04/22/2015 01:38 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Thatoneguy Wrote:
MikeyRu Wrote:
OrangatangKang Wrote:
I wouldn't wanna come into contact with Kung Jin's blood...

You're disgusting.

To be fair, I wouldn't want to come into contact with any blood that's not my own.

They say youre not truly living life unless you laugh at your own expense. Why do you feel the need to get offended because its at the expense of your own demographic?

Im a hispanic minority and laugh at racist jokes all the time, relax and dont be so quick to take everything to heart.

Trust me im familiar with over reacting.

I don't think that "laugh at yourself" thing works if thats not how you are. And thats the problem with jokes that rely on stereotypes. Everyone is saying thats you when its not like like you at all, so whats there to laugh at?

@ general thread: Anyway, I think that the way they handled Jin's character added dept to the mk universe. I think they really wanted to make things a bit more realistic with the varying body types and giving characters some "normal" issues as well.
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04/22/2015 03:40 PM (UTC)
Talk about fighting with your back up against the wall...
04/22/2015 05:07 PM (UTC)
Historical Favorite
04/22/2015 09:46 PM (UTC)
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
Put the bad jokes about diseases to the side. Get it back to the topic of the character.

Are you sure? I was hoping to link to the Family Guy "you have AIDS" song before this thing ran its course.
Kait Nightshade
04/22/2015 11:15 PM (UTC)
I suspected it too after his talk with Raiden, but I just shrugged it off until an interaction with Liu Kang tipped the scale.

Kung Jin: You never accepted me!
Liu Kang: I'm aware of your "Proclivities"

So DAAAAAMN! Not only is Kung Jin gay, but Liu Kang is a homophobe! Now him being

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
The evil ruler of the Netherrealm makes perfect sense, his soul was already stained by his vile hatred

04/22/2015 11:19 PM (UTC)
DigitalVapor Wrote:
I suspected it too after his talk with Raiden, but I just shrugged it off until an interaction with Liu Kang tipped the scale.

Kung Jin: You never accepted me!
Liu Kang: I'm aware of your "Proclivities"

So DAAAAAMN! Not only is Kung Jin gay, but Liu Kang is a homophobe! Now him being

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
The evil ruler of the Netherrealm makes perfect sense, his soul was already stained by his vile hatred

And Erron Black is sexist lol

I don't remember who it was (Kenshi or Johnny maybe?) but his last line in the intro is "At least I don't take orders from a woman"
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04/23/2015 08:35 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
A Correction: Steve from ME3 was "Have I told you how dead my husband is and how sad that makes me?" Not "Have I told you how much I like dicks"

The main problem with Cortez and post-EA Bioware in general (aside from the quality of writing dropping all the way down to tumblr-tier after Karpyshyn walked out) is that the game goes out of its fucking way to misinterpret your intentions, to the point where the options on the dialogue wheel barely have anything to do with what your protag actually ends up saying.

All I'm trying to do is be nice to a new shipmate, and all of a sudden Cortez thinks it's okay to start crying into my shoulder about his husband. The entire conversation was so cringey and awkward to listen to that I actually tried reloading an earlier save, just to see if I could make it play out differently. But as far as I can tell, there is no "neutral" option, or if there is, I couldn't find it.

You pretty much just have to be a total bastard and basically tell him "I don't care that your lover died, do your job and quit whining" to avoid it, which, aside from being something my Shep would never have normally said, also fucks up my Paragon run.

The game forces this nonsense down you throat whether you like it or not, and if you try to avoid it, it has the audacity to punish you by making you feel bad about it. And these dialogue landmines aren't marked in any way, either.

Casey Hudson (or whoever the hell wrote this) is a manipulative little cunt.

MikeyRu Wrote:
Where the hell are you getting this oversharing overtly sexual stereotype from?

>keeps implying that NRS didn't go gay enough with Jin
>keeps trying to advocate for some kinda weird Chester the Molester stereotype who would be overtly sexual towards other guys in the game (not even one guy - MULTIPLE guys)

I dunno, where am I getting it from? You tell me, chum. :^)

MikeyRu Wrote:
Maybe the gay stuff interests you more than you want to admit...

lmao dat projection

>why are you getting so worked up about gays? I get it, you must secretly be gay!
>why are you getting so worked up about racists? I get it, you must secretly be a klansman!
>why are you getting so worked up about rapists? SOMEBODY HELP, I'M BEING LITERALLY RAPED RIGHT NOW!

Ladies and gents, the world-famous progressive mental gymnastics! grin

MikeyRu Wrote:

Linkara pls go

MikeyRu Wrote:
You don't get sexy dialogue with any of the guys in Dragon Age without giving them the go-ahead anyway, so if you got the Iron Bull trying to get all up in that, it's because you were leading him on.

If it's normal for you to think that "trying to be aloof/neutral" translates to an go-ahead for a sexual advance, then yeah, sure (see: Cortez above).

Because that's the only way your statement makes any kind of sense.

The characters actively THROW themselves at you as soon as you act slightly cordial towards them. It's literally Sexual Harrassment: the RPG. And I know I'm ragging on Dorian, but I will give him this much - not even he was as bad as Anders was in DA2.

From the very first conversation you have with him, he's immediately trying to rub his cock all over you no matter what gender you are. And as I recall, he didn't need no "go-ahead" either - he initiates it himself, is aggressively persistent about it, and if you keep turning him down, he has the nerve to act pissy about it.

Jesus fucking christ that guy. I don't even think the Westboro Baptist church could've come up with a more intentionally insulting gay caricature if they tried.

I admit I haven't touched DA2 since, and it still feels like an extended 'Nam flashback to me, but wasn't there a scene where Anders actually threatens to leave the party if you keep shutting his ass down long enough?
Because I could've almost sworn there was.
Or maybe it's just my brain playing tricks on me as it's desperately trying to block it out...

...Maybe I should just let it happen...

>Anders will forever be that funny guy you met up with in vigil's keep, casting a spell he doesn't know
>DA2 never happened
>Anders is a cool guy

Reptile_896 Wrote:
A Borderlands 2 talent called "Sexual Tyrannosaurus" comes to mind.

About Me

04/23/2015 09:56 AM (UTC)
You're an idiot.
04/23/2015 11:46 AM (UTC)
The amount of incestuous Kung Jin/Kung Lao fan fics and "art" already flooding in online is disturbing, particularly the stuff on Tumblr. And the thing that bugs me the most is these are coming from the same annoying fangirls who parade around as SJWs demanding the females all wear burkas and would have kicked up a huge stink if Kung Jin's sexuality wasn't handled as well as it was. But I guess it's okay for *them* to use sexuality as a gimmick.
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Made by MINION.
04/23/2015 12:04 PM (UTC)
"GAYmer" lol thats brilliant... Is that a thing ? It never really crossed my mind about a characters sexuality, but i suppose it could make sence. I doubt the shaolin had an issue with homosexuality though. More likely just sexual activity and distractions in general .
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God of War is Back!

04/23/2015 12:10 PM (UTC)
justycist Wrote:
The amount of incestuous Kung Jin/Kung Lao fan fics and "art" already flooding in online is disturbing, particularly the stuff on Tumblr. And the thing that bugs me the most is these are coming from the same annoying fangirls who parade around as SJWs demanding the females all wear burkas and would have kicked up a huge stink if Kung Jin's sexuality wasn't handled as well as it was. But I guess it's okay for *them* to use sexuality as a gimmick.

We can only hope the Brazil pack is sexy beach clothes for the four young bloods lol
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04/23/2015 01:38 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
You're an idiot.

See where you thought him to be cringe-y I thought he was irritating. Two gos with the full Paragon Shep helping him get over it+Romance Steve playthrough just to see if he was going to be better (no) and I was done after that so every different Shep after that had STEEEEEEEVE in it because I wouldn't give him the time of day.

I had no sympathy for him or his backstory..Vega oth was alright. Traynor a little cringe-y but ok.

Allers can fuck off. Did you know you can sorta romance her as Male or Female? But do you care? Do you really want to?

Because I'd rather throw Chobot off the damn ship.
04/23/2015 08:19 PM (UTC)
eternal Wrote:

here is your reply.
Historical Favorite
04/23/2015 09:30 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
You're an idiot.

MKF - worthy reply right there.
04/24/2015 05:08 AM (UTC)
Why is this thread still open and how on earth has it reached TEN whole pages?
04/24/2015 05:14 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:

It's a trick! That's a goblin!
Historical Favorite
04/24/2015 06:02 AM (UTC)
coltess Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:

It's a trick! That's a goblin!

Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh my Gooooooooodddddd!
SwingBatta Wrote:
Why is this thread still open and how on earth has it reached TEN whole pages?

Who are you, the thread police?
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