06/11/2005 09:41 PM (UTC)
Thanks. I think it would be cool if Havik had a Fatality where He ripped the ears, eyes and tongue(in differing orders each time you performed it) out of the other guy/girl!
That would be sick and it would be called "see no evil, hear no evil... speak no evil!"

What does everyone think of the prospect of returning klassic Fatalities?
....And what improvements would you give to them?

....Here's my list of ones that should return in some form or other:
Liu Kang: Oriental Dragon Morph
Scorpion: Toasty! (spells "Toasty!" in blood in Deception style print)
Sub Zero: "Fatal Distribution" (this is just my name for it; remember, Mk3?)
Johnny Cage: Brain Rip(not really a 'klassic' Fatality as such, but I think it should return in an updated form)
Liu Kang: Cartwheel Kicks to Super Uppercut(Mk1, Mk2)
Kung Lao: "Bannana Split" (one of the best ever... it's a masterpiece!)

...And give someone a Skeleton Rip, they're funny and kool!grin
06/19/2005 08:03 PM (UTC)
sindel should use her hair and slam opponent left to right , front to back, but instead of busting into peices, leaver her skinless or bonelesswink
06/21/2005 11:11 PM (UTC)
Sub Zero should have his classic spine rip fatality. I think it was pretty stupid to give Scorpion the spine rip fatality.furious
06/22/2005 05:55 PM (UTC)

skin rip body eat: uses his blades to rip off their skin and then he eats all their organs. blood is all over the floor and baraka's teeth.
06/28/2005 09:31 PM (UTC)
I have three for Liu Kang.

Fatality- Liu does a flying kick on the opponent, which knock their torso off. Then, Liu blasts the remains with his dragon fireball.

Fatality 2- Liu does three dragon fireballs on the opponent which sets the opponent on fire.

Hara-Kiri- Liu does a bycicle kick at a wall which blows him up.

06/29/2005 03:35 PM (UTC)
I think striker should be in the next one and heres his fatalitys and hara kiri
fatality 1 remake of MK3 fatality.He takes out an electric gun or whatever and shoots the opponent and they get electricuted but then they blow up.
FATALITY 2 he takes out a nightstick and hits the character in the face twice nocking some teeth out then he smaks them in the stomache with the nightstick then he takes out some guns and blows the opponents head off then finnishing his opponent by jumping up doing a matrix style kick nocking them on the ground.with the slowmo and all.
HARA KIRI:HE takes out a bomb and straps it to himself and he blows up.
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art by fear-sAs
06/29/2005 07:54 PM (UTC)
I have some:
Piston Hammer
Range: Close Command: F, F, D, D, 1
(note: this would result in his arms being modified a bit)
Jax grabs the opponent by the head and lifts him off the ground. He begins to slam them repeatedly on the floor about five or six times, then he pics them back into the air and the hydraulics in his arm would pull back and then come forward with great speed. The force the exert goes through Jax's palm, into the opponent's head, shattering it to pieces.

Fireball Smash Ver. 1
Range: Close Command: B, F, D, B, 2
With this fatality, there are two different versions that can happen at random times.
Kai grabs the opponent by their throat and floats raises into the air with them firmly in his grasp. He extends his hand, with the opponent forward away from his body. Kai clenches his other hand into a fist, creating four fireballs, two on either side of the opponent, then one above them and one below. Kai then releases the chocking opponent letting them fall to the ground, as he lets go, the two fireballs above and below the opponent close in, blowing off the opponents, legs and head. The other two close in from each side blowing the body apart. After it's all done, Kaid descends to the ground.
Ver. 2
This is identical to the first one in the begining. However, when Kai creates his fireballs instead of the two from the top in bottom there are two from the front and back. Also the fireballs are created closer to the ground. Kai then releases the opponent from his grasp and they fall to the floor, Before they reach the ground, the four fireballs close in on the opponent in the center, blowing them to pieces as they collied at the same time.

Get down here!!!!!
Range: Full Screen Command: (Hold Block) F, D, B, U, (Release Block) B, F, 1
Scorpion launches his spear at the opponent and drags them towards him. As they come forward, Scorpion launches at them with a cartwheel kick and then an uppercut, like Lui Kangs fatality in Mk1. The uppercut launches the opponent high into the air, Scorpion then launches the spear one more time, and lodges it into their chest, then he pulls down stopping the body from rising and come crashing back down to the ground. As they hit the ground, the opponent's appendages fly off on impact as their torso lays on the ground in a pool of blood.

Hell Geiser
Distance: Full Screen Command: F, F, D, F, 2
Scorpion ignites his fists with fire and by raising his hands, he raises the opponent into the air. As the opponent dangles helplessly in mid air, Scorpion shoots a jet of flame into the ground below the opponent, opening up a portal to the Nethrealm. A huge wave of fire erupts from the portal, incinerating the floating opponent. The opponent's charred remains fall into the opening as it closes. Scorpion raises his hand in the air as a sign of victory.

Anscetral Sight:
Range: Full Screen Command: B, B, F, D, F, 3
Kenshi takes his katana and plunges it into the ground. He starts praying and a blue glow from the blade begins to emminate, as it enters Kenshi's body. Suddenly, the blow glow vanishes and reappears behind his blind fold in the exact location where his eyes are. He takes of his blind fold and stares at looks at the opponent, laucnhing a blast of concentrated energy at them. The opponent has only time to let out a short scream before the blast hits them. On impact, the blast melts away the opponent's skin, then ruptures their muscles, causing them to burn, and finally reduces their skeleton to ash. When the blast is over, the camera focuses back on Kenshi as he extracts his katan out of the ground, placing it back into it's sheath. The camera focuses on Kenshi as a whole as his eyes glow with a strong blue light.

Range: One step away Command: (Hold Block) F, D, U, D, U, F, 4 (Release Block)
Baraka lets out a ferocius roar and jumps on top the opponent's shoulders. He takes out his arm blade and sticks it through the opponent's skull, at an angle so the blade shoots out of their throat. As he pulls of their head, he jumps off the opponents' shoulders and into the air. He comes back down like a buzzsaw right behind the opponent, in crouching stance with one foot extended forward, and the other underneath him. His right blade is held up behind him, and the other is parallel to his leg, dripping with blood. The opponent, know infornt of him, screams before their body splits vertically in half.

Wind Strike:
Range: Four steps away Command: B, B, F, D, 2
Kitana Does her Fan Lift, which raises the opponet into the air, immoblizing them for the time being. Kitana then steps back to about Full Screen length. She grabs her fan and pulls back, then with one quick move, she strikes down at an angle. The gust of wind created strikes the opponent, and passes right through them. The opponent lets out a short scream and suddenly stops. A fountain of blood explode from the front and back, going up a slash from the opponents right hip to the top of their left shoulder. Their upper half slides off shortly after as the fan lift wears off.

Spire Crush.
Range: Full Screen Command: F, F, U, D, F,1
Tremor extends his hand outward and begins to shake with power. He shoots his hand towards the ceiling and four pillars of rock shoot out of the ground on each side of the opponet. Tremor shoots his hand down to the ground, the pillars race towards the opponent, crushing them, and shattering in the process, A rain of blood, gore, and rubble comes down to end the fatality

Hara Kiri: F, D, F, B, 2
Sub-Zero grabs himself by his throat, and freezes it with his kori power. Then with a bit of pressure, he shatters his own throat, with his head falling off his shoulders and his body collapsing forward to the floor.

Hara Kiri: D, F, B, U, 1
Jade takes her staff and throws it into the distance. She uses her warp to vanish from sight and appear infront of the staff as it's about to impale her straight through her throat, killing instantly. Her body falls to it's knees and then collapses backwards with the staff sticking out of her throat.
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PSN: Eazail70x7

06/29/2005 10:46 PM (UTC)
I have some new ideas.

Baraka's Fatality

Throat Shard:

Basically Baraka does his flying shard attack. Only this time the shard is actually sharp enough to penetrate your flesh. He starts off pausing for just a second to aim at just the right spot, then he gets ready and set to send the flying shard as he does. He shoots it and it goes straight through the middle of the victom's throat,(and stays lodged in there throughout), causing them to gag and hurl blood out their mouth. As soon as the victom begins to hurl blood they slowly begin to fall to the ground. When he/she dies there will still be a little blood leaking from his/her throat (not MKDA or MKD style).

Kabal's Fatality

Deadly Rotation:

Kabal does his raging flash attack about 6 or 7 times in a row causing the victom to spin very fast and out of control. While he/she is spinning they are moving as if they were a tornado,(they dont have to look like a tornado though), and soon begin to lose body parts one by one until there is only a small pile of bones and blood left. You see what Im trying to say right? This one is quite difficult to say and much easier to illustrate.
07/02/2005 04:28 AM (UTC)
Some hara kiri ideas:

Reptile's hara kiri:
Reptile shots acid up in the air and waits for it to and splash him in face causing him die of a very horrible way. Example:

Shang Tsung's hara kiri:
Consumes his soul. Example:

shoots himself. Example:

Kitana throws one of her fans and quickly does the Square Wave Punch and gets cut in half. Example:
07/02/2005 09:33 AM (UTC)
wow wow wow

Awesome GQS!
07/02/2005 03:05 PM (UTC)

Neat! You actually did some screenshots to represent your ideas
I think somebody should create a flash animation for a Fatality and then post the link to it along with the description.
That is of course, if anybody can be bothered... It would be cool though!

I can't do screebshots or flash animations; partly, because of my slow computer, but mostly because of my low IT skill! sad
07/02/2005 09:54 PM (UTC)
I don't like the idea of hara kiri.You fight till the death to beat the other guy and then you kill yourself? That's stupid..Original but stupid.
They had better used some sort of brutalities...first beat the shit out of the guy then kill him with your weapon.That would have been awesome.
07/05/2005 12:41 AM (UTC)
Why isn't anyone getting DPs in this thread anymore? Did they stop it.
07/05/2005 04:27 AM (UTC)
florentin Wrote:
I don't like the idea of hara kiri.You fight till the death to beat the other guy and then you kill yourself? That's stupid..Original but stupid.
They had better used some sort of brutalities...first beat the shit out of the guy then kill him with your weapon.That would have been awesome.

hara kiri are stupid I agree with that but there still a lot of cool ideas you can come up with.
About Me
art by fear-sAs
07/05/2005 04:48 AM (UTC)
Just out of curiosity, does anybody like my ideas?
07/05/2005 11:00 AM (UTC)
SmokeNc-017 Wrote:
Just out of curiosity, does anybody like my ideas?

Yeah, some of them are cool
07/06/2005 06:27 PM (UTC)
Ok. Basically, Scorpion uses his spear to impale the opponent's chest and pull them towards him. The Character slams to their knees, the force of which, frees Scorpion's spear, which is rapidly transferred to his hand.
He holds the spear head like a knife, his attack beginning by slicing in a diagonally upwards fashion, in the style of the Mk2 Jugular cut.
He brings his weapon back the same way, bending his knees and cutting lower on the throat. Scorpion has now delivered two quick spear slashes, first severing the throat and then, slicing much deeper; to the extent that the Opponent is now almost decapitated...
Their arms twitch and their head hangs back on a ripped neck. Arterial jets shoot from the front and blood runs down the body...
They fall from their knees to the side, in the direction that Scorpion delivered the final cut... They are dead...

Scorpion draws his Katana and makes a pass by the Opponent.
As he runs, he sweeps his sword, slicing the side of their leg.
They're are partially crippled, but Scorpion stops and cuts as he turns, this time, slicing the back of their other knee and causing them to drop to a bloody kneeling position. Scorpion raises his sword... And stabs downwards with the point, straight into the Victim's upper spine.
This results in immediate death...

Smoke runs at the finishee and delivers a flying kick... The Opposing Warrior braces for impact, but Smoke disapeers a moment before the hit, dissapeering in a cloud of... Smoke!
The Opponent has no idea where he is... Smoke condenses slightly in a cloud behind the Fighter, before evaporating again.
The Smoke cloud flows down over the Victim, into their mouth, and inside their body...
First, they begin to cough and splutter... Next, they start to drool blood...
Then, they are full-blown wretching and heaving, spitting blood and pieces of meat...
Suddenly, their mouth gapes wide and smoke pours out and begins to collect to the side of them...
The Ninja; Smoke begins to form, and he's holding something... Something brown and meaty, dripping with blood... It is the poor sod's Skeleton!
Needless to say, the Victim becomes a shapeless mass of bloody skin and muscle, prior to which, they let out one last scream, before their lungs kollapse...
Smoke holds the bloody bone trophy aloft by the skull, triumphantly.

Mileena unveils her Tarkatan "beauty" and begins to brush her "perfect housewife teeth", with a nice pink, plastic toothbrush!

Kitana helpfully uses one of her fans; taking it in turns to waft the faultering loser and herself.

Jade throws a huge meat lump into the air and catches it on her staff spike.
She roasts the meat in a nearby fire and holds it out for the loser to bite...
The loser does little, however, prefering to stay in the finishing animation.

Scorpion takes off his mask, revealing the flaming, skull head.
He then takes off the loser's face(no blood), revealing a non-flaming, skull head. Scorpion looks puzzled, but then has an idea; He breathes fire on the loser's skull, thereby igniting it.
He holds the loser's hand and they both bow to the screen, complete with two flaming, skull heads!

Quan glows with green energy... Multiple skulls begin to rise to the surface.
They form a wall, encircling Quan Chi. Suddenly all the skulls rush towards Quan Chi and cover him up to his shoulders. Quan lets out a scream, as he is slowly crushed with a force that pops his head off of his body!
07/08/2005 12:43 PM (UTC)
The hara kiri's would have been cool if made by the guy who loses the match. It makes sense this way... he's so afraid he will get a fatality that he prefers to do a harakiri on himself. I can't believe Midway didn't think the whole hara kiri idea this way.
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Geez, I've been a member since MKDA was just a pic of Scorpion and Jax looking at each other and I have less than 2,000 visits. I should really log in more...

07/08/2005 09:31 PM (UTC)
florentin Wrote:
The hara kiri's would have been cool if made by the guy who loses the match. It makes sense this way... he's so afraid he will get a fatality that he prefers to do a harakiri on himself. I can't believe Midway didn't think the whole hara kiri idea this way.

That IS how it is, when you lose you can preform a Hara Kiri on yourself before you get a Fatality put on you.
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Geez, I've been a member since MKDA was just a pic of Scorpion and Jax looking at each other and I have less than 2,000 visits. I should really log in more...

07/08/2005 09:36 PM (UTC)
SmokeNc-017 Wrote:
Just out of curiosity, does anybody like my ideas?

Awesome ideas, keep it up. I wish I could post more but I'm fresh out at the moment. Hehe. Edit: Nevermind about being fresh out of ideas...I got two semi-alright ones to post. Sub-Zero: Sub-Zero throws an ice ball at his opponent which lodges in their abdomen. The ball begins to freeze the opponent's torso from the inside out until it's completed frozen. Sub-Zero then kicks the opponent in the stomach causing the torso to shatter and leaving the head, arms, and legs to fall to the ground. Kung Lao: Kung Lao throws his hat (horizontally) at his opponent and it stabs into the opponent's chest, close to their neck. He then performs his old teleport-like skykick and kicks the opponent's upper chest and head off. On his way back down to the ground he picks his hat up off the opponent's remaining torso and lands...placing his hat back on. The opponent finally falls to the ground and Kung Lao goes into a victory pose.
07/09/2005 03:42 AM (UTC)
*takes a stab at it*

Kira's Hara-Kiri: Rips out one or both implants from her chest (possibly with her daggers). Blood gushes out of her chest, as she then falls "flat" to the ground.
07/09/2005 07:52 AM (UTC)
Awesome ideas everyone! I'm fresh out of ideas, but I should be posting some more soongrin
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art by fear-sAs
07/12/2005 03:21 PM (UTC)
I have a quick one for Scorpion:

Inertia Slice:
Command: F, F, D, B, F, 1
Distance: Full Screen

Scorpion launches his spear at the opponent, penetrating through their chest. He yells his famous "Get Over Here" and pulls the opponent towards him. As the opponent flies towards him, Scorpion takes out his twin ninja swords and slices downward, in an X shaped fashion as the opponent comes within striking range. The camera shifts to a a shot of Scorpion's back when the opponent is about to hit Scorpion, their body breaks up into four pieces, breaking apart just before hitting the ninja specter. Scorpion thrusts his swords down towards the ground to flick off the blade and then spins them around in his arms, before sheithing them. As Scorpion raises his hand in victory, you see that his frontside is covered in blood.
07/13/2005 12:40 AM (UTC)
Whoa this came out of my sick twisted mind.

Ermac - Tele-torture.
Victim - Dairou

Ermac pushes Dairou face first into the groud. Then he jumps onto Dairou's back. Then Ermac raises his arms and hands in the air and starts to give off a green glow. Dairou then starts to absorb this energy and then starts screaming. All of a sudden Dairou's right leg blows up. Then his left leg blows up. Then his right arm blows up and then his left arm blows up. Then Dairou's lower abdomen, guts etc blow up everywhere. Ermac stops glowing. Dairou then starts yelling no..no..no (like in Kira's fatality) and then Ermac finishes him offf by stomping on his head. Brains fly everywhere. Ermac does a victory pose FATALITY!

PS: I forgot where it is in this topic but the fatality where Sektor grinds their skin up was flawless!grin:
07/13/2005 07:33 PM (UTC)

Peanut_Butter_Jelly Wrote:
Whoa this came out of my sick twisted mind.

Ermac - Tele-torture.
Victim - Dairou

Ermac pushes Dairou face first into the groud. Then he jumps onto Dairou's back. Then Ermac raises his arms and hands in the air and starts to give off a green glow. Dairou then starts to absorb this energy and then starts screaming. All of a sudden Dairou's right leg blows up. Then his left leg blows up. Then his right arm blows up and then his left arm blows up. Then Dairou's lower abdomen, guts etc blow up everywhere. Ermac stops glowing. Dairou then starts yelling no..no..no (like in Kira's fatality) and then Ermac finishes him offf by stomping on his head. Brains fly everywhere. Ermac does a victory pose FATALITY!

PS: I forgot where it is in this topic but the fatality where Sektor grinds their skin up was flawless!grin:

Do you mean this one?

Sektor: Skin Grinder:
Out of Sektor's chest appears something ressembling a spiked metal rolling pin. This contraption begins to spin as it extends out on a double armed support. The Skin Grinder(tm) grinds and slices the Victim from their face down to their feet, stripping the skin and ripping muscle layers as it goes... The one being grinded screams as blood splatters around!
Once the ordeal is over, the Opponent is left with no skin on their body and with ripped, tattered muscle and various bones showing....
Sekto's Grinder retracts and a very dead thing kollapses in to a pool of gore!

I wouldn't want to be on the recieving end of that Ermac Fatality or "The Skin Grinder"(TM)!
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