06/11/2014 02:47 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I wish people would stop thinking that Cassie is going to be a Kira 2.0 all because she's the daughter of Sonya and Johnny. For all we know, she might have completely new abilities that will differ from both of them even if they are the same. And who knows if Sonya and Johnny will be in this game as well. Who knows, we could have either both or one of them in this game.

If she has to have something from either of her parents, my guess would be she'll have the kiss of death move, that is if no other female has it already. She can have similar abilities to her parents but I feel that they'll twist it in a way where it's not exact, just her own version, which in a way WOULD be considered original.

"So she's cool, she has a combination of Johnny Cage's moves and Sonya's moves so its, uh, a lot of fun to see her play".

06/11/2014 02:47 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
m0s3pH Wrote:
It's a pretty logical step to think that she might just end up as a hybrid of the two characters, because those are her parents. I think it would be swell if she had her own moveset, specials, and fatalities, because it would mean that NRS tried to make an original character out of her instead of taking the lazy way out.

Calm your shit, everyone.

They'll probably have her put her own unique little spin on her parents' moves.

Shadow [Scissor] Kick, or a [Cloud] of Death that hangs at one spot for a few seconds before dissipating and can be used for zoning and trap setups.

Hell, if anything, they'll put extra work into her compared to everybody else because they realize convincing people that she's not some ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL will take some effort.

Just wait and see.


This, thank you!
06/11/2014 02:48 AM (UTC)
I'll wait til more info comes out to make a full judgment obviously, but I'm probably least excited about her. Maybe I'm biased because I don't care for Cage or Sonya.
06/11/2014 02:49 AM (UTC)
D'Vorah: Because so many people wanted Tanya back, and so many people wanted new characters, they decided to make a black and yellow chick so everyone could be happy. In all seriousness, her design is really neat and it's refreshing to see an outfit NOT relying on "sexiness" for a female character. High heels knock a point off for me. But bugs are cool, and even though she has a bug-woman face, she's still a lot more attractive than any of the MK9 females.

Ferra/Torr: Because the fan community has been demanding an annoying little kid character practically since the series' inception. NRS is finally listening to the fans' demands! The preceeding was me paraphrasing what another user said (can't remember who, but it made me laugh) but I probably won't use this character. Just the big guy on his own might have had some potential, but if people think Liu Kang was annoying I don't know how they could embrace this.

Kotal Kahn: Fits right in design-wise. The name gets me curious; does he have some relationship to Shao Kahn? He kind of looks like a blue, bird-themed Shao-Kahn.

Cassie Cage: They decided to finally stop dicking around and make the design we've always wanted to see from Sonya Blade; the twist is they decided NOT to make it Sonya. Instead they made it the Sonya/Johnny offspring that takes completely after her mother, except in name. I wondered whether their child would be a movie star or Special Forces, now I'm kinda bummed it doesn't seem to be both.

My feelings are kinda mixed. The more I see, the more it does feel like Mortal Kombat. But on the other hand, if there isn't a healthy amount of returning characters, including Johnny and Sonya, I will be extremely disappointed. Ed said that the story spans from directly after MK9 to 25 years later, so just dropping important characters won't really cut it for me.
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06/11/2014 03:00 AM (UTC)
johnny1up Wrote:
Kotal Kahn: Fits right in design-wise. The name gets me curious; does he have some relationship to Shao Kahn? He kind of looks like a blue, bird-themed Shao-Kahn.

Based on his name alone, I'm thinking he's probably Shao Kahn's brother. Probably out for revenge for Shao Kahn being killed in MK9.

Someone had posted a pick last night pointing out that he appeared in a previous game during some artwork. He is an elder god:
Am I the only who thought of queve when Cassie Cage was revealed?
06/11/2014 03:20 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Am I the only who thought of queve when Cassie Cage was revealed?

If you count thinking about how happy I am that Queve isn't here to force his beliefs on everyone and bash those who don't agree like he used to then sure I thought of him.

While I hate the name Kotal, I feel like he'll have some awesome moves based off of his appearance.
06/11/2014 03:20 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Am I the only who thought of queve when Cassie Cage was revealed?

Nope! (Don't let the Visits count fool ya, I had to make a new account because it's been ages since I used my original one and I completely forgot it, I've been here since Deception.)
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06/11/2014 03:30 AM (UTC)
Some additional thoughts on the characters...

I'm surprised they debuted Cassie the way they did. Her debut was kind of low key. Don't get me wrong, E3 is a massive platform but I would have waited a bit and teased her on Twitter to get us anticipate her a little and do a huge character reveal.

D'Vorah is my favourite so far. I wasn't exactly sold on her yesterday, but her without a hood really upped my anticipation for her.

I enjoy the names of Ferra/Torr. They really suit the characters.

That leads me to Kotal Kahn. Really don't like the name. The only way I'll enjoy that name is if we found out he is indeed related to Shao Kahn. The only reason I don't like it now is the off chance that the characters have nothing to do with each other, but that is a minor gripe. I need to see more of him but his look is promising.

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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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06/11/2014 03:32 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Calm your shit, everyone.
Just wait and see.


Hey, pump your brakes. If you thought I came off as mad, I've got an igloo in the desert I'd like to sell you. I'm interested to see what becomes of her as a character, and I was expressing hope that they give her the same care that they do for the more popular characters. We've seen what happens when they take shortcuts on character design, but at least now with WB they have more time to craft these fighters the way they want. That's what has me hopeful.
06/11/2014 03:36 AM (UTC)
johnny1up Wrote:
My feelings are kinda mixed. The more I see, the more it does feel like Mortal Kombat. But on the other hand, if there isn't a healthy amount of returning characters, including Johnny and Sonya, I will be extremely disappointed. Ed said that the story spans from directly after MK9 to 25 years later, so just dropping important characters won't really cut it for me.

I feel like the way they're gonna include classic characters who didn't make the cut to be playable this go round, is by giving them cameos during story mode or something. That seems pretty logical to me considering they're jumping through time.
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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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06/11/2014 03:38 AM (UTC)
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I wish people would stop thinking that Cassie is going to be a Kira 2.0 all because she's the daughter of Sonya and Johnny. For all we know, she might have completely new abilities that will differ from both of them even if they are the same. And who knows if Sonya and Johnny will be in this game as well. Who knows, we could have either both or one of them in this game.

If she has to have something from either of her parents, my guess would be she'll have the kiss of death move, that is if no other female has it already. She can have similar abilities to her parents but I feel that they'll twist it in a way where it's not exact, just her own version, which in a way WOULD be considered original.

"So she's cool, she has a combination of Johnny Cage's moves and Sonya's moves so its, uh, a lot of fun to see her play".


Not gonna lie, I watched it just to see if that quote was serious. Good lord, Boon is either shameless, trolling, or shamelessly trolling.
m0s3pH Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I wish people would stop thinking that Cassie is going to be a Kira 2.0 all because she's the daughter of Sonya and Johnny. For all we know, she might have completely new abilities that will differ from both of them even if they are the same. And who knows if Sonya and Johnny will be in this game as well. Who knows, we could have either both or one of them in this game.

If she has to have something from either of her parents, my guess would be she'll have the kiss of death move, that is if no other female has it already. She can have similar abilities to her parents but I feel that they'll twist it in a way where it's not exact, just her own version, which in a way WOULD be considered original.

"So she's cool, she has a combination of Johnny Cage's moves and Sonya's moves so its, uh, a lot of fun to see her play".


Not gonna lie, I watched it just to see if that quote was serious. Good lord, Boon is either shameless, trolling, or shamelessly trolling.

He never really puts his thoughts into cohesive sentences while being interviewed. Like he has things to hide, or doesn't know exactly how to put it.
About Me

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

06/11/2014 03:49 AM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
m0s3pH Wrote:
Hooky-Fooky Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I wish people would stop thinking that Cassie is going to be a Kira 2.0 all because she's the daughter of Sonya and Johnny. For all we know, she might have completely new abilities that will differ from both of them even if they are the same. And who knows if Sonya and Johnny will be in this game as well. Who knows, we could have either both or one of them in this game.

If she has to have something from either of her parents, my guess would be she'll have the kiss of death move, that is if no other female has it already. She can have similar abilities to her parents but I feel that they'll twist it in a way where it's not exact, just her own version, which in a way WOULD be considered original.

"So she's cool, she has a combination of Johnny Cage's moves and Sonya's moves so its, uh, a lot of fun to see her play".


Not gonna lie, I watched it just to see if that quote was serious. Good lord, Boon is either shameless, trolling, or shamelessly trolling.

He never really puts his thoughts into cohesive sentences while being interviewed. Like he has things to hide, or doesn't know exactly how to put it.

I'm going to go with hiding. He's too smart to fumble like that.
06/11/2014 04:38 AM (UTC)
This is all very exciting.

Loving the new direction of the art and style of the game and characters. I have mostly positive feelings about all of them.

Bittersweet shock and happiness about Cassie Cage, of course :*)

After 20 or so years, fan-fiction finally comes to life. Wow...

Ion3008 Wrote:
Am I the only who thought of queve when Cassie Cage was revealed?

Hehe wink

TheNinjasRock071394 Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Am I the only who thought of queve when Cassie Cage was revealed?

If you count thinking about how happy I am that Queve isn't here to force his beliefs on everyone and bash those who don't agree like he used to then sure I thought of him.

Awww, I'm not really happy to see you remain as bitter and sad as ever, but, oh well. Honestly, I don't care smile
06/11/2014 04:44 AM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
This is all very exciting.

Loving the new direction of the art and style of the game and characters. I have mostly positive feelings about all of them.

Bittersweet shock and happiness about Cassie Cage, of course :*)

After 20 or so years, fan-fiction finally comes to life. Wow...

Ion3008 Wrote:
Am I the only who thought of queve when Cassie Cage was revealed?

Awww wink

TheNinjasRock071394 Wrote:
Ion3008 Wrote:
Am I the only who thought of queve when Cassie Cage was revealed?

If you count thinking about how happy I am that Queve isn't here to force his beliefs on everyone and bash those who don't agree like he used to then sure I thought of him.

Awww, I'm not really happy to see you remain as bitter and sad as ever, but, oh well. Honestly, I don't care smile

Awe hell yeah!!! Queve is in the building.
06/11/2014 04:51 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:

Awe hell yeah!!! Queve is in the building.

Hehehe, you guys are so sweet smile Happy to see you are still around.
06/11/2014 05:01 AM (UTC)
Now that I've time to let everything just sink in, I'm sold on all but Cassie Cage. I need to see how her moves differentiate from Johnny and Sonya first before I settle in with her.

Kotal Kahn looks like a badass and I love his fucking design so much and I haven't even seen him play yet!

D'Vorah plays like a badass and I can't wait to get my mits on her just to try out the bug-themed attacks. Her fatality is fucking sick, love the stomping of the skull at the end just to be more ruthless.

While Ferra's voice seems like it'd get annoying quick like Liu's turkey noises, I like that Torr can basically use her as a projectile and toss her across screen LOL And her battle cry is at the least bit hilarious but I know it'll get annoying after a while but at the moment, I'm enjoying it.

I'm pretty excited at the moment to be honest.
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06/11/2014 08:09 AM (UTC)
Or Quan Chi yelling BEERMONEY everytime he does a special....

So far so good. The newcomers are pretty dcent so far.
06/11/2014 08:18 AM (UTC)
So if I was understanding him properly, Maximilian_DOOD got his hands on MKX and Cassie Cage apparently is pretty reminiscent gameplay wise to Deathstroke in Injustice and her x-ray involves some literal ball busting. lol She apparently pistol whips you in the jaw and then you see actual muscle testicles explode LOL She's apparently a pretty good combination of Cage/Sonya, she's stoic like Sonya and exudes cockiness like Cage, constantly blowing bubbles throughout the match with bubblegum? It sounds fucking awesome.
06/11/2014 08:31 AM (UTC)
Human-Sub-Zero-4-ever Wrote:
Why is he called Total Kahn? Just Why?

06/11/2014 08:52 AM (UTC)
One of Kotal Kahn's styles is literally called 'War God'.

Pretty telling...
coltess Wrote:
Human-Sub-Zero-4-ever Wrote:
Why is he called Total Kahn? Just Why?

Lmao, i mean't Kotal Kahn

Chrome Wrote:
Human-Sub-Zero-4-ever Wrote:
Why is he called Total Kahn? Just Why?

I am sorry,.... I had to laugh out loud.

Total KahR would mean akin to Absolutely Fucked in Hungarian and it's only one phoneme away.

lmao well you never know... he might be fucked coming to the mortal plane to do kombat
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06/11/2014 09:23 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
One of Kotal Kahn's styles is literally called 'War God'.

Pretty telling...

War God, Blood God, and Sun God are his three setups.

Heavy grappler, akin to Abel in SSF4 but slower. Farra/Torr is akin to Grundy.
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'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

06/11/2014 09:34 AM (UTC)
I would really like to see some Cassie Cage Gameplay, her Xray sounds good!
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