blacksaibot Wrote:
AS FUCKING USUAL I arrive too late and the god damn video was taken down.

lol rekt

nah jk have this
07/01/2014 12:23 AM (UTC)
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:

God, I would have loved to know how you would have handled 2011's entire game being leaked before released had you been apart of this site during that time.

I wouldn't be a bit bothered by your crap had you blame other sites, but all I'm seeing is that this is MKO's fault when clearly other fan sites are doing the same exact thing this very moment.

To be fair, I said MKO was a shithole of a fansite because of the people here (which someone actually agreed). I never said the leak was because of MKO, nor that the leak was exclusive to MKO.

Quit generalizing.

You've had a handful of members on this site disagree with you a few times and as a result you've taken your pissy attitude out on others, depriving members (like myself) who up until this point have had no hostility with you of content and excitement whilst tarring us all with the one brush. Get a grip of yourself. You're being over dramatic and incredibly inconsiderate of the other members on this board (both lurkers and posters) who are actually looking forward and excited about new content.

Respect the devs work and respect the game as much as you want. Nobody is depriving you of your beliefs and believe it or not some people actually respect you for them. But don't be such an ass you'd deprive others of their own enjoyment solely for disagreeing with you.

There were 3 people I got pissy with.

1. Razor: I've already said I crossed the line here. (And i got pissy with one of his supporters, but that was 1 post).

2. Thar? (I believe is his name). I tried to troll him. Bad move on my part.

3. Projectzero00. I'm not going in to that one. Settled via admins (I think).

I can't think of anymore. If you want to show me more, by all means?

I don't feel the need to show you anything. You've actually just highlighted my point all the more.

You disagreed with 3 people, and labelled the whole of MKO's community negatively as a result of it. You've even been bitter enough to continue to try deny others the right to view a Fatality clip which was already made public by actively trying to get the video removed.

Grow a thicker skin, get that chip off your shoulder and stop taking your previous arguments out on the rest of us.

My point was that it was only three people that I've argued with. That being said, I've visited many, many threads, and the one thing they all have in common (99% of time at least) is 1, 2, 3, or 4 or more people tearing into each other over dumb things.

It never fails (and no, the irony of the present thread is not lost on me).

Just about everyone here is guilty of getting pissy with someone else, and generally over something asinine. It just makes this place seem toxic and uninviting.

I didn't help, I know. I just got SOOO mad with this thread, and I snapped with it. I'm human, and I can be wounded just as easily over the web as in person. And I can fuck up pretty royally. Like here.

I underestimated the reaction, and I responded in an increasingly defensive way.

I messed up. I admit it.

Fair dues to you for admitting you've messed up, but I can't help but notice this is a repeat thing with yourself. You've admitted to crossing the line with Razor and to trolling another member as well as flying off the handle here.

Look, I hate to be blunt but I have to remind you that you're on the Internet.

This doesn't effect you in real life, or at least it shouldn't. You'll never meet these people in real life and it's not like everybody here is friends that know each other years. It's a fan site where people who are passionate about a franchise come to collectively discuss what's going on and share our excitement.

You're going to have disagreements with other members, that's inevitable and it's nothing to take personal. You're going to get that in life regardless if it's on the Internet or in person, it's your responsibility to behave maturely and react accordingly, especially in a community based atmosphere like here. If you can't learn from your mistakes and if it genuinely is effecting you so badly, I don't advise you to continue posting on forums.

I don't mean to lecture or preach here at all but someone needs to be direct and honest with you in a way that's not bitchy or sarky, and you're only going to keep repeating those mistakes if someone doesn't try to point you in the right direction.

No, you're right. I should grow a thicker skin, and I should learn to hold my tongue (you'd think I'd have learned that by 25). To be perfectly honest, I've been feeling a lot of fucking anger these past few months, and I don't know why. I'm not a confrontational person in RL, and I like to keep to myself (not a recluse, mind you, just generally prefer my own company).

I'm taking my anger out on others online, it seems. Things start to bug me, and I feel like I have to push back, HARD. That's no way to treat anyone, though. I have to stop, and I will.

Wish MKX was out already. I need to decap someone who doesn't have feelz...
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07/01/2014 12:26 AM (UTC)
Listen can we please stop indulging the guy whose decided to go all emo over the Scorpion fatality please? By replying and engaging his emotional reactions you're just encouraging and fueling it.

On topic: A large reason the full fatality was withheld was because of how graphic it was. Cassie Cage's "Nut bust" X-Ray along with Scorpions full fatality weren't shown to the public masses in interviews in order to side-step any rating issues.

Also, Scorpion's fatality looks hella cool. EDIT: Here it is again since it got buried.

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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

07/01/2014 12:51 AM (UTC)
07/01/2014 12:55 AM (UTC)
I still say Ferra Torr's fatality is more violent than this one. The end result is a disgusting mess showing you everything inside the human body cut in half.

This is still an amazing fatality (Scorpion's). This one will be spoken of for another 20 years, guaranteed.
07/01/2014 01:02 AM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
Listen can we please stop indulging the guy whose decided to go all emo over the Scorpion fatality please? By replying and engaging his emotional reactions you're just encouraging and fueling it.

On topic: A large reason the full fatality was withheld was because of how graphic it was. Cassie Cage's "Nut bust" X-Ray along with Scorpions full fatality weren't shown to the public masses in interviews in order to side-step any rating issues.

Also, Scorpion's fatality looks hella cool. EDIT: Here it is again since it got buried.


I apologize for knocking down your video. sad
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07/01/2014 01:07 AM (UTC)
Folks, just start sending links via PM. It's that easy.
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07/01/2014 01:08 AM (UTC)
About this fanbase debate. I genuinely, genuinely believe that MKO has the best fanbase. Any vet of the site knows that I have had my fair share of disliking a lot that goes on around here. I really think MKO is miles behind the other sites.


The fans who are regular here are what keeps me here. Darkhound, Baraka407, Predator151, Shadaloo, Queve, Tyrant-Cenobite, MINION, Chrome, Razor, JadedRaven, Check(occasionally), Bezou, Grimm, Jerrod, GhostDragon, Konqrr, M0s3ph, MasterMalone, Subman799, Temp, Vash15, ShaolinChuan, Lokheit, J-Spit, Zmoke, LeoBrZ81, Nephrite, Icebaby, kingjolly, Garlador, Red, asesino, oracle,

not to mention all the people I have on PSN and talk to on a regular basis in real life. I've forgotten many tag-name links, all together.

It comes down to this. There is NO better place to talk lore and compare fan passion. Competitively, MKO needs some serious help. I remember the MK9 launch tournaments... ugh. But seriously. best fanbase, hands fucking down. THATS why I'm here.

I am actually TRYING to leave this site for TYM. It's just not happening for me, so far. All you sexy losers...... damn.

Sorry for anybody I left out. That was just off the top of my head. I'm sure I'll be kicking myself soon. If I've ever PMd you or replied to you, you belong on that list.
07/01/2014 01:13 AM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
I still say Ferra Torr's fatality is more violent than this one. The end result is a disgusting mess showing you everything inside the human body cut in half.

This is still an amazing fatality (Scorpion's). This one will be spoken of for another 20 years, guaranteed.

I have to disagree.

Ferra/Torr just splits you down the middle. Something we've seen quite a few times. Needless to say, I was a bit desensitized to the fatality. But I still think it's a good fatality.

Scorpion on the other hand, blows a hole in your chest. Then, slices your face off. So in terms of violence I have to say Scorpion's because it's a two parter.
07/01/2014 01:19 AM (UTC)
Wow, that was both gruesome and awesome!!!
07/01/2014 01:21 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
ShaolinChuan Wrote:
I still say Ferra Torr's fatality is more violent than this one. The end result is a disgusting mess showing you everything inside the human body cut in half.

This is still an amazing fatality (Scorpion's). This one will be spoken of for another 20 years, guaranteed.

I have to disagree.

Ferra/Torr just splits you down the middle. Something we've seen quite a few times. Needless to say, I was a bit desensitized to the fatality. But I still think it's a good fatality.

Scorpion on the other hand, blows a hole in your chest. Then, slices your face off. So in terms of violence I have to say Scorpion's because it's a two parter.

I guess we've seen too many slice in half fatalities, maybe that's why? I can see why you're saying that.
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07/01/2014 01:30 AM (UTC)
I really like the fatality and think it fits Scorpion well, though the sword part doesn't make sense (unless he is using the Jiujitsu variation) even if he somehow magically pulled it out of hell.

Still, we've seen more brutal fatalities e.g. Kung Lao's Razor's Edge or Noob's Make A Wish
07/01/2014 01:33 AM (UTC)

I agree with the point ReptzMK made back on the first page, but I did watch the video.

It's an awesome fatality, but it's not like they didn't do shit like that in MK9.

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07/01/2014 01:35 AM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Folks, just start sending links via PM. It's that easy.

I hear you. I downloaded the raw video file and instead of uploading it to Youtube where it can be taken down, I have it up on Mediafire. Just hit me up if you want it via a PM.
ReptzMK Wrote:I apologize for knocking down your video. sad

Thanks. It's not that serious though man. Just try not to go ham over everything you disagree with to the point where it devolves into personal insults. Sticking to facts/points = a debate while inserting insults/personal attacks = shit slinging that eclipses whatever your core point is. It just turns into a shitstorm after that. I actually got your point about the ethics/morality behind leaking footage and while I wouldn't do something as egregious as leaking pirated copies of a game, I have no qualms sharing already officially released footage (which, like it or not, Scorpions's fatality was/is).
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Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

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07/01/2014 03:54 AM (UTC)

I'm quite honored to be name-checked in a list of desired company. That said, I wish I posted more thought provoking threads.

That fatality was sick. You guys aren't being honest with yourselves saying "they did this in MK9'. I don't remember seeing any flopping brains or falling masks. The cut technology was more limited. We've never seen a face off, and that cheap Hell stage fatality doesn't count.

I'm glad about the more realistic look of innards and such, because what always killed them were weird effects.

Too much blood spraying, fabric turning all "model edit" stiff when dismembered, weird stumps (like the bones sticking out in MK9), popcorn meat, fucking super glistening meat chubnks (again, in MK9), etc.

I've always had gripes with fatalities that I thought would be futile to address, but it seems they've dropped the schtick (but kept the humor).

I type a lot when I'm high.
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07/01/2014 03:55 AM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
Still, we've seen more brutal fatalities e.g. Kung Lao's Razor's Edge or Noob's Make A Wish

But not Kano's Heartbreak? Booooo!
07/01/2014 03:59 AM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
Demon_0 Wrote:
Still, we've seen more brutal fatalities e.g. Kung Lao's Razor's Edge or Noob's Make A Wish

But not Kano's Heartbreak? Booooo!

I remember when they said Kano's was a controversial fatality.

Look at them now...
Uppercut Editions
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07/01/2014 04:05 AM (UTC)
Whole buncha' queens and pissy little princesses in here. Yeesh. Can't you girls find another place to go bicker?

I thought it was a good fatality. A+ NRS.

BTW, I agree that this site has become a shitty situation (Every thread is either stupid, or turns into an argument) so yeah, there's that.
07/01/2014 04:27 AM (UTC)
That was one of the greatest 30 second clips that i've seen in my adult life. While mind you I will agree with some of those that have stated the fatalit feels a bit like two separate ones thrown together. Though the end result is still great regardless.

In regards to all the bickering, I'm glad it's done and over with as it's been stated before if you take personal issue with something that was said towards you, your best bet is to PM the individual. It doesn't necessarily set a great example of what this community is like for individuals that like to lurk. I've been visiting this site since the days of MK:DA, and I always come back thanks to the general great experience and helpful community members that have been here to guide anyone in need.

At the end of the day it's the internet people try not to get so worked up over text on a screen. We have enough problems in real life to get worked up over keyboard warriors that want to spit out nonsensical shit.

Sorry for the long winded post. I hope in due time we can all come together and sing Kumbaya around a campfire and roast marshmallows and simply get along with each other.

I love you all dearly. keep classy!
07/01/2014 05:10 AM (UTC)

You're a tad bit late kind sir, But thanks for trying!
07/01/2014 05:11 AM (UTC)
Yup! I saw that I was late to the party and I tried to delete the thread. Completely didn't see it.

By the way, is there a way to delete a created post?
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Thanks to MINION for the sig! My name is Ian, if you really care to know.

07/01/2014 05:13 AM (UTC)
Cool! Even though the quality isn't the best, I still get the gist of it.
07/01/2014 05:15 AM (UTC)
The_Cold_Kombatant Wrote:
Yup! I saw that I was late to the party and I tried to delete the thread. Completely didn't see it.

By the way, is there a way to delete a created post?

I believe an admin has to come in and do away with the thread. Not entirely sure to be quite honest.
07/01/2014 05:17 AM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
The_Cold_Kombatant Wrote:
Yup! I saw that I was late to the party and I tried to delete the thread. Completely didn't see it.

By the way, is there a way to delete a created post?

I believe an admin has to come in and do away with the thread. Not entirely sure to be quite honest.

Ah, ok. Damn. Sorry everyone.
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