinking that maybe this time around since he's a bad guy let's just make him more ruthless than ever. Hsu Hao was his subordinate and since I'm not a fan of Hsu Hao have him maybe murder Hsu Hao for not following orders correctly? Then since Kabal has the hook swords Mavado could take Hsu Hao's sunmoon blades and wield them as his own. Then maybe he could actually kill Kano and leave him dead. Kano is honestly the most expendable to me from the original cast. He wanted to do that anyway so just have him appear dominate and a force to be reckoned with.


Take another route entirely. Have him form into an anti-hero of sorts. Let's face it Earthrealm is low as hell on fighters right now. All the good ones are dead and gone for the moment. Why not have Mavado have a change of heart momentarily. Perhaps he sees that if the Netherrealm takes over that the Red Dragon will be decimated and ultimately chooses to be level headed and side with Raiden's forces to help out in the fight against Shinnok. Hey, wierder things have happened ya know.

In the end of the discussion I say give Mavado a chance. I think he was actually a really cool concept for a character who ultimately just got stuck with crap for a story. A lot of characters fall into that category, but I think Mavado could change gears if given the chance so I say YES to Mavado. A lot of the Yes's I have given are for good reason, but Mavado doesn't really have that much good reason. More of a I like him, he's cool looking, and his grapples could allow for a good moveset.

He fits two of the criteria for me actually
Look: Cool looking character
Moveset: Could use a touchup, but the grapples instantly give him something to work with. That's more than you can say for some characters
Story: Uh, let's not go there.

Anyway Here's some artwork for the guy:

link: http://www.fightersgeneration.com/characters2/malvado-mkda2.jpg

Also here are my results so far

Fujin: Yes
Jarek: No
Kai: Yes
Reiko: Yes
Tanya: Yes
Blaze: No
Bo Rai Cho: No
Drahmin: Yes
Frost: No
Hsu Hao: No
Li Mei: Yes
Mavado: Yes

09/24/2012 12:41 PM (UTC)
I say yes.

I personally don't like him, but maybe with a revamped everything he could make me think otherwise.
09/24/2012 03:09 PM (UTC)
I say Yes.

Give the sunmoon blades of Hsu Hao to Mavado. If Jax or someone else murders him for learning he served the Red Dragon, Mavado can surely honor his former comrade.
09/24/2012 05:21 PM (UTC)
Yes. I've always liked Mavado. He should come back, keeping his elasticity moves.
09/24/2012 06:53 PM (UTC)
i would not mind if Mavado came back. just give him the stretchy moves back and include new ones like he wraps around the opponnet squezzing him for few hits and etc. although i'd like if he had anew look because that's the main reason why i didn't like to play as him in mkda.
09/24/2012 07:25 PM (UTC)
I would personally give Mavado another chance. I was very disappointed that the Lin Kuei/Red Dragon rivalry story did not develop after MK: Deadly Alliance. While I don't see that happening in this new continuity, it would be interesting to see the Red Dragon more fleshed out and more used in the story.
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