03/14/2015 01:42 PM (UTC)
Personally, I really don't care about the gender ratio, any more than I care about the race ratio, the species ratio, the good to bad ratio etc.

I'm all for equality, but not when you're going out of your way to ensure you get it as close as possible just for the sake of it. That's over doing it, and if we applied that to everything in life, and every game, it'd get really boring and stupid fast.

Because what you're essentially saying right now, is we should pull 3-6 male characters out, just to replace them with female characters, for the sake of a percentage of representation statistic.

Then you're messing with story, favorite characters, gameplay etc.

This is such a slippery slope. It is every time this argument comes up, or one like it, because it's so easy for everyone to make this argument. Because we can always say "well, that solves gender representation issues, ok, now what about race representation issues?" Eventually we'd have the most forced rosters each game, because we're trying too hard to represent everything as equal as we can. That's really bland.

Just let the characters be who they are going to be. That's my opinion on the matter.
03/14/2015 01:45 PM (UTC)
You know the funny thing about most misogynists? How they so badly want sausage fests in their media, yet look down on homosexuality.

Seeing as a lot of misogynistic losers are also homophobic, it's like the heterosexual ones are conditioned to hate who they're sexually attracted to, while the closeted gay ones hate being attracted to their own gender. Sexual frustration in both cases, lol.

Not that being strictly sexist or homophobic is any less pathetic than being both.
03/14/2015 01:52 PM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
oracle Wrote:
Murcielago Wrote:
God fuck, I would love if Nitara was in this game. That would be dope as hell.
Right? Lets have a thread about that.

As much as I would like to, it would be absolutely pointless because we already know everything about her (from past games of course). No point in speculating about her in MKX (it would get bashed from hell) aaaaand it would just clutter up the MKX thread just like every other useless thread we got going on currently.

But still though,

Nitara for DLC. I approve this demand.
- Murcielago for President "I fuck bitches"

People think nitara could come out interesting. I love her weapons. Also people want more girls because they are usually fast and nimble characters. Also to black cyborg the color of your skin has nothing to do with the way u fight.........
About Me


03/14/2015 01:57 PM (UTC)
Women should be much powerful and has to take the prominent roles in the society for the equality!
Back on topic, I am really upset to see many guys but few women unfortunately ! Moreover Queen Sindel is the strongest female in MK , in the last game she had a huge role in story ! So glad that Sindel is in !...and hoping for more femeles like Tanya,Li mei,Sareena and Scarlett...furious
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

03/14/2015 02:02 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
Personally, I really don't care about the gender ratio, any more than I care about the race ratio, the species ratio, the good to bad ratio etc.

I'm all for equality, but not when you're going out of your way to ensure you get it as close as possible just for the sake of it. That's over doing it, and if we applied that to everything in life, and every game, it'd get really boring and stupid fast.

Because what you're essentially saying right now, is we should pull 3-6 male characters out, just to replace them with female characters, for the sake of a percentage of representation statistic.

Then you're messing with story, favorite characters, gameplay etc.

This is such a slippery slope. It is every time this argument comes up, or one like it, because it's so easy for everyone to make this argument. Because we can always say "well, that solves gender representation issues, ok, now what about race representation issues?" Eventually we'd have the most forced rosters each game, because we're trying too hard to represent everything as equal as we can. That's really bland.

Just let the characters be who they are going to be. That's my opinion on the matter.


see what I did thur?
03/14/2015 02:03 PM (UTC)
This is a non-issue.

They could have easily made the children of Jax and Cage into men but they didn't due to disparity.

It'd be unwise to suddenly start axing a whole bunch of male characters purely to put in more returning females that aren't as popular for something as silly as a representation quota. Hell, many popular characters like the cyborgs already aren't going to be in the game.
03/14/2015 02:08 PM (UTC)
Wanderer Wrote:
This is a non-issue.

They could have easily made the children of Jax and Cage into men but they didn't due to disparity.

It'd be unwise to suddenly start axing a whole bunch of male characters purely to put in more returning females that aren't as popular for something as silly as a representation quota. Hell, many popular characters like the cyborgs already aren't going to be in the game.

They already said they made Cassie a girl because Johnny is a womanizer also if she was a guy she would be exactly like Johnny. It would be a second Johnny. Same for jax too I think. No way nrs would have a boy be like sonya so they had no choice. Also there are some girl characters that are extremely popular. Wtf are talking about.
03/14/2015 02:14 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
They already said they made Cassie a girl because Johnny is a womanizer also if she was a guy she would be exactly like Johnny. It would be a second Johnny. Same for jax too I think. No way nrs would have a boy be like sonya so they had no choice. Also there are some girl characters that are extremely popular. Wtf are talking about.

What am I talking about? The exact same thing you just regurgitated. You just say it in a much more poorly written way.
03/14/2015 02:18 PM (UTC)
Simply because the males are used much more than the females. Me personally i never used the chicks as a kid or now unless i was playing a friend who decided to pick one then id pick one but i never just outright used one. People hate on jax and all that but he was played as wayyyy more in mk9 than mileena and after reading these forums the people on here act like Mileena is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Its just that simple the females arent played as much as the males. I dont even think a female was ranked in the top 10 most used in mk9.
03/14/2015 02:21 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:


see what I did thur?

I just don't think people understand the ramifications of what they are asking.

Say there's 25 characters total. Right now we have 7 females(If you count Torr, you have to count Ferra).

That means to make it closer to 50%, we need to pull out 6 male characters. Who do you choose? Are they relevant to story? Do they have a large fanbase? What gameplay elements are we losing?

Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kotal, Raiden, Quan Chi, Kano, Kung Lao, Reptile, Ermac, Kenshi, Takeda, Kung Jin, Johnny Cage, Shinnok, Liu Kang, Goro, Erron Black.

So who do we remove, just because they have a penis? And then who do we add in their place(as if story has no importance on the roster), just because they have a vagina?

I mean, isn't the mere idea of not including someone because we have "too many of them right now, we need to make sure it's close to 50/50", the exact opposite of equality? That's essentially still identifying and judging these characters based on whether they are male or female, and including them for that reason. When ideally, they'd all be picked from the same group, and let their character and story potential be the deciding factors. That's called un-biased, un-prejudice, un-discriminatory, equality. Where gender does not play a factor at all. That's the dream. What you are hoping for, is contradictory to that. You want to discriminate against a male character, because he's male, and we have too many of those, so we can make room for some more females, just because they happen to be a female.

The whole thing is silly.
03/14/2015 02:23 PM (UTC)
Wanderer Wrote:
Windice Wrote:
They already said they made Cassie a girl because Johnny is a womanizer also if she was a guy she would be exactly like Johnny. It would be a second Johnny. Same for jax too I think. No way nrs would have a boy be like sonya so they had no choice. Also there are some girl characters that are extremely popular. Wtf are talking about.

What am I talking about? The exact same thing you just regurgitated. You just say it in a much more poorly written way.

You said they shouldn't get rid of popular characters for less popular characters when there are girl characters that are popular. That is why I said wtf. Pay attention. I also was not agreeing with u at all. I was showing they had to make some characters girls. If given the chance I'm sure they would of been boys. To blackcyborg: there are more male characters so it is not exactly fair in the first place. jax is played a lot because he was op.
03/14/2015 02:34 PM (UTC)
The roster is fine the way it is tongue
About Me

As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.

03/14/2015 02:39 PM (UTC)
immortalkombat Wrote:
what is everyone's fascination with having so many female characters?????

It's Mortal Kombat not DOA

The same reason why Ghostbusters is getting an unnecessary, ALL-FEMALE reboot.... *rolls eyes*
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

03/14/2015 02:40 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
Detox Wrote:


see what I did thur?

I just don't think people understand the ramifications of what they are asking.

Say there's 25 characters total. Right now we have 7 females(If you count Torr, you have to count Ferra).

That means to make it closer to 50%, we need to pull out 6 male characters. Who do you choose? Are they relevant to story? Do they have a large fanbase? What gameplay elements are we losing?

Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Kotal, Raiden, Quan Chi, Kano, Kung Lao, Reptile, Ermac, Kenshi, Takeda, Kung Jin, Johnny Cage, Shinnok, Liu Kang, Goro, Erron Black.

So who do we remove, just because they have a penis? And then who do we add in their place(as if story has no importance on the roster), just because they have a vagina?

I mean, isn't the mere idea of not including someone because we have "too many of them right now, we need to make sure it's close to 50/50", the exact opposite of equality? That's essentially still identifying and judging these characters based on whether they are male or female, and including them for that reason. When ideally, they'd all be picked from the same group, and let their character and story potential be the deciding factors. That's called un-biased, un-prejudice, un-discriminatory, equality. Where gender does not play a factor at all. That's the dream. What you are hoping for, is contradictory to that. You want to discriminate against a male character, because he's male, and we have too many of those, so we can make room for some more females, just because they happen to be a female.

The whole thing is silly.

That's exactly what I've been trying to put into words for a few moments now. I thank you for saving me the headache. Haha.
03/14/2015 02:45 PM (UTC)
Windice Wrote:
You said they shouldn't get rid of popular characters for less popular characters when there are girl characters that are popular. That is why I said wtf. Pay attention.

Surely you realize how stupid what you just said sounds though, right? They've added the most popular females already.

You don't honestly think most folks would be happy with the inclusion of, say, Ashrah or Kira over Kano or Kung Lao? It'd appeal to that very, very small clique of fans but then we'd be right back to Deception levels of game bashing.

The only female from the franchise with a notable fanbase whom has not been revealed for MKX is Tanya, who is popular enough to wind up in the game one way or another as a download if she's not in the released game.
03/14/2015 02:47 PM (UTC)
ScorpionEater12 Wrote:
immortalkombat Wrote:
what is everyone's fascination with having so many female characters?????

It's Mortal Kombat not DOA

The same reason why Ghostbusters is getting an unnecessary, ALL-FEMALE reboot.... *rolls eyes*

Ok. Now that is unnecessary. Generally in fighting games men mostly pick girl characters. I just think mk doesn't have enough.

Also why is there a need to put girl characters against girl characters. Is it because people feel like they would be called a girl or something if they picked one so they have to wait till someone else does it or is because they feel it's right to have 2 girls fight cus men are stronger? It's a fricken game. Just play who ever moves u like. To the comment above: u forgot frost, jade, and skarlet. Have u been to ed boon's Twitter recently? We want jade back blah blah blah blah. Do u see how many signatures she has.
About Me
03/14/2015 02:56 PM (UTC)
I'm fine with 1/4 of the base roster.
03/14/2015 02:58 PM (UTC)
I love playing as the ladies. I always find, not always...but often, the female characters can be most interesting and fun to play.

There better be more than this in the game when it's all said and done with DLC. There better be a shit load more of DLC characters thank just 2 MK & 2 guests.

Personally, I'm hoping for:


If any one or more of them make it in I'll be thrilled!!! Not enough women on the roster. With this generation of consoles, I expected more characters on the roster...both male & female. Hopefully they surprise us.
03/14/2015 03:03 PM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Perfect excuse to have Kano's daughter as one of the last reveals. I want some gothic, cynical goddessa.....

Jacqui: "Your father's legacy of evil ends now and it starts with you!"

Kano's daughter *looks at her nails*: "Like, whatever....."

Not a bad idea for a character. Would actually love some kind of gothic girl/woman in there.

DG1OA Wrote:
immortalkombat Wrote:
what is everyone's fascination with having so many female characters?????

It's Mortal Kombat not DOA

Right, because more female characters would make this exactly like DOA, a series where the women exist primarily for sex appeal. That's all more female MK characters could provide for you, I suppose. We couldn't possibly get more gals like D'Vorah.

"Not everything needs to be equal all the time. Get over it"

And who other than a bigot would truly be bothered by more equality? So people want to see more women and minorities? Get over it. Heh.

Misogynists getting their panties in a knot over someone suggesting more women and/or minorities. Lol.

Sorry, but I think your last paragraph is laughable. You're calling people misogynists because they don't want politic-correctness to "ruin" their game. So going by your train of thought, we can call you a misandrist?

And most here responding "negative" on this thread, including me, are just tired of these kind of posts. There have been a lot of these posts and they grow tiresome, because they aren't about the game anymore. And overal, the threads become worse with each new game. I feel sorry for game-devellopers these days with all this moaning about this and that in their games. Let them make their game as they see fit.

I think most are not against equality by gender, race, ... whatever. People just don't like politics getting into games. Games are still a way to have fun and even escape reality. So it doesn't have to cater to politic-correctness.

Lokheit Wrote:
umbrascitor Wrote:

On the other hand, this survey estimates that American martial arts practitioners have an almost 50:50 gender divide, with males just edging ahead at 52%. So theoretically, there can be an even split in the MK roster and have it be true to an equal "interest" in martial arts.

Hummmm I'm not sure about that survey, I practiced 3 different martial arts (Shotokai, Taekwondo and Wing Tsun, this one for an extended period on a school with international reputation) and the proportion of males was always really high (and Wing Tsun was created in part to allow women beat stronger opponents without needing to be strong and bulky, so you would think more women would try it), much more than in Mortal Kombat and other games. I guess we would have to know what that survey considers "practicing martial arts", if it refers to having assisted to some classes and leave, or having a course of self defense, I don't consider it the same than being a martial arts practicioner. Or it could refer to closed competitions where the number of participants of each gender is fixed.

Same with our trainings of thai-kickboksing. Most are males. And then there was a sudden burst of females who came to practice. So all of a sudden, almost half of the people were women. But only 1 or 2 took it seriously and could "kick ass", the rest were chattering more then doing some actual fighting/techniques. Those women were also the ones who ended a training session before it was over.
About Me


03/14/2015 03:08 PM (UTC)
It may be a little bit out o topic but when we exactly see the final scene of the roster?confusedfurious
03/14/2015 03:25 PM (UTC)
Spirit_Wolf Wrote:
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Perfect excuse to have Kano's daughter as one of the last reveals. I want some gothic, cynical goddessa.....

Jacqui: "Your father's legacy of evil ends now and it starts with you!"

Kano's daughter *looks at her nails*: "Like, whatever....."

Not a bad idea for a character. Would actually love some kind of gothic girl/woman in there.

DG1OA Wrote:
immortalkombat Wrote:
what is everyone's fascination with having so many female characters?????

It's Mortal Kombat not DOA

Right, because more female characters would make this exactly like DOA, a series where the women exist primarily for sex appeal. That's all more female MK characters could provide for you, I suppose. We couldn't possibly get more gals like D'Vorah.

"Not everything needs to be equal all the time. Get over it"

And who other than a bigot would truly be bothered by more equality? So people want to see more women and minorities? Get over it. Heh.

Misogynists getting their panties in a knot over someone suggesting more women and/or minorities. Lol.

Sorry, but I think your last paragraph is laughable. You're calling people misogynists because they don't want politic-correctness to "ruin" their game. So going by your train of thought, we can call you a misandrist?

And most here responding "negative" on this thread, including me, are just tired of these kind of posts. There have been a lot of these posts and they grow tiresome, because they aren't about the game anymore. And overal, the threads become worse with each new game. I feel sorry for game-devellopers these days with all this moaning about this and that in their games. Let them make their game as they see fit.

I think most are not against equality by gender, race, ... whatever. People just don't like politics getting into games. Games are still a way to have fun and even escape reality. So it doesn't have to cater to politic-correctness.

Lokheit Wrote:
umbrascitor Wrote:

On the other hand, this survey estimates that American martial arts practitioners have an almost 50:50 gender divide, with males just edging ahead at 52%. So theoretically, there can be an even split in the MK roster and have it be true to an equal "interest" in martial arts.

Hummmm I'm not sure about that survey, I practiced 3 different martial arts (Shotokai, Taekwondo and Wing Tsun, this one for an extended period on a school with international reputation) and the proportion of males was always really high (and Wing Tsun was created in part to allow women beat stronger opponents without needing to be strong and bulky, so you would think more women would try it), much more than in Mortal Kombat and other games. I guess we would have to know what that survey considers "practicing martial arts", if it refers to having assisted to some classes and leave, or having a course of self defense, I don't consider it the same than being a martial arts practicioner. Or it could refer to closed competitions where the number of participants of each gender is fixed.

Same with our trainings of thai-kickboksing. Most are males. And then there was a sudden burst of females who came to practice. So all of a sudden, almost half of the people were women. But only 1 or 2 took it seriously and could "kick ass", the rest were chattering more then doing some actual fighting/techniques. Those women were also the ones who ended a training session before it was over.

Mk still doesn't really have a Anna, Jenny, Ivy, Juri, Morrigan, Tengu kinda character.
03/14/2015 03:33 PM (UTC)
Yes, really. I know this really has nothing to do with your complaint but if we compare story significance im thinking the females will be on top in the game. Cassie more or less seems like she will be the primary protagonist, and Mileena seems to be playing a major role in this game as well.








That's not a bad number IMO, unless you want it to be exactly 50/50 of course.
03/14/2015 03:40 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Yes, really. I know this really has nothing to do with your complaint but if we compare story significance im thinking the females will be on top in the game. Cassie more or less seems like she will be the primary protagonist, and Mileena seems to be playing a major role in this game as well.








That's not a bad number IMO, unless you want it to be exactly 50/50 of course.

Could be a few more but they will probably have at least one female as dlc. That makes Tanya's chances higher so I'm happy hahahaha
03/14/2015 03:52 PM (UTC)
Depending on how you look at it....the state for the women in the game is pretty stale.

Sonya + Cassie - mother/daughter who share some moves

Kitana + Mileena - clones(though both unique in their own right)

Jacqueline - head swap with Cassie

D'vorah - fully new unique female character

Ferra - more or less just an accessory

Not looking too great or exciting overall.
03/14/2015 04:42 PM (UTC)
For me its not about political correctness or equality, its about diversity. And that's why I'm not overly thrilled about the recently revealed Johnny, Sonya and Jax, because for me they essentially fill the same archetypes that Jacqui and Cassie do. However the story mode looks to be great so I'm sure I'll get over it.

But for the people saying that its all about story relevance etc etc - you do realise its up to NRS who is relevant to the story? But anyway that's another issue. Its a shame Li Mei likely won't be playable, or Sareena and Ashrah for that matter - from what we know a lot of the game is based around the Outworld war and the Netherealm war, so I feel these ladies would have fit in well.

I'm not going to complain about the number of females as it's what I was expecting, but the diversity of the roster in general in terms of archetypes (not playstyles, as I doubt we'll have any clones) is lacking a bit for me. That, and the fact that about 95% of the revealed returnees were playable in MK9.
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