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03/04/2015 07:45 PM (UTC)
The ONLY thing I am really disappointed about is the apparent exclusion of SMOKE. I could be wrong, and he could be in... but as of now its looking like my main/favorite character didn't make the cut... because I'd much rather have him than a Jax/Jaqui/Johnny/Sonya/Cassie cluster Fck.

He was one of the most popular/used/improved characters of MK9 and had a very interesting story set up for this game... It just doesn't make sense to me why they would exclude him...

Bitch/moan over grin
03/04/2015 07:46 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
I am going to try and articulate this as best I can without trying to sound like moaning and instead sound like constructive criticism. Yes, it's true. I have my main in the game, so I'm sure you're all wondering 'The hell is he in here for?' I'm still a little put off on the roster and here's why;

It's now going on 9, almost 10 years, since we got to play as anyone other than Quan Chi or Kenshi. Yes, while it is true that the MK3 camp was gone for a while and then came back with Deception, this is a little bit different. Their storyline wasn't cock-teased at the end of the previous game and then pretty much none of them are represented when the next game finally comes around. They heard our plea's, they heard our cries and now when confronted with the argument "We want to play as characters we haven't played as in 10 years" on twitter, we get responses like "Cassie. Ferra torr. D'Vorah and others newbies!" I'm not even kidding, that was an actual response I saw upon waking up this morning.

I'm sorry, was something lost in translation? That's like saying "Hey, BADASS! You get a free trip to wherever you wanna go! You want to go to China!? Awesome, let me get you your tickets. Here you go, all expenses paid round trip to Chinatown just like you asked! Enjoy your flight!" Yes, the new characters are great, but at this point they're skimping on an entire generation of fighters. Hell, one could even argue we didn't even get anyone new added from the 3D era because Kenshi, Quan and Shinnok all appeared in MK9 so we literally have NO ONE that's fresh that didn't appear in the last game unless they're completely new.

This game has tons of glorified cameos supposedly, so why.... WHY I ask couldn't any of the Johnny, Sonya, Jax and Kenshi grouping have sat out a game since their children are involved and let others take their respective places and then release them as a DLC pack that we know for a fact would've brought in huge bucks? It's just ridiculous to me.

Just to break this roster down, we have no originals from MK3, we have no originals from Deception, we have no 3D era characters that were left out of MK9, only the ones who were in roster, DLC or cameo form. That's a HUGE chunk of people to leave out. And you can't use the "Oh well we built the roster around story needs." Then where the hell is Reiko? Where is Baraka? Where is Rain? Where is Fujin? Where is Li Mei? We've all seen them, they are all indeed involved in the story, some of them even pretty damned important since Mileena seems to be all by her lonely self in the roster while Kotal Kahn has allies galore represented.

This roster just frustrates the living hell out of me. It is so uneven. It leaves so many unrepresented. Would it really have killed them to give us a cyborg like Cyrax as a Special Forces agent instead of Sonya, Jax or Kenshi to represent MK3? A Reiko for Mileena's sake or a Fujin to equal out Raiden's stupidity to further rep MK4? A fucking Bo Rai Cho since he trained Kung Jin for MKDA?

I like what I see, the character models look amazing, I'm sure their gameplay will be amazing too and I'll be happy when I play them but when it comes to compiling the roster and making an even, complete feeling collection of characters......NRS dropped the ball big time and gave us an incredibly safe, predictable and boring roster. Probably one of THE most safe rosters I've seen yet from them. After the huge success of MK9 and Injustice, they pretty much went into this game with carte blanche and could've done literally any fucking thing. They could've put Meat in here and made him fucking badass but instead we got this. I'm completely baffled.

This is the best post I've read on MKO in months and months. Extremely objective and balanced.

I actually visited Eurogamer in London and got to meet Derrick from NRS (the guy who does the streaming vids). I asked him directly: "Is Havik in the game?" ... silent pause, can't say... "Is Fujin? Is Tanya?"... again, same response, but then: "what I will say, is you'll be extremely happy with the roster."

Imagine sitting back, waiting 10 months - and then you're presented with the current roster. Honestly, it's like he spat in my face.
03/04/2015 07:48 PM (UTC)
SaltyRice Wrote:
Seventyseven Wrote:
Horrible roster. Definitely gonna skip this game.


Nobody gonna miss you.

I will so dont say nobody
03/04/2015 08:04 PM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
I am going to try and articulate this as best I can without trying to sound like moaning and instead sound like constructive criticism. Yes, it's true. I have my main in the game, so I'm sure you're all wondering 'The hell is he in here for?' I'm still a little put off on the roster and here's why;

It's now going on 9, almost 10 years, since we got to play as anyone other than Quan Chi or Kenshi. Yes, while it is true that the MK3 camp was gone for a while and then came back with Deception, this is a little bit different. Their storyline wasn't cock-teased at the end of the previous game and then pretty much none of them are represented when the next game finally comes around. They heard our plea's, they heard our cries and now when confronted with the argument "We want to play as characters we haven't played as in 10 years" on twitter, we get responses like "Cassie. Ferra torr. D'Vorah and others newbies!" I'm not even kidding, that was an actual response I saw upon waking up this morning.

I'm sorry, was something lost in translation? That's like saying "Hey, BADASS! You get a free trip to wherever you wanna go! You want to go to China!? Awesome, let me get you your tickets. Here you go, all expenses paid round trip to Chinatown just like you asked! Enjoy your flight!" Yes, the new characters are great, but at this point they're skimping on an entire generation of fighters. Hell, one could even argue we didn't even get anyone new added from the 3D era because Kenshi, Quan and Shinnok all appeared in MK9 so we literally have NO ONE that's fresh that didn't appear in the last game unless they're completely new.

This game has tons of glorified cameos supposedly, so why.... WHY I ask couldn't any of the Johnny, Sonya, Jax and Kenshi grouping have sat out a game since their children are involved and let others take their respective places and then release them as a DLC pack that we know for a fact would've brought in huge bucks? It's just ridiculous to me.

Just to break this roster down, we have no originals from MK3, we have no originals from Deception, we have no 3D era characters that were left out of MK9, only the ones who were in roster, DLC or cameo form. That's a HUGE chunk of people to leave out. And you can't use the "Oh well we built the roster around story needs." Then where the hell is Reiko? Where is Baraka? Where is Rain? Where is Fujin? Where is Li Mei? We've all seen them, they are all indeed involved in the story, some of them even pretty damned important since Mileena seems to be all by her lonely self in the roster while Kotal Kahn has allies galore represented.

This roster just frustrates the living hell out of me. It is so uneven. It leaves so many unrepresented. Would it really have killed them to give us a cyborg like Cyrax as a Special Forces agent instead of Sonya, Jax or Kenshi to represent MK3? A Reiko for Mileena's sake or a Fujin to equal out Raiden's stupidity to further rep MK4? A fucking Bo Rai Cho since he trained Kung Jin for MKDA?

I like what I see, the character models look amazing, I'm sure their gameplay will be amazing too and I'll be happy when I play them but when it comes to compiling the roster and making an even, complete feeling collection of characters......NRS dropped the ball big time and gave us an incredibly safe, predictable and boring roster. Probably one of THE most safe rosters I've seen yet from them. After the huge success of MK9 and Injustice, they pretty much went into this game with carte blanche and could've done literally any fucking thing. They could've put Meat in here and made him fucking badass but instead we got this. I'm completely baffled.

This is the best post I've read on MKO in months and months. Extremely objective and balanced.

I actually visited Eurogamer in London and got to meet Derrick from NRS (the guy who does the streaming vids). I asked him directly: "Is Havik in the game?" ... silent pause, can't say... "Is Fujin? Is Tanya?"... again, same response, but then: "what I will say, is you'll be extremely happy with the roster."

Imagine sitting back, waiting 10 months - and then you're presented with the current roster. Honestly, it's like he spat in my face.

Yeah, that's pretty bad. Of course, they could always use the "Well, they are cameos in story mode so...." excuse that seems to be flying around lately because peoples questioning isn't 'specific' enough but I mean, really, they know exactly what we mean when we ask "Is X, Y & Z in the game?"

Then, on the off chance and this is like 2% chance, Boon did say the roster would be around the same size if not bigger than 9 so maybe the leaked roster list is accurate with who all is included but they added a few more fighters since then which could explain why the select screen at E3 had 24 slots. We know there has to be 26 or 27 characters in this game, unless Goro is the sub-boss and someone in the main 24 is a playable main boss but lets be honest? The days of playable bosses were lackluster and horrible, in my opinion. They should be challenging and tough. They shouldn't be as troll-heavy as Kahn but they also should not be on the same level as everyone else, either.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

03/04/2015 08:06 PM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
I actually visited Eurogamer in London and got to meet Derrick from NRS (the guy who does the streaming vids). I asked him directly: "Is Havik in the game?" ... silent pause, can't say... "Is Fujin? Is Tanya?"... again, same response, but then: "what I will say, is you'll be extremely happy with the roster."

Imagine sitting back, waiting 10 months - and then you're presented with the current roster. Honestly, it's like he spat in my face.

03/04/2015 08:22 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
The ONLY thing I am really disappointed about is the apparent exclusion of SMOKE. I could be wrong, and he could be in... but as of now its looking like my main/favorite character didn't make the cut... because I'd much rather have him than a Jax/Jaqui/Johnny/Sonya/Cassie cluster Fck.

He was one of the most popular/used/improved characters of MK9 and had a very interesting story set up for this game... It just doesn't make sense to me why they would exclude him...

Bitch/moan over grin

Mmm. We both lost our main my friend.

Smokes gameplay just really gelled with me.

I too am surprised by his absence (and Noobs as well) but if we had all the ninjas in then people would be crying foul.

Kinda sucks but I bet they went to the drawing board and said "we only are going to include 4 ninjas in the main roster, and 2 of those are already subby and scorp".
About Me

The MK Gods on dA

Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets

03/04/2015 08:29 PM (UTC)
It's a pretty good roster, actually.

But Fujin, doe. ;_;
03/04/2015 08:45 PM (UTC)
The whole point of the next generation was to pass the torch to the youth.
Leaving the youth alone, without their parents, would have been a disaster.
The last time a totally new, debuting hero took the challenge on himself was Mk Armageddon and it had Taven a very interesting character with good appearance, good Fatalities, cool time manipulation powers and original backstory. On paper. When it came to actual gameplay and fan reaction Taven didn't perform much better than a Hsu Hao, Hotaru, Drahmin and so on.

Now I will never tire to repeat that the internet Mk fans are just like 1%, maybe 2â„... of the whole general audience. The rest of that 99% doesn't give a damn about the post mk4 characters. And, in case you're wondering, Sareena and Havik are two of my favourites. Heck, not even Skarlet got her well deserved second chance.

We should consider ourselves lucky enough to get a playable Shinnok
03/04/2015 08:50 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
The whole point of the next generation was to pass the torch to the youth.
Leaving the youth alone, without their parents, would have been a disaster.

And what everyone with this argument seems to be missing is that MK games now have a component named Story Mode. You know, a cinematic/gameplay experience that brings you closer to MK characters. No one is saying these parental figures had to be cut completely. The parents being playable in the roster adds absolutely nothing of value to the next generation fighters and how casuals will feel about them. Them interacting together during cutscenes, even just as unplayable characters like Li Mei or Rain, would still accomplish all that you guys are arguing for. You could have even gone that route and then released them as DLC after the games release. Yet here they are in the main roster.
03/04/2015 08:52 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:

This post was utter bullshit and the reason MK forums have become so disgusting. Why do you feel the need to go there? Does it make you feel better or something?

I mean I can understand people that feel happy their favs made it in (I myself am ecstatic to have Mileena back), but I won't rub it in people's faces if their fav didn't make it in. It's convenient to sit there being all like "YEAAH SUCKASS" becoz Johnny (or whoever the fuck your favorite character is) is in the game, but wouldn't you be disappointed if he didn't? Why you gotta be a dick? confused

Aw, come on, I said I was sorry for gloating, lighten up a little will ya? tongue

I did not intend to come off as serious as you probably took it. I wasn't trying to say I'm happy that some of our favorites aren't getting in. I'll admit I was poking a bit of fun at the people in other threads preaching doom and gloom, because admit it, if you haven't seen something along the lines of "Wow, Jax is in but not Reiko? Preorder cancelled!" then you haven't been reading the threads. And that's annoying to me (although they're free to say whatever) and that's where I was directing the "sorry, not sorry" thing. And yeah, that does make me feel a little better.

And real talk, again, I'm sorry for anyone who has a favorite sitting this one out. Believe it or not I do have a few not making it in. I don't actually think the roster is perfect, but imo the good outweighs the bad so I don't feel like complaining right now. And again, high hopes for DLC grin sleep
03/04/2015 08:57 PM (UTC)
Again, story presentation, alone, it's not a saving grace.
Otherwise Shujinko and Taven would be the best characters ever.

Cassie, Jaqui, Kung Jin and Takeda need more time.

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/04/2015 09:00 PM (UTC)
Frankly, MKX reminds me A LOT of Mario Kart 8. Both games are in line to be the best in their respective series...but both have very underwhelming rosters. The sad part is that both rosters could've been rectified by simply adding in the 5-6 characters fans would love to see (For MKX that's Fujin. Tanya, Havik, Bo, Reiko, and Li Mei).
03/04/2015 09:02 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
I think the roster is a clear representation of the direction NRS wanted to go with this game.

With the message the team wanted to promote from the get-go, "New generation of fighters", and with the revealing of Cassie in the first E3 demo, we started to understand this message. Ed Boon then talked about interaction with parents (I can't remember exactly what he said, but it hinted at Cassie being able to fight against her parents). So we had an idea of the possibility of Cassie fighting alongside her parents, Cage and Sonya.

Now skip a year or so ahead, we get a whole pack of new generation fighters: Kung Jin, Takeda, and Jacquie. Add Cassie to that pack, and you got the "new generation of fighters". Now, how do you establish these new characters? You have them interact with classic characters, and their parents, who happen to be very popular characters. NRS isn't stupid. They did this on purpose. They need to help these characters grow and become established with the fanbase and you need the help of veterans to do so, to help with the push they are receiving.

It's much like in WWE. When they want to push a certain storyline or a certain wrestler, they usually turn to WWE Hall of Famers or old veterans to push that storyline or character. The audience buys into it because they love the Hall of Famers and the veterans, and it helps to get it all going. This is what NRS is doing with the inclusion of Cage, Sonya, Jax, Kenshi, and Kung Lao. They are there to help push this new generation of fighters by interacting with them, fighting with them, so that the audience gets used to these new characters and starts to like them.

If Cassie, Takada, Kung Jin, and Jacquie were in this game alone, I think they would fail miserably. The audience would not buy into it, and in the overall roster, they would have gotten lost in the mix. NRS did not want that, because MKX is all about a new generation, a fresh start, and I truly believe this will be the last time we see Kenshi, Cage, Sonya, Kung Lao and Jax. It is the passing of the torch.

Exactly!!, this is all about pasing the chur, and also, giving a GOOD GODBYE to the soooo beloved characters la Kung Lao, Sonya, Cage,Jax, etc.. after all their history and figths it would be terrible for the franchise if these characterswould go away just by been Killed at the same time in one game, and those surviving just not making into the next one.

This is a New era, that can ́t continue without the blessing of the older Heroes. Fujin, Tanya, Reiko, Bo rai cho, are the perfects enemies and mentors of the new fighters,But first they much reach the level that th original chosen ones had.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/04/2015 09:03 PM (UTC)
Dantesd94 Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
I think the roster is a clear representation of the direction NRS wanted to go with this game.

With the message the team wanted to promote from the get-go, "New generation of fighters", and with the revealing of Cassie in the first E3 demo, we started to understand this message. Ed Boon then talked about interaction with parents (I can't remember exactly what he said, but it hinted at Cassie being able to fight against her parents). So we had an idea of the possibility of Cassie fighting alongside her parents, Cage and Sonya.

Now skip a year or so ahead, we get a whole pack of new generation fighters: Kung Jin, Takeda, and Jacquie. Add Cassie to that pack, and you got the "new generation of fighters". Now, how do you establish these new characters? You have them interact with classic characters, and their parents, who happen to be very popular characters. NRS isn't stupid. They did this on purpose. They need to help these characters grow and become established with the fanbase and you need the help of veterans to do so, to help with the push they are receiving.

It's much like in WWE. When they want to push a certain storyline or a certain wrestler, they usually turn to WWE Hall of Famers or old veterans to push that storyline or character. The audience buys into it because they love the Hall of Famers and the veterans, and it helps to get it all going. This is what NRS is doing with the inclusion of Cage, Sonya, Jax, Kenshi, and Kung Lao. They are there to help push this new generation of fighters by interacting with them, fighting with them, so that the audience gets used to these new characters and starts to like them.

If Cassie, Takada, Kung Jin, and Jacquie were in this game alone, I think they would fail miserably. The audience would not buy into it, and in the overall roster, they would have gotten lost in the mix. NRS did not want that, because MKX is all about a new generation, a fresh start, and I truly believe this will be the last time we see Kenshi, Cage, Sonya, Kung Lao and Jax. It is the passing of the torch.

Exactly!!, this is all about pasing the chur, and also, giving a GOOD GODBYE to the soooo beloved characters la Kung Lao, Sonya, Cage,Jax, etc.. after all their history and figths it would be terrible for the franchise if these characterswould go away just by been Killed at the same time in one game, and those surviving just not making into the next one.

This is a New era, that can ́t continue without the blessing of the older Heroes. Fujin, Tanya, Reiko, Bo rai cho, are the perfects enemies and mentors of the new fighters,But first they much reach the level that th original chosen ones had.

Kinda hard for them to reach that level when they're not getting any spots in any rosters don't ya think?
03/04/2015 09:04 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
Again, story presentation, alone, it's not a saving grace.
Otherwise Shujinko and Taven would be the best characters ever.

Cassie, Jaqui, Kung Jin and Takeda need more time.

Then I think we'll just agree to disagree because, frankly, they could all come off as compelling characters without Sonya, Jax, Johnny, Kenshi or Kung Lao being involved as playable characters. The parents could've easily just been in Story Mode and saved as DLC and those newbies could've still 'worked' just as well in the eyes of people like you who apparently think that way. In other words, I highly doubt people would think Cassie is going to suck just because Sonya is not playable. That's completely ridiculous. Also, Taven and Shujinko sucked because their storylines were shitty and their designs were as well. Something I can't say is the case for any of the new characters in X.
03/04/2015 09:16 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Frankly, MKX reminds me A LOT of Mario Kart 8. Both games are in line to be the best in their respective series...but both have very underwhelming rosters. The sad part is that both rosters could've been rectified by simply adding in the 5-6 characters fans would love to see (For MKX that's Fujin. Tanya, Havik, Bo, Reiko, and Li Mei).

Are you so sure that the fans want to see Fujin, Havik, Bo, Reiko, Li Mei?

That's the BASIC bias you qnd many others make.

Outside of the hardcore fanbase, nobody cares about them.

Everyone knows Subby and Scorpy. No one knows Hotaru and Havik except for mkonline, tym,etc.
03/04/2015 09:22 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Frankly, MKX reminds me A LOT of Mario Kart 8. Both games are in line to be the best in their respective series...but both have very underwhelming rosters. The sad part is that both rosters could've been rectified by simply adding in the 5-6 characters fans would love to see (For MKX that's Fujin. Tanya, Havik, Bo, Reiko, and Li Mei).

Are you so sure that the fans want to see Fujin, Havik, Bo, Reiko, Li Mei?

That's the BASIC bias you qnd many others make.

Outside of the hardcore fanbase, nobody cares about them.

Everyone knows Subby and Scorpy. No one knows Hotaru and Havik except for mkonline, tym,etc.

Wow, how wrong you are. You should do your homework a bit. I mean, hell, there's a music site I frequent with a bunch of casual gamers and they've been btiching up a storm about there being no Frost. I posted that pic this morning and they went fucking nuts.
About Me
MKO's Sig of the Week Contest - Coming Soon! PM for details on how you can be a part of it!
03/04/2015 09:57 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
Again, story presentation, alone, it's not a saving grace.
Otherwise Shujinko and Taven would be the best characters ever.

Cassie, Jaqui, Kung Jin and Takeda need more time.

Then I think we'll just agree to disagree because, frankly, they could all come off as compelling characters without Sonya, Jax, Johnny, Kenshi or Kung Lao being involved as playable characters. The parents could've easily just been in Story Mode and saved as DLC and those newbies could've still 'worked' just as well in the eyes of people like you who apparently think that way. In other words, I highly doubt people would think Cassie is going to suck just because Sonya is not playable. That's completely ridiculous. Also, Taven and Shujinko sucked because their storylines were shitty and their designs were as well. Something I can't say is the case for any of the new characters in X.

They should be playable characters, though. As mentioned earlier: this is probably the last time we see those characters in an MK game for awhile and it is their farewell game.

NRS clearly didn't want them as DLC and I'm sure a lot was talked about it. I like the decision of them being included as playable characters--remember, they are still really popular characters that MK fans would have wanted to see playable. Also, I'm going to go and guess that their market research showed that including these Trilogy characters would make the game better instead of others.

MK4/MKDA/MKD characters will be DLC. Ed Boon knows there is a strong demand for them, so they are going to see how these characters do in terms of sales. If it is positive, you can bet they will be in the next MK game in the initial roster.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/04/2015 10:03 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Frankly, MKX reminds me A LOT of Mario Kart 8. Both games are in line to be the best in their respective series...but both have very underwhelming rosters. The sad part is that both rosters could've been rectified by simply adding in the 5-6 characters fans would love to see (For MKX that's Fujin. Tanya, Havik, Bo, Reiko, and Li Mei).

Are you so sure that the fans want to see Fujin, Havik, Bo, Reiko, Li Mei?

That's the BASIC bias you qnd many others make.

Outside of the hardcore fanbase, nobody cares about them.

And that's YOUR basic bias that you and many others make. There's ALOT of people and mainstream fans who definitely enjoy and would love to see several of the 3D era characters. Most of my male co-workers who are hardcore gamers but not big diehard MK fans have favorites in Fujin, Havik, and the like. Hell most of the people I have met have only played Deadly Alliance and Deception hardcore.

The belief that "No one currs bout 3D era characters aside from fanboyz durpdurp!" is bullshit.
03/04/2015 10:03 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Frankly, MKX reminds me A LOT of Mario Kart 8. Both games are in line to be the best in their respective series...but both have very underwhelming rosters. The sad part is that both rosters could've been rectified by simply adding in the 5-6 characters fans would love to see (For MKX that's Fujin. Tanya, Havik, Bo, Reiko, and Li Mei).

You bring up a really good point. This game looks like it'll be the absolute best of the series. The game play and story mode will be awesome. There is no way I'm not going to have this game the second it comes out. I will be playing it a year from now, practicing almost everyday and going to tournaments and all that. BUT, at the same time, the roster is completely underwhelming to me. Its obvious NRS wanted to push the series forward and have a new generation of fighters, but to have them right along side their parents is beyond lame. Thats NRS completely pulling their punches.

Like KenshiMaster has been saying, having a parent character as an NPC makes total and absolute sense both in story mode and game play. In story mode they serve as a guide and teacher (which I'm sure they will anyway) and in the game we don't need to play as the entire cage family with 3 different versions each. Whereas more unique characters like Rain and Le Mei have so much more to offer than NPC's just based on roster diversity alone.

Another thing thats been bothering me about the roster is the over abundance of good characters. Like you have the special forces family bunch (which is a third of the cast right there), the good characters that are more than likely allies to them (Scorp, Sub, Kitana, Kung, Raiden, Lui Kang (if he's not the big bad) and then the neutral Kotal crew who are also aligned with Special Forces. So now we have what, like six evil characters left??? Mileena, Quan, Shinnok, Kano, Goro and apparently Ermac (from intro dialog), and possibly Erron Black (shown walking with Ermac and Mileena's army). And Quan and Shinnok could be doing their own thing at the beginning of the game and have fuck all to do with Mileena. I know this is a crude break down since I'm just doing this off the top of my head and for sure don't know the details of story mode, but still. Like, where is the fucking threat in all this exactly?? The good characters vastly outnumber the evil characters who are busy fighting one another anyway.
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
See MK9 was indeed a farewell for many characters. We all know we will never see the likes of: Stryker, Sheeva, Baraka, Kintaro, Jade, quite possibly the two cyborgs, Sindel, Nightwolf, and Kabal. I know I'm making harsh assumptions, but I think the team has indeed moved on from those characters. So MK9 was a farewell to many characters, and MKX is now saying farewell to Cage, Sonya, Kenshi, Jax, and Kung Lao. Of course, you can't cut every classic character because you will alienate your fanbase and it won't feel like MK anymore. Every fighting game has its core characters that will always be there because they represent the franchise.

If you ask me, Jade, Nightwolf, Sindel, Stryker, Kabal, and Smoke all died as a way of explaining keeping some of them young when they return in a later game and aren't aged up like everyone else. I agree that they're going to do this next-generation of protagonists thing, but I don't think they'll really comitt to it and get rid of some characters forever. They're going to have to re-use some older guys to sell based on recognition here and there. Hell, they'll probably bring Kung Lao, Jax, Sonya, and Johnny back too. I just don't see them fully doing this when it's about the third time they were supposed to wipe the slate clean yet several of these guys are still here and coming back from the dead.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/04/2015 10:05 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Frankly, MKX reminds me A LOT of Mario Kart 8. Both games are in line to be the best in their respective series...but both have very underwhelming rosters. The sad part is that both rosters could've been rectified by simply adding in the 5-6 characters fans would love to see (For MKX that's Fujin. Tanya, Havik, Bo, Reiko, and Li Mei).

Are you so sure that the fans want to see Fujin, Havik, Bo, Reiko, Li Mei?

That's the BASIC bias you qnd many others make.

Outside of the hardcore fanbase, nobody cares about them.

Everyone knows Subby and Scorpy. No one knows Hotaru and Havik except for mkonline, tym,etc.

Wow, how wrong you are. You should do your homework a bit. I mean, hell, there's a music site I frequent with a bunch of casual gamers and they've been btiching up a storm about there being no Frost. I posted that pic this morning and they went fucking nuts.

Exactly. Deadly Alliance and Deception was top selling fucking games. It wasn't this tragic dark time in the series that some of these idiots like to make it out to be. I'd say those games catapulted the series into the 2000s and kept the mainstream audience interested.
03/04/2015 10:07 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Frankly, MKX reminds me A LOT of Mario Kart 8. Both games are in line to be the best in their respective series...but both have very underwhelming rosters. The sad part is that both rosters could've been rectified by simply adding in the 5-6 characters fans would love to see (For MKX that's Fujin. Tanya, Havik, Bo, Reiko, and Li Mei).

Are you so sure that the fans want to see Fujin, Havik, Bo, Reiko, Li Mei?

That's the BASIC bias you qnd many others make.

Outside of the hardcore fanbase, nobody cares about them.

Everyone knows Subby and Scorpy. No one knows Hotaru and Havik except for mkonline, tym,etc.

Wow, how wrong you are. You should do your homework a bit. I mean, hell, there's a music site I frequent with a bunch of casual gamers and they've been btiching up a storm about there being no Frost. I posted that pic this morning and they went fucking nuts.

Exactly. Deadly Alliance and Deception was top selling fucking games. It wasn't this tragic dark time in the series that some of these idiots like to make it out to be. I'd say those games catapulted the series into the 2000s and kept the mainstream audience interested.

Where is Rain? I don't see him in the Roster.

About Me

03/04/2015 10:11 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Frankly, MKX reminds me A LOT of Mario Kart 8. Both games are in line to be the best in their respective series...but both have very underwhelming rosters. The sad part is that both rosters could've been rectified by simply adding in the 5-6 characters fans would love to see (For MKX that's Fujin. Tanya, Havik, Bo, Reiko, and Li Mei).

Are you so sure that the fans want to see Fujin, Havik, Bo, Reiko, Li Mei?

That's the BASIC bias you qnd many others make.

Outside of the hardcore fanbase, nobody cares about them.

Everyone knows Subby and Scorpy. No one knows Hotaru and Havik except for mkonline, tym,etc.

Ok, and here lies the point where the opinions most of the users are making in this thread get warped into "playing favorites", the complains don't reduce to "my favourite 3D character isn't in = GAME BAD". Don't talk about bias, because that's exactly what you're making by assuming that's the whole critique to the leaked roster and again by assuming all 3D characters are unpopular. I don't play favourites, If the roster would have been all 3D and new characters I would have said it lacked some key classics character according to their role on the story.

I think a balanced roster means a combination of characters from different backgrounds and allegiances, that brings unexpected elements to the table, keeps the fans surprised, a roster that separates itself from the previous one, hopefully in a significant way. Of the vast pool of potential returnees (MK3-MKA) the selection is safe and underwhelming at best.

This game promises to be great, and I have no doubt it will deliver, but the roster leaves a lot to be desired.
03/04/2015 10:11 PM (UTC)
friendshipagain Wrote:
again, same response, but then: "what I will say, is you'll be extremely happy with the roster."

He must have said this thinking you were me lol Because I'm extremely happy with the roster.

Well, I want Bo, Li Mei, Reiko and Havik to be playable, but in no moment of my life I expected to roster to be PERFECT for me. You simply can't make millions of people perfectly happy. But, yes, I'm extremely happy, because I have like 20 favorite MK characters and more than half of them are in the game.

Betting ALL your hopes on one or two obscure and/or rarely seen characters like Tremor and Tanya is the shortest trip to severe disappointment.
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