Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
I can't believe I am defending t-rex, but what I think he/she meant (maybe not with the best choice of words) is that a character's, race, sex, sexual orientation should not be the main focus of the character. People say things like race, gender doesn't matter, but ironically either throw a fit or put a character on a pedalstood just because they are from a certain group. I get wanting recognition in fiction to a point, but the focus on what a character is rather than who they are is just another form of the prejudice that they want to get away from.

It's true, it shouldn't be the the main focus...but should it be hided?

And race? Well you can't have your first black character completely covered in white paint and just let him/her hint that behind the exterior layer they're black.
Like it's something shameful, like it's freaking Lord Voldemort that it should not be named (woah, I just did!)
It would explode like dynamite...just look how much shit NRS got for "whitening" Jade and Tanya.
giggles Wrote:
And what's wrong with Steve? Oh he hit on you...oh my *right in your manly feels*. You know Liara "misunderstands" being nice as well, right? But you probably have no problem with her, huh?
The game just gives you a chance to choose if you're interested or not, like with every other character, it's not pushing you there.

And Dorian...Dorian is just gay and proud. But you don't mind "gay" as long as they're "silent", as long as the only display of "gayness" is a hint, as long as they act straight or how you think gays should "realistically" act.
Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I get from your posts.


Okay, The problem with Steve is not that he hit on you which he never did unless you flirt with him. I don't recall him ever coming on to you in any other Shep playthroughs I've played (And that's a fucking lot lemme tell you) but I wouldn't know that well enough because I tended to ignore him only slightly less than I did to Diana Allers.

No, His whole story with his husband comes off as extremely forced and it was obvious Bioware was laying it on thick to get the LGBT praise after so much criticism about Male/Male LIs not being in the games when it was apparently cut content. Everyone wanted Garrus And Vega but noooo we got some shitty pilot and Mr. Personality Kaidan Alenko instead.

Hell you know who my favorite gay character is in Bioware games? Fucking Preitor Gavorn the turian on Omega. And he may not even be gay. But the context of stepping in and spying on his personal life and getting a small vague hint like that is MILES better than "Oh sorry Shepard I was just listening to this badly acted voice recording of my husband, what's up?"

Wha...what were we talking about?

Oh Kung Jin, They did Kung Jin really well.

I love the subtlety because NOBODY saw that shit coming ever since the Cast Leak told us who he was. Seriously can any of us have called that when we first knew about him? Anyone at all? And it plays well with his self-loathing and cocky jerkass attitude too and that's why I like characters like that.

This is a character that happens to be gay but is not a designated gay character.

If we didn't get confirmation we'd still be arguing about from now to MK11.
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

04/16/2015 01:35 AM (UTC)
giggles Wrote:
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
I can't believe I am defending t-rex, but what I think he/she meant (maybe not with the best choice of words) is that a character's, race, sex, sexual orientation should not be the main focus of the character. People say things like race, gender doesn't matter, but ironically either throw a fit or put a character on a pedalstood just because they are from a certain group. I get wanting recognition in fiction to a point, but the focus on what a character is rather than who they are is just another form of the prejudice that they want to get away from.

It's true, it shouldn't be the the main focus...but should it be hided?

And race? Well you can't have your first black character completely covered in white paint and just let him/her hint that behind the exterior layer they're black.
Like it's something shameful, like it's freaking Lord Voldemort that it should not be named (woah, I just did!)
It would explode like dynamite...just look how much shit NRS got for "whitening" Jade and Tanya.

No it should not be hidden, but the skin comparison is not the best. You can't help to notice that someone is black because of the features and color. Homo and heterosexualality are preferences not something that is visual. You can have a black person or a woman, but what if they were all portrayed as walking sterotypes? It would look more prejudice than not having them in the game. As for Jade and Tanya, character features change in almost every game. Jade was dark in mk9 her render was light, it really depends on the artist rather than it being a form of white washing.
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04/16/2015 03:51 AM (UTC)
Gay people, like everyone else, are individuals.

As for "flaming homos", it takes a lot of balls to be one in this world. There is nothing wrong with men who are stereotypically feminine. It's just how they are. Saying that there is something wrong with them is like saying there is something wrong with women, that they're beneath you and a man should be better than a woman. I love my flaming friends. I'd welcome a flaming Kombatant as long as they weren't made as an offensive joke (like someone in blackface).

Most gay people in the world, you'd never know. Shit, I have pink hair and people still usually don't know unless I tell them.
04/16/2015 04:01 AM (UTC)
Kung Jin being gay was bait created in 4chan. I know, because I was there when it happened.
Indigo Wrote:
Kung Jin being gay was bait created in 4chan. I know, because I was there when it happened.

It's not some "big 4chan ruse"

It's confirmed by one of the story guys that he is in fact gay.

If you were on 4chan you'd know it's confirmed because people would tell you.
04/16/2015 04:14 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Indigo Wrote:
Kung Jin being gay was bait created in 4chan. I know, because I was there when it happened.

It's not some "big 4chan ruse"

It's confirmed by one of the story guys that he is in fact gay.

If you were on 4chan you'd know it's confirmed because people would tell you.

Seriously? Which story guys said he was? When the leaks happened, I bailed the threads until I got my hands on the game. I haven't really been following anything since yesterday. But back to 2 weeks ago. I remember people were using the whole "Kung Jin is gay" thing as an excuse just to ruin threads.
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04/16/2015 04:19 AM (UTC)
Try reading the thread before you post something stupid. The Dev confirmation that Kung Jin is gay is in this thread. Edit: like, here --
Indigo Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Indigo Wrote:
Kung Jin being gay was bait created in 4chan. I know, because I was there when it happened.

It's not some "big 4chan ruse"

It's confirmed by one of the story guys that he is in fact gay.

If you were on 4chan you'd know it's confirmed because people would tell you.

Seriously? Which story guys said he was? When the leaks happened, I bailed the threads until I got my hands on the game. I haven't really been following anything since yesterday. But back to 2 weeks ago. I remember people were using the whole "Kung Jin is gay" thing as an excuse just to ruin threads.

Pfft those threads weren't ruined at all m8. And it wasn't an excuse to ruin thread filled with leaks it was an at the time random line of dialogue that got people wondering.
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

04/16/2015 04:35 AM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
Gay people, like everyone else, are individuals.

As for "flaming homos", it takes a lot of balls to be one in this world. There is nothing wrong with men who are stereotypically feminine. It's just how they are. Saying that there is something wrong with them is like saying there is something wrong with women, that they're beneath you and a man should be better than a woman. I love my flaming friends. I'd welcome a flaming Kombatant as long as they weren't made as an offensive joke (like someone in blackface).

Most gay people in the world, you'd never know. Shit, I have pink hair and people still usually don't know unless I tell them.

Homosexuality is a sexual preference. There a difference between personality types and sexuality. I don't mind feminine men, hell there are some feminine strait men. But hardcore swish gay guys like the ones you see on Rupaul's drag race are like the ratchet girls of the gay community. Gay is great, but being an obnoxious look at me douche is not cool in any group.
04/16/2015 05:01 AM (UTC)
I think the point that a lot of you are trying to make is that a gay person does not run into a room, announce they are gay with glitter, and make out with an oiled up man in a speedo.

The ambiguous nature of Kung Jin's sexuality, in my opinion, is the appropriate way to handle the character if he is gay. He doesn't need to have a boyfriend in the game or need to flirt with other male characters; not to hide his sexuality, but rather to establish him as a stable character and not the "token gay."
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04/16/2015 10:13 AM (UTC)
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
MikeyRu Wrote:
Gay people, like everyone else, are individuals.

As for "flaming homos", it takes a lot of balls to be one in this world. There is nothing wrong with men who are stereotypically feminine. It's just how they are. Saying that there is something wrong with them is like saying there is something wrong with women, that they're beneath you and a man should be better than a woman. I love my flaming friends. I'd welcome a flaming Kombatant as long as they weren't made as an offensive joke (like someone in blackface).

Most gay people in the world, you'd never know. Shit, I have pink hair and people still usually don't know unless I tell them.

Homosexuality is a sexual preference. There a difference between personality types and sexuality. I don't mind feminine men, hell there are some feminine strait men. But hardcore swish gay guys like the ones you see on Rupaul's drag race are like the ratchet girls of the gay community. Gay is great, but being an obnoxious look at me douche is not cool in any group.

Homosexuality isn't a "preference". It's an orientation.

As for RuPaul's Drag Race....GIRL. You need to check your history.

Drag queens have been on the forefront of the battlefield for LGBT rights since the beginning. Drag queens were a major part of the Stonewall Riot (a major tipping point in gay history). "Swishy" queens are expressing themselves and having fun. Some of them are doing it for show, and some of them are just naturally that way.

If you don't like it, well...

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04/16/2015 10:43 AM (UTC)
giggles Wrote:
How is a "realistic gay" exactly? Is there such a thing? So a fabulous "flaming", in your face homo isn't realistic?

"Realistic" how?

In a sense that they exist out there?
Yes, I suppose they do.

How likely are you to see one outside of NYC and the San Francisco Bay Area?
Not very.

When you meet a random gay person, is the fact that they're gay one of the first things they tell a stranger about themselves?
Not unless their sexuality completely defines them, no.

Do THOSE people exist?

Do they mostly exist on tumblr?
Also yes.

Do tumbrinas represent what the majority of the gay population is actually like?
Thankfully, no.

For that matter, when you meet a random gay person, is the fact that they're gay immediately obvious at a glance?
Not likely.

Would most people be understandably uncomfortable with a character whose reaction to being asked how their day went is to go "SO SHEPARD HAVE I TOLD YOU HOW GAY I'M FEELING TODAY"?

Would most people grow to resent a two-dimensional caricature of a character who is not only primarily defined by their sexuality, but is obnoxiously shoving it in their faces?
Also yes. Hell, I'd imagine most actual gay people would be uncomfortable with that.

Can you blame them for it?

Is shoehorning these characters into game the way towards acceptance and tolerance?
No. From what we've be seeing so far, the reaction you'll elicit would be the exact opposite of acceptance.

What are we arguing about again?

The offensive black thug stereotypes that I described earlier also exist.
Should they be the ones representing blacks in media?

giggles Wrote:
You know Liara "misunderstands" being nice as well, right?

All the more reasons why Liara a shit, and Tali is best girl

Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
I can't believe I am defending t-rex, but what I think he/she meant (maybe not with the best choice of words) is that a character's, race, sex, sexual orientation should not be the main focus of the character. People say things like race, gender doesn't matter, but ironically either throw a fit or put a character on a pedalstood just because they are from a certain group. I get wanting recognition in fiction to a point, but the focus on what a character is rather than who they are is just another form of the prejudice that they want to get away from.

Thank you.
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04/16/2015 10:50 AM (UTC)
There is nothing wrong with being flaming, so who cares?
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04/16/2015 11:12 AM (UTC)
If you talk to a girl, and the first thing she tells you is how many dicks she sucked today, that's all she'll be known for. But if she's comfortable with that, who cares, right?
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04/16/2015 11:12 AM (UTC)
Let me just say that the last game I bought was MKDeception...
When I read an article from a gay news site that MK had added a gay character.. I was like, "Who is Kung Jin!?".. He is so forgettable. I literally had no idea who he was, maybe cause I'm not that invested in MK anymore..

I love how MK fans hide their homophobia by saying something like.. "I love that they made him a subtle gay guy.. and not a stereotypical flamboyant gay guy.."

If you are very comfortable with your sexuality you shouldn't feel threatned or uncomfortable by a femine gay guy. It takes a lot of balls to be who you are, especially if you are a famboyant gay guy.

If you're uncomfortable with a gay person being who they are.. It says more about YOU than it says about them.

BTW to the member that says those gay guys from RuPaul's Drag Race are trashy or whatever.. You need to learn some gay history and learn why the Drag community are the way they are. I suggest you rent, buy, or find the documentary Paris is Burning for more information. That's all. smile
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04/16/2015 11:14 AM (UTC)
Toxik Wrote:
If you are very comfortable with your sexuality you shouldn't feel threatned or uncomfortable by a femine gay guy.

Disliking an obnoxious stereotype =\= being threatened by it.
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04/16/2015 11:21 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
If you talk to a girl, and the first thing she tells you is how many dicks she sucked today, that's all she'll be known for. But if she's comfortable with that, who cares, right?

WTF are you talking about?
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04/16/2015 11:23 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Toxik Wrote:
If you are very comfortable with your sexuality you shouldn't feel threatned or uncomfortable by a femine gay guy.

Disliking an obnoxious stereotype =\= being threatened by it.

Disliking someone is different than being uncomfortable around the person.
And I'm not talking about an obnoxious gay guy(I know which one you're referring to.. Trust me. As a gay person myself, I know.. Met a few...), but I'm talking about someone who is just femine because that's just the way they are. And not being obnoxious about it.

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04/16/2015 11:26 AM (UTC)
Toxik Wrote:
Let me just say that the last game I bought was MKDeception...
When I read an article from a gay news site that MK had added a gay character.. I was like, "Who is Kung Jin!?".. He is so forgettable. I literally had no idea who he was, maybe cause I'm not that invested in MK anymore..

I love how MK fans hide their homophobia by saying something like.. "I love that they made him a subtle gay guy.. and not a stereotypical flamboyant gay guy.."

If you are very comfortable with your sexuality you shouldn't feel threatned or uncomfortable by a femine gay guy. It takes a lot of balls to be who you are, especially if you are a famboyant gay guy.

If you're uncomfortable with a gay person being who they are.. It says more about YOU than it says about them.

BTW to the member that says those gay guys from RuPaul's Drag Race are trashy or whatever.. You need to learn some gay history and learn why the Drag community are the way they are. I suggest you rent, buy, or find the documentary Paris is Burning for more information. That's all. smile

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04/16/2015 12:00 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
Toxik Wrote:
Let me just say that the last game I bought was MKDeception...
When I read an article from a gay news site that MK had added a gay character.. I was like, "Who is Kung Jin!?".. He is so forgettable. I literally had no idea who he was, maybe cause I'm not that invested in MK anymore..

I love how MK fans hide their homophobia by saying something like.. "I love that they made him a subtle gay guy.. and not a stereotypical flamboyant gay guy.."

If you are very comfortable with your sexuality you shouldn't feel threatned or uncomfortable by a femine gay guy. It takes a lot of balls to be who you are, especially if you are a famboyant gay guy.

If you're uncomfortable with a gay person being who they are.. It says more about YOU than it says about them.

BTW to the member that says those gay guys from RuPaul's Drag Race are trashy or whatever.. You need to learn some gay history and learn why the Drag community are the way they are. I suggest you rent, buy, or find the documentary Paris is Burning for more information. That's all. smile


Now, I"ve been holding my tongue reading all this for a while now.

Many posters here seem SO pleased that we've ticked a box (how diverse), but also so pleased that we didn't... you know... go FULL gay. Only a little gay.
I mean, it's way too gay to actually have Raiden say "it's okay, the shaolin will accept you, even though you loved *insert male name here*" (said in more raideny language).... It has to be vaguely hinted at.... Because that's subtle. Can't have gays all up in our faces with actual text. Must be subtext or nothing.

I'm being extreme, but it's certainly the vibe that comes across. Gay is okay, so long as it's quiet, unassuming, and not at all confronting. It can be there, just masked.
But Sonya and Johnny can bone and spurt out offspring all we like.

Don't get me wrong - I loved the subtle reference myself. It was such a surprise and I loved it, and it was an excellent bit of character in a few short sentences... But that doesn't mean that it also wouldn't have been effective in other ways, or that this is the only way a character can be gay and good, which seems to be the subtle hints in some of the posts here.


Everyone here has been much more pleasant than some of the commetns I"ve seen on articles discussing the issue.

"Wow. Can't wait to do a fatality on him now."
"I don't go around telling people I"m straight. Why should this matter?"

So kudos to everyone here.
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04/16/2015 12:03 PM (UTC)
Out magazine and the director of the story mode Dominic Ciancialo aprroved Kung Jin's sexual orientation ! glasses
04/16/2015 12:10 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Does using Kung Jin as my fatality dumby count as a hate crime?glassesglasses

I guess you missed my comment earlier Samuhai let me bring it to your attention.
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04/16/2015 12:13 PM (UTC)
Don't feed the trolls, they're so fat they have back rolls.
04/16/2015 12:30 PM (UTC)
If you don't feed me how am I supposed to get fatter?!

That's some grade a bull-shenanigans.

Raiden basically told Kung Jin "Keep that shit to yourself FRUITLOOP people will still judge you heavily, cause you know homosexuality is something to be ashamed of."
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