03/14/2015 06:37 AM (UTC)
There are 24 characters slots as far as we know. Ermac, even though he has a masculine body is made up of many souls both male and female, so there are 23 characters who fit the gender binary. There are the six female characters you mentioned, plus Ferra. Although Ferra is all the brains of the duo while Torr seems to be a living weapon that she uses, but I'll still count them as half and half. that means the ratio is about 69% male, 27% female, and 4% other.

As a comparison, the ratio of female to male fighters in Mortal Kombat is almost twice as much as the ratio of females to males on active military duty. Just sayin'
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03/14/2015 06:39 AM (UTC)

On a more serious note, we're only a month away from release!
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/14/2015 06:47 AM (UTC)
Let's see... first, let's fix up the numbers. Out of 24 announced characters, seven are female (counting Ferra-Torr as female since Ferra is the brain, and Torr is basically her battle mount). Not counting guest Jason, because he's a guest and we're talking MK here.

That's a ratio of 17:7, or 29%.If we throw in Erron, and Liu from the unvetted roster "leak", we're at 27%

In 2013, women in the combined branches of the US military totaled 14.6%. Pretty much half the MKX rate.

Also, MKX has a greater proportion of females in leadership positions than males. The women on the list are fewer in number, but men are far more likely to be grunts. Indeed, when you consider that until very recently women were not even allowed in Special Ops and are still not cleared for direct combat positions, you find that Sonya and Cassie are decades ahead of their time.

On the other hand, this survey estimates that American martial arts practitioners have an almost 50:50 gender divide, with males just edging ahead at 52%. So theoretically, there can be an even split in the MK roster and have it be true to an equal "interest" in martial arts.

However, for various political, cultural, and biological reasons far fewer women have historically gotten involved in intense physical combat than even the Mortal Kombat universe portrays. And you'll find that MK takes its female fighters far more seriously than series such as Tekken and Street Fighter; in MK, you very rarely (arguably never) see a woman be blatantly treated as a joke or portrayed as an unconvincing fighter, costumes notwithstanding.

So I would argue that while MK doesn't live up to the "ideal" equal-opportunity state, it is actually remarkably -- even unrealistically -- progressive. Of course, the questions surrounding women in combat do not have clear answers, so I honestly couldn't even argue that there is an "ideal" gender proportion that this game, or any other, should follow. In the end, I'm just glad the women are being handled more tastefully now than the puerile state of MK9.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

03/14/2015 07:07 AM (UTC)
What is all this bullshit with quoting percentages of women in the military? Geez, and people around here make fun of me for getting sociopolitical in here.

It's nothing to do with feminism or fighting for equality. It's just about variety. It's like people can't wrap their minds around the idea that people just genuinely want more female characters, not for "equality" or anything but just because we like them and we want more.

And seriously, comparing it to real life is STUPID anyway. This is Mortal Kombat. It is fantasy. GTFO with that crap.
03/14/2015 07:20 AM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
Let's see... first, let's fix up the numbers. Out of 24 announced characters, seven are female (counting Ferra-Torr as female since Ferra is the brain, and Torr is basically her battle mount). Not counting guest Jason, because he's a guest and we're talking MK here.

That's a ratio of 17:7, or 29%.If we throw in Erron, and Liu from the unvetted roster "leak", we're at 27%

In 2013, women in the combined branches of the US military totaled 14.6%. Pretty much half the MKX rate.

Also, MKX has a greater proportion of females in leadership positions than males. The women on the list are fewer in number, but men are far more likely to be grunts. Indeed, when you consider that until very recently women were not even allowed in Special Ops and are still not cleared for direct combat positions, you find that Sonya and Cassie are decades ahead of their time.

On the other hand, this survey estimates that American martial arts practitioners have an almost 50:50 gender divide, with males just edging ahead at 52%. So theoretically, there can be an even split in the MK roster and have it be true to an equal "interest" in martial arts.

However, for various political, cultural, and biological reasons far fewer women have historically gotten involved in intense physical combat than even the Mortal Kombat universe portrays. And you'll find that MK takes its female fighters far more seriously than series such as Tekken and Street Fighter; in MK, you very rarely (arguably never) see a woman be blatantly treated as a joke or portrayed as an unconvincing fighter, costumes notwithstanding.

So I would argue that while MK doesn't live up to the "ideal" equal-opportunity state, it is actually remarkably -- even unrealistically -- progressive. Of course, the questions surrounding women in combat do not have clear answers, so I honestly couldn't even argue that there is an "ideal" gender proportion that this game, or any other, should follow. In the end, I'm just glad the women are being handled more tastefully now than the puerile state of MK9.

I'm not going to wade into the argument over what *should* be the gender quota of a roster, as if such a thing could even exist in a fighting game. But, um, why should a fantasy action game have any correspondence with the gender ratio of the U.S. military or a polled national interest in "martial arts?"

Like, leaving behind the fact that not all of the characters in MK are aligned with the Special Forces--which I suppose you're comparing to "the military," and even leaving behind the fact that "Earthrealm" isn't even reducible to the "United States," why would gender-participation-in-the-US-military suddenly *really matter* in a fantasy game where people can rip heads off with their bare hands, fire force beams, and can claim many different homeworlds as points of origin, foreign to the ones we know?

It's sort of comical that of all the things we're willing to suspend disbelief for, having more than a minority of women in the roster somehow just can't be one of them. Instead, the minority of women is "accurate," or "realistic," or something that confirms our worldview.

To me, this odd phenomena is symptomatic of a much larger societal problem, so I'm not going to be like "it's MK's responsibility to tackle this pressing issue!" As if they could/why would they at all. Instead, I'm just observing, hopefully in good spirit, that what we choose to justify/rationalize as "making sense" in a completely fictional world, and more importantly, how we articulate these justifications, seems to speak more about the limits of our own imagination, and these limits cannot be taken for granted. Our reasoning doesn't happen by coincidence; it's informed by the way we've been taught to think on the outset.

So I suppose a little more reflexive-critique wouldn't go amiss.
About Me

Get that ass BANNED

03/14/2015 07:44 AM (UTC)
God fuck, I would love if Nitara was in this game. That would be dope as hell.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

03/14/2015 07:47 AM (UTC)
eroslove Wrote:
umbrascitor Wrote:
Let's see... first, let's fix up the numbers. Out of 24 announced characters, seven are female (counting Ferra-Torr as female since Ferra is the brain, and Torr is basically her battle mount). Not counting guest Jason, because he's a guest and we're talking MK here.

That's a ratio of 17:7, or 29%.If we throw in Erron, and Liu from the unvetted roster "leak", we're at 27%

In 2013, women in the combined branches of the US military totaled 14.6%. Pretty much half the MKX rate.

Also, MKX has a greater proportion of females in leadership positions than males. The women on the list are fewer in number, but men are far more likely to be grunts. Indeed, when you consider that until very recently women were not even allowed in Special Ops and are still not cleared for direct combat positions, you find that Sonya and Cassie are decades ahead of their time.

On the other hand, this survey estimates that American martial arts practitioners have an almost 50:50 gender divide, with males just edging ahead at 52%. So theoretically, there can be an even split in the MK roster and have it be true to an equal "interest" in martial arts.

However, for various political, cultural, and biological reasons far fewer women have historically gotten involved in intense physical combat than even the Mortal Kombat universe portrays. And you'll find that MK takes its female fighters far more seriously than series such as Tekken and Street Fighter; in MK, you very rarely (arguably never) see a woman be blatantly treated as a joke or portrayed as an unconvincing fighter, costumes notwithstanding.

So I would argue that while MK doesn't live up to the "ideal" equal-opportunity state, it is actually remarkably -- even unrealistically -- progressive. Of course, the questions surrounding women in combat do not have clear answers, so I honestly couldn't even argue that there is an "ideal" gender proportion that this game, or any other, should follow. In the end, I'm just glad the women are being handled more tastefully now than the puerile state of MK9.

I'm not going to wade into the argument over what *should* be the gender quota of a roster, as if such a thing could even exist in a fighting game. But, um, why should a fantasy action game have any correspondence with the gender ratio of the U.S. military or a polled national interest in "martial arts?"

Like, leaving behind the fact that not all of the characters in MK are aligned with the Special Forces--which I suppose you're comparing to "the military," and even leaving behind the fact that "Earthrealm" isn't even reducible to the "United States," why would gender-participation-in-the-US-military suddenly *really matter* in a fantasy game where people can rip heads off with their bare hands, fire force beams, and can claim many different homeworlds as points of origin, foreign to the ones we know?

It's sort of comical that of all the things we're willing to suspend disbelief for, having more than a minority of women in the roster somehow just can't be one of them. Instead, the minority of women is "accurate," or "realistic," or something that confirms our worldview.

To me, this odd phenomena is symptomatic of a much larger societal problem, so I'm not going to be like "it's MK's responsibility to tackle this pressing issue!" As if they could/why would they at all. Instead, I'm just observing, hopefully in good spirit, that what we choose to justify/rationalize as "making sense" in a completely fictional world, and more importantly, how we articulate these justifications, seems to speak more about the limits of our own imagination, and these limits cannot be taken for granted. Our reasoning doesn't happen by coincidence; it's informed by the way we've been taught to think on the outset.

So I suppose a little more reflexive-critique wouldn't go amiss.

Very intelligent, well thought out post.

But seriously, it's not about some equality crusade in video games. A lot of people just want more variety, they like female characters and so they want more of them. People acting like that is some kind of oddball request makes no sense to me.
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-sig by MINION

03/14/2015 07:59 AM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
God fuck, I would love if Nitara was in this game. That would be dope as hell.
Right? Lets have a thread about that.
About Me

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/14/2015 08:22 AM (UTC)
@FerraTorr and eroslove

Well, this discussion has gone around and around this forum a few times, and it usually comes from people taking a philosophical stance on the subject, unless I've just been missing the threads with the politically neutral sentiment that FerraTorr is referring to. When you think about it, it's hard to extract a "simple" wanting of more female characters from the social questions when the number bias is a social matter in the first place. "We would like to see more females" implies that the number is too low, and "too low" implies an ideal target. If you want "more," then how much is "more" and why?

So my post was an effort to find what such a standard might look like, even though the whole question is entirely subjective.

It's a question about a fantasy game, yes, but the answer has a reflection on the real world that wielding magic powers doesn't. Those magic powers represent the same potential as a soldier with a gun in real life, so that point is entirely moot. Yes, anyone can fight but that's not the question. The question is who would, because it's the proportion of active combatants that outlines our "standard."

For guidance on who would fight, I looked to statistics on general martial arts enthusiasm versus a measure of how many actually employ those skills in the kind of combat that sees you fighting for your faction/realm. Military enlistment seemed to be a reasonable analogue for an exercise I'm just tossing out here, so I went with that.

My post was an analysis, not a justification, of the roster. My conclusion was that we could have a 50:50 roster or a "realistic" one, and MKX falls somewhere in between. And at that, they also seem to be giving the female cast a strong representation in character, and so I think they're doing pretty well on the whole. Or at least they're doing better than the status quo.

You both have good points about why these social issues shouldn't need to have anything to do with this. But if you're going to say that what you have is not enough, then the next question is "Compared to what?" And that circles right back to the cultural questions. Otherwise, if there is no correct answer and it shouldn't even matter, then why does it matter? It should be fine to let them do as the story wills, especially if they're being progressive about it.

Sidebar: I would personally love to see Nitara, Kira, Ashrah, and Sindel make appearances again.
About Me

Get that ass BANNED

03/14/2015 09:06 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Murcielago Wrote:
God fuck, I would love if Nitara was in this game. That would be dope as hell.
Right? Lets have a thread about that.

As much as I would like to, it would be absolutely pointless because we already know everything about her (from past games of course). No point in speculating about her in MKX (it would get bashed from hell) aaaaand it would just clutter up the MKX thread just like every other useless thread we got going on currently.

But still though,

Nitara for DLC. I approve this demand.
- Murcielago for President "I fuck bitches"
About Me

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/14/2015 09:12 AM (UTC)
I figure Nitara has as much right to be here as D'vorah or Reptile. Her race does still exist, after all.
Give Nitara an outfit that's not so awkward looking and I'm all for it.
03/14/2015 09:23 AM (UTC)
I think 6 is too much :/// 4 would be enough :/ Why is Sonya playable if there's Cassie meh
Jade and Asrah are the only two old school ones I'd really lobby for because they were fun as hell to play. Some new ones would be welcome to anyone I'm sure.
03/14/2015 10:33 AM (UTC)
Li Mei for me, please.

Because she's so awesome and I asked nicely.
03/14/2015 10:40 AM (UTC)
Li Mei and Ashrah would be good.
03/14/2015 11:03 AM (UTC)
6 is enough this world has gone mad with political correctness we need the best characters for a game not a good mix of male and female if the best characters happen to be male characters then so be it!
03/14/2015 11:06 AM (UTC)
samuhai Wrote:
immortalkombat Wrote:
what is everyone's fascination with having so many female characters?????

It's Mortal Kombat not DOA

Because diversity is interesting ?

FerraTorr Wrote:
But seriously, it's not about some equality crusade in video games. A lot of people just want more variety, they like female characters and so they want more of them. People acting like that is some kind of oddball request makes no sense to me.

Now what does equality in gender have anything to do with diversity? So if the roster was 50% male and 50% female, it would be more diverse? Gender doesn't dictate diversity.
This is just again another thread/excuse for pushing the "gender-equality", which is getting very annoying.

So you want diversity by definition of "gender"? Okay, where are the gays? The transgendered? ... oh, and let's not forget our pre-teens, we can't rule them out. We have to show the world that kids these days are just as strong as mature people.

Let them just design the characters they want, regardless of gender. The characters are going to be just as diverse as they create them to be. It has nothing to do with male of female.

So maybe the title of the thread should change a little: "Still complaining about the total number of females? Again? Really MKO-users?"
03/14/2015 11:20 AM (UTC)
I hate when people bitch about not enough females, mexicans, black, asian, gay, whatever. Not everything needs to be equal all the time. Get over it.
03/14/2015 12:36 PM (UTC)
Perfect excuse to have Kano's daughter as one of the last reveals. I want some gothic, cynical goddessa.....

Jacqui: "Your father's legacy of evil ends now and it starts with you!"

Kano's daughter *looks at her nails*: "Like, whatever....."
About Me


03/14/2015 01:11 PM (UTC)
Let me be clear I really want to see Queen Sindel, Sareena,Scarlet, Li mei, Tanya and Frost ! furious
03/14/2015 01:13 PM (UTC)
immortalkombat Wrote:
what is everyone's fascination with having so many female characters?????

It's Mortal Kombat not DOA

Right, because more female characters would make this exactly like DOA, a series where the women exist primarily for sex appeal. That's all more female MK characters could provide for you, I suppose. We couldn't possibly get more gals like D'Vorah.

"Not everything needs to be equal all the time. Get over it"

And who other than a bigot would truly be bothered by more equality? So people want to see more women and minorities? Get over it. Heh.

Misogynists getting their panties in a knot over someone suggesting more women and/or minorities. Lol.
03/14/2015 01:17 PM (UTC)
I'm glad that there aren't a lot of females, I hardly ever use female characters.
03/14/2015 01:27 PM (UTC)
FerraTorr Wrote:
immortalkombat Wrote:
FerraTorr Wrote:
immortalkombat Wrote:
what is everyone's fascination with having so many female characters?????

It's Mortal Kombat not DOA

Why do people act like female characters are some kind of novelty and it's therefore strange that people want more of them?

Because in order to have more females we need to drop characters like Kenshi, Reptile, Ermac, Quan Chi

LOL, no you don't. What a stupid assumption.

That's not an stupid assumption at all, there is a budget and timetable to create up to a certain amount of characters. Resources must be correctly invested and they can't just add every character they want (or else we would have everyone's favorites with no problem at all), so if you want to include more females for the sake of it, then you have to cut from what was planned and that includes multiple great characters that I prefer in the game.

There are 2 females among the characters that I want added to this game (Sareena, my second favorite character in the mortal kombat universe, and Sindel) but it's not just for the sake of evening the sex balance for the sake of it, it's because I like the characters, if they didn't exist I wouldn't want 2 random females that could be atrocious characters, the same way that I want Noob and Reiko in the roster not because they're males, but because I think they're cool characters with tons of potential.

I believe in equality, in equality of conditions to prove your value no matter your sex, I'm all in for cool female characters, but if this game has a lot of cool male characters and just some cool female ones, removing worthy males for the sake of having a plural roster is sexism as you're removing cool characters to add shitty ones just because of their sex.

I'm a defender of women rights and I downright hate chauvinism, but because I value both genders equally, I want cool characters no matter their sex. If this game happens to have done a bad job delivering as many cool female characters as male ones, then I don't want the ones that aren't good enough, the same way I don't want Kobra, Darrius, Dairou, Mokap... all of them males.

In adition, as mentioned above, the ratio MK females on important positions is great, which means that when they deliver a cool female character, it's really good, while multiple of the cool male characters doesn't have as much impact except for a few iconic ones.

umbrascitor Wrote:

On the other hand, this survey estimates that American martial arts practitioners have an almost 50:50 gender divide, with males just edging ahead at 52%. So theoretically, there can be an even split in the MK roster and have it be true to an equal "interest" in martial arts.

Hummmm I'm not sure about that survey, I practiced 3 different martial arts (Shotokai, Taekwondo and Wing Tsun, this one for an extended period on a school with international reputation) and the proportion of males was always really high (and Wing Tsun was created in part to allow women beat stronger opponents without needing to be strong and bulky, so you would think more women would try it), much more than in Mortal Kombat and other games. I guess we would have to know what that survey considers "practicing martial arts", if it refers to having assisted to some classes and leave, or having a course of self defense, I don't consider it the same than being a martial arts practicioner. Or it could refer to closed competitions where the number of participants of each gender is fixed.

The again, I'm not frum the USA so maybe there the ratio is different. Not saying women couldn't excel (you have to see the daughter of our Wing Tsun Shifu using Kabal's hookswords, you don't want to start a fight with that girl) only that it looks like men seem to be more attracted to martial arts, at least for what I've seen.
03/14/2015 01:32 PM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
Let's see... first, let's fix up the numbers. Out of 24 announced characters, seven are female (counting Ferra-Torr as female since Ferra is the brain, and Torr is basically her battle mount). Not counting guest Jason, because he's a guest and we're talking MK here.

That's a ratio of 17:7, or 29%.If we throw in Erron, and Liu from the unvetted roster "leak", we're at 27%

In 2013, women in the combined branches of the US military totaled 14.6%. Pretty much half the MKX rate.

Also, MKX has a greater proportion of females in leadership positions than males. The women on the list are fewer in number, but men are far more likely to be grunts. Indeed, when you consider that until very recently women were not even allowed in Special Ops and are still not cleared for direct combat positions, you find that Sonya and Cassie are decades ahead of their time.

On the other hand, this survey estimates that American martial arts practitioners have an almost 50:50 gender divide, with males just edging ahead at 52%. So theoretically, there can be an even split in the MK roster and have it be true to an equal "interest" in martial arts.

However, for various political, cultural, and biological reasons far fewer women have historically gotten involved in intense physical combat than even the Mortal Kombat universe portrays. And you'll find that MK takes its female fighters far more seriously than series such as Tekken and Street Fighter; in MK, you very rarely (arguably never) see a woman be blatantly treated as a joke or portrayed as an unconvincing fighter, costumes notwithstanding.

So I would argue that while MK doesn't live up to the "ideal" equal-opportunity state, it is actually remarkably -- even unrealistically -- progressive. Of course, the questions surrounding women in combat do not have clear answers, so I honestly couldn't even argue that there is an "ideal" gender proportion that this game, or any other, should follow. In the end, I'm just glad the women are being handled more tastefully now than the puerile state of MK9.

You really tried it with those stats....first of all you conveniently let off Goro( making the roster 25) and then the newly announced Jason( making the roster 26, because we are talking about the MK X ROSTER); secondly if you count Ferra for the women, then you must count Torr because that is technically who WE will be playing/controlling(that's like playing one of those action RPGs with a party where you can only control the MC).

The accurate roster break up is 6-18, but 7-19 counting Ferra and Torr separately( which is stupid).......6/26 is about is 22%

As for comparing the game to real world military and what not....as has already been mentioned, that's quite pointless and of no relevance. This game isn't based on real life, it isn't based off the military and isn't based of real people or real scenarios. It's a fantasy game. A better comparison would be to.....other fantasy/ fighting video games!!!( what a surprise, no). With that in mind, MK X lands dead last as compared to the ratio %'s of just about every fighting game released in the last 2-3 years alone.

BlazBlue Chrono P- 11/28....about 40%
Tekken 7- 8/22....about 35%
Soul Calibur V- 9/29....about 34%
Dead or Alive 5: LR- 14/34....about 40%
Persona 4 U- 8/20.....about 40%
Killer instinct- 5/16.....about 30%
Guilty Gear Xrd S- 5/17....about 30%
Virtua Fighter 5 R- 5/18....about 28%
USF 4- 11/44....about 25%
Injustice- 8/32....about 25%
MK 9- 7/30....about 24%

MK X(w/o Jason)- 6/25......24%
MK X(w Jason)- 6/26.....22%

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