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art by fear-sAs
05/13/2005 10:22 PM (UTC)
Missile Storm:
Sektor takes a step back and kneels back on one knee, shooting two spikes into the ground for stability. His chest opens up revealing a Tomahawk 10 missile battery. It moves forward out of his chest and points into the sky. During this time, his shoulders dislocate revealing two more additional dual missile batteries, also pointing into the sky. Suddenley, the missile fire off all at once in a vibrant display of fire works. A lock on signal is heard and the missiles come back down onto the opponent like rain, blowing him to pieces as a total of 14 rockets make contact. Sektor releases the leg spikes and stands up, as his chest and arms slide back into place, a coolant is released causing a steaming effect to pour out of his body.

Tesla Lash:
Sektor has adopted the tesla cable as his main weapon of choice. With it's sharp snap and long reach, coupled with the insanely high voltage being pumped throught it, courtesy of Sektor's own energy core, it's easy to see why. The fatality begins when Sektor extracts it from his hand (think Venom style) and strikes it against the ground, causing it to surge with energy. He begins to spin the cable over his head and suddenly extends his arm forward at his opponent. The cable whips the opponent's arm, causing it to surge with electricity, blowing into pieces right after. The opponent starts screaming they grab their now bloody stump with their other hand. Sektor whips his cable again, blowing off the opponent's other arm, this time at the shoulder. The opponent screams even louder and starts to stagger. Finally Sektor decides to end it and lashes the cable around the opponent's waist, causing the electric current to surge through their entire body. Sektor extends his cable even more and then makes a wave motion with his hand, causing the cable to buckle up like a wave and travel at the opponent's center line, it strikes with a loud clash, and the opponent is spilt in half. Sektor jerks on the cable once more and it returns into his hand but not before cleaving the opponent's torso clean off his legs.

Noob Saibot:
Noob creates a shadow cloan of himself, much like his little brother's Ice Clone, but with a will of it's own and the freedom of movement. It would be Noob's alt outfit The doppleganger attacks the opponent with an elbow to their face, causing them to staggers back into the original copy. Noob also hits the opponent with a high elbow causing him to stagger back into the middle . Both shadows then unleash an uppercut at the same time and cause the opponent to fly into the air. As the opponent comes down both warriors preform a teleport kick on different sides, one in the front, the other in the back. As they connect with the falling opponent, the two kicks tear the helpless opponent in half, and converge back into one copy as they meet on the pass by.

Shadow Cyclone:
Noob begins to glow with purple energy and his body disintegrates into a black gust of wind. As it begins to swirl faster and faster, it begins to make its way to the opponent, and eventually absorbs them entirely. The wind turns into a giant pillar and lifts the opponent into the air. Quick glimpses of a scythe blade are seen next to the opponent's body. The whirlwind stops and Noob reforms at the bottom, chunks of flesh and blood rain from above as he raises his hand in victory, catching the opponent's head in his palm.

Stone Crusher Stomp:
Kobra runs up to the opponent and hikes up their leg, then their shoulder, and off of their head lifting himself high into the air. He does a corckscrew and charges his feet up with chi energy. As he comes down on the opponent, he stomps on their head, crushing their spine and sending the head down into their mid-section, causing it to blow out of the front. Kobra crosses his arms, and does a back corckscrew flip off the opponent lending infront of them. He stomps his foot on the ground, and the opponent's body splits down the middle, falling to each side.

Leverage Pin:
This fatality must be done while the opponent has their back facing the wall.
Shujinko runs to his opponent and delivers a mighty drop kick to the opponent, causing them to fly into the nearby wall. Before they can recover, Shujinko takes out his two blades and launches them into the opponent's mid-section, pinning them into the wall. The opponent starts to scream as they try to pull out the blades. Shujinko gets a runing start and does a back handspring which launches him into the air, and onto the handles of his blades. The force is enough to split the opponent's torso from their legs and launch them into the air. Shujinko reaches back and extracts the blades, tossing them once more at the opponent's body, pinning them to the opposite wall by going through their shoulder blades.

Phase Change:
Rain creates a ball of water droplets in his hand and launches it at the opponent. The opponent is completely soaked with water, and for some reason they can't dry off. The water droplets begin to change into a flesh tone color and the opponent suddenly realizes what's happening. They have only enough time to let out one scream before their body completely liquifies and splatters all over the ground.

Super Conductor:
Rain lunges into his opponent, liquifing his own body in the process, but mentaining enough of a shape to hold the opponent inside his liquid frame. Rain lifts his hands up into the air, as does the opponent and a bolt of lightning comes down from the heavens, surging through the water, and into the opponent, blowing him up inside of Rain within an instant. Still in a liquid state, and now tainted with blood, the red liquid frame shines his eyes with a bright purple glow before reforming into his material state.

Tele Crush
Kenshi uses his telekentic power to lift the opponent into the air and then slams them into the ground. He begins to walk towards the opponent and until he is standing directly over them. He begins to lower his hand down to the opponent's chest, gradually increasing the pressure on their body. A series sickening crunches is heard and the opponent begins to scream. A pool of blood beigns to ooze from underneath them as Kenshi continues to lower his hand, now straining himself immensley. As his hand is about to touch the opponent's chest, their torso explodes, tossing the limbs in every direction. Kenshi is left kneeling on the ground with his hand above a crater, still surging with telekentic energy.

Mental Diesection
Kenshi points his palm at the opponent and slowly raises them into the air. With his other index and middle finger he draws a grid on the opponent's body and concentrates even harder. The grid that he drew now shows up on the opponent's body as cracks in their frame, shining with telekenetic energy. Kenshi releases his grasp on the opponent and they fall to the ground, shattering into a bunch of perfectly shaped cubes of flesh on the floor.

Ermac shoots a blast of energy into the opponent's body, causing their skeleton to glow green for a split second. He then begins to rotate his index finger in a counter clock wise. As he does this, the opponent also begins to spin, gradually increasing in speed, and lifting off the ground. As they begin to spin faster and faster, their skeleton begins to glow brighter and brighter, enveloping them in a bright green light. Suddenly, Ermac points his finger to the ground, and for a split second, the green light, turns red, followed by a shredding sound, almost as if ripping paper in half. A split second later their skeleton falls to the ground from under the green light.
05/14/2005 12:54 AM (UTC)
Hey, I'm new here and my username seems to indicate that I have something missing up top... Speaking of things missing up top, here's a Scorpion Fatality;

Scorpion runs at staggering opponent, and brings his arm up into an uppercut punch, which pentrates the soft flesh under the opponents' jaw.
As Scorpion's arm procedes into the opponents' skull cavity, his spear end fires a short way out of the top of the said unfortunates' skull. Blood runs down Scorpion's arm and he laughs visciously, as the victim groans in agony. At this point, Scorpion lets out a Hellish warcry and pulls back from victim rapidly, his arm exploding its way out of the opponents' jaw; As this happens, the victims brain is ripped out on the end of Scorpions' spear,
exploding their entire head! ...The brain itself, flies away a short distance on the spear, before splatting to the floor. Scorpion, using both hands, pulls the brain in and when his victory is announced; the brain is held aloft, dangling from the spear by its rope and dripping blood on to the ground...

Yuck! I've lost my lunch now.. smilesmilesmile
05/14/2005 06:33 AM (UTC)
I thought of this for Noobs fatality:

1.He rips the person's spine out (like the spine rip)

2. Then he backs off a little distance.

3. He grabs the ripped head by the spine part.

4. Starts to spin it like a wheel.

5. Aims it like a pitcher in a baseball game.

6. Throughs the rip head.

7. When it hits the person, the hole upper half splits into 2 peaces and falls off.

8. Then the lower half of the body falls foward.

Its simular to frost's fatality in MKDA.smile
05/14/2005 04:11 PM (UTC)
People complained when Friendships, Babalities and Animalities were created, because they made the game less sinister, but I think a good balance of the darkly comic and the darkly gruesome is a good thing.
An example of this in Deception, would be Kabals' Spin'n'Dice Fatality;
certainly Fatal and pretty amusing too...
...With this in mind, how about this for a Liu Kang Fatality;
Liu Kang grabs the Victim from behind and rips a large part of their spinal column out, leaving the Unfortunate to vainly hold his own limp head on his spineless neck. Liu Kang has a "Bruce Lee" moment and starts doing Nunchaku Katas with the spine. He then assaults the Opponent, flailing them with their own spine... The Death blow comes when Liu whips the spine up, decapitating the limp necked loser...
...The headless body falls away and Liu Kang performs his victory pose, still holding the spine in his Nunchaku position!
HOWZAT!...for a Fatality!
I don't think "Animalities" should return as "Animalities", but one of Liu Kangs' Fatalities should be an updated Chinese Dragon Fatality;
for me, at least, it only seems Kool with Liu Kang(Dragon), or Scorpion(Scorpion). The thought, for example; of Modern, Deception style Sub-Zero morphing into a Polar Bear is amusing, but ridiculous(the same for other Kharacters, apart from the affore-mentioned duo)...smilesmilegringrin
05/14/2005 09:20 PM (UTC)
I got some pretty niffty fatality ideas.


Fatality 1: (Death Bolt)

Well first Raiden starts summoning up a small ball of lightning simallar like raiden releasing his god essence, but its not big. He throws it and the ball gradually upgrades its size. The ball surrounds the opponent and electricutes the opponent with thin lighning bolts. the opponent screams in aggony while getting fried. raiden walks up to the opponent while he/she is still being electracuted. raiden punches a thunderous fist through the victims chest and he yanks the victums heart right out. riaden crushes it and turns to the victum. the victim being all nice and crispy, raiden ripps the arms,and leggs off. raiden punches off the head and the ball explodes un harming raiden but rips off the flesh and muscles of the victum leaving the skeleton clear to see.

Fatality 2 (living death)

raiden raises his hand and a lightning bolt strikes his palm. raiden fires a bolt of green lighting at the victum. the victum gasps, and looks at his hands, he keels to raiden thanking raiden for healing him. little does he know thats not how its gonna end. first raiden kicks the victum in the face and an eye ball pops out. the victum falls back and runs away. raiden teleports right in front of the victum stopping him/her in their tracks. raiden grabbs the left arm of the victum and rips the flesh and muscle of leaving the arm bones intact. the victum looks at their arm immobolized in fear. raiden does the same thing with the left leg, right leg, and the right arm. soon raiden fires and electrical bolt at the victums stomach with a whole bunch of organs start falling out. the victum screaming so much tears start running down. the victum beggs raiden to stop and he shakes his head. he summons a red ball of electricity and thows it at the opponent. the victum blows up into billions of peices of flesh. the head falls right in front of raidens foot. supprizingly the head still gasping quietly says stop and raiden crushes the head with his foot.

Fatality 3 (storm killer)

first off raiden takes out his staff and lightning strikes it. Electricity flows through the staff and raiden throws the staff right through the victums stomach and it electricutes the victum. before the victum can fry any further, raiden teleports to his staff and grabbs ahold of it. he tries to tug it out but it dosnt budge. so he pulls the staff upwards going through the chest and face and exits at the top of the head. he fires two bolts of lightning at th victums arms and they blow right off. the victum tries to scream but blood just squirts out of his/her mouth. raiden winds his staff back and swings it so fast through the victums neck, the head flies off spinning. raiden puts his staff away and the torso splits in half allowing you to see pefectly the ribcage, lungs, stomach, and intestines. the liver slides out and the heart drops out of the body. the legs fall over and the boddy kneels on its knees.after 2 seconds the whole body falls over and blood sprays everywhere creating a puddle of blood under the body.

Hara kiri (betraing storm)

raiden starts to release his god essence, but before he can finish it, a giant storm cloud comes above him. he looks up and thunder zaps him. soon he explodes into billions of peices and the clound subbsides.


raiden fires a thunder bolt at the ground and kidd thunder appears. they both summon a ball of green thunder and zapp the victum for a while. soon the victum gasps and thanks raiden. Raiden, kidd thunder, and the victum all enter their victory pose.
05/15/2005 06:55 AM (UTC)
Whoa Hyper_Raiden ! You really do have a gory mind , dude ! Not that it's a bad thing ...

I had an Idea - you could put hidden fatalities in the game that only cerain characters could do in certain arenas . For instance , Raiden could do a fatality on Sky Temple , with the war hammer - he could electrocute it then hit the opponent with it . The opponent would then have electricity flowing through his/her body , then suddenly explode . What do ya think ? grin

Great ideas , everyone . Keep 'em coming !
05/15/2005 04:21 PM (UTC)
Kabal starts the torment by digging both of his Hookswords into the Victims'
Solar Plexus! He, then twists and slowly pulls his Hookswords a small way apart. Gouts of blood kome from the Enemy, as they groan horribly!
Kabal, then Violently rips His Hookswords apart, Exploding the Victims' Ribcage open! Organs and Gore spew, as the Opponent tries to stagger away... They sink to their Knees, almost finished, when Kabal komes up behind Them and shoves one of His Hookswords into Their head, and one into Their body to hold them still... He pulls back sharply on Their Head, ripping it off on His Hook! He pulls the other Hook out of the body, and krosses His Hookswords in a Victory pose, with the Victims head still attached... FATALITY!

Kabal lunges at the finished one, and rams his Hookends into Their lower leg. The Victim, then falls to the ground and Kabal starts to spin them round, smearing blood akross the floor... He spins them faster until they come of the ground and spin around horizontally in the air(Not extreme; think Kings' spin throw from Tekken)......Eventually the Opponents' body stretches and rips from its' legs. Kabal finishes with the Victims' legs dangling from His Hooks!

Johnny Cage is not wearing his Sunglasses, and with the pain of losing He gets both of His hands in Klaw positions and mangles his own face, ripping the skin off, until there is only bloody, muscle!
With rivulets of blood streaming down His face, Johhny puts His glasses back on, and as blood runs down them, He falls to His Knees and then on to his face, breaking His glasses and His karreer!
.....Johhny is PERMANENTLY retired from Showbuissiness!
05/15/2005 05:44 PM (UTC)
Kenshi Fatality ( called Face Lift ) :

Kenshi raises his right arm and it starts glowing . The opponent's face glows aswell . Kenshi starts pulling upwards and all the facial features on the opponent get pulled up . The opponent groans in agony until his/her face gets completley ripped off . The face lands by Kenshi's feet and the opponent collapses .

Goro Fatality ( called Four Armed Fury ) :

Goro lifts his opponent up with all four of his arms . He rips off their arms only as they scream in pain . He drops their arms on the floor , then , while they're still alive , with his bottom two arms he smashes the opponent on the floor until the body shatters .

Goro Hara - Kiri ( called Heads 'n' Arms )

Goro rips off his top left arm , using his bottom right arm . He then does the same to his top right arm , using his bottom left arm . He then rips off his right arm . With his final arm , he grabs his own har and rips off his own head .
05/17/2005 04:47 PM (UTC)
Fatalities should be more gory so they don't get boring so quickly.
05/18/2005 08:51 AM (UTC)
DanGe Wrote:
Fatalities should be more gory so they don't get boring so quickly.

lol ! Agreed ...
05/18/2005 06:28 PM (UTC)
Hehehe. I' like the Kenshi face-lift idea! I guess they'll just have to "face" up to their problems....
Scorpion spins away from Opponent in a Kata spin, then he fires his spear and impales it jarringly in their lower jawbone! Scorpion gives the spear a gentle tug, but this is agonising for the Victim.. Scorpion pulls full force, stretching and explosively ripping their jawbone off(If Opponent is wearing a mask; it explodes apart to allow the bone to fly through!)
As the Victim splutters in Limbo, Scorpion squeezes and crushes the bone, shouting, perhaps rarther ridiculously; "Hah! You're as Jawless as a Hagfish, Little Man!"(or; "Little Girl!") Scorpion runs at the wounded fighter, drawing his sword. He thrusts it up into the kavity where the jaw was(Similar to the Brain Spear I wrote earlier...)and out the top back of their head. Just to be sure, he jumps to the side, pulling the still impaling sword around and snapping their neck sideways! The finished meat bag falls down dead with Scorpions' sword still in their head!

Perhaps Scorpions' "catchphrase" was just a bit silly?furious
05/18/2005 11:26 PM (UTC)
lol what cool minds people have
first jax grabs the opponent with one hand by the cloths on their neck then with the other one punches the opponent in the face 20 times in a fast motion then drops them face first in the floor the opponent is crying with a bloody nose then jax axe kicks the opponent in the back the opponent screams then jax takes 2 m16 machine guns and shoots the boddy in the back until there is no more motion then axe kicks them in the head and it crushes
05/21/2005 05:25 PM (UTC)
"Mortal Kombat is not about Death, rarther the presevation of Life...." ...bullsh*t! Mortal Kombat is mainly about over the top deaths, but do you think Fatalities could ever be too over the top? Not in terms of gore, but in terms of execution.
For example; a Fatality where Scorpion rips out the opponents Skeleton, but keeps ripping more and more Skeletons out of the opponent, until there is a pile of twenty, smelly, meaty blood Skeletons!
He then, takes rips off his mask and breathes Toasty fire on the Skeletons, creating a huge Skeleton Bonfire(or Bonefire, if ya' like!) He then grabs the Victim(who is bizzarely still rigid and intact after having so many, let alone one, Skeletons ripped out(maybye they had surplus...)) Scorpion procedes by throwing them into the "Bonefire" and they die in screaming toasty death(ah well, at least they've got 'Kompany'!)
What do ya think of that?

That last Jax Fatality was also over the top, but in a good way, at least!

Back to my question; do you think more 'subtle' Fatalities, like Spine Rips are best, or do you think OTT Fatalities are better?, eg; the opponent being gouged, beaten, stamped on, flailed, spine-ripped and then exploded! I know this may seem off topic, but I did at least post a Fatality idea, even if it was just to illustrate my point!grin
05/22/2005 12:17 AM (UTC)
ott fatalitys are cool

jax fatality
first jax hits the opponents face with his knees by switching hits with each knee for about 4 times then he smashes his hands into the oponnents head like in mk3 thenas the opponent is screaming in pain jax runs up to the opponent and gets them in a bearhug then as jax puts more preassure into hte opponent the head suddenly pops out and flies very far as blood spews out just like a shaken up soda lolsmile
About Me

Geez, I've been a member since MKDA was just a pic of Scorpion and Jax looking at each other and I have less than 2,000 visits. I should really log in more...

05/23/2005 05:48 AM (UTC)
Over-the-top fatalities work, but should only be performed by characters that you'd expect to do such a thing such as Havik, Drahmin, and so on. I could see someone like Havik tearing a person's body apart then shoving each piece down their throat until they choke to death on it...but I can't really see a person like...say...Sonya Blade...driving 20 knives into her opponent's face, setting them on fire, then beating them to a bloody, burning pulp with a 2-ton hammer.tongue
05/23/2005 07:39 AM (UTC)
Shang Tsung Hara - Kiri ( Called One Less Soul )

Shang Tsung plunges his own hand into his chest and rips his heart out . He stumbles about a bit , then falls onto the floor chest-up . Then , A few souls escape from inside him .
About Me

Geez, I've been a member since MKDA was just a pic of Scorpion and Jax looking at each other and I have less than 2,000 visits. I should really log in more...

05/23/2005 09:24 AM (UTC)
Johnny Cage:

Cage smirks and laughs a bit at his opponent, then signals them to join him in a photo. Wow, Cage really loves his fans right? Cage pulls his opponent in with his arm across their shoulder and pulls out a camera. Cage holds the camera in front of their faces and says "Cheese!". The flash goes off and blinds the opponent, the opponent staggers around a bit, then Cage classically uppercuts their head off. Johnny Cage finishes the scene by pointing to his shades, signifying their purpose in shielding his eyes from the flash of the camera. Hahaha!

Scorpion - Hara Kiri:

Scorpion places his hand over his face and launches his spear through his own head. The spear travels a distance behind him, then falls limply to the ground.


Nightwolf throws a hachet at his opponent, stabbing them in the chest. The opponent falls to the ground face up, yet still barely alive. Nightwolf them takes out his bow and shoots four arrows at the opponent, pinning their arms and legs to the ground. From here he could either summon the Moonbeam from MK3 to scortch his opponent to the bone or transform into a wolf and begin devouring his defenseless opponent's body.


Ermac lifts his opponent into the air...their positioning resembles Ermac's when he's in his levitation pose. Ermac pulls his hands together toward his chest and begins making his hands revolve each other (you know...like that one really lame dance move?). The opponent begins flipping slowly at first, but then starts to gain speed. Ermac continues revolving his hands, but now lowers his head, causing his opponent to slowly descend toward the ground. The speed of the opponent's flipping causes them to grind against the ground, causing blood to spew onto Ermac's body. Ermac continues his actions and the opponent is completely ground away, their remains are nothing more than a few chunks behind Ermac, and a full coating of blood on his outfit.
05/23/2005 12:30 PM (UTC)
Johnny Cage 1: Cage Rip:
Johhny walks towards the opponent menacingly, He then slams both His hands into the opponent's chest, penetrating it. He twists and digs as the opponent screams! He then pulls back hard ripping open the opponent's chest and pulling their entire ribcage out!
The victim's organs spill and fall out as blood gushes from their ripped body... They sink down and kollapse in a pool of blood....
Johnny holds the brown, bloody ribcage aloft with one hand, smiling all OF the time! FATALITY!

Johnny Cage 2: Heart Punch:
Johhny immediately upper cuts the opponent in the stomach, bending them double as they cough up blood.
Johhny follows up by grabbing their shoulders and kneeing them in the face. The victim clutches their smashed face, as Johhny launches a second, harder uppercut, and this time as the opponent bends double they cough up their heart along with the blood. The heart hangs a short way out of the opponents mouth on an artery or vein, dribbling and pumping blood down their front. Johnny steps aside and allows them to kollapse...

Havik: Projectile Vomit:
Havik stands away from the opponent and begins to retch violently!
Havik finally, after much retching, spews a torrent of gore at the opponent.
Many bones in the stream impale the opponent all over their body.
The body falls backwards to the ground, drenched in blood and looking rarther like a meaty, bone pin-cushion! FATALITY!

Kobra: Karpe Jugulum(latin for; 'seize the throat'):
Kobra performs a similar routine to his Deception Fatality 1, initially; He grabs the other fighter, pulls them down and performs two 'flick kicks'(I don't know what the korrect term for these is.) He then releases them,
but instead of kicking their head off, He brings His hand back in a klaw pose and lunges for their throat. The fighter lets out a small scream before their throat is seized! Kobra KRUSHES their throat causing them to groan and drool blood! Next, He rips their throat out! And as the finishee staggers back, Kobra drops the flattened meat pipe and smears it across the floor, krushing it bloodilly! FATALITY!

I just thought of something; do you think it would be a good idea to vote which Fatalities from this thread you would like to actually see in Mk7? My vote for Kenshi's Mk7 Fatalities, for example; would be SmokeNC-017's Mental Dissection and Joes04's Face Lift. I would put a vote for his Hara Kiri, but I don't think anyone's posted one yet; I'll have to check. So Kenshi's first Fatality in Mk7 would be the Mental Dissection, etc. So has anybody else got any votes for which imaginary Fatalities from this thread should be in new Mk? Bearing in mind that it should be two Coupe Fatals per Character and one Suicide. Just a thought...

About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

05/23/2005 02:31 PM (UTC)

He simply blows a large flame at the victom and they burn as if they just got toastyed. He doesnt blow it at his feet either, he blows it right in there face.


He takes out his hammer and smacks the fuck out of his opponent's skull. There brain particles splatter everywhere leaving a disgusting mess that nobody execpt for Shao kahn would love to stand in furious. When the gets his head busted wide open they immidately drop to their knees and slam down to the pavement leaking blood.(not like on deception. it should look a little more realistic). Lastly most of their head will be gone but not all of it will be completely gone, their head will look mangle and discombobulated in the most graphic nature possible and it will always look different depending on what character is killed!wowwowwowwow
OldSkoolScott-e (PS4)
05/23/2005 03:30 PM (UTC)
Some of these ideas are extreme!!! There's some seriously sick and twisted people in the MK Kommunity LOL

Love ittongue
05/23/2005 04:20 PM (UTC)
Extreme? You want Extreme? I'll give you Extreme...
OK. Here goes...

Scorpion's Friendship: The Dance Of The Sugar Plum Hell Ninja!:
Scorpion takes off his mask revealing his skull and as this happens, Scorpion's body transforms into that of a Ballerina(complete with TuTu)
Scorpion prances about performing the dance of the sugar plum fairy complete with a sinister, hellish remix of the music, before bowing to the screen, along with audience cheers! Scorpion's rival screams violently, before exploding fatally! FRIENDSHIP!
Now that was X-TREME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wow
05/23/2005 04:55 PM (UTC)
omfg that was hilarious lol

fatality: sub zero smoke double team fatality
first smoke takes out his harpoon out of his chest and hods on to it then subzero creates akori blade after that subzero freezes the opponents feet so they wont move the smoke and sub slide to the opponent and slashing the opponent back and gets frozen by subzero thensmoke wraps his harpoon around the frozen opponent then he spins them again breaking into broken frozen chunkssad
05/23/2005 08:42 PM (UTC)
i just thought of a cool fatality, and thanks for the complements Joes04!

Scorpion fatality: burning organ shishcobab (how ever you spell that word)

first, Scorpion rips his face off revealing his skullfurious. he pulls out his sword and slices a long cut from the victums neck to stomach. the victum only grunts. so he shoves his hands into the wound he created an pulls it farther apart so you can see the stomach, liver, ribcage, lungs, and heart. The victum screams as he does this. He starts rappidly poking the victum with his sword gaining all the ogans visible on his sword. He breathes fire on the sword making it look like a flaming shishcobab. He swings the sword making all the organs fly towards the victum. The heart smashes into the victums face burning it. the lungs fly towards the legs and smash them off. then both the stomach and liver slice off the head. the victum some how starts to run every where on their arms. Scorpin pulls out another sword and slices the arms off. he looks up and breaths fire into the air for his victory pose.

how dy ya guys like dat? smile
About Me

05/23/2005 09:35 PM (UTC)
Hyper_Raiden nice idea for scorpion fatality BUT its too long like 2 minute fatality lol.

These are nice Hara-Kiris:

Raiden Hara-Kiri: Lightning Strike
Raiden puts his both arms up and the weather gets all stormy and then suddenly lightning comes at raiden and he screams and then explodes!

Baraka Hara-Kiri: Uglyness!
Baraka simply takes a mirror out from a pocket and looks at himself. Then he screams (cuz hes ugly) and blows up.

Noob Saibot Hara-Kiri: Light is bad!
Noob takes out a pocket lamp and take off his mask and shine to his face, then he starts burning and turns into dust.

Sub Zero Hara-kiri: Freeze Jump
Sub Zero jumps really high and while high up in the air he freezes himself and falls fast right in to the floor and breaks into million pieces.

Scorpion Hara-Kiri: Get Over There!
Scorpion shoots a spear att himself and pulls it so he flies off faaaaar away from the arena and lands on some spikes somewhere.

Well, thats all I can think of right now. Any comments on them?
About Me
art by fear-sAs
05/23/2005 10:25 PM (UTC)
Key Lock
Sonya jumps over her opponent and grabs one of their arms from behind. She raises it above her head and delivers a palm strike to their arm pit, popping the entire arm out of its socket. She flips the opponent over herback and they land face first onto the ground, Sonya moves her grip up abit higher and and snaps the opponent's wrist. As the opponents screams, she rolls over them and kicks them in the throat, crushing their neck under her heal, causing them to spit up blood and killing them instantly.

Hara Kiri: Ice Fist
Sub-Zero creates a fist and charges it with his kori power. He plunges it into his stomach ad releases the energy in one burst. The kori burst freezes him from the inside out into a solid block of ice. Then his mid-section cracks and his torso falls to the ground shattering to pieces at his feet.

Touch of the Damned
Havik powers up his right forearm with a strange purple energy, it emmits a low scream. He approaches the opponent and grabs them by their head, lifting them off the ground. He feeds the energy into the opponent as they scream and try to break free. As the energy fades from Haviks arm and starts to swirl around the opponent, he places them back on the ground and takes a step back. As the energy swirls the opponent's flesh begins to rot and fall off their body. Their entire being begins to collapse into a pile of rotting parts on the floor infront of Havik.
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