07/14/2005 01:16 AM (UTC)
Thanks, I like how Sektor's skin grinder is trademarked lmao. That guy is so funny.grin
07/17/2005 01:12 PM (UTC)
Kano - Kano grabs his opponents head and cocks his head back. Kano then repeatedly headbutts his opponent multiple times and laughs insanley as he does it. Kano then grabs the opponent by the back of his head and shows the screen the damage he did to his mangled opponent and laughs again as he turns to opponent for one more headbutt. Kano puts all his might in the last headbutt and you hear a loud crunch. The opponent slumps to the floor and blood slowly pours out of the opponents head. Kano gets in his winning pose after.

Liu Kang - Liu Kang does a cartwheel and then uppercuts the opponent's head off. The opponent's decapitated body begins to stumble back while the opponent's head is off screen. Liu Kang then lets out a famous battle cry as the head falls back in our view/ Liu Kang performs a flying kick that tears through the opponents body and sends the opponent flying to the floor.
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

07/17/2005 07:03 PM (UTC)
Some more Fatalities.

Kenshi's Fatality

Verical Katana Slice:

He slices the victom in half in the similar fashon that Kung Lao does with his hat excetpt he uses his Katana Sword to cut the opponent.

Stryker's Fatality

Inner Explosion:

He takes out a grenade and shoves it down the opponent's throat. Then he pulls out his Gun and sticks it in there mouth and he shoots about 3 shots and KABOOOOM, the victom's stomach completely explodes only leaving the vicoms head, arms and legs in a mess of guts and gore.

Scorpion's Fatality

Spear Choke:

He shoots his spear out and it goes straight through the opponents throat causing them to gag violently. He quickly pulls the victom close to him, wraps the rope around the opponent's throat, and tugs on the rope causing the victom more agony. When he is choking the victom with the rope he tugs on it very hard and pulls off their head and does a victory pose while holding the rope with a head hanging from it.
My Fatalties for War of The Realms are as follows:

Commander Cyrax

HeliChopper Slice

Cyrax's head spins into a helicopter rotor, then runs in and slices his enemy, reducing him to pieces.

Net Destroy

(Inspired by MK:A)
Cyrax shoots out his net on his enemy, but instead of turning him/her into a skeleton, he explodes into atoms, never to be seen again.



Sub summons an avalance straight into the enemy's head, then teleports out, leaving the enemy to die in the snowy Ice-Storm.

Freezing Shatter

Sub-Zero turns is enemy to ice, leaving him to watch as the opponent shatters to pieces.


Thunder Cloud

Fujin summons a thunder cloud upon the enemy's head, then the cloud zaps him/her to a burning skeleton.

Absorb Skinner

Fujin redoes his MK4 Fatality, only this time, he absorbs the skin of the enemy.

Liu Kang

Flame Ingulf

Liu Kang teleports out and ignites the enemy by suprise into a skeleton.

Dragon Summon

Liu Kang summons the Great Dragon, then teleports out, leaving the opponent mericlessly ignited by the Dragon, making him run around like nuts.


Teeth Reduce

Mileena unmasks herself, then proceeds to chew up the enemy into flesh.

Sai Rain

Mileena teleports out, then a rain of her Sais stab her opponent to death.

Well, enough fatalties for now. Call me back if you want more.
About Me

07/17/2005 10:59 PM (UTC)
This is going to get long. The basic rundown is that my future version of MK contains two kind of finishing moves: Lethalities and standard Fataliti-es. A lethality is an in game move specific for one of the three styles of the character and instantly kills an opponent in mid-combat in a realistic way.

A lethality is not easy top pull off. It requires perfect timing, distance and a stunned opponent still in combat. However...

A lethality always wins a fight, though to those who woul'd like to have the standard means to kill a character, lethalities could be toggled to act like fatalities after the seond round.


Karate Lethality: Johnny Cage delivers a plam edge strike from close range to stun the opponent, who grasps at his stomach, then splits his legs, puts one behind the head of the victim and smashes it into the gro-und.

Jeet Kune Do: Johnny delivers quick jabs at the opponents throat who is bal;ancing for a second, then he slams both of his hands at the opponents ears as a final crush of the cranium. Blood pours out of the ears later.

Nunchaku: Johnyy Cage quickly gets behind his enemy in various ways, then snaps the nunchakus chain around the neck, and with a quiick stro-ke, breaks the neck after suffocating the victim for a second.

Fatality: Johnny Cage slams his fist into the opponents groin wityh a split punch, then gets up, and -as we have already seen it- punches his oppo-nents head open, then ripping out the brain with the other hand.


Pi Gua Lethality: with a backside palm touch, Hotaru blasts the victims neck, who grasps for air, then hesteps sideways and delivers a vertical palm edge strike to the neck. A crackling sound, and the neck breaks.

Ba Shan Fan: Hotaru delivers six flashing fist attacks at the opponent who grasp into their batered face. Hotaru then delivers a locking tackle and slams them into his knee as he goes down with the opponent in a crou-ching stance.

Naginata: executed with haste, Hotaru spins the naginata around him several times just before the opponent begins to stagger. He leaps backward and delivers a wide slice decapitating his opponent.

Fatality: Hotaru cracks the ground under the opponent and lava errupts out of it, melting the small crater into itself. The opponents screams and they try to get out bu they sink fdeeper as they are molten away. When the victim finally manages to get out (only the upper part of the former body) of the fiery pit and manages to crawl forward, Hotaru gets him by the throat, rai-ses him for a second of eyecontact, and throws it back silently into the lava pit. The scream goes silent quickly when the torso disappears int he flaming hell.

more will come I swear

About Me
art by fear-sAs
07/18/2005 12:06 AM (UTC)
Your Lethality actually reminds me of the Instant Kill in Guilty Gear. Can't wait to see some more.
07/18/2005 08:44 PM (UTC)
Skull Staff:

Raiden quickly charges his staff with electricity, then throws it straight into the air. The staff comes down, straight and true, into the victim's head. The staff hums with electricity, which forces it further into the opponent.
Raiden raises his hand, sending lightning into the air and then, surging into the staff. The rapid increase in charge blasts the staff completely inside the opponent and with a a jarring explosion, destroys what's left of the victim's flesh. The victim falls to their knees -toasty fashion- as a charred skeleton, with Raiden's staff in their ribcage.
Raiden attracts the staff towards him, ripping it out of the body along with the person's skull, which is now stuck to the very top of the staff.
Raiden holds his staff aloft as it still sparkles with electric charge.
Henceforth, Raiden has a skull staff!

Flesh Peeler Corkscrew(TM):

Yet again, Sektor unleashes a devastating kontraption from his chest compartement. This time it appears to be an enormous bladed corkscrew peeler, just like the ones we see in adverts, which are used for making corkscrew shapes in cucumbers!
The Skrew telescopes to become longer, and begins to extend toward the opponent on a double armed attachement. It fits down completely encircling the victim's head, just touching their skin.
The victim pleads for life as the starter motor pumps life into the death trap...
Sektor simply laughs at them as the Skrew bursts into life!
It peels the opponents head and kontracts, krushing it at the same time.
With the peeler locked tight and spinning, all we can see is blood shooting everywhere. The arms of the peeler jolt downwards and the peeler becomes wider again as it spins... to encircle the warrior's entire body.
The peeler kontracts inwards, krushing and shredding...
When all is done, the weapon is pulled back and telescoped to fit into Sektor's kompartment.
Sektor closes his chest and looks at the still standing shredded enemy.
He walks up to them and lifts them up by their head... As he lifts them, we see that where the skrew has been it has grinded the opponent's body into a Korkscrew shape! The victim's outer flesh is like a spiral staircase all the way up to their head and most of their organs have fallen out.
Sektor lets go of the bloody, spiralised corpse and it kollapses corcertina fashion to the floor...


wow Let's have some nice friendly stuff like... FRIENDSHIPS!

Raiden teleports off the screen. When he returns, a tv and a games konsole appear(Depends on what konsole your playing on; X-box = X-box)
Raiden looks around for a plug socket for a moment, before predictably using his electric powers in place of mains electricity! Unfortunately, Raiden overdoes it a bit... to the extent of the tv and konsole exploding!
Raiden looks kinda miffed...

After leaving for a couple of seconds, Baraka returns with firewood... And as only a Tarkatan would, he chops the logs by tossing them up into the air and performing his Blade Fury as they fall down!
Baraka retracts one of his blades and using that hand pulls out a mach from somewhere. He strikes the match on his other blade and upon ignition throws it onto the chopped log pile.
Like caveman, Baraka has now discovered fire!
He is pleased with his new skill and begins to warm his hands!

07/19/2005 12:55 AM (UTC)

Sindel wraps her hair around her opponent and slams them on the ground several times, she then flips her enemy up into the air lets out a scream causing the enemy to explode. Sindel then levitates up into the air and it begins to rain blood.

About Me
art by fear-sAs
07/19/2005 01:08 AM (UTC)
I've only got one to submit at the moment.

Sub-Zero: Icicle Tundra
F, D, B, F, F, 2

Sub-Zero's eyes glow with kori power and he forms his hands into fists. He keeps them by his side and begins to charge up a ball of energy which floats infornt of him. He crosses his arms, and the ball gets colder going from a clear blue, to a solid blue. Sub-Zero then seperates his arms to both sides, and the ball of kori energy explodes into a wave of icicles that shoot towards the opponent. The opponent screams as the icicles begin to penetrate their body, freezing the opponent where they hit, turning them into a solid block of ice. Sub-Zero makes one last icicle, which is shaped more like a spear and launches it at the opponent. As it hits, it shatter's their body to pieces, causing their head to fly high into the air before smashing on the ground.
07/19/2005 09:14 PM (UTC)
Sticky this thread please!
I vote for it...
07/20/2005 02:32 AM (UTC)
Man that Sektor fatality was funny. I guess anything funny and devastating can come out of him.

Now for more gruesome stuff from me.

Quan Chi

Fatality: Skull of Doom
Victim: Kenshi

Quan Chi shoots out a giant green skull at Kenshi. The skull then grabs Kenshi's chest with its mouth. The skull then goes inside Kenshi. Kenshi starts to scream as all of his insides are being destroyed. Bone crunching noises are heard and blood starts to pour out of Kenshi's chest. Then Kenshi's arms fall off and then his legs give way. When Kenshi falls to the ground his body shatters. All that is left of Kenshi is his head. He is screaming badly when all of a sudden the back of his head starts to open up to let the green skull come out. The green skull comes back to Quan Chi, who does a little pose and starts to laugh. FATALITY

Shang Tsung

Fatality: Soul Disintegration
Victim: Kano

Shang Tsung raises his hands into the air. Then Kano rises about 5 feet in the air. Shang Tsung's hands then start to glow green. His hands start to emit a green mist that then goes towards Kano's body. Kano starts to scream as his skin starts to melt away. Then his muscles start to waste away. All that is left of Kano is a skeleton raised in the air. Shang Tsung lets his hands down and stops glowing. Kano's skeleton falls to the ground and becomes a goo like puddle on the ground, along with his melted remains. Shang Tsung does a little pose. FATALITY.


Fatality: Skin Screamer
Victim: Tanya

Sindel starts to scream at Tanya. Tanya starts to get a little stunned as Sindel's scream starts to get louder. Tanya starts to scream as her skin starts to rip open at her arms and legs. Blood starts to pour out everywhere from Tanya's wounds. Then all of Tanya's skin gets ripped off her body and then she falls to the ground. All that is left of Tanya is a pile of bones and muscle. Sindel does a pose. FATALITY.


Fatality: Caesarium
Victim: Kobra

Kabal pushes Kobra onto the ground. Then he pins Kobra by stepping onto his shoulder. Kabal then gets out one of his hookswords and then cuts a line into Kobra from the abdomen to the chest. Then with his other hooksword he opens Kobra's torso up. Kobra screams in pain as Kabal digs out Kobra's liver out wth his hookswords. Then after that Kobra's stomach, spleen and pancreas are then dug out of him. Kobra is now finally dead. Finally Kabal digs into the intestines and pulls them out with his hookswords. He briefly holds them up like a trophy, gets rid of them and then does a little pose. FATALITY


Animality: Praying Mantis
Victim: Ashrah

Hotaru morphs into a praying mantis. Ashrah sees the giant insect, screams and tries to run away. He grabs her neck with his front legs and places his mouth around the side of her head. Hotaru starts to nibble at the side of Ashrah's head. Then he starts to suck her brain out slowly. Ashrah is screaming like hell as Hotaru eats parts of her brain. When Hotaru is finished eating her brain he then grabs Ashrah's shoulders and then rips her in half vertically. He lets her go and makes a scary alien-like roar. ANIMALITY.

I'll think of more later. wow
07/20/2005 08:26 AM (UTC)
I finally have some fresh ideas!

Havik Hara-Kiri (called where the heart is)

Havik rips out his own heart and stares at it. While still standing, he eats the heart - to the opponents disgust. He falls down into a puddle of blood.

Raiden Hara-Kiri (called Heads 'n' staffs)

Raiden pulls out his staff and does a ton of really fancy moves. The opponent gets ready to fight, thinking Raiden hasn't been properly defeated. Suddenly, Raiden plunges his staff into his stomach. He rips the staff out, then slices his own head off with it. He falls over headless.

Scorpion Fatality (called heart burn)

Scorpion takes off his mask ad breaths fire all over the opponent. He then goes over to the opponent and rips out their heart - which is on fire. He throws the heart away and the opponent falls down dead.

More to come!
07/20/2005 03:23 PM (UTC)
Wouldn't it be cool if Midway had a competition, in which we could send in our Fatality ideas, and then Midway would pick out the best five and implement them into MK 7!
If I don't see that Toasty Heart Rip, Joes04 posted, in MK 7 then I'll be dissapointed, because that's an excellent idea, which I have wanted to see for ages! Nice one!

Oh, and once more I'll suggest it; "Sticky this thread!"(and the; "Create a Character" one, too.) tongue
07/21/2005 12:48 AM (UTC)
i thought of a cool hara kiri for scorpion
scorpion shoots his spear at his head and when scorpion pulls his spear his head gets ripped off
About Me

07/21/2005 01:08 AM (UTC)
and trade an actuall authentic neck breaking seppuku for mindless showing o his spear? Dumb if you ask me.
About Me
art by fear-sAs
07/21/2005 01:58 AM (UTC)

G-Force Power Spin:
Distance: Full Screen. Command: F, F, D, F, F, 3
Kabal does his tazmainian spin across the screen and past the opponent. Just like always, the opponent spins rapidly in one place, as Kabal approaches them. He takes out his hooksword and times it just perfectly so that it gets caught between the opponent's legs, stopping them instantly from spining. However, that has no barring on their top half. As the bottom stays in place, the top half spins completely around twisting itself off the opponent's bottom half and falling to the ground, bleeding out the bottom.

Distance: One step out of outside sweep (5 steps away)
Command: F, D, F, B, (Block), U, 2 (release Block)

Stryker runs up the opponents leg and kicks them in the face, sending them into the air. Stryker backflips off the opponent as they shoot into the air and lands in a kneeling position. He takes out two Deagles (remember now, this is MK) and fires of two shots into the opponent, blowing of a leg and arm, while sending them higher into the air. He fires off two more shots, blowing off another arm and leg, now the opponent is nothing but a stub. The opponent is spinning in mid air from the shots and begins to fall. As soon as they get within 6 feet of the ground, Stryker fires off one last shot, blowing the entire torso to pieces.

Grenade Fist:
Distance: Next to the opponent. Command: F, F, D, B, 1
Stryker is able to concentrate an small amount of highly explosive energy in his palms. It glows alot like the plasma grenades in Halo. He punches through the opponent's ribcage with both arms and transfers the energy into their body. He does several back handsprings away from the opponent and clenches his fist. The energy inside of the opponent detonates, blowing them to pieces.

Solid Rain
Distance: Full Screen Command: D, D, B, B, F, 1
Fujin creates a strong wind vortex around him and begins to pull out chunks of debries from the ground around him. He raises his hand and the debries flies into the air. As he drops his hand, the chuncks of debries fall onto the opponent, stoning them to death.

Wind Drill:
Distance: Full Sweep range Command: D, F, B,B, 3
Fugin lifts the opponent into the air with a strong upsweep. As the opponent squirms helplessly, Fugin positions their body to so it lays face up in a horizontal position. He then creates a fist with his right hand and thrusts it towards the sky. A second pillar of wind shoots up inside the eye of the first one, shooting straight through the opponent, and out the other side, tearing them in half. As they scream, they fall to the ground, and die of blood loss.

Meat Bag
Distance: Close Command: F, D, B, U, F, 3
Havik's eyes glow purple and so does his right hand. Havik smashes the opponent in the stomach, causing them to kneel forward. He grabs hold of them with his left arm, and then plunges his arm through the top of their head with his glowing right arm. With several tugs, Havik manages to pull out the opponents entire skeleton out of their body and through the top of their head, leaving a bag of meat and flesh on the floor.

Knife Hand Strike:
Distance: Close Command: F, F, F, D, 1
Havik straightens the fingers on his left hand, so that his whole hand resembles a knife. He grabs the opponent by their shoulder to hold them in place and then thrusts his hand straight through their abdomen. The opponent start to scream as blood spills to the floor, and on Havik. Havik beginst to raise his hand slowly, through the opponents body, cutting them in half. As he gets to their chest, he puts all of his force into it and shoots the arms straight upward, cutting through the opponents ribs, neck, spine, and skull. The opponent's knees buckle and fall to the ground as their top half splits open and hangs from each side, in a fountain of gore.
07/21/2005 12:07 PM (UTC)
nobrainer Wrote:
Wouldn't it be cool if Midway had a competition, in which we could send in our Fatality ideas, and then Midway would pick out the best five and implement them into MK 7!
If I don't see that Toasty Heart Rip, Joes04 posted, in MK 7 then I'll be dissapointed, because that's an excellent idea, which I have wanted to see for ages! Nice one!

Oh, and once more I'll suggest it; "Sticky this thread!"(and the; "Create a Character" one, too.) tongue

Lol, glad to see you liked my Heart Burn idea!
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

07/22/2005 12:22 AM (UTC)

Kano's Fatality

Throat slit:

He gets behind his opponent and takes his butterfly knives. He grabs them and slices his opponent's throat with both of them. The way he does it is by starting from the middle of their neck and pulling his arms back to their approapriate sides. His victom will have a deep wound when they fall to the ground and bleed to death.

Sonya's Fatality


She starts off doing her handstand grab with her legs from MK3, then with a hard jerk she completely twists her opponent's neck backwards. When the opponent falls, a small stream of blood will leak down the victom's neck.

Noob Saibot's Fatality

Summoning of Brothers:

He raises both his arms in the air summoning his Brotherhood of Shadow clan. Many of them come and they bumrush toward his oponent. As they run closer to the victom the screen fades out to a pitch black screen while you hear all the sounds of him being violently killed. Soon you stop hearing the victom's scream but still hear the last of the beating. When the noise subsides, it will presume on saying FATALITY.

Kintaro's Fatality

Flamethrower (Toasty 2):

Similar to his normal Fireball spit, he spits out flames about 5x stronger. It would look something like one of my old fakes right here:

Shang Stung's Fatality

Soul Steal:

He uses his sororer powers to levitate his opponent and he slams them down to the ground, causing them to bleed a little(like on MKDA). He then walks over to his opponent and stands right next to their head. He then puts his hands in a classic position and steals the their soul. While he is stealing the soul there is a green glow of course going inside one of Shang Tsung's eyes turning it a little green and when he finishes stealing their soul, he grins and blinks his eyes, changing it back to normal.

Cyrax's Fatality

Deadly Net:

He shoots out a greyish green net that will wrap over his opponent and they begin to scream in agony as the net literally sucks the life out of them.
As it is sucking the life out of the victom, they slowly begin to loser their flesh, then finally lose most of the meat on therir bones, leaving only their skeleton with some of the dried on burned net pieces stuck to it.
07/22/2005 02:29 AM (UTC)
I think we should all join Midway. These fatalities are great, keep them coming. And sticky this thread.grin
07/22/2005 07:44 AM (UTC)
Lol, quite a few people want this to be stickied..... Including me! LOL...

Havik Hara-Kiri (called armless, headless)

Havik rips off his own arm then whacks off his own head with it. His body collapses into a puddle of blood. When his head comes back down, it completley smashes on the floor, leaving blood and gore everywhere.
07/22/2005 01:18 PM (UTC)
Ive looked over the thread, the past two pages especially, and i dont think anyone else has had this idea yet, tho something similar.


Lift of Death:
Kitana does he fan lift (preferably like in MK2/3/Gold with the twirling fan, or like MKDA only they are lifted right up) and liftes her opponent int the air. She uses one hand to keep her opponent there, and takes out her other fan. She closes both fans and does her square wave punch directly toward the opponent (up in a diagonal direction) and stabs her opponent in the gut. She then grabs them and thros them back to earth, and throws her fan down into their chest as she is landing. Fatality.

Kitana takes out her fans and opens them. She does a twirling type thing toward her opponent (just for the hell of it and to look good) and as she spins, she slices the opponents stomach. The victim cries in agony and pain as Their guts fall out and drop to their knees. Kitana then walks up behind them, grabs a bit of intestine and pulss it round their throat, strangling her victim. Fatility!!

Kitana opens her fan and launches it above herself. She kneels on the ground, and it falls while spinning, and cuts her in half....like Kung Lao's MK2 Vertical Slice.
07/22/2005 04:45 PM (UTC)
I would love to see this for Tanya:

She violently kicks you in the back of the leg, your opponent falls to there knees. They panic, and see Tanya walking up to them, slowley. Tanya lets out a violent laugh and kicks them in the face, because of the way they're sitting they fall back instantly. Tanya walks over the top of them, looks down at them, and shoves the heel of her boot into the opponents eye. She keeps pushing down really violently until her foot goes right through there head. She laughs again and pulls her foot out. The opponent shakes a bit, Tanya sees there alive and starts stamping on there neck again, she keeps going really fast until the neck comes right off. Tanya laughs once more, and walks away.
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

07/22/2005 07:04 PM (UTC)
nobrainer Wrote:
Sticky this thread please!
I vote for it...

I too vote for it to be stickied. There are only 2 threads sticked on this discussion anyways and this thread is even bigger than one of those.
07/22/2005 07:29 PM (UTC)
Subzero2 Wrote:
nobrainer Wrote:
Sticky this thread please!
I vote for it...

I too vote for it to be stickied. There are only 2 threads sticked on this discussion anyways and this thread is even bigger than one of those.



Sheeva ravagely screams, runs and leaps on the opponent taking them down to th ground. With Sheeva on top of the opponent she uses her Shokan hands and slams them right into the opponents stomach. She rips out and throws the opponents insides every where. Sheeva then gets up, takes a step backwards, and leaps into the opponents open stomach, crushing the bones left.

About Me

Bye, Bye Bitches.

07/23/2005 06:03 PM (UTC)

She gigles insanely and then jumps on to the opponents neck as if to do her neck break. However, instead of doing her actual neck break, she spins around once, we hear a gruesome crack. She spins around again, we hear a more prolonged crack. She spins around once more and jumps off. The opponents head suddenly falls off forward leaving a limp body to fall onto the ground, spurting blood from the neck.


Sonya does her leg grab takedown, but instead she almost crawls up the opponents body. Then she sits on their shoulders and spins the head around, so it faces the other way. Then she lowers herself down the opponents body, back into a handstand position andflips them over, balancing a severed head on her legs.


Nitara backflips, landing behind the opponent. Then she crouches, wing fully open and flies upwards, grabbing her opponents head in the now closed wings. She flies up really high as the opponent struggles. Suddenly they go limp and a decapitated body plummets to the ground. She outstretches her wings, letting the head fall too.
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