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11/01/2007 10:45 PM (UTC)
Well I like it. Pretty cool. But I need to know one thing. Will scorpion have a son? And will scorpion finally have another goal?
11/01/2007 11:37 PM (UTC)
Scorpion has a son, but hes young, mainly because hes dead. Scorpions whole story now revolves around him trying to find the peace so he can join his family in the after life... if you mean HAVE a son... well, im not into Necrophillia... tongue
Abraxis seems cool enough. Kinda reminds me of the awesome brute Kahn was.
About Me


11/02/2007 08:55 PM (UTC)
Wow i ve not posted in here for a while

But yeh the story seems good guys. Abraxis being a favourite of the new characters. Pancratium (im not sure of the spelling) is also used by Jeffrey of Virtua Fighter fame if im not mistaken.

His image sounds to me like Dian Wei from Dynasty Warriors, which is pretty cool as Dian Wei is one of my faves. (Dian Wei is bald mind you)

I think i might do a fanfic soon. Peace, and keep up the good work.

11/03/2007 02:24 AM (UTC)
BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
Abraxis seems cool enough. Kinda reminds me of the awesome brute Kahn was.

I'm glad you like him. Stay tuned for more. The next bio will be up soon enough.

deathgrave Wrote:
Wow i ve not posted in here for a while

But yeh the story seems good guys. Abraxis being a favourite of the new characters. Pancratium (im not sure of the spelling) is also used by Jeffrey of Virtua Fighter fame if im not mistaken.

His image sounds to me like Dian Wei from Dynasty Warriors, which is pretty cool as Dian Wei is one of my faves. (Dian Wei is bald mind you)

I think i might do a fanfic soon. Peace, and keep up the good work.


Thanks deathgrave. I'm glad you enjoy the story and like Abraxis. Yeah, I'm familiar with Jeffry McWild a bit. Pancratium is the Latin spelling of Pankration and is basically the Latin derivative. It's more or less the same though I think there were some slightly different rules.

Anyway, I hope you also stay tuned for more bios.
11/04/2007 03:51 AM (UTC)
i think it would be awesome to make Kochal(god of chaos) a playable character

this is my idea:

costume: a firey skull with black spikes surrounding the top of his skull
black samari outfit with no shoes(skeletal hands and feet)

weapon: chaos axe( a big powerful combat axe possibly 5 feet long)

special moves: fire blast
ground pound- creates ground shockwave
chaos blast- still dont know yet
skull bash
roundhouse kick that ends in an akward angle
11/04/2007 09:44 AM (UTC)
Abraxis is alright. Pretty interesting story, but as a fighter he's too simple; just a big strong, bully-type guy.

I hope some fantasy-type characters will surface here.
11/04/2007 03:03 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Abraxis is alright. Pretty interesting story, but as a fighter he's too simple; just a big strong, bully-type guy.

I hope some fantasy-type characters will surface here.

The thing is, Abraxis is meant to be that technical fighter, someone who isn't really about magic or special powers or anything like that. He supposed to have that as a contrast to some other characters (e.g. Ermac). As a fighter, he goes a little bit above the typical big, strong person. He also happens to be rather agile for someone his size.

Anyway, the next bio will be up soon. We've recently been trying to put finishing touches on a few characters, and some of them will take quite some time to complete.
About Me

11/04/2007 08:55 PM (UTC)
With pakration as his fighting style, he is everything but a brute.

Wrestling puts the emphasis on speed and flexibility, among other things.
11/04/2007 10:34 PM (UTC)
Exactly. Although he will have many 'brawling' combos in it, as well as an array of suprising combos you wouldnt expect out of a 'big guy'. I didnt want what QS(TB) stated, the typical big guy, i wanted more. A big guy who was quick, flexable and with an actual brain.
11/04/2007 10:46 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
With pakration as his fighting style, he is everything but a brute.

Wrestling puts the emphasis on speed and flexibility, among other things.

lol. Well, well, it's fancy seeing you here, Chrome. Please do share your thoughts. We'd like to see as much constructive feedback as possible. Now regarding Abraxis, this isn't to say that he's someone that necessarily lacks refinement. It's just that he's very much that "pound and ground" or "ground and pound" character. So yeah, he's definitely flexible and agile. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to pull off certain specials he has. But hey, at least we didn't fall into the trap of the Greatsword stereotype. tongue


Anyway, here's the next character:


Origin: Chaosrealm

Alignment: Neutral

Status: Cleric of Chaos

Fighting Styles: Mizongquan, Chaos Flail

Mizongquan: Mizongquan (Lost Track Boxing) is a traditional Northern Chinese martial art that also goes by the name Yan Qing Quan, named after its supposed founder, Yan Qing. Yan Qing learned the elements of the style from a Shaolin Monk named Lu Junyi, and the style was named Yan Qing Quan after Yan Qing's death. However, the style was later renamed to Mizongquan for its confusing movements. Mizongquan is a Shaolin style of Kung Fu and relies more on internal power. The techniques in this style are very deceptive, unpredictable, and seemingly illogical.

The practitioner uses strange and inconsistent mvoements to confuse and distract the opponent, only to attack when the opponent is confused, usually with a punch or palm strike. Along with its "lost" footwork, Mizongquan uses a lot of acrobatic techniques such as leaps, jump kicks, rolls, and tumbles. Some of the techniques are done in a short and circular motion. This is a relatively rare style of Kung Fu, namely because a hybrid style called Mizong Luohan Quan (Lost Track Arhat Fist) is taught more commonly than Mizongquan by itself. We chose thise style for Havik due to its unpredictable and confusing characteristics.

Chaos Flail: The Chaos Flail is one of the most popular weapons in Chaosrealm, symbolizing chaotic nature in its use. This weapon is based off of a three-headed flail, except that there are different sized balls and different sized and shaped spikes on them. The idea behind the Chaos Flail was to give him a more chaotic looking and feeling weapon. Since this is more of a flail, it has that flow to it that the Morning Star didn't.

Special Moves

Torso Spin: While twisting his torso all around with his arms stretched out, Havik slides towards the opponent, spinning his arms to hit the opponent's head and face. This move tracks, hits high three times, and knocks the opponent down on the last hit. However, this move is unsafe on block and must be used wisely.

Cracking Legs Projectile: Havik bends his knees inwards and fires a projectile that hits low and has a partial knockdown effect. This move has a slightly faster recovery than before to give it more usefulness.

Diving Corpse: Havik dives his body, sliding it forward across the screen. This move hits low and knocks the opponent away. It's a bit safer than before and if blocked, Havik will coil back a bit and stay on the ground. Since it's linear and hits low, it can be crouch blocked, sidestepped, or jumped over.

Head Snap: Havik snaps his head backwards then snaps it back into place. This is a fast recovery move that recovers a little bit of health.

Corpse Taunt: Havik bends his waist backwards then bends it back into place. This is a slower recovery move compared to the Head Snap, but it recovers more health than it. Also, because Havik bends his waist, he can go under high and some mid attacks.


Back Snap Suplex: Havik grabs the opponent and does a back suplex, snapping his back to drop the opponent at a high angle.

Chaos Axe Kick: Havik grabs the opponent, does a low side kick to get him/her on his/her knees, then does an axe kick to pop him/her into the air for juggle hits.

Overall Gameplay Style: Havik's gameplay style is very advanced and relies on being very deceptive and strategical. Fluidity and unpredictability are his greatest strengths, but it takes time to really master his styles, especially Mizongquan. His special moves can be useful, but they are particularly risky and require good timing. The trick with Havik is to be tricky in order to keep the opponent guessing.

Mastery Level: 5


Flailing Madness: Havik takes out his Chaos Flail, twirls it around a bit, and jovially whacks the opponent's face three times, badly scarring it. After the third whack, he does an upward swing, decapitating the opponent. Havik laughs while twirling his flail around like the madman he is.

Twisted Cleric: Havik stands on the opponent's feet and twists the opponent's waist the other way, struggling at first then manages to twist it. Next, he twists the head the other way around, facing towards him. Finally, Havik steps off of the opponent's feet and pushes him/her down with one finger, grinning towards the camera.


Primary Costume: Havik looks more deformed from before due to the essence released from Blaze's death. His primary costume has a hood like the one he wore in his MKD/MKA alternate, except that it is of a more asymmetrical design. His costume consists of a torn piece of armor based off of this. Havik's armor has a dark blue color scheme mixed in with red, and he has the same chest piece. His pants are asymmetrical as well, with one side longer than the other and with a torn aspect. Lastly, he has two different kinds of boots, one from his MKD primary and one from his MKD alternate.

Alternate Costume: Havik's alternate costume is a torn up and asymmetrical version of his MKD/MKA alternate costume. One strip of the vest is gone, the sleeves on his arms and legs are torn, and parts of his arm and leg guards are broken off. He wears the helmet from his MKD/MKA primary, which has been chipped off a bit, and the torn loincloth has the symbol for "chaos" inscribed on it.

Extra Costumes: none

Get Up Animation: Havik rolls sideways, landing on his stomach, with his back facing the opponent. He rolls forward, which will be away from the opponent. He then twists his neck to face him/her and twists his body, going into his fighting stance.

Victory Pose: His victory pose is the same one from MKD and MKA in which he snaps his head backwards then snaps it back into place.

Kombat Zone: The Living Forest

Description: The Living Forest is located in Outworld and has haunted the citizens for centuries. It is inhabited by living trees who begin to form a face on their trunk when they reach a certain age. Each of the trees with faces has their own facial expression. Some of the faces move while others lay dormant. Havik headed here for refuge after the events of Armageddon.

Stage Traps: If too close to one of the living trees, the character may get hit by a moving branch.

Stage Fatality: One stage fatality involves the character being knocked into the mouth of one of the living trees to be eaten alive. Another stage fatality involves the character being knocked into the stream of mud and dies from drowning in it.


The battle was most enjoyable! I had sided with Shao Kahn, the Master of Chaos, in order to bring Chaos throughout the realms when he gained ultimate power. However, I thought if I could get the power for myself, I could be the one to cause Chaos throughout the realms, a most satisfying thought. Unfortunately, I was separated from my Black Dragon allies during the battle and came face to face with my nemesis, Hotaru. The two of us fought until Darrius interfered. As this happened, I watched as Kabal killed Mavado, only to be killed in an explosion created by a cyborg. I looked around the battlefield and saw Kira on the floor, and she appeared to still be alive. As I reached for her to get to safety, Blaze was defeated and his essence spread over to the survivors of the battle. My thirst for Chaos is so much stronger now, as if the need for it is within my blood! Given the possibility that the Seidan Guards will look for me in Chaosrealm, I took Kira with me to the Living Forest in Outworld. When she awakened, I informed her of what transpired after Blaze's death. I decided that it should now be safe to head for Chaosrealm. On our way there, we learned of a new power rising in Outworld.

Reiko, one of Shao Kahn's highest generals, has taken over after the emperor's death, which concerns me greatly. If he becomes too powerful, anarchy may not be able to reign in this realm, so I must think of a way to stop him. However, there is so much to do in such a short time. I shall return home to get the help I need while Kira is to find a way to get close to Reiko in order to take him down. With him eliminated, Outworld will return to glorious anarchy! After my return, I soon came into contact with Anbar, who took control of the Seidan Resistance and told me of her plan to bring anarchy to Seido. This is most wonderful to hear. Perhaps she has much better potential than Darrius. Kaosu and I were most interested in Anbar's plan, and he wanted to join in the liberation. With the aid of our combined forces, we will take down the oppressive rule of Seido, finally setting it free! May Chaos break the rules that bind!


Sub-Zero_7th: Havik is one of my favorite newer characters and one of my favorite overall characters. He's just a funky and interesting character who loves to go around spreading chaos everywhere. One thing I didn't like much about him was that I felt he still looked too symmetrical overall. So for his look, I wanted him to look more asymmetrical and deformed-looking, especially to reflect what happened to him after Blaze's death. Unfortunately, it was tough to come up with something good for him, so we may have rushed things a bit. Now, he is more chaotic than ever and continues his never-ending quest to bring total and complete chaos to the realms. Coming up with a concrete story for him was tough, especially since he has the potential to go so many different places. With this story, he is currently more involved in the Outworld and Orderrealm sides of the story, wanting to bring total anarchy to both of those realms. His bio needed constant refining to clearly explain things and not give a confusion in terms of the timeline.

Gameplay-wise, I wanted to bring in as much newness as possible there, so we gave him new styles. Initially, we were just going to give him toned up versions of his special moves from MKD and MKA, but I eventually felt that he should have at least 1 or 2 new moves to reflect his evolution. Unfortunately, Paragon couldn't agree on some ideas I had, and we ultimately went with slight modifications for the specials he had in MKD and MKA. Hopefully, if we can do a sequel that we can add new special moves for him. Thankfully, we did make other changes to him to give him a sense of newness in those other areas. Although somewhat frustrating to work on, I do look forward to continue his story.

Paragon: Havik was a character DNOMYTE and Sub-Zero_7th wanted to bring back for the project. Although not a fan of him, I could see that he had a lot to offer the next gen story and agreed to have him in. He, once again, is acting as puppeteer in the name of chaos. He is the mastermind behind the Resistance's attacks since Darrius' death and also is behind the plot to bring down Outworld's rule. Havik is one of those insane people everyone seems to love, his look unique, and his moves somewhat unnerving for the opponent. It was initially hard to decide upon what he will eventually do, because we didn’t know in the law vs chaos story who could be classed as good and who evil, since both sides forsake good and evil for law and chaos, both performing deeds done by both sides.
Shizzbuckets, Havik's back and better than ever!
Flail is kickassingly awesome.
Outfits seem to embody his chaotic feel well enough.
Story is a turn for Havik. Although he has had not a lot for a story, I commend you for the revamp on this sadistic nut's tale.
11/05/2007 10:36 PM (UTC)
Nice work guys; it sounds very interesting. Regarding the new characters...

Elena: Seems pretty cool. I like the witch/soldier combination. Although I'm not sure if Elena was the best name for her...

Takako: Meh, just seems okay to me. I need more on her story to decide if I like her or not.

Anbar: One of my favorites so far. Her story seems very intriguing and promising.

Kaosu: It's nice to see another Chaosrealm person show up. He seems cool, and I like his stretching ability.

Mercurus: Another one of my favorites. I like how he has conflicting personalities, and I can't wait to hear the rest of his interesting story.

Pandora: She seems alright to me. I look forward to seeing more character development.

Drake: He seems cool so far. Not much else to say about him.

Androna: Nice, a female cyborg. I like her story so far.

Abraxis: Overall just seems like the average brutal character, but I suppose every game needs one of them right? tongue

Nice job guys. I look forward to reading more. Also, if there is a way you could show us more concept art(like Drake's), that would be cool.
11/05/2007 11:49 PM (UTC)
His bio needed constant refining to clearly explain things and not give a confusion in terms of the timeline.

I see what you mean here. His bio is a bit complex.

Anyway, I don't find his bio all that interesting. For a crazy psychotic character, I would like to see an interesting twist for him.

His objective to spread chaos should remain the same, but his approach shouldn't be so direct, I think. He should devise schemes or something instead, like in MKD where he lured the heroes into battle with Onaga and helped revive the Black Dragon for his own causes.

I see him as a creepy, sneaky character instead of a plain boss or leader.

I do think he was a good choice to bring back though. He was one of the underrated MKD characters, imo. I just wish his alt would have been his primary. Same thing with Kira and Kobra.
11/06/2007 12:24 AM (UTC)
To BloodSplatter: Thanks for the feedback. As always, it's greatly appreciated. smile I really to amp Havik up in terms of his chaoticness, especially after he became more chaotic when he was affected by the energy from Blaze's death.

To Raininja: Hello there. I don't think I've seen you around here before, so welcome to MKO. I'm glad you've read our project, and I'm glad you like it overall. About the different characters released so far:

Elena: Glad you like her

Takako: I understand what you're saying. She doesn't seem like much right now, but we do plan to do more with her.

Anbar: I'm glad you like her. Like Takako, I was worried that Anbar wouldn't get a good reception.

Kaosu: Yeah, I really wanted to have more Chaosrealm characters, so we made him into one instead of a character from the Netherrealm.

Mercurus: I'm glad you like him as well. I especially hope to develop his story the right way, especially since he's based off of me. You'll definitely see more in terms of his internal struggles.

Pandora: Like Takako, she doesn't seem like too much at first, but we are going to do more with her.

Drake: cool

Androna: I'm glad you like her.

Abraxis: Actually, he's not the average brutal character. He's quite agile for someone of his size, and he has some refinement to his fighting.

I'm glad you want to read more. Other bios will be up soon enough.

To QS(TB): I kind of see what you're saying, but at the same time, his approach isn't exactly direct, hence using Kira to infiltrate the fortress and get close to Reiko. His bio was definitely one of the tougher ones to sort out. About his costumes, although I like his MKD/MKA alternate, it's way too symmetrical, so when sorting out costumes for him, they had to be very crazy and asymmetrical or it wouldn't go with his character.
11/08/2007 05:32 AM (UTC)
abraxis is awesome! i picture him as being a combination of shao kahn/motaro with liu kang's speed

so, since dramin and moloch are dead(or at least neglected in this game) will mk 8 see a new demon/oni character? i remember how exited i was to see a playable oni character in mk deadly alliance of course i also liked ashrah in mk deception.....

11/08/2007 08:11 PM (UTC)
Hey there lativa. Sorry I didn't get to your other post before.

No, we're not going to be putting Kochal as a playable character at all. At least at this point in time, we have no intention of such.

I'm glad you like Abraxis.

Moloch is definitely dead, but to spoil things a bit, Drahmin is not. Will we put in a new demon character? That's basically where Abaddon (boss of the game) comes in. If you specficially mean the Oni, at this point, we haven't really decided upon bringing in a new Oni character to our story, and we're probably not going to.

Anyway, please be sure to stay tuned for more bios. The next one will hopefully be up soon. We have a few more characters to work on, which currently is a bit of a pain in the ass, especially when we get to one particular character who I won't mention.
About Me


11/08/2007 11:24 PM (UTC)
Will the white lotus society be involved in anything? Or will it eventually die off?

And since scorpions powers increase in the netherealm, should they decrease in edenia? As edenia is almost the opposite of Hell, next to heaven anyway.
11/09/2007 12:15 AM (UTC)
The White Lotus is tied with the Shaolin Monks, they have a minor involvment at the moment, though later, that could change. As for power decrease, not really, he has been in Edenia before (armageddon) and nothing said his powers decreased. And he even sttod in the Nexus with the Elder Gods, and he wasnt weakened then. So i shouldnt think so. Anyway, here is our next character!


Origin: Earthrealm

Alignment: Evil

Status: Ex-Black Dragon member

Fighting Styles: Kali Sikaran, Dragon Teeth

Kali Sikaran: Kali Sikaran is a Filipino martial art and is one of the styles of the International Kali Arnis Eskrima Federation (IKAEF). This style is influenced by the history of Southeast Asia, particularly the Majapahit Empire. The training concepts consist of Panantukan (Boxing methods), Sikaran (Kickboxing methods), Stickfighting, Daga (Knife Fighting methods), Kadena De Mano (Close Quarters Combat), Silat Kuntaw (Filipino version of Pencak Silat), and Dumog (Grappling/Wrestling). Overall, Kali Sikaran trains in the various stages of unarmed combat as well as weapons training. We chose this style for Kira, because we wanted something that contains knife fighting techniques, and Filipino martial arts are known for their specialization in them. So when looking for a Filipino style, we were looking for something well-rounded, with fast and deadly techniques, and we eventually came to this.

Dragon Teeth: The Dragon Teeth are Kira's trademark knives. They are based off of the "Raptor" knives, much like the ones Kano used in the first MK movie. Her techniques come from the Daga methods used in Kali Sikaran, making her use of the Dragon Teeth much different. She is in a higher, narrower stance, with her arms closer to her and wields both Dragon Teeth with the blade facing upside down. Kira uses a lot of quick stabbing, cutting, swiping, and even some spinning techniques. We kept the Dragon Teeth for her since they are her trademark weapons, but we wanted to revamp her use of them.

Special Moves

Nightshade: Focusing Fa Jing through her hands, she ducks down and shoots a pink-colored ball of energy at the opponent. Although this projectile has a slightly slower startup than most other projectiles, Nightshade comes out quickly, hits low, and does a bit more damage. It can be sidestepped, jumped over, or crouch blocked.

Twirling Cutter: Like in one of her MKD fatalities, Kira quickly takes out her Dragon Teeth and twirls towards the opponent in a clockwise direction, doing two quick cuts, both of which hit mid. By using Twirling Cutter, Kira automatically goes into her Dragon Teeth style.

Dual Knife Swipe: Kira quickly steps forward and ducks down, reaching for her Dragon Teeth. With them in hand, she quickly rises up while doing a dual upward slash to the opponent. This is a linear and relatively fast move that hits mid and stuns the opponent, but it can be blocked or sidestepped. Dual Knife Swipe can be good for avoiding high-hitting attacks and can act as an anti-air move. Like Twirling Cutter, Kira goes into her Dragon Teeth style by using Dual Knife Swipe. This special move is inspired by Kano's Knife Swipe from MK3.

Killer Legs: Kira does a front flip kick much like the one Sonya did in MK4. After doing the flip kick, she quickly does a front thrust kick with her rear leg, knocking the opponent away. All hits are mid and because it's a linear move, it can be sidestepped. On block, the flip kick part is somewhat unsafe, leaving Kira for a bit of vulnerability. However, the thrust kick part pushes the blocking opponent away a bit, making it somewhat safe.

Dive Kick Takedown: Kira dives forward and does a scissor kick to trip the opponent. This move tracks, hits low, and goes under high and some mid attacks.


Aussie Bulldog: This is her throw from MKD and MKA. Kira grabs the opponent, swings up body up, and drops down, slamming the opponent and rolling to the side afterwards.

Shoulder Hook Slam: She grabs the opponent, punches him/her at the side of the head, which makes him/her spin around with the back to her. She then hooks the shoulders without grabbing and pulls back and down. This causes the opponent to fall down onto his/her shoulders, having a similar effect as B + 1 from Kabal's and Mavado's Hookswords style.

Overall Gameplay Style: Kira is a fast, agile, and fluid fighter who is pretty easy to use, but her use of deceptive tactics makes her more of an intermediate player. Her Kali Sikaran style is very well-rounded, containing an array of various moves and is good in all ranges, especially in close range. Her Dragon Teeth is very fast and fluid, containing deceptive methods like in her Kali Sikaran style and is great for closer-ranges. Kira's special moves come in a nice variety and help her with mid-long range fighting.

Mastery Level: 3


Imperial Sacrifice: Kira throws one of her knives to the opponent's leg and the other knife to his/her throat. The opponent falls over, but the impaled leg is bent and can't be straightened. She walks up, takes knife from the leg, sits on top of the opponent, and raises the knife in the air before driving it into his/her chest.

Last Request: She throws the daggers at the opponent's feet, like in her gut rip fatality from MKD. She walks up to the opponent and gives his/her a kiss before snapping his/her neck.


Primary Costume: Her primary costume is her primary costume from MKD and MKA, although her knife holsters are by her upper legs like in her MKD alt costume

Alternate Costume: Kira's alternate costume reflects that slave look. Her hairstyle is similar to the one in her MKD/MKA alt costume except that the back side of the hair is going to be longer, going down to between her shoulder blades, and the frindge won't be as prominent. She wears a very small black corset top, very short black shorts, fishnets covering the legs, and knee-high boots without high heels. Like in her primary costume, her Dragon Teeth are by her waist.

Extra Costumes: none

Get Up Animation: Her get up animation is the same one from MKD and MKA.

Victory Pose: Her victory pose is the one from MKD and MKA, but there are a few slight changes. Her facial rendering is improved and her facial expression shows ferocity while her Dragon Teeth are held upside down. When victorious and using the Dragon Teeth, her Dragon Teeth will not disappear like it did in MKD and MKA.

Kombat Zone: Outworld Dungeons

Description: The Outworld Dungeons is located in Reiko's Imperial Fortress. This stage is the same place where Taven fought the guard that wielded a big axe.

Stage Traps: There are a couple of prisoners, who are held in the prison cells like Kira was. If a character gets too close to the prisoner, he/she can be grabbed by one and held for a little bit, giving the other character a quick advantage.

Stage Fatality: none


I ran into battle alongside Kabal and Kobra, as well as former Black Dragon members, Jarek and Kano. No sooner than the battle began, Kobra attempted to strike me down. The fool tried to blindside me, hoping for an advantage, but he got none. He was strong, but I was better, sinking my daggers into his chest and watched his life slip away. I then saw Sonya Blade finish off another fighter. I attacked her, believing I could rid the Black Dragon of an annoying pest, but I was knocked out from behind by her ally, Jax. When I awoke, I found myself in a different place, far away from the battleground. Havik, had found me unconscious on the battlefield. He told me what happened and about the demise of all my comrades. I grieve not as they wouldn’t for me. I was a bit surprised at his new, more grotesque appearance. He informed me that the fires of Blaze granted the survivors of the battle some form of power and that I may have gained something. Strangely, while I don't notice anything different, I have this feeling that something has changed...

With my recovery, we headed to Chaosrealm for refuge. However, we soon learned of Reiko's rise to power, which poses a threat to anarchy in Outworld. Havik was most displeased with this, and made a plan to return anarchy to this realm. My part of the plan is to be captured by Reiko's forces, and from there, I am to find a way to get close enough to kill him. The first part of the plan has worked so far, and I became a slave in his fortress. However, after being a slave for a short while, I've seen that his soldiers are extremely loyal to him, so killing him may not be the best answer to the plan. Reiko soon took a liking to me and my skills, and I hope to further gain his trust. One day, he asked me to befriend a girl he wishes to make his bride. He wants me to lure her away from her allies so his general can capture her. However, I have plans of my own. If I can prove to him that I am superior to her, then he will have to make me his queen instead. If I can do that, I can take power and influence him to help bring down other civilizations. Blessed anarchy will reign throughout all other realms! I'm sure Havik wouldn't mind a little betrayal. After all, he is all for Chaos, and there's nothing more chaotic then a good betrayal.


Sub-Zero_7th: Kira is a character I personally like and like Havik, she's someone I saw good potential in. She is definitely one of the more underrated characters, particularly due to the whole Sonya/Kano hybrid thing with the special moves and fighting styles. That was one thing we wanted to move away from though we still sort of have a slight influence from Sonya and Kano with two of her special moves. Even then, it's not by that much and they are done in her own unique way.

With our project, she does stand out on her own, playing much differently from before. Her unarmed style is different and her use of the Dragon Teeth is in accordance to her unarmed style. Going back to her story and character, I really like how she's this tactical and calculating villain who has a more disciplined approach to evil. Her story may be a bit questionable to some, and I had to change the bio a bit in order for things to make more sense. Overall, we tried putting in new stuff for her, and we do hope her story path will get good reception.

Paragon: Kira was a character I chose to bring back when we decided that one or two characters who we originally had in the project were taken out due to feeling there was no place for them. Kira was one of the characters who was brought in that I felt had more to offer then her counterpart, Kobra. The main problem was to distance her from the Sonya/Kano hybrid and also the Black Dragon itself. Because of our changes, she will play in a completely different way. She was a character I thought would use her looks and charm to deceive the opponent, a cunning and intelligent fighter, not the quickest, not the most powerful, but certainly one of the hardest to predict.

Although we agreed on having her in, we didn’t know how to use her with the story until I came up with the idea of her completely distancing herself from her prior story and looking to attain power. As you can see from her bio, she had willingly let herself become a prisoner to Reiko in order to earn his trust, so that she could obtain power from him. Some will probably raise questions of her methods. They will all be clear as the story progresses. I seem to say that a lot, but trust me, its worth the wait.


11/09/2007 12:18 AM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
Will the white lotus society be involved in anything? Or will it eventually die off?

And since scorpions powers increase in the netherealm, should they decrease in edenia? As edenia is almost the opposite of Hell, next to heaven anyway.

The White Lotus Society is still around. We'll likely do something with it.

As for Scorpion, his powers increase when he's in the 5th plane of the Netherrealm. I'm not sure if his powers increase in the higher planes. It's doubtful that his powers would decrease in other realms. For our story, his powers aren't going to be decreasing as a result of being in a realm other than the Netherrealm.

If you have any other questions, please ask them, and we will try to answer them if possible. There are definitely some questions we can't answer for story purposes and all that. Anyway, the next bio will be up soon.
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11/09/2007 12:31 AM (UTC)
I understand. But there isnt many people in the white lotus society, which is why I think there should be fighters added. My first pick would have been Bo Rai Cho, but apparently he didnt make it. Therefore I think nightwolf should end up (if not dead) obtaining a bigger role in the game. I like his character. But he hasnt ever made a big impact on the game. What do you think?
11/09/2007 12:42 AM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
I understand. But there isnt many people in the white lotus society, which is why I think there should be fighters added. My first pick would have been Bo Rai Cho, but apparently he didnt make it. Therefore I think nightwolf should end up (if not dead) obtaining a bigger role in the game. I like his character. But he hasnt ever made a big impact on the game. What do you think?

Nightwolf is someone that Paragon would've liked to bring back. Although I don't hate him, and although I see a bit of potential with his character, I wasn't interested in him enough to want him back. Ultimately, it was a matter of trying to cut down on who returns and who doesn't. It's really quite tough for us, because there are various characters we want back and new characters that we want to come up with. Unfortunately, we don't want to have too many characters even though that's a problem we are likely going to come across. If we can somehow work Nightwolf into the story, then we may likely bring him back.
About Me


11/09/2007 12:57 AM (UTC)
I think he has a lot of potential myself. Plus this game needs minorities. He should get in by affirmitive action. He is just a cool character who needs a boost. Not to mention it seems like we need more earthrealm fighters.
You just got me with Reiko's "personal interest" with Li Mei. You really surprised me with that turn.

Kira totally got the deserved divergence from Sonya and Kano. The other thing that just got me off-guard was Kobra's traitorism. It just showed how much of a jerk he is.
11/09/2007 01:31 AM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
I think he has a lot of potential myself. Plus this game needs minorities. He should get in by affirmitive action. He is just a cool character who needs a boost. Not to mention it seems like we need more earthrealm fighters.

Maybe...we'll see what happens...

BloodSplatter-ChainsawMan Wrote:
You just got me with Reiko's "personal interest" with Li Mei. You really surprised me with that turn.

Kira totally got the deserved divergence from Sonya and Kano. The other thing that just got me off-guard was Kobra's traitorism. It just showed how much of a jerk he is.

Hey there. I'm glad you like it. Yeah, Reiko definitely has an interest in Li Mei due to training her a bit and wanting to get her to his side due her dark taint and that she is the main force that opposes him.

As for Kobra, we figured that Kobra, being the jackass he is, would not get along with Kira too well and would want to top her. The whole betrayal thing was as a means of trying to get higher up in the Black Dragon.
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