07/22/2014 04:55 PM (UTC)
The only two females that should return are Jade and Mileena. Could do without the others. From MK4-MKD, I see hope for Li Mei and Tanya mostly. The rest can be all new in MKX.
07/22/2014 05:00 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
I've'm sure D'vorah have a much better survival than Cassie. D'vorah is a much more unique character in terms of visuals and gameplay and has a more solid and serious concept that Cassie, who is nothing more than an amalgamation of characters; and there is no absurdity in an insect in MK because the series has always worked with other races and Reptile appeared in many games.

I bet D'vorah appear in the next game and Cassie (and Boon mentioned that D'vorah is one of his favorite new characters).

Ed boons favorite character is scorpion yet he wasn't in Mk3. Being one of his favorites doesn't guarantee anything. Also he said two of his new favorites. If there are 8 other new characters whose to say he doesn't like 5 out of that 8 more than shitvorah. And she will be nothing more than a lackey and punching bag. Cassie will be a major character in story due to her toes to 2 of the most Iconic characters in the series. Only way Cassie gets omitted us if they go back in time and bring back Sonya and Cage.

I'm sorry but your posts are seriously stupid. Here you are again treating your opinions as facts. People like Dvorah get over it! Boon does too. Even if he likes 5 other characters more than her, he chose Dvorah to be at the first big reveal. Not Cassie. So if we go by logic, he likes the first more than the latter. "Dvorah will be a lackey and Cassie will be major"?!? Seriously wtf dude? Are you 5? There's No reason to even compare them and there's absolutely no way you can know what will happen in the future when not even MKX has come out. Just fuckin stop coz this site is way past the period when people argued about whether character X is better than character Y.

So basically ed boon decides to make a descendant of two of the most iconic characters in mk just to have Cassie be in one game and not a cog? You seriously need a mental check what you said was completely stupid. If that's what he's doing I feel bad for him because it will cost him.
07/22/2014 05:05 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
I've'm sure D'vorah have a much better survival than Cassie. D'vorah is a much more unique character in terms of visuals and gameplay and has a more solid and serious concept that Cassie, who is nothing more than an amalgamation of characters; and there is no absurdity in an insect in MK because the series has always worked with other races and Reptile appeared in many games.

I bet D'vorah appear in the next game and Cassie (and Boon mentioned that D'vorah is one of his favorite new characters).

Ed boons favorite character is scorpion yet he wasn't in Mk3. Being one of his favorites doesn't guarantee anything. Also he said two of his new favorites. If there are 8 other new characters whose to say he doesn't like 5 out of that 8 more than shitvorah. And she will be nothing more than a lackey and punching bag. Cassie will be a major character in story due to her toes to 2 of the most Iconic characters in the series. Only way Cassie gets omitted us if they go back in time and bring back Sonya and Cage.

I'm sorry but your posts are seriously stupid. Here you are again treating your opinions as facts. People like Dvorah get over it! Boon does too. Even if he likes 5 other characters more than her, he chose Dvorah to be at the first big reveal. Not Cassie. So if we go by logic, he likes the first more than the latter. "Dvorah will be a lackey and Cassie will be major"?!? Seriously wtf dude? Are you 5? There's No reason to even compare them and there's absolutely no way you can know what will happen in the future when not even MKX has come out. Just fuckin stop coz this site is way past the period when people argued about whether character X is better than character Y.

Also wow because people on this forum liked her that means something? People on this forum love Mileena but look at her stars from mk9.
About Me

07/22/2014 05:50 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
I've'm sure D'vorah have a much better survival than Cassie. D'vorah is a much more unique character in terms of visuals and gameplay and has a more solid and serious concept that Cassie, who is nothing more than an amalgamation of characters; and there is no absurdity in an insect in MK because the series has always worked with other races and Reptile appeared in many games.

I bet D'vorah appear in the next game and Cassie (and Boon mentioned that D'vorah is one of his favorite new characters).

Ed boons favorite character is scorpion yet he wasn't in Mk3. Being one of his favorites doesn't guarantee anything. Also he said two of his new favorites. If there are 8 other new characters whose to say he doesn't like 5 out of that 8 more than shitvorah. And she will be nothing more than a lackey and punching bag. Cassie will be a major character in story due to her toes to 2 of the most Iconic characters in the series. Only way Cassie gets omitted us if they go back in time and bring back Sonya and Cage.

I'm sorry but your posts are seriously stupid. Here you are again treating your opinions as facts. People like Dvorah get over it! Boon does too. Even if he likes 5 other characters more than her, he chose Dvorah to be at the first big reveal. Not Cassie. So if we go by logic, he likes the first more than the latter. "Dvorah will be a lackey and Cassie will be major"?!? Seriously wtf dude? Are you 5? There's No reason to even compare them and there's absolutely no way you can know what will happen in the future when not even MKX has come out. Just fuckin stop coz this site is way past the period when people argued about whether character X is better than character Y.

Also wow because people on this forum liked her that means something? People on this forum love Mileena but look at her stars from mk9.

Loving a character and loving to play a character is not the same.

I like Sub-Zero, but he is objectively shit tier-wise until MK3.
07/22/2014 07:05 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:

Loving a character and loving to play a character is not the same.

I like Sub-Zero, but he is objectively shit tier-wise until MK3.

THANK YOU. I love Smoke but I hated playing as him in MK9. He's probably the character I've played the least in the game. That makes me automatically dislike him?
I've also used a few characters that I didn't particularly liked JUST BECAUSE I loved their gameplay. If they make a character too awkward to play as, of course they are gonna have low stats. He's just too stuck up on that stats list and can't think outside of it. Just let him think whatever he wants. It will be nice to see him surprised when the game comes out.
About Me

07/22/2014 07:12 PM (UTC)
most people forget that the majority of the fanbase is not as active as we are. The people, the majority are the guys and girls who pick up MK and play an hour, then put it down. They really do not get immersed to the level of hardcore fans. Those people bring the buck in.

of course they are more or less going to use what is more effective, or more shiny in terms of design. Spears and flaming skulls are more attractive on the surface than persay a good character evolution. Since you know, you do not have to invest time.
07/23/2014 05:20 AM (UTC)
Sorry, but my two favorite female characters are Sonya and Kitana. I like them for their story, moves, and their reoccurring appearances in the franchise. I also liked some of Kitana's old looks a lot, but I wasn't crazy about her MK9 costumes (I love that the put her retro outfits in). Sonya has great potential for looks too, but thus far the only two I liked were her MKDA primary and her Shaolin Monks look. I like others too, but these are the two I think should be in every game.

If Frost, Kira, and Ashrah were given more attention I would probably like them a lot more because they do have potential. Kira just needs her own moveset.

I like Mileena too, but the fact that she's a villain makes it harder for me to relate and sympathize with her, and really get behind her story. Still, I do see her as part of the Mortal Kombat franchise, and I wouldn't mind seeing her again.

I think Cassie Cage looks pretty cool... I'm just not crazy about the bubble gum thing, even though the fatality with it is pretty funny. D'Vorah has a badass fatality, she's something I've never seen from MK before, and I think she can work. Her voice just has a very slight annoyingness to it though. Ferra, I don't like at all. She annoys me.
07/23/2014 10:12 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:

Loving a character and loving to play a character is not the same.

I like Sub-Zero, but he is objectively shit tier-wise until MK3.

THANK YOU. I love Smoke but I hated playing as him in MK9. He's probably the character I've played the least in the game. That makes me automatically dislike him?
I've also used a few characters that I didn't particularly liked JUST BECAUSE I loved their gameplay. If they make a character too awkward to play as, of course they are gonna have low stats. He's just too stuck up on that stats list and can't think outside of it. Just let him think whatever he wants. It will be nice to see him surprised when the game comes out.

Then people like you need to stop saying I can't dislike a character before trying them if you can like a character but hate their gameplay.
07/23/2014 10:16 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:

Loving a character and loving to play a character is not the same.

I like Sub-Zero, but he is objectively shit tier-wise until MK3.

THANK YOU. I love Smoke but I hated playing as him in MK9. He's probably the character I've played the least in the game. That makes me automatically dislike him?
I've also used a few characters that I didn't particularly liked JUST BECAUSE I loved their gameplay. If they make a character too awkward to play as, of course they are gonna have low stats. He's just too stuck up on that stats list and can't think outside of it. Just let him think whatever he wants. It will be nice to see him surprised when the game comes out.

Then people like you need to stop saying I can't dislike a character before trying them if you can like a character but hate their gameplay.

That makes no sense whatsoever.
07/24/2014 12:49 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:

Loving a character and loving to play a character is not the same.

I like Sub-Zero, but he is objectively shit tier-wise until MK3.

THANK YOU. I love Smoke but I hated playing as him in MK9. He's probably the character I've played the least in the game. That makes me automatically dislike him?
I've also used a few characters that I didn't particularly liked JUST BECAUSE I loved their gameplay. If they make a character too awkward to play as, of course they are gonna have low stats. He's just too stuck up on that stats list and can't think outside of it. Just let him think whatever he wants. It will be nice to see him surprised when the game comes out.

Then people like you need to stop saying I can't dislike a character before trying them if you can like a character but hate their gameplay.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

Why do you like a character of their gameplay sucks? The same reason I dislike a character without even playing as them. They don't appeal to me.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/24/2014 01:04 AM (UTC)
Vintage - Kitana, Jade and Mileena.

MK4-D era - Tanya, Ashrah and Nitara.

Character development/story wise, I like Nitara.
Game play wise I usually go for Kitana.

None however are top priority when breakin' into a new MK. Although depending on Tanya's promotional media and story contribution, I might get hyped for her in MKX.
07/24/2014 05:27 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Why do you like a character of their gameplay sucks? The same reason I dislike a character without even playing as them. They don't appeal to me.

I hope you know that there's more to a character than just gameplay, right? I didn't care for Mileena's gameplay, but it's not like I disliked the entire character completely because of that.

That seriously makes no sense to dislike a character completely all because their gameplay wasn't that good to me.
07/24/2014 06:15 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
Why do you like a character of their gameplay sucks? The same reason I dislike a character without even playing as them. They don't appeal to me.

I hope you know that there's more to a character than just gameplay, right? I didn't care for Mileena's gameplay, but it's not like I disliked the entire character completely because of that.

That seriously makes no sense to dislike a character completely all because their gameplay wasn't that good to me.

Exactly. You like her for OTHER REASONS. I hate most of the characters I hate for other reasons than gameplay.
07/25/2014 11:50 AM (UTC)
I just saw this on deviant art. Thought I'd share. :P

You can't deny the similarities...
07/25/2014 01:45 PM (UTC)
What similarities? They don't even wore the same color, as shown in those puctures. Mileena wore pink and skimpy outfits AFtER Li Mei did. Many other characters have similar names/ have names that consist of the sane letters. And both from Outworld, really? Does that mean shit? You need to stop, it's getting embarrassing.
07/25/2014 02:52 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
What similarities? They don't even wore the same color, as shown in those pictures.

They wore the same color. Just a different shade of it. Sub-Zero wears different shades of blue all the time, that doesn't mean shit. Li Mei still looked a lot like Mileena.

Mileena wore pink and skimpy outfits AFTER Li Mei did.

Um no.

You might like Li Mei and you have every right to. But you need to get your facts straight. Mileena wore pink/purple WAY before Li Mei. And you really think any of those outfits above are not skimpy? C'mon nowconfused

You need to stop, it's getting embarrassing.

I have no idea what part of his post is embarrassing :S He just reposted something from DeviantArt and quite frankly there are similarities. You have to be stupid not to notice them. You probably weren't around when MKDA came out and everyone thought Li Mei was actually Mileena.
07/25/2014 03:00 PM (UTC)
Those two pics you posted were the times when I actually liked Mileena.
07/25/2014 03:36 PM (UTC)
So much pink ????
07/25/2014 05:10 PM (UTC)
Yeah... no.

Pink =/= purple, this is factual. What Mileena wore in MK2 and MK3 were purple costumes, as shown on the pic you (and Jaded) posted. NOthing to do with shade, pink and purple are different colors.

I don't know what you're trying to prove with those pictures, because none of those costumes (pre-MKD) are more revealing than this:

And hell, even her primary costume shows more side boob than Mileena's MK3 costume:

Can you read? i said Li Mei wore pink before Mileena, not purple, and this is factual, since Mileena's first pink costume was in MKD (after Li Mei debuted) so please re read my post and don't put words up in my mouth.

And last, i've been playing MK since the very first game, so don't go around assuming $hit because i know Li Mei was believed to be a Mileena replacement in MKDA, although they aren't similar at all other than the sais Li Mei used in MKDA. Believing that was stupid and embarrassing as well.
07/25/2014 05:44 PM (UTC)
How are you saying Li Mei's costume is pink but Mileena's pre MKD are purple? Mileena's MK2 and 3 costumes on my monitor look pretty pink. Maybe pink with a hint of purple. Li Mei's costume looks a lot more purple than Mileena's. The top has more of a pinkish blend (and actually is pretty similar to Mileena's) and the bottom is multiple shades of purple... so whether you say Mileena wore pink or purple, Li Mei has worn them both. And her Deception outfit was more of an indigo color, closer to Kitana's.

As for the skimpy clothing, I wouldn't call a one-piece with long boots extremely skimpy, but the MK3 laced up exposed cleavage is getting there. Her MK Gold attire I would definitely say is skimpy. So if the argument is who dressed skimpy first, I'd say Mileena wins. Now let me think for several hours why I chose to post this
07/25/2014 06:24 PM (UTC)
You don't know what I am trying to prove? I am just stating that what you said is incorrect. On the contrary I don't know what you are trying to prove with Li Mei being first in this, Li Mei being first in that.
As other users have also mentioned, Mileena has been wearing pink in all the games she appeared before Li Mei. I don't know if you are color blind or something but all those outfits are a shade between purple and pink. Especially her player 2 costumes were even more pink. And Li Mei also wore both purple and pink. So yeah you're wrong.
Also you mentioned that Li Mei wore skimpy outfits BEFORE Mileena and I just posted all her outfits to show that you're wrong here as well. The fact that Li Mei showed more side-boob or whatever is irrelevant coz nobody asked you to measure their outfits' skimpynessconfused We just said that Mileena's costumes were also revealing before Li Mei made her debut so what is your point? "Li Mei showed more sidebood"...lol are you for real? Who cares about who shows more sideboob? Thing is, Mileena still wore revealing, pink/purple outfits AND used sais before Li Mei. That is a fact.
Still tho give it a rest. I don't think anyone gives a shit anymore about Li Mei. They did when MKDA came out coz it looked like she stole Mileena's spot but now who cares? Take a chill pill.
Mileena Stan
07/25/2014 08:08 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
You don't know what I am trying to prove? I am just stating that what you said is incorrect. On the contrary I don't know what you are trying to prove with Li Mei being first in this, Li Mei being first in that.
As other users have also mentioned, Mileena has been wearing pink in all the games she appeared before Li Mei. I don't know if you are color blind or something but all those outfits are a shade between purple and pink. Especially her player 2 costumes were even more pink. And Li Mei also wore both purple and pink. So yeah you're wrong.
Also you mentioned that Li Mei wore skimpy outfits BEFORE Mileena and I just posted all her outfits to show that you're wrong here as well. The fact that Li Mei showed more side-boob or whatever is irrelevant coz nobody asked you to measure their outfits' skimpynessconfused We just said that Mileena's costumes were also revealing before Li Mei made her debut so what is your point? "Li Mei showed more sidebood"...lol are you for real? Who cares about who shows more sideboob? Thing is, Mileena still wore revealing, pink/purple outfits AND used sais before Li Mei. That is a fact.
Still tho give it a rest. I don't think anyone gives a shit anymore about Li Mei. They did when MKDA came out coz it looked like she stole Mileena's spot but now who cares? Take a chill pill.

They're just jealous that Li Mei will never be as hot or popular as Mileena.
07/25/2014 08:47 PM (UTC)
Heh, it's fun to see diirecthit being so ignorant when the facts are laid before him. XD
Mileena Stan
07/25/2014 08:57 PM (UTC)
JR, Mileena's hair looks fabulous in your sig. NRS need to give her that exact do or I'll force them to make her bald.
07/25/2014 08:59 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
I don't think anyone gives a shit anymore about Li Mei. They did when MKDA came out coz it looked like she stole Mileena's spot but now who cares? Take a chill pill.

Judging by OFFICIAL stats, i don't believe anyone gives a shit about Mileena either. One of the 5 least used characters in MK9 after all the promo and hype she got over other more popular characters. Poor ha!

And why don't you LEARN to read? I never said Mileena didn't wear revealing costumes before Li Mei, i said Li Mei's alt was the single most revealing at the time, then Mileena came back with sluttier ones.
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