*straight white males*

Ah there's the magic word, I'm out.

Good show to NRS for doing it well. Maybe now it can shut everyone up asking for a gay character.
04/15/2015 12:38 PM (UTC)
I don't mind it, it was done in a subtle fashion and it was left open to interpretation.
04/15/2015 01:00 PM (UTC)
I'm happy about it. As a "straight while male" who refuses to have "straight white male entitlement" I'm applauding NRS. Anyone who has a problem with diversity needs to seriously think about it this way.

Our demographic - the "straight white male" demographic is represented. We have millions of characters who we can relate to.

Minorities - people of color, other cultures, sexualities, gender - don't have as many people that they can look to in fiction and say "I can relate."

If you have a problem with the inclusion, I suggest you find a time machine and get your ass to the 1950s intolerant America.
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04/15/2015 01:32 PM (UTC)
Kung Jin is exactly what we've been asking for, for years. An awesome character who just happens to be gay. You guys flamed every gay Kombatant thread, filling them with nonsense about how sexuality doesn't belong in MK, a gay person wouldn't fit, MK isn't about romance, blah blah blah. Every thread on this issue has ended up being locked because you lose your minds over the idea of a gay person in MK. Well take THAT suckers - NRS has confirmed it, there is a canon gay character in MK and it's Kung Jin.
04/15/2015 01:55 PM (UTC)
Does using Kung Jin as my fatality dumby count as a hate crime?glassesglasses
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04/15/2015 01:58 PM (UTC)
Yes, and if you do it, you're a horrible person and it would make me cry.
04/15/2015 02:17 PM (UTC)
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04/15/2015 04:32 PM (UTC)
You're a monster!
TigrarShokan Wrote:
You know what i don't get is how everybody wants a gay character. its sooo important for everyone to be represented these days.
Maybe there should be a game where everybody is gay or everybody is black or everybody is white.
Maybe a game only for gaymers.

You make it sound like it's a bad thing.
The first MK did a 360 and added Sonya at the last minute, and now we have some other great female characters she paved the way to and girls being interested in the game (hello!)

You can't just stay on the same path forever when the world around has so much more to offer. I see this as getting in with the times, real people ARE diverse and so should virtual characters. (they are emulating the human world after all)
04/15/2015 06:56 PM (UTC)
So why the hate for fat Bo rai cho? Maybe we need a racist Neo nazi character that the racist can relate too as well?
Everybody had cry, when in the last game the girls looked sexy and wore high heels, but shouldn't you have accepted that it was for the straight white males?
I don't want politics and real world issues in my video games, that's why I play them. If I wanted them I would watch the news.
Anyway you have your gay character , now I want mine, bring on the bible bashing Utah Mormon
04/15/2015 07:00 PM (UTC)
I remember hearing that line but I didn't get it. It makes a lot of sense now. I'm all for diversity of cast. I was part of the crowd saying we shouldn't have a gay character for the sake of having one, but I guess what I really didn't want was the type of gay character we see in every game.

Roaming the streets alone thinking he won't be accepted by his peers because of it, turning into a petty thief to survive until he's shown the light by Raiden. Great story for him.
The bible as we know it probably doesn't even exist in the MK Universe.
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04/15/2015 07:09 PM (UTC)
giggles Wrote:
The bible as we know it probably doesn't even exist in the MK Universe.

Sonya said Jesus Christ in the comics. tongue
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
giggles Wrote:
The bible as we know it probably doesn't even exist in the MK Universe.

Sonya said Jesus Christ in the comics. tongue

Well...well the comics are something else tongue By the Elder Gods!
04/15/2015 09:10 PM (UTC)
I'm super happy and excited about Kung Jin being confirmed as gay, but this thread has already ruined my happiness.

Not just the obvious trolls who can't get with the times, but the gaymers and allies saying things like "so glad it was all subtle and not in your face."

I mean, I think it was written really well, but if he had been a bit more obvious would that be a bad thing? Who cares about offending the homophobes? Screw them! Let them be offended!

If all gay characters in games become some generic "straight-acting" man who was just hinted at being gay, I think that would be a really bad thing.

Dorian (DA:I) > All other gay characters
04/15/2015 09:20 PM (UTC)
The point is that they're not making it more important than it needs to be, which is exactly how it should be. They imply that he's gay and part of his character is that he spent time alone thinking the shaolin monks wouldn't accept him.

Most video games that have gay characters just pill up clichés over clichés and being gay becomes the main personality trait of the character. That's not what they did with Kung Jin and that's why people are happy.
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

04/15/2015 09:27 PM (UTC)
RocketBoy Wrote:
I'm super happy and excited about Kung Jin being confirmed as gay, but this thread has already ruined my happiness.

Not just the obvious trolls who can't get with the times, but the gaymers and allies saying things like "so glad it was all subtle and not in your face."

I mean, I think it was written really well, but if he had been a bit more obvious would that be a bad thing? Who cares about offending the homophobes? Screw them! Let them be offended!

If all gay characters in games become some generic "straight-acting" man who was just hinted at being gay, I think that would be a really bad thing.

Dorian (DA:I) > All other gay characters

If they made him a generic, "gay acting" man, then people would complain that, "not all gays act like that," which is true. Hell I still see people make those complaints about Jax as a black man.

And I honestly when it comes to offending people, I think people should be more realistic. The sad fact of the matter is there are still a lot of sexist and homophobic gamers. Forcing things on them is only going to cause rejection. Certain types of characters need to be weened into community and eventually it becomes the norm.
04/15/2015 09:29 PM (UTC)
I had no problem with it, but it reminded me too much of JK Rowling outing Dumbledore after the fact.

Oh well, MKO can finally shut up about this topic at last.
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04/15/2015 09:57 PM (UTC)
RocketBoy Wrote:
I'm super happy and excited about Kung Jin being confirmed as gay, but this thread has already ruined my happiness.

Not just the obvious trolls who can't get with the times, but the gaymers and allies saying things like "so glad it was all subtle and not in your face."

I mean, I think it was written really well, but if he had been a bit more obvious would that be a bad thing? Who cares about offending the homophobes? Screw them! Let them be offended!

If all gay characters in games become some generic "straight-acting" man who was just hinted at being gay, I think that would be a really bad thing.

Dorian (DA:I) > All other gay characters

It's a first step, dude.

Personally, I'd like a horned up stud muffin who flirts with guys the way Johnny flirts with women. I'm still very happy with Kung Jin though.
04/15/2015 10:30 PM (UTC)
TigerStyle Wrote:
Yeah Raiden is fucking great as usual. His scenes in the story are among the best. That scene with Kung Jin, and him
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
going crazy on the revenants after not wanting to hurt them initially are awesome.

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04/15/2015 11:21 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
Kung Jin is exactly what we've been asking for, for years. An awesome character who just happens to be gay.

You know what?

Jin is a badass. Who, to pretty much everyone's surprise, also turned out to be really fun to play.

I ain't even mad.

I gotta ask, though - how fucking ironic is the fact that an irreverent, edgy fightan that embodies every 12-year-old's idea of cool handled a gay character more tastefully than fucking Bioware? Seriously, this whole situation is either embarrassingly sad or incredibly hilarious. I can't decide which. Maybe both.

The only real problem with Kung Jin is that now we'll never fucking hear the end of it, from either side.

SJWs will now start petitioning NRS to include panromantic genderfluid demisexual otherkin freakazoids, and the "MILEENA IS WEARING PANTS = IT'S OGRE NRS SOLD OUT TO THE SJWS" shit-stirrers will never shut the fuck up now.

Not sure which one is worse. :/

That said, though...

RocketBoy Wrote:
I'm super happy and excited about Kung Jin being confirmed as gay, but this thread has already ruined my happiness.

Not just the obvious trolls who can't get with the times, but the gaymers and allies saying things like "so glad it was all subtle and not in your face."

I mean, I think it was written really well, but if he had been a bit more obvious would that be a bad thing? Who cares about offending the homophobes? Screw them! Let them be offended!

If all gay characters in games become some generic "straight-acting" man who was just hinted at being gay, I think that would be a really bad thing.

Dorian (DA:I) > All other gay characters

RocketBoy Wrote:

what the fuck am I reading

You actually prefer an obnoxious, in-your-face flaming homo stereotype to a surprisingly tactful attempt to write a realistic gay character..?

This is... just fucking baffling to me.

I've said this before, but it's shit like this that's setting the LGBT movement back about a decade or two.

Isn't that the exact image that they're trying to get away from?

Is that how they like to be portrayed?

Shouldn't they dislike shoehorned, grating gay-characters in the same way a black guy would dislike a shitty cardboard cutout of a THUG4LYF gangsta hoodrat thrown into a game for the sake of diversity?

Shit, I'm straight and I'm fucking offended by Bioware's portrayal of their characters as hedonistic, one-dimensional tumblrina caricatures who immediately assume I want to bone them when I'm just trying to be nice.

I just don't get this.
04/15/2015 11:31 PM (UTC)
This discussion is almost too funny. Do people seriously think Kung Jin is gay because Raiden said "Not who your heart desires" 0.o

I have beaten the entire story mode, nothing indicates that he is gay, it's just stupid people saying stupid things. Watch as they next discuss if Erron Black wears pink panties or not because as we clearly saw from the story he didn't kill Rain right away so he must have something for pink and panties.

EDIT: Looks like it was confirmed true... But I still think people will discuss Erron Black's pink panties.
@ T-rex you come across as majorly homophobic and you probably don't even realize it. (or do you?)

"You actually prefer an obnoxious, in-your-face flaming homo stereotype to a surprisingly tactful attempt to write a realistic gay character..?"

How is a "realistic gay" exactly? Is there such a thing? So a fabulous "flaming", in your face homo isn't realistic? You know, people come with different personalities, yes...gays included! Now you're stereotyping gays.

And what's wrong with Steve? Oh he hit on you...oh my *right in your manly feels*. You know Liara "misunderstands" being nice as well, right? But you probably have no problem with her, huh?
The game just gives you a chance to choose if you're interested or not, like with every other character, it's not pushing you there.

And Dorian...Dorian is just gay and proud. But you don't mind "gay" as long as they're "silent", as long as the only display of "gayness" is a hint, as long as they act straight or how you think gays should "realistically" act. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I get from your posts.
04/15/2015 11:52 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
MikeyRu Wrote:
Kung Jin is exactly what we've been asking for, for years. An awesome character who just happens to be gay.

You know what?

Jin is a badass. Who, to pretty much everyone's surprise, also turned out to be really fun to play.

I ain't even mad.

I gotta ask, though - how fucking ironic is the fact that an irreverent, edgy fightan that embodies every 12-year-old's idea of cool handled a gay character more tastefully than fucking Bioware? Seriously, this whole situation is either embarrassingly sad or incredibly hilarious. I can't decide which. Maybe both.

The only real problem with Kung Jin is that now we'll never fucking hear the end of it, from either side.

SJWs will now start petitioning NRS to include panromantic genderfluid demisexual otherkin freakazoids, and the "MILEENA IS WEARING PANTS = IT'S OGRE NRS SOLD OUT TO THE SJWS" shit-stirrers will never shut the fuck up now.

Not sure which one is worse. :/

That said, though...

RocketBoy Wrote:
I'm super happy and excited about Kung Jin being confirmed as gay, but this thread has already ruined my happiness.

Not just the obvious trolls who can't get with the times, but the gaymers and allies saying things like "so glad it was all subtle and not in your face."

I mean, I think it was written really well, but if he had been a bit more obvious would that be a bad thing? Who cares about offending the homophobes? Screw them! Let them be offended!

If all gay characters in games become some generic "straight-acting" man who was just hinted at being gay, I think that would be a really bad thing.

Dorian (DA:I) > All other gay characters

RocketBoy Wrote:

what the fuck am I reading

You actually prefer an obnoxious, in-your-face flaming homo stereotype to a surprisingly tactful attempt to write a realistic gay character..?

This is... just fucking baffling to me.

But who says an in-your-face flaming queen can't be realisitic and written tactfully. Last I checked there are gays who exhibit this "stereotype". There are gays of various types and each type has the potential like everyone else to be fully realized realistic character.
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04/16/2015 12:05 AM (UTC)
I can't believe I am defending t-rex, but what I think he/she meant (maybe not with the best choice of words) is that a character's, race, sex, sexual orientation should not be the main focus of the character. People say things like race, gender doesn't matter, but ironically either throw a fit or put a character on a pedalstood just because they are from a certain group. I get wanting recognition in fiction to a point, but the focus on what a character is rather than who they are is just another form of the prejudice that they want to get away from.
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