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04/17/2015 12:32 PM (UTC)
Bryden88 Wrote:
Dude, T-Rex.
. Backlash against the Gamergate assholes? Also deserved, since those pigs decided to slander a woman because they didn't *get* her game.

You don't even know what your talking about friend lol.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

04/17/2015 02:14 PM (UTC)
"He's here, he's queer...get used to it."

Couldn't bring myself to read through all of this shitstorm, but has anyone mentioned Kung Jin's intro with Mileena? Something about "You're not really my type."

I can dig it. I always said should they ever include a gay character, their orientation should NOT be the driving force behind them. Nicely done, NRS.
04/17/2015 02:25 PM (UTC)
I think it being subtle was great. Now I am not saying homosexuals should be secretive about what they like or anything, but I think this way seems more realistic, it seemed real, not fake or forced in for the sake of being in there.. If they made Kung Jin like Greg and Terry from American Dad , that would have almost felt like a joke because its so stereotypical.

I think NRS did good, they didn't force it in , they didn't base him off stereotypes and it didn't feel like a parody/joke, so kudos to them.
04/17/2015 02:28 PM (UTC)
Bryden88 Wrote:
Backlash against the Gamergate assholes? Also deserved, since those pigs decided to slander a woman because they didn't *get* her game.

Actually, it had to do with Zoe Quinn sleeping around with reviewers to earn favoritism for her game, and then not only does she turn it into some "men hate women" bullshit, but she sits there and attacks people for finding nude pictures of her online, when she paid money to have said nude pictures taken and publicly published.

It's called "being called out, and then warping it into something it isn't to avoid admitting you fucked up".
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Second fan of "The Lady in Green...err Turquoise, no Gold?"

04/17/2015 02:47 PM (UTC)
Has anybody seen the intro Kung Jin has with Goro?

From what people say it goes like this:

KJ: Hey there 5 arms.
Goto: I don't understand I only have 4.
KJ: Then what's that between your legs?

I dunno if it's real or not, but it's kind of an unexpected intro.

I also like the Mileena intro, but I wish it went something more akin to:
Kung Jin: "You're not really my type...especially with those teeth."

Also apparently there's an intro with Kung Jin and Liu Kang that suggests that LK may not all to happy with Kung Jins preference.
I don't know exactly how it goes, but something like Liu Kang says he knows about KJ and KJ sarcastically says Thanks for making me feel accepted. I doubt it has to do with KJ being gay, but about his thievery. But people are interpreting it as LK not being acceptive.

I know I'm in the minority here ,but being gay myself, I want to know a lot more about his sexuality. Like is he out? Do any of the other characters, besides Raiden know? How do they feel about it? He ran away because he self loathes and felt he wouldn't be accepted. That's pretty big.
I hope they address it in the web series or comic. I know most are like " God no more gay shit, one line is enough" but I dunno I think it'd be interesting to explore.
04/17/2015 02:52 PM (UTC)
Of course Liu knows, he's dead. Dead people know everything about us. Sick bastards.
04/17/2015 02:57 PM (UTC)
I'm not even gay and I kind of hope they delve into it a little more, its a perfect way to develop his character and give him an actual identity and make the player care about the character. Obviously the same could be said for any character regardless if they're gay or not but I am a sucker for character flashbacks, learning about them, their pasts, and their struggles, etc. :)
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God of War is Back!

04/17/2015 06:11 PM (UTC)
ShingoEX Wrote:
Bryden88 Wrote:
Backlash against the Gamergate assholes? Also deserved, since those pigs decided to slander a woman because they didn't *get* her game.

Actually, it had to do with Zoe Quinn sleeping around with reviewers to earn favoritism for her game, and then not only does she turn it into some "men hate women" bullshit, but she sits there and attacks people for finding nude pictures of her online, when she paid money to have said nude pictures taken and publicly published.

It's called "being called out, and then warping it into something it isn't to avoid admitting you fucked up".

Not even that, The zoe post and five guys and fries things were talking about her sleeping around. Gamergate came after decision of this topic was being shut down on multiple forums. After this we questioned if there was colusion between the forums, gaming news sites. This is when we discovered the games journo pros. hang out were journos would get together and decide what to run and what not to run on game news sites. Since twitter was the only place not deleting things we talked there. Then Actor Adam Baldwin saw it and coined the term Gamergate. That was 8 months ago today.
Vivia la Vidya.
ps. Kung Jin is cool beans homie. grin
04/17/2015 06:13 PM (UTC)
That Goro exchange is incredible.
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04/17/2015 06:34 PM (UTC)
I haven't heard the Goro one yet, but the Liu Kang and Kung Jin one is:

KJ: You never could accept me.
LK: I am aware of your proclivities.
KJ: Wow, thanks for the reassurance.
James_Sunderland Wrote:
Has anybody seen the intro Kung Jin has with Goro?

KJ: Hey there 5 arms.
Goto: I don't understand I only have 4.
KJ: Then what's that between your legs?

Pretty sure that's something from /mkx/ lol

/mkx/ Kung Jin has a thing for male monsters.
Ion3008 Wrote:
James_Sunderland Wrote:
Has anybody seen the intro Kung Jin has with Goro?

KJ: Hey there 5 arms.
Goto: I don't understand I only have 4.
KJ: Then what's that between your legs?

Pretty sure that's something from /mkx/ lol

/mkx/ Kung Jin has a thing for male monsters.

You mean "MKXXX"?
In those generals?

Sometimes, yeah.
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The MK Gods on dA

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04/17/2015 08:22 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
It was handled tastefully given the tone and context of the scene, it could very well have been forced into the story as a way to pander to a particular group in order to bust sales, but it wasn't.

For now is just a little piece of backstory that explains why he abandoned the Shaolin, that's it. Is not Tumblr or SJW taking over, nor it's a stepping stone for gay rights and equality. Let's drop the slippery slopes.


All of the this.

Read it again and again.
About Me

The MK Gods on dA

Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets

04/17/2015 08:26 PM (UTC)
DV805 Wrote:
I haven't heard the Goro one yet, but the Liu Kang and Kung Jin one is:

KJ: You never could accept me.
LK: I am aware of your proclivities.
KJ: Wow, thanks for the reassurance.

Is that real? Wow, LK
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God of War is Back!

04/17/2015 09:19 PM (UTC)
DV805 Wrote:
I haven't heard the Goro one yet, but the Liu Kang and Kung Jin one is:

KJ: You never could accept me.
LK: I am aware of your proclivities.
KJ: Wow, thanks for the reassurance.

Liu a dick lol
04/17/2015 10:18 PM (UTC)
Intro between Liu Kang and Kung Jin is real:


Also, after winning the first round: you're not Kung Lao. DICK!
We've heard zilch about the web series Since the casting leak

As for the link KJ didn't strike me as in the closet. I thought he was fairly open about it but didn't go to the Shaolin because he felt he wouldn't be accepted and so never bothered. The self loathing thing I also took to mean about being in Kung Lao's shadow and not being good enough or living up to expectations.

But it's open to interpretation. Y'know because subtlety.
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04/18/2015 09:32 AM (UTC)
eroslove Wrote:
@T-Rex: I can't help but find it comical that you presume to know exactly what's best for the LGBT community ("I've said this before, but it's shit like this that's setting the LGBT movement back about a decade or two"), and moreover, you presume to know what form of expression LGBT identity should take in advance in order to be politically advantageous/efficacious.

If you kept reading, you might have discovered that my initial statement was followed by a series of questions meant to elaborate on it, such as:

T-rex Wrote:

Isn't that the exact image that they're trying to get away from?

Is that how they like to be portrayed?

Shouldn't they dislike shoehorned, grating gay-characters in the same way a black guy would dislike a shitty cardboard cutout of a THUG4LYF gangsta hoodrat thrown into a game for the sake of diversity?

Seeing as you are evidently much more qualified to speak on behalf of the entire community than I am, you're most certainly welcome to address them.

eroslove Wrote:
Mostly your comments suggest a lack of imagination about how a so-called flaming gay character isn't necessarily reducible to a caricatured stereotype.

Name some that aren't caricatured stereotypes.

eroslove Wrote:
I could attribute this lack of imagination on your part to your lack of actual experience interacting with gender non-conforming people in the real world, as evinced by comments such as "How likely are you to see one outside of NYC and the San Francisco Bay Area?"

The point is that this kind of behavior is not something even gay people would necessarily consider normal, because that's not what the majority of them act like.

Coincidentally, there appear to be some other people in this very thread who can personally attest to the fact that not all gay people act like that, and that in the vast majority of cases, you wouldn't be able to tell they're gay at a glance, which, anecdotal though it may be, does serve to corroborate my earlier statements.

I freely admit that you appear to be much more authoritative on the subject, though.

Do feel free to prove us wrong.

eroslove Wrote:
I know I'm totally setting you up for a "I have queer friends!" rejoinder, which, fine, maybe you do, maybe you are queer or gender nonconforming yourself, which, again, kudos!


I do happen to be a slav, though.

And off the top of my head, I can think of very, very few portrayals of Russians in US-produced media that are non-stereotypical or at least positive in any way. Aside from the Cherno Alfa crew in Pacific Rim, nothing in recent memory really springs to mind.

So I think gays might actually have a better track record there, for what it's worth.

eroslove Wrote:
Perhaps next time before you presume to know what will or will not set LGBT people back decades, you could research the topic and hear more from the folks who are actively involved in this struggle. And many of them blatantly disagree with the logic that the fight for LGBT acceptance is coextensive with making gay people more palatable to straight people.

So you're essentially telling me there are many (how many is "many"?) LGBT people out there that are entirely comfortable with the idea of being represented by a gay equivalent of blackface.

...I have nothing more to add, then.

eroslove Wrote:
Respectability politics is a term used to describe exactly the sentiment you're expressing. Namely, that individuals in minority communities should police their own behavior to cater to the expectations and values of a majority culture. In the examples you list, being a "mean girl" doesn't really fall under a politics of respectability (bitchy wealthy white women aren't exactly an underserved community).

But there's a major difference between telling Regina George she's a spoiled brat and telling black men that they should be more "respectable." The latter gets used to further a political discourse that is racist. The former is not used to oppress wealthy white women.

Basically, you're articulating the Professor Xavier/Magneto divide, which as we know, was riffing off of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, and the ideological divide between MLK and Malcolm X.

I'm not trying to say it has to be one way or the other. Just pointing out that respectability politics is a thing, and sometimes it gets invoked to stifle difference and dissent, and to blame marginalized groups of people for their own marginalization.

I feel that "don't be an asshole" and "consider of the consequences of your actions" are generally good rules to go by in life regardless of who you are. But these days, this incredibly inflammatory and controversial statement apparently makes me an evil oppressor.

Let's recap, shall we?

>a person acts like an asshole
>gets told to stop acting like an asshole
>depending on who you tell it to, DAS RAYCISS/SECKSISS/whatevers

I know that you pulled "stop being so defensive you silly nerds, I'm just being an enlightened contrarian because psychology research or some shit" card before, back when we both seemed to agree that identity politics is cancer that destroys fan communities. I gave you the benefit of doubt then.

But now that you came within an inch of deliberately invoking the "racism = prejudice + power" nonsense, which is straight out of the intersectionality theory/identity politics rhetoric, I am seriously questioning just how genuine you've been this entire time.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
And while we're on the subject, the "muh oppression" was always a retarded angle to go with for mutants that seemed to be a product of boomer sensibilities. It never really made much sense to compare mutants to any actual real-life minority. Being gay doesn't let you fire doomlasers out of your eyeballs or accidentally drop your entire high school into a sinkhole because you had a temper tantrum after being scolded by your teacher, so the "we're just normal people" idea was always bullshit when it came out the mouths of people who, oddly enough, also happened to be vehemently anti-gun and anti-weapon in general.

eroslove Wrote:
But you strike me as someone who is less interested in learning about the things that you "just don't get" and more interested in occupying a defensive, resistant posture that can only affirm the absolute irrationality of the people who disagree with you.

Just like last time we've had this conversation, I think this is what it ultimately boils down to.

If the only choices offered to me are looking like a paranoid asshole and standing idly by as SJWs slowly infest and subvert a community I've been a part of for almost a decade (and I've seen it enough times to know that's how it always starts, little by little), I think I'd rather go with the "paranoid asshole" option, thank you.

The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
From what I gathered, you must happy we have a gay character but you must not be happy at the way it was presented because it means you don't understand anything about the plight of gays.

Daily reminder:

If you don’t have a gay character in your game, you are homophobic.
If you do have gay character in your game, you are homophobic, because they don’t like the character.
If women in your game look good, you are sexist.
If they look bad, you are sexist.
If you can fight with them, you are misogynistic.
If you can’t fight with them, you are using them as objects.
If you don’t have any women, because there is no correct way how to have them, you are misogynistic.

Warbro666 Wrote:
Apparently people can't play unrealistic, extremely violent video games without having a character that they can "relate to". That's all this boils down to.

I can relate to fucking D'Vorah, and I'm neither a girl nor an insectile freakazoid. Am I seriously the only one who doesn't feel the need to project myself onto a character in order to be able to relate to them?

There's just something incredibly... juvenile about that.

It's like back in the 80s, when they kept shoehorning kid characters into stories that originally had nothing to do with them, just so they could be a stand-in for all the preschoolers in the audience.

Remember these little shits?

Yeah, it's that.

MikeyRu Wrote:
Nobody is suggesting NRS make a gay character who talks about the different kinds of sex they have. Where the fuck did you even get that from?

MikeyRu Wrote:
Bryden88 Wrote:
The people who however, who might demand half the roster be flamboyant gay people... the people who demand two characters be shipped as gay (even when they aren't) and then call you insensitive when you're calling them out on it

Those people don't exist though. Not in this conversation anyway, so it's bizarre it keeps being brought up.

Opening your eyes generally helps:
samuhai Wrote:
Many posters here seem SO pleased that we've ticked a box (how diverse), but also so pleased that we didn't... you know... go FULL gay. Only a little gay.
I mean, it's way too gay to actually have Raiden say "it's okay, the shaolin will accept you, even though you loved *insert male name here*" (said in more raideny language).... It has to be vaguely hinted at.... Because that's subtle. Can't have gays all up in our faces with actual text. Must be subtext or nothing.

I'm being extreme, but it's certainly the vibe that comes across. Gay is okay, so long as it's quiet, unassuming, and not at all confronting. It can be there, just masked.

RocketBoy Wrote:
If he had been a bit more obvious would that be a bad thing? Who cares about offending the homophobes? Screw them! Let them be offended!

If all gay characters in games become some generic "straight-acting" man who was just hinted at being gay, I think that would be a really bad thing.

Dorian (DA:I) > All other gay characters


RocketBoy Wrote:

RocketBoy Wrote:

I'm sorry, I'm still having trouble getting over the fact that fucking Dorian of all people is being used a positive example for anything.

And then there's this little number:
MikeyRu Wrote:
Personally, I'd like a horned up stud muffin who flirts with guys the way Johnny flirts with women.

oh my

I wonder who this MikeyRu person is...

So no, certainly no one here in favor of forcing flamboyant gay horndogs into the game, no sir!

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Also, just as an aside, I keep seeing people trying to shit down Johnny's neck for supposedly acting like some kind of a walking cock who hits on anything with a skirt. I'm thinking back to MK9 and to what relatively little I've seen of MKX so far, and maybe it's just my memory failing me, but I seriously can't recall him ever hitting on anyone who isn't Sonya.

Y'know, the woman he ends up fucking marrying.

MikeyRu Wrote:
Yeah, no. I fail to see how a girl telling you how many dicks she sucked today has anything to do with a gay character in MKX.

Both a hypothetical turboslut and a hypothetical lisping gay stereotype are immediately in my face about who they fuck as soon as I'm introduced to them, so I automatically assume that's what defines them as a person.

I'm not sure what about that analogy was so hard to grasp.

MikeyRu Wrote:
As for Ninja Turtles, instead of flirting with April all the time, why couldn't one of them be gay and flirt with Casey? Is that shoving gayness down your throat?

Why not make Shredder a child molester? Y'know, give a little shout-out to the childlove community?
And while we're at it, why not transmogrify April into a giant spider creature? Y'know, shake up her character a bit?

I mean, as long as your entire justification for doing things is "why not?", amirite?

I'm also sure that the target audience of TMNT (hint: it's middleschoolers) will respond positively to every single one of these changes.

Toxik Wrote:
So is the game banned in Russia yet?

I lurk on Russian MK boards occasionally.

The overall reception of Kung Jin is a lot more positive than you might expect. For much the same reasons you see here - he doesn't act like a Bioware character.

Bryden88 Wrote:
Social Justice is a good thing.

Why "social" justice, though?

What's wrong with regular justice?

Is that like a "People's Democracy" thing? :^)

Bryden88 Wrote:
Anyone who says otherwise needs to go live in certain middle eastern countries or russia where being the wrong thing gets you killed, and then say how much they like it.

SJWs love Muslims, though. They never criticize them for anything and are always the first ones to jump to their defense no matter what the circumstances are.

Not to mention that, y'know, advocating for women's rights in Fundamentalist Islamic countries generally requires getting your ass off of twitter and doing something that's actually tangible. You might even get hurt or worse - triggerred.
We can't have that.

Bryden88 Wrote:
The REAL "SJWs" are not the fanatically obsessed people who hate the majority and demand this, this, and this.

I'm pretty sure that's what they proudly call themselves, brah.
No really does anyone find it weird we haven't heard anything about that webseries?
04/18/2015 01:27 PM (UTC)
loll, homo threads always happen to be the most posted/viewed threads on mko... grin
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04/18/2015 02:12 PM (UTC)
Comparing homosexuality to pedophilia. Yup. This is the same old MKO.
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04/18/2015 02:24 PM (UTC)
Wow, that was terrible.
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