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'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

03/04/2015 10:37 AM (UTC)
QweefSindel Wrote:
:( I was really hoping for Shang Tsung's return.

me too!
he is my fave character and my MK9 main!

could you imagine what a hi def next gen soul steal would look like?

i had hoped for Reiko as he is a very interesting character and my fave of the post trilogy characters
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/04/2015 10:45 AM (UTC)
I'm still not sold on Liu Kang at all.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/04/2015 10:50 AM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
One of the best rosters ever imo, and DLC will make it even better.

Besides, where has the love for 3D character suddenly come from? I remember pre MK9 characters like Bo Rai Cho, Reiko, Tanay and Fujin were fucking despised. The mere mention of them started arguments on this forum and now people are crying over the fact we're not getting them? WTF happened?

Yeah I never remember seeing Tanya or Fujin being "despised"- if anything I see more flack for them now then I did then mainly because of the counter balance to the positive. Bo you have a point. Reiko was always more of joked about than flat out hated by people.

That said- its a fandom, minds change, new people come- it's always in transition. One can say the same about Stryker- he was the "Hsu Hao of the 2d era that everyone hated and now look at him- has a decent following. Hell, some people were pushing for him to be in Deception.

Things change.
03/04/2015 12:06 PM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
One of the best rosters ever imo, and DLC will make it even better.

Besides, where has the love for 3D character suddenly come from? I remember pre MK9 characters like Bo Rai Cho, Reiko, Tanay and Fujin were fucking despised. The mere mention of them started arguments on this forum and now people are crying over the fact we're not getting them? WTF happened?

Fujin was never despised
03/04/2015 12:19 PM (UTC)
Since it's an OFFICIAL Bitch & Moan thread, I guess nobody will have the same problem with as always which is "Don't complain, they are NRS we love them"

Anyways, The roster sucks, and that's not because I don't have my favs in there because I do, Quan Chi and Kenshi are in. I'm a little upset Sektor isn't in but I accepted that a long time ago.

On the other hand, WHERE THE HELL IS SMOKE?

Kabal? Reiko? Havik? Tanya? Fujin? Bo?

Where the hell are those characters?

Why are we just getting sooooo much bland characters when we have characters like Kabal out there.

Tanya is one of those characters that have been highly demanded in MKX and they are still not putting her in. (Not talking DLC cause she might be)

What about Reiko? People really warmed up to Reiko from his appearance in the comics.

Havik? He is one of those interesting and beloved characters from the 3D Era.

How about we stop with Raiden and actually give Fujin a chance?

Whatever I'm not going to go on a huge ass rant, Roster sucks. Jax/Sonya/Johnny should have been DLC.

although I would have liked it even more if they were not in at all.
03/04/2015 12:21 PM (UTC)
I am happy with the roster. I mean yeah no Fujin, but I can't be mad if I get Erron Black. Sorry Fujin, you've been replaced.

Still hope he makes it though.
03/04/2015 12:31 PM (UTC)
Horrible roster. Definitely gonna skip this game.
03/04/2015 12:33 PM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
One of the best rosters ever imo, and DLC will make it even better.

Besides, where has the love for 3D character suddenly come from? I remember pre MK9 characters like Bo Rai Cho, Reiko, Tanay and Fujin were fucking despised. The mere mention of them started arguments on this forum and now people are crying over the fact we're not getting them? WTF happened?

Well it was MK9 that made characters like Sheeva and Stryker actually pretty cool, and they were able to make give smoke a unique moveset. So I think people saw that and wanted to see that happen with some of the 3d era characters.

As for the topic, I've said it before but I'll say it here: NRS is afraid to take risks and step outside their trilogy bubble. The roster is good, but it's not ambitious.
03/04/2015 01:16 PM (UTC)
I am going to try and articulate this as best I can without trying to sound like moaning and instead sound like constructive criticism. Yes, it's true. I have my main in the game, so I'm sure you're all wondering 'The hell is he in here for?' I'm still a little put off on the roster and here's why;

It's now going on 9, almost 10 years, since we got to play as anyone other than Quan Chi or Kenshi. Yes, while it is true that the MK3 camp was gone for a while and then came back with Deception, this is a little bit different. Their storyline wasn't cock-teased at the end of the previous game and then pretty much none of them are represented when the next game finally comes around. They heard our plea's, they heard our cries and now when confronted with the argument "We want to play as characters we haven't played as in 10 years" on twitter, we get responses like "Cassie. Ferra torr. D'Vorah and others newbies!" I'm not even kidding, that was an actual response I saw upon waking up this morning.

I'm sorry, was something lost in translation? That's like saying "Hey, BADASS! You get a free trip to wherever you wanna go! You want to go to China!? Awesome, let me get you your tickets. Here you go, all expenses paid round trip to Chinatown just like you asked! Enjoy your flight!" Yes, the new characters are great, but at this point they're skimping on an entire generation of fighters. Hell, one could even argue we didn't even get anyone new added from the 3D era because Kenshi, Quan and Shinnok all appeared in MK9 so we literally have NO ONE that's fresh that didn't appear in the last game unless they're completely new.

This game has tons of glorified cameos supposedly, so why.... WHY I ask couldn't any of the Johnny, Sonya, Jax and Kenshi grouping have sat out a game since their children are involved and let others take their respective places and then release them as a DLC pack that we know for a fact would've brought in huge bucks? It's just ridiculous to me.

Just to break this roster down, we have no originals from MK3, we have no originals from Deception, we have no 3D era characters that were left out of MK9, only the ones who were in roster, DLC or cameo form. That's a HUGE chunk of people to leave out. And you can't use the "Oh well we built the roster around story needs." Then where the hell is Reiko? Where is Baraka? Where is Rain? Where is Fujin? Where is Li Mei? We've all seen them, they are all indeed involved in the story, some of them even pretty damned important since Mileena seems to be all by her lonely self in the roster while Kotal Kahn has allies galore represented.

This roster just frustrates the living hell out of me. It is so uneven. It leaves so many unrepresented. Would it really have killed them to give us a cyborg like Cyrax as a Special Forces agent instead of Sonya, Jax or Kenshi to represent MK3? A Reiko for Mileena's sake or a Fujin to equal out Raiden's stupidity to further rep MK4? A fucking Bo Rai Cho since he trained Kung Jin for MKDA?

I like what I see, the character models look amazing, I'm sure their gameplay will be amazing too and I'll be happy when I play them but when it comes to compiling the roster and making an even, complete feeling collection of characters......NRS dropped the ball big time and gave us an incredibly safe, predictable and boring roster. Probably one of THE most safe rosters I've seen yet from them. After the huge success of MK9 and Injustice, they pretty much went into this game with carte blanche and could've done literally any fucking thing. They could've put Meat in here and made him fucking badass but instead we got this. I'm completely baffled.
03/04/2015 01:33 PM (UTC)
johnny1up Wrote:
Wow, NRS, wow. Really? Really NRS, really? I just can't believe it. Really, seriously I can't believe it. Really, really, absolutely seriously I can't believe it, NRS. I can't believe you would do such a thing. People said it wouldn't be so. They claimed it wouldn't be so. They sang it wouldn't be so. They proclaimed it wouldn't be so. They yelled it wouldn't be so. They screamed and shouted it wouldn't be so. But they were wrong. It was so. It really was so. It really, really, totally completely absolutely was so. You actually did it. you did what everyone said you wouldn't do. And I can't believe it. I can't believe you did it.

I can't believe...

I can't believe you...

I can't believe you made...

I can't believe you made a game with...

I can't believe you made a game with...

THE BEST ROSTER OF ALL TIME! Thank you NRS! Thank you for making all my dreams come true! I worried for agonizing months, but in the end it looks like all will be well! The entire MK1 cast together again for the first time in a game that doesn't make it a point to do so! Plus Jax, Kitana, Mileena Ermac, and Kung Lao as added bonuses and a bunch of neat looking new characters thrown in the mix for an all new story experience? Yes NRS, YESSSSS! People will hate, people will say "NEUGGGH MK9 2.0!!!" People will say, "Ugh, Jax and Johnny Cage are the worst most bland boring unoriginal characters ever, give me Dariou and Tanya!" but this fan is happy! And to all of you who don't like the roster, SOOOOOOOORRY!

Okay, that's enough. Sorry for gloating and sorry to all of you who had a favorite sitting out. High hopes for DLC! I'm hoping for Cyrax myself.

And on a side note, if anyone can get me a shot of Liu Kang from MKX that's not from the tower, they will be selling another pre-order for NRS.

This post was utter bullshit and the reason MK forums have become so disgusting. Why do you feel the need to go there? Does it make you feel better or something?

I mean I can understand people that feel happy their favs made it in (I myself am ecstatic to have Mileena back), but I won't rub it in people's faces if their fav didn't make it in. It's convenient to sit there being all like "YEAAH SUCKASS" becoz Johnny (or whoever the fuck your favorite character is) is in the game, but wouldn't you be disappointed if he didn't? Why you gotta be a dick? confused
idk I find the lets take existing characters and give them children/relatives pretty overdone in this game they could have used much more variety in character selection....
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/04/2015 01:55 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
johnny1up Wrote:
Wow, NRS, wow. Really? Really NRS, really? I just can't believe it. Really, seriously I can't believe it. Really, really, absolutely seriously I can't believe it, NRS. I can't believe you would do such a thing. People said it wouldn't be so. They claimed it wouldn't be so. They sang it wouldn't be so. They proclaimed it wouldn't be so. They yelled it wouldn't be so. They screamed and shouted it wouldn't be so. But they were wrong. It was so. It really was so. It really, really, totally completely absolutely was so. You actually did it. you did what everyone said you wouldn't do. And I can't believe it. I can't believe you did it.

I can't believe...

I can't believe you...

I can't believe you made...

I can't believe you made a game with...

I can't believe you made a game with...

THE BEST ROSTER OF ALL TIME! Thank you NRS! Thank you for making all my dreams come true! I worried for agonizing months, but in the end it looks like all will be well! The entire MK1 cast together again for the first time in a game that doesn't make it a point to do so! Plus Jax, Kitana, Mileena Ermac, and Kung Lao as added bonuses and a bunch of neat looking new characters thrown in the mix for an all new story experience? Yes NRS, YESSSSS! People will hate, people will say "NEUGGGH MK9 2.0!!!" People will say, "Ugh, Jax and Johnny Cage are the worst most bland boring unoriginal characters ever, give me Dariou and Tanya!" but this fan is happy! And to all of you who don't like the roster, SOOOOOOOORRY!

Okay, that's enough. Sorry for gloating and sorry to all of you who had a favorite sitting out. High hopes for DLC! I'm hoping for Cyrax myself.

And on a side note, if anyone can get me a shot of Liu Kang from MKX that's not from the tower, they will be selling another pre-order for NRS.

This post was utter bullshit and the reason MK forums have become so disgusting. Why do you feel the need to go there? Does it make you feel better or something?

I mean I can understand people that feel happy their favs made it in (I myself am ecstatic to have Mileena back), but I won't rub it in people's faces if their fav didn't make it in. It's convenient to sit there being all like "YEAAH SUCKASS" becoz Johnny (or whoever the fuck your favorite character is) is in the game, but wouldn't you be disappointed if he didn't? Why you gotta be a dick? confused

Thats what I love about Mileena fans. Sure she's one of the most popular characters and the damn near poster girl for the series- you guys are always so humble and understanding. Definietly a great fandom.
03/04/2015 01:59 PM (UTC)
I think NRS sniffed out this leak and purposefully is leaking the characters from the leaked list.

The "leak" is the safest leak I have ever seen.

I think the roster is larger than we think and the leak list happens to incluse correct characters.
About Me

Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling

Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.

03/04/2015 02:02 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
I think NRS sniffed out this leak and purposefully is leaking the characters from the leaked list.

The "leak" is the safest leak I have ever seen.

I think the roster is larger than we think and the leak list happens to incluse correct characters.

I think it would be foolhardy to expect more than an unlockable character or two. We have to keep the variation system in mind.
03/04/2015 02:02 PM (UTC)
I am going to hold out hope that this isn't the complete roster despite mounting evidence because that is a really really disappointing and boring roster Iand I just hope that it is bullshit!
03/04/2015 02:06 PM (UTC)
Eh. That's all I got. I like the characters. But the roster could have used a little more spark. This feels very safe and grounded. Like they wanted to return it to the more humble zone of MK1 and 2. When I expect craziness and more eccentric characters like Shang, Baraka, the Cyborgs, Noob Saibot, Havik.

I really hope the alts for some of the characters are better. Because I am seeing way to much gun metal greys and dark blues being used for fighting game character costumes.

Too much unity and sameness. I hope they really cut loose with the alts and gave the characters more individuality.
03/04/2015 02:14 PM (UTC)
No cyborgs is really killing my buzz honestly

If this is the final roster I am not angry, I like it. I just expected more.
About Me

As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.

03/04/2015 02:15 PM (UTC)
I would like at least one cyborg, Cyrax or Sektor, no preference.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

03/04/2015 02:19 PM (UTC)
I can understand no Cyrax, and no Cyber Zero. But the lack of Sektor is surprising. There has to be a character with their movesets, so who the fuck is it?!
03/04/2015 02:22 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
I can understand no Cyrax, and no Cyber Zero. But the lack of Sektor is surprising. There has to be a character with their movesets, so who the fuck is it?!

Cassie has the honing missles and Jacquie apparently has flamethrower arms. Sektor really could have been awesome gameplay-wise.

I can almost gaurentee a cyborg as dlc tho. I mean they'd have to right?
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

03/04/2015 02:27 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
Cassie has the honing missles and Jacquie apparently has flamethrower arms. Sektor really could have been awesome gameplay-wise.

I can almost gaurentee a cyborg as dlc tho. I mean they'd have to right?

Jackie looks to have machine gun barrels on her arms, I don't know why people keep saying flamethrower.
03/04/2015 02:36 PM (UTC)
I'm not fully convinced that we won't see any of the MK4-MKA characters in large roles or as playable characters in the game. NRS is still playing their cards close to the chest. It may only be a select few but even some of the Trilogy characters have had lengthy hiatuses. Sindel was introduced in '95, and she wasn't seen again until 9 years later and then another 7 years before she resurfaced. Even if they don't come back in this game, there's always the next one.

My guess as to why the likes of Sonya, Johnny, Jax, Kenshi and Kung Lao are in the game alongside their younger relatives is for the sake of the story and how recognizable they are. NRS seemed to be surprised by the positive reception to MK9's story mode. And I think now they're going to focus on a tightly written narrative to double up on what MK9 laid the foundations for. Introducing the new characters of MKX in story mode will require precious screentime. Story Mode will likely be long, but it's a big universe and a big cast of characters. It would be an easier job to do if new characters are introduced with the already established cast of the last game as opposed to the lesser known characters from the second gen cast who would also require introductions and establishing within the MK universe for the casual audience. It's not that I don't think they could write a good story with a cast made up primarily of new characters and characters from MK4-MKA but I think they could write a much better story with more solid relationships and interactions by combining the new with those that have already been set up.

It's like when Dairou, Darrius and Hotaru where introduced in Deception. Three new characters with interweaving narratives along with a brand new realm. It was like it's own little cocoon of a story within a bigger story that felt somewhat detached from the wider plot. It was too much, all at once, too soon. I think drip feeding new elements in to the plot and using what's already there to ingrain it in to the universe. Kenshi was introduced by himself with a singular goal - revenge on Shang Tsung. It was simple, it was connected to the already established lore and it was successful. Cassie, being the daughter of two of the original characters has a lot to live up to and it's already a lot of pressure to be popular amongst fans to put on a new character. Her introduction would be a lot more seamless if she's introduced along side her parents and to see first hand how their characters shape hers.

I'm a huge fan of the second generation of fighters. Havik, Ashrah, Hotaru, Nitara, Fujin, Tanya, Reiko, etc, etc. I love them all. I think all of them are already great or could become great with a re-introduction to the series. MK9 made Stryker, one of the most despised MK characters for the better part of 15 years a bad-ass in one game. I have no doubt they could do it any of the lesser known or lesser popular characters from MK4-MKA. But so far I am loving this cast of characters and all the story mode potential it brings with it. There's still some roster slots left so there may yet be some pleasant surprises in store. And if not, there's always DLC. And there's always the following game. Ashrah and I will voodoo doll a chump to a bloody pulp once again. Some day.
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03/04/2015 02:42 PM (UTC)
Shit isn't accurate. Noob is in!
03/04/2015 02:48 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
Shit isn't accurate. Noob is in!

Denial doesn't help anybody :'(.
03/04/2015 03:05 PM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
Cassie has the honing missles and Jacquie apparently has flamethrower arms. Sektor really could have been awesome gameplay-wise.

I can almost gaurentee a cyborg as dlc tho. I mean they'd have to right?

Jackie looks to have machine gun barrels on her arms, I don't know why people keep saying flamethrower.

Ahh interesting. Machine guns on her arms is way cooler than flamethrowers. especially when flamethrowers are blatantly sektors. I am hoping you are correct.
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