07/21/2014 05:09 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
D'Vorah is more interesting than Cassie Bland thus far and will be more interesting overall over Cassie.

Sonya has got to be the crappiest female ever!

Cassie is much more interesting. First of her look is actually attractive. Secondly a lot of people wonder since she's here what happend to two of the most Iconic characters in mk. Thirdly I can see Cassie even having her own game. If boon is so eager to continue in this new direction Cassie will become a staple and regular of the franchise. Lol D'vorah will be gone by the next game.

You seriously have to stop treating your opinions as facts. So the game comes out in about a year, and you already came to a conclusion that D'Vorah will be gone by the next game while Cassie will probably become a stapleconfused

Lol an insect? Who honestly will take her serious? Lol scorpion should be able to fry her in seconds. And I never said Cassie being better was a fact. I clearly stated I CAN SEE. Not ohhh hats defenitely what will happen. D'vorah is a joke character in my opinion she looks like she should be fighting Spider-Man instead of scorpion.
07/21/2014 05:14 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
D'Vorah is more interesting than Cassie Bland thus far and will be more interesting overall over Cassie.

Sonya has got to be the crappiest female ever!

Cassie is much more interesting. First of her look is actually attractive. Secondly a lot of people wonder since she's here what happend to two of the most Iconic characters in mk. Thirdly I can see Cassie even having her own game. If boon is so eager to continue in this new direction Cassie will become a staple and regular of the franchise. Lol D'vorah will be gone by the next game.

You seriously have to stop treating your opinions as facts. So the game comes out in about a year, and you already came to a conclusion that D'Vorah will be gone by the next game while Cassie will probably become a stapleconfused

Lol an insect? Who honestly will take her serious? Lol scorpion should be able to fry her in seconds. And I never said Cassie being better was a fact. I clearly stated I CAN SEE. Not ohhh hats defenitely what will happen. D'vorah is a joke character in my opinion she looks like she should be fighting Spider-Man instead of scorpion.

Since when are insects (and the like) a joke?

I hope you get bitten by a Giant Centipede, that would make you change your mind of telling other people that insects/arachnids/centipedes/bugs/vermin are a freaking joke.

You know what the joke is? When a giant centipede would bite a muscled man's arm, that same guy would get a very bad knife and tried to cut his own arm off because that pain is insane, its worse than 10 cobra bites combined eventho you won't die on the Centipede bite, but you will die on the cobra bite.

Have some respect for the little creatures on this planet please.

Why people call bugs, 80ties songs and other such things jokes? The only joke is that humans are mostly hypocrits and never look further than their own lives and backyards.
07/21/2014 05:20 PM (UTC)
Oh and when all the pathetic humans on this world are dead and forgotten, the cockroaches (a freaking joke insect) will still thrive on the planet.

Even if you use 10.000 scorpions to burn them out, they still be there.
07/21/2014 05:24 PM (UTC)
i play with every character. some more, some less. but i personally enjoy playing as mileena in mk9. sindel and sheeva were also fun to play. if i had to choose between d'vorah and cassie... i pick d'vorah by far!
07/21/2014 05:26 PM (UTC)
A error occurred? I posted in another topic, then suddenly my post appeared here.. can't delete this post so sorry.
07/21/2014 05:46 PM (UTC)
All I know is that Torr should have been a female character just for the lulz. And I mean with the exact same design he has now. You know you'd have loved Ferra/Torr as a fucked up Master Blaster/Thelma & Louise hybrid.
07/21/2014 06:07 PM (UTC)
I've'm sure D'vorah have a much better survival than Cassie. D'vorah is a much more unique character in terms of visuals and gameplay and has a more solid and serious concept that Cassie, who is nothing more than an amalgamation of characters; and there is no absurdity in an insect in MK because the series has always worked with other races and Reptile appeared in many games.

I bet D'vorah appear in the next game and Cassie (and Boon mentioned that D'vorah is one of his favorite new characters).
07/22/2014 12:02 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
D'Vorah is more interesting than Cassie Bland thus far and will be more interesting overall over Cassie.

Sonya has got to be the crappiest female ever!

Cassie is much more interesting. First of her look is actually attractive. Secondly a lot of people wonder since she's here what happend to two of the most Iconic characters in mk. Thirdly I can see Cassie even having her own game. If boon is so eager to continue in this new direction Cassie will become a staple and regular of the franchise. Lol D'vorah will be gone by the next game.

You seriously have to stop treating your opinions as facts. So the game comes out in about a year, and you already came to a conclusion that D'Vorah will be gone by the next game while Cassie will probably become a stapleconfused

Lol an insect? Who honestly will take her serious? Lol scorpion should be able to fry her in seconds. And I never said Cassie being better was a fact. I clearly stated I CAN SEE. Not ohhh hats defenitely what will happen. D'vorah is a joke character in my opinion she looks like she should be fighting Spider-Man instead of scorpion.

Since when are insects (and the like) a joke?

I hope you get bitten by a Giant Centipede, that would make you change your mind of telling other people that insects/arachnids/centipedes/bugs/vermin are a freaking joke.

You know what the joke is? When a giant centipede would bite a muscled man's arm, that same guy would get a very bad knife and tried to cut his own arm off because that pain is insane, its worse than 10 cobra bites combined eventho you won't die on the Centipede bite, but you will die on the cobra bite.

Have some respect for the little creatures on this planet please.

Why people call bugs, 80ties songs and other such things jokes? The only joke is that humans are mostly hypocrits and never look further than their own lives and backyards.

Compared to the characters we already have in mk yes shes a joke. Dumbass I wasn't saying insects entirely are jokes in the real world. We are referring to a fucking video game not life idiot. But a insect lady compared to scorpion, sub , Raiden or Even rain is a joke. They should laugh when they see D'vorah she's such a fucking humiliating disgrace to mk.
07/22/2014 12:10 AM (UTC)
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
I've'm sure D'vorah have a much better survival than Cassie. D'vorah is a much more unique character in terms of visuals and gameplay and has a more solid and serious concept that Cassie, who is nothing more than an amalgamation of characters; and there is no absurdity in an insect in MK because the series has always worked with other races and Reptile appeared in many games.

I bet D'vorah appear in the next game and Cassie (and Boon mentioned that D'vorah is one of his favorite new characters).

Ed boons favorite character is scorpion yet he wasn't in Mk3. Being one of his favorites doesn't guarantee anything. Also he said two of his new favorites. If there are 8 other new characters whose to say he doesn't like 5 out of that 8 more than shitvorah. And she will be nothing more than a lackey and punching bag. Cassie will be a major character in story due to her toes to 2 of the most Iconic characters in the series. Only way Cassie gets omitted us if they go back in time and bring back Sonya and Cage.
07/22/2014 12:54 AM (UTC)
martin_m95 Wrote:

Kitana is not a princess of Edenia yet, she was Shao Kahn's assassin. So it makes perfect sense for her to dress like that.
Oh, and about Mileena,I don't think a child should behave like a slut. So having a child-like mind doesn't justify her being a slut.

Kitana is not the princess of Edenia yet, but she was by birth and she was princess of Outworld for her entire life.

07/22/2014 02:01 AM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
I've'm sure D'vorah have a much better survival than Cassie. D'vorah is a much more unique character in terms of visuals and gameplay and has a more solid and serious concept that Cassie, who is nothing more than an amalgamation of characters; and there is no absurdity in an insect in MK because the series has always worked with other races and Reptile appeared in many games.

I bet D'vorah appear in the next game and Cassie (and Boon mentioned that D'vorah is one of his favorite new characters).

Ed boons favorite character is scorpion yet he wasn't in Mk3. Being one of his favorites doesn't guarantee anything. Also he said two of his new favorites. If there are 8 other new characters whose to say he doesn't like 5 out of that 8 more than shitvorah. And she will be nothing more than a lackey and punching bag. Cassie will be a major character in story due to her toes to 2 of the most Iconic characters in the series. Only way Cassie gets omitted us if they go back in time and bring back Sonya and Cage.

Shujinko was the protagonist of a game and it gave him no survival instead made ​​him a character in a game only, and he also had movements recycled. And the connection with past characters, makes the presence of Cassie redutante if used together with Johnny and Sonya, and makes the character is born saturated. Not the best combination to appear in many games. In the more it sounds more like a joke character within the universe mortal kombat (arrogant punk girl with famous parents) than D'vorah, representative I could seek dominance of Outworld. I can not conceive why a humanoid insect can enjoy an environment with vampires wings, intelligent dinosaurs, monsters with shark teeth and constructions of Feticeiros, or as it may sound ridiculous here? Actually her look is very serious and solid franchise for the visual juz managed to make the concept and make it serious. Not the case with punk girl who seems to have no place in this gloomy atmosphere.
07/22/2014 02:29 AM (UTC)
Sonya isn't famous, and Devorah will be a generic lackey, like Baraka or Reptile
07/22/2014 02:35 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Sonya isn't famous, and Devorah will be a generic lackey, like Baraka or Reptile

That's kind of impossible to make categorical statement at the time. Whereas not know who will be the main villain (and if Shinnok, which would be the sense of a minority race second only to infasão Shinnok the Outworld serve him?).
07/22/2014 02:53 AM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Odemuitascastas Wrote:
I've'm sure D'vorah have a much better survival than Cassie. D'vorah is a much more unique character in terms of visuals and gameplay and has a more solid and serious concept that Cassie, who is nothing more than an amalgamation of characters; and there is no absurdity in an insect in MK because the series has always worked with other races and Reptile appeared in many games.

I bet D'vorah appear in the next game and Cassie (and Boon mentioned that D'vorah is one of his favorite new characters).

Ed boons favorite character is scorpion yet he wasn't in Mk3. Being one of his favorites doesn't guarantee anything. Also he said two of his new favorites. If there are 8 other new characters whose to say he doesn't like 5 out of that 8 more than shitvorah. And she will be nothing more than a lackey and punching bag. Cassie will be a major character in story due to her toes to 2 of the most Iconic characters in the series. Only way Cassie gets omitted us if they go back in time and bring back Sonya and Cage.

I'm sorry but your posts are seriously stupid. Here you are again treating your opinions as facts. People like Dvorah get over it! Boon does too. Even if he likes 5 other characters more than her, he chose Dvorah to be at the first big reveal. Not Cassie. So if we go by logic, he likes the first more than the latter. "Dvorah will be a lackey and Cassie will be major"?!? Seriously wtf dude? Are you 5? There's No reason to even compare them and there's absolutely no way you can know what will happen in the future when not even MKX has come out. Just fuckin stop coz this site is way past the period when people argued about whether character X is better than character Y.
07/22/2014 02:55 AM (UTC)
Mileena is one of my mains in MK 9, and my favorite Female character!

The Females from previous games that I want back in MKX are :
Mileena,Tanya and Sareena

We have Cassie to replace Sonya, Ferra and Dvroah as new comes, and probably 2 or 3 more females.
07/22/2014 03:52 AM (UTC)
I don't tend to do any favoritism between male and females when i start playing a game or series but yeah, MK's females are great. For a good part of them. And so D'Vorah sounds awesome. But she's just following in the footsteps of other females for what we know at the moment. They're as strong as men nowadays. And fighting games are a good exemple.

Sonya was at her best in MK3 in my opinion. Too bad, i liked Sheeva and Sindel better. I also like Jade a lot. But Nitara, Tanya, Mileena and Sareena are my favorites.

07/22/2014 03:56 AM (UTC)
Why do people insist that just because the head developer likes a character or two from HIS OWN DAMN SERIES it's a big problem? Let the man like who he wants. You know, there are other people that work on the team other than him, It's not like he's the only guy that has a saying on things. That's all I see, "Boon's favorite, Boon's favorite." What about Vogel's favorite? Or Steve's? Or Carlos'?
07/22/2014 04:22 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Why do people insist that just because the head developer likes a character or two from HIS OWN DAMN SERIES it's a big problem? Let the man like who he wants. You know, there are other people that work on the team other than him, It's not like he's the only guy that has a saying on things. That's all I see, "Boon's favorite, Boon's favorite." What about Vogel's favorite? Or Steve's? Or Carlos'?

Apparently Ed Boon is a tyrannical Creative Director who insists everything has to be his way. And apparently some people around here need to get a fucking clue.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

07/22/2014 05:06 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
My god, she can take out a guy with a gun, can take out a few soldiers, snaps Kano's neck, but the moment you take one of her arms and put it behind her, she's completely defenseless. The fuck, you're telling me she couldn't at least wiggle herself free from Shang's grasp? Was it just a failed attempt at making either her or Kitana a damsel in distress? Bogus. Absolutely bogus.

After witnessing a ghost flying out of a black man's body being carried by a four arm monster only for that ghost figure to fly into an old man's eye....
I do hope you're not implying that Sonya being captured was a movie idea when it's only mimicking her capture in the video game's story.
Be honest, would it really matter how it played out when she's going to be captured ANYWAY?
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

07/22/2014 05:38 AM (UTC)
Brunoamamaria Wrote:
Am i the only one that loves the female characters of mortal Kombat? I literally only play with them.

Of course some days i play with the male ones but i enjoy more to play with the girls.

Your toughts about the femaleS?

Mortal Kombat (2011) was the only MK game where I played as equally everybody simply because whoeverthefuck they hired during that time, they made sure every character was on par as much as possible than before in the past games. With that said, the female characters were definitely fun to play as.

Sonya was my second main. She's quick, she's easy to handle, beautiful set-ups. It was perfect for my play style which is straight up offensive. Moves like her ark kick were perfect for me to quickly get in people's faces and continue the beat down.

Jade is fun to perform combos with because of her staff which juggles people around like nothing. And because it has such a reach, it's hard to see it coming.

Mileena is awesome too. I find her to be a character that you really have to think of how to piece together the puzzles of her combos. Lovely combo set-ups like the Rob Van Dam kick. And the kick starter which looks like she's going for the balls, you can cancel that kick into something else, it's great. I was disappointed when I saw an Evo match of some guy using Mileena and not once had he used that kick, he could won that match.

Sindel, I think she's just as accessible as Sonya, especially after they buffed her scream stun which does exactly what it should had been done. She has so much variations of combos to do. Although I personally couldn't or didn't bother to find much that deals with midscreen, but in the corner she can be deadly. And she's a great zoner. I remember watching a tournament match on Youtube of a Drag playing as Sindel and that's all "it" did was spam her fireballs. It was sad as shit but it worked.

Kitana...pfffftt forget about it. She's is like god of the female roster in terms of her gameplay, it's so insane. Not easy to master, but when you see her in action, it's a fucking masterpiece of the things she can do combo wise.

Sheeva. I didn't learn her fully. But after a quick lab playing one day, she's not a bad character, even though she's not used much. I don't think she has much combos but the combos she does have is still nothing to laugh at. Fuck, go play against an Expert Sheeva CPU. I saw a combo she performed and I was really impressed. It visually looked good at least.

Skarlet. She can do a little something something if you waste gauge meters on Enhance moves to juggle people around. To me, she feels like you need to burn meters to make her work.

I wasn't a big female character user in the games before MK9 unless it was MKII using Kitana vs Kintaro.
07/22/2014 10:09 AM (UTC)
WeaponTheory Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
My god, she can take out a guy with a gun, can take out a few soldiers, snaps Kano's neck, but the moment you take one of her arms and put it behind her, she's completely defenseless. The fuck, you're telling me she couldn't at least wiggle herself free from Shang's grasp? Was it just a failed attempt at making either her or Kitana a damsel in distress? Bogus. Absolutely bogus.

After witnessing a ghost flying out of a black man's body being carried by a four arm monster only for that ghost figure to fly into an old man's eye....
I do hope you're not implying that Sonya being captured was a movie idea when it's only mimicking her capture in the video game's story.
Be honest, would it really matter how it played out when she's going to be captured ANYWAY?

I understood what that scene was supposed to represent. And I happened to really like the first movie. I only threw that part out as a joke.
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07/22/2014 01:24 PM (UTC)
Oh. Since MK1, I play fighting games almost with females. Other characters I use are Scorpion (vastly), Jax (MK2), Smoke (MK3); but I almost exclusively use female fighters.

My favourite is Mileena: to me, the best female in the series. The most prominente female character at date, the only female character who could develop her main story and her charisma and personality in the last 10 years, the only-fit design, and poster girl of the lasts prominent games (MKD and MK2011). Love her iconic moves, telepor FTW. BTW, I make the first Mileena's FB page in 2010.

Kitana is my second fav, but her story and personality are fading away in the lasts games. Since MKG, her story is shifting in a crappy way (but MKDA's Kitana has an amazing backstory and incredible personality development. Sadly, this kind of evolution was cut off in MkD-MK2011 games). Amazing gameplay in every MK!

Sonya my third. First female, but her prominence is pretty modest at day. Both Kitana and Mileena are more recognizible than her. Her story was always pretty lame, but MKDA and MKA were two nices turning point. Her gameplay was always very discontinuos; her best game, gameplay-wise, is MK2011. Lack continuity in her main story and signature moves.

4th and go... don't know. I like Tanya, Sindel, Sheeva. Tanya is cool, is an evil character and I like that. But her only reason to exist is to betray every fucking character. So original.
Sindel is pretty cool, and her MKD story in fantastic.A central character in MK mythology and story, IMO. But I feel NRS should take this last game to re-write Sindel's story and expand her relevance. Sindel, at day, should dissapear if they continue put her in this MK3is place. But certainly, my 4th fav.

I like Sheeva, she could be better, but meh. I like if she's gonna appear in future games, even if she is not necessary.

Ashrah and Nitara are the best Mk4-MKA females. Tanya pales in comparison of both of them. Good backstory, pretty cool interest, appealing aesthetics. Both of them have real and honest interest and motivations. These two chicks are TWO MUST in future games.Sareena could be part of this threesome.

I like Li Mei, but she is a little bit generic. Same Kira.

I hope for a future Khameleon's story development.

Skarlet's story need to be expanded. But I like a lot.

Jade is the only female I use but found, at the same time, completely overrated and unoriginal. She could go away and never return.
07/22/2014 01:30 PM (UTC)
"But I like a lot. Jade is the only female I use but found, at the same team, completely overrated and unoriginal. "

This is true. But I believe that becoming part of a new character (the one that appears on your final) give an interesting way for her.
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Join the Mileena army on FB!

07/22/2014 01:43 PM (UTC)
Odemuitascastas Wrote:

This is true. But I believe that becoming part of a new character (the one that appears on your final) give an interesting way for her.

Well, I hope that. If that means the doggy Jade is gonna dissapear to bring a new character who be more than KItana's BFF (with a nice homoerotic interest -the only thing I found attractive in Jade), please sir, give me two. She is the only character in three games could'n develop NOT EVEN a few strong points story-wise. And that's why I don't like her
Mileena Stan
07/22/2014 02:52 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Compared to the characters we already have in mk yes shes a joke. Dumbass I wasn't saying insects entirely are jokes in the real world. We are referring to a fucking video game not life idiot. But a insect lady compared to scorpion, sub , Raiden or Even rain is a joke. They should laugh when they see D'vorah she's such a fucking humiliating disgrace to mk.

Calm down.
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