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Thanks to MINION for the sig! My name is Ian, if you really care to know.

07/01/2014 05:21 AM (UTC)
Just went over to the first thread. This thread is already more on-topic than that one.

Wow tongue
07/01/2014 06:54 AM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
NoobSaibot5 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:

God, I would have loved to know how you would have handled 2011's entire game being leaked before released had you been apart of this site during that time.

I wouldn't be a bit bothered by your crap had you blame other sites, but all I'm seeing is that this is MKO's fault when clearly other fan sites are doing the same exact thing this very moment.

To be fair, I said MKO was a shithole of a fansite because of the people here (which someone actually agreed). I never said the leak was because of MKO, nor that the leak was exclusive to MKO.

Quit generalizing.

You've had a handful of members on this site disagree with you a few times and as a result you've taken your pissy attitude out on others, depriving members (like myself) who up until this point have had no hostility with you of content and excitement whilst tarring us all with the one brush. Get a grip of yourself. You're being over dramatic and incredibly inconsiderate of the other members on this board (both lurkers and posters) who are actually looking forward and excited about new content.

Respect the devs work and respect the game as much as you want. Nobody is depriving you of your beliefs and believe it or not some people actually respect you for them. But don't be such an ass you'd deprive others of their own enjoyment solely for disagreeing with you.

There were 3 people I got pissy with.

1. Razor: I've already said I crossed the line here. (And i got pissy with one of his supporters, but that was 1 post).

2. Thar? (I believe is his name). I tried to troll him. Bad move on my part.

3. Projectzero00. I'm not going in to that one. Settled via admins (I think).

I can't think of anymore. If you want to show me more, by all means?

I don't feel the need to show you anything. You've actually just highlighted my point all the more.

You disagreed with 3 people, and labelled the whole of MKO's community negatively as a result of it. You've even been bitter enough to continue to try deny others the right to view a Fatality clip which was already made public by actively trying to get the video removed.

Grow a thicker skin, get that chip off your shoulder and stop taking your previous arguments out on the rest of us.

My point was that it was only three people that I've argued with. That being said, I've visited many, many threads, and the one thing they all have in common (99% of time at least) is 1, 2, 3, or 4 or more people tearing into each other over dumb things.

It never fails (and no, the irony of the present thread is not lost on me).

Just about everyone here is guilty of getting pissy with someone else, and generally over something asinine. It just makes this place seem toxic and uninviting.

I didn't help, I know. I just got SOOO mad with this thread, and I snapped with it. I'm human, and I can be wounded just as easily over the web as in person. And I can fuck up pretty royally. Like here.

I underestimated the reaction, and I responded in an increasingly defensive way.

I messed up. I admit it.

Fair dues to you for admitting you've messed up, but I can't help but notice this is a repeat thing with yourself. You've admitted to crossing the line with Razor and to trolling another member as well as flying off the handle here.

Look, I hate to be blunt but I have to remind you that you're on the Internet.

This doesn't effect you in real life, or at least it shouldn't. You'll never meet these people in real life and it's not like everybody here is friends that know each other years. It's a fan site where people who are passionate about a franchise come to collectively discuss what's going on and share our excitement.

You're going to have disagreements with other members, that's inevitable and it's nothing to take personal. You're going to get that in life regardless if it's on the Internet or in person, it's your responsibility to behave maturely and react accordingly, especially in a community based atmosphere like here. If you can't learn from your mistakes and if it genuinely is effecting you so badly, I don't advise you to continue posting on forums.

I don't mean to lecture or preach here at all but someone needs to be direct and honest with you in a way that's not bitchy or sarky, and you're only going to keep repeating those mistakes if someone doesn't try to point you in the right direction.

No, you're right. I should grow a thicker skin, and I should learn to hold my tongue (you'd think I'd have learned that by 25). To be perfectly honest, I've been feeling a lot of fucking anger these past few months, and I don't know why. I'm not a confrontational person in RL, and I like to keep to myself (not a recluse, mind you, just generally prefer my own company).

I'm taking my anger out on others online, it seems. Things start to bug me, and I feel like I have to push back, HARD. That's no way to treat anyone, though. I have to stop, and I will.

Wish MKX was out already. I need to decap someone who doesn't have feelz...

Ok now I just wanted to reply to this thread for a few reasons, but mainly because someone here recently asked me how I could get angry over something that once transpired on this forum, so I am glad in a way to see I am not the only one. I can also relate to feeling very angry without any logical reason and that is part of why I got very angry during a heated debate about Hsu Hao way back in 2002 and I swore I would never come back here again. But many years have passed and I've had to take some anger management classes after an ugly incident at Denny's, so now I deal with my anger much better and I feel I can return without getting involved in any confrontations this time, even though I've already seen a few comments that have really offended me. But anyways...

I like the fatality. I had to watch it because it really annoyed me that I saw all the others and just kept hearing about this one.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

07/01/2014 06:56 AM (UTC)
I missed every link I clicked on, I guess it's just a sign telling me to wait.
07/01/2014 06:58 AM (UTC)
fijikungfu Wrote:
I missed every link I clicked on, I guess it's just a sign telling me to wait.

Just type it in on youtube. It should be the first one that pops up.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

07/01/2014 07:11 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
fijikungfu Wrote:
I missed every link I clicked on, I guess it's just a sign telling me to wait.

Just type it in on youtube. It should be the first one that pops up.

Okay well I guess no dessert for me, God that was absolutely disgusting. I like how Sub-Zero's mask falls off as soon as he gets sliced, the attention to detail. But man, this will probably be a fatality I rarely use, if ever. Just like Kung Lao's fatality, so disturbing to watch.
07/01/2014 07:21 AM (UTC)
fijikungfu Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
fijikungfu Wrote:
I missed every link I clicked on, I guess it's just a sign telling me to wait.

Just type it in on youtube. It should be the first one that pops up.

Okay well I guess no dessert for me, God that was absolutely disgusting. I like how Sub-Zero's mask falls off as soon as he gets sliced, the attention to detail. But man, this will probably be a fatality I rarely use, if ever. Just like Kung Lao's fatality, just so disturbing to watch.

I also like how Sub-Zero's expression goes from extreme pain to just a blank limp stare.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

07/01/2014 07:29 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
fijikungfu Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
fijikungfu Wrote:
I missed every link I clicked on, I guess it's just a sign telling me to wait.

Just type it in on youtube. It should be the first one that pops up.

Okay well I guess no dessert for me, God that was absolutely disgusting. I like how Sub-Zero's mask falls off as soon as he gets sliced, the attention to detail. But man, this will probably be a fatality I rarely use, if ever. Just like Kung Lao's fatality, just so disturbing to watch.

I also like how Sub-Zero's expression goes from extreme pain to just a blank limp stare.

Just noticed that, plus the fire on the clothes. Next-gen fatalities have arrived. NRS were surely serial killers in their past lives lol.
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-sig by MINION

07/01/2014 07:35 AM (UTC)
J-spit Wrote:
That fatality was sick. You guys aren't being honest with yourselves saying "they did this in MK9'. I don't remember seeing any flopping brains or falling masks. The cut technology was more limited. We've never seen a face off, and that cheap Hell stage fatality doesn't count.
I think people were speaking more to the excessiveness of the MK9 fatalities. They kind of had an odd order to them. Jax sploading your head then for some reason ripping off your arms as if it mattered at that point, for example.

This one is similar in that of course it's brutal and gruesome and it's a technological triumph but it kind of goes in two different directions. They focus on the fireball and the heart and then literally leave it hanging. It almost seems like there's no point to it except to show off the fact that NRS can now dangle hearts.
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Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
07/01/2014 08:02 AM (UTC)
^ That makes more sense then. At least with this one the opponent wasn't already dead.
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07/01/2014 02:05 PM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
I love the fatality but it just seems a little disconnected from itself. Wouldn't it make more sense for the hole/heart to play a further role?

How would I perfect it?

After the fireball and heart-drop, Subzero falls to his knees and actually grabs his own heart. holding it out of his chest with both hands and looking down at it in agony, Scorpion THEN does the chop. Face, Heart and hands all gone with one swipe.


I like that idea!

The Fatality is great and gruesome but I agree that it seems like two different Ideas...The dangling heart should have been elaborated on.
07/01/2014 04:07 PM (UTC)
I don't like this fatality.

I want a fire breath fatality for him (original one) and a into hell fatality like in MK9, I loved that one.

This fatality is just another hack-n-slash fatality, I would like that on the more physical characters such as Jax.
07/01/2014 04:22 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I don't like this fatality.

I want a fire breath fatality for him (original one) and a into hell fatality like in MK9, I loved that one.

This fatality is just another hack-n-slash fatality, I would like that on the more physical characters such as Jax.

Well I like it because it combines both aspects of Scorpion in one fatality. I will also agree though, it seems start in one direction and completely jumps to another.
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07/01/2014 04:49 PM (UTC)
They should make Scorpion's fatality from the trailer, but instead of sticking the head on the tree, make it stick to the front camera (the screen). grin
07/01/2014 06:15 PM (UTC)
loving Scorpion's fatality smile
07/01/2014 06:30 PM (UTC)
Am I the only one who thinks it is genuinely boring?
Yes, the animations and the effects are really well done, but the overall execution of it just seems bland to me.
07/01/2014 06:33 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks it is genuinely boring?
Yes, the animations and the effects are really well done, but the overall execution of it just seems bland to me.

It's not as bland as Ferra/Torr's.
07/01/2014 06:34 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks it is genuinely boring?
Yes, the animations and the effects are really well done, but the overall execution of it just seems bland to me.

It's not as bland as Ferra/Torr's.

I think it is.
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-sig by MINION

07/01/2014 06:36 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks it is genuinely boring?
Yes, the animations and the effects are really well done, but the overall execution of it just seems bland to me.
Yeah it's gruesome and gore-y and is impressive technically but it's not what I look for in a fatality.
07/01/2014 06:42 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks it is genuinely boring?
Yes, the animations and the effects are really well done, but the overall execution of it just seems bland to me.

It's not as bland as Ferra/Torr's.

I think it is.

You are not allowed to have an opinion that differs from mine!grin

Who knows, they may change things up before the release.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

07/01/2014 07:12 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks it is genuinely boring?
Yes, the animations and the effects are really well done, but the overall execution of it just seems bland to me.

I think it suits him well. Like I could picture Scorpion actually doing this to someone, given his character and personality so that's a plus. Sub-Zero's fatality on the other hand (if he is Kuai Liang) is not something I could see him doing to somebody, or a prime example Kung Lao's slicing from the nuts up. But this, I think paralyzing the opponent and going in for the ruthless kill was perfectly executed for an Undead Ninja like Scorpion. And the view of the tongue and the brain gushing and sliding around, I don't understand how anyone can not be grossed out by that lol.
07/01/2014 07:31 PM (UTC)
Kuai Liang did the "tear your body in half" fatality in MK3 as well.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

07/01/2014 07:36 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
fijikungfu Wrote:
Sub-Zero's fatality on the other hand (if he is Kuai Liang) is not something I could see him doing to somebody

He did it in MK3.

I meant him personally using it on his own terms.
07/01/2014 07:37 PM (UTC)

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

Also... I fucking hate this forum's quote system. It always fucks up.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

07/01/2014 07:44 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

Also... I fucking hate this forum's quote system. It always fucks up.

Yeah I'm always back-spacing all the br/'s when I quote someone, it gets annoying sometimes when I'm quoting ten people. What I mean is that it's cool to see Kung Lao split someone from the nuts up, but he'd never do that in a canon-story (or at least I hope he wouldn't). The same thing with Kuai Liang, I could picture Bi-Han doing that fatality to someone though.

But I don't have anything against their fatalities, they're pretty creative from an unbiased standpoint. But it's always been a bonus for me when a fatality matches their character and personality.
07/01/2014 07:45 PM (UTC)
fijikungfu Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

Also... I fucking hate this forum's quote system. It always fucks up.

Yeah I'm always back-spacing all the br/'s when I quote someone, it gets annoying sometimes when I'm quoting ten people. What I mean is that it's cool to see Kung Lao split someone from the nuts up, but he'd never do that in a canon-story (or at least I hope he wouldn't). The same thing with Kuai Liang, I could picture Bi-Han doing that fatality to someone though.

But I don't have anything against their fatalities, they're pretty creative from an unbiased standpoint. But it's always been a bonus for me when a fatality matches their character and personality.

Ah, I get what you mean now. ^^
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