Ideas for Fatalities / Hara - Kiris / Friendships etc. for future MK Games
posted10/15/2006 10:13 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/14/2005 04:07 PM (UTC)
I'm sure this thread has been done before , but I couldn't find it . This is a thread for posting any ideas for fatalities or hara - kiris etc. for future MK games . I'll start off -

Sub - Zero Hara - Kiri ( called freezing headache ) :

Sub - Zero raises his hand and freezes his own head . He then raises both arms and literally smashes his own head with his fists . All the bits of ice are scattered across the floor and his body just collapses into a puddle of blood coming out of his neck .

Kenshi Fatality ( called sky dive ) :

Kenshi raises both of his arms and lifts his opponent up using his telekinetic powers . He keeps lifting them higher and higher until the opponent is out of sight . Suddenly he lets go and a couple of seconds later the opponent comes crashing back down and smashes when he hits the floor , leaving blood and gore everywhere .

Post any comments or ideas here !!!
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Geez, I've been a member since MKDA was just a pic of Scorpion and Jax looking at each other and I have less than 2,000 visits. I should really log in more...

04/30/2005 06:54 PM (UTC)
That Kenshi fatality sounds alright, but Sub-Zero's hara kiri would look too much like Darrius's from MKD.

I think that Scorpion should have a revamped toasty fatality.
It could be like:
Scorpion gets a distance away from his opponent, removes his mask and perfoms a toasty on them. He then launches his spear into them while they are on fire and pulls them in. When they approach him, he raises his leg into the air causing his opponent's body to slam into it, break apart, and fly behind him. Scorpion stands with small pieces of burning meat and blood on his body.
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PSN: Eazail70x7

04/30/2005 07:43 PM (UTC)
that fatality you said for Kenshi is exactly what happens to you in chess mode when you step on a trap square. wink

Anyways, I definetly am not ready to see Sub-Zero's fatality (when he throws the frozen head at the frozen body) leave yet because it is absolutely FLAWLESS! glasses

His other fatality in Deception is great but he prolly will need at least 1 new fatality. I want it to be like this:

--(he deep freezes them, like on his fatality where he stomps ur body and ur head flys off. Then he takes out his Kori Blade, walks a little closer to the frozen fighter and he does a very strong upper-cut with it, launching the still frozen fighter chipped by the uppercut high into the air. Instead of going straight up, the frozen fighter goes up at more of angle, slightly distancing from Sub-Zero. While in the air the body does about two slow and stiff back flips and finally crashes head first on the ground shattering his entire body except for one of his ankles and both of his feet. The end result of all of this looks like this, a pile of small chunked pieces of ice with the one ankle and two feets of the frozen fighter on top of it still frozen. The pile is very low to the ground because of so much his body is scattered everywhere around it. Sub-Zero then does a winning pose accordingly to this fatality.)--

Hope you all like it! grin

P.S. try to make a mental picture of all this happening! wink
04/30/2005 11:09 PM (UTC)
I have one idea.

Scorpion Hara Kiri (called Tied Up)

Scorpion releases his harpoon and wraps it around his body. Then he squeezes like a boa constricter untill his head pops off.
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05/01/2005 09:07 AM (UTC)
Scorpion Hara Kiri:
Scorpion knees down to commence his neck breaker suicide, and puts himself to death by a quick twist. As his body falls down and hits the floor it blows up into charred dust.

Sub-Zero fatality:

Sub-Zero deep freezes his opponent into a solid ice statue. He slides back a bit, charges at the opponent and jumps up before the ice victim. As hjumps over it's head, he kicks it and the head shatters into thousand little pieces. The headless statue cracks, and falls into two pieces.


Sub-Zero freezes the opponent but leaves their head unfrozen. He then delivers critical blows on various points in a slow pace and the opponent cries out in anguish. When the body cracks Sub-Zero grabs the head and rips it out and kicks the remains to fall to pieces.

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05/01/2005 12:31 PM (UTC)
sub-zero fatality
sub picks his oppenet up oover his head and freezes them then tosses them up and walks away and a couple seconds after the body hits the floor and breaks into chunks of ice

05/01/2005 01:48 PM (UTC)
Johnny Cage - Johhny Cage kicks his leg in the air and turns his body. While performing this you see the aura of the Shadow style that Johhny Cage has while performing his shadow kick. Johnny Cage's foot hits the ground and spins his body around so that his other leg which has all his weight on it shoots him towards the opponent with a massive force. Johhny Cage's super shadow kick hits the opponent in the stomach and his foot impales him/her. The opponent makes a loud grunt and looks down at his/her torso area which has Johnny Cage's foot in it. The opponent looks at Johnny Cage's face and Johnny Cage twists his leg and tears it out of the opponents body tearing the flesh and leaving a huge gap in the opponents stomach. When Johnny Cage's foot tears out of the opponent's body large chunks of flesh fly and smack the ground next to both the fighters. The opponent slumps to his/her knees and the opponents intestines begin to unravel out of the opponents body and his/her organs spew out in puddles of blood. The opponent then falls back with their knees bent and their organs out on the floor. Fatality.

Kung Lao - Kung Lao takes his hat off and spins it around him from head to toe in a 360 degree fashion. The hat slices the opponents neck then the opponents torso and then the opponent's legs. Kung Lao grabs his hat and steps back and looks at the opponent who stands in schock. Slowly the opponents head, torso, and legs slump off serperately and you see the anotomy inside the opponents body through the gaps where Kung Lao's hat sliced through. The opponents head falls to the floor, torso slip away from the waist. And legs bend and fall apart. The opponent's 3 pieces of his body lie in puddles of blood as Kung Lao enters his winning pose.
05/02/2005 02:17 PM (UTC)
There are some kick ass ideas here !

Ermac Fatality ( called Body Breaker ) :

Ermac lifts his hands as if he is going to do his telekinetic toss move . His hands glow green and the opponents arms and legs also glow . While they are glowing , Ermac charges at the opponent and does a flying kick at the middle of the opponents body , sending their body flying away from the opponents' still glowing arms and legs .
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art by fear-sAs
05/03/2005 02:23 AM (UTC)
Hara Kiri:
Scorpion kneels down just like he's done for his neck breaker hara kiri from Deception, however, this time Scorpion takes out his blade and thrust it throught bottom of his jaw and out the top of his skull.

Sub-Zero: Ice-sicle Kick combo
F, F, B, F, 3
(Close range)
Sub-Zero does several back handsprings to distance himself from the opponent. He then shoots his ice blast at them, freezing them in place. Sub-Zero begins to charge power into his fee and leaps into the air, performing a flip kick. The kick creates an giant ice sickle that shoots across the ground, and cuts his opponent in vertically in half. While still in the air, Sub-Zero preforms a Hurricane kick, shooting another icy blade at the opponent, this time horizontally, which cuts the opponent into quarters, horizontally. As Sub-Zero lands, the opponent's top half slides off, shattering on the ground with a bunch of gore, and their bottom half just falls in half, smashing as both sides topple into pieces.

Puppet Master
B, U, F, F, D, U, F, 1
Smoke creates a ball of red smoke and throws it at the enemy, as soon as it touches them, it explodes into a cloud. The opponent starts coughing on the smoke as it slowly disappears. Smoke then raises his hand and the opponent starts coughing up blood. Smoke spreads his fingers, and the opponent stiffens up. With a quick jerk, Smoke pulls his hand back to his side and rips the opponent's skeleton out through the frount of their skin. Finally he makes a fist with both of his hands and then extends them to each side, the opponent's skeleton is then torn to pieces.

Internal Mangelment: F, F, D, D, 3

Kobra comes close to his opponent and then unleashes a brutal combo on their body. He strikes The opponent al over the torso with an assault with jabs, palm strikes, fists and elbows. He mixes that up with strong kicks to the opponent's legs, thighs, calves, knees and feet. During all of this however, there are no blood droplets. Kobra thensteps back and delivers an over head fist to the opponents forehead, leaving his hand their for an extended period of time. The screen shows an x-ray of the opponent's skeleton, revealing that there are cracks all over their structure. kobra removes his fist from the opponents forehead and they crumble inside their own skin to the gound in a heap o flesh.

Shotgun Fist: F, F, D, D, 2
Jax walks up to the opponent and back hands them with his hand, causing the opponent to stagger backwards a bit. He then comes in with a sharp hook to the opponent's stomach, which causes them to spit out some blood. Jax gras the opponent and throws him to the ground, then lifts him up off the ground and tosses him into the air. Jax's right hand opens up and he installs a small charge inside, kneeling on one knee. As the opponent comes down, Jax braces his arm and aims. When the opponent falls within strike range Jax discharges his arm charge with a strong fist, hitting the opponent, blowing them to pieces in the process.

Shadow Tendril: B, B, U, D, F, B, F, 3
Smoke's eyes glow red as smoke beings to build around his feet, masking him from sight. The opponent is startled and begins to look around trying to find him. Suddenly, tendrils shoot from the smoke around the opponent's feet and wrap around their body, raising them into the air. The begin to contstrict the opponent, mangling their body, breaking their bones. The opponent begins to scream and is then torn to pieces. The tendrils come back down to the smoke cloud on the ground and Smoke reforms, with the tendrils taking shape as his arms.

Sub-Zero: Icicle Star
F, F, D, D, B, F, 1
Sub-Zero charges up a massive amount of energy into his palm and concentrates it into the size of a small stone, then tosses it at the opponent. The stone sinks in, leaving a small point on the opponents body. Sub-Zero lifts his hand up and makes a fist. Suddenly the opponent grabs his stomach as he falls to his knees. Cracking is heard from inside the opponents body as giant ice spike shoots out of their shoulder. The opponent screams and then two more shoot out, one from his arm and the other through his leg. Spikes start growing everywhere, from the opponent's chest, back, palms, hands. One final spike shots through the top of the head, tearing the opponent to pieces.
05/03/2005 03:39 PM (UTC)
Raiden Animality

Raiden transforms into a snow wolf with electricity flowing through its body . It then barks thunderbolts at the opponent twice that just simply hit them , like Raidens normal thunderbolt move . The third time it barks , a huge thunderbolt comes out , shattering the opponent to bits .
About Me

Geez, I've been a member since MKDA was just a pic of Scorpion and Jax looking at each other and I have less than 2,000 visits. I should really log in more...

05/03/2005 09:08 PM (UTC)

Sub-Zero defeats his opponent then extends his hand offering them a handshake...a great show of sportsmanship. The opponent grabs Sub-Zero's hand and the two shake. Then, Sub-Zero gets an angry look on his face and begins slowly freezing his opponent's hand...and then his arm. Sub-Zero rips off his opponent's arm and drives it into their abdomen. They fall to their knees coughing blood. Sub-Zero begins walking away until he feels a tug at his feet, his opponent is clutching onto him desperately pleading for help. Sub-Zero grins, deep freezes them, and then kicks them in the face, shattering them to pieces.


Reptile uppercuts his opponent into the air. While they are still in the air...Reptile spits out a continual stream of acid horizontally. The opponent falls back down, but before they reach the ground, they pass through the acid and are immediately reduced to a meaty skeleton which then collapses to the earth.

05/04/2005 03:08 PM (UTC)
Cyrax Hara - Kiri

Cyrax releases one of his exploding ball thingys ( cant remember the name ) and before it explodes , Cyrax releases his giant claw , picks it up and puts it back in himself . It then explodes inside him , causing himself to explode .
05/07/2005 09:57 AM (UTC)

Icicle Stabs - Sub-Zero steps back from his opponent and kneels down. He opens his hands and shoots out dozens of sharp icicles that stabs everywhere into his opponents body. His opponent stands still for a few seconds and then begins to freeze all over. Once frozen, his opponent falls down and shatters into pieces.

Face Shatter - Sub-Zero puts his hand over his opponents face and freezes it. He pauses and looks at it for a few seconds, and then puts his hand at the back of his opponents head. He then pushes his opponents head forward, and he/she falls face first into the ground and there face shatters into pieces.

Hari-Kiri - Sub-Zero puts both his hands on his stomache and freezes himself completely. He then falls forward and shatters.


Head Scorch - Scorpion takes off his mask and spits a fire ball at his opponents head. His opponent screams in pain, while constantly hitting there face, trying to put the fire off of them. The fire slowly burns his opponents face up, and after a while we see there charcoaled face. The opponent then falls to the ground and dies.

Spear Rip - Scorpion shoots out his spear at his opponents chest. Once it makes contact, gushes of blood starts to spew out. His opponent screams hysterically as Scorpion pulls on the spear, tugging the opponents torso. After 4 tugs, his opponents upper body rips off and falls to the ground. Scorpion then tugs out his spear and his opponent bleeds to death.

Hari-Kiri - Scorpion takes off his mask and blows fire on his hands. From there the fire slowly starts to cover his whole body, and he burns to death.


Eat N Burn - Reptile leaps onto his opponent and eats his/hers face up. His opponent screams and staggers around for a while. Reptile then backs up and spits out a blob of acid onto him/her, and he/she melts into a puddle.

Head Rip - Reptile goes up to his opponent and bites onto his/hers head. He begins to tug at there head and we hear the sound of his opponents neck cracking. After 2 tugs, the opponents neck starts to rip. Reptile tugs once more and his opponents head rips off into his mouth. Reptile then swallows it and does his pose.

Hari-Kiri - Reptile looks up and spits acid into the air. His acid then comes down and showers on him, melting him into a puddle.


Telekinetic Rip - Ermac puts his hands together and slowly starts to move them apart. While he does this, his opponents body starts to rip in the middle as he/she screams. After a while more of spreading his hands apart, Ermacs opponents rips in half (MK2 Kung Lao hat slice style).

Telekinetic Stretch - Ermac looks at his opponent and slowly lifts to fingers up slowly. As he does this, his opponents neck starts to cut and rip up, as there head begins to rip off. Ermac continues to lift his fingers up, and after a few more seconds his opponents head rips off and falls onto the ground.

Hari-Kiri - Ermac levitates himself high off the ground and then lets himself fall down, making a pool of blood upon impact.


Acid Rain - Rain puts his hand in the air and summons a dark cloud. The dark cloud goes over his opponent and makes a thunder sound, then begins to flash blue. The opponent looks up in confusion, and after a few seconds, a shower of acid rain pours down onto the opponent, burning and melting him/her until he/she is nothing but a skeleton.

Thunder Clouds - Rain summons 6 black clouds which swirls around his opponent. The clouds bring the opponent up in the air and begins to shock him/her on contact. Eletricity can be seen surging all over the opponents body, and sparks start to fly off him/her as blood drips everywhere. After a few seconds, burnt pieces of the opponents body is seen falling from the clouds, as the clouds take off into the sky.

Hari-Kiri - Rain summons a lightning bolt which strikes at his head, exploding it.

Noob Saibot

Black Hole - Noob Saibot puts his hands in the air and a black hole is seen slowly devoloping. After growing big enough, Noob Saibot teleports himself and his opponent into the black hole. Its pitch black, but we can still see Noob Saibot and his opponent. Once in the black hole, the opponents arms, legs, and head starts to stretch and rip off. The opponent is screaming in pain and blood is pouring from the rip wounds. After a few more seconds of stretching, his opponents limbs rip off and he/she dies.

Clone Kill - Noob Saibot forms 5 clones of himself. Him and his clones walk up and surround the opponent, and then pull out scythes. They then hack and slash at the opponent all at once, and once finished, the opponent falls into bloody chucks.

Hari-Kiri - Noob Saibot makes a clone of himself and the clone takes out a scythe and decapitates Noob Saibot. After the decapitation, the clone disapears.


Toxic Smoke - Smoke puts out his hands and a burst of purple-coloured toxic smoke spews out and into his opponents nose. His opponent begins to choke, cough, and vomet, while his/hers face turns pale green. Soon his opponent starts to puke blood, which after a few seconds, turns into chunks of internal organ pieces. After puking 5 streams of internal chuck pieces, the opponents head explodes into tiny pieces.

Smoke Bomb - Smoke puts his hands together and forms a smoke bomb which looks like a dark grey ball and contains hundreds of corrosive chemicals. He then shoots the bomb at the opponents stomache, which goes in. His opponent begins to hold his/hers stomache in pain, and after a few seconds, his opponents upper half body blows up into pieces. Guts and flesh chunks can be seen on the floor, and a huge cloud of black smoke is seen floating above the opponents lower half body, where the upper half used to be.

Hari-Kiri - Smoke lets out smoke of himself until he is nothing left.


Dirty Death - Tremor shoots of a stream of mud onto his opponent. His opponent tries to get all the mud off of himself, but soon hardens into clay. Tremor then walks up to his opponent and kicks him/her, and he/she breaks into pieces.

Rock Avalanche - Tremor puts both his hands up into the air, and huge rock boulders can be seen shooting out and into the air. The shadows of the rock boulders can be seen where the opponents feet are, and he/she looks up. 20 rock boulders then come raining down onto his opponent, and the last one, which is the biggest one, squashes him/her, leaving a bloody mess.

Hari-Kiri - Tremor forms a pool of quicksand on the floor and then walks into it, allowing himself to be sunk.


Water inhalation - Hydro turns himself into liquid and then goes up his opponents nose. Once in his/hers body, Hydro floods his/hers body up, causing him/her to grow fatter and fatter. The opponent starts to choke and gag, and bloody water starts to pour out from his/hers mouth. His opponent starts to grow even fatter, and crack marks can be seen starting to form all over. Blood starts to squirt out from the cracks, and after growing a bit more, his opponent explodes. Internal organs and gut pieces can be seen scattered everywhere on the floor.

Scorching Water - Hydro puts his hands together, facing his opponent. He then shoots out a stream of scorching hot water at his opponent. His opponent begins to scream in pain as the water starts to melt away at his flesh. Smoke, blood, and flesh pieces can be seen flying from the opponents body. The stream of hot water continues to burn away at his opponent until he/she is nothing but a bloody skeleton.

Hari-Kiri - Hydro jumps into the air, and when he lands, he lands with a splash, with water everywhere on the floor, making him nothing more.

Kung Lao

Double Slice - Kung Lao takes off his hat and slices his opponent in half (MK2 style). Before he/she can fall down, he slices him/her again, this time from the other side of his opponent. He/she then falls into 4 pieces.

Torso Slice - Kung Lao takes off his hat and throws it straight at his opponents torso. It cuts his opponents torso off, and he/she begins to scream in pain and blood pours endlessly from the cut. Kung Lao goes and gets his hat which is near his opponent, and as his opponent tries to crawl away, he throws his hat at his/her face, making the hat stick right in the middle. Blood pours from there face and he/she dies.

Hari-Kiri - Kung Lao throws his hat straight forward and it comes back towards him, cutting his head off.

Bo Rai Cho

Lower Rip - Bo Rai Cho pushes his opponent down and walks onto there chest. When there, he turns around (still on there chest) and faces his opponents legs. He grabs there legs upwards and begins to pull on it. As he pulls, his opponents lower half begins to tear and rip, with blood gushing out from the ripping wound. His opponent screams in pain and with one big pull, Bo Rai Cho rips off his/hers lower body off. Bo Rai Cho then throws his opponents lower body to the ground, and notices his opponent bleeeding from the torso. He takes a few steps up to him/her and then does a belly pound on his/hers remaining upper body. Upon impact, a pool of blood is seen right behind his opponents torso, on the ground. Bo Rai Cho gets up and we see his opponents arms broken off and there head cracked up.

Bottle Smash - Bo Rai Cho takes out his bottle of alcohol and smashes it over his opponents head. He/she starts to bleed from there head, and with the other end of the bottle (the sharp broken part), Bo Rai Cho starts to stab up his opponent in the stomache and chest area. He does this 10 times and large amounts of blood can be seen pouring out from his opponents stomache. After the 10th stab, Bo Rai Cho decides to stab his opponent one more time, only this time in there face. With one big swing, he stabs his opponent in there face and the beer bottle sticks in. His opponent falls to the ground dying, and there blood pours out from the bottles tube.

Hari-Kiri - Bo Rai Cho smashes his alcohol bottle on the ground, and with the sharp end he sticks it in his neck, making him choke and bleed to death.

Liu Kang

Mega Kick - Liu Kang wiggles one of his legs around, warming it up for a hard kick to his opponents chest. With one fast and hard kick, he kicks at his opponents chest area. When he does this, his foot ends up getting stuck in his opponents chest, into there heart. Liu Kangs tugs at his leg 3 times, trying to get it out but not succeeding. With one last tug, he manages to get his foot out, but at the end of his foot is his opponents heart. Liu Kangs opponent drops dead and then Liu Kang kicks his foot in the air to get the heart off. The heart falls to the ground and Liu Kang walks up to it and steps on it, squashing it.

Dragons Fire - Liu Kang transforms into a dragon and looks down at his opponent. He then breathes out a stream of fire at him/her, causing him/her to scream and run around in pain. Liu Kang lets his opponent burn for a while, and when his opponent runs by him, he chomps at there head, ripping it off and eating it. His headless burnt opponent then falls to the ground.

Hari-Kiri - Liu Kang twists his neck, breaking it.

Johnny Cage

Knee Smash - Johnny Cage grabs his opponent by the head, brings him/her down to his knee and knee's him/her in the face 5 times. After the 5th time, he shows his opponents face to the screen, and we see blood running down there eyes, nose, and mouth. Johnny Cage then gets ready for one more knee smash, and he brings his opponents face down towards his knee again. With one more smash, his opponents head breaks into pieces. Brain and flesh pieces can be seen on the ground.

Super Kick - Johnny Cage steps back from his opponent and then does his famous shadow kick. Only this time when he does it, it knocks off his opponents torso. Johnny Cage looks at his suffering opponent, then walks up to him/her and grabs there head, holding it up. With one fast twist, he breaks there neck, killing his opponent.

Hari-Kiri - Johnny Cage pulls out one of his nunchucks and puts it around his neck. He then pulls on the ends, causing the rope/chain to choke him to death. He staggers around for a few seconds and then falls down dead.


Eletric Staff - Raiden holds his staff in the air and a lightning bold strikes it, causing it to glow a hot orange. He then sticks his staff into his opponents forehead, and eletricity begins to go through, shocking his opponents head. Blood starts to pour out from his opponents ears and nose, and after a few more seconds we see his opponent starting to spew out spit, while showing his/hers skeleton now and then. Raiden opponent's face starts to go black and burnt, and after 7 more seconds, his/hers face explodes.

Shocking Punch - Raiden clenches a fist and we see his hand glowing white with hundrends of volts surging around it. He then stops powering up, and punches his opponent in his/hers heart. His hand goes into there heart and dozens of volts can be seen surging through his opponent, shocking and burning him/her. Sparks and flesh pieces can be seen shooting out from all over his opponent's body. More and more eletricity surges through his opponent, and his opponent's body soon starts to lose all there flesh until he/she is nothing but a burnt skeleton.

Hari-Kiri - Raiden powers himself up with his own eletricity. He does this too much, causing his body to expode from the heat.


Razor Winds - Fujin puts his hands in the air and powerful gusts of wind go into it. He then puts his hands towards his opponent and powerful blasts of wind shoot out and at his opponent. The winds are so powerful that they begin tearing flesh off his opponent. Blood and skin pieces can be seen flying from the opponent. The winds contine to rip off flesh from the opponent until he/she is nothing but a bloody skeleton (this fatality looks like Sindels scream fatality, except longer).

Hurricane - Fujin forms a hurricane infront of his opponent. The hurricane sucks his opponent in and starts to spin around faster and faster, causing him/her to spin around non-stop. We slowly see the hurricane starting to turn red from all the opponents blood, which he/she lost from the powerful winds of the hurricane. The opponents flesh and blood soon start to shoot out from the hurricane, landing everywhere around the ground. As the hurricane spins faster, it also gets more and more red until it forms into a liquid, making it a hurricane made out of blood. After a few seconds, the opponents arms and legs fly out of the hurricane and onto the ground. The hurricane continues to spin for a few more seconds and then dies down to a pool of blood.

Hari-Kiri - Fujin fills himself up with wind until he gets fatter and fatter. After a while, he blows up into pieces.


Telekinetic Sword - Kenshi pulls out his sword and controls it with his mind. He first controls it to cut off his opponent's left arm and then his/hers right. His opponent screams in pain as blood pours out from the arm wounds. Kenshi then controls his sword to cut off his opponent's left leg and then there right. His opponent falls to the ground, landing on there back. Kenshi pauses his sword for a second and then, using his mind, lifts his opponent into the air. With his opponent in the air, he now controls his sword to stab through his opponent's stomache numerous times. After 20 fast stabs, he brings his sword back to him, and his opponent falls down onto the ground, forming a pool of blood when he/she hits.

Sword Of Death - Kenshi takes out his sword and controls it to stay on the ground, with the point facing up into the air. He then slowly lifts his hand into the air, making his opponent lift when he does this. Kenshi then telekinetically stams his opponent onto his sword, piercing his/hers body with each slam. He does this fast numerous times, and lots of blood can be seen dripping from his opponent's stab wounds. After 12 slams onto the sword, Kenshi gets ready to slam his opponent once more, only this time he turns his opponent upside down in the air so he/she's head is facing the sword. He slams his opponent onto the sword, and the sword stabs into there head and sticks into it. After impact, the opponent falls over with the sword stuck in his/hers head.

Hari-Kiri - Kenshi controls his sword to decapitate himself.


Slice Open - Cyrax's chest opens to reveal his slicer. His slicer comes out spinning, and he makes puts it right aboove his opponents head, getting ready to cut. He then slowly brings it down, cutting his opponent in half at a slow pace. His opponent screams in agony and gushes of blood pitches everywhere onto Cyrax and his slicer. After 10 seconds, his opponent is cut in half, and Cyrax's slicer returns into his chest.

Laser Net - Cyrax opens his chest and shoots out his net at his opponent, only this net is made with laser. The net looks like his net in MK3, only it's more squared with lots of squares on it. The net goes through his opponent, and theres a brief pause. His opponent then falls down into tiny pieces (resident evil movie style).

Hari-Kiri - Cyrax programs himself to selfdestruct. After 10 seconds he blows up into pieces.


Werewolf transformation - Nightwolf transforms into a huge werewolf and pounces onto his opponent. Nightwolf then starts to maul and at his opponent. Blood and flesh starts to fly everywhere as the opponent screams in horror. After a while, Nightwolf becomes normal again and all we see is a pile of bloody bones, which are disfigured.

Target Practice - Nightwolf shoots out an arrow at his opponent and it hits him/her in there left eye. The arrow sticks in there eye as blood pours out from the wound. Nightwolf shoots another arrow, aiming for his opponent's right eye. His opponent screams in pain, putting his/hers arms out, trying to figure out where they are. Nightwolf then pulls out 3 arrows and shoots them all at once at his opponent, aiming for there stomache. The 3 arrows lodge into his opponent and he/she bends over in pain, holding his/hers stomache as blood drips from it. Nightwolf lets his opponent suffer for a few seconds and then pulls out his last arrow which is the longest one. He aims for his opponents forehead and shoots the arrow. The force of the arrow is so powerful that it not only sticks in the opponent head, it also knocks it off. The opponent's headless body falls to the ground and bleeds from the neck.

Hari-Kiri - Nightwolf pulls out an arrow and sticks it into his heart, causing him to bleed from the wound and die.


Club Beat - Stryker takes out his club and starts to beat his opponent senselessly with lots of force. He takes powerful swings at both his opponent's stomache and head. With each hard blow, big drips of blood pour out from where the opponent was hit. After 20 strong hits, Stryker lets his opponent stagger around for a bit, bleeding non-stop from there face and stomache. Stryker then swings once more at his opponent head, this time knocking there head off.

Grenade Launcher - Stryker pulls out a grenade launcher and blasts a grenade at his opponent. Upon impact, the grenade causes a huge explosion, causing his opponent to blow up into hundrends of tiny pieces. Blood and burnt flesh can be seen everywhere on the ground.

Hari-Kiri - Stryker pulls out a loaded 9mm and shoots himself in the head.


Arm Rip N Smash - Jax walks up to his opponent and rips off both there arms. He lets his opponent bleed for a while and then puts there arms apart, still holding them. He then smashes his opponents arms together, with his opponent's head in the middle. The force of the smash from the opponent's arms causes the opponent's head to burst into pieces (like Jax's head clap fatality in MK2).

Face Stomp - Jax pushes his opponent down to the ground and starts to stomp away at there face. With each stomp, a bigger pool of blood forms from behind his opponent's head. After 5 stomps, Jax stomps one more time, this time squashing his opponent's head flat.

Hari-Kiri - Jax pulls out an AK-47 and shoots himself in the stomache, causing him to bleed to death.


Brain Squeeze - Shujinko puts his hands on each side of his opponent's head. He then begins squeezing there head and his opponent starts to scream in pain. Blood starts to drip from his opponents eyes and nose, as he/she's eyes begin to slowly come out of there eye socket. Shujinko continues to squeeze, and a few seconds later his opponent's eyes pop out with streams of blood leaking from the holes. His opponent continues to scream and as Shujinko keeps on squeezing, blood and brain pieces start to spew out from his opponent's head. Shujinko then squeezes as hard as he can, and when he does this, his opponent's head gets squashed. There headless body falls to the ground.

Extreme Kicks - Shujinko starts to throw fast kicks at his opponent, hitting him/her in there stomache and face. He kicks his opponent 20 times and then gets ready for his final kick. He steps back 3 times away from his opponent and does a roundhouse kick at there torso. The kick is so powerful that it cuts off his opponents torso, causing he/she to fall to the ground, constantly bleeding. Shujinko decides to put his opponent out of there misery, so he steps back, runs up to there upper half body and jumps on it, making a pool of blood gush out from the body.

Hari-Kiri - Shujinko puts his hands on both sides of his head and squeezes as hard as he can. With a crushing sound, Shujinko breaks his skull and falls down.


Slice Into Pieces - Baraka extends his blades and walks up to his opponent. He then starts to slash away at there body as hard and fast as he can. The slashes are so fast that you can't notice the cut marks on his opponent yet. Baraka slashes away at his opponent for 10 seconds and then stops. He then walks right behind his opponent, facing his back. He slowly turns his head towards his opponent and smirks, and that's when we notice the slice marks everywhere on his opponent. After a few seconds, Baraka's opponent falls into tiny pieces.

Eyeless - Baraka walks up to his opponent and puts stretches his arm forward, towards his opponents face, right infront of him/her. Baraka's left knuckle is infront of his opponent's left eye, and his right knuckle infront of there right. His opponent shakes in fear, not knowing what's about to happen, and Baraka extends his blades, which both go through his opponent's eyes. His opponent screams in agony as blood drips from Baraka's blades and his opponent's eyes. After a few seconds, Baraka pulls his blades back in, with his opponent's eyes both stuck on the blade. His eyeless opponent stands, bleeding non-stop from there eye sockets. After a few more seconds, his opponent falls down and dies from loss of blood.

Hari-Kiri - Baraka extends one of his blades and slits his throat.


Fly Attack - Drahmin spreads his arms out as hundreds of flies swarm him from being attracted to his foul smell. After the flies get around him, he then points his iron club at his opponent, giving the flies the signal to attack him/her. The dozens of flies swarm all over Drahmins opponent, eating away at his/hers body. The opponent coughs and waves his/hers hand around, trying to get all the flies off. The flies continue to eat at the opponent until he/she is nothing but a bloody skeleton.

Brain Eat - Drahmin walks up to his opponent and wacks him/her over the head with his iron club. His opponent falls down all dizzy, and Drahmin picks him/her up with his arm. He then begins to eat the top of his opponent's head as his opponent screams in agony. Blood and flesh pieces start to pour out from the opponent's head as he/she starts to hit at Drahmin, trying to get him to stop.Drahmin continues to eat away at his opponent's head while his face digs deeper and deeper into his opponent, getting close to there brain. The opponent continues to scream, and after a few seconds, Drahmin bites there brain, tugging at it, trying to rip it out. After 4 tugs, Drahmin rips it out with his mouth and eats it.

Hari-Kiri - With his normal hand, Drahmin removes his iron club, revealing his right hand. With both his hands, we grips his iron club and throws it into the air with lots of force. His iron club spins around while in the air, and as it comes down it crashes onto Drahmins head, shattering it into pieces.


Eye Rip - Havik walks up to his opponent and sticks 2 fingers in both his opponent's eyes. Once his fingers are in, he squeezes them, making blood squirt out. With one big pull, he rips out his opponent's eyes and he/she falls to the ground bleeding to death from his/hers eye sockets. Havik throws his opponent's eyes on the ground and does his victory pose.

Intestine Strangle - Havik sticks both his hands into his opponent's stomache and pulls at there intestines with strong force. After 3 pulls, he manages to get it out. His opponent screams in pain as blood and guts shoot out from there stomache. Havik then walks behind his opponent with there bloody intestines and wraps it around there neck. He then starts to pull on both ends of the intestines, slowly strangling his opponent. Havik pulls harder and harder, and as he does, his opponent starts to cough up blood. Havik keeps on pulling, and after a while, the opponent chokes to death with a broken neck.

Hari-Kiri - Havik punches himself in the stomache with enough force that his knuckle gets stuck inside. He pulls out his knuckle and then bleeds to death.


Satanic Possession - With his satanic powers, Baphomet makes a long machete appear in his hands. He then throws the machete right infront of his opponents feet. Baphomet's eyes then starts to glow orange as he glares into his opponents eyes. We then see his opponent's eyes glow orange, meaning his opponent is now possessed and Baphomet has he/she under his control. With his mind, Baphomet makes his opponent pick up the weapon and controls him/her to stab themself gruesomely. We then see the opponent stabbing themself in there stomache numberous times. Blood and guts start to pour out from his opponents stomache as Baphomet watches and grins. Baphomet then controls his opponent to chop off there left hand, and he/she bleeds continuously. For the final blow, Baphomet controls his opponent to stick the machete in there face. His opponent does it and falls to the ground with blood pouring out from his/hers face.

Hooks From Hell - Baphomet opens a portal to the netherealm, right under his opponents legs. Right when he does this, 2 hands made of magma reach out and grab the opponents legs. He/she screams in pain and the magma burns his/hers flesh. The magma hands try to pull the opponent down, but the opponent struggles and still keeps up a bit. 2 hooks then fly out from the netherealm portal and hooks the opponent in the palm of there hands. He/she still struggles to keep out of the portal and 2 more hooks fly out, hooking he/she in both there rib cages. Baphomet's opponent screams in pain as 2 more hooks fly out and hooks his opponent at the back of there shoulders. The opponent continues to struggle while bleeding and screaming, and one more hook, which is the largest, flies out of the portal and hooks the opponent at the back of there head. The magma hand then lets go of the opponent's leg and touches the hook that connects to the opponent's head. When the magma touches the hook, the hook automatically catches on fire. The fire leads to the opponent's head, and from there the fire spreads all over the opponent's body, burning him/her alive. Baphomet's opponent burns for 10 seconds and then the hooks pulls he/she down to the netherealm, and we hear there last painful screams as we hear the evil laughter of the demons inside.

Hari-Kiri - Baphomet teleports himself to the netherealm where he burns for eternity.


Demon Morph - Shinnok transforms into a giant demon. He grabs his opponent, lifts him/her up and slams him/her down on the ground 5 times, leaving a pool of blood when his opponent hits. After the 5th slam, Shinnok then lifts his foot up and steps on his opponent, squashing him/her into a giant pool of blood.

Power Of The Amulet - Shinnok's amulet starts to glow a bright green. He holds the amulet in the air, and the power of the amulet causes his opponent's body to slowly grow fatter and fatter. After growing fat enough, Shinnok's opponent explodes into pieces with guts, blood, and flesh everywhere on the arena.

Hari-Kiri - Shinnok turns his amulet facing himself, and the power of the amulet causes his head to blow up.

Quan Chi

Leg Decapitation - Quan Chi rips off his opponent's leg. His opponent starts to bleed from the rip wound while hopping on 1 leg. Quan Chi then the leg at his opponent's head, decapitating him/her.

Green Skulls - Quan Chi forms 3 of his green skull projectiles in his hands and super sizes them so there 3 times as big. He then shoots them at his opponent, and as the skulls hit his opponent they eat away at his flesh as they go. The skulls keep on chewing away at the opponent until he/she is nothing left.

Hari-Kiri - Quan Chi shoots 20 green skull projectiles into the air and while there in the air they form together, making a wall. The wall of green skulls fall ontop of Quan Chi, squashing him.

Shang Tsung

Fire Snakes - Shang Tsung creates 3 fire snakes (like the same one he created in the MKD intro). One of the fire snakes wraps around the opponent, squeezing and burning them. The opponent screams in pain as the other 2 fire snakes spit fire on him/her. After the other 2 snakes finish spitting 6 fire balls each on Shang Tsung's opponent, all 3 of the fire snakes get ready to charge down onto the opponent. After a few seconds all 3 of them louge down onto the opponent, and after all the fire and smoke clears, we just see the opponent's burnt skeleton.

No Existence - Shang Tsung goes up to his opponent, lifts him/her up and steals there soul. But instead of keeping his opponent's soul, he brings him/her out from his hand, and his opponent's soul stands right beside there dead body. Shang Tsung then brings out 2 other souls from his hand, those souls being demon souls. The demon souls surround the opponent and beats him/her to death with there spiked clubs. The opponent's soul falls to the ground bleeding to death, and then dissapears into nothingness, not existing anymore.

Hari-Kiri - Shang Tsung releases all the souls from his body. He then transforms back into an old man, and gets a heart attack from being too old. He holds his stomache for 10 seconds and then falls down dead.

Shao Kahn

War Hammer Wrath - Shao Kahn kicks his opponent to the ground and then takes out his war hammer. He starts to smash his opponent's stomache with his war hammer, forming pools of blood on the ground, behind the opponent's back. After 5 smashes, he then swings at his opponent's face, crushing it into pieces.

Brute Force - Shao Kahn knocks his opponent down to the ground and grabs him/her by there legs. He brings his opponent's legs upwards so his opponent is still laying on there back. Shao Kahn pulls on the opponent's right leg with his right hand, and pushes his opponent's left leg with his left arm, causing there left leg to stretch back and there right leg to stretch forward towards Shao Kahn. The opponent screams in pain as he/she starts to rip in half. With one big stretch, Shao Kahn rips his opponent in half and holds the 2 pieces in the air.

Hari-Kiri - Shao Kahn takes out his war hammer and smashes his head with it, breaking his head into pieces.


Rip Apart - Goro lifts his opponent up by there arms with his upper arms, and grabs there legs with his lower arms. Goro then starts to stretch his opponent's arms with his upper arms, and his opponent's legs with his lower arms at the same time. His opponent screams in pain and after a few seconds, there arms and legs gets ripped out. Goro's opponent falls to the ground bleeding and squirming. Goro lets his opponent bleed and suffer for a bit before finally putting an end to him/her. He steps up to his opponent and steps on there face, crushing it. He then rubs his foot on his opponent's crushed face, causing there brain to smudge and make a bigger mess on the ground.

Slam To Death - With all 4 arms, Goro lifts his opponent up into the air and slams him/her on the ground with tremendous force. He does this 5 times, making a bigger pool of blood on the ground each time the opponent hits. Goro then lifts his opponent up one more time, starring at him/her in the eyes. With one last slam, he shatters his opponent's body into pieces.

Hari-Kiri - With his lower arms, Goro rips off his upper arms. He then staggers around for 10 seconds, slowly bleeding to death.


Hooksword Rip - Kabal sticks his left hooksword in his opponent's left eye and his right in his opponent's right eye. He then stretches his hookswords apart, causing his opponent's face to rip in half.

Kidney Removal - Kabal sticks his hookswords into his opponent's torso and pulls them back out, ripping out there kidney's. His opponent screams and bleeds, then falls to the ground.

Hari-Kiri - Kabal removes his respirator, choking to death.


Tongue Rip - Kano reaches into his opponent's mouth and rips out there tongue. His opponent starts to gush out blood from his/hers mouth but soon starts to gush out too much. The blood stream gets bigger and bigger, forcing the opponent to close there mouth. Lots of blood then starts to flood up the opponent's mouth making him/her choke to death.

Psychotic Murder - Kano pulls out his butterfly knife and stabs his opponent 3 times in the stomache with it. His opponent falls flat to there stomache and Kano kneels down near him/her. He then starts to brutally stab his opponent in the stomache 12 times. The camera zooms in on the stabbing so we get a close view of the knife puncturing the opponent's stomache. After Kano stabs his opponent up, he then finishes him/her off by cutting there throat. The opponent then dies from choking and loss of blood.

Hari-Kiri - Kano rips out his own Heart.


Rib Cage Rip - Mavado lifts his left leg up and spikes come springing out from the bottom of his shoe. He then lifts his right leg up and spikes spring out from his right shoe. Mavado walks up to his opponent and pushes him/her down to the ground. He then jumps on there chest, making him/her scream as the spikes sink into his opponent. After a while, Mavado tries to lift up his left leg from his opponent's chest but the spikes wouldn't come out. After 3 tugs, he manages to lift his shoe out and the opponent's left rib cage also comes ripping out, sticking onto the spikes. The opponent screams in agony as blood pitches into the air. Mavado then lifts his right shoe from his opponent's chest and his opponent's right rib cage gets ripped out upon removal. Mavado jumps and stomps both his feed on the ground, breaking his opponent's rib cages.

Kick Of Death - Mavado kicks his opponent upwards straight in the chin, knocking there head off into the air. As the opponent's head comes falling down, Mavado does a roundhouse kick with perfect timing, breaking his opponent's head in half. There headless body falls to the ground and Mavado does his victory pose.

Hari-Kiri - Mavado takes out one his shoes with spikes being on the botton. He then smashes his face straight into the spikes, killing himself.


Burning Desire - Sektor's chest opens, revealing a flamethrower. A stream of fire shoots out and onto the opponent, spreading everywhere on him/her. Sektor's opponent runs around screaming while there flesh slowly burns, and after a few seconds Sektor decides to put his opponent in even more pain and misery. Another part of Sektor's chest opens and a taser wire shoots out and sticks into the opponent's forehead. Thousands of volts surges through the wire, causing sparks and fire to fly off from the opponent's body. The opponent screams in agony as he/she is burning and getting eletricuted at the same time. More and more volts go through the wire and into the opponent, soon making there body burnt to a crisp everywhere. After a few more seconds, Sektor's opponent explodes into pieces. The dozens of little burnt pieces fall to the ground with fire still burning on it. Sektors chest closes and he does his victory pose.

Gatling Gun - Sektor puts both his arms straight forward, pointing towards his opponent. Both his knuckles then transforms, revealing 2 gatling guns at the end of his arms. Both of the guns start to fire at his opponent's stomache area, and his opponent screams as blood spills down the bullet wounds. Bullets can be seen hitting the ground after going through the opponent's back. After 10 seconds of firing, Sektor's opponent still stands bleeding from every part of there body. Sektor's arms then transforms into normal again and his head opens, revealing a huge missile. The missile shoots out and hits the opponent's head, but the blast is so powerful that it blows the opponent up into dust.

Hari-Kiri - Sektor shoots out a homing missile which goes up into the air and then comes down on Sektor's head, blowing it up.


Living Hair - Sindel wraps her hair around her opponent's leg and swings them around with it, constantly slaming him/her on the ground. After slaming her opponent around the arena 5 times, she slams her opponent once more, breaking him/her into pieces. Blood pools can be seen everywhere on the ground where the opponent was slamed.

Levitating Scream - Sindel levitates into the air and screams downwards onto her opponent. The sound waves can be seen hitting her opponent, and as it does the opponent's flesh starts to feel off and fall onto the ground. Her opponent covers his/hers ears, going insane from the voice being so loud. More and more flesh continues to fall off the opponent until he/she is nothing but a bloody skeleton.

Hari-Kiri - Sindel ties her hair tight around her neck so she chokes to death.


Fan Of The Fan - Kitana throws her opponent into the air and does her fan spin move while her opponent comes falling down. Her opponent falls down onto Kitana's spinning fan and gets sliced into pieces.

Rotten Kiss - Kitana kisses her opponent, and her opponent begins to cough and puke out blood in sickness. After puking 5 streams of blood, her opponent starts to rot alive. We notice the opponent's skin turning grey with green spots everywhere, and he/she screams, fighting for their life. After her opponent's body turns fully grey, hundreds of maggots pop out from her opponent's skin and starts to eat them alive. Kitana's opponent screams in agony as him/her gets eaten to the bone.

Hari-Kiri - Kitana pulls out her fan and decapitates herself.


Stabbed To Death - Mileena takes out her sais and starts to stab her opponent repeately in the stomache. After 30 fast stabs, Mileena then sticks her sais in her opponent's eyes. Her opponent falls to the ground bleeding to death with the sais lodged into there eyes.

Nothing But Dust - Mileena sucks her opponent in (like MK2), but instead of bones being spitted out, it's nothing except her opponent's dust.

Hari-Kiri - Mileena stabs her neck with her sais, causing her to choke to death.


Blood Drain - Nitara bites her opponent on there neck, sinking her teeth deep into her opponent. He then slowly begins to suck her opponent's blood and we see her opponent turning skinner and skinner by the second. Nitara keeps on sucking her opponent's blood until her opponent is skinny as a skeleton (still having skin on though). Nitara then stops, and her opponent falls down and breaks into pieces.

Bat Attack - Nitara dissapears into a ton of bats which fly towards her opponent and starts to eat them alive. Her opponent screams in pain, trying to hit the bats off while blood drips off the bite wounds. The bats keep on eating the opponent until he/she is nothing but a skeleton. The bats then all form together, back into Nitara.

Hari-Kiri - Nitara takes out one of her Kama's and smashes it into her head.


Energy Absorption - Khameleon walks up to her opponent and places her hand on there chest. Khameleon's hand starts to glow various colours and her opponent's energy starts to get drained. He opponent slowly turns white, with there face turning more and more pale by the second. Khameleon continues to absorb her opponent's energy until he/she is pure white from losing so much energy. Khameleon then stops absorbing her opponent's energy, and her opponent stands still, not being able to move from being so weak. With one kick, Khameleon's opponent crumbles into pieces.

Poisonous Saliva - Khameleon spits out a stream of poison from her mouth, and the poison hits her opponent in the face. Her opponent wipes off the poison, thinking nothing will happen. Suddely, Khameleon's opponent starts to puke out blood and guts as he/she's skin turns blue. The opponent bends over holding there stomache in sickness while blood drips from there nose and eyes. After a few seconds her opponent's eyes pop out and he/she starts to puke out larger streams of blood. After 7 more seconds, Khameleon's opponent falls down and dies from loss of blood.

Hari-Kiri - Khameleon bites herself, poisoning her body. She starts to puke blood and turn pale, and after puking out too much blood she falls and dies.
05/07/2005 10:37 AM (UTC)
wow wow wow

Scorpion Fatality ( called heart problems )

Scorpion does three backward flips . As soon as he lands on his third flip , he shoots his spear directly into his opponents heart , then ripping it out . He then removes his mask and breathes fire on the heart and puts it back into the still alive opponent . Soon , the whole of the opponents body catches alight and they collapse .

Scorpion Hara - Kiri ( called hole in the head )

Scorpion kneels down and shoots his spear up into the air . When it comes back down he catches it in his head , leaving blood and gore everywhere .

Havik Fatality ( called snack time )

Havik goes up to his opponent and rips off their head . While the body of the opponent is wobbling around like a headless chicken , Havik eats the head and kicks over the opponent .
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
05/07/2005 10:52 AM (UTC)
Dark_No0B Wrote: A kick ass post!

Awesome work, bro! I know you haven't played MKD, so you'll be surprised by how many of your ideas have already been used.

Sub-Zeros Hara Kiri is the same as the one he has more or less.

Ermacs Telekinetic Rip belongs to Kenshi only it's done in the air.

Cage had the Super Kick Fatality minus the head snap on MK Trilogy.

Fujins Hara Kira seems just like Bo Rai Chos on MKD.

I had the exact same idea for Stykers Fatality! Lol!

Shujinkos Brain Squeeze Fatality and Hara Kiri is Darrius' Hara Kiri.

Barakas Slice into Pieces Fatality is similar to the one he already has in MKD. His Hara Kiri is the same only his head falls off.

Quans Leg decapitation belongs to Havik in MKD. I had a simialr idea for the skulls Fatality. That's two we've shared! Lol!

Goros Slam to Death Fatality belongs to Hotaru. Only Hotaru slams with their leg.

Kobra has Kanos Heart Rip Hara Kiri.

Mileena Stabbed to Death Fatality is her MK2 Fatality minus the eye stab.

Awesome work overall! wink
05/07/2005 10:59 AM (UTC)
Hey T ! Why don't you post some ideas ?
05/07/2005 07:12 PM (UTC)
Reptile - O.D. (Fatality) He bits his opponet all over his or her's body injecting posin into there system.

Sub Zero - Knock Out (Fatality) He freezes his opponets body form the waist down. He then freezes his hands and wrists he then punches them into there is nothign left.

Nightwolf - Bad Night (Hara Kiri) Nightwolf turns his energy bow on himself

Scorpion - Slipknot (Fatality) He sends his spear and it creates a noose and he jumps to the rafters and lets his opponet hang and sufficates
05/09/2005 10:19 AM (UTC)
Thanks for the feedback Tgrant, It suprises me to know that some of my ideas were actual fatalities in MKD. I've definately gotta check out the MKD fatalities sometime. Also, it's good to know that some of our fatality ideas are alike bro.wink

Props to everyone else's fatality ideas in this thread. Alot of your ideas are awesome. Keep em coming.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

05/09/2005 09:30 PM (UTC)

face rip= havik circles his woozy opponent....he kicks the back of their leg causing them to fall to both knees.....havik grabs hold of their face and begins to stretch(picture quan chi's neck stretch but nowhere near as rediculous) finally the flesh gives way and the face is ripped off**blood splashes everywhere** havik poses still holding his victoms face


untitled= scorpion stands a distance away from his opponent....he shoots his spear which wraps once around the victoms torso and then shoots over and sticks into an arena wall.....slowly scorpion starts pulling at the spear.....the victom begins to scream...but their screams start to die down due to can see the rope begin to dig in to the torso....then finally scorpion makes one final pull and the body is ripped in half.....the top half of the torso slowly crawls backwards(think sub zero's fatal from mkd) scorpion rips of his mask and performs a toasty on the victom... victory pose
05/10/2005 11:13 AM (UTC)
Dark_No0B Wrote:

Props to everyone else's fatality ideas in this thread. Alot of your ideas are awesome. Keep em coming.

Yeah , some kick ass ideas here . Let's see some more !
05/10/2005 11:27 PM (UTC)
Here are the fatalities I came up with for Sareena. I posted them in my MK7 Sareena thread. Doesnt seem like many people have read it so thought I'd post them here too.


Fatality 1: Aural Distortion.
Sareena stands midscreen and chants an incantation. A browny/yellow aura appears around the enemy. Using her powers, Sareena distorts the aura and therefore the foe, breaking there arms and legs. She then does a backflip kick and breaks her foes neck.

Fatality 2: Backbreaker.
Sareena approaches her opponent and does a spinning punch to the face. She then kicks her opponent’s abdomen, making them fall onto their knees. She then walks behind them, puts one foot on their back, pulls their arms backward, and pushes on their back with one foot, snapping their spine. Sareena’s foe screams in agony until the back breaks.

Weapon Fatality: Kia and Jataakas Revenge.
Sareena throws one of her razor rings and slashes her opponent’s stomach, as the fall onto their knees; she launches the other, decapitating them. (Reasons why it's called Kia and Jataaka's revenge is explained in my thread).

Hara-Kiri: Aura Release.
Sareena jumps away from her foe, raises her hands into the air while she chants a spell. In an instant, Sareena’s human form becomes a blob leaving a brown/yellow cloud, which vanished in a flash of light. The remains of her human form are left at the battle scene.

Also, well done Dark_Noob. I liked ur ideas. An idea I had for a Kiss Fatality for Kitana was also that they disintegrated/rotted. Nice that others think along the same lines.

Hara-Kiri for Kitana:
Kitana drinks a small potion and either poisons herself or makes herself disintegrate.
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

05/11/2005 01:47 AM (UTC)
Classic (older) Sub-Zero's Fatality:

Brain Freeze:

He puts his hands on each cheek of his opponents head, then concentrates his kori powers on their head until it freezes up deeply, then he lets the opponent's head go and he steps aside as the opponent falls forward face first to the ground. The head shatters completely in a bluddy and icy mess.

Rain's Fatality:

Deadly Storm:

He raises his arm and a storm cloud comes down. It suddenly begins to storm. At first it starts raining heavily, then it begans to hail severly damaging the opponent, after that it starts to lightning and it strikes the opponent several times, finally when the storm ends the opponent looks a little greyish and 1 or 2 seconds later the opponents body dismantals (while he/she is standing) into a giant pile of burned ashes from his/her body parts.
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Geez, I've been a member since MKDA was just a pic of Scorpion and Jax looking at each other and I have less than 2,000 visits. I should really log in more...

05/11/2005 02:48 AM (UTC)

Ermac approaches his opponent then raises their left arm using his telekinetic power and rips it off, sending it into the air. He then rips off the right arm the same way. The opponent staggers around a bit until Ermac uses his power to rip their head off, then upper torso, then lower torso, followed by the legs. Ermac turns his back and walks away, a couple seconds later the opponent's body parts fall back to the ground neatly arranged so that it looks like the parts are assembled back together, but each piece is about half a foot apart. (Kind of hard to describe the scene, I'm sure you all get it.)


Sub-Zero freezes his opponent's feet. The opponent tries to get their feet free by taking a step but their feet break off and they land on their stubbed legs and hobble around screaming. Sub-Zero forms a stalagmite(sp?) behind the opponent, then performs a groundfreeze. The opponent slips on the groundfreeze and falls on the spike, driving it into the back of their head.


Kobra delivers punches to the opponent's body. Each punch forces Kobra's fists through the opponent's torso leaving gaping holes in them. Kobra steps back and the opponent coughs up blood, falls to their knees, and then face first into the ground.
05/11/2005 03:04 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero - Sub-Zero throws a strong punch that rips through the opponents torso and pierces into the opponent's stomach the opponent grabs Sub-Zero's arm inside them and his/her eyes widen in horror. Sub-Zero then rams his other fist into the opponent's chest and blood spurts out of the opponent's mouth complete with a gurgle sound. Sub-Zero then releases his kori energy into the oppnent's insides and the opponent slowly freezes and as they freeze you hear the opponent's voice freeze up aswell. Sub-Zero then rips out the opponent's frozen heart and tosses it at the opponent with great force. The opponent's frozen body cracks and in a matter of seconds slowly crumbles into frozen chunks of his/ her former self.

Ermac - Ermac Telepathically lifts the opponent in the air and watches him/her struggle to break free of Ermac's hold. Ermac then waves his arms in the air and then moves his hands as if he is twisting something. The opponent begins to scream as his torso begins to twist and you hear the opponent's bones crunching inside his/her body. Ermac keeps twisting his hands untill the opponent's body is ripped in two. But the opponent's body is still in the air and the gap in the opponents torso leaves his/her internal organs to spill out and plop to the floor. Ermac then telepathically pushes his hands out and the opponents upper and lower body fly across the stage apart from each other.

About Me

"Well, you look good at bat today, but it's easy to look good when you have a 85 year old man throwing you meatballs"-THESE ARE THE WORDS OF JIMMY SHORTS from MLB Slugfest Loaded

05/13/2005 08:04 PM (UTC)
I thought of something cool

Johnny Cage: Fatality 1 Brain Smasher:
Johnny does his MKDA fatality except steps on the brain.
Fatality 2 No Head or Body
Johnny decaps the oppenet and does his shadow kick that he stab the victim and moves his foot left and right to cut through the victim.

Pages: 6
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