11/23/2007 04:13 PM (UTC)
Here is our next character, the Vampire prince.


Origin: Vaeternus

Alignment: Evil

Status: Prince of Vaeternus

Fighting Styles: Vajramushti, Angampora

Vajramushti: Translated as either "Diamond Fist" or "Thunderbolt Fist", Vajramushti (also called Vajramukti) is an ancient Indian martial art that is believed to have originated about 3000 years ago. It is also the name of an ancient Indian knuckleduster that is associated with the fighting style and said to be used by its practitioners in bouts. Like Pankration, Vajramushti resembles the mixed martial arts of modern times, consisting of vicious full-contact battles. It's believed that Alexander the Great had an influence on the Indian martial arts through introducing Pankration to the Indians, though it may or may not have influenced Vajramushti.

Generally a close-ranged style, Vajramushti focuses a bit more of grappling techniques resembling Judo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and western forms of Wrestling, which are done both standing up and on the ground. However, it also contains various striking and kicking techniques, which are compared to the likes of Japanese Karate, Western Boxing, and perhaps even Thai Boxing (Muay Thai). Some believe that Vajramushti and some other Indian martial arts led to the creation of Chinese martial arts through the legendary Bodhidharma (known to the Chinese as Da Mo). Vajramushti is one of the martial arts taught to the Vampire warriors and a style that Vetalas learned from that. We chose this style for Vetalas due to the Indian influence behind his character concept and because it's a brutal, well-rounded martial art.

Angampora: Angampora is a native martial art from Sri Lanka that is associated with kings. Said to date back to the Anuradhapura era to the times of the ancient Sinhala kingdoms, Angampora had gone through revival in many areas of Sri Lanka and was the fighting style of nobility in those times. The name Angampora is derived from the terms "Ange", meaning body, and "pora", meaning combat. Using smooth, flowing, and deceptive movements, this style uses fast footwork and flowing jumps that characterize a butterfly. In addition to hand-to-hand combat methods, weapons such as the Velayudaya are taught. Vetalas learned Angampora from his father, Emperor Vrykolas, as it is a martial art mainly passed down through Vampire royalty. We chose Angampora for Vetalas due to its association with nobility, and we wanted to mix things up a bit by giving him a Sri Lankan martial art to go with the South Asian theme with his fighting styles.

Special Moves

Blood Mist: Vetalas sprays a blood mist out of his mouth into his opponent's face, causing him/her to stumble blindly.

Play Dead: Play Dead is the same teleport move that Smoke used in MKA. Vetalas drops down with his body straightened and disappears into the ground, only to reappear on the other side. This is a fast and sneaky teleport that was given to Vetalas since it looked something a vampire could do.

Flying Shoulder Tackle: Vetalas charges forward, hovering in the air, and hits the opponent with his shoulder. This is a relatively fast move that hits high and knocks the opponent down.

Hypnosis: Hypnosis is a close/sweep ranged special. Vetalas' eyes glow white and a very thin beam shoots from them. If the opponent is within range, he/she becomes dizzy, and this allows Vetalas to get a free hit.

Energy Vampirism: He lunges forward and grabs the opponent, holding him/her with one arm, and grabing around the mouth with his free hand. Then, he drains some health from the opponent by syphoning his/her energy. Lastly, he lets go and performs a spinning backfist to knock the opponent away. This move is linear and hits high, so it can be ducked and sidestepped. Since Vetalas lunges forward to do the move, it has the telegraphy to be spotted. Also, with the right timing, the opponent can use a throw escape to cancel his attempt to grab.


Flying Chokeslam: He grabs the opponent by the throat and flies up and forward a bit. He then flies back down and drives the opponent into the floor.

Darkness Falls: He grabs and twists the opponent's arm, slides his foot behind their legs, and twists his hips so that they fall backwards over his leg. He keeps hold of the opponent's arm and drives his fist into his/her head while he/she is on the floor.

Overall Gameplay Style: Vetalas is a character that's a bit tricky to use at first and has somewhat of a versatility to his gameplay. Vajramushti is his more direct, close-ranged, and well-rounded style as it contains a lot of grappling maneuvers along with strikes and kicks while Angampora is his more fluid, deceptive, and indirect style. His special moves are powerful and tricky, requiring a know-how to use effectively. Overall, while he's not so much a pick up and play character, he's not overly difficult to master.

Mastery Level: 3


Life Drain: He gets behind the opponent, bends his/her neck with one hand, placing the other over their mouth, and drains his/her energy. With the neck open, he bites it and drains blood (oil in the case of cyborg characters). After a few seconds, he drops the opponent, who is nothing but a lifeless corpse.

Vampiric Touch: Vetalas hypnotizes the opponent to make him/her stay still. The opponent tries to resist, only to give in to the hypnosis. He gets close to the opponent, and with his spike tipped gloves, he digs his hand into the opponent's abdomen, making him/her weaker and slowly sink to his/her knees. Vetalas stops the hypnosis, and the opponent holds his/her stomach as Vetalas rips out his/her throat. The opponent clutches his/her throat and falls backwards, bleeding from the throat. Vetalas takes out a handkerchief and wipes the blood from his hand.


Primary Costume: Vetalas' primary costume design is based off of Raphael from Soul Calibur. It is mainly a black and red colored version of Raphael's primary costume from Soul Calibur 3 along with a pair of leather gloves that have spiked metal tips at the ends of the fingers. The concept is to give that "16th century vampire" aesthetic to it.

Alternate Costume: His alternate costume captures the modern goth look, consisting of a black coat, black suit, a black tie, slicked back hair, and the same gloves as in his primary costume.

Extra Costumes: His extra costume shows a lot of Indian influence and is meant to have a warrior prince aesthetic. It consists of a Chihal'Ta Hazar Masha with a dark brown and black color, designed in a camo-type fashion. Also, the Chihal has red trims and a black interior along with the gloves from his other costumes. In addition, Vetalas wears a pair of dark crimson arm braces and a blood red cape that has a black trim. Lastly, his bottom half consists of straight, black silk pants and dark brown shoes.

Get Up Animation: With his arms crossed, Vetalas raises up slowly, kind of like a slower version of Play Dead. He shakes his head and gets into his fighting stance.

Victory Pose: Vetalas turns to face the camera, does a bow, laughs, and flies off.

Kombat Zone: Vaeternus Royal Castle

Description: The Royal Castle of Vaetenerus is the dwelling of Vrykolas, elected leader of the Vampires. Vetalas calls this place home, and although he spends most of his time traveling across all the realms, this is the place he always comes back to. Nitara often comes here to meet with Emperor Vrykolas to discuss matters regarding Vaeternus.

Stage Traps: none

Stage Fatality: none


I am Vetalas, son of Emperor Vrykolas, elected leader of Vaeternus, realm of the Vampires. Since my father’s ascension to power, I have been groomed to be his successor as I am extremely gifted as a Vampire. I am a special kind of Vampire in that I do not have wings, nor do I need them to fly. My powers go beyond that of any vampire. I am not one to openly flaunt my powers. On the contrary, I do everything in my power to do as little as possible as I see no reason for me to try unless it suits my needs. But I am concerned. Just because I am the most powerful of this race does not mean I am all powerful... I must obtain more power in order to keep Vaeternus safe from harm.

I joined a group which has promised me much in return for my services. As a Vampire, there is much I can do what others cannot and other things I can do to a greater ease than that of mortal beings. They expect much of me, but I will only do what others are incapable of and no more. Because of this, they team me up with a mortal girl, who will do the rest of the work for me. Recently, we have been talking with the Queen of Edenia, Sindel. She was strong willed, but she was no match for my charm. On our final visit, we informed the Queen of the location she can contact our superiors. On our way back, I became aware that we were being followed. No matter... It means nothing to me. I am to take part in a tournament and see who is fit to join our ranks.


Sub-Zero_7th: Vetalas was one of the characters that Paragon came up with, and he's personally my favorite of the ones he created. He's basically a lazy and rather apathetic guy who doesn't care for much and doesn't do more than he feels he needs to do. His name is derived from "vetala" (also called baital), a type of vampiric creature from Hindu mythology. We even had to come up with a name for his father, which is derived from "vrykolakas", an undead creature from Greek folklore that is equated to a vampire.

Essentially, Vetalas isn't bad, and the one thing he does care for is the safety and well-being of his people. He joins this group of people in order to get the power he needs to protect his fellow vampires. As his bio indicates, he's the one behind Sindel's strange behavior and does this, among other things, as part of what he's needed for. You'll learn more about his side of the story as things progress. Look-wise, he has pointy ears and an Indo-Aryan complexion. I wanted to go for a more Indian touch to his costumes while Paragon wanted to go with a more European touch. So ultimately, we compromised by giving him the more European costumes as his primary and alternate while his more Indian influenced costume was made into his extra costume. Overall, he's a cool character who we hope to bring back for more.

Paragon: Vetalas is one of the characters I came up with and is one of the ones I am most proud of in terms on how we have developed his character and story. He is arrogant, self-obsessed, lazy, and vain, a spoiled brat basically. But all in all, he is not a bad person. He seeks power in order to protect what he cherishes, more of a ‘the end justifies the means’ kind of character. The name Vetalas came from a kind of undead/vampire, a Vetala, an Indian undead which has the power to control the livings' minds.

Although the name was derived from an Indian name, the idea I had of him I got from the Anne Rice novels with a mix of Lestat, Louis and Marcus. For his look, I wanted something sophisticated and something modern. I loved Raphael Sorel’s primary costume in Soul Calibur 3 and felt that with some modifications and re-coloring was perfect for what I wanted. As for his alt, the typical idea of a modern vampire, black clothing, trench coat, slicked back hair, etc. was used. In terms of his story, I think he will be one of the ones everyone will like in one way or another.
Vetalas mind-controlling Sindel? Yipes, this guy's a problem. Bravo, but does this meam he's working with Li Mei's rebels?
11/24/2007 12:04 AM (UTC)
I think every character should have some amount of Extra Costumes.

But that is a very small detail.
When i have more time, I'll share some of my likes and dislikes.
11/24/2007 01:10 AM (UTC)
BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
Vetalas mind-controlling Sindel? Yipes, this guy's a problem. Bravo, but does this meam he's working with Li Mei's rebels?

It's not exactly mind-control in the usual sense. It's more like him making her more mentally susceptible to persuasion.

Reptilefanatic Wrote:
I think every character should have some amount of Extra Costumes.

But that is a very small detail.
When i have more time, I'll share some of my likes and dislikes.

It's not that important, and it was hard for us to come up with costumes for some of the characters. However, I kind of see what you're saying. Please read all of the things for each character and give us more feedback.
About Me


11/24/2007 01:23 AM (UTC)
He is pretty cool. Im not exactly sure if I like good guy Vampires.
I am glad yall went with modern european style outfits and I like the fact he doesnt have wings (maybe people wont know he is a vampire).
Oh and since he is a vamp, he probably attracts the ladies. Kinda like myself.smile
11/24/2007 01:40 AM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
He is pretty cool. Im not exactly sure if I like good guy Vampires.
I am glad yall went with modern european style outfits and I like the fact he doesnt have wings (maybe people wont know he is a vampire).
Oh and since he is a vamp, he probably attracts the ladies. Kinda like myself.smile

Uh huh...*raises eyebrow*

He's not exactly a "good guy". His alternate costume is the only costume of his that's modern.

Anyway, the next couple of characters will likely take longer to release.
11/24/2007 08:24 AM (UTC)
Vataelas: Mmmm, i suppose he's all right.....yeah he's great.

I just hope this side of the story doesn't subtract from the Nitara Vs. Ashrah conflict.
11/24/2007 10:49 PM (UTC)
what about kiras two new black dragon recuits please!grin
11/24/2007 10:54 PM (UTC)
kira needs to recruit two males wink
11/24/2007 11:06 PM (UTC)
I'm a little confused with what he's doing. Is he joining forces with Sindel?

He seems pretty alright, for the most part.
11/24/2007 11:13 PM (UTC)
To latvia101: I doubt his story will take away from the Nitara/Ashrah conflict.

spyro: First of all, don't double post like that. Second, if you read Kira's bio, you'd know that she's no longer with the Black Dragon. Lastly, we aren't going to have her back in the Black Dragon.

To QS(TB): No, Vetalas isn't joining forces with Sindel. I don't want to give too much away as to what's going on in his story in particular. All else I can say is that you may want to re-read his bio.
11/24/2007 11:36 PM (UTC)
Interesting character. Hes quite mysterious, which I like, but I do feel the bio sort of.....lacks, something...... in some way. Probably because you couldnt give anymore of the storyline away at this pont.

So he can do some sort of hypnosis or mind contorl. Thats something I dont think has been done to any big degree in MK, which is good. Tho Quan chi ahs some sort of 'hold' over Sareena/Kia/Jataaka etc but it wasnt really explored in great detail. I myself came up with a concept of a telepathic/seer type character called ilya, thing is I found it hard to encorporate her well into the storyline at times. Maybe you will encounter the same problem but it doesnt seem like you are with Vetalas. You seem to have him nicely palced for now. This kind of ability does allow the character numerous possibilites, to be neutral, good, evil, be manipulated, manipulate others etc. I also like the involvement with Sindel. Its always good to link newbies with old timers, it instantly gives them linkage to the MK universe. Some new people can seem disjointed or out there at first.
11/24/2007 11:38 PM (UTC)
how bout kabal for a changesmile
11/24/2007 11:48 PM (UTC)
To MKKitana: I'm glad you find him to be interesting, and yes, we can't give away too much of his story. Maybe it is the overall mysteriousness of him that might not appeal to some. You're just going to have to see how he develops.

spyro Wrote:
how bout kabal for a changesmile

No. If you can't post anything constructive and intelligible in here, don't bother posting at all.
11/26/2007 04:58 PM (UTC)
If you had actually read what we have down so far, you would have saw Kira is working for Havik/Reiko while really looking out for herslef and that Kabal had been killed in Armageddon... seriously, please, if you are going to make a post, at least read through what is already down so that you know what everyone else who reads this does instead of making yourself look like a fool.
11/26/2007 08:44 PM (UTC)
OMFG, WOW!!! all of this is so well done, and detailed that it seems so fucking real. My god, you guys are awesome. I too love to write stories, but none are as detailed and thought out like this one. AMAZING!!!
The characters that stand out for me are:

Intro- The intro was amazing to me, not to much was given away, and just enough was needed. I personally, love the whole SC and Tekken intros I think it gives out a suspense and entertainment.

Mercurus(fave)- absolutely love this guys, I have someone like him in my fanfics, There is plenty potential, and I hope he reaches it.

Kira- Love how she is finally taking action, and how she leaves the Black Dragon, she has too much potential, just to stay in there. She has been one of my favourite characters, and I love how you highlighted her personality.

Abraxis- ever since reading the intro I have pictured him being large and brutal. I love how he is both fast and large. And he doesn't seem like that average big dumb guy to me.

Pandora- Love this woah-is-me chick, I love her story and hope she continues to be who she is.

and of course

Kaosu, Anbar, and Havik.

Although there is great detail & effort, I am not to happy about the boss himself. Though he is not fully revealed, I personally think he is too weak at this point. He doesn't seem threatning enough, he just seems mysterious, that's it. Though that is good, it is still not as good as him being threatening and such. Hopefully, when he is revealed fully, his persona and true intentions intrigue me. Another problem I have is the Takako, Dairou, and Elena, thing. it is funny how it revolves around Orderrealm, I just don't find them interesting. I feel mixed right now with the characters that are in this story so far, because most of the newbys are great, while a couple of them seem to small with the role they play ex// Anacon, Vetalas, Androna You have a interesting choice of returning characters, most of them I dislike: Sareena, Kung Lao, DAIROU, ERMAC,: but to my surprise you pulled most of them off, not completely satisfied with ERMAC though.
11/26/2007 09:31 PM (UTC)
I'm glad you got around to posting your feedback. I would've liked to hear insights for the other characters, even ones you didn't mention (e.g. Drake).

I'm not too fond of the SC/Tekken style intros, and we're likely going to step away from that, especially since we're going to reveal more of the story with each installment that we hope to get done.

I'm glad you like Mercurus a lot and that he's your favorite new character. I felt that he would either be a big flop or a success, and thankfully, his reception has been good. I definitely want to reflect my personality with his character while telling a good story. I definitely hope to have his potential explored.

It's good to know that you like the stuff we did for Kira. We also saw potential in her and felt the need to step her up as a character. We definitely want to make use of her calculative and cunning qualities.

About Abraxis, yeah, we wanted to get away from the "big, dumb brute" stereotype and make him this fast, strong, and utterly cruel warrior that likes to inflict pain and suffering upon his enemies.

As for Pandora, I'm glad you like her story. We hope to do more with her.

Regarding Abaddon, the thing is, we wanted to stray a bit from the norm of having this boss who wants to threaten the realms or something like that. He doesn't want to come off as threatening, because it wouldn't help him attract the fighters to his tournament in Edenia.

About Takako, Dairou, and Elena, I'm a bit confused as to why you're grouping them together like that. Yes, Takako and Dairou are both from Orderrealm, but if you remember their stories, Takako is involved in the Order/Chaos conflict while Dairou isn't. In fact, Dairou is in Outworld continuing his living as a mercenary assassin. He doesn't care about the Order/Chaos conflict, and he simply wants to provide a good living for himself. As for Elena, she's from Edenia and doesn't have anything to do with the Order/Chaos conflict. She's just trying to get to the bottom of something that she suspects is connected to the disappearance of Sindel.

While I agree with Anacon and Androna playing smaller roles, I can't agree when you say the same for Vetalas. He's the Prince of Vaeternus, and Nitara is trying to find him. Also, he is the person that Elena's bio refers to. As for the returning characters that you dislike, well, I can't help you there. I actually like those characters, but we didn't say that we're bringing back Kung Lao, at least not in this installment. Then again, maybe we are. You'll just have to wait and see.

Once again, I'm glad to see you giving us feedback. Feel free to give more, especially bits on what we can do to improve the quality.
11/27/2007 01:49 AM (UTC)
Thanks for explaining the Elena, Dairou, and Takako part. I got the story mixed up. After explaining it that way, I am glad to say that I have no worries. I just wanted Vetalas to do more, for some reason, I just expect FREAKEN OUTSTANDING from the vampires. I never said his story was bad, I just wanted more from it. But then again, in time it will unravel.

As for the boss, I understand your point, and it has great reason. So if you put it in that way, then I suppose he is pretty sneaky, treacherous, and horrible....just how I like em.

Can't wait for the next bios....there's more right
11/27/2007 02:26 AM (UTC)
-storyteller- Wrote:
Thanks for explaining the Elena, Dairou, and Takako part. I got the story mixed up. After explaining it that way, I am glad to say that I have no worries. I just wanted Vetalas to do more, for some reason, I just expect FREAKEN OUTSTANDING from the vampires. I never said his story was bad, I just wanted more from it. But then again, in time it will unravel.

As for the boss, I understand your point, and it has great reason. So if you put it in that way, then I suppose he is pretty sneaky, treacherous, and horrible....just how I like em.

Can't wait for the next bios....there's more right

I'm glad to help clear up the bits with those three. I didn't get the impression that you found Vetalas' story to be bad. I just said that I disagreed with you about Vetalas having a small role. Maybe it's just that we're not revealing too much on certain stories that it may seem that way to some. Vetalas is definitely one of the more significant characters since he's the Prince of Vaeternus.

About Abaddon, I'm glad you understand where I'm coming from with his character. To be blunt and not give away too much, it should be obvious that if this guy is the Demon Lord of Wrath, that can't be a good thing.

Yes, there are definitely more bios, but it's going to take us a bit longer to sort out some of the other characters. I can't imagine how the next character is going to be received, but I hope that this character will be liked, if not initially, then a bit later on.
11/27/2007 06:34 PM (UTC)
Good, so I await that then.
About Me

So it has been written, So it shall be done.

11/30/2007 09:06 PM (UTC)
wtf, lol.
11/30/2007 10:58 PM (UTC)
Prince_Mustapha Wrote:
wtf, lol.

If you're going to post in this thread, make it constructive and relevant to the topic.
12/01/2007 11:32 PM (UTC)
Alright, I finally made it here, lol. This is nice stuff, and I think it has a lot of potential. So far, so good. I like the sounds of the new characters you guys made, and the bios that I read are pretty damn good. I don't have much criticism yet, because I haven't read it all (I will read it all when I find time). But, your concept has a solid base.

Keep it coming man. wink
12/02/2007 01:52 PM (UTC)
I like the idea behind Vetalas alot, but the idea of vampire democracy and electing leaders (acknowledging that "elected" can mean a lot of different things) kinda worries me; I would expect a little more power politics from the children of the night. Maybe Vetalas can speak of an opposing house that wants leadership of the realm? Maybe this is his main incentive for engaging the other realms leaders (Sindel, Sonya, Reiko, and Shang Tsung) in diplomacy. He's establishing himself as the "face" of the vampire nation; a peaceful lot that everyone can trust to remain neutral and non-militeristic.

However, you describe him working for some shadowy organization as well, so it is somewhat confusing whether his actions and dealings with Sindel were even on behalf of the vampire realm (which I have assumed for the purpose of this comment). Does Sindel even realize that she was talking to a vampire, and the prince of the new realm for that matter?

To me, it seems like the creation of a new realm (well actually an old realm) would be pretty big news, and most of the realms leaders would be well aware of this new force in the world. My point is, Vetalas is probably a celebrity wheter he likes it or not, and should expect to see Sindel, Sonya, Reiko, and Shang Tsung (among others) knocking on his door looking to form relations with the new realm and offer alliances to Vetalus. They all want the new player in town to join their team. I like this character alot because I can see a lot of possibilities for the "young" prince.

Also, there is no point in saying that Vetalas is a special vampire that doesn't have wings because vampires most important power is shapeshifting. Any good vampire worth his fangs has both a monster face, and a human face; not one or the other. Thus, it would make far more sense to say that he takes human form mainly because it is important for a diplomat speaking to edenians to look non-threatning.

Nitara doesn't bother hiding her wings because she is mostly undercover anyway, never revealing herself to anyone other than reptile and cyrax who likely wouldn't judge her for having a montrous appearance (hell, maybe that even helps relations with those guys).

Anyway, my point is, Nitara probably can hide her wings if she chooses, and Vetalas should be able to show them off if he wants. The reason for the discrepency should be the obviously different roles (diplomatic vs military) the two vampires occupy. Both the monster and the human appearance form important parts of Vampire legend, and neither character should be stuck with just one half of what makes vampires awesome.

Keep up the good work.
12/02/2007 03:48 PM (UTC)
RaisnCain Wrote:
Alright, I finally made it here, lol. This is nice stuff, and I think it has a lot of potential. So far, so good. I like the sounds of the new characters you guys made, and the bios that I read are pretty damn good. I don't have much criticism yet, because I haven't read it all (I will read it all when I find time). But, your concept has a solid base.

Keep it coming man. wink

I'm glad you like it so far. I hope that you read more when you can, and I'd like to see more feedback. We'll definitely bring out more when we get some more characters sorted out.

To Brettski: It's good to see another member take part in reading our story. Did you read the intro and the other bios? I think it's best that you do that if you haven't already done so.

About Vetalas, I'm glad you like him, and I understand some of the points you bring up, such as his mentioning of being a "special" vampire. It does seem a bit strange that the Moroi Empire would be somewhat democratic. I think it's best that Paragon explain that to you, because he's the one who came up with his character and story concept.

Shang Tsung is dead, and even if he were alive, I don't think it would make sense for him to engage in diplomatic matters, especially with someone from the Vampire race. I don't think Sonya would be considered a leader of her realm, because Earthrealm works much differently from other realms.

I'm sure that Sindel has heard of Vetalas and the realm of Vaeternus, but it's just that Kitana is the one that acts as sort of the ambassador while Sindel takes care of ruling Edenia. We set it up like that for certain reasons, one of which was to make Sindel's role as Queen of Edenia have actual significance as opposed to being almost like a figurehead.

Vaeternus was separated from Outworld at the end of the MKDA timeline, but even so, I can imagine that they needed to make sure things were safe in the realm. There are relations with the realms of Edenia and New Zaterra. They are basically allies with each other and are cautious about Outworld in particular.

We're not going to do the whole Buffy the Vampire Slayer thing in which the Vampires have a monster face and a human face. We're just going to have them be mostly humanoid. Going back to the part with Sindel, as well as the "shadowy organization", things like that will be elaborated on later.

Well, it's good to see more feedback. Like I said before, please read the intro and the other bios if you haven't already done so.

We do realize that it's been several days since Vetalas' bio has been released, and we still haven't finished a few characters. Once certain things are taken care of, we'll do what we can to finish them and release the next character.
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