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09/17/2005 12:16 PM (UTC)
SmokeNc-017 Wrote:
I have a character on here called Grave.

gringrin Thats the best character ive ever seen!
Is he the one who will be competing in the Kreate A Karakter Tournament 4?
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09/17/2005 10:09 PM (UTC)
Well my character's name will be Spark.And he is da son of Raiden and his moves are similar too.And he's a ninja.But how is this gotta happen if Raiden never had a wife? wow
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09/25/2005 07:16 PM (UTC)
Bad_Boy Wrote:
SmokeNc-017 Wrote:
Bad_Boy Wrote:
ok smokenc. But whatever happened to Grave if u finished his story would u mind posting him? thanks

Here's a picture of one of Grave's outifts though.

Niice he looks awesome! Did you draw it?
But i thought he would look like Laurens boyfriend, Brook in unreal championship 2 or whatever his name is.
This guy kinda looks a bit like Magneto, Xmen.

Well it looks more like a superhero.
About Me
art by fear-sAs
09/25/2005 11:58 PM (UTC)
Character I made up at work today:

Name: Ronin
Warrior Class Type: Berserker
Age: Ageless
Height: 6'11
Weight: 213 lbs
Skin Tone: White (Tan)
Eye Color: Blue-ish/Green
Hair Color: White
Place of Origin: Edenia
Alliance: Unknown
Power Specialty: Pyrokenesis, Super Strength
Disceplines:Buster Blade, Berserker, Dim mak
Weapon:Buster Blade called Genryu

Head: Ronin's hair is all sleaked back into a thinponytail which goes down to his waist. He has some bangs coming down his face which reach down to his nose. He's got thin eye brows, and a scar going horizontally across his face.
Torso: Ronin wears a red sash which goes from his left shoulder, down to his right hip, wrapping around his waist and dangling on his left side. His initial appearance is that of a normal martail arts master, built, but not too muscular. All of his visibile torso is covered in scars. His back bares a tattoo of a skeleton dragon which covers the entire surface, while his upper right forearm has the same symbol that Kahn's army goes by. He also carries a small flask on his right hip filled with the finest of edeniian wine.
Arms: His right forearm has a black wrist gaurd on it with gold trim. His right forearm is also covered in bandages from his fist to just below his elbow. His left arm is completely armored in an indestructible Outworld metal. The forearm bares several large spikes, as do the front knuckles. The upper protion of his left arm has a pauladron which is screwed intto place straight through his flesh. In fact, his entire left arm is completely mechanical.
Legs: Berserker wears samurai style pants made of a finely sewn chain mesh, making it light like normal cloth but seemingly indestructible. He has layered armor on the outside of his left and right sides of his legs. He also has armor plating around his waist. His feet are covered in black boots which are extremely heavey for any regular man. But because of his strength, Ronin has no problem with them, the earth shakes underneath his every step.
Back: Ronin carries a gigantic sword on his back. Known as the Buster sword, or Banryu in many realms, Ronin has given it the name "Genryu" which means "Dragon Killer". The sword is carried in a gigantic sheeth and can be exctacted manually, by Ronin pulling it out, or it can be launched out as if it was some old Rocket Launcher. The Sword would be launched into the air, and then land in Ronin's hand.

Dim mak
Dim mak (death touch) is an ancient martial art that consists of striking certain points on the body to cause illness or death. The points are usually called dim mak points, but they are also referred to as vital points and pressure points. The majority of these points correspond to the same locations as acupuncture points. Dim mak is an extremely dangerous martial art, which can cause a great deal of damage to the human body. The effects of attacking the dim mak points include knockout, death, and a delayed death.

Berserker: An ancient behavior one goes through. While not a true martial art, it is recognized as a fighting style for it's stapled system of brutality and disregard for life. A Berserker state dispells all sense of reason and the subject only goes into a maddened craze for blood lust until the subject is satisfied. Needless to say, the state has little if no regard for defense. It works on only one principel: kill. While this may seem barbaric, those who can call it at will are the ones who become the greates of warriors. The style has no recognizable traits in terms of standard attacks, leaving it a very free form of fighting. The added advantages of inhuman strength speed, sight and overall power is one consolation to the usually short life span of a berserker.

Buster Blade:
This gigantic 8 foot blade must be either carried at an angle or on one's shoulders if they can bare it. However, many times, it will be transported via wagon to the battlefield where it's wielder fights. It's crushing power and long reach makes itself feared by any opposing force, but it's extreme weight would leave the wielder at a huge disadvantage. Once grasped, the warrior can not run, he can barely walk for that matter. But if used correctly the blade's reach and inirtai gained from the first swing will leave a safety cushion of dead bodies around the berserker. However, the berserker always carries the chance or ripping thier arms straight from their sockets with the first swing if they are over-zealous.

Special Attacks:
Siesmic Smash: Ronin takes his Genryu blade and slams it into the ground, causing an earthquake wave to storm the opponent, stunning them for 5 sec.

Breath of Fire: Like it sounds. Ronin drinks from his flask of whine and then spits out a jet of flame towards the opponent, singing anyone who is in his path.

Furious Gust: With one strong swing of his Genryu, Ronin creates a powerful gust which will shoot the opponent backwards, some distance delivering a good bit of damage in the process.

Fissure Stomp: By Stomping on the ground beneath him, Ronin creates a series of cracks in the floor, which spew out deady flames around the entire arena.

Pyro Circlet: Igniting his buster blade with flames, Ronin throws it at the opponent in the motion of a spinning disc. The move is unblockable but can be dodged. However it has a second, returning wave which must also be dodged if you are to keep from sustaning damage.

Inferno Spirit: Ronin ignites his body into flames as his skin turns a bright red. The flames act as a second defense, increasing his armor by 75%, and dealing 5% damage to the opponent if they are near Ronin for the 20 seconds the technique lasts.

Gut's Rage
Ronin plunges his Buster Blade straight through the opponent's chest cavity, completely cutting him from stomach to sternum. He then picks the sword up with both hands and lets the opponent dangle. Thier insides begin to slip out as they bleed uncontrollably onto the blade. Then Ronin first swings the sword forward, and then swings it back. The inertia causes the opponent to fly backwards, off the blade, continuing the cut straight through their groin, cleaving them almost in half, with only their neck and head connecting the two pieces together.

Fire Ball Smash:
Ronin hits his opponent with the blunt side of his Buster Blade and spins them around rapidly before tossing them into the air. As the screaming opponent rises, ronin creates four fireballs at the opponent's peak location simply by clenching his fist. The fireballs appear, surrounding the opponent before launching themselves at the opponent, blowing them into pieces. Ronin clenches his fist again and closes his eyes as a shower of blood begins to come down.

Secret Fatality:
Chain Reaction (Must be done while in Inferno Spirit)
While Ronin is still set a blaze, he walks up to the staggered opponent and grabs them by thei face with his right arm, lifting them off the ground. He begins to apply pressure and the opponent begins to scream. Ronin's Inferno Spirit begins to fade as his skin turns its normal color. What happens is that he transfers the technique into the opponent. Suddenly, the opponent's body begins to erupt with small jets of flames shooting from their body. The begin to kick and scream while being held in mid air by Ronin, scraping at his arm, trying to get away. Then, the screaming and kicking stops as they dangle for a split second before their entire body erupts in cloud of fire and gore.

Hara-Kiri:(Gameplay Pruposes only)
Ronin takes off the giganitc sheeth which holds his sword and places it infornt of him. He then launches the sword out of it and into the air. As it comes down, it begins to spin rapidly and as it comes down in vertical postion, it slices Ronin down the middle as it lands into the ground in between his legs. Ronin closes his eyes and does even scream as his body falls down in halves.
09/26/2005 12:36 AM (UTC)
Test post. Disregard.
Delete this post, and I'll kill you, k?
09/30/2005 10:58 PM (UTC)
my redskull charecter is goin pretty good, but ive decided to make a side story to this. i originally posted this on devil within's lame-ass thread, but ive decided to transfer it to here.

name: minion
age: eternal
height: 129 feet and 11.6 inches
weight: 34, 682 lbs.
occupation: hellbeast inside of scorpion
allies: hanzo hasashi, lucifer, REdSkull and his orginazation.
foes: noob saibot, shinnok, almost everyone else
place of origin:the one realm, and it had no name

short bio
minion was the first supreme ruler of the netherrealm, until he passed his reign down to his one and only son, whom he created with a portion of his very soul. minion was not only the ruler of the netherrealm, but also the first inhabitant and model for the very evil which resides there. smarter than you'd expect from a demon, he helped form the separate realms along with his compatriots REdSkull, WiSDom, kung lao (original), order and chaos. he chose to make his realm in the image of himself, and was the only one of the creators to rule over it himself. with his unimaginable power, he has presided over the netherrealm for periods time cannot measure. then, he decided to have an heir. he used a spell WiSDom had taught him to take a portion of his very being and create an entirely new entity that would literally be your flesh and blood. it took thousands of years, and an unimaginable amount of pain, but he finally finished it. he named his new son lucifer, after the word (he created) for pure evil. he named him lucifer, or the devil to us humans. his reign lasted a little shorter than his dads (a little over 2200 years) but his reign (which made his father proud) was even worse than his fathers, and just as minion was having some peace, something happened. a being so filled with hate, it even astonished minion himself. it was hanzo hasashi, or better known as the shirai ryu clan member scorpion. minion loved and cherished this rage, and wanted to help him use it to the fullest extent, so he... used his age-old powers to become the demon inside scorpion. since minion is immortal, scorpion is too. minion thought his legacy of chaos would be continued in the netherrealm would be continued forever, so he intergrated into this lone warriors soul permanently. not too long later, his son was overthrown by a temporary alliance by shiinok (deceased) and noob saibot, who defeated shinnok afterwords. minion, with his soul finally resting, did one last thing. he took another portion of his soul, and transported into the being redskull, to be called upon whenever needed. scorpion went on to be redskulls prodigy, although not even posessing 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 percent of minions real power. he had his revenge, but soon after minions evil influence ( not intentially) took over and removed hanzo's soul, which had all the evil sucked out of it, and it went strait to heaven, where he finally rested with his family. minion, however, still inhabits this body, while unaware of it, but still posesses all of his memories and personality. this makes the first lord of the netherrealm.... the fan favorite, scorpion, now until he "dies" and returns to the netherrealm and lives under this new entity noob.....
09/30/2005 11:28 PM (UTC)
skorpion, your stuff sounds more like amateur fan-fic than legitimate bios. smoke-nc, nice bios.

Bad_boy, does Grave look that original now?
10/01/2005 12:06 AM (UTC)
1. i am not a writer. this is the first thing ive ever written outside of school (of this length)
2.do you mean that its bad, or that it isnt written well in context? this is a bio/story, since i just thought of him while viewing this thread. i had ideas, and i felt like typing them out. i will try to make a legitimate bio, but not right now. i just wanted to get the basic story out, since these are actually the first times i made create-a-charecters. these are just side charecters anyway, who would never have a shot at being in a game, like elder gods (shinnok does not count)

anyhoo, i love the charecter grave, and he would definately be in the top ten list for mk charecters if he was actually canon (should be) the lin kuei charecters someone made up (idk who) arent half bad, and maybe we'd finally have a major charecter die off.
10/01/2005 05:33 AM (UTC)
Name: Garret Way, codename Trey
Age: 23
Height: 5"11
Weight: 201lb
Origin: USA, however the American Goverment denies it and claims he is from England.
Job: Former politician turned terrorist.
Hair colour: Changes due to undercover work
Eye colour: Changes due to undercover work
Appearance: Black jacket open, no shirt, black suit pants, black boots, AK-47 attached to back.
Garret Way was a sucsessful politician, the senator of California infact. During an election for President, Garret's opponent planned to lie that he was a terrorist. He actually, without knowing, told the world he was really a bad guy, and he was right. Garret, or Trey, as he is known to his force, The Freedom Fighters of England, went on a rampage in Washington D.C, with his army. The United States' armies could not compare, and so they turned to the OWIA, because they thought they were from Outworld. It failed, so the only option was to send their leader, Garret, to the Netherrealm. He found a portal to Outworld, then back to Earthrealm, to make his mark once more...
About Me

10/01/2005 01:11 PM (UTC)
Chan_Ming Wrote:
Test post. Disregard.
Delete this post, and I'll kill you, k?

Huh? Didnt get that...confused
About Me
art by fear-sAs
10/01/2005 04:35 PM (UTC)
Haha, yeah I've been told that Grave is like a cross section between Spawn and Magneto. Spawn's cape actually was the base for Grave's cape, I never denied that. But I tried to keep alot of original elements to him more then just borrowed ones.
10/01/2005 05:30 PM (UTC)
Kasai: Orange suited ninja with the power of pyrokinesis.

Kasai's real name is Dyran Shakkan. He was the top successor of the Fire-Flower brotherhood, a secret society of Zen Buddhists in the backwoods of Japan. He is awarded with his outfit after graduation from the society and prepares to battle in the tournament. He later marries Frost after falling in love with her. Fire and Ice can really be one after all.

Torcane: White suited ninja

Torcane is a hideous creature who looks like a corpse. Torcane wears a white ninja tunic and he bares the power of wind (his name is Tornado and Hurricane combined). Torcane is made up of all of the souls of Kasai's opponents. They do battle in the living forest.

I made both of these characters up and used original MK characters in a short story series I am writing.
10/01/2005 05:31 PM (UTC)
Name: Torch http://mortalkombatonline.com/ov7/themes/Frost/emoticons/furious.gif
Alliances: Sub-Zero, Smoke, Frost
Foes: Baraka, Sektor, Scorpion
Alighnment: Good
Clan: Lin Kuei
Sex: Male
Age: Same as Sub-Zero and Smoke
Birthplace/Homeworld: Both Earthrealm
Powers: Complete control over fire

He was part of the Lin Kuei since he was a young boy, he was fasinated by the original Sub Zero, and eventually befriended his younger brother as well as Smoke. Just before the original Sub-Zero went to Mortal Kombat, there was a tarkatan reaide within the Lin Kuei base. The Lin Kuei won the battle and the original Sub Zero let the leader go. The leading Tarkatan in the battle was Baraka's younger brother. Baraka cut off one of his blades and exiled him. While the exiled tarkatan wondered around he accidentaly walked into Lin Kuei territory, He tried to battle them but to no avail. The original Sub Zero spared him once more, however this time Sub Zero made the tarkatan train one of their next generation leaders, Torch. At the beggining Torch was no match for the tarkatan, however as the years went on Torch was able to defeat the tarkatan in battle. Then, just three eleven months before the Lin Kuie's automation process, the tarkatan and Torch went on a journey to exterminate the tarkatans. When they returned a year later Torch found out from Sub-Zero that Smoke was automated. Then out of nowhere Baraka came out from nowhere and challenge the exile. After a long battle Baraka won and killed the exile. This brought Torch into a short time of tears, till they became anger, Baraka sensed that he would not e able to defeat the enraged Torch and fled the battle. For the rest of MK he searched alng Sub-Zero for Smoke, however they both would look in differnt places, and each year would meet up secretly at the Lin Kuei base, to sharer the info they found out.

His ninja outfit is a combination with Sub Zero's deadly alliance alternate costume, and Smokes Shaolin Monks costume. His main color themes are red and yellow but after the death of his master(the exiled tarkatan) the yellow became a mettalic black/

Of the three friends, he used to be the joker and had the most fun, he would do pranks to everyone in the Lin Kuei, other than Smoke and Sub-Zero. However, after the death of his master, he developed an anti-hero attitude, but he still fought for Earthrealm. He only has respect for a select few. They are Sub-Zero Smoke, The Elder Gods, Raiden, Fuijin and the Shaolin Monks.

1). Vanquish Baraka.
2). Find Smoke, and turn him human again.
3). Bring the good in Noob Saibot back again, and turn him back into... Classic Sub-Zero.

Post you comments, expect more bios soon!

10/05/2005 09:02 PM (UTC)
that one guy is right. i didnt do traditional bios. i just made a back story for my people. here is one who isnt able to destroy anyone with a glance.

name:sean O'connely
weight:256 lbs
occupation: black dragon member
place of birth: new york city, new york
fighting styles: boxing, wrestling, a mace-like hammer with spikes on it

bio: sean was just a traditional leg-breaker working for the various gangs of new york, when he encountered a mysterious man in a bar. his name was kano, and the two men talked for a while, and kano gave him advice on a "career choice" as a mercenary. kano then left the bar, with sean sitting there thinking for all of ten seconds about wheather or not to take his advice. now, years later, he has evolved into a cunning, manipulative, and brutal merc who always gets the job done no matter the cost. upon hearing news that his "mentor" was killed in outworld, he vowed to take his revenge. when he heard that kabal was looking for new members, he headed off to see him...and was paired with another equally badass person who called himself "the black plague". this would not be an easy competition.

ending: after proving himself to kabal, kabal wanted him to square off against his opponent, and neither refused. but, plague had something else in mind. in the midst of the battle, he let off some chemicals from his hands, which would kill kabal and kira upon contact. noticing this, he bravely dove in the way of the cloud, after knocking off the head of his scrawny opponent. he would be remembered by the black dragon...may he rest in peace...
10/06/2005 03:23 AM (UTC)
Height: 6'1
Weight:215(all muslce)
Hair: Black with a very dark blue highlights,Goes past the eyebrows a little
Eyes: White
Powers: Bain has the power to control the earth around him.Such as moving the floor to make a wall that glides across the floor smashing into the opponent.Another example would be the power where he slams his fist into the ground and a pair of hands rises from the ground,grabbing the victim the hands launch him into the ground or through a wall depending on how close you are to the wall.
Apperance:Bain wears no shirt,A forest green sash with the symbol for ''earth'' in chinees in a dark brown color outlined in green.His clothe pants (Sweats sorta) are a really dark brown color.With a forest green tape around both of his feet and hands.Around his forhead he has a forest green headband with the same chineese symbol on his sash.His hair falling to the side across his forhead with dark blue streaks running like electicity through the black.White eyes always gleaming.

Bayn,being an only child gowing up within confide walls around earthrealm in central Brazil.Born in america but shipped to Brazil at the age of fifteen he lost all contact with any family,any friends just so he could make his parents life a little easier.Being trained in a secret,almost dead art of Earth style ninjitsu,Bayn was raised to respect everyone and to fight for what he thought was right.At the age of twenty-one he awoke one night to a hot heat and screaming and the scent of blood in the air.Tarkatan warriors ravage through the village as he escapes into the woods and watches from his masters bidding before Sinsei Jokunda went to help aid his fellow Brazilian fighters.Helplessly and fighting the urge to run in and help his fellow brothers fight he stays and takes in as he sees his last family fall,his last family leave him.Hearing a shreak Bayn sees his Sensai,his master,the closest thing he had to a father be murdered by a shadowy figure.As the battle ends the Tarakatans stand and howl ''ONAGA! ONAGA! ONAGA!'' as they stand still.The wind adruptly moving fast and the trees being pulled all a certain way a light blueish white void as it seems rips open the air and the Tarkatans walk in.Hearing the words as muffled as they were ''Lets report back to Sir Baraka'' Then they were gone.Tears streaming down his face he slowly enters the portal.Moving through the desolated ,barron place of Outworld he wonders in the shadows behind the Tarkatan warriors hoping the lead him to the camp.But being tread off by straglers and thugs he fights his way through.Sitting for along time alone surrounded by dead and mutalated bodys he shivers in the cold.But on one faithful night a god appeared and spoke about a tournament.This is where Bayn would exact his revenge for his tribe.
About Me

10/09/2005 03:33 PM (UTC)
More characters please, ppl!
About Me

10/13/2005 06:04 PM (UTC)
Why is this thread f***ed up? I posted about 4 different posts and nothing shows up... it stopped at page 8!!
About Me

10/13/2005 06:08 PM (UTC)
Dont know if this shows, or if he already posted them, since i cant see anything in page 9, here are ErmacServant001's three characters. They're good.

Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Neutral
Allies: Ermac, Scorpion, Garen
Foes: Sub-Zero, Shao Khan, Smoke
I am an enigma, a ninja of many talents, wielding a sword emblazoned with the image of the Earthrealm Kamidogu, lost in the battle with Onaga. Many believe I am a Child of the Elder Gods, but the truth is far more fantastic.
I am Scorpions son, thought lost by all when Scorpion and his family were slain seemingly by Sub-Zero. Resurrected by Quan Chi, also thought dead, I was sent to deal with Scorpion. But when I saw my long lost father, I froze. Turning on my heel and running, I set myself upon my father's path: Revenge against Quan Chi.

Appearance: Wearing his fathers old ninja garb, the hood and mask he removed, and his face can be seen. He is bald, but a flame burns eternally on his entire scalp, and his eyes glow red. He emblazoned a spider upon his chest in yellow, and has the power to throw webs around to hold his opponents in place.

Powers: As mentioned before, he can throw webs, also he can spit venom, much like Reptile. His sword has the ability to fly, but only for a short duration.

Fatality 1: He completely embalms his enemy with webs, and then bites him on the neck. Blood spurts, and the body shrinks. Arak steps back, wiping his mouth. The web flies off to reveal a disiccated corpse, he/she has been completely drained of blood.

Fatality 2: Arak draws his sword, and spins away some ten feet, before throwing his sword at the enemy. The sword lances him, takes his head off, then flies back to Arak, who raises the weapon high in triumph.

Place of Origin: Edenia
Alignment: Good
Allies: Sindel, Kitana, Jade, Liu Kang, Arak
Foes: Tanya, Reptile
I, a cousin of Kitana, was thought lost to the realms when I disappeared as a child. But in reality, I stumbled across an old temple, which I gather from the murals on the wall was a meeting place for the Elder Gods. I found a golden ring with a ruby set in it, a ruby so deep I felt as it I would become lost in its depths. The Ring was actually a template for the Kamidogu, and it contained powers of fire and telekinesis. I learned martial arts from a passing hermit, who served in the Edenian army. I have since returned to the world, vanquishing threats to Edenia with the Ring of the Gods.

Appearance: wearing a red tunic and black trousers, he wears his ring on the outside of his glove. His belt buckle is inscribed with an insignia proclaiming his noble birth, and his Trident glitters in gems. His eyes bright blue and his long black hair hanging free, he is a free spirit.

Powers: He is immune to and can control fire, and anything he moves by telekinesis is wreathed in a red glow. He can also levitate, and can cover his ring hand in fire, like Kobra's Burning Fist.

Fatality 1: Garen flings his opponent into the air, and covers his fist in flames. When the foe finally comes down, he uppercuts, causing the enemy to explode on contact.

Fatality 2: Garen punches his enemy three times, stunning him. He then backs off and begins to stroke his ring, causing it to glow. Finally when the glow is blinding, he extends his fist, and a red beam of energy issues from it, lancing his foe and incinerating him until bones are left before he falls.

Place of Origin: Netherrealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Shinnok, Moloch, Drahmin
Foes: Scorpion, Arak, Sub-Zero, Nightwolf
I am a Demoness, sworn to pain and to cause it. Shinnok has instructed me to find his amulet, since Quan Chi delivered him a facsimile. I met Scorpion, who said he could help me if I helped him find Quan Chi. I completed my end of the bargain, but he forgot me altogether, and chased after the sorcerer! WHAT TREACHERY!
I swore I would find him and make him pay, even if I had to traverse the realms. I finally found a way to do so, a strange sword called a Kriss...

Appearance: Arika is still a demon, but she is beginning to purify, due to the Kriss. Her demonic shape has disappeared, but her scaly skin remains, and she has had to find clothes. Her eyes are strange, one blessed white and the other unholy red. Her stark white hair has shades of black now, and she has torn at it at several places.

Powers: she utilises both the Kriss's holy power and what remains of her demonic abilities. She can throw lava and vomit blood at her opponents, but she can now issue blasts of light, her anger is making her transition from demon to human difficult.

Fatality 1: Arika dazzles her opponent with light, then proceeds to rip off an arm and take a bite out of it. He/she stumbles back and screams, and Arika then pounces on him/her and devours them whole. She walks away with a swollen belly, leaving a bare skeleton still twitching...

Fatality 2: Arika punches her foe to the ground, then raises her hands like Scorpion does when he does Hellfire. A geyser of flame spurts through their chest, and consumes them.
10/14/2005 04:23 AM (UTC)
Hey, This is ErmacServant001, wondering if u got my email, if u didn't, ere are my Three Characters, spent ages workin on them.

Place of Origin: Earthrealm
Alignment: Neutral
Allies: Ermac, Scorpion, Garen
Foes: Sub-Zero, Shao Khan, Smoke
I am an enigma, a ninja of many talents, wielding a sword emblazoned with the image of the Earthrealm Kamidogu, lost in the battle with Onaga. Many believe I am a Child of the Elder Gods, but the truth is far more fantastic.
I am Scorpions son, thought lost by all when Scorpion and his family were slain seemingly by Sub-Zero. Resurrected by Quan Chi, also thought dead, I was sent to deal with Scorpion. But when I saw my long lost father, I froze. Turning on my heel and running, I set myself upon my father's path: Revenge against Quan Chi.

Appearance: Wearing his fathers old ninja garb, the hood and mask he removed, and his face can be seen. He is bald, but a flame burns eternally on his entire scalp, and his eyes glow red. He emblazoned a spider upon his chest in yellow, and has the power to throw webs around to hold his opponents in place.

Powers: As mentioned before, he can throw webs, also he can spit venom, much like Reptile. His sword has the ability to fly, but only for a short duration.

Fatality 1: He completely embalms his enemy with webs, and then bites him on the neck. Blood spurts, and the body shrinks. Arak steps back, wiping his mouth. The web flies off to reveal a disiccated corpse, he/she has been completely drained of blood.

Fatality 2: Arak draws his sword, and spins away some ten feet, before throwing his sword at the enemy. The sword lances him, takes his head off, then flies back to Arak, who raises the weapon high in triumph.

Place of Origin: Edenia
Alignment: Good
Allies: Sindel, Kitana, Jade, Liu Kang, Arak
Foes: Tanya, Reptile
I, a cousin of Kitana, was thought lost to the realms when I disappeared as a child. But in reality, I stumbled across an old temple, which I gather from the murals on the wall was a meeting place for the Elder Gods. I found a golden ring with a ruby set in it, a ruby so deep I felt as it I would become lost in its depths. The Ring was actually a template for the Kamidogu, and it contained powers of fire and telekinesis. I learned martial arts from a passing hermit, who served in the Edenian army. I have since returned to the world, vanquishing threats to Edenia with the Ring of the Gods.

Appearance: wearing a red tunic and black trousers, he wears his ring on the outside of his glove. His belt buckle is inscribed with an insignia proclaiming his noble birth, and his Trident glitters in gems. His eyes bright blue and his long black hair hanging free, he is a free spirit.

Powers: He is immune to and can control fire, and anything he moves by telekinesis is wreathed in a red glow. He can also levitate, and can cover his ring hand in fire, like Kobra's Burning Fist.

Fatality 1: Garen flings his opponent into the air, and covers his fist in flames. When the foe finally comes down, he uppercuts, causing the enemy to explode on contact.

Fatality 2: Garen punches his enemy three times, stunning him. He then backs off and begins to stroke his ring, causing it to glow. Finally when the glow is blinding, he extends his fist, and a red beam of energy issues from it, lancing his foe and incinerating him until bones are left before he falls.

Place of Origin: Netherrealm
Alignment: Evil
Allies: Shinnok, Moloch, Drahmin
Foes: Scorpion, Arak, Sub-Zero, Nightwolf
I am a Demoness, sworn to pain and to cause it. Shinnok has instructed me to find his amulet, since Quan Chi delivered him a facsimile. I met Scorpion, who said he could help me if I helped him find Quan Chi. I completed my end of the bargain, but he forgot me altogether, and chased after the sorcerer! WHAT TREACHERY!
I swore I would find him and make him pay, even if I had to traverse the realms. I finally found a way to do so, a strange sword called a Kriss...

Appearance: Arika is still a demon, but she is beginning to purify, due to the Kriss. Her demonic shape has disappeared, but her scaly skin remains, and she has had to find clothes. Her eyes are strange, one blessed white and the other unholy red. Her stark white hair has shades of black now, and she has torn at it at several places.

Powers: she utilises both the Kriss's holy power and what remains of her demonic abilities. She can throw lava and vomit blood at her opponents, but she can now issue blasts of light, her anger is making her transition from demon to human difficult.

Fatality 1: Arika dazzles her opponent with light, then proceeds to rip off an arm and take a bite out of it. He/she stumbles back and screams, and Arika then pounces on him/her and devours them whole. She walks away with a swollen belly, leaving a bare skeleton still twitching...

Fatality 2: Arika punches her foe to the ground, then raises her hands like Scorpion does when he does Hellfire. A geyser of flame spurts through their chest, and consumes them.

Hope this makes ur day. Laterconfusedwowfurioussleepgrin
10/15/2005 02:12 PM (UTC)
skorpionrulz Wrote:
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! scorpion could kick sindels ass any day, all day, every day. now THERES a powerhouse.furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious

actually, she's older than him, she can beat him up.
10/15/2005 02:17 PM (UTC)
skorpionrulz Wrote:
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! scorpion could kick sindels ass any day, all day, every day. now THERES a powerhouse.furiousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfuriousfurious

actually, she's older than him, she can beat him up.
10/20/2005 05:33 AM (UTC)
this is mine. My characters name is Jubai his history is shrouded in mystry to all but the elder gods he first appered after the last Mortal Kombat tornement claiming that the elder gods killed his family.After years of training and serching he finally came across the last mortal kombat champion liu kang and challenged him to mortal kombat after a long tireing battle liu knag came out victorios but not uninjured. After jubai regained his streanth he disappered into the mist to train. After five long years he returned to face liu kang. His five years of training paid off he defeted liu kang. After his victory over liu he left only a message for the thunder god...witch read "YOUR NEXT" and he disapperd into the mist once agian. Well that's just some of his back story it get's bloody as hell later on. anyway this is what he looked like. Origin-Earthrealm Clothes-dressed like a scruffy ninja/samurai Wepon-Samurai sword special move-Air Slash. special power-complete and total power over the air. allies-Scorpion. alience-nutrail. so that's my charictor. what do you think. Peace Out.
About Me

Made by ThePredator151 :D

10/20/2005 03:49 PM (UTC)
ok so i thought up 1 this guy is called cyrmal he is crossed between robot like sector and cyrax and ninja like noob from his machinary he can form any weapon and he would look similar to rain but in a gold and red outfit his specal moves would be like a liquid spit which spreads all over his opponent for his jump move he would do a flexible bycicle kik and whilst doin that the opponent gets paralised by a small dagger then he would do a double jump and kik him to the floor landing on the opponent making the liquid tar completly cover the component .

as a female competitan i have made up i called her gilme serdess a new emperor of edenia she will kill kitana and sindel take over all the lands and prepare for a new tournament to save all the realms her main fight would be in the nexus ( in mk:d on concuest mode ) but this time it will have a bit age around it with like poles ( these will be usefull ) . gilme will have 2 mormal arms which have shiny wrist blades up them then she wil have 4 extendible arms coming out of her back she will be dressed all in pink and blue and she will be the new mother of millena he specal moves will be ...

throwing = a poisnus spray coming from her mouth and it wil spread out with the help of her 4 back arms which wil flapp it about lol.

jumping = the opponent will be grabbed by the 4 arms on gilmes bak and gilme will slash at the opponents chest she will swing up near to the top of the cage in the nexus and throw the opponent all the way to the bottom shortly after that gilme will jump down on all 4 completly destroying her opponent !! instant kill !!

blizzard this is 1 i just made up basically here it is

name: blizzard
age: unknown
allies: sub-zero , frost, noob
foes: scorpion, baraka, reptile and somke
aledgidment: good and evil
clan:lin kuei

blizzard is sub-zero, forst and noob sibots father he has been resurected only help sub-zero break the curse that as fallen apon noob he had herd of frosts death and came back his missions are simple kill smoke noobs partner and re unite the family or there ansisters and there ansisters ansisters including subzero,frost,noob and blizard would be tourtered for all eternity on his way to earth realm he passed a place he always used to play at when he was a child this place was called outworld when he arrived it had changed alot he was passing the living forest when he was attaked by i spinless demond called reptile the last of his kind just as blizzard was about to kill him he dissapeared and a group of tarkhatens surrounded him clueless of blizards powers the approached him with no caution as soon as the 1st tarkhatan went to attack it was as if time had stopped apart from blizzard he plulled out a frozen hirjako ( a flexible sword with spikes on the back side ) and slashed them in peices leaving no survivors he carried on his trail hot on noob and smoke he passed through edenia , netherrealm untill he reached earthrealm he met up with his old master at the lin kuei accademy he ws there for some thime asking around for quiet some time he had seen a lin kuei that ws very powerfull he had a different costume to all the outhers blizard asked his old master who the young mad was he replied " sub-zero your son" !!!!! with amazment he pulled the young man aside and refreshed his memory it was all happy for a while untill another group of tarkatans arrived much large then the outher 1 and this time barukka was leading them he was furious so furios all the lin kuei where killed apart from sub-zero and blizard himself he found a person sturggling for air near the main gates it was blizards master his throat had been slit by a tarkatan blizard was just about to help him untill burukka sliced blizards masters head off this pissed blizard off evan more so he added another to his list of enemys !! together sub-zero and blizeard set out a search fro noob untill they were separated sub zero found scorpion and went after him whilst blizard kept going after smoke and noob .

costume : he would have white frozen hair a ninja suit like sub-zero the lin kuei symbol because its tradition for all lin kuei to have 1 he would have like frozen trousers with a fur inside his shoes would have frozen spikes for extra power and it would hurt a hell lot more :) he would have a dark blue mask which covers his nose and mouth ( bottom half of the face ) then a black cotten robe to go over it all

weapon : hirjako a weapon he was gifted when he was learning the arts of the lin kuei and frost spikes

specal moves :

floor freeze ( all the ground freezes in the room )
ice wall ( a large wall of ice appears and topples over on top of the enemy )
deadly storm ( large gusts of wind with sharp bit of ice )
avalanche ( tuns of snow caves in on the enemy and freezes )
ice prison ( a cage of spikes surround the enemy and move in )

so what do you think

10/20/2005 05:49 PM (UTC)
this is mine.

My characters name is Jubai his history is shrouded in mystry to all but the elder gods he first appered after the last Mortal Kombat tornement claiming that the elder gods killed his family.After years of training and serching he finally came across the last mortal kombat champion liu kang and challenged him to mortal kombat after a long tireing battle liu knag came out victorios but not uninjured. After jubai regained his streanth he disappered into the mist to train. After five long years he returned to face liu kang. His five years of training paid off he defeted liu kang. After his victory over liu he left only a message for the thunder god...witch read "YOUR NEXT" and he disapperd into the mist once agian.

Well that's just some of his back story it get's bloody as hell later on.
anyway this is what he looked like.

Clothes-dressed like a scruffy ninja/samurai
Wepon-Samurai sword
special move-Air Slash.
special power-complete and total power over the air.
Enemies-anybody that works for the elder gods.

so that's my charictor. what do you think.
Peace Out.
About Me

10/20/2005 07:13 PM (UTC)
Wow, two more posts and a new page will be created, while this one isnt even showingconfusedconfusedconfusedconfused
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