11/12/2007 08:13 PM (UTC)
i like the thought of Shinnok being threatened by someone from the Netherrealm, it gives him a reason to be in mk 8.
About Me


11/12/2007 11:53 PM (UTC)
I didnt read anything but the bio and names of the characters.
I do think shinnok needs a change in appearance, as well as he needs to be threatened by the coming of dead characters from armageddon.
11/13/2007 12:19 AM (UTC)
yeah that sounds cool....
11/13/2007 08:50 PM (UTC)
Paragon Wrote:
Scorpion has a son, but hes young, mainly because hes dead. Scorpions whole story now revolves around him trying to find the peace so he can join his family in the after life... if you mean HAVE a son... well, im not into Necrophillia... tongue

why not?furious
11/13/2007 09:02 PM (UTC)
latvia101 Wrote:
i like the thought of Shinnok being threatened by someone from the Netherrealm, it gives him a reason to be in mk 8.

We'll see what happens.

colt1107 Wrote:
I didnt read anything but the bio and names of the characters.
I do think shinnok needs a change in appearance, as well as he needs to be threatened by the coming of dead characters from armageddon.

I understand that each character is a long read, but it is worth it. As for Shinnok, I don't know what to say there.

ruso44 Wrote:
Paragon Wrote:
Scorpion has a son, but hes young, mainly because hes dead. Scorpions whole story now revolves around him trying to find the peace so he can join his family in the after life... if you mean HAVE a son... well, im not into Necrophillia... tongue

why not?furious

It's simply because it wouldn't do anything good for Scorpion's story. Did you read any of our character ideas? If so, let us know what you think. We really want to see a lot of feedback and see that the replies contain that as opposed to posts like that.
11/13/2007 11:23 PM (UTC)
Sorry, I'm late.

Kira - fabulous bio. Glad she's taking initiative and also setting personal goals. I really like what you guys came up with for her. Very nice. Her mission is interesting and giving the Chaos Fanatic a little chaos is only essential... lol

Taven - At least his goal involving the tournament isn't as standard as some of the other characters. He wants to know what's going on behind the tournament instead, which adds a refreshing twist. It's a pretty nice bio.
11/13/2007 11:30 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Sorry, I'm late.

Kira - fabulous bio. Glad she's taking initiative and also setting personal goals. I really like what you guys came up with for her. Very nice. Her mission is interesting and giving the Chaos Fanatic a little chaos is only essential... lol

Taven - At least his goal involving the tournament isn't as standard as some of the other characters. He wants to know what's going on behind the tournament instead, which adds a refreshing twist. It's a pretty nice bio.

It's good to see more feedback from you, and I'm glad you like what we did with these two.

Kira's bio really had to take some adjusting, because if we didn't, it would make her seem out of character, and the timeline might confuse people. What do you think of her moves and stuff like that? Do you like the changes we did with them to move her away from the whole Sonya/Kano hybrid clone thing?

Yeah, we wanted to keep the elements of impatience, suspicion, etc. for Taven's character, and with him thinking things are too easy with the prize, he suspects something is up. However, if it does turn out to be for real, he would want to use it as a means of somehow bringing stability to the realms. Also, he thinks that perhaps this tournament is somehow connected to Sindel's disappearance.
11/14/2007 02:13 AM (UTC)
I ahvent read msot of this, but Im certainly going to do it tomorrow.

Very good in regards to nitara and Sareena. Two of my favourite characters (which is why I read their bios first lol).

You share similar ideas for Sareena's character as I do.

After her bio in MKA, I often wondered how people would interpret the character, since she ended up evil. I like your bio for her, and it leaves her character open for lots of expansion. Cant agree more that she deserves to come back for the reason you'd pointed out (Good story, good ties with main characters and storylines)

I had often thought that when Quan Chi was finally defeated (either by Sareena herself or by someone else) it would Release Sareena from his control. I guess you've found your own way of releasing her from his control, which is all good.

Your costume design sounds very interesting too. Would be good to see how that looked, do you have actual drawings/designs/renders etc?. (If not, would you guys mind if I tried to create something using your descriptions? Altho my artwork isnt fantastic, I do alright IMO. I have lots of designs floating around for Sareena, but theyre not like ythe one you ahve described. Intriguing.).

Cant wait to read the rest and give further comments.
11/14/2007 03:50 AM (UTC)
MKKitana Wrote:
I ahvent read msot of this, but Im certainly going to do it tomorrow.

Very good in regards to nitara and Sareena. Two of my favourite characters (which is why I read their bios first lol).

You share similar ideas for Sareena's character as I do.

After her bio in MKA, I often wondered how people would interpret the character, since she ended up evil. I like your bio for her, and it leaves her character open for lots of expansion. Cant agree more that she deserves to come back for the reason you'd pointed out (Good story, good ties with main characters and storylines)

I had often thought that when Quan Chi was finally defeated (either by Sareena herself or by someone else) it would Release Sareena from his control. I guess you've found your own way of releasing her from his control, which is all good.

Your costume design sounds very interesting too. Would be good to see how that looked, do you have actual drawings/designs/renders etc?. (If not, would you guys mind if I tried to create something using your descriptions? Altho my artwork isnt fantastic, I do alright IMO. I have lots of designs floating around for Sareena, but theyre not like ythe one you ahve described. Intriguing.).

Cant wait to read the rest and give further comments.

Hello there. It's good to have another member add more feedback. The more constructive feedback we get, the more it encourages us to continue our project and make it better.

I'm glad you like the things we did for Nitara and Sareena, two characters we like quite a bit, probably more so Nitara in Paragon's case.

With some of our characters, we have hyperlinks to different parts of their costumes in the costume descriptions. You'll have to go back to Sareena again and click on the hyperlink text to get an idea of what I had in mind for her primary costume.

Like I said in the description, I wanted to give her primary costume a Chinese touch, one that would sort of give that affiliation to the Lin Kuei without having her wear a Lin Kuei-ish outfit, know what I mean? We do want to bring in as much newness as possible with special moves, throws, costumes, etc.

It's good to know that you plan on reading the stuff for the other characters tomorrow. Please be sure to give us your feedback as it'd be appreciated.

I'm not sure if I said this already, but the next character will likely be up tomorrow or Thursday depending on how things turn out.
11/14/2007 03:26 PM (UTC)
For those of you wondering what we ment by a 'cool pose' by Taven, heres the specifics.

The idea for Tavens pose is kind of a mix of Cervantes de Leon from Soul Calibur and Kabal from MK3. He would spin his swords around and after a while, raise his arms and do a downward scissors cut like Kabal does in MK3. his back leg would be bent, as hes putting his weight on it while leaning forward, he would then look up at the camera.

Anyway, here is the next character!


Origin: The Heavens

Alignment: Neutral

Status: Champion of the Elder Gods

Fighting Styles: Gikan Ryu, Sword Staff

Gikan Ryu: Gikan Ryu (Truth, Loyality, and Justice Tradition) is a traditional Japanese martial art founed by Uryu Hangan Gikanbo who was the Daimyo (warlord) of the Kawachi Castle during the Sengoku Jidai (Warring States Period). This martial tradition specialized in Koppojutsu, which refers to the methods of breaking the opponent's bone structure. Gikan Ryu is derived from Gyokko Ryu and Koto Ryu, two martial traditions closely associated with the Shinobi Mono (a.k.a. Ninja), but Gikan Ryu is more associated with the Samurai. This art uses special strikes, kicks, and throws as well as special footwork techniques. Gikan Ryu is a well-rounded fighting style that we chose for Serrath due to the meaning of the name as well as the well-rounded nature of the style.

Sword Staff: The Sword Staff is a long-ranged polearm blade weapon that is kind of like a two-sided Naginata. There are two blades on both ends of the staff, and Serrath uses whirling and spinning techniques with this weapon. The idea behind the Sword Staff was to give him a weapon similar to what Darth Maul uses from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Many would refrain from using such a weapon in case of inflicing a wound upon themself. Serrath, being an entity made out of energy, doesn't have this fear. This weapon was chosen for Serrath, because it is a rare, exotic weapon which takes many years to master.

Special Moves

Energy Blast: Serrath fires an energy projectile from one arm, which hits mid.

Star Fall: Serrath raises his crossed arms into the air. He then bows down onto one knee, swinging his arms down. As he does, an energy ball shoots down from above him to where the enemy was standing and explodes. It has a pop up effect and is mainly used to start juggle combos.

Energy Field: Serrath hunches over and charges for a few seconds. He then jumps forward a little into the air and spreads his arms and legs out. As he does, he will be surrounded by an energy sphere. When opened, if the opponent is hit by it, he/she will be knocked backward. It is also a defensive move which can block projectiles and for the moment he is in the sphere, he cannot be touched. This move has a small recovery time, but will have a much longer waiting time before the player can use it again.

Energy Beam: He fires an unblockable high beam attack.

Energy Restoration: Serrath stands straight, with his fists clenched and his right arm bent and turned away from his body, kind of like this. A white aura (DBZ-like) surrounds and encircles him, and a small energy ball charges in his hand, comprised of two spinning circles spinning around it, with one going down vertically and the other one horizontally. Serrath's health begins to recover, and the longer he stays in it, the more health he recovers. However, this also makes him more vulnerable the opponent's attack.


Angel's Grace: He uppercuts the opponent, who flies back and up. He flies up after him/her, getting above them. He spins in mid-air and hits the opponent with a back elbow, then darts down to the floor before the opponent can land. He delivers a straight punch to the opponent, knocking him/her back before he/she hits the floor.

Sharpshooter: Serrath grabs the opponent spins around 180 degrees and tosses him/her into the air. He spins around again, and when he turns around to the direction he once faced, he charges an energyball in one of his hands. He then spins 180 degrees again and tosses it at the falling opponent. It explodes when it hits opponent, causing him/her to fall back down to the ground.

Overall Gameplay Style: Serrath is a very advanced and balanced character, with both good offensive and defensive tactics. He does however lean a bit more towards the defensive side. Some of his specials take a bit of time to master in order to use effectively, and his styles also require a bit of time and patience to master. While Gikan Ryu is his more well-rounded but slightly more defensive style, Sword Staff is his more offensive style, using very broad and powerful attacks. Overall, he is a very tactical and all-around fighter who is pretty good in all ranges of combat.

Mastery Level: 5


Light Pillar: Serrath holds both his arms into the air for a few seconds. He then performs his Star Fall special. However, when the ball hits the floor underneath the opponent, it explodes upward into a pillar of energy, eradicating any trace of the opponent as he/she gives out a brief scream before he/she is obliterated.

Forced Finale: He charges an energy ball in his hand in front of the opponent, who lunges at him in an attempt punch him. He teleports behind him/her in the air, looking down at an angle. Serrath then fires a large beam from his hand down to the ground, incinerating the opponent.


Primary Costume: He wears black and gold trimmed platemail boots and gauntlets. For his lower body, he wears black baggy trousers with a white stripe down the side of each leg. For his upper body, he wears a black leather chestplace, with a vest and tasset much like the one worn by the ninja-type characters in MK1 but with a white color scheme.

Alternate Costume: Serrath's alternate costume reflects a regal and reserved look and is largely based off of Judge Zargabaath from Final Fantasy XII, except that he won't be wearing a helmet. In addition, his costume has a white trim instead of red. The bottom of the cape is torn, and the crest of the Elder Gods is on his tasset and shoulder guards.

Extra Costumes: none

Get Up Animation: Serrath levitates off the floor, with energy glowing around him. He then tilts over so he is basically leaning/sitting in mid-air. His arms are folded and his legs are crossed at the ankles. He then drops to the floor and gets into Ichimonji no Kamae from Gikan Ryu Koppojutsu.

Victory Pose: He stands normally, looks at his right palm, which is open and facing him. He looks at the camera and an energyball charges in his hand. He smirks and absorbs it back into himself, clenching his fist. When he does, his hair stands on end, and he is engulfed in an energy charge like a Dragonball Z power charge aura. In the aura, his eyes glow white.

Kombat Zone: The Nexus

Description: The Nexus is a timeless void that acts as a hub to the realms. Said to have been created by the mystics, some travel between realms through the Nexus. This area is where Shujinko went through on his quest for the Kamidogu, placing them on the altar. The design of the Nexus is different this time around. While the room is still circular, it's much larger than before. The portals to the various realms are more spread out and encircles the area. Although there's still no roof, there are walls that go so high up that it goes out of sight. The Nexus is dimly lit now, only lit by the portals themselves and small, thin rays of light coming from the top.

Stage Traps: none

Stage Fatality: none


I am Serrath, a creation of the Elder Gods, and their new Champion. Since they could not trust a sentient being to do their biding without turning on them, they created a being that would be loyal to them without question. Being a creation of pure energy, I am practically immortal and all-powerful. But so that I may not go out of line, I was created without a soul. However, after spending time with mortals, I had begun to develop a sense of identity and personality. My task had been to wander the realms in order to monitor of anything which could break their fragility. So far, things are somewhat stable enough, but it will not last forever. Armageddon had been the chance to restore stability, but unfortunately, the quest that Argus had sent his sons on became corrupt due to unforseen events.

The Elder Gods called me up to the Heavens, which is an unusual event in itself as they usually just send me orders through my consciousness. They informed me that something is starting in Edenia. I could sense it myself, but thought nothing of it at first as the occurrence was only small. However, they believe too many small occurrences that have happened are linked, that it is the start of something greater. Even worse, over the past two years, they have been unable to find any trace of Raiden, who should have been reborn after his sacrifice against Shinnok during Armageddon. They didn't even know how Shinnok managed to escape in the first place, especially considering that Quan Chi wielded his amulet. I have been assigned to look for the amulet and the missing gods while getting to the bottom of what's going on in the Edenian wastelands. I can only hope the events in Edenia are nothing significant and that I can get to the amulet before it falls into the wrong hands.


Sub-Zero_7th: Serrath is one of the characters that Paragon came up with. He wanted to have a new Champion of the Elder Gods character, and this was someone that he worked a lot on. I pretty much contributed a couple little things such as his unarmed style (Gikan Ryu Koppojutsu). His story direction and character were things that I was kind of unsure of, and I really had to bring it up to Paragon to sort them out. Serrath is basically someone who is most certainly bound to the Elder Gods and does what they tell him to do. He's a tricky character to do, because while he doesn't have a soul and is bound to the Elder Gods, he is able to wander throughout the realms and there is the anomaly of him gaining his own personality. Overall, I'm still sort of iffy on him, but like Androna, I will do my part to make the best out of him.

Paragon: Serrath was another of the characters I created. When I showed him and described his personality as well as the basics for his story, I think from then it was established he was to play a pivotal role throughout the story. He is a very reserved person who is just searching for his purpose while also serving those who created him, hoping one day they may give him the freedom he desires. Although he does not know it himself, he is probably one of the most powerful beings in existence, currently, in the MK universe due to the method of his creation and being.

Serrath is a complicated character, both in personality and through his story, as he is not entirely sure what his own mission is, nor is he likely to know until that time comes. His name is derived from Seraphim, a high angel, consider he is the right hand of the gods, it made sense to give him this name. Serrath is somewhat like Data from Star Trek (No, I'm not a trekkie.) he was at first emotionless and detactched from everything, but through his experiences of life, he is starting to find out who he is and what his place is in the universe.
11/15/2007 01:20 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:

With some of our characters, we have hyperlinks to different parts of their costumes in the costume descriptions. You'll have to go back to Sareena again and click on the hyperlink text to get an idea of what I had in mind for her primary costume.

Like I said in the description, I wanted to give her primary costume a Chinese touch, one that would sort of give that affiliation to the Lin Kuei without having her wear a Lin Kuei-ish outfit, know what I mean? We do want to bring in as much newness as possible with special moves, throws, costumes, etc.

Yeah, I saw the hyperlinks in Sareena's section. (Nitara's hyperlink doesnt work me, dunno if you wanna check that out, it may just be my shitty computer tho). I was just wondering if you had actual drawings etc, or you just had detailed ideas of what was gonna be like.


Ok, So far, I have read the first apge, and some of the second page (havent had much time today so i'll add more here as I go along or post more).

I like the large number of new characters you ahve introduced. Obviously MK needs some good fresh blood, as well as the return of some familiar faces.

You intro sounds very intriguing. Would be great to see those fights, and also to see who was dead etc.

I must say, Im not overly fond of the Order/Chaos storyline in MKD. You're clearly expanding on this, which is fine, but its not what I would have done myself, well not to as large a degree. I would ahve some Chaos/Order characters but the realm rivalry wouldnt be so prominent as it ahs been in yours so far.

Im glad Dairou killed Darrius. dairou is a character I liked even since the early MKDA concepts, so im glad you brought him back. I felt he wasnt all that good story-wise in MKD. You've wrapped up his story and used his mercenary status as way of getting him involved in ongoing plots etc.

Elena sounds interesting. Yet another female originating form Edenia. Im not sure what to think about that to be honest. Edenia seems to be woman-heavy, andit would be ncie to see some mroe Edenian guys around. perhaps there will be.
Elena's bio is good in that it lets us know who she is, what her prupose is, and also tells us quite a lot about the current situation inEdenia, yet its not too lengthy. good writing. Im also very fond of witches. (I myself have a character concept who is a witch/sorceress type character from ChaosRealm named Lorelei).

Dont mean to be blunt, but Im not overly fond of this character. She seems very........familiar. I can really elaborate on this im afraid (Annoyign I know). I guess her storyline of working for an organisation yet not being all that fond of said organisation is a little.....common? Also she seems to be after Anbar for revenge concerning her parents. This sounds a little bit like Dairous story or seeking revenge for his family's death etc. She does seem to have inner conflict tho concerning the two sides in har realm (the guards and the rebels), which is good and can be expanded on.

Anbar seems like a good character from me. Darrius definitley needed replacing in my opinion, and Anbar is a good way to do this. Changing the goal of the Resistance was a good, and having her involved with Havik was a good choice also IMO. Its good that she inst just simply a female verson of Darrius. She's her own character. She also seems to be quite devious, and I like that.

Again, seems to be a pretty good character, but he seems to be a somewhat of a general henchman type character. There to serve others. Perhaps he should ahve some goals of his own etc that would make him more prominent and individual, as he could possibly end up as a filler/straggler character who si there just because the bad guy needs and underling. his bio again does the job in establishing him and why he is around. Fairly good.

Mercurus seems very unique. When i started reading this I was like @WTF theatres.....pays.....in MK???' Lol. His bio is very interesting and leaves plenty of intriguing questions to be answered , for eg whats the deal with the ngihtmare/blackouts, who was the mysterious figure he met, and whats with the tournament.
Also, your bios so far ahve been ehavily CChaos/Order, and MErcurus takes us away from that and also introduces what is likely to be another bi storlyine in the Edenian Tournmament.
Great bio. Im very intrigued by this character.

Overall, despite my misgivings about Seido/Chaosrealm, this is great work so far. I especially like Elena and Mercurus, theys eem very intriguing. And even tho Im not all that much of a fan of Order/Chaosrealm sotry, youve done a good job with it and Im pretty interested in it, which I didnt think I would be. I also like how you ahve subtly palced little snippets about characters such as jade, Darrius, Kitana, which let us know in some way what theyre about. At least we know they did or didnt survive Armageddon.

Ermac and Li Mei.
Insteresting choices to bring back. I thought Ermac got the best 're-invention' of the returning one-hit-wonders who returned in MKD. His look and story were good. Your bio for him is pretty good, but the Kenshi-Shang revenge thing was kinda predictable. Most people presume Liu or Kenshi would eb the one to take down Shang Tsung .
I was fairly surprised to see Li Mei return in MKD. She was always a character, who for me, was just there. I didnt like or dislike her but I certainlly didnt expect to see her in MKD. Your choice to ahve her lead a resistence is not something I had really thought about, so its pretty new and unique idea in my eyes. Still not sure about whether it was a good choice, considering the characters that could have dont this better. Also I dont know who all survived Armageddon yet. From Li Mei and Ermac, Id ave presumed Ermac to be more of a leader type. Other obvious choices would include Johnny cage, Kitana, Sub Zero etc.
Also, Poor Bo'Rai Cho lol.
About Me


11/15/2007 02:39 AM (UTC)
Serrath is a character that I am interested in seeing. Although he seems to relate to Mercurus. I do like how Shinnok and Raidens story will tie into each other though. Its a cool twist that they have been missing for 2 years
I think that Serrath seems kinda cool. I prefer the fact that the Elder Gods made themselves a servant/champion. Kinda reminds me of Monster. Now they have a private eye.
11/15/2007 06:10 PM (UTC)
First of all:

Wow!!! This is amazing!!!

I can’t believe I have missed this thread! I have been way too busy with University and exams, I rarely visit MKO now and I have many pm’s to reply, so I didn’t even have a clue this existed till a few days ago. Because of that, I have actually spent some of my free time reading it and doing some analysis in order to leave some proper feedback.

Before getting started, I must say excellent work Sub-Zero_7th, Paragon, and DNOMYTE! There are some very interesting and amazing ideas here! I really love the way you guys gave us more then just bios, you actually developed all characters with styles, special moves, etc. Very nice! I will leave you my honest thoughts concerning everything, and if I don’t finish today, I will continue later (its too much!). You guys have done an amazing job, I love most of the characters and while there are a few things here and there that I don’t like, I will do my best to write constructive criticism.

The Intro:

I have to agree with QueenSindel(TheBitch) and the others, the intro isn’t that good. For some reason, I have never liked this style of Tekken intro, I always felt they were rather empty and dull. While showing all characters is pretty cool, I still feel there should be some main story plot in it, like there has always been, mainly because that’s how its been done in Mk for ages, and that’s how I personally like it.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not bad, but it just doesn’t feel it’s that good. I just don’t like the presentation of characters in that way, nor the random quick fight scenes while a narrator tells us part of the events, and like I said, I would had rather seen the main story plot in the intro, or a little part of it, this one just tells us there is another good and evil war going on.


Excellent job with the new fatality and throw! I also like the costume ideas.

For some reason, this character sounded more interesting during MKDA, when we only had sketches of him, his development in MKD wasn’t really that “wow” for me, and he never stroke me as an “awesome” character the way some like amazing Hotaru and Havik did, but he was nevertheless welcome. I actually liked him and enjoyed the plot he had with the Seido guards, but not enough to care to see him back.

I enjoyed the story mainly because:

1.- He got his revenge on Darrius (yay! Another character that was welcome, but due to his horrible similarity to Jax, disgusting alternate and rather not so impressive story, wouldn’t feel sad to see him go).
2.- He is working for a earthrealm woman who is serving the emperor of outworld, and he needs to find and kill another woman.

I would had thought you guys would had him more developed though (storywise), he does seem to be doing the same thing and only his recent contract interests me. Still, it was a good read. Great development in the other areas!


Her special moves and fatalities kind of reminded me of Nightwolf. It sort of has his style, though you guys made it more magical.

I LOVE witches as well, and the wiccan robes costume sounds fantastic for her! I like that you guys made her get away from the stereotype edenian females are widely known for, so it is cool to see her.

Most of all, she sounds very fun to play with, fast character with magic power=great! I like her story, there are some interesting bits like the magic in her family, the spear and her interactions with the Jade and specially the fact that no female in her family (but her) went to the army. What does bug me is that she seems to play Jades role in this story. I don’t know, but the whole “rescue Sindel” part annoys me. Sindel might not need rescuing, but even so, I was hoping to see less of this roles concerning Sindel and the Edenian’s in the future. Sindel is once again missing and in need to be found, and we have Elena playing Jade in the rescue.

Hopefully more will be revealed in the future about Elena’s role, for there must be something that sets her apart from Jade, and also where Sindel is, who were those man, why she left, and if she was really kidnapped, etc.

Elena just feels too much like Jade at the moment. Maybe it would had been better not to have her interact with Jade at all, but its too late for that. I hope there is more about Elena that makes her feel more original (storywise), while you did set her a bit apart from the other female Edenians, she does seem to be suffering the same thing the others suffered. Other then that, it’s all great! I'm more into her specials, fatalities and gameplay. The wiccan robe costume is her best btw.
11/15/2007 06:12 PM (UTC)

Very good!

She definitely needs to be developed, kind of feels too simple at the moment, like she wants to go somewhere, but she is not really going yet. I'm liking the balance she seeks and hopefully there will be more of this guard when facing her realm, leader, etc. I can actually see her becoming some sort of “Balance Deity” in contrast to Hotaru and Havik, and the fact that she is female and stands in the middle of this to extremes is pretty cool. Btw, I'm not too fond of her Hotuaru-like guard costume. I was never a fan of that costume for Hotaru anyways. Just too simple, but it does sound ok.

I would guess that she is going to have a lot of trouble because balance is something that’s extremely hard to achieve considering how reality works both in fiction and our world. She might even be corrupted by her extreme desire to have everything peaceful! Her characters vision reminds me a bit of Blaze.


She sounds wicked! I like her alternate costume the most, and I do love that you gave her some Egyptian feel to it. For some reason the link to the hair cant be viewed, but since I read “Cleopatra” in it I can imagine, and I like it!

I really enjoyed reading her bio. One can actually feel a bit sorry for her despite her erroneous visions of freedom, etc. The last bits of her bio are too much like Kira though, the anarchy stuff and attitude, but aside from that, I enjoyed the introduction of yet another new character and the role of Havik of course. Sounds pretty interesting.

I wonder if she will ever become friends with Takako. While this girl is an extremist, Takako might find answers in her, and maybe Takako will put some balance in Ambar.

Good job on the fatalities!

OH! I forgot, good job on giving her Darrius leader status. This must mean the guy is really dead...but I wouldn’t be surprised to find him lurking in the shadows of another bio, lol. I liked to see her have some trouble in convincing the others she could handle it.
11/15/2007 06:13 PM (UTC)

“Stretch-butt”....LOL! I like the specials of this character. Reminds me of that Street Fighter bald kind of Indian guy who throws fireballs from his mouth and stretches his body ports to attack.

I love the Fatal Squeeze fatality btw. Awesome!

Btw, I'm confused, does he look human or like a monster?

Anyway, Kaosu is officially my fave, but I honestly don’t know what I like so much about him! Maybe its his wicked fatality, or his cool specials/throw, or perhaps, his rather hilarious bio!

Yes, it has to be his bio. There is so much about his personality and attitude I enjoy!

Maybe it wasn’t your intention, but from my view, I'm loving the way this character talks. He reminds me so much of....lol, *me*. I truly enjoyed all his talk about ugly things being beautiful and how stupid people were for not opening their eyes and seeing the real beauty that he and his people are doing.

In a way, I can relate to him and his views, sure he is being rather extreme, but in a metaphor-istic kind of way, I kind of have the same visions he has. His twisted vision of things doesn’t make him wrong, imo it makes him special. He doesn’t sound like Havik, though I'm sure we have seen Havik in the same road, but it must be mainly because Havik wasn’t going around talking about “beautifying” things, lol. Kaosu must be viewed like someone who is rather eccentric, weird, hilarious, does extremely strange things that “normal” people (even those among him) might feel are too crazy, etc.

How can we not love him?

I love Kaosu. In a way, I'm a bit like him (lol, theres no ego in here guys, just because he reminds me of me doesn’t mean I love him because of that, he actually has the attitude of characters and people I love, another great example of someone fictional who I also relate to very much is: Luna Lovegood, if anyone has heard of this amazing character from Harry Potter, then they know what I'm talking about. Luna is soooo unlike Kaosu in many ways, yet from a slightly turned perspective, they are alike!).

Excellent job!

So far, he is my fave character from the lot. Are you guys going to develop him more?

What I'm sensing though, and I hope I'm not correct, is that the order and chaos realm characters are having too little to do with other characters outside of their plot. I mean, that’s kind of the bad effect the edenians have, so, I hope to see these characters involved with the contrast likes of others like Nitara, Li Mei, etc. Just some examples. Just because they are order and chaos characters, doesn’t mean they cant dwell in the issues of others like Sub-Zero, Special Forces, etc.


What a temper! Definitely a cool character. At first I disliked the masks because they are too much like wrestlers (something that bores me to death), but after reading again the explanation of his two sides, etc, I thought it suited him quite nicely, plus, the masks can look more mystical in the actual game, and less like wrestlers. I liked the green one the most.

The Chinese Opera theater stuff is really cool btw, gives him a lot of depth imo! I'm very interested to know what are this nightmares really about, and who is this person who invited him. I really liked his story, while he obviously isn’t the normal kind of guy, he does come off as the type of next-door character with some mysterious hidden abilities yet to be discovered, which is not bad at all! I like his character. Its intriguing that while he sounds peaceful, he is also violent, by the looks of it unwillingly.

What I do dislike very much though, is the few glimpses of story that have been revealed (nothing to do with the character because he is great!):

An Mk invitation?
A tournament in Edenia?

Er, sounds like MK1. I guess I will have to wait and see.

Excellent fatalities btw! I loved both of them, the darts one might be less brutal but I find it cooler! I like his specials as well. And his name rocks.
11/15/2007 06:14 PM (UTC)

Yay! Finally the classics!

Well, I'm honestly not a fan of the road you guys have given his character, though I do like the “uneasy chaos” his souls are dealing with. I actually made concept ideas of Ermac having conflict with himself due to one or more of his souls being corrupted and gaining power. That’s not really whats happening here but its still kind of cool.

I would had liked something deeper though, I feel Ermac has huge potential, huge! This story just doesn’t seem to do justice to him, just my opinion. To me, he has always been the most interesting of the “mk ninjas”, but this is not really expanding his character. I just don’t like it.

On the plus side, I like his small involvement with Li Mei.

Li Mei:

Very good!

I like her return more then Ermacs, mainly because she seems to be involved with more characters and walking the right path, instead of backwards. I'm very happy (as much as I like him) that Shao Kahn is dead, and I enjoyed Reikos involvement. Very good! Finally that bastard got what he wanted, hopefully Li Mei kicks his butt for his damages.

I found interesting that he helped her before, could Reiko had been plotting something wicked by helping her? There has to be more. And poor Bo Rai Cho, I like this character (initially hated him because of him looking ridiculous but after getting MKDA it became clear how good he really is) but I feel it was a must to finish him.

I will always say, a love relationship between Li Mei and Bo would definitely be one of the best things ever. Though you guys have obviously not implied it, I will remain with this thought because it suits them so well, lol, don’t listen to me. grin

I just enjoy the possibility of two characters so unlikely to fall in love with one another...falling in love. Poor Bo.

Great job with Li Mei!

(Come on guys! Li Mei could definitely have better fatalities. I don’t like those.)
11/15/2007 06:15 PM (UTC)

“The white witch”....LMAO!!! Good one! Too bad for Ashrah, but Nitara really disserved to win, after all she had done, but her realm isn’t exactly saint is it? Hopefully they are not as evil as they seem to earth, and talking about earth, is it me or does it seem like Earth has been forgotten by everyone? I mean, after being the most desired realm for power, it has rarely been mentioned.

Back on Nitara, I like the peace things that have been done with the realms, though it does block some interesting possibilities. I really liked Reptiles and Khameleons mention in this bio and the new characters.

LOL! “Brat prince”, she does seem to have a cool tough attitude. I like that. Her words reminded me of Sonya and Mileena.

For some reason, I think more could had been done to Nitara, so far, it seems like the new characters are more important. I hope to see more. Good job! I wanted to see the dress pic btw, but the link doesn’t work either.


Both of her fatalities are fantastic! I'm a huge fan of Sareena being seen in her real demonic disgusting form, so I enjoyed her demon fatality the most. Excellent job!

Sareenas bio brought up more questions then answers (which in this case is not bad actually). I enjoyed her confrontation with the Onis, and while I sing good-bye tearfully to sexy Moloch (I always wanted to see that owl of his in the story, lol), I'm quite happy to think Drahmin might still be alive (so much potential!).

But I have my doubts, if Sub-Zero got his “youth” back because of Blazes essence, is he the one who one? Sub-Zero defeated Blaze? And where is Sektor? And if they are in conflict with the Tekunin, where have Sonya and the other Special forces characters gone?

I guess all this will be answered in due time and as I read, still, it was nice. I'm more interested in other characters and the events of this bio then Sareena herself though, that cant be too good for her.

I don’t like the tournament idea in Edenia, it sounds awfully similar to MKA. It might not be an apocalyptic war, but they are getting their desires as a price again, and it sounds like a mk1 tournament at the same time, which in its day was fantastic, but now, probably mainly because we don’t know the plot yet, it doesn’t sound convincing.

Just my honest opinion buddies.
11/15/2007 06:16 PM (UTC)

Well, I guess we always knew that for Scorpion to move on, Quan Chi was the one who had to die. Too bad, since the later has more potential.

And guys, I don’t like this bio, at all. I would had thought that given Sub-Zeros_7th dislike of his current storyline and his thoughts concerning him, something better would had been done. But it just feels very bad! This bio does very little to improve his character imo and is a disappointment considering you guys said you wanted to improve him.

Maybe I will have to read more, but so far, he seems worst.

Btw, his story gives me more reason to dislike the tournament idea. Oh well.

On the good side, I really like the fatalities and he has cool special moves. Good job with that.


Excellent job with the specials and fatalities! The look is also cool, and I'm glad he is no longer old.

So he didn’t defeat Blaze? Silly me, I just remember it was Taven who you first mentioned in the intro, I read it again, and given his ending in MKA, it does make sense that he is the one who won. Are you guys fallowing his MKA ending? Or are there some surprises out there?

And it was nice to see Sonya and Frost mentioned, as well as the Tekunin. I overall feel his story was way too simple given his past excellent appearances, but its not bad. Just not really spectacular. He also reminded me a lot of Sonya, with that “thorn” comment she uses in her own bio in MKA, and that his concern is the Tekunin as well.

I feel more depth should had been given to his involvement with the Tekunin, I mean, it’s a bit simple so far, his bio doesn’t really give any light of how dangerous they really are or what they are really doing, and while I really enjoy that he is working along side Earthforces, it would had been nice to see more of who this forces are.

Another good thing is that Earth was mentioned a lot this time around. Overall, its not really the best bio and I feel its kind of empty. I do love his gameplay characteristics though, excellent job with those!
I have to go now. I promise to continue writing as soon as I get the chance, so far I have written half a bible, lol, but hopefully I will write the rest of my thoughts as soon as I'm free.

You guys have done some fantastic things, and overall (editfixed: I have read more of your stuff and comments then what I have posted) this project really disserves a huge ovation! I have enjoyed reading every bit of info so far, and keep up the excellent job. You are not just giving out bios and specials, you are doing a very deep analysis on every possible aspect!
11/15/2007 10:52 PM (UTC)
Serrath is cool, he kind of reminds me of what Scorpion should have been.......
11/15/2007 11:20 PM (UTC)
lol *is amazed at the feedback* Now THIS is what I'm talking about! The issue lies within how I'm going to sort out responses, but here we go.

To colt1107: I'm glad you like Serrath and his story. However, I don't know what you mean when you say that he seems to relate to Mercurus. Can you elaborate for me?

To BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan: I'm glad you like him as well, and I guess he could be seen as a private eye for the Elder Gods.

To latvia101: I'm glad you like him.

And now onto the more whopper-sized posts. I'm going to go through each of the characters mentioned and elaborate and explain stuff for MKKItana and queve. Here goes...


To queve: First off, I'm glad you finally got around to reading this, and I'm glad that you enjoy it overall. I understand your concern with the intro, and I regret having it turn out that way. We hope to do better next time around, especially since we plan on escalating things in the story.


To MKKItana: I'm glad you liked his return. We wanted to take him away from the Order/Chaos bit to let him do his own thing. And besides, the way I see, Dairou doesn't care about the Order/Chaos conflict anyway.

To queve: I'm glad you like the stuff we did for Dairou. Regarding his story, we didn't want to jump his development too much too soon. We want to make it slower and more gradual. He basically has his own little story going on.


To MKKitana: I understand your concern about Elena's character. I can see that there are a lot of female, good-aligned Edenians. We may put in some Edenian characters in the future, but I don't have any concrete ideas. I'm glad you like her character and story though. We hope to do more with her.

To queve: I'm glad you like Elena overall. I do understand what you mean in regards to the story itself. We do want to set her apart from the other female Edenians.


To MKKitana: It's understandable that you aren't too fond of Takako. She does come off as rather plain and somewhat overly simplistic. However, I really did want to expand on the two realms a bit more, because by not doing that, it kind of puts them to waste. After the incident with her parents, she really begins to think about how things are in Seido and realizes she doesn't agree with it. So yeah, the only real character and story dynamic going for her is her desire to bring a balance between order and chaos.

To queve: I understand what you mean about her. Your idea sounds kinda funky, but I doubt we'll go with something like that.


To MKKitana: I'm glad you understood and appreciated the concept of her character. She was definitely one of the more difficult characters to work on, because both her and Takako needed to be their own characters and not female versions of Hotaru and Darrius.

To queve: I'm glad you like Takako. It's strange that the link doesn't work for you as it does for me. Here it is:


I guess I see what you're saying in regards to the comparisons to Kira, but I wanted to give her different ideals from Darrius. As for the stuff between Takako and Anbar, I don't know. It depends on how we develop their stories. I'm glad you like her fatalities. Just to confirm things, Darrius is most certainly dead, and we don't plan on bringing him back.


To MKKitana: Kaosu isn't exactly a "henchman" type character nor is he really a straggler. He does have his own goals, which involve "beautifying" others and enlightening them to the "truth" of Chaos.

To queve: I'm glad you like him a lot. The character you're thinking of is Dhalsim. It's not surprising that Kaosu's moves and abilities would get a lot of comparison to characters like him. Look-wise, I'd say he's somewhat humanoid but has stretched out bits of skin, making him especially grotesque.

It was my intention to make him have that twisted sense of beauty. That's something I came up with, and it's a key element of his character. Being the crazy bastard I am and given his concept, I had to make him a crazy bastard too! tongue Yes, we're going to develop him more. I understand that you feel there isn't much relevance with the Order/Chaos plot to the main plot, but don't worry.


To MKKitana: I'm glad you like Mercurus a lot. I really wanted him to stand out, especially since he's based off of me in various aspects. The whole bits with operas and plays is due to giving a good explanation for why he wears the masks of Xiahou Dun and Zheng Wun. Like me, he is supposed to be a very conflicted, complex, and eccentric individual.

The tournament is something that will be elaborated on when you read more. I will admit again that it's something that should've been in the intro. There's something I sort of did to rectify that, but you'll have to go to page 3 or 4. Once again, I'm glad you like him and find him to bekind of refreshing.

To queve: I'm glad you like him as well. I'm actually quite surprised as to how well-received his character has been, and that's good. I hope to keep him fresh and interesting, especially since there is definitely a lot to him. I too like the mask of Zheng Wun/Zheng Lun better.

Regarding his story, the nightmares will be elaborated on. No one invited him to the tournament. He attacked the messenger that was planning to mysteriously leave the invitation for Kung Lao or one of the other Shaolin students. Mercurus learns of the tournament by taking the invitation and reading it.

For those who are wondering how Mercurus gets to Edenia, he takes notice of realm-traveling device, not unlike something Nitara uses. No, there's no connection between the messenger and the Vampires. Mercurus doesn't learn of what the device does right away, but he decides to take it for reasons that I haven't thought of yet...tongue

The tournament does seem very ambiguous and in a way, it's meant to be. It's not a public tournament and is instead a private tournament that gathers the best from various realms. I'm glad you like his name, specials, and fatalities though we will likely get rid of the dart usage. I want to build up on his craziness.


To MKKitana: It was decided to throw in the Kenshi-Shang thing just to sort of give full circle to his story.

To queve: The internal struggle Ermac has in his story is Paragon's idea. We both feel that Ermac has good potential. His story kind of starts of slow like Dairou's. But don't worry, we definitely want to explore his potential.

Li Mei

To MKKitana: Well, with the threat of Reiko, she would want to fight back, and it would be much better if she gathered forces together.

To queve: I'm glad you like what we did with her overall. Reiko wanted to use Li Mei as a way of getting back at the Deadly Alliance for supposedly killing Shao Kahn. Although I also like Bo' Rai Cho, it was felt that he's better off not returning.

I still think of the relationship between him and Li Mei as a father/daughter relationship. As for the fatalities, well, I'm sorry. However, coming up with fatalities for her in the first place was an absolute nightmare to do. Hopefully we'll come up with some better stuff next time.


To MKKitana: Here is the costume that acted as a base for her alternate costume design:


To queve: I don't think we've fully come up with just how the Vampire race is going to be. I understand your concern about the lack of mentioning Earthrealm itself. It was one concern I brought up to Paragon, and I hope we can sort it out somehow.

I think what you may be getting at when you say you felt more could've been done with her is the whole rivalry between Nitara and Ashrah, which we haven't forgotten. That is something that was hard to put in for reasons I can't get into. As for the dress pic, look at my response to MKKitana regarding that.


To queve: I'm glad you like her and her fatalities. For Moloch, well, I still hate him, and I'm glad we offed him. For Drahmin, we'll see what happens. No, Sub-Zero didn't defeat Blaze, but he was still affected by the energy released from his death.

Basically, when Blaze was killed, the energy flowed through both Taven's and Daegon's armors. Due to the corruption of Blaze's design, unexpected results happened, and there were varying effects to the different kombatants. Some died. Some were nullified of their powers. Some gained abilities or enhancements. This is something we'll touch on more elaborately after we get the unlockable characters out of the way.

The little bit with the Tekunin is not a major thing. Where are Sonya and the Special Forces? Issues like thoses will be addressed when we get to the Armageddon outcomes.

I know you're not too fond of the tournament now, but it's one of those things in which you'll have to wait in order to see more of what's going on with the various stories.


To queve: I'm glad you like his special moves and fatalities at least. Regarding his bio, you have to understand that we're trying to gradually develop him instead of going from 2 to 10, know what I mean? At one point, I did want his development to sort of go like that, but we're going to draw it out a bit.


To queve: I'm glad you like his look, specials, and fatalities. I understand where you're coming from with his bio. Admittedly, it does really seem like a mere plot device. The reason why his bio is like this is because his overall story path was one of the most difficult to sort out. We did a lot of changing here and there. I wanted to step him up and explore certain things, and we do plan on doing that. I do agree that we still should've had his bio be more interesting. Hopefully when we get to his ending, his story will become more interesting.

Well, this was certainly a nice read. Please do stay tuned for more and also continue giving us your constructive criticism.
11/16/2007 02:26 AM (UTC)
So will some of the characters have to be "unlocked"

I find that i appreciate the characters more when this is the case.
11/16/2007 02:34 AM (UTC)
latvia101 Wrote:
So will some of the characters have to be "unlocked"

I find that i appreciate the characters more when this is the case.

Yes, some of the characters will indeed be unlocked. The characters we've been doing, starting with Drake, are the unlockable characters while Dairou-Fujin are the starting characters. We still have some more unlockable characters left.
11/16/2007 02:37 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
latvia101 Wrote:
So will some of the characters have to be "unlocked"

I find that i appreciate the characters more when this is the case.

Yes, some of the characters will indeed be unlocked. The characters we've been doing, starting with Drake, are the unlockable characters while Dairou-Fujin are the starting characters. We still have some more unlockable characters left.

*Does a backflip
11/16/2007 03:27 AM (UTC)
About Li Mei, I understand through her story why she wants to gather fighters etc, I was just a little surprised that it was her who you chose to do this. Liek I said there are plenty more obvious choices for this, but you didnt go with the norm which is good.

Ok, next lot.

Like I said before, very deserving of a return.
I like how youve incorporated little things about Kitana, Reptile and Khameleon into her bio. Thats the good thing about these bios, little bits and pieces about who survived Armageddon are leaked and that itself makes me want to read further.
Anyway Nitara, Id personalyl always ahd Nitara on the neutral to slightly evil side. To me, she basically does as she wishes. Youve given her a more...... political role for now, which is kinda interesting. She obviously cares a lot about her realm, which is also something Id thought she would do. And the costume looks interesting.

One of my favourites (at times, fights Kitana for Top Character in my eyes lol). I said before I liked what you had done with her. I love that she killed Molcoch and Drahmin, who I had always classed as very strong characters due to their Oni nature and their build etc. Trying to prove her good side is something i like to think Sareena would aspire to do and your tournament idea fits well with this.
BTW, what kind of hair style do you invisage Sareena ahvign (Ive been doing little sketches using your costume description and pictures - hope ya dont mind lol- and was wondering what hairstyle would suit this also lol).
I coudl go on at length about Sareena and the potential I see in ehr etc, btu thats for another place. Needless to say I like your ideas for her.

Hmmmm a little bit' same-y' IMO. Looking to be reunited with his family/clan etc. At least he isnt after revenge. With Quan Chi dead, Scorpion can be become more involved in other things now which is good. Such as your tournament. Good linkage.

Sub Zero
Good bio. Sub was always a favourite of mine. Loving that he is involved with Sareena again, and that you're continuing this. Seems to me that you're making Sub Zero one of the main Earhtrealm heroes in your storyline, which is good,a s like youve said Sub Zero is always gonna be around. Also like that he isnt really involved with Scorpion. many people like to re-ignite their rivalry etc. Also I sense some trouble ahead, since both he and Sareena have abandoned Earth Realm for other mission. intresting. (I did the same in my story, sort of lol). Am also hoping that since Sub Zero is takign care of the Tekunin, Sonya/Jaxc/etc are out of the picture, which is good as I wasnt a fan of the Special Forces, or their relationship with the Tekunin.

Nice name and concept, tho it seems familiar in many ways. Similar in some ways to Drahmin and Sareena (becoming demons of the NEtherrealm) and Again to Sareena in being draughted into the BoS. But you seem to ahve her embrace her demonic form, somethign that Ashrah and Sareena have not done, so this is the positive side to her concept.

Huge potential as a character, shame they never used it. Good that you seem to be wanting to.
I always thought he was superior to Rayden anyway.
The fight with Rain sounds really good, Im not sure I see Rain to be as powerful as you do though.
Another (hate to say it) somewhat predictable story for Fujin (only to a certain degree though), but thats nto ncessarily a critisism. Rayden seems to be AWOL, and someone obviously has to find and leand the new Earth Heroes, with Fujin being the obvious choice, so I understand that (had him do it myself in a storlyine I had also). Good job though.

The Tournament
Good idea to bring this up. This really does give a better idea of the tournament itself and makes it more obvious that it was the main storlyine. Perhaps incorporating it into the existing intro would be a good idea. have the Taven stuff (with the voice over or perhaps part of it, then this part, then the flashes of fights that go on in the Tournament and it would be perfect.

Abaddon sounds interesting from you description. Is he going to be the main bad guy and boss of MK:Ressurection? (Also is there another charater out there in the gaming world called Abadon, its sounds familiar. This isnt to say he shouldnt be called that, tis jsut annoying me that I cant think lolol).

When I read the first part, I instantly thought of kobra. Didnt he start out in Street Fighting Tournaments etc, with the difference really being he was inducted intp the Black Dragon rather than the Red like Drake. I also notice similarites again to others. He seems to be unable to control himself (similar to sareenas demon side, and also Mercurus a little). Perhaps he needs to be a little more original.

I feel bad. Im not a fan of cyborgs. Also, not that big a fan of a female cyborg. Seems we ahve had a female version of almost everything. Female ninja.....female shokan.....female Raptor....Female Black Draong member. Not that big on the concept.
Interesing idea of having Sektors conciousness downloaded into a computer and able to survive. Something similar to this happens in the TV Show Battlestar Galactica with their cyborgs, the Cylons. This idea isnt exaclty new to me, so it doesnt ahve the impact it may have on others. I can see where you're going with the idea though and interesting. Moat importantly it hasnt been done in the MK universe so kudos for that.

Hmmmmm. I like it and dislike it at the same time lol.
I like how you seemed to build it up that Reiko was going to restore Kahn to health, then WHAM he kills him. Personally I always wanted to distance Reiko from Shao Kahn, what with the whole MK4 ending Is Reiko really Kahn saga. And although you do this, you have him take Kahns place. I would like to explore the hinted link of a connection between Reiko and Sareena myself.
Like I said its not what I would go with, but it works. Interesting that he wants Li Mei as his queen by corrupting her tainted soul. Quite a clever idea this, as with Li Mei on side, Reiko will weaken the resistence (albeit temporaily) which is only going to benefit him, or possibly have them come on board, onto his side which will also benefit him. If she dies, its a benefit. All good for Reiko lol. Will be good to see where this goes.

Good name lol. Also good concept. Its somewhat predictable that a beast becomes the Emperor of Outworld's right hand man, and youve strayed from ths, even if Arbaxis is generally oversized.
His bio, like others, do well in establishing who he is and why he is here. cant say much else about him at this point really.

Without a doubt the best of the newcomers to MKD. I love that he jsut wants to cause chaos everywhere, and this can potentially give him limitless possibilites, as he could be draughted into msot storyliens.
Good connections here with previous bios (Anbra, kaosu etc). Also good details fo the Armageddon fight. I like how the essence of Blaze seems to have been passed on to more people than jsut the one who slew him. Also im glad Kabal, Mavado and the Cyborgs were all taken out in foul blow. Didnt like them that much (Kabal was good pre-MKD).

Wasnt that big a fan of Kira. Seemed to be created because people wanted a female Black Dragon member and for no other reason. Her story was weak as was her look IMO. So on a personal note I was again surprised to see her included.
But I beleive in second chanecs for characters, and your story for Kira is pretty decent. the thing with this is that it doesnt have Kira be overly ambitious (being over ambitious in both the sense of what the character does, and how you write for them, is a danger when characters have had weak storylines. I learned that when i did my storlyine ages ago). She is power hungry, but to a certain degree. Which I like. She is willing to follow her superiors, btu still has her own goal. You as writers ahve plans for Kira, but your willing to pace it out which is great.

That is all for now lol. I WILL catch up eventually.
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