06/30/2014 11:09 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Because I hate you.

And why is that?

Sorry, I shouldn't have been so vague. I don't hate just you. What I mean to say is that I hate ALL of you. I've never been hurt by an online community before, but MKO actually wounded me.

So, yeah...hate.

I mean other MK forums post the exact same material on their sites, why are they not under scrutiny?

They should be. There's a reason WB demands that the material be taken down, and there's a reason Youtube responds without resistance.

Because it's not meant to be public. It's copyrighted stuff we're not meant to be privy too, and yet some jackass in their basement thought: "Hurr hurr, Imma post it on the webz because I canz. Derp."

Sonya since 92
About Me

Bladdy lovely Sig by Minion. PSN -rlg24 LIVE -WestcountryBlud

06/30/2014 11:10 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Because I hate you.

And why is that?

Sorry, I shouldn't have been so vague. I don't hate just you. What I mean to say is that I hate ALL of you. I've never been hurt by an online community before, but MKO actually wounded me.

So, yeah...hate.

Good lord, this all a little over the top.
06/30/2014 11:13 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:

I'll just report those too. smile

It's too late now. The clip is leaked and from now on it will keep appearing whether you flag or report them or not. You can't reach them all, you aren't on the internet 24/7 with your eyes on every possible upload site there is. You are just one guy.

That you don't like leaks or spoilers, that's fine. But you can't prevent them and you can't stop people from seeing them.

You're absolutely right. I can't stop all of them. But I will knock down as many as I possibly can. Even if that only makes it marginally more difficult to find and view, that's fine with me.

Why do this?

Because I hate you.

Well then by all means delete your account and never come back if you despise everyone so much. Learn from your experience, bow out with dignity, and stop going on like a fucking drama queen.

Big deal. A few people on the forum have had disagreements with you. Grow up and get the fuck over it. There's no need to let your bitter attitude effect other members on this site who haven't had any altercations with you, and at the moment that's exactly what you're doing.

This isn't a leak. It's not the story's script, it's not leaked character reveals or the game's inner, darkest secrets. It's the end to a Fatality which we'd already seen most of and which has already been publicly exposed at E3. This happens with every Mortal Kombat game: snippets of info or video clips make their way to the Internet (you're living in 2014 in case you forgot) and we discuss it here and become all the more excited for the game. If that irks you, avoid forums.
06/30/2014 11:16 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Because I hate you.

And why is that?

Sorry, I shouldn't have been so vague. I don't hate just you. What I mean to say is that I hate ALL of you. I've never been hurt by an online community before, but MKO actually wounded me.

So, yeah...hate.

Aren't you taking this just a bit too personally? None of this has to do with you, yet it seems like you are seeing this, people watching a leak, as a personal attack on you. It isn't. We don't watch it simply to spite you, but because of your behaviour on this site, you are looked down upon. If you want that to stop, you need to change your behaviour.

Change my behavior? I'll admit, I got off to a rough start on this site because I acted like an ass, and my tif with Razor was ill-advised, but beyond that, I've been relatively neutral in tone when replying.

Hell, I really thought some people might agree with me on the whole leak thing, given the outrage I witnessed when MK9 was virtually leaked for all to see (story, sound bites, achievements, ect).

But what I got in return was vitrol in spades. I wasn't even trying to come across as holier than thou. I just thought it was disrespectful to NRS to look at stuff they (and WB) didn't want us (the general public) to see just yet.

I apparently came off that way, tho...
06/30/2014 11:18 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:

God, I would have loved to know how you would have handled 2011's entire game being leaked before released had you been apart of this site during that time.

I wouldn't be a bit bothered by your crap had you blame other sites, but all I'm seeing is that this is MKO's fault when clearly other fan sites are doing the same exact thing this very moment.
06/30/2014 11:19 PM (UTC)
ErmaSco Wrote:
Wondering if they are sending ya one of their lame shirts to keep posting the same post defending them whenever people complain.

Then again u r the one spending time and putting efforts into defending devs in a FORUM. Who needs a life ?

Ah, yes. Asking people to be sensible automatically means you work for devs for T-shirts. Well, as they say: "no need to think that all people could be bought like you are". Besides, I have life, so far at least. As for you - I am not really sure.
Icebaby Wrote:
God, I would have loved to know how you would have handled 2011's entire game being leaked before released had you been apart of this site during that time.
This was really horrible shit. For devs and for the community as a whole. I hope this time NRS will be smarter and will not let that happen.
06/30/2014 11:21 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:

God, I would have loved to know how you would have handled 2011's entire game being leaked before released had you been apart of this site during that time.

I wouldn't be a bit bothered by your crap had you blame other sites, but all I'm seeing is that this is MKO's fault when clearly other fan sites are doing the same exact thing this very moment.

To be fair, I said MKO was a shithole of a fansite because of the people here (which someone actually agreed). I never said the leak was because of MKO, nor that the leak was exclusive to MKO.
06/30/2014 11:22 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Because I hate you.

And why is that?

Sorry, I shouldn't have been so vague. I don't hate just you. What I mean to say is that I hate ALL of you. I've never been hurt by an online community before, but MKO actually wounded me.

So, yeah...hate.

Aren't you taking this just a bit too personally? None of this has to do with you, yet it seems like you are seeing this, people watching a leak, as a personal attack on you. It isn't. We don't watch it simply to spite you, but because of your behaviour on this site, you are looked down upon. If you want that to stop, you need to change your behaviour.

Change my behavior? I'll admit, I got off to a rough start on this site because I acted like an ass, and my tif with Razor was ill-advised, but beyond that, I've been relatively neutral in tone when replying.

Hell, I really thought some people might agree with me on the whole leak thing, given the outrage I witnessed when MK9 was virtually leaked for all to see (story, sound bites, achievements, ect).

But what I got in return was vitrol in spades. I wasn't even trying to come across as holier than thou. I just thought it was disrespectful to NRS to look at stuff they (and WB) didn't want us (the general public) to see just yet.

I apparently came off that way, tho...

Yes, you did. And your hate-speech towards the whole MKO community didn't help your cause either. Brushing every single member over with the same comb isn't going to sit well with people. For example, though I like to see leaks and such, I have absolutely nothing against you as a person and I respect that you don't like leaks. But when you go on a crusade against people who don't share your opinion, no matter what it may be, you should expect to be treated badly in return. That's not just in the MKO community, that is how life is in general.
06/30/2014 11:27 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:

God, I would have loved to know how you would have handled 2011's entire game being leaked before released had you been apart of this site during that time.

I wouldn't be a bit bothered by your crap had you blame other sites, but all I'm seeing is that this is MKO's fault when clearly other fan sites are doing the same exact thing this very moment.

To be fair, I said MKO was a shithole of a fansite because of the people here (which someone actually agreed). I never said the leak was because of MKO, nor that the leak was exclusive to MKO.

Quit generalizing.

You've had a handful of members on this site disagree with you a few times and as a result you've taken your pissy attitude out on others, depriving members (like myself) who up until this point have had no hostility with you of content and excitement whilst tarring us all with the one brush. Get a grip of yourself. You're being over dramatic and incredibly inconsiderate of the other members on this board (both lurkers and posters) who are actually looking forward and excited about new content. Respect the devs work and respect the game as much as you want. Nobody is depriving you of your beliefs and believe it or not some people actually respect you for them. But don't be such an ass you'd deprive others of their own enjoyment solely for disagreeing with you.
06/30/2014 11:31 PM (UTC)
So no one else thinks this is disrespectful to NRS? No one else see's an issue with viewing content Boon did not want to show the rest of us (those of us not at E3), even as WB requests the video to be taken down over and over again? It's ok to basically defy and snub our noses at the people who are pouring their heart and souls into the franchise we adore? Because isn't that what we're doing everytime we re-upload that video and view the content anyway?

How is that "not" wrong?

Can't we wait for them to reveal the stuff they want to reveal and be happy with that?
06/30/2014 11:33 PM (UTC)
DAMN, his fatality looks SICK.
06/30/2014 11:35 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
God, I would have loved to know how you would have handled 2011's entire game being leaked before released had you been apart of this site during that time.

This was really horrible shit. For devs and for the community as a whole. I hope this time NRS will be smarter and will not let that happen.

Oh I agree. I hated that a lot of stuff got spilled, and the fact that people were too disrespectful to post a spoiler right in the title of the thread rather than just saying, "This thread contains spoilers," I hated coming here at times.

I've even asked if this site is prepared for something like that again and I never really got an answer for it. Shame, because if there was to ever have an entire game be leaked again, I'd like to know if this site has more control over who can see what or if the mods can change things immediately if there's some rule breaking issue.
06/30/2014 11:36 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
So no one else thinks this is disrespectful to NRS? No one else see's an issue with viewing content Boon did not want to show the rest of us (those of us not at E3), even as WB requests the video to be taken down over and over again? It's ok to basically defy and snub our noses at the people who are pouring their heart and souls into the franchise we adore? Because isn't that what we're doing everytime we re-upload that video and view the content anyway?

How is that "not" wrong?

Can't we wait for them to reveal the stuff they want to reveal and be happy with that?

The leak has no bad effect. If anything, it just makes people more hyped about the game. So no, I don't see anything bad with it.

The full Fatality was shown to the public. Someone got it on cam and uploaded it for others to see. If NRS didn't want people to see it, then they shouldn't have shown it in the first place.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

06/30/2014 11:36 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:

To be fair, I said MKO was a shithole of a fansite because of the people here (which someone actually agreed). I never said the leak was because of MKO, nor that the leak was exclusive to MKO.


I wouldn't take all this personally friend. Most here are pretty passionate (yourself included), and tensions are bound to run high. Just because a few disagree with you, doesn't mean the whole community is out to get ya.

Diff'rent strokes yo.
06/30/2014 11:36 PM (UTC)
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:

God, I would have loved to know how you would have handled 2011's entire game being leaked before released had you been apart of this site during that time.

I wouldn't be a bit bothered by your crap had you blame other sites, but all I'm seeing is that this is MKO's fault when clearly other fan sites are doing the same exact thing this very moment.

To be fair, I said MKO was a shithole of a fansite because of the people here (which someone actually agreed). I never said the leak was because of MKO, nor that the leak was exclusive to MKO.

Quit generalizing.

You've had a handful of members on this site disagree with you a few times and as a result you've taken your pissy attitude out on others, depriving members (like myself) who up until this point have had no hostility with you of content and excitement whilst tarring us all with the one brush. Get a grip of yourself. You're being over dramatic and incredibly inconsiderate of the other members on this board (both lurkers and posters) who are actually looking forward and excited about new content.

Respect the devs work and respect the game as much as you want. Nobody is depriving you of your beliefs and believe it or not some people actually respect you for them. But don't be such an ass you'd deprive others of their own enjoyment solely for disagreeing with you.

There were 3 people I got pissy with.

1. Razor: I've already said I crossed the line here. (And i got pissy with one of his supporters, but that was 1 post).

2. Thar? (I believe is his name). I tried to troll him. Bad move on my part.

3. Projectzero00. I'm not going in to that one. Settled via admins (I think).

I can't think of anymore. If you want to show me more, by all means?
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

06/30/2014 11:43 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
So no one else thinks this is disrespectful to NRS? No one else see's an issue with viewing content Boon did not want to show the rest of us (those of us not at E3), even as WB requests the video to be taken down over and over again? It's ok to basically defy and snub our noses at the people who are pouring their heart and souls into the franchise we adore? Because isn't that what we're doing everytime we re-upload that video and view the content anyway?

How is that "not" wrong?

Can't we wait for them to reveal the stuff they want to reveal and be happy with that?

It is not wrong because not everyone can go to E3. It penalises those that never went and having to hear a description from someone else is irratating. If NRS did not want to show the fatality then they should not have shown it to anybody.
06/30/2014 11:43 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:

To be fair, I said MKO was a shithole of a fansite because of the people here (which someone actually agreed). I never said the leak was because of MKO, nor that the leak was exclusive to MKO.


I wouldn't take all this personally friend. Most here are pretty passionate (yourself included), and tensions are bound to run high. Just because a few disagree with you, doesn't mean the whole community is out to get ya.

Diff'rent strokes yo.

Thank you for the kind reply. You're right, of course. I guess I got pretty defensive when the first reply to me basically called me a dick and a holier than thou ass (which I apparently come off as. My bad.), followed by the generalization that I was a *tithead* (shivers) in general. It just flabbergasted me, given that I thought the majority of MKO was against leaks of any kind given the MK9 reaction (been lurking longer than you think). I guess as others have pointed out, they either don't care or don't consider this a leak.

Again, my bad.
06/30/2014 11:43 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:

God, I would have loved to know how you would have handled 2011's entire game being leaked before released had you been apart of this site during that time.

I wouldn't be a bit bothered by your crap had you blame other sites, but all I'm seeing is that this is MKO's fault when clearly other fan sites are doing the same exact thing this very moment.

To be fair, I said MKO was a shithole of a fansite because of the people here (which someone actually agreed). I never said the leak was because of MKO, nor that the leak was exclusive to MKO.

Quit generalizing.

You've had a handful of members on this site disagree with you a few times and as a result you've taken your pissy attitude out on others, depriving members (like myself) who up until this point have had no hostility with you of content and excitement whilst tarring us all with the one brush. Get a grip of yourself. You're being over dramatic and incredibly inconsiderate of the other members on this board (both lurkers and posters) who are actually looking forward and excited about new content.

Respect the devs work and respect the game as much as you want. Nobody is depriving you of your beliefs and believe it or not some people actually respect you for them. But don't be such an ass you'd deprive others of their own enjoyment solely for disagreeing with you.

There were 3 people I got pissy with.

1. Razor: I've already said I crossed the line here. (And i got pissy with one of his supporters, but that was 1 post).

2. Thar? (I believe is his name). I tried to troll him. Bad move on my part.

3. Projectzero00. I'm not going in to that one. Settled via admins (I think).

I can't think of anymore. If you want to show me more, by all means?

I don't feel the need to show you anything. You've actually just highlighted my point all the more.

You disagreed with 3 people, and labelled the whole of MKO's community negatively as a result of it. You've even been bitter enough to continue to try deny others the right to view a Fatality clip which was already made public by actively trying to get the video removed.

Grow a thicker skin, get that chip off your shoulder and stop taking your previous arguments out on the rest of us.
06/30/2014 11:46 PM (UTC)
Thing is, you cannot go to an expo and not expect someone to whip out their cell phones to capture something. Someone is always going to be that guy, whether they did it for the interest of people who couldn't see this themselves or just for personal gain.

Either way, if Netherrealm Studios seriously had this big of an issue about this being leaked, I'm sure Ed would have done his twit post or whatever and ask for people to take it down.

Problem is, once it's in the internet, you can't control it anymore. It's gone, out of your hands, and more and more people are going to keep reposting something, even if you're that one person that tries to report it.

As what we say in World of Warcraft, reported for reporting.
06/30/2014 11:54 PM (UTC)
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:

God, I would have loved to know how you would have handled 2011's entire game being leaked before released had you been apart of this site during that time.

I wouldn't be a bit bothered by your crap had you blame other sites, but all I'm seeing is that this is MKO's fault when clearly other fan sites are doing the same exact thing this very moment.

To be fair, I said MKO was a shithole of a fansite because of the people here (which someone actually agreed). I never said the leak was because of MKO, nor that the leak was exclusive to MKO.

Quit generalizing.

You've had a handful of members on this site disagree with you a few times and as a result you've taken your pissy attitude out on others, depriving members (like myself) who up until this point have had no hostility with you of content and excitement whilst tarring us all with the one brush. Get a grip of yourself. You're being over dramatic and incredibly inconsiderate of the other members on this board (both lurkers and posters) who are actually looking forward and excited about new content.

Respect the devs work and respect the game as much as you want. Nobody is depriving you of your beliefs and believe it or not some people actually respect you for them. But don't be such an ass you'd deprive others of their own enjoyment solely for disagreeing with you.

There were 3 people I got pissy with.

1. Razor: I've already said I crossed the line here. (And i got pissy with one of his supporters, but that was 1 post).

2. Thar? (I believe is his name). I tried to troll him. Bad move on my part.

3. Projectzero00. I'm not going in to that one. Settled via admins (I think).

I can't think of anymore. If you want to show me more, by all means?

I don't feel the need to show you anything. You've actually just highlighted my point all the more.

You disagreed with 3 people, and labelled the whole of MKO's community negatively as a result of it. You've even been bitter enough to continue to try deny others the right to view a Fatality clip which was already made public by actively trying to get the video removed.

Grow a thicker skin, get that chip off your shoulder and stop taking your previous arguments out on the rest of us.

My point was that it was only three people that I've argued with. That being said, I've visited many, many threads, and the one thing they all have in common (99% of time at least) is 1, 2, 3, or 4 or more people tearing into each other over dumb things.

It never fails (and no, the irony of the present thread is not lost on me).

Just about everyone here is guilty of getting pissy with someone else, and generally over something asinine. It just makes this place seem toxic and uninviting.

I didn't help, I know. I just got SOOO mad with this thread, and I snapped with it. I'm human, and I can be wounded just as easily over the web as in person. And I can fuck up pretty royally. Like here.

I underestimated the reaction, and I responded in an increasingly defensive way.

I messed up. I admit it.
06/30/2014 11:59 PM (UTC)
Video game clips are somewhat blurred regarding copyright law, especially when it comes to public viewership.

This would technically be an NDA violation if the person recording submitted it under contractual agreement to not release it to the public early, but since E3 is a public event with no such things (unless otherwise noted) it's hard to really say what it falls under.

In business theory, WB could knowingly just keep taking the video down to create hype and free marketing since everyone wants to see the video, and then end up releasing a high qualty HD version later.
About Me
07/01/2014 12:03 AM (UTC)
Sick! The sound effects really ramp up the stomach churning.
And there's going to be so many more! I can't wait!
07/01/2014 12:11 AM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:

God, I would have loved to know how you would have handled 2011's entire game being leaked before released had you been apart of this site during that time.

I wouldn't be a bit bothered by your crap had you blame other sites, but all I'm seeing is that this is MKO's fault when clearly other fan sites are doing the same exact thing this very moment.

To be fair, I said MKO was a shithole of a fansite because of the people here (which someone actually agreed). I never said the leak was because of MKO, nor that the leak was exclusive to MKO.

Quit generalizing.

You've had a handful of members on this site disagree with you a few times and as a result you've taken your pissy attitude out on others, depriving members (like myself) who up until this point have had no hostility with you of content and excitement whilst tarring us all with the one brush. Get a grip of yourself. You're being over dramatic and incredibly inconsiderate of the other members on this board (both lurkers and posters) who are actually looking forward and excited about new content.

Respect the devs work and respect the game as much as you want. Nobody is depriving you of your beliefs and believe it or not some people actually respect you for them. But don't be such an ass you'd deprive others of their own enjoyment solely for disagreeing with you.

There were 3 people I got pissy with.

1. Razor: I've already said I crossed the line here. (And i got pissy with one of his supporters, but that was 1 post).

2. Thar? (I believe is his name). I tried to troll him. Bad move on my part.

3. Projectzero00. I'm not going in to that one. Settled via admins (I think).

I can't think of anymore. If you want to show me more, by all means?

I don't feel the need to show you anything. You've actually just highlighted my point all the more.

You disagreed with 3 people, and labelled the whole of MKO's community negatively as a result of it. You've even been bitter enough to continue to try deny others the right to view a Fatality clip which was already made public by actively trying to get the video removed.

Grow a thicker skin, get that chip off your shoulder and stop taking your previous arguments out on the rest of us.

My point was that it was only three people that I've argued with. That being said, I've visited many, many threads, and the one thing they all have in common (99% of time at least) is 1, 2, 3, or 4 or more people tearing into each other over dumb things.

It never fails (and no, the irony of the present thread is not lost on me).

Just about everyone here is guilty of getting pissy with someone else, and generally over something asinine. It just makes this place seem toxic and uninviting.

I didn't help, I know. I just got SOOO mad with this thread, and I snapped with it. I'm human, and I can be wounded just as easily over the web as in person. And I can fuck up pretty royally. Like here.

I underestimated the reaction, and I responded in an increasingly defensive way.

I messed up. I admit it.

Fair dues to you for admitting you've messed up, but I can't help but notice this is a repeat thing with yourself. You've admitted to crossing the line with Razor and to trolling another member as well as flying off the handle here.

Look, I hate to be blunt but I have to remind you that you're on the Internet.

This doesn't effect you in real life, or at least it shouldn't. You'll never meet these people in real life and it's not like everybody here is friends that know each other years. It's a fan site where people who are passionate about a franchise come to collectively discuss what's going on and share our excitement.

You're going to have disagreements with other members, that's inevitable and it's nothing to take personal. You're going to get that in life regardless if it's on the Internet or in person, it's your responsibility to behave maturely and react accordingly, especially in a community based atmosphere like here. If you can't learn from your mistakes and if it genuinely is effecting you so badly, I don't advise you to continue posting on forums.

I don't mean to lecture or preach here at all but someone needs to be direct and honest with you in a way that's not bitchy or sarky, and you're only going to keep repeating those mistakes if someone doesn't try to point you in the right direction.
07/01/2014 12:19 AM (UTC)
AS FUCKING USUAL I arrive too late and the god damn video was taken down.

EDIT: nvm, thank god for YT
07/01/2014 12:20 AM (UTC)
blacksaibot Wrote:
AS FUCKING USUAL I arrive too late and the god damn video was taken down.

Nah man it's out there. I believe a few links have been posted in here.
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