11/16/2007 03:05 PM (UTC)
Hey there MKKitana. I'm glad to see more feedback. I hope Paragon can come on today as I haven't seen him on yesterday. Anyway, here are my responses:


I too like Nitara and felt her return was deserved. The thing about her alignment is that she's classed as "Good" in her MKA trading card bio, and given how we wanted her people to align with the Saurians and Edenians, it would make sense to keep that alignment. I'm glad you like the costume. We were trying to go for a kind of goth feel since that is kind of an element to her character design.


Yeah, I definitely like the struggle she has to want to be good. Like Li Mei, inner struggling is a key element to her story. I really didn't give much thought to what kind of hairstyle she'd be using. I just figured her hairstyle would be the same in both costumes, with her face and such being much like how it is in your avatar. Maybe I would go for some kind of Chinese hairstyle or something. I really can't say. But anyway, I'm glad you like what we did with her, and I look forward to seeing your drawing.


I know what you're getting at with his bio. The thing is, we did that on purpose in order to make his character and story development more gradual. We're trying to take the gutsy move of actually taking his shitty ass post-retcon self and develop it into that more pre-retcon style self. It's going to be tough, but if we can pull it off, it'll be worth it, imo.


There isn't much for me to say here. We pretty much wanted to get him away from Scorpion and try to build up his story and let some things unfold. Like I said to queve, his bio was one of the tougher ones to sort out due to making many changes to his overall story path. I really want to make the most out of him, but the way to do it is going to be tricky.


I can't say too much here since Paragon almost exclusively worked on her. There are some characters who I work a lot more on while some other characters are ones that Paragon works a lot more on. Then we of course we have characters who we both work on somewhat more evenly. I'm just going ot leave it up to Paragon to explain her.


The part where Fujin fights Rain during Armageddon was a touch that Paragon put in. He does most of the bios, and we then try to edit it as much as we feel we need to. Well yeah, we had to have Fujin actually uphold his duty as the Protector God of Earthrealm, otherwise, that title is pointless for him to have.

I still hate it when some people say that Liu Kang's MKA ending should happen and become Earth's new Protector God when they completely ignore Fujin. Like I said in the comments, we want to step Fujin up and show how he handles this responsibility and how he interacts with the heroes. We want to show similarities and differences between him and Raiden.

The Tournament

I think you have a good idea about incorporating it into the existing intro. While Paragon did the teaser-ish intro, I did this little tournament speech.


Abaddon is the boss of MK: Resurrection simply because it's his tournament, and he wants to see who is worthy of being rewarded. I'm sure you and the other readers want to know more about him, and we'll get to that later. He's someone that should've been mentioned in the intro. So hopefully if we get to doing a sequel, we'll do a better job with the intros and make them more MK-ish.


It's understandable that you thought of Kobra. That's something I mentioned in the comments. Kobra started out with martial arts training and wondered if it would actually work in a real fight. He began to take his skills and use them against criminals, only to become one himself. Other than that, I'm going to leave it up to Paragon to elaborate more on him since Drake is one of the characters he came up with and almost exclusively worked on.


I don't blame you for not being too fond of Androna as I'm not too fond of her myself. She is a character that we'll likely bring back, which means that I have to do my part in making the most out of her. With the idea of Sektor having his consciousness downloaded into the computer, to me it's reminiscent of Megatron from Beast Machines in the second season. There's not much else to say here.


I know what you mean when you say you like it and dislike it simultaneously. The trick here is trying to make Reiko a believable and fearsome emperor without being a Shao Kahn rip-off. It's unlikely that we'll do anything with Reiko and Sareena, much to your dismay.

It's not that Reiko wnats to corrupt Li Mei's soul. It's simply that he wants to exploit the corruption in her soul and bring out her dark side so that she'll join him. With her at his side, the Resistance will either have to disbandon and join him or be destroyed if they still oppose him. Li Mei's death wouldn't exactly be beneficial to him actually. Even with the Resistance gone, I feel that he'd still want Li Mei alive and on his side. But yeah, the whole Reiko/Li Mei dynamic is one thing I like about his story. He's a character that we're trying to build up instead of making his impact so big right away.


I'm glad you like Abraxis. I think his name is cool too. Yeah, there really isn't all that much to say about him. Like I said in the comments, he's comparable to the likes of Motormaster from Transformers G1. He takes part in the tournament to represent Reiko and to get his desire fulfilled.


I agree. Havik is my favorite new character from MKD. We purposely wanted to give little tidbits from Armageddon here and there without giving it all away quite yet. Like Sub-Zero, Havik's overall story path was tough to sort out, especially since there's a lot that he can do.


I actually like Kira, and I felt it would've made more sense for her to have been a member of the Red Dragon due to her disciplined approach to evil. Originally, her bio was going to make her sound power hungry, but that sounded a bit out of character, imo. So what I did was edit the bio a lot, clearly explaining events here and there and making her goal to become Reiko's queen as a means of bringing chaos and anarchy.


Since you've read all of these bios, you don't have too much catching up to do. We hope to get the next bio out within a day or two.
11/16/2007 04:14 PM (UTC)
Wow, a lot of feedback. While Sub_Zero-7th explained a lot here, he did leave bits to me, because they are ones i know more about, so, ill do my best to elaborate and help explain.

Ermac :- I came up with the idea of a struggle within Ermac as, initally, the reason for him to enter the tournoment. But, after thinking upon it a little more, it was something i liked the idea of to be a bit more prominant in his story. He seems to be one of those honourable warriors who will do all they can to help others before helping themselves and i wanted to show that by him having a probalem no other could have. He wants to try and bring peace for the realms before he can decide when to find his peace.

Pandora :- While she is a denizen of the netherealm, she isnt in fact an oni or a demon. She retains her human appearance because she is basically a tourtured soul who has been forcefully brought into the Brotherhood. I didnt want to show too much of her story, as itd spoil the suprise i have planned. She more or less has just accepted her fate for now, knowing she cannot really do anything about it.

Fujin vs Rain :- I always thought a fight between the two of them would be kind of cool. With Rain being a half god who actually realises his power, i wanted to showcase that a little more. Fujin may be powerfuller then Rain power-wise, but i would like to think Rain would be a more competant fighter, which would even the gap a little.

Drake :- When it comes to his background, yes, it is kind of similar to Kobra, street fighting. But thats where the similarities end. Kobra loved killing, Drake enjoyes the infliction of pain. Kobra willingly joined the Black Dragon, Drake was kidnapped and experimented on by the Red Dragon. Kobra was an idiot, Drake has a brain... ok, that last one is just my oppinion, but anyway. It isnt as though he cant control himself, he just enjoys losing control and what he does when he does. His draconic powers and his story direction is something you'll want to follow if you want to see how diffrent he is to become. wink

Androna :- It was my idea about Sektors whole thing, he is a character who i felt needed developing, but at the same time, i wanted someone new, this was the perfect way to do things. It does seem cliche to have a female cyborg, but, i knew she would be hit and miss with everyone.

Anyway, now that that is hopefully explained. Tell us what you think of Serrath wink Hes the only one left atm, lol!
11/17/2007 07:20 PM (UTC)
Good job with Taven. I liked both Taven and Daegon, but always preferred Taven. Also being one of the few prominent Edenian men is of advantage to him IMO.
Nice that you have finally officially given away the detail on who defeated Blaze, and the outcome.
Edenia seems to be central in this story, which I like, it continues from Armageddon, and also takes the emphasis off of Earthrealm, which is a good thing IMO. Although the whole MK world centred around Earth in its early games, I always thought that for a new lease of life, one of the other realms should become more prominent, if not replacing Earthrealm completely as the main focus (I dont mean Earth should be forgotten of course, jsut not the emphasis).
Tavens bio is yet another one which does the job of explaining his Armageddon outcome and what his agenda is. Im also interested in why a God has been invited to the tournament, so this will be interesting.

Hmmmmm I dont know what to think of Serrath in all honesty. As you explained, he is pretty much immortal and all powerful, yet is restrained by both the Elder Gods becoming more involved in the universe and that he ahs no soul.
IMO, this sounds a little ahrd to work with. It would ahve been better if he wasnt as restrained, as really, anything other than him performing his task will take away from the original idea IMO. If you ahve him show feeling, it goes against the restraints you put on him. If you ahve him search for a way to get a soul, it again goes against the ehavy restraint upon his action. IMO it would ahve been better had you not restrained him as much. this could ahve lead to countless possibilities for the character.
So like I said, im a little dubious of the character.
He is very unique, though, which is good. I do see some similiarities in Data from Star Trek, but Data was always able to get his human emotions at any time, but HE chose not to, and learned to develop them independantly. Serrath is on the other hand, forced to be the way he is. I even find it hard to see how he would 'allowed' to investigate his own self if he is restrained as much as you've said.

But all in all, and excellent idea from you guys. I think there is only really one character I dislike from the whole thing and thats Miss Robot. (Also pandora and Andora sound way too similar IMO). And althought Some characters you choose to return dont appeal to me, the overall story put forward still has me interested in them.

I was wondering though, will you, at some point, be revealing the complete outcome for all the Characters in MKA.? Whether this be by a list, or through the bios to come??? Although youve revealed a lot, theres still so many unmentioned.
11/17/2007 08:15 PM (UTC)
In response to your latest feedback:


I'm glad you like what we did with Taven. I personally like Daegon a bit more, but that's just me. I personally want to be careful not to neglect Earthrealm too much, even if we aren't likely going to have it be the focus of our overall story.


I feel that the issues you bring up are quite valid. Like I said in my comments for Serrath, I'm still rather iffy on him. I guess it's because he's this all-powerful and ubiquitous character who is so restrained that I wasn't all that fond of him. About the personality and emotions, Paragon's idea is that Serrath's personality development is some kind of anomaly.

I will say that the story we have for Serrath is unique, but from my personal perspective, it's going to be one of the toughest ones to do, because it's going to involve a lot of clear explanation and justification. Serrath is the kind of character that has in mind of blindly serving the Elder Gods in hopes of getting a soul. It's definitely not going to appeal to some, and I argued with Paragon about how we are going to sort this guy out and make his story and character believable.

Although I've said my fair share, it's really up to Paragon to explain and justify Serrath's character to the readers, namely because he came up with him and worked on him almost exclusively. The only things I really did were come up with his unarmed style and his overall gameplay style description.

As I said before, yes, we are definitely doing an Armageddon outcome post, which will be released after we get all of the unlockable characters one and posted. You'll have to stay tuned for more. I'll try to get the next bio up a little bit later. The idea is to release a new bio every 3 days or so.
11/18/2007 02:08 AM (UTC)
Not to sound stupid or anything, but are these characters really being created by Midway, or is this like all the other topics that are suggestions for the next mk?confused
11/18/2007 02:47 AM (UTC)
latvia101 Wrote:
Not to sound stupid or anything, but are these characters really being created by Midway, or is this like all the other topics that are suggestions for the next mk?confused

It should be obvious to you that this is the fan fiction project that Paragon, DNOMYTE, and I came up with, not something created by the MK team. I don't want to sound harsh here, but why would you ask such a question, especially after the feedback you've been giving us on our project?
11/18/2007 02:50 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
latvia101 Wrote:
Not to sound stupid or anything, but are these characters really being created by Midway, or is this like all the other topics that are suggestions for the next mk?confused

It should be obvious to you that this is the fan fiction project that Paragon, DNOMYTE, and I came up with, not something created by the MK team. I don't want to sound harsh here, but why would you ask such a question, especially after the feedback you've been giving us on our project?

I guess i'm hopeing that the mk staff has gotten this far, but i doubt it.
11/19/2007 05:29 PM (UTC)
I'm sorry for such the delay. I know it's been 5 days since the last bio and that we are trying to go for a 3-day gap. Lately, there have been a couple of problems here and there that are going to put our work at a bit of a halt. Once the problems are fixed, we will resume working on the other characters and hope to get them out in due time.

Anyway, without further a due, here is another new character:


Origin: New Zaterra

Alignment: Good

Status: Prince of New Zaterra

Fighting Styles: Choy Gar, Kirehashi Blade

Choy Gar: Choy Gar Kuen/Caijiaquan (Choy Family Boxing) is one of the 5 family styles of Southern Chinese martial arts. This style is attributed to Choy Gau Yee, who founded it in the late Ming dynasty and learned martial arts from a monk named Yi Guan. Choy Gar is also known as the Rat style of Kung Fu, imitating the movements of a rat in its swift footwork. However, this style is derived from Snake style Kung Fu, and takes influence from it with its speed in arm and body movements. Choy Gar uses more kicks and a lower stance than in Snake Kung Fu. The use of low stances is not only to imitate the rat but also to develop internal power. Anacon learned this from his father, Reptile. We chose this style for him, because we wanted to give him an animalistic style, and since this one is derived from Snake style, we felt it fit him.

Kirehashi Blade: The Kirehashi Blade is an ancient Saurian weapon passed down to Anacon from his father, Reptile. Reptile was given this blade as a gift years ago from the vampiress Nitara. With its jagged edges, this weapon is designed for sawing and slashing techniques. We wanted to symbolize the connection to Reptile by having him pass on the Kirehashi Blade to his first-born.

Special Moves

Forceball: A move taught to Anacon by his father, he concentrates a ball of energy between his hands and fires it out. It is a slow projectile which can be easily sidestepped, but can be the opening to another attack or used before a combo and used to end it. By charging it, it becomes faster. So at full charge, it will be as quick as other projectiles. Because of how these projectiles work, the recovery time is insignificant.

Acid Spit: A basic acid projectile of the Saurian race, Anacon spits a ball of acid through his mask/mouth at the opponent, causing them to cry out in pain and back away a few steps.

Acid Spray: This is a variation of his projectile move. He spits a spray of acid towards the opponent. This is a more powerful version of his projectile. It comes out a little slower and cannot hit people who are mid distance or farther. This move can be done on grounded opponents.

Sneaky Serpent: Like his father, he is very fast and agile. He uses his blinding speed to run past the opponent then delivers a spinning turning kick. When he runs past the opponent, they automatically turn around to be met with the kick, if the opponent blocks however, much like Reptile in MK:A, he won't run past them and deliver the hit.

Invisibility: Another trademark move of his race is to become invisible to the naked eye. Anacon does Reptile's UMK3 finishing pose (the one with Rain also shared) then turns invisible. To make this more worthwhile in the games, there will be no tracking on any moves, and because the way the camera is, you won't be able to tell if he is close or far away. This gives the invisible one the advantage he should have when like this.


Mounted Flip: Anacon places both hands on the opponent's shoulders and jumps onto his/her chest. He then stands up and backflips, pushing the opponent down to the floor and putting some distance between himself and his opponent.

Spinebuster: Anacon grabs the opponent by the throat with his right hand and under the opponents right arm with his left hand. He then raises them into the air and holds them up for a few seconds before falling forward onto his knees and slamming the opponent down on their back.

Overall Gameplay Style: Anacon is a rather easy character to pick up and play, and his gameplay relies on speed and tricks. His special moves make him a pretty good distance player due to their range. Choy Gar is going to be his speedy and close-ranged style while his Kirehashi Blade is more mid-ranged, using a lot of slashing and sawing techniques. So in terms of range and offensive/defensive qualities, he's more well-rounded, being close to the middle.

Mastery Level: 2


Concentrated Acid Spray: Anacon growls angrily and takes his mask off, acid beginning to dribble out of his mouth. He takes a deep breath in, bringing his head back, and holds it for a few seconds. He then throws his head forward and spits out a large acid spray that completely covers the opponent. They can be heard screaming underneath all the acid. The acid had already begun eating away at their skin, and they slowly begin to deteriorate in the acid, leaving nothing but their skeleton, which begins to corrode and disintegrate itself.

Reptilian Feast: Anacon takes off his mask and roars at the opponent before charging and tackling them to the floor. He then begins to bite at their face and neck. The opponent is screaming as Anacon is eating them. He then lifts his head up, opens his mouth wide then bites down on their neck. Blood squirts onto the camera as the opponents last scream is heard. The blood slowly goes down the screen as you can still see Anacon eating the opponent through the bloodied screen.


Primary Costume: In this design, he has a human-like appearance with some reptilian features. He dons royal battle armor, which consists of a body armor like the one on the left. Anacon's body armor has claw marks instead of hand marks on it, and the shiny parts are a dark green color. Also, he wears shoulder and leg pads as well as boots like these. He has arm guards similar to his leg pads. For his head and face, he wears a dark green dragon helmet with black parts to it to match the armor along with an open mouth mask to allow him to do his acid spitting moves.

Alternate Costume: Anacon's alternate costume is a slightly modified version of Reptile's MK4/MKG ninja-type costume. Instead of the MK4 hood and mask, Anacon wears the hood and mask worn by Reptile in the first MK movie.

Extra Costumes: none

Get Up Animation: Anacon's get up animation is much like what Reptile does in the first MK movie. Basically, he does a kip up, followed by hissing and the reptilian hand movement reminiscent of his MK2 stance. After that, he quickly gets back into his fighting stance.

Victory Pose: His victory pose is mix of Reptile's MK4 and UMK3 victory poses. Basically, it starts out like Reptile's MK4 victory pose then ends with the UMK3/MKT victory pose.

Kombat Zone: New Zaterra Throne Room

Description: This is the throne room of the Saurians' new home realm, New Zaterra. Reptile and Khameleon found this realm after Armageddon and began to revive their near extinct race. Over the course of two years, their numbers have begun to grow steadily thanks to their quick maturing stages. When once there was two, there are now hundreds. Although all have a claim to the throne of New Zaterra, Anacon, being the first born, is looked upon with more favor then the rest, at least by his father. Anacon comes here often to report to his parents.

Stage Traps: Trap 1: The opponent is knocked to in front of Reptile, who is sitting on his throne. Reptile stands up, turns the opponent around and spits acid in their face, causing them to stumble back.

Trap 2: The opponent is knocked into the main chamber door. When he/she recovers, Khameleon appears behind them, coming out of invisibility and rams their head back into the door, steps aside then turns invisible again. The opponent stumbles back dazed.

Stage Fatality: The loser is knocked into a trap door, falling into an acid bath.


I am the first-born son of the saviors of our once extinct race, Reptile and Khameleon. Our race's maturing process is much shorter then that of other races. Although only two years old in human years, I am in fact a young adult in our race. As the first-born son, I was the only one trained in combat by my father. From there, I have helped train others, who now train our ever-growing race. I am the protector of this realm, its general, its prince, and it is up to me to make sure that no harm comes to my mother and father. It is difficult at times when mother is away at the congress, but it is needed so that our realm has allies incase Outworld decides to become a threat once again. Father does not trust the vampires as he has had a history of betrayal with one of them, their speaker, Nitara. However, we have decided to look past this in order for our fragile race to have a chance.

Having acted as an ambassador for my race for a while now, I have come to respect our allies all the more. The vampire Nitara is not as bad as my father believes her to be. She is like much like my mother, doing what she needed to do to free her realm from the fallen emperor, Shao Kahn. On my last visit, I was not greeted by Nitara since she has left on a mission to find their emperor's son. Upon my return home, my father told me he was left an invitation to a tournament in Edenia. However, he is busy controlling our realm to leave, so, he asked that I go in his place. I go now to the tournament with the hopes of bringing glory to our race once again!


Sub-Zero_7th: Anacon is a character that Paragon and DNOMYTE wanted in the story. He's basically a warrior prince that has great pride in his kingdom and his people. Although he shares similarities to Reptile, he is meant to be his own character and not a clone of him. While I'm personally not into him all that much, I imagine him probably being more of a favorite to play as, especially by Reptile fans.

Paragon: Anacon was one of the characters I wanted. I wanted to initially bring back Reptile, but I didn’t want to change too much of him. Since in the story he isn’t the ‘underling’ character anymore, always needing a master, but being one himself, I felt it was time to leave him be. But at the same time, I wanted to elaborate more on the Saurians. I came up with the name Anacon as a name of a snake, anaconda. It was a toss up between that and Salamand or Salamander, but I wasn’t too fond of either of those names. Anacon is everything I wanted Reptile to be: independent, cunning, if a little in the dark about the bigger picture. He is much like his father, but has some of his mother's qualities. He has a friendship with Nitara, which will be shown in more detail later on. He is going to be used much differently than Reptile ever was as I didn’t want him being classed as a ‘Reptile clone’.
shit. Khameleon and Reptile getting lucky? There's something. Anacon seems very welcome to me.
11/19/2007 09:06 PM (UTC)
It's more of an informative bio. Lots of info with little action.

I appreciate the information, but I hope Anacon sets interesting personal goals later on.
11/19/2007 09:26 PM (UTC)
BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
shit. Khameleon and Reptile getting lucky? There's something. Anacon seems very welcome to me.

Yeah, Reptile gets his happy ending and gets it on with Khameleon, Raptor style! glasses But yeah, they populate their race and Anacon is their first-born son. Personally, I would've left Reptile's and Khameleon's endings with them getting together and not really have a new Raptor/Saurian character.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
It's more of an informative bio. Lots of info with little action.

I appreciate the information, but I hope Anacon sets interesting personal goals later on.

I understand what you're saying. That's something we need to sort out for sure. I guess the bio is really more of a means of establishing who he is, where he comes from, and what his goal is.

Just a quick note on things. We just about have the next character done, but I need to sort out a couple of things, literally. Once I do and everything is checked and finalized, I'll leave it up to Paragon to post the next character, who we both hope you will all like a lot.
11/19/2007 09:54 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:

I am the first-born son of the saviors of our once extinct race, Reptile and Khameleon. Our race's maturing process is much shorter then that of other races. Although only two years old in human years, I am in fact a young adult in our race. As the first-born son, I was the only one trained in combat by my father. From there, I have helped train others, who now train our ever-growing race. I am the protector of this realm, its general, its prince, and it is up to me to make sure that no harm comes to my mother and father. It is difficult at times when mother is away at the congress, but it is needed so that our realm has allies incase Outworld decides to become a threat once again. Father does not trust the vampires as he has had a history of betrayal with one of them, their speaker, Nitara. However, we have decided to look past this in order for our fragile race to have a chance.

Having acted as an ambassador for my race for a while now, I have come to respect our allies all the more. The vampire Nitara is not as bad as my father believes her to be. She is like much like my mother, doing what she needed to do to free her realm from the fallen emperor, Shao Kahn. On my last visit, I was not greeted by Nitara since she has left on a mission to find their emperor's son. Upon my return home, my father told me he was left an invitation to a tournament in Edenia. However, he is busy controlling our realm to leave, so, he asked that I go in his place. I go now to the tournament with the hopes of bringing glory to our race once again!


Paragon: Anacon was one of the characters I wanted. I wanted to initially bring back Reptile, but I didn’t want to change too much of him. Since in the story he isn’t the ‘underling’ character anymore, always needing a master, but being one himself, I felt it was time to leave him be. But at the same time, I wanted to elaborate more on the Saurians. I came up with the name Anacon as a name of a snake, anaconda. It was a toss up between that and Salamand or Salamander, but I wasn’t too fond of either of those names. Anacon is everything I wanted Reptile to be: independent, cunning, if a little in the dark about the bigger picture. He is much like his father, but has some of his mother's qualities. He has a friendship with Nitara, which will be shown in more detail later on. He is going to be used much differently than Reptile ever was as I didn’t want him being classed as a ‘Reptile clone’.

I think Anacon is shaky as a character; he needs much more development if he is to replace Reptile as a playable character.

I kinda think removing Reptile from the main story is a mistake. I do think that Reptile needs much more development as well, but he is much more stable than any new character that may replace him imo. In my opinion, Anacon is a 'Reptile clone' and he tends to lack character/personality.
11/19/2007 10:24 PM (UTC)
latvia101 Wrote:
I think Anacon is shaky as a character; he needs much more development if he is to replace Reptile as a playable character.

I kinda think removing Reptile from the main story is a mistake. I do think that Reptile needs much more development as well, but he is much more stable than any new character that may replace him imo.

In my opinion, Anacon is a 'Reptile clone' and he tends to lack character/personality.

It's funny that you say this because actually lots of people would like certain characters to be killed off and replaced by some other character to take their place.

I don't see the point in replacing characters if they're going to be similar to previous characters. Why not just alter the current character?
11/19/2007 10:48 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
latvia101 Wrote:
I think Anacon is shaky as a character; he needs much more development if he is to replace Reptile as a playable character.

I kinda think removing Reptile from the main story is a mistake. I do think that Reptile needs much more development as well, but he is much more stable than any new character that may replace him imo.

In my opinion, Anacon is a 'Reptile clone' and he tends to lack character/personality.

It's funny that you say this because actually lots of people would like certain characters to be killed off and replaced by some other character to take their place.

I don't see the point in replacing characters if they're going to be similar to previous characters. Why not just alter the current character?

Exactly, like killing off Scorpion to use his son instead. IMO, if you are gonna remove certain characters from a game don't make a cheap ripoff. The idea behind making new characters, is to make them as original as possible.

on a scale of 1-10

Anacon: 1

Reptile: 8

compared to other new characters you created:

Abraxis: 10
11/20/2007 03:45 AM (UTC)
To ALL members: Please do not quote the entirety of the different bios and stuff, because each of those posts is quite long.

To latvia101: In the future, do not quote the bios like that. It was uncalled for.

Like I said before, I'm not into Anacon all that much. I didn't come up with him. I only worked on a little bit of things with him, that's it. The bio is meant to establish who he is, where he comes from, and his goal. The character development comes later, especially since he's a new character.

I don't think removing Reptile from the story is a mistake, because Reptile's story was never big nor was it really significant aside from the stuff with Onaga. He's just one of the many drawn-out characters in MK, and while I don't dislike him, there's not much of a point of bringing him back. As far as I know, he's going to continue being an NPC (non-playable character) as well as Khameleon.

Going back to Anacon, he's not really a 'Reptile clone' nor is he meant to be one. Anacon is a very proud and fierce character who is not some kind of henchman that Reptile was. Although he has similarities to his father, he is not exactly the same as him. For example, while Reptile is iffy on trusting Nitara, Anacon trusts her just fine and compares her to the likes of his mother, Khameleon.

We wanted to bring in as many new characters as possible, and we wanted to put a limit on how many current characters we were going to bring back. With characters like Anacon, it's an issue of compromise. I'm not into him all that much, but it's a character that Paragon and DNOMYTE wanted in and could work into the story. I didn't come up with him, but like Androna, who I also don't care for too much, I'll do what I can to make the most out of his character.
11/20/2007 04:15 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
To ALL members: Please do not quote the entirety of the different bios and stuff, because each of those posts is quite long.

To latvia101: In the future, do not quote the bios like that. It was uncalled for.
*Post edited* sorry about that.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I don't think removing Reptile from the story is a mistake, because Reptile's story was never big nor was it really significant aside from the stuff with Onaga. He's just one of the many drawn-out characters in MK, and while I don't dislike him, there's not much of a point of bringing him back. As far as I know, he's going to continue being an NPC (non-playable character) as well as Khameleon.

I have to agree with you that he has recieved very little development as a character, but to throw him out when there's a chance of changing that? It only requires a little creativity from whoever creates his bio. Just because he had no depth as a character in some of the previous enstallments, that doesn't mean that he can't be salvaged. Look at Ermac- he had no depth whatsoever until mk deception. If he's really that uninportant than get rid of him!

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Going back to Anacon, he's not really a 'Reptile clone' nor is he meant to be one. Anacon is a very proud and fierce character who is not some kind of henchman that Reptile was. Although he has similarities to his father, he is not exactly the same as him. For example, while Reptile is iffy on trusting Nitara, Anacon trusts her just fine and compares her to the likes of his mother, Khameleon.

But that still leaves very shallow depth to his story.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:

We wanted to bring in as many new characters as possible, and we wanted to put a limit on how many current characters we were going to bring back. With characters like Anacon, it's an issue of compromise. I'm not into him all that much, but it's a character that Paragon and DNOMYTE wanted in and could work into the story. I didn't come up with him, but like Androna, who I also don't care for too much, I'll do what I can to make the most out of his character.

Quantity over quality?sleep
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11/20/2007 04:22 AM (UTC)
Maybe Reptiles ass is getting to old. He seems to get his ass kicked to much nowadays. Anacon would also be 2 years old. Thats maturing extremely fast. But I do think it is time for the saurians to make a comeback. But I agree that anacon needs more change in his development. I do like the idea tho.
11/20/2007 05:21 AM (UTC)
To latvia101: You need to fix your quoting. Just because one nothing character can be made into something better doesn't mean that it applies to all characters like that. Take Baraka for example. He is doomed to predictability and staleness, because he is created to be that consistent evil henchman type character that has many others of his race that serve Shao Kahn. At least with Goro, we get a bit of depth to his character.

For Reptile himself, after all the crap he's been through, we felt it was best to cut him some slack and give him closure. Again, I personally would've not had any new Saurian characters.

As for Anacon, not everyone can be stars. Some characters are bound to be more prominent than others. However, I can understand you not liking him too much as I don't care for him much either.

As for "Quantity over Quality", that's not the case with our project. I wanted to streamline the amount of characters we're bringing back, but it's tough when working with others and having to compromise.

To colt1107: About the 2 years old thing, I personally wanted the time gap between Armageddon and Resurrection to be a bit more than that. Again, it's an issue of compromise. Right now, Anacon doesn't have much going on with his character, but we do want to step him up.

Hopefully the next character that we plan to release will be much more to everyone's liking.
11/20/2007 11:56 AM (UTC)
i actually like Anacon coz im not really a big fan of Reptile and all. One question though since there's already an Elena, Takako, Androna, and Anacon, who are more or less are kind of lke the next-gen versions of the old characters, does that mean Jade, Hotaru, Sektor, and Reptile aren't coming back??? just curious....

anyway nice stuff here............i can actually imagine this being an actual game.....cool=)
Blind_Swordsman Wrote:
i actually like Anacon coz im not really a big fan of Reptile and all. One question though since there's already an Elena, Takako, Androna, and Anacon, who are more or less are kind of lke the next-gen versions of the old characters, does that mean Jade, Hotaru, Sektor, and Reptile aren't coming back??? just curious....

anyway nice stuff here............i can actually imagine this being an actual game.....cool=)
Androna's bio states cearly that Sektor is dead. Hotaru, meh. Don't recall. Jade and Reptile, however, are still alive, if now in a more laid back position.
11/21/2007 01:15 AM (UTC)
Firstly, the name sound kidna feminie to me for some reason so I instantly thought this was gonna be a female lol. (It also sounds very like Aragorn).

The bio does well at establishing who Anacon is, and what his position is with the MK world. He doesnt really ahve all that much of a prominent story though, he could easily be just another one there to fill the tournament, but I can see what you guys are intending for the character (meaning to generally introduce him slowly and perhaps use new bios/ his ending/ the overall ending as a means for future potential etc). Some characters ahve to begin gradually. I also liked the little part about the quick maturation/growth of the race. Good way to explain how an adult Raptor could be around after onyl two years (Till I saw this i thot, Oh another one hiding in the shadows lol).

I havent read through the other replies all that much but I notice people seem to think 'Reptile Clone/ Reptile replacement' and I was initally thinking that. But Anacon seems to different to Reptile in many ways.

For a start, he seems to be more mentally stable than Reptile. Reptile especially in MKDA seemed like a very neurotic character, almost insane, certainly obsessed. Obsessed at being the perfect servant/henchman, as well as obsessed with restoring his realm. He felt it was his fault Kahn died, and felt lost without a master since he had nothing else, that is until nitara came along. Anacon.
Reptile also seemed like a very vicious, almost harsh character to me (things like MKSM, MKD and MK4 make him seem like this to me). He also seems to hold a grudge easily ,and to me seems very quick temprered and suspicious of everyone/everything. Anacon however looked at his allies carefully and got to see that they can be trusted etc. He seems more head-strong and calmer than Reptile. Anacon also seems to be more of a neutral character than Reptile, who was almost always on the side evil.

A little more personality and personal development (individual goals and interaciton with characters Reptile hasnt encountered etc) could make him really a good character
11/21/2007 01:36 AM (UTC)
That's a very interesting insight on the character. I'm glad you see that Anacon is different from Reptile in various ways, especially in regards to characters like Nitara. He's a prideful warrior that wants to honor his parents, kingdom, and people, and he hopes to do that by winning the tournament.
11/21/2007 10:05 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Take Baraka for example. He is doomed to predictability and staleness...

I disagree with this here.

Storytelling is not a definite art. It can change abruptly from one way to another. A character might seem completely solifidied with one personality and turn out having another one by the end of it.

Baraka, like Reptile and other characters with repetitive goals, positions, etc., can be given depth with plain-ole creativity. That's all it takes. An idea.
11/22/2007 01:51 PM (UTC)
MKKitana, thank you, you managed to put into words what i couldn't about how diffrent Anacon is in comparison to his father, Reptile. Reptile was always one of those tragic bad guys, but forever shadowed by the fact he was always a follower. And you are completely right about how Reptile acts in previous games. With him, i wanted to show what he was like behind the psychotic, genocidal fighter. He finally found freedom, peace and a reason not to fight. Now hes just a distrustful king, but has a soft spot for his queen, who is more trusting then him.

Anacon is like his father in his style of fighting and his powers, his personality is much like his mothers though. The parts about his pride about his race, his self-important view of himself and other parts of his personality which are to be shown as things progress are all parts to show his individuality from his parents.

As much as i dont like it, not everyone can be a 'star', and some characters are resigned to be more prominant then others in the main story, but that doesnt mean we are going to make characters storys insignificant, each and every character we put in this project all have something to offer the overall plot, even if its just a minor point.
11/23/2007 03:47 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Take Baraka for example. He is doomed to predictability and staleness...

I disagree with this here.

Storytelling is not a definite art. It can change abruptly from one way to another. A character might seem completely solifidied with one personality and turn out having another one by the end of it.

Baraka, like Reptile and other characters with repetitive goals, positions, etc., can be given depth with plain-ole creativity. That's all it takes. An idea.

Maybe...I just think that with some characters, it's just not worth it. I guess at the end of the day, we're all biased as fuck. tongue
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