07/21/2014 04:53 AM (UTC)
I said that as a thought not as fact.
07/21/2014 10:49 AM (UTC)
Let me see.

1) Sonya Blade - The first babe/female in the game and one of the only blondes (if not the only one), of all females she's my second least-favorite female character because she is so Bland, I think Sonya Bland suits her. I do loved her in MK3 tho, I don't know the ponytail and design were really nice there! In all other games she sucked, and I never really liked MK1, I started to love MK2 and Sonya wasnt' in it. I always enjoyed her kiss of fiery death tho!

2) Kitana - The damsel in distress for me. While I really enjoyed Kitana in MK2 and U3, I never really liked her in the other games, I HATED her design in MKDA, but then again I hated most designs in that game. Kitana is probably my third least favorite female in the series. I do really like her kiss-fatalities and her weapons are iconic, I love those freaking fans from hell. MK9 was the worst of all for Kitana, nothing about that game I like Kitana in, her design is horrible slutty, her story is boring, her voice is awefull, MK9 spoiled Kitana for me, and I really hope MKx(DLC) will correct that mistake again and turns my opinion around again so I start to love the princess again.

3) Mileena - The third female and my personal favorite! She will always have a nice warm spot in my heart because Mileena was the reason I started to enjoy MK games and the storyline! She is just SO freaking unique! A clone, that has the freaking mouth of a monster because the experiment somewhat failed! I just love her design, her moves (altho she could use more than just 4 moves) and I love her color. I was really depressed back in 1995 when I learned Mileena wasn't in the first movie... as child I even cried lol. Her man-eater fatality was the first fatality ever that I ever did, and the day I beat Kintaro with Mileena will be in my memories till I die. Mileena, I love you forever, you and Vega (streetfighter) have had such big parts in my life.

4) Jade - I really like Jade, but like Kitana she's a victim of MK9... I really disliked most stuff about Jade in MK9...
She simply was Kitana's slave in the storyline... all her fights are about saving Kitana... nothing personal with the characters she faces and for the rest she turns into this face in the crowd... much like my favorite muppet Janice always suffers.
I love her purple glowing weapons, I love her name and color. Jade for me was the mystery of MK2, I always wanted to play as her when she showed her pretty face from behind the evil trees in the forest, but I never did, up until I saw Jades pictures in a game-magezine for UMK3... I really was happy beyond happy to see that Jade finally was playable.
I really hope Jade becomes more awesome again in MKX, I hope they continue on with her ending in MK9 (her non-canon ending) they could somewhat merge that. But please, keep Kitana away from her next time!

5) Sindel - The grandma of the female fighters. I do like Sindels hair-attacks and banshee-abilities (reminds me of my favorite x-men villian Ruckus) but overal MK9 made me love her less. I really liked it that Sindel was back in MKD tho, that was wonderful! But spare for the hair and voice abilities i'm not really a fan. I liked her more evil, but Sindel is re-born to be good again... a shame.

6) Sheeva - I love her MK9 ending, I hope they use it in future games! I'm not really her biggest fan but I enjoy her name and I don't mind her in the games, I just wish they dress her properly next game, i'm sick of the swim-suit. Unlike most characters, I enjoy Sheeva being good instead of evil, it really suits her and makes her interesting, the monster looking thing that is gentle and cares for life.

7) Khameleon - To me this character will always be a joke, while I like her more than Sonya Bland and Li Tekken (not that hard actually) I really don't dig the all-female ninja clone, her story could be interesting, but its also really overdone... A creature things he's the last of his species and then there is a female-version somewhere out there so they can start over their freaking race... how original. Not.
I wouldn't mind never seeing Khameleon again. In the time I still enjoyed the pallet-swap ninja's I kinda enjoyed her on the nintendo, but now I have grown over her, and I hope Reptile (and maybe Tiamat) are the only raptors.

8) Tanya - After Mileena, Tanya is my big favorite! I love Edenians (well jade, rain, sindel and tanya) and Tanya is everything I like to see in an Edenian. I mostly love dark-skinned traitor girls so that was already a big plus for her in MK4, and while I didn't really like Tanya from the start in MK4, her ending made me love her + her kiss fatality is freaking awesome, my favorite kiss-fatality by far. In Deception Tanya suprised me, and in that game Tanya gained my favorite-girl status over Mileena even. If there is one female I like to see in MKX its Tanya, but the chances are possitive so i'm really excited to see her again, maybe I will love her even more, but maybe she will be the Kitana in X, and I start to dislike her because they ruin her... I always hoped she uses illusion-powers as I really enjoy illusionists.

9) Li Mei - I think ya'll know how I feel about this Tekken-wanabee, so next. She is my most hated girl character EVER. (taking all fighting games together)

10) Nitara - I love her name, I don't like her design, and I think the only reason there was a vampire in MKDA is that it was the dawn of vampires, really like Buffy, Angel and all that other romantic-vampire shit made me dislike vampires. I wouldn't mind a re-vamped Nitara, but a MKDA Nitara would be bad for me. But I don't hate the character, I enjoy her succubus-wings.

11) Frost - At first I hated this icy queen. But after really seeing her ending and behavior, I kinda grew into her story and character. I also like her icy hair and bitchy attitude towards Sonya Bland! I really hope Frost will be back in X, and this time with very unique abilities over ice, like Icicles and snow storms.

12) Ashrah - I really dig Ashrah, her story is original and cool, and I even like her design, it could be a lot better tho, and so I hope to see a re-designed Ashrah in X, but still being the fanatic demon-hunter of course! I also really love her name, used it on many other forums.

13) Kira - A red-haired female character was always a wish for me, and a female Black Dragon member too, so Kira came from heaven to please me! But then I discovered her moveset... I hope they revamp Kira into a cool character, but since Skarlet is here (another redhead) I don't see that happen anytime soon, I like Skarlet better now anyway, but I wouldn't mind a new cool version of Kira.

14) Skarlet - Another redhead and one with blood-powers! Skarlet quickly made it into my favorite lists. I remember from many years ago that I and my best friend were making art of all MKTrilogy characters, then we added Tremor and Skarlett to the mix, we later named her Ruby (lol), she was this awesome red ninja girl with a green glowing whip weapon and ninja stars, since then I really wished Tremor and she would be in the games, but not as Kitana/Mileena clone, and in MK9 that finally happend and how! The blood powers, the fatalities and the behavior are all awesome. I really hope to see her again in X, and this time not as DLC.

15) Sareena - I really like her story and she always reminds me of Siann (my favorite character in MKConquest). But she will never be one of my favorites. BUT maybe that can change if they finally show me her freaking demon form in her variations. PLEASE! damn...

D'vorah and Ferra are already two of my favorites, I enjoy strange characters and these two are freaking awesome and weird! Insects are my favorite animals in games, so D'vorah is a wish come true!

Cassie Cage - While I hate her mother with passion, I have good hopes for Cassie, I really hope she means NO SONYA in X, if that is true, I love Cassie even more.
07/21/2014 11:30 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I really like all the girls.

But for some reason Sonya and Kitana are the ones i don't play as much. They are kinda boring and toooo plain.

Maybe it's because they are in almost every game and had lots of chances. I would love to see the other girls (especially Tanya and Jade) have more opportunities.
07/21/2014 11:48 AM (UTC)
I definitely like to use some of the females. But I'm not crazy about a majority of them.

I like Jade, Skarlet, Kitana, and Sonya. These 4 are the only females I don't hate. Everybody else pales in comparison to these 4 to me.

- Sheeva is literally just a female Goro.

- Mileena is a slut bag.

- Sareena is boring to me since I don't care for Sub-Zero.

- Kira has nothing remotely interesting about her.

- Tanya is a traitorous bitch.

- Li Mei had a generally boring moveset and stole Reiko's Flip Kick.

- Frost didn't vary from Sub-Zero enough.

- Nitara is a Vampire, I hate Vampires.

- Sindel is old as hell but dresses worse than her daughter.

- Ashrah is okay but not a favorite female.
07/21/2014 11:53 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I definitely like to use some of the females. But I'm not crazy about a majority of them.

I like Jade, Skarlet, Kitana, and Sonya. These 4 are the only females I don't hate. Everybody else pales in comparison to these 4 to me.

- Sheeva is literally just a female Goro.

- Mileena is a slut bag.

- Sareena is boring to me since I don't care for Sub-Zero.

- Kira has nothing remotely interesting about her.

- Tanya is a traitorous bitch.

- Li Mei had a generally boring moveset and stole Reiko's Flip Kick.

- Frost didn't vary from Sub-Zero enough.

- Nitara is a Vampire, I hate Vampires.

- Sindel is old as hell but dresses worse than her daughter.

- Ashrah is okay but not a favorite female.

Sonya and Kitana are worse than Mileena tho.

Mileena is a slut because she has child-like mind. Kitana is a royal princess and Sonya is a freaking army-woman... why do they dress like sluts? That is way worse in my opinion. At least Mileena doesn't care and can't help it.
About Me

Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

07/21/2014 12:01 PM (UTC)
I like some, some not so much

My favorites are Sonya, Sindel and Sheeva, and I'm really liking D'Vorah and Cassie thus far.

Kitana/Mileena/Jade: I like them, but i'd happily let them sit out MKX, at least two of the three anyway. I like Kitanas story best, Mileenas Design and Jades gameplay.

Really not fussed on Kira/Frost/Li Mei/ Ashrah etc,

Tanya...while her gameplay has never appealed and her design is a bit too Kit/Mil/Jadish I'd probably take her in MKX over any of those three, since we havent seen her for a while.

I think Nitara has potential...but it has remained untapped.
07/21/2014 12:01 PM (UTC)
Favourite girls:
Li Mei

Girls I like, but don't really care about:
Mileena: they ruined her in MK9

Girls I don't care about:
Ashrah: horrible design. Kung Lao/Raiden clone.

Girls I like to pretend that don't exist:
Nitara: I DESPISE vampires

DVorah Wrote:
Mileena is a slut because she has child-like mind. Kitana is a royal princess and Sonya is a freaking army-woman... why do they dress like sluts? That is way worse in my opinion. At least Mileena doesn't care and can't help it.

Kitana is not a princess of Edenia yet, she was Shao Kahn's assassin. So it makes perfect sense for her to dress like that.
Oh, and about Mileena,I don't think a child should behave like a slut. So having a child-like mind doesn't justify her being a slut.
07/21/2014 12:17 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Mileena is a slut because she has child-like mind. Kitana is a royal princess and Sonya is a freaking army-woman... why do they dress like sluts? That is way worse in my opinion. At least Mileena doesn't care and can't help it.

I don't care why she's a slut. It doesn't matter to me. She is still a slut bag regardless. And it's not just Mileena's clothes, it's her behavior too. Kitana and Sonya may dress like skanks, but they certainly don't act like them.
07/21/2014 02:05 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Mileena is a slut because she has child-like mind. Kitana is a royal princess and Sonya is a freaking army-woman... why do they dress like sluts? That is way worse in my opinion. At least Mileena doesn't care and can't help it.

I don't care why she's a slut. It doesn't matter to me. She is still a slut bag regardless. And it's not just Mileena's clothes, it's her behavior too. Kitana and Sonya may dress like skanks, but they certainly don't act like them.

That's even more baffling to me tho. I mean Mileena's personality stood out BECAUSE she was so vulgar in MK9. It fit her as I think they wanted to portray her as the girl who used her hot body to lure her victims before taking off the mask and devouring them. Kitana is a freaggin princess and Sonya is in SF. There's absolutely no reason for them to dress like that and the fact that they don't act like skanks doesn't make them better than Mileena who does.
07/21/2014 02:10 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
D'Vorah is more interesting than Cassie Bland thus far and will be more interesting overall over Cassie.

Sonya has got to be the crappiest female ever!

Cassie is much more interesting. First of her look is actually attractive. Secondly a lot of people wonder since she's here what happend to two of the most Iconic characters in mk. Thirdly I can see Cassie even having her own game. If boon is so eager to continue in this new direction Cassie will become a staple and regular of the franchise. Lol D'vorah will be gone by the next game.

You seriously have to stop treating your opinions as facts. So the game comes out in about a year, and you already came to a conclusion that D'Vorah will be gone by the next game while Cassie will probably become a stapleconfused
07/21/2014 02:16 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
There's absolutely no reason for them to dress like that and the fact that they don't act like skanks doesn't make them better than Mileena who does.

It's not about being better, I just like Kitana and Sonya more. And really for different reasons. I like Kitana because of her gameplay in MK9 which was great. I like Sonya because she is MK's First Lady, so I'll always respect her for that reason.

I'd like to point out that I'm not bashing Mileena. I just said she was a slut bag, not an insult. It's the damn truth. It's not Mileena's fault she was born yesterday and acts like a damn super skank. That's NRS's fault. Just like its their fault Kitana and Sonya are both dressed so grossly inappropriate.
About Me
07/21/2014 02:34 PM (UTC)
Nitara is my favorite female of all time. Then Tanya comes 2nd.
07/21/2014 03:15 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
There's absolutely no reason for them to dress like that and the fact that they don't act like skanks doesn't make them better than Mileena who does.

It's not about being better, I just like Kitana and Sonya more. And really for different reasons. I like Kitana because of her gameplay in MK9 which was great. I like Sonya because she is MK's First Lady, so I'll always respect her for that reason.

I'd like to point out that I'm not bashing Mileena. I just said she was a slut bag, not an insult. It's the damn truth. It's not Mileena's fault she was born yesterday and acts like a damn super skank. That's NRS's fault. Just like its their fault Kitana and Sonya are both dressed so grossly inappropriate.

Really strange tho...

You say you like Kitana for her gameplay, but what if traitor Tanya and slut Mileena get awewome gameplay in MKX? Will you still judge them on their personality? And what if Miss Bland gets awesome gameplay in MKX, will you still like her because she is the first lady in the games?
07/21/2014 03:17 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
Favourite girls:
Li Mei

Girls I like, but don't really care about:
Mileena: they ruined her in MK9

Girls I don't care about:
Ashrah: horrible design. Kung Lao/Raiden clone.

Girls I like to pretend that don't exist:
Nitara: I DESPISE vampires

DVorah Wrote:
Mileena is a slut because she has child-like mind. Kitana is a royal princess and Sonya is a freaking army-woman... why do they dress like sluts? That is way worse in my opinion. At least Mileena doesn't care and can't help it.

Kitana is not a princess of Edenia yet, she was Shao Kahn's assassin. So it makes perfect sense for her to dress like that.
Oh, and about Mileena,I don't think a child should behave like a slut. So having a child-like mind doesn't justify her being a slut.

Mileena's seductive appearance worked in MKD, her character was still cunning. She seemed to be using it to her advantage in her quest for whatever. Probably using it to get Baraka to help her. With her "mind of a child" retcon, now it's just kinda weird and creepy. She's like the slutty 13 year old girl with daddy issues, the girl that always had rumors going around that she was pregnant from 7th grade.

07/21/2014 03:18 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
There's absolutely no reason for them to dress like that and the fact that they don't act like skanks doesn't make them better than Mileena who does.

It's not about being better, I just like Kitana and Sonya more. And really for different reasons. I like Kitana because of her gameplay in MK9 which was great. I like Sonya because she is MK's First Lady, so I'll always respect her for that reason.

I'd like to point out that I'm not bashing Mileena. I just said she was a slut bag, not an insult. It's the damn truth. It's not Mileena's fault she was born yesterday and acts like a damn super skank. That's NRS's fault. Just like its their fault Kitana and Sonya are both dressed so grossly inappropriate.

Yes, Mileena's character got ruined in MK9. If she appears in MKX I hope she ditchs the whole slut personality, because thats what I hate in her.

And to everyone who says that Kitana is a princess and shouldn't dress like that, just wait till MKX where she becomes an actual princess.
07/21/2014 03:19 PM (UTC)
Kitana is the princess of Edenia, she was born that way, Sindel is the Queen of Edenia.

They are still so, but Edenia has been destroyed or merged into outworld, so it really doesn't excist anymore in its former glory, but Kitana is still the princess.
07/21/2014 03:21 PM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
There's absolutely no reason for them to dress like that and the fact that they don't act like skanks doesn't make them better than Mileena who does.

It's not about being better, I just like Kitana and Sonya more. And really for different reasons. I like Kitana because of her gameplay in MK9 which was great. I like Sonya because she is MK's First Lady, so I'll always respect her for that reason.

I'd like to point out that I'm not bashing Mileena. I just said she was a slut bag, not an insult. It's the damn truth. It's not Mileena's fault she was born yesterday and acts like a damn super skank. That's NRS's fault. Just like its their fault Kitana and Sonya are both dressed so grossly inappropriate.

Yes, Mileena's character got ruined in MK9. If she appears in MKX I hope she ditchs the whole slut personality, because thats what I hate in her.

I like it, it reminds me of like 88% of all female mythology monsters out there that are pretty. They use their bodies/appearances to lure male prey close, and then destroy them with their monstrous powers/abilities/features.

I love it in Mileena, tho I don't like the child-like mind.
07/21/2014 03:24 PM (UTC)
Kitana and Sonya are ok. But Mileena ????.
07/21/2014 03:28 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Kitana is the princess of Edenia, she was born that way, Sindel is the Queen of Edenia.

They are still so, but Edenia has been destroyed or merged into outworld, so it really doesn't excist anymore in its former glory, but Kitana is still the princess.

Yes she is, but she got adopted by Shao Kahn when she was still a child. She was trully loyal to Kahn (till the day she learned about Mileena of course). Hell, even introduced herself as the princes of Outworld. So given how Kahn and his people dress, it makes perfect sense for her to dress revealing.
07/21/2014 04:10 PM (UTC)
I just dropped in to say Jade is the hardest bitch in the MK world and all of the other females need to respect it.lol.
07/21/2014 04:12 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
I just dropped in to say Jade is the hardest bitch in the MK world and all of the other females need to respect it.lol.

Hell yeah! ;D
07/21/2014 04:14 PM (UTC)
Scar_Subby Wrote:
I just dropped in to say Jade is the hardest bitch in the MK world and all of the other females need to respect it.lol.

Yes, she is the hardest to control. I can never figure out her moveset.
I don't know why should the females respect that, but whatever.
07/21/2014 04:14 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Really strange tho...

You say you like Kitana for her gameplay, but what if traitor Tanya and slut Mileena get awewome gameplay in MKX? Will you still judge them on their personality? And what if Miss Bland gets awesome gameplay in MKX, will you still like her because she is the first lady in the games?

If I like how they play sure. I didn't like Kitana or Johnny Cage before MK9, but their gameplay was good enough for me to enjoy.
07/21/2014 05:00 PM (UTC)
I feel most of them are look at as sexual object. Their popularity is based on how naked they are instead of how good of a fighter they are.

Look at Tanya, she's one of the few females that doesn't rely on nudeness and many people hate her. to me she is a very good fighter.

I hope that doesn't continue in MKX

07/21/2014 05:08 PM (UTC)
eddiesol Wrote:
I feel most of them are look at as sexual object. Their popularity is based on how naked they are instead of how good of a fighter they are.

Look at Tanya, she's one of the few females that doesn't rely on nudeness and many people hate her. to me she is a very good fighter.

I hope that doesn't continue in MKX

Well... The only skimpy one is Ferra, she's got a two piece. The others are either in a one piece or... Whatever D'Vorah is wearing.
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