12/10/2007 11:55 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Good description on her background, but I don't see her doing much in her bio.

She finds the amulet and now is gonna try to learn about its use.

There's not really anything going on there.

Also, isn't her goal at the end of her bio the same as Kaylie's?

I do like her personality, though. Her obssession with power and youth sounds cool. Also, like everyone else here, I like her weapons. And, we've been needing a sorceress in MK for quite some time.

Hey there. I'm glad you like Xiu Lan, and I had a feeling you would like her more than Kaylie. I do understand what you're saying about the ending of her bio, and that's something I thought about myself. We were thinking of changing the bio to add something a bit more, but we just couldn't come up with anything good.

I think that when you learn more about these three people and the organization they're involved with, you'll likely see a bit more of a divergence, especially with Kaylie. When we get a bit more into the tournament, which will be greatly reflected through various endings, the stuff with these three is definitely going to vary and connect to other things. You'll see what I mean in due time.

Thanks for reading and be sure to stay tuned for more.
About Me


12/12/2007 02:08 AM (UTC)
Actually Xiu is now my fav. female character. I already see her becoming the most powerful and ruthless character in the game. Im also happy to finally know where the amulet went. I bet she will be a mix of Quan and Shang, but with a bigger following. I see a lot of potential in this female to be a main threat.
I say good job
12/12/2007 02:12 AM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
Actually Xiu is now my fav. female character. I already see her becoming the most powerful and ruthless character in the game. Im also happy to finally know where the amulet went. I bet she will be a mix of Quan and Shang, but with a bigger following. I see a lot of potential in this female to be a main threat.
I say good job

I'm glad you like her, but I'm not sure what exactly you mean by a "mix of Quan and Shang". Can you elaborate for me please?
About Me


12/12/2007 02:26 AM (UTC)
She is power hungry, she controls the dark arts, she is trying to find a way to stay youthful, she has the amulet, and I bet she is quite deceiving. All of those characteristics are found in Quan Chi, and Shang Tsung
12/12/2007 10:32 AM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
She is power hungry, she controls the dark arts, she is trying to find a way to stay youthful, she has the amulet, and I bet she is quite deceiving. All of those characteristics are found in Quan Chi, and Shang Tsung

How many villains don't have those qualities? It's not surprising to see different sorcerers share a lust for power, nor should it be impossible to make two sorcerer's unique because of that fact. I don't think anyone would say Quan Chi was a carbon copy of Shang Tsung.
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12/12/2007 08:36 PM (UTC)
I get your point. Quan Chi has the amulet, and he can travel different realms undetected. Shang Tsung Consumes souls to stay youthful, and can shapeshift. That is what truly makes them different from each other.
Because Xiu Lan is power hungry, and she is a sourceress, I think she will try to find ways to do what Quan and Shang both do. That is why I believe she can be a main villain.
12/14/2007 06:14 PM (UTC)
To colt: Interesting observation. I kind of see what you're saying.

Anyway, here is the next character:

Noob Saibot

Origin: Netherrealm

Alignment: Evil

Status: Shadow Stalker

Fighting Styles: Tall Monkey, Ba Ying Quan

Tall Monkey: Also known as Standing Monkey, Tall Monkey is one of the 5 forms of Tai Sheng Men, a traditional Chinese martial art founded by Kao Tse, who named this style after Tai Sheng, the legendary Monkey King from The Journey to the West. This is a more conventional Monkey style in which the practicioner likes to stay upright and isn't that fond of rolling and tumbling techniques like in other Monkey styles. This is a Northern, long-ranged style designed for tall, longer-limbed people, and contains attacks to vital areas. We liked Monkey style for Noob Saibot, but we wanted him with a specific Monkey style, one that would suit him. We felt that Tall Monkey suited him very nicely as it's a very conventional style and not quite crazy like the other ones. Also, because it's designed for tall, long-limbed people, it fits Noob Saibot's body type.

Ba Ying Quan: Ba Ying Quan (Eight Shadows Fist) is a modern Northern Chinese martial art that comes from the Ma family of Honan, the same province were the Shaolin temple is located. This versatile style comes from the cross training of many Chinese styles such as Wing Chun, Northern Praying Mantis, Monkey, Dragon, Snake, and many others. The idea behind the cross training is that versatility is a good thing to have due to each style having its own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, cross training is meant to use the strengths of some styles to compensate for the weaknesses in others. Ba Ying Quan uses both close and long range combat methods with striking, trapping, kicking, and grappling techniques. We chose this martial art for Noob Saibot due to the translation of the name as well as the versatile, well-rounded nature of the style. In addition, we felt the some of the styles that make up Ba Ying Quan (e.g. Monkey, Wing Chun) would fit him.

Special Moves

Disabler Cloud: Noob fires a dark cloud at the opponent, which goes in a linear direction and hits high. While it does minor damage, the opponent begins flashing black and cannot block for a short amount of time.

Shadow Clone: Noob points forward, and a shadow clone runs forward to grab and toss the opponent towards him, allowing for juggle hits. It is a linear special that comes out quickly and is blockable.

Shadow Teleport: This is Noob Saibot's MK: A teleport. Like Reiko’s, the throw is optional. Unlike Reiko's version of the move, Noob jumps up through the top of the screen and comes up from the floor behind the opponent. His throw is different, because he drops back through the floor again comes back through the top of the screen, tossing him/her to the floor.

Black Hole: Noob Saibot raises his arms in the air, and a black hole comes down. If the opponent steps into it, he/she is dazed, giving Noob a free hit.

Dark Assassin: Noob Saibot quickly throws three hira shuriken (flat throwing blades) at the opponent, all of which hit high. He learned this move from Reiko when training in the Brotherhood of the Shadow.


Monkey Flip: This is his MKD/MKA throw in which he grabs the opponent, flips his body up, and flips down to slam him/her down.

Wraith's Torture: Noob grabs the opponent and does a reverse shoulder toss that damages the opponent's arm and back simultaneously. This toss is much like the one Jin Kazama from the Tekken series uses. After the opponent is down, Noob Saibot does a hard kick to the opponent's ribs, making him/her roll away.

Overall Gameplay Style: Noob Saibot is a fighter who uses speed, agility, and deception to his advantage. Tall Monkey is his easier to master style, using more conventional methods and long-ranged techniques. Ba Ying Quan is his more versatile, well-rounded style, but it's a bit more difficult to master. His special moves are quite powerful if mastered and used together effectively. Overall, due to his overall versatility and how dangerous he can be, he is one of the very advanced characters to use.

Mastery Level: 5


Shadow Clone Beating: He makes 4 copies of himself, each taking turns to hit the opponent. Each one grabs a limb (both legs, both arms, and the head), and all at once, they pull off what they are holding.

Consuming Shadow: He raises his arms in the same motion Scorpion does for his Summon Hellfire move. However, when he does the arm raising, a circular shadow appears on the floor where the opponent is standing, and he/she begins to sink into it slowly. The opponent tries to struggle, but the shadows themselves slowly reach up to drag the opponent down into it.


Primary Costume: Noob Saibot's primary costume captures more of that wraith/phantom look and feel. His costume is inspired by the Phantasm from Batman: Mask of the Phantasm. He wears the same type of hood and mask as the Phantasm, but Noob's are be black instead of grey, and the edge of the hood cloth with have a dark blue outline. His eyes are dark blue instead of white, and he won't be wearing a cape. He wears a black loose-sleeved shirt, a black pair of loose-sleeved pants, a black pair of gloves, and a black pair of boots with a dark blue outline. Lastly, on his waist, he wears a black sash with thin dark blue outlines and the Brotherhood of the Shadow insignia in the middle.

Alternate Costume: His alternate costume is largely based off of his third costume concept drawing in the group of three drawings. It consists of a largely black costume with a lot of greyish outlines. He wears a vest that covers his shoulders, chest, and back, gloves with spiked arm guards, a sash with an eclipse design in the middle, and a mask with a similar design to the mask worn in Sub-Zero's MKDA alternate costume. Instead of spiked leg guards, Noob Saibot wears the leg guards like the ones in the first drawing (the ones with the eclipse design). Also, his eyes are dark blue, and his cloth has the symbol for "darkness" inscribed.

Extra Costumes: Noob's extra costume is his MKSM look.

Get Up Animation: His get up animation is the one from MKD, in which he sinks through the ground and comes down from the air. He lands, does an axe kick, then goes into his fighting stance.

Victory Pose: His victory pose is like a combination of the Lin Kuei victory pose and his MKT victory pose. Noob Saibot kneels down, chambering one fist by his waist and the other fist placed on the ground. He gets up, placing his feet together, and goes into his MKT victory pose, raising his arms up.

Kombat Zone: Noob Saibot's Dorfen

Description: Noob Saibot's Dorfen is Noob Saibot's personal place. This is an area where he formulated his plans, including ones with his Shadow Stalkers. In the background lies a large well that contains evil souls.

Stage Traps: none

Stage Fatality: The opponent is knocked into a large well. While falling, he/she is attacked by evil souls, who drain him/her of his/her life force. The opponent gradually decays until he/she is a rotted corpse.


Shinnok was a fool to trust me to do his bidding in Armageddon, even though he had a doppelganger there to make sure everything went as planned. My plans were coming together nicely. As expected, Raiden went straight for Shinnok, leaving me to do my own thing and obtain Blaze’s power for myself. With Smoke by my side, we mercilessly beat Ashrah, who tried to stand in our way before my brother Sub-Zero caught sight of us. I ordered Smoke to follow me, and together, the two of us teleported up the pyramid, with Sub-Zero quickly following. So that I would not be stopped, I told Smoke to distract my brother while I got to the top. But I was too late! As I got there, the two brothers of fate defeated Blaze. I teleported just as the explosion started, saving myself from the blast.

Since that day, I have been working for Shinnok again. He is still in the dark about me gaining my independence and my own goals. I will keep it like that until I see fit. So far, all I have been doing is keeping the Netherrealm intact, acting as Shinnok’s enforcer. Upon returning to Shinnok from a meaningless task, he ordered me to go to Edenia with Azazel and Pandora. He is to participate in a tournament to obtain information on it while Pandora is to watch over the tournament and inform Shinnok of anything interesting. My mission is similar to hers, but more specific. I am to keep an eye out for my little brother, but in particular, I am to watch the Edenian Protector God, Taven.


Sub-Zero_7th: Noob Saibot became a favorite of mine when he stepped up as a character in MKD and was revealed to have once been the older Sub-Zero. I saw potential in him, and we all agreed to bring him back. He was one of the most difficult characters to sort out, because it was hard for us to agree on how do to his story as well as choosing a couple of his special moves. I really wanted to step him up earlier and to have more of that wraith look, moving away from the "evil shadowy ninja assassin warrior spy" stereotype. Eventually, after much time, we came to a compromise, giving his primary costume more of a wraith look while his alternate costume is more of that classical ninja-ish look.

Move-wise, I didn't want to make him too powerful, and even though I liked using it in MKA, I didn't want to bring back his Dark Assassin. The reason for this was because he threw hira shuriken, which added to the stereotypical ninja image that I wanted to get away from. I suggested using caltrops or needles instead, but that was rejected, and I compromised with Paragon. It was hard to agree on the matter, and we went with the explanation of him learning it from Reiko sometime in MK4 as opposed to it being something he learned in the Lin Kuei. His story is somewhat Shang Tsung-esque, in which he tries to wait for the right time to usurp his master. Overall, we hope to make the most out of him and not put his potential to waste.

Paragon: Noob Saibot was another character we felt needed to return. With him being known to the fans now as the Older Sub-Zero, Noob suddenly had a lot to offer the story other then being just a shadow assassin. He was one of the ones whose stories improved throughout the newer MK games. Sub-Zero_7th and I were for many months arguing over how Noob should be used, how he should look, and even what moves he should have.

Although I wanted to show a more wraith-like Noob, I did not want to stray from what he is, a cold-hearted Shadow Ninja. Finally, we managed to get a compromise. We wanted to show Noob Saibot as he was in Deception, rather then Armageddon, a player, rather then a pawn. He is again working for Shinnok, but only until the time is right to turn on the former Elder God. Noob Saibot has always been one of those characters who has always been one of the best gameplay-wise, either due to a large array of useful special moves or his just naturally hard styles, and we want to continue this trend.
Yay! Noob is one damned crafty fighter.

The phantasm idea seems kinda interesting, and I preferred his blue eyes better.

His skills are all fun, and seem straight to the point.
12/14/2007 11:37 PM (UTC)
I like the whole Phantasm idea off of batman. His story is allright so far, and not much can really be said. I love how you left it in a way that makes me want to read more. Something just tells me that Noob Saibot is going to have a phenomenal ending.
About Me


12/15/2007 03:31 AM (UTC)
Im happy to see that Noob is back. He is one of my faves, but of course everyone likes him. Even tho his story is somewhat hazy, I think he will find a way to have a dominant role. Out of all the characters I think he has the most potential.
12/16/2007 02:29 PM (UTC)
I am glad you all like what we did with Noob. He is one character that because of his revealed history and MK: D story i felt was ment to get a huge push as a major character, but got put on the back burner because of the MK: A story. the fact that he, unlike others, embrace the darkness he became and wants even more, is something we wanted to show. One thing which SZ7th seems to have forgotten in our multipule discussions about Noob Saibot was that i agreed that he would not have learnt to use shurikens as part of his Lin Kuei training, since he mastered the power of ice, he wouldnt need it. As Noob, it makes sense that he learnt that from Reiko. For those wondering why Reiko, in our story, has trained all these people (well, Noob, Li Mei and Abraxis) that is explained in his story and I even have a feasable idea of why he was in the Brotherood of Shadow then went to work for Shao Kahn, i think you'll like it.

Anyway, back to Noob. He is a favorite of both mine and SZ7th's, both of us know the great potential he has and we have big plans for him
12/18/2007 02:14 AM (UTC)
Noob Saibot was just one of those characters that we had a bit of difficulty agreeing on in regards to certain aspects. We do hope to make the most out of him though. The next character shall be up soon enough.
12/18/2007 01:30 PM (UTC)
And here is the last of the Unlockable Characters, Azazel.


Origin: Netherrealm

Alignment: Evil

Status: Emissary of Shinnok

Fighting Styles: Varma Kalai, War Scythe

Varma Kalai: Varma Kalai is a Southern Indian martial art that specializes in the use of attacks to vital areas of the body, sort of like Dim Mak. Derived from the word "marmam ('secret' in the Tamil language), this was a rather secretive art said to be practiced by monk for self-defense. Although designed to use as little force as possible to stop an attack, Azazel uses Varma Kalai to inflict as much pain as possible to his opponent's vital areas. We chose this art for him to go with something that doesn't rely on strength and goes for a more indirect method of fighting.

War Scythe: The War Scythe is a traditional Polish polearm weapon that is similar to the Fauchard. Called Kosa Bojowa in Polish, this long-ranged weapon was commonly used by peasants. Unlike the standard scythe, which was used for agriculture, the War Scythe has its blade extended upright from the pole, becoming both an infantry and anti-cavalry weapon. We chose the War Scythe for Azazel to go with his phantom-like character, almost going for somewhat of a grim-reaperish aesthetic.

Special Moves

Ghostly Shadow: Azazel can make himself transparent to the opponent, making him invulnerable to almost all attacks. Only projectiles, quake effects and any other non-physical attack can hit him. This effect lasts for a short period of time, and after the effects wear off, the player has to wait a little while before being able to use it again.

Negating Void: Azazel extends his open hands and fires dark beams from them, opening up a dark portal. This move is used to negate projectiles.

Ghastly Shift: Azazel fades and depending on which button is pressed, he teleports in different directions. By pressing attack 1, Azazel moves farther away. By pressing attack 2, he does an inward sidestep teleport. By pressing attack 3, he does an outward sidestep teleport. By pressing attack 4, he appears behind the opponent.

Angered Haunting: Azazel throws a random object (this can be ANYTHING found in the game from a weapons, to a body part of a piece of sceanery) at the opponent, which hits high and makes the opponent stumble.

Gates of Hell: He extends his lead hand and vacuums the opponent towards him. When the opponent gets close enough, Azazel does a spinning slice with his War Scythe, going into his weapon style.


Mischievous Haunting: He grabs the opponent's by the shoulders then drops through the floor, dragging the opponent to the floor and smashing his/her face. He comes back up through the floor behind the opponent.

Reaper's Wrath: He grabs the opponent, goes through him/her, and does a reverse double elbow thrust to the lower back, resulting in a crumple stun effect.

Overall Gameplay Style: Azazel is a fairly advanced character due to his complex styles and specials. Varma Kalai is his more close-mid ranged style that uses a lot of indirect moves while War Scythe is long-ranged and more offensive. His special moves require a good deal of strategy and timing to use effectively.

Mastery Level: 4


Grim Reape]: He gets behind the opponent, shoving the scythe blade between his/her legs. Using his leg, he forces the opponent down onto the blade, impaling his/her chest. He then lifts the opponent's body over in a crescent shape and slams his/her dead body on the floor.

Death's Door: He takes out his War Scythe and embeds the blade in the opponent's head, with the handle dangeling down. The opponent falls forward, but the hilt doesn't let him/her, so he kicks the hilt from under him/her, allowing the opponent fall.


Primary Costume: Azazel wears a hooded, translucent, dark gray robe that shows a hollowness where his face should be. He has the Brotherhood of the Shadow insignia on his hood.

Alternate Costume: He wears a hooded mage type armor costume that covers him up completely. It consists of a silver and grey colored visored helmet with a hood over it. Also, he wears a dark grey cloak and a cape with the Brotherhood of the Shadow insignia on the back of the cape. In addition, Azazel wears a breastplate like this but his is black and dark grey and has the Brotherhood of the Shadow insignia on the center. His shoulder guards are imperial-like, being slanted upwards at the ends to stick out while his arm guards are spiked. His shin guards have skull symbols on them, and his tasset has the Brotherhood of the Shadow insignia on it. These other bits of armor are also mainly black, but they have silver coloring at the rims.

Extra Costumes: none

Get Up Animation: He fades out then fades back in off the floor. He front flips down and lands on his feet, proceeding to his fighting stance.

Victory Pose: Azazel fades away, doing a hauntingly evil cackle.

Kombat Zone: Shinnok's Tower

Description: Located in the Netherrealm. There are lava pits and volcanoes in the background.

Stage Traps: none

Stage Fatality: The opponent is knocked out of the tower and falls into a lava pit where he/she is burned to death.


Long ago, I had fought alongside with the forces of Lucifer and his legion of demons. After his fall, I continued to fight alongside my fellow demons until some of the high demons had disappeared. With no other purpose, I was soon offered by Shinnok to join his side. Although once an enemy of my masters, I accepted his offer, and from then on, I served as his emissary, enforcing his will and acting as his messenger. For my loyalty and success, he has graciously rewarded me. I was one of his enforcers when he had tried to take down the Elder Gods. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful, and he was once again banished to the Netherrealm. Since then, he had been plotting to find a way to gain the power he needs to rule all Reality. While he sent his doppelganger to help Daegon bring forth the destruction of his enemies, I stayed behind to protect Lord Shinnok.

Sadly, my Lord was once again unsuccessful. Daegon was cast into the Void for betraying his family, and the doppelganger was apparently destroyed along with Raiden. While I wasn't able to find him, I soon learned of a Mortal Kombat tournament taking part in Edenia. I reported to him, and he ordered me, Noob Saibot, and Pandora to head there to investigate. However, while Noob Saibot and Pandora are ordered to observe from the shadows, Master Shinnok wants me to take part in the tournament, hoping to find warriors to join his cause. I was pleased to know that my master would put his trust in me, even more than the likes of Noob Saibot, and I assured him that I would not fail. As we arrived at the tournament grounds, I couldn't help but feel a familiar presence, one that I thought was gone long ago...


SunZero_7th: Azazel is one of the characters that Dynomite came up with. He's based off of a concept about a Netherrealm character who sides with Shinnok and is quite loyal to him. Earlier on, he was called Denrei, which is Japanese for "messenger", since he's kind of like a messenger for Shinnok. However, that was just more of a beta name until we could come up with something better. Azazel's name comes from the Hebrew Bible. We realize that we called him Denrei in Pandora's bio, so yes, this is a bit of a retcon. He is a character that took us a long time to fully sort out, namely because with Dynomite's long absence and not much for us to work with, it was tough for Paragon and I to come up with a lot for him sooner. In contrast to Noob Saibot, Azazel is actually loyal to Shinnok and wants to continue serving him in hopes of being further rewarded. Overall, he is definitely one of the most frustrating characters to sort out along with Kaylie.

Paragon: Azazel was another character left till last minute in terms of character development. His story was already sorted out, though it lacked detail. We didn't even know what he looked like. Because of his origins and base design, we decided to go with no face whatsoever, with it either being shrouded, hidden, or masked. Originally named Denrei, who was mentionned in Pandora's bio, you can tell he was left
late in development because of the sudden change. He is essentially supposed to be this enigma. You can't see what he looks like, and the fact he is this ghost-like fighter, he is the bane of many oni in the Netherrealm. We had actually came up with this name before we found out this name was being used in Tekken... but we went with it anyway.
Well. . .Quite interesting. I'm kinda interested on what you made of Azazel, but even more curious about what he sensed in the tourney. It seems quite shady.

What's next now that all the playable fighters are up?
12/18/2007 08:52 PM (UTC)
BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
Well. . .Quite interesting. I'm kinda interested on what you made of Azazel, but even more curious about what he sensed in the tourney. It seems quite shady.

What's next now that all the playable fighters are up?

Can you clarify what you mean by "what you made of Azazel'? As for what he sensed in the tournament, that's going to be elaborated on later. I noticed that there was a part in the bio that should've been omitted, namely the "While I wasn't able to find him" part.

Since the unlockable characters are done with, we're going to get to the Armageddon outcomes next to give an idea as to what happened with all the characters during Armageddon.
About Me


12/18/2007 09:14 PM (UTC)
I like him. Mainly because of his ghostly affects
12/19/2007 02:02 AM (UTC)
I don't have much to say on Noob.

Azazel is alright though.

He possesses a very intruiging image. The dark creepy qualities are the type I wish more MK females would carry.

Anyway, the beginning of his bio caught my attention, but as soon as I read about him joining the tournament and about him helping to recruit fighters, I was like.... "This again?"

Too many characters have the same goals here. A demonic creep who participated in the Shinnok vs. Elder Gods war could have something much more unique to do.
Also, his bio ends in one of Xiahoudun's famous cliffhangers. Not that that's a bad thing. I'm just pointing it out. Lol.
12/19/2007 02:14 AM (UTC)
Well, QS(TB), you needn't worry. Soon stories shall be revealed to all and the who reasoning for all of this (and the tournoment) shall become clear.

As for the cliff hanger, this is acually one of SZ_7th best pieces of work. I wrote the base for the bio (i think, i have been drinking a lot recently), and he worked on the rest and i, quite frankly, couldn't have put it any better. Oh, one thing, Noob, Pandora and Azazel, unlike others, are not there to recruit. they are there as Shinnoks eyes and ears. Azazel is simply there to test peoples strengths, Pandora is there to keep a general eye out, while Noob has specific targets.

Anyway, with all the Unlockable Characters done, we plan on releasing something which i think people are going to want to know... the outcome of MK:A in terms of our project. Then, we have a few suprises for all of you. wink
12/19/2007 04:00 AM (UTC)
Well I look forward to that then. I like Azazel, and his costume and stuff. But I can understand where QSTB is coming from. Hopefully when the story is revealed, their goals become more distinctive.
12/19/2007 03:53 PM (UTC)
Paragon wrote the base for Noob's bio while I wrote the base for Azazel's bio. Azazel's bio didn't need to take too much editing, and he was one of those characters we really had to build up on since he's a character that DNOMYTE created. Since DNOMYTE is busy with his personal life and didn't give us much to work with, we had to do a lot.

Going into Azazel's bio, I think we should've used different words, namely the ones Paragon mentioned about testing the strengths of the different fighters. The cliffhanger at the end was an idea we came up with to add something to him, namely because we didn't have much to work with when it comes to him. I know that there are a few characters with very similar type goals, but there is going to be a divergence, so don't worry.

So right now, we're just working on the rest of the Armageddon outcomes, and we'll likely post several characters at a time instead of posting all 63 characters in one big post.
12/23/2007 10:41 PM (UTC)
Ashrah: Ashrah fought alongside the Forces of Light during Armageddon. She was confronted by Noob Saibot and Smoke in the initial clash. She put up a good fight, holding them both at bay, but eventually, the numbers caught up to her, and the two of them began to mercilessly beat her down. She was saved thanks to Sub-Zero's intervention. Ashrah then charged at Nitara and begun attacking the vampire. However, the beating received by Noob Saibot and Smoke had taken its toll on her, and she was unable to defeat Nitara, who struck her down. Upon Blaze's death, the energy released affected the Datusha, strengthening its influence on Ashrah and making her stronger. She escaped the crater and has since been wandering the realms in search of evil beings to slay.

Baraka: Baraka, hoping to obtain Blaze's power to become the new ruler of Outworld, fought alongside the Forces of Darkness. He faced off against Kung Lao, and the two of them fought ferociously. However, no victor emerged, and Kung Lao ran to help Kenshi, who was being beaten by Shang Tsung. Baraka took this time to locate Mileena, whom he wanted to kill due to her treachery. He located Mileena and fought against her, but he was quickly overwhelmed, and Mileena eventually finished him off.

Blaze: Blaze was underhandedly slayed by Daegon. The energy released from his demise flowed through both Taven and Daegon's armors and then transferred through the battlefield. Due to the corruption of Blaze's design when he was forced to guard the Dragon Egg years ago, there was a third, unforseen outcome to the quest set forth by Argus. With his demise and the quest over, the purpose of Blaze's existence has been fulfilled.

Bo' Rai Cho: Bo' Rai Cho fought alongside the heroes. He fought against Mileena at the start of the war, but he quickly broke from that battle in order to try and save Li Mei from a fatal attack from Reiko. This ended up being his last brave act. After the battle, Li Mei took his body away to be buried.

Chameleon: Chameleon, the traitor who sold out the Saurian race to Shao Kahn eons ago, had no interest in the conflict happening within the crater when he arrived. He camouflaged himself and secretly made his way up the pyramid to slay Blaze. However, Khameleon saw him and knocked him off the pyramid. She then jumped down after him and laid down the killing blow to the fallen traitor.

Cyrax: Cyrax battled alongside the Forces of Light. He took on Sheeva for the beginning of the battle until she was slain by one of her own allies. Cyrax then tried to locate his allies, but instead he found Sektor standing over Jax. Sektor had become more powerful and even more psychotic then before. Cyrax fought against Sektor, but he found that neither could get the upper hand. However, he soon began to get worn out while Sektor was not. He decided that if he isn't going to make it out alive then neither will Sektor. Activating his self-destruct mechanism, Cyrax grabbed onto Sektor and exploded, destroying them both along with others close by. Cyrax was remembered by the heroes, especially the Special Forces, as a great hero.

Daegon: Daegon and Taven fought each other on top of the Pyramid of Argus, with Taven coming out the victor. While Taven was about to strike down Blaze, Daegon underhandedly got to him first, believeing that he would claim the prize for himself. Unfortunately for Daegon, his victory was without the reward neither he nor Shinnok had hoped for. Argus and Delia appeared as Blaze was dying, and they imprisoned Daegon in the Void for his crimes.

Dairou: Before Armageddon, Darrius had ordered Dairou to kill Hotaru in battle and aid him in defeating Blaze. However, Dairou had learned from Hotaru that Darrius was the one who hired the assassin to kill his family. During the battle, Dairou waited for the right time to make his move. When the explosion at the top of the pyramid distracted some of the kombatants, Dairou went for the attack and killed Darrius. He then defended himself against Hotaru, who tried to arrest him for Darrius' murder. Upon Blaze explosion, Dairou left the battlefield. Knowing he would be incarcerated upon returning to Seido, Dairou moved to Outworld where he continues his business as a mercenary for hire.

Darrius: Darrius was enraged that Dairou failed to kill Hotaru. He soon learned that Hotaru was going to Edenia to take down a fire elemental that would grant the victor god-like power. Darrius sought to gain this power to establish a new order in Seido. Unbeknownist to him, Dairou learned that he was the one who hired the assassin to kill Dairou's family. Darrius fought against Hotaru but soon, he was betrayed by Dairou. Dairou defeated and slayed Darrius.

Drahmin: Drahmin headed to face Nightwolf on the battlefield and gained an upper hand against him. When Nightwolf retreated, he and Moloch teamed on Sareena. She defeated him, but he managed to survive. When Blaze was killed, Drahmin was affected by the essence released from the firespawn's death, turning his Iron Club into an Iron Claw. He returned to the Netherrealm and has been searching for food ever since.


2nd part coming soon
12/24/2007 03:17 AM (UTC)
Here is the second part:

Ermac: Ermac ran into battle and along with Shujinko, he took on Onaga. He helped Shujinko in mounting offense against his giant adversary. However, Ermac sensed Shang Tsung nearby, and when he looked, he saw the sorcerer had just defeated his ally, Kenshi. He left the battle with Onaga in order to help Kenshi, who was just about to be struck down. He intervened at the last moment along with Kung Lao to stop Shang Tsung. Ermac used his powers to stop Shang Tsung's attempt to cast any spells while Kung Lao and Kenshi mercilessly beat the sorcerer down. He watched as Kenshi laid the final blow on perhaps the single biggest threat to his life. Had Shang Tsung consumed all the souls within Ermac, his power would've likely exceeded the others'. As Shang Tsung drew his final breath, Blaze was defeated, and the energy released enhanced his powers. However, Ermac soon realized that this gift came with a consequence. The souls that make up his being have started to become unstable, and since then, Ermac has been trying to find a way to free the souls when the time is right.

Frost: Frost was hoping to get the power she needed to take down Sub-Zero and obtain his Dragon Medallion to further enhance her powers. She fought against him for a little while before he went to face Noob Saibot. Before she could chase him, she soon found herself facing against Sonya, someone she despised from the start. She put up a good fight, but despite her powers, her lack of discipline led to her demise at the hands of the better trained and more disciplined adversary.

Fujin: Fujin stood alongside Raiden when leading the Forces of Light, though he still questioned his fellow god's methods. He would speak with him after the battle. Fujin encountered Rain, whom Argus revealed was his illegitimate son. Fujin knew he would be in for a rough time, but he did not expect Rain to have as much power as he displayed. He was forced to fight power with power and feared that if this continued, their struggle would wipe out other warriors on the battlefield. Fortune struck as Jade managed to free herself enough to take on Rain. Fujin then decided to help out his allies, and he noticed Li Mei fleeing the battlefield while Reiko charging towards Kitana and Sindel. Fujin stepped in and kept Reiko at bay until Blaze was defeated. Reiko had disappeared in the confusion, and with the battle seemingly over, Fujin returned to The Heavens to check out the aftermath from there.

Goro: Goro fought alongside Shao Kahn and the Forces of Darkness. One of his first victims was the martial arts expert known as Mokap. Despite Mokap's skill in combat, he was no match for the strength and ferocity of the Shokan prince and met his end. Johnny Cage attacked Goro for killing his friend, but he was quickly outmatched. Thankfully, Nightwolf intervened to even the odds. As they fought, they got caught up in the battle between Raiden and Shinnok. A huge blast of energy came from the battle between the two fallen gods, and while Nightwolf and Johnny Cage managed to get away from it, Goro was not so fortunate.

Havik: Havik was determined to obtain Blaze's power to establish everlasting Chaos throughout the realms. He faced off against Hotaru, one of his greatest adversaries. When Darrius intervened to take on Hotaru himself, he watched as Kabal slew Mavado. But Kabal was soon killed by an explosion from Cyrax's self-destruct sequence. Realizing that he may not be able to get the power on top of the pyramid, Havik looked around the battlefield for any of his allies to make their escape. He found Kira nearby out cold, and he took her with him as he got away. When Blaze was killed, his essence affected by Havik and Kira. Havik became more deformed, and his thirst for Chaos grew even stronger. He brought Kira to the Living Forest to recover.

Hotaru: Hotaru learned of an upcoming battle an Edenia that granted a power to the one who defeats the firespawn. He hoped to win so that he could bring Order throughout the realms. He initially fought Havik, but Darrius intervened. Hotaru fought Darrius, and Dairou got involved, turning into a 3-way battle. Dairou killed Darrius and Hotaru tried to take him in. Upon Blaze's explosion, Hotaru decided it was not worth trying to bring in Dairou, neither could get the upper hand, with the fight being able to go either way. Hotaru decided to go back to Seido to inform his superiors of Darrius' demise.

Hsu Hao: Hsu Hao was resurrected thanks to a deal between his leader, Daegon, and Shinnok. He was simply there to keep anyone and everyone away from the pyramid. He faced off against a former Black Dragon called Jarek. The two of them exchanged heated words at each other while trading blows with their weapons. The outcome of the match was never decided as Shao Kahn charged through and swung his hammer at the two of them, knocking their corpses clear from the battlefield.

Jade: Jade ran into battle alongside Kitana, her long time friend and ally, and came up against the traitor, Tanya. Tanya was very cunning by tricking Jade with unusual methods. However, Jade gradually got used to these tricks and eventually caught Tanya, putting an end to any plans she may have had about gaining Blaze's power. She got revenge for what she did so many years ago. Jade looked on in shock as she saw Rain, another enemy of Edenia, facing off against Fujin and putting up more then a fight. It looked like he actually had a chance of winning so Jade took her staff and whacked him across the back of the head, ending his power struggle with Fujin. She continued to beat Rain, who could just about defend himself but couldn't stage any form of counter attack. Blaze exploded, with his essence spreading over the crater. This distracted Jade for a moment, and when she turned around, Rain had disappeared. The energy gave her the ability to locate someone and their surroundings when she closes her eyes. After attending Bo' Rai Cho's funeral, Jade, Sindel, and Kitana headed back home to Edenia.

Jarek: Jarek shared a quick reminiscing moment with Kano and Kabal before being introduced to new members, Kobra and Kira. All of them charged into battle, but old rivalries die hard. He and Kabal faced off against Hsu Hao and Mavado of the Red Dragon, the clan that the Black Dragon originally split from. Losing sight of Kabal and Mavado, Jarek exchanged insults with Hsu Hao while trading blows with their weapons. The outcome of the match was never decided since Shao Kahn charged through and swung his hammer at the two of them, knocking their corpses clear from the battlefield.

Jax: Unknown to Sonya, Jax had survived and allowed Sektor and his Tekunin to safety so that he would have his cybernetics enhanced. Still enraged after his ordeal with Onaga, Jax wanted to become stronger. On the battlefield, Jax confronted Sektor, who tried to convince him to join the Tekunin. Jax felt something attacking his brain, telling him to side with Sektor, but his pride would not let him. He attacked Sektor, and in any other circumstance, he would have pummeled him. But each time he was about to lay a decisive blow, he would stop. He ripped off his cybernetic arms, believing they were what was causing him hindrance. Jax started to gain a bit of an upper hand and realized that he always had the strength he needed. Unfortunately, Sektor caused Jax more internal pain. He reminded Jax of their little deal on board his warship, and he revealed that during the process, he installed a neural chip in his head. Sektor scoffed at Jax for letting his emotions cloud his judgment and proceeded to impale him in the back with his Pulse Blades before Cyrax could make the save. Although dead, Jax realized the error of his ways and died valuing the true strength that had been with him the whole time.
12/24/2007 04:52 PM (UTC)
Wow, I like everything so far. But, I would have thought this would have been better to post at the start, to give us a heads up of what can occur. But, I guess that is just me. I love Jax's ending alot, and I found it a bit sad how Baraka just died so easily to Mileena. LMFAO. Goro should have held on to Cage though, the way how he died was great, but he didn't bring anybody with him, which makes him a bit sluggish on his part. I say he should of grabbed Johnny. Or at least take out someone important...Mokap?
BUT anyway, good job. I await the others.
12/24/2007 07:51 PM (UTC)
-storyteller- Wrote:
Wow, I like everything so far. But, I would have thought this would have been better to post at the start, to give us a heads up of what can occur. But, I guess that is just me. I love Jax's ending alot, and I found it a bit sad how Baraka just died so easily to Mileena. LMFAO. Goro should have held on to Cage though, the way how he died was great, but he didn't bring anybody with him, which makes him a bit sluggish on his part. I say he should of grabbed Johnny. Or at least take out someone important...Mokap?
BUT anyway, good job. I await the others.

The problem is, by having the outcomes released at the beginning, it spoils a lot to the story. I'm glad you like Jax's ending. I had to edit that one quite a bit. Baraka got his "just desserts", imo. Maybe I should've added the backstory bit in which he tries to trick Mileena by switching to his alternate costume, lol. As for Goro, Paragon and I argued over this one.

I personally wanted Kung Lao and Kitana to be the ones to take Goro down. However, he felt that it would give them too much to do, and Ermac's bio doesn't allow for Kung Lao to fight Goro anyway. I definitely didn't want to appease the Johnny Cage fanboys, because by going too much into their non-existent rivalry, it's just bullshit. For Mokap, well, we have to get rid of him somehow.
Woah, that's a lot of dead or messed over peeps.
Kahn killing Jarek and Hsu Hao? Good riddens.
Ermac's intervention? Class.
Goro offing Mokap? Fine enough.
Jax saving the Tekunin? Good lord, we've got an issue.
Sonya offing Frost? Unfortunate, but settles a waste of story.
The order 3-way? At least the weakest linj died.
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