03/14/2015 06:33 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
L-BowShot Wrote:
If you expected more than 1/4th of roster to be female, then you're foolish. Youre lucky to get 6 even.

Why? I thought someone said this will have the most girl characters or something but they didn't really keep there promise with the roster number either so idk.

They make promises? I don't recall any of the developers saying "I promise there will be ________". Especially referring to the roster.

They only said "it'd be near MK9" and "it would feature the most new characters debuting, other than maybe Deception". It has 8 new characters, as does Deception. The total roster is looking like 25 characters initially, and MK9 had 28. That would be considered close.

No "promises" being broken.

No they said same or more. Also some of the things u listed actually are kinda the same just worded differently also u picked out the parts that make the characters differnt. I can say frost is evil with a huge ego but she is still a cryomancer

Anybody can just claim they made a statement saying "same or more", but unless you can give the actual proof of the quote, you can't expect anyone to take that as fact. And don't give me a "well, it was a long time ago, I can't find it" response, because that's not on them. I've followed this game as closely as anyone, I do a weekly podcast covering all the stuff each week, follow them all on twitter, and have watched every piece of footage. All I've seen in that regard is "close to MK9" and "around the same as MK9". 3 character difference is close. Regardless, even if they had said something, they damn sure didn't say the words "I promise you". Things happen throughout development, they wouldn't be making promises 8-10 months out as it pertains to roster size.

Frost isn't playable in the game. So I'm not sure what she has to do with anything.

I listed who is on the roster, and their archetypes. For the most part, they are all very unique. If you want to go as generic as "evil, huge ego" etc. of course you're going to have overlapping personalities and alignments. However, for the actual roster at hand, there's quite a lot of variety in terms of what defines the characters, their styles, their powers, and what role it is that they play overall. The words I used, are what defines the character. I didn't go out of my way to find something unique about them to separate them from a potential overlap with something else, they are all different in one way or another. So to say there isn't variety, is just a fallacy.

Hahaha frost was a example of what u did. Go back a read your list again. Also did u really put jax under farmer? The interview was at e3 some time ago I believe. I am too lazy to go look for a video for u but if u don't believe me just ask others.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

03/14/2015 06:34 PM (UTC)

Still hoping that the Shoalin boot attire is actually a female and not Liu Kang.
About Me


03/14/2015 06:37 PM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
tharealist Wrote:
alican_zero Wrote:
How dare you! Where is the One and only Queen Sindel !!!

DivahMah Wrote:
20 males and 8 females, this would be okay to me.

1 Kitana
2 Sonya
3 Mileena
4 D'vorah
5 Cassie
6 Jacqi
7 Tanya
8 Limei / Sareena/ Ashrah/ Frost/ Kira

Is that too much to ask? Why is that so hard to do?

Queen Sindel IS the STRONGEST female in MK !furious

Actually Delia is the strongest female in the mk universe.

Don't even try to argue with this person. No matter what you say, this creature will always say "QUEEN SINDEL is the STRONGEST NO MATTER WHAT HURR DURR".

You are in such a PATHETIC and MISERABLE condition now ! Restrain yourself. You do not have the right to Humiliate anyone! Be careful about the words you choose ! get a life ! and learn some respect ! Your act towards me unacceptable ! You are much worse than the 'creature '...furious
About Me

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

| Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |

Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

03/14/2015 06:39 PM (UTC)
I really wish that some of you who keep crying about diversity would either admit that you only want more women because they're women or go bother some other fanbase. Have any of you actually taken a long, hard look at who has been revealed so far? Diversity goes way past the two sexes, but given all the threads about this subject I understand that I'm talking to people who are woefully short-sighted. I'm fine with the opinion that MK could use more women, but for fuck's sake stop being so dishonest about it. Not everyone wants the same game you do, and it's pretty obvious that NRS isn't going to make the game that you want. So again, instead of ruining the fun for the majority (who are quite happy with what we're being given) with your politics, just admit that you want more women for the sake of it. It's not hard. See?

mkmileena Wrote:
More girl characters please.

They could have easily bumped up the roster from 24 to 26 with two more females. (Tanya/li mei or ashrah/sareena) and had a 19:7 or a 20:8 ratios.

Please stop counting Ferra in the female roster slots. Yes she is female, but she is not a fighter. She's 20% of Torr's gameplay. She and Torr fall more under the monster subgroup.

I agree with the middle blurb, disagree with the end. As someone else said before, if you count Torr with the males, you must count Ferra with the females. Counting one and not the other shows that you're full of shit and only trying to make the numbers look better for you, and that goes for both sides of this dead horse argument.

On another note, never mind all the posts about NRS making promises... if that's your argument, at least provide proof. That applies to all other unsubstantiated claims as well, because this:

Windice Wrote:
Ok. Now that is unnecessary. Generally in fighting games men mostly pick girl characters. I just think mk doesn't have enough.

... is what we call talking out of your ass.

WeaponTheory Wrote:

Still hoping that the Shoalin boot attire is actually a female and not Liu Kang.

I just hope it's not Liu Kang, I don't care who it is. We have more than enough dead people returning already.
About Me

03/14/2015 06:43 PM (UTC)
eroslove Wrote:
I welcome you to cite anything in my post that could be misconstrued as a call for "self-censorship." I'm not particularly sure I know what that means, however, but I believe I did no such thing.

I don't think it helps the discussion to recall ad infinitum prior injustices/bad arguments you've had with other people re: this topic. Perhaps, I was expecting people would read what I wrote for what I wrote, rather than immediately aligning it with a hyperbolic and inaccurate depiction of social critique.

Perhaps I was in error to expect as much. :P

So just to make things perfectly clear, when you posit "hard questions" like:
Why am I convinced that including more women in the roster will necessarily cut out men to the detriment of my experience playing this game?

Why do I have a resistance to these critiques?

...we are to understand that there are absolutely no ulterior motives or implications to be found here, is that correct?
About Me

Get that ass BANNED

03/14/2015 06:44 PM (UTC)
alican_zero Wrote:
Murcielago Wrote:
tharealist Wrote:
alican_zero Wrote:
How dare you! Where is the One and only Queen Sindel !!!

DivahMah Wrote:
20 males and 8 females, this would be okay to me.

1 Kitana
2 Sonya
3 Mileena
4 D'vorah
5 Cassie
6 Jacqi
7 Tanya
8 Limei / Sareena/ Ashrah/ Frost/ Kira

Is that too much to ask? Why is that so hard to do?

Queen Sindel IS the STRONGEST female in MK !furious

Actually Delia is the strongest female in the mk universe.

Don't even try to argue with this person. No matter what you say, this creature will always say "QUEEN SINDEL is the STRONGEST NO MATTER WHAT HURR DURR".

You are in such a PATHETIC and MISERABLE condition now ! Restrain yourself. You do not have the right to Humilate anyone! Be careful about the words you choose ! get a life ! and learn some respect ! Your act towards me unacceptable ! You are much worse than the 'creature '...

Actually I feel pretty good. About to get hired at a hotel so there's that. I shall not restrain myself. I don't have the right, but I choose to anyways. Words are only words, only crybabies and SJWs can't handle it. I have a life. I will not respect people on the internet, its the internet for gods sake. Only thing unacceptable is your damn way of saying things. You're right, I am worse than the creature...

I AM!!!..

03/14/2015 06:45 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
I really wish that some of you who keep crying about diversity would either admit that you only want more women because they're women or go bother some other fanbase. Have any of you actually taken a long, hard look at who has been revealed so far? Diversity goes way past the two sexes, but given all the threads about this subject I understand that I'm talking to people who are woefully short-sighted. I'm fine with the opinion that MK could use more women, but for fuck's sake stop being so dishonest about it. Not everyone wants the same game you do, and it's pretty obvious that NRS isn't going to make the game that you want. So again, instead of ruining the fun for the majority (who are quite happy with what we're being given) with your politics, just admit that you want more women for the sake of it. It's not hard. See?

mkmileena Wrote:
More girl characters please.

They could have easily bumped up the roster from 24 to 26 with two more females. (Tanya/li mei or ashrah/sareena) and had a 19:7 or a 20:8 ratios.

Please stop counting Ferra in the female roster slots. Yes she is female, but she is not a fighter. She's 20% of Torr's gameplay. She and Torr fall more under the monster subgroup.

I agree with the middle blurb, disagree with the end. As someone else said before, if you count Torr with the males, you must count Ferra with the females. Counting one and not the other shows that you're full of shit and only trying to make the numbers look better for you, and that goes for both sides of this dead horse argument.

On another note, never mind all the posts about NRS making promises... if that's your argument, at least provide proof. That applies to all other unsubstantiated claims as well, because this:

Windice Wrote:
Ok. Now that is unnecessary. Generally in fighting games men mostly pick girl characters. I just think mk doesn't have enough.

... is what we call talking out of your ass.

WeaponTheory Wrote:

Still hoping that the Shoalin boot attire is actually a female and not Liu Kang.

I just hope it's not Liu Kang, I don't care who it is. We have more than enough dead people returning already.

Your joking right. Please tell me your joking. More guys play girl characters. Girls mostly pick boy characters. Look at that stupid smosh video for example. Who did the girl pick? The big brute. Also wtf Ferra is only at the end of combos. She is more like a tool if anything and do your own research if u really want to know.
03/14/2015 06:48 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
I really wish that some of you who keep crying about diversity would either admit that you only want more women because they're women or go bother some other fanbase. Have any of you actually taken a long, hard look at who has been revealed so far? Diversity goes way past the two sexes, but given all the threads about this subject I understand that I'm talking to people who are woefully short-sighted. I'm fine with the opinion that MK could use more women, but for fuck's sake stop being so dishonest about it. Not everyone wants the same game you do, and it's pretty obvious that NRS isn't going to make the game that you want. So again, instead of ruining the fun for the majority (who are quite happy with what we're being given) with your politics, just admit that you want more women for the sake of it. It's not hard. See?


I'm with you 100% on diversity not being reducible to sexual difference. That would be a ghastly error to commit.

Again, if you're lumping me in with the people who are "crying" about this, let me clarify my position: I don't care what the gender breakdown of this game is, one way or another. I'm not lobbying or advocating for any sort of thing.

I am more interested in how we think about gender, where our resistances in our thinking are located, and what the analysis of those resistances could reveal about how we're pre-situated to want and desire certain things in our media.

Simply because these questions are interesting to me. Hope that clarifies.
03/14/2015 06:53 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
eroslove Wrote:
I welcome you to cite anything in my post that could be misconstrued as a call for "self-censorship." I'm not particularly sure I know what that means, however, but I believe I did no such thing.

I don't think it helps the discussion to recall ad infinitum prior injustices/bad arguments you've had with other people re: this topic. Perhaps, I was expecting people would read what I wrote for what I wrote, rather than immediately aligning it with a hyperbolic and inaccurate depiction of social critique.

Perhaps I was in error to expect as much. :P

So just to make things perfectly clear, when you posit "hard questions" like:
Why am I convinced that including more women in the roster will necessarily cut out men to the detriment of my experience playing this game?

Why do I have a resistance to these critiques?

...we are to understand that there are absolutely no ulterior motives or implications to be found here, is that correct?

I'm not sure what my "ulterior motives" might be, other than I'm interested in hearing more from people about the reasons behind opinions they have already expressed.

Like, what am I going to do about it? I don't work for NRS. I'm not in the video game industry. I'm not in any position to make grand sweeping changes so the entire world conforms to my politics. And, luckily, my politics are critical of such fascist-zoid moves, so I am not sure what risks we take by just discussing these things on a message board.

So, yeah, I'm framing questions for discussion, to generate discussion, for my own intellectual curiosity about these topics. The fact that you insist I have "ulterior motives" for censoring you *might* indicate the type of discussion *you* want to have. But it's not a discussion of interest to me.
About Me


03/14/2015 06:53 PM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
alican_zero Wrote:
Murcielago Wrote:
tharealist Wrote:
alican_zero Wrote:
How dare you! Where is the One and only Queen Sindel !!!

DivahMah Wrote:
20 males and 8 females, this would be okay to me.

1 Kitana
2 Sonya
3 Mileena
4 D'vorah
5 Cassie
6 Jacqi
7 Tanya
8 Limei / Sareena/ Ashrah/ Frost/ Kira

Is that too much to ask? Why is that so hard to do?

Queen Sindel IS the STRONGEST female in MK !furious

Actually Delia is the strongest female in the mk universe.

Don't even try to argue with this person. No matter what you say, this creature will always say "QUEEN SINDEL is the STRONGEST NO MATTER WHAT HURR DURR".

You are in such a PATHETIC and MISERABLE condition now ! Restrain yourself. You do not have the right to Humilate anyone! Be careful about the words you choose ! get a life ! and learn some respect ! Your act towards me unacceptable ! You are much worse than the 'creature '...

Actually I feel pretty good. About to get hired at a hotel so there's that. I shall not restrain myself. I don't have the right, but I choose to anyways. Words are only words, only crybabies and SJWs can't handle it. I have a life. I will not respect people on the internet, its the internet for gods sake. Only thing unacceptable is your damn way of saying things. You're right, I am worse than the creature...

I AM!!!..

This proves your IGNORANCE and. ARROGANCE !! you are such a MEAN person What kind of a sick person you are that can EVEN say that I have a right to humiliate or bully someone You behaviour here is obviously disgusting !furious
03/14/2015 06:57 PM (UTC)
Delia lacks feats though. Yeah she is an Edenian Sorceress/Lady Of Flame that can see into the future and created Blaze, but what has she actually done in the combat department?

Not saying she isn't powerful, but I think she is a different type of powerful.
About Me

J A X + J A C Q U I
PSN: JimmyxKricket

03/14/2015 06:59 PM (UTC)
There are 7. You missed one.
About Me

Get that ass BANNED

03/14/2015 07:01 PM (UTC)
alican_zero Wrote:
Lotta mean stuff. Talk about bullying lol.

Before I start screaming curse words and derail this thread more, I shall leave you my dear MKO'er with this


About Me

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

| Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |

Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

03/14/2015 07:05 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
Your joking right. Please tell me your joking. More guys play girl characters. Girls mostly pick boy characters. Look at that stupid smosh video for example. Who did the girl pick? The big brute. Also wtf Ferra is only at the end of combos. She is more like a tool if anything and do your own research if u really want to know.

So your proof for your statement is that insufferable Smosh video, and you ask me if I'm joking? I'm not going to bother insulting you, because you've done that well enough on your own.

Wait, I changed my mind.

eroslove Wrote:
I'm with you 100% on diversity not being reducible to sexual difference. That would be a ghastly error to commit.

Again, if you're lumping me in with the people who are "crying" about this, let me clarify my position: I don't care what the gender breakdown of this game is, one way or another. I'm not lobbying or advocating for any sort of thing.

I am more interested in how we think about gender, where our resistances in our thinking are located, and what the analysis of those resistances could reveal about how we're pre-situated to want and desire certain things in our media.

Simply because these questions are interesting to me. Hope that clarifies.

Let me begin by saying that no, I do not lump you in with that crowd. Our conversations have shown me that you're far too smart to count yourself with them. I used the diction that I did because I believe that the people who can't bear the fact that MKX isn't tailor-made for them are making that exact mistake. Fact of the matter is, you can't please everyone. The ratio of male to female characters never enters my mind when looking at a video game or any cast, for that matter. All I care about is whether or not the characters are written and designed well for what the creator is trying to convey. So far, I've liked what I've seen.

To address your questions, I will certainly say that some of those who are staunchly against adding more women hold that belief because they are resistant to change; quite frankly, they're no better than the people acting like spoiled brats on the other side. Maybe there are some who just don't want more women (or women at all). Finally, I believe that there are those who are like me, who just want to see well-written characters and wouldn't want someone like Ashrah in the game if it meant replacing a Reptile or Kung Lao. I'm more than fine with expanding the roster by a few to add more female characters.

I hope I've done a somewhat adequate job addressing you, eros. I'm just so enraged that we're even having this thread yet again.
03/14/2015 07:12 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:

eroslove Wrote:
I'm with you 100% on diversity not being reducible to sexual difference. That would be a ghastly error to commit.

Again, if you're lumping me in with the people who are "crying" about this, let me clarify my position: I don't care what the gender breakdown of this game is, one way or another. I'm not lobbying or advocating for any sort of thing.

I am more interested in how we think about gender, where our resistances in our thinking are located, and what the analysis of those resistances could reveal about how we're pre-situated to want and desire certain things in our media.

Simply because these questions are interesting to me. Hope that clarifies.

Let me begin by saying that no, I do not lump you in with that crowd. Our conversations have shown me that you're far too smart to count yourself with them. I used the diction that I did because I believe that the people who can't bear the fact that MKX isn't tailor-made for them are making that exact mistake. Fact of the matter is, you can't please everyone. The ratio of male to female characters never enters my mind when looking at a video game or any cast, for that matter. All I care about is whether or not the characters are written and designed well for what the creator is trying to convey. So far, I've liked what I've seen.

To address your questions, I will certainly say that some of those who are staunchly against adding more women hold that belief because they are resistant to change; quite frankly, they're no better than the people acting like spoiled brats on the other side. Maybe there are some who just don't want more women (or women at all). Finally, I believe that there are those who are like me, who just want to see well-written characters and wouldn't want someone like Ashrah in the game if it meant replacing a Reptile or Kung Lao. I'm more than fine with expanding the roster by a few to add more female characters.

I hope I've done a somewhat adequate job addressing you, eros. I'm just so enraged that we're even having this thread yet again.

Thanks. I completely agree. My hope is that NRS gives all of its characters as much depth as its faves; I'm sort of of the mind that if the writing is flat out amazing, issues like diversity of representation will solve themselves. I don't think you can have good writing with a homogeneous cast of characters or plot devices.

I also want to voice support for the poster who observed that women in MK, while sometimes underrepresented, often hold positions of extreme importance in the overall storyline (Sonya, Kitana, and Sindel come to mind here), and this shouldn't be taken for granted either.
03/14/2015 07:13 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
Your joking right. Please tell me your joking. More guys play girl characters. Girls mostly pick boy characters. Look at that stupid smosh video for example. Who did the girl pick? The big brute. Also wtf Ferra is only at the end of combos. She is more like a tool if anything and do your own research if u really want to know.

So your proof for your statement is that insufferable Smosh video, and you ask me if I'm joking? I'm not going to bother insulting you, because you've done that well enough on your own.

Wait, I changed my mind.

eroslove Wrote:
I'm with you 100% on diversity not being reducible to sexual difference. That would be a ghastly error to commit.

Again, if you're lumping me in with the people who are "crying" about this, let me clarify my position: I don't care what the gender breakdown of this game is, one way or another. I'm not lobbying or advocating for any sort of thing.

I am more interested in how we think about gender, where our resistances in our thinking are located, and what the analysis of those resistances could reveal about how we're pre-situated to want and desire certain things in our media.

Simply because these questions are interesting to me. Hope that clarifies.

Let me begin by saying that no, I do not lump you in with that crowd. Our conversations have shown me that you're far too smart to count yourself with them. I used the diction that I did because I believe that the people who can't bear the fact that MKX isn't tailor-made for them are making that exact mistake. Fact of the matter is, you can't please everyone. The ratio of male to female characters never enters my mind when looking at a video game or any cast, for that matter. All I care about is whether or not the characters are written and designed well for what the creator is trying to convey. So far, I've liked what I've seen.

To address your questions, I will certainly say that some of those who are staunchly against adding more women hold that belief because they are resistant to change; quite frankly, they're no better than the people acting like spoiled brats on the other side. Maybe there are some who just don't want more women (or women at all). Finally, I believe that there are those who are like me, who just want to see well-written characters and wouldn't want someone like Ashrah in the game if it meant replacing a Reptile or Kung Lao. I'm more than fine with expanding the roster by a few to add more female characters.

I hope I've done a somewhat adequate job addressing you, eros. I'm just so enraged that we're even having this thread yet again.
I was just pointing something out. Do u really think a girl wants to see another girls boobs jiggle all over the place?
03/14/2015 07:13 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
Your joking right. Please tell me your joking. More guys play girl characters. Girls mostly pick boy characters. Look at that stupid smosh video for example. Who did the girl pick? The big brute. Also wtf Ferra is only at the end of combos. She is more like a tool if anything and do your own research if u really want to know.

I'm sorry, but you really don't have any facts backing anything you say, and if your only evidence for guys picking girl characters more often than guy characters, is 1 stupid video, you're really grasping at nothing. Please educate yourself...

This forum itself is dominated by male fans, that have a male character as their favorite character.

Hell, using MK9's official site and looking at the "most played characters" list:


You can check each version, and the top 7 characters on each console, are all male characters. MK's fanbase is mainly dominated by male fans, with female fans maybe being 1/30, if we're being generous.

Hell, Scorpion the PS3 alone has over 21 billion times played. Whereas the top female, Kitana, in 8th place, has been played just under 9 billion.

Look at the facts before you say outlandish things, and pass them off as some sort of real statistic to go by.

03/14/2015 07:18 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
Your joking right. Please tell me your joking. More guys play girl characters. Girls mostly pick boy characters. Look at that stupid smosh video for example. Who did the girl pick? The big brute. Also wtf Ferra is only at the end of combos. She is more like a tool if anything and do your own research if u really want to know.

I'm sorry, but you really don't have any facts backing anything you say, and if your only evidence for guys picking girl characters more often than guy characters, is 1 stupid video, you're really grasping at nothing. Please educate yourself...

This forum itself is dominated by male fans, that have a male character as their favorite character.

Hell, using MK9's official site and looking at the "most played characters" list:


You can check each version, and the top 7 characters on each console, are all male characters. MK's fanbase is mainly dominated by male fans, with female fans maybe being 1/30, if we're being generous.

Hell, Scorpion the PS3 alone has over 21 billion times played. Whereas the top female, Kitana, in 8th place, has been played just under 9 billion.

Look at the facts before you say outlandish things, and pass them off as some sort of real statistic to go by.

I said guys guys play more girls and girls play more guys.
About Me


03/14/2015 07:18 PM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
alican_zero Wrote:
Lotta mean stuff. Talk about bullying lol.

Before I start screaming curse words and derail this thread more, I shall leave you my dear MKO'er with this


You are falling down to your miserable hole when you choose to act rude towards me ! Everyone sees you POOR ! Did you get something when you altered my worda in such a pathetic way!!! Shame on you ! I'm calling the main responsible of this website to take a precaution for your immature and terrific words!!!furious
About Me

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

| Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |

Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

03/14/2015 07:22 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
I was just pointing something out. Do u really think a girl wants to see another girls boobs jiggle all over the place?

Do you really think you speak for all women?

(why aren't you SJWs jumping on this guy)

eroslove Wrote:

Thanks. I completely agree. My hope is that NRS gives all of its characters as much depth as its faves; I'm sort of of the mind that if the writing is flat out amazing, issues like diversity of representation will solve themselves. I don't think you can have good writing with a homogeneous cast of characters or plot devices.

I also want to voice support for the poster who observed that women in MK, while sometimes underrepresented, often hold positions of extreme importance in the overall storyline (Sonya, Kitana, and Sindel come to mind here), and this shouldn't be taken for granted either.

I had a hearty chuckle at that gif because Ina Garten is my girlfriend's favorite Food Network personality.

Well, I suppose you could have a solidly written cast that is homogenous. Nothing is impossible when it comes to writing. I will agree that diversity is better, given proper design across the board in both cases.

I too tip my hat to the poster who pointed out the women in positions of power in MK. Can't fathom some of these complaints when practically every other major fighter treats its women like eye candy.
03/14/2015 07:23 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
I said guys guys play more girls and girls play more guys.

I know what you said. I showed you why that is incorrect.

Look at the damn list of most played characters in MK9. If the MK fanbase mostly consists of males, why are the top 7 characters played on every console, all males? Not just by a small margin, but at its greatest difference, Scorpion has been played 12 BILLION times more than Kitana, who is the 8th most used character overall, and the most used female. What are you not understanding here? If most guys preferred to play as female characters, the top 3, or at least top 5, would have a couple of female characters in it.

Point is, you're wrong. There's pure 100% undeniable evidence right there. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Smoke, Cyrax, Johnny Cage, and Liu Kang are the 7 most played characters. ALL are male.

About Me

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

| Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |

Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

03/14/2015 07:24 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
I said guys guys play more girls and girls play more guys.

And, again, you're fucking wrong.
03/14/2015 07:27 PM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
I was just pointing something out. Do u really think a girl wants to see another girls boobs jiggle all over the place?

Do you really think you speak for all women?

(why aren't you SJWs jumping on this guy)

eroslove Wrote:

Thanks. I completely agree. My hope is that NRS gives all of its characters as much depth as its faves; I'm sort of of the mind that if the writing is flat out amazing, issues like diversity of representation will solve themselves. I don't think you can have good writing with a homogeneous cast of characters or plot devices.

I also want to voice support for the poster who observed that women in MK, while sometimes underrepresented, often hold positions of extreme importance in the overall storyline (Sonya, Kitana, and Sindel come to mind here), and this shouldn't be taken for granted either.

I had a hearty chuckle at that gif because Ina Garten is my girlfriend's favorite Food Network personality.

Well, I suppose you could have a solidly written cast that is homogenous. Nothing is impossible when it comes to writing. I will agree that diversity is better, given proper design across the board in both cases.

I too tip my hat to the poster who pointed out the women in positions of power in MK. Can't fathom some of these complaints when practically every other major fighter treats its women like eye candy.
I'm pretty sure most girls don't like to play as a sexualized character. Also I'm sorry was there a test of what sex was playing who there too? Do think jades stripper pole win pose was put in for the girls or the guys. I'm going to go with for the guys
03/14/2015 07:31 PM (UTC)
Hahah, sweet. Your girlfriend has great taste! "If you can't make your own mayonnaise using eggs from your Hampton's estate chicken coop, store-bought is fine. Just make sure it's really good mayonnaise." OKAY INA!

Back on topic: yeah, please don't mandate what all women want in their fighting game. You're not, presumably, Mel Gibson.

03/14/2015 07:34 PM (UTC)
eroslove Wrote:
Hahah, sweet. Your girlfriend has great taste! "If you can't make your own mayonnaise using eggs from your Hampton's estate chicken coop, store-bought is fine. Just make sure it's really good mayonnaise." OKAY INA!

Back on topic: yeah, please don't mandate what all women want in their fighting game. You're not, presumably, Mel Gibson.

Wish I had the time and money to end this but sadly I dont.
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