05/23/2005 11:26 PM (UTC)
Ya, Bad_Boy your right, it would take long, but dont you think that longer fatalities are more enjoyable? well i do, anyway, i have a really long fatality that i just have to share. my brother gave me the idea for this so here it is

Bo rai cho
Fatality: Bo rai cho's specialty

First Bo rai cho punches his victum really really and i mean really hard in the face. blood sprays out of the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, and falls back unconcious. Bo rai cho picks him/her up over his sholder and runs off. Then he arrives at his house and straps the victum down to a table.
Bo rai cho rips off all of the victums skin leaving only the muscles. The victum says "what are you gonna do?" Bo rai ch pulls out a bag labelled salt. the victum starts to say "no....no,NO" and Bo rai cho pours the salt all over the victum.He/she screams in agony and Bo rai cho pulls out a buchers knife. he chops the victum into peices and puts him on a baking pan. he sticks the pan into the oven and starts to bake him. bo rai cho looks around for 4-5 minutes and he takes out a diary. he starts to write dear di... but the oven "dings" He takes out the pan and pours lemon juice all over the content. he organizes the parts by legs, body, arms, and head. he puts them into boxes and he walks out the door with the boxes. he sets up a stand labelled "Bo rai cho's pork special" and a person comes by. the person takes out some koins and bo rai ch gives him a box. the person walks off for a while and he opens the box. inside it is the victums head. the person turns his head away from it saying "ew!" Keeping the costomers expression, the words appear, Bo rai cho wins
05/24/2005 12:14 AM (UTC)
lol your funny and gorysmile
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

05/24/2005 12:31 AM (UTC)
^^^ Thats more of a movie lol.


He uses one hand to levitate the opponent and as he/she is levitated in the air he charges up a strong, green, star fireball. When he finishes charging it he than launches it at the opponent and they pretty much explode. (body parts all over the pavement)
05/24/2005 12:44 AM (UTC)
sub zero
ott fatality
first subzero creates a bed of ice witha hole in it then he creates a iceclaw and scoops out his opponents organs and places it on the ice bed the opponent screams and falls then subzero covers the ice bed and has another surface then he places the dead opponent there and lays them downthe he creates another surface on top of them and it squishes them then subzero lays down
on the bed
05/24/2005 09:51 AM (UTC)
Hyper-Raiden, that sounds like something from an Itchy & Scratchy episode in the Simpsons!grin
Bo Rai Cho's Fatality you posted isn't even a Fatality, it's in a leauge of it's own; Torturality! Tormentality! Limbo!- which of these would be the best name for the type of 'Fatality' Hyper-Raiden created, or make up your own name for these 'new'(concept on MkD) 'Torture-Fatalities'!
05/24/2005 12:07 PM (UTC)
WOW ! This thread is really getting awesome . Some real kick-ass ideas here ! Keep it up everyone !
05/24/2005 02:52 PM (UTC)
Did anyone see my voting idea on the last page?
Do you understand, and what do ya' think?glasses For Kenshi... ...I nominated SmokeNC-017's Mental Dissection and Joes04's Face Lift for the best Fatalities on this thread for Kenshi in a new game.
05/24/2005 03:44 PM (UTC)
Kabal- Fishhook! Kabal walks up to dazed opponet and grabs hookswords out. he places the sharp ends at eaither sides of the opponets mouth in his classic X pose and then rips them out! the opponets face shreds in half and blood and face go everywhere. FATALITY

Kung Lao- Mandible rip- Kung Lao walks Up To Dazed oppnmet And Sticks hand On their neck and one in their mouth and he begins to tug. opponet is screaming in pain as we hear the jaw crack and snap Kung lao rips the mandible off and whips it like a boomerrang and it comes back hitting the opponet in the forehead. FATALITY!

Ermac-10000 foot drop- Ermac lifts opponent into the air higher and higher and higher and higher and then lets them fall to the ground. SPLAT! fatality!

Sonya- head stomp- sonya walks over to opponet and trips them as her foot goes foward to rip she violently whips it back and down on the still airborne trip victim and smashes their head into the ground. we see chunks of skull and brain fall out and sonya smirks and stomps 4 more times. the opponet lays lifeless and sonya kicks off the blood on her boot and sighs" gross" FATALITY!

Smoke-gas mask- Smoke walks up to opponent and puts his hand over thier mouth. the opponet struggles and smokes kicks them in the back leg so they go down on one knee wraithing around in smokes's grasp. we see smoke exiting through their ears and finally they drop dead. Fatality!

Reptile-Spine impaler- Self explanatory

Rain-Super Roundhouse-Rain Roundhouses opponet and only neck snaps and spins around twice cracking as it spins. then he kicks again and just the body spins cracking the spine as it twists. the opponet falls over a broken body a nd bones sticking out everywhere.

Scorpion-Hell's Fury- Scorpion walks up to opponet and grabs both arms. he then headbutss them (hard as hell we see bruises form instantly and teeth fall out) then he does his backflip kick and the body is ripped apart from the arms scorpion still holds onto. the opponet starts shreiking for mercy much like sub-zero's fatality in deception and scorpion takes his mask off and does his signature toasty and watches them burn to death. FATALITY

I have more ideas but i will post them later
About Me

Geez, I've been a member since MKDA was just a pic of Scorpion and Jax looking at each other and I have less than 2,000 visits. I should really log in more...

05/27/2005 01:58 AM (UTC)
Noob Saibot:

(If his plans to create an army of cybernetic demons goes through.) Noob creates a hole in the floor. From the hole emerges five cybernetic demons, they act like beasts...grunting, sniffing the ground, snarling...but are slightly humanoid and ofcourse part machine. Noob pulls out a silver shuriken (throwing star) with a small red light on it. Noob throws the shuriken which stabs into the opponent's chest and begins flashing its red light. The cybernetic demons notice the red light which infuriates them. The demons charge at the opponent then latch onto the opponent's limbs and head. They begin devouring the bodyparts, and leave nothing left but the torso. The demons scurry back into the hole and Noob kicks the remaining torso into the hole as well, maybe a snack for later. Noob stands in front of the hole and goes into a victory pose. After the words "Noob Saibot Wins...Fatality." are announced, Noob falls back slowly and descends into the hole.


Scorpion removes his mask, revealing his skull head. He pulls out his flaming sword (forgot the name) and clutches it with both hands. Scorpion then begins yelling as his skull head and sword erupt into flames and his muscles bulk up (kind of like DBZ but oh well). He then raises his sword above his head with both hands then powerfully slashes downward through his opponent's body, tearing them in half vertically. Both halves of their body fall to the ground burning. Scorpion puts his sword away and puts back on his mask, muffling his skull head's flames...smoke is seen coming from the bottom of his mask.
05/27/2005 02:42 PM (UTC)
sub-zero first subzero grabs the opponents by the legs and starts spinning then he throws them hi in the air then as their falling he freezes them then they fall down and break in to pieces.

subzero first he freezes their face then he creates an icebat then he swings and the head flies and the body fallssad
hara kiri firsts he creates an ice spike on the floor then he runs up to it and jumps up to it then uggggh it goes through his heartwow
05/27/2005 03:29 PM (UTC)
Reptile- Face Grater. Reptile runs up to oppnet and grabs the back of their head and violently slams them to the ground face first. he then starts grinding their face onto the ground until all we see is a red puddle forming lots of screaming and we can hear the teeth and skull being ciseld away as reptile crushes their face into the ground. FATALITY

Mileena-Sai Crank- Mileena Stabs her sais into opponets head (much like her hara kiri) and then begins to twist them the neck snaps and starts to crack. she turns them like a wind up toy and lets go the head spins around fast about 10 times and rips off into the background. Fatality

Baraka- Blades of Fury- Baraka Implaes his opponent with both his blades. they scream in pain and try to get off . Baraka growls and then does his blade fury move ripping them apart from the inside out! FATALITY

Shang Tsung- Soul Devour- Shang Tsung Walks up To opponent And suddelnly pounces on them. he bites into their neck and begins sucking the soul out of them blood flying everywhere. as he devours their soul they begin to skeletoinze until they are just a puddle . Fatality

Sub-Zero-Eyecicles- Sub-Zero forms 2 long iceicles with his freezing power and then stabs them into his opponets eyes. they begin to wratih around and then he rips them out the side of their head! FATALITY

Quan Chi-Skull of Doom- The opponet tries to run away and Quan chi launches a skull at him the opponet tries to run but the skull catches them from behind and nites their head off FATALITY

Bo Rai Cho-SufFATcation- Bo Rai Cho Runs At opponet And Totally Ass Bombs Them His Ass On Their Face. We See the opponets legs wraith and we hear a muffled scream and then the legs stop moving and bo rai cho laughs. FATALITY

05/27/2005 03:37 PM (UTC)
hmmm if were voting i liked whoever's kenshi one where they made the crater and crushed all the bones with his mind that was sweet. or j. cages hara kiri was funny haha let me know what you think about the oes i made!
05/27/2005 05:26 PM (UTC)
Which Johnny Cage Hara Kiri do you mean?
I liked that Sai-Kopter Fatality!

Liu Kang: Spirit Of Fire!:
Liu Kang spins away and charges his hands with fire.
He lets out a fireball, scorching the other fighters chest.
The flames quickly dissapeer, but the Opponent's flesh and clothes are charred around their chest, and we can see parts of their ribcage.
As boiling blood runs down them, Liu Kang approaches, and puts his fire charged hands either side of their head. He lets the fire flare up and steps back.... The Victims head is enveloped in a pillar of fire and as they scream, rivers of boiling, steaming blood run down their body! As the fire dies down, they slump to their knees, their head Skorched to a Karbonised Skull!

Raiden: Electrik Korkscrew!:
Raiden stands away from the opposing Kombatant and charges himself with lightning. He then performs a special version of his torpedo, in which he spins like a charged korkscrew! Raiden procedes in this manner, straight through the Opponents torso, blasting a hole through them before flying of the screen!
The Victim's blasted body spews gouts of blood and organs!
They thud to their knees, sparking with charges of electricity, before they kollapse in a pool of sparking blood!
Raiden teleports back on the screen, curiously unbloodied, and wreathed in lightning! FATALITY!

Johnny Cage:NutKracker Prince!:(male victims only)
In a move that makes every man in the room wince, Johnny Cage does a super splits punch with ball-shattering force! His fist impacts the poor enemy right in the soon to be non functional, family jewels!
The poor guy gasps and wails, blood running out of his open mouth,
he sinks down, blood spreading in his trousers....
Johnny Cage flashes his pearly white, movie star grin and adjusts his glasses..... careful to use to use the hand that isn't soaked in blood....
FATALITY!........Oooooooooo, NASTY!

Ashrah:Redemption:(evil characters only)
Ashrah plunges her sword into the demons chest with usual claret run-off.
She twists the sword, agonising the demon! She pulls the sword out direspectfully and steps back, as a white fire engulfs the vile one, putrifying their flesh and melting them to gore!
White energy then runs from the pool into Ashrah, causing her to glow and to be purified.....

About Me
art by fear-sAs
05/27/2005 09:44 PM (UTC)
Johnny Cage-
Blockbuster Smash:
Johnny Cage charges up his fist with power and uppercuts the opponent high into the air. As the opponent comes back down, Johhny Cage charges up his foot and hits them with powerful aerial roundhouse kick which sends the opponent into the nearest wall. When they hit the wall, they explode on contact.

Cutting Room Floor:
Johnny gets close to his opponent and delivers and upward strike to the opponent's face. A green light is visible from behind the opponent. Johnny delivers a right cross to the opponent's face, moving his hand from right to left, and then a left body blow to the opponent's abdomen. Each strike is followed by the same green light, seen from behind the opponent. Cage steps back a couple of steps and snaps his fingers. The opponent then tumbles to pieces on the floor.

Orion's Cluster:
Nightwolf delivers an uppercut to the opponent with the blunt side of his tomahawk, sending the opponent skyward. He generates his spirit bow and fires off a blue arrow. The arrow splits into several dozen in mid flight and then pierce the opponent while still in the air.

Spirit Capture:
Nightwolf unleashes a tidal wave of spirit energy at his opponent which lifts them up into the air. The tidal wave swirls around them forming the shape of a wolf and then swoops back into Nightwolf, dragging behind it the opponent's spirit.
06/01/2005 03:28 PM (UTC)
HAVIK 1: (no name I can think of!)
I know this is completely unrealistic, but here goes....
Step 1:
Havik lunges at the enemy's belly and penetrates their gut forcefully.
He twists and pulls their body open, ripping their stomache out!
He lifts the stomache aloft, as the opponent spews gore.
Then, He pours the bright green, vomitish stomache acid over them(unrealistic!)
The victim's flesh melts and they become a melted, screaming skeleton, before kollapsing to soggy bones in a puddle of mush.

HAVIK 2: Kneekapper(opponents without masks, only. eg; not Scorpion)
Step 1:
Havik visciously kicks the opponent in one of their knees, so hard, that it causes their kneecap to explode out of their skin and fly upwards into the air.
As the opposing player hopples, with blood running down their leg,
Havik catches the falling, meaty kneecap bone and procedes to force the victim's mouth open and ram it down their throat!
The fighter is choking, and Havik decides to make things worse, by ripping off their other kneecap and shoving that one down their throat too!
The victim stumbles around choking, but Havik offers them a novel solution;
He grabs their throat with both hands and rips it open. Out tumbles the wedged kneecaps, along with gory clots and blood!
At the climax of this disturbing finale, the opponent becomes quite dead....

Hey, sometime later, I' was planning on posting Fatalities for a new (imaginary) Character. So, would it be OK if I' posted a Bio to explain the Character first? confused
06/01/2005 09:57 PM (UTC)
nobrainer Wrote:
Would it be OK if I' posted a Bio to explain the Character first?

Go for it!
06/01/2005 11:06 PM (UTC)
Character Bio: Nail (yeah, I know; naff name!)grin
Well, I won't do this like a proper bio, I'll just explain as I' go along.
Character Info:
Nail was once the Chief Torturer and Interrogations Officer under the rule of Shao Kahn. He was handed the task of preparing torture for many of the Earthrealm heroes...and Nail always wore heavy armour during his Executions and used many sorcerous powers, as well as instruments, to inflict pain and to extract information. He was a seemingly loyal devotee of Shao Kahn, though this was proven to be not the case...
When the murder of Shao Kahn came to happen at the hands of the Deadly Alliance, He briefly served different masters... They were in turn downcast by old ruler attempting to return... The Dragon King, Onaga would have had little use for Nail, but this did not matter. Nail hid away and was not heard or seen of again until the defeat of the Dragon King.......
He witnessed in turn the events bringing about the defeat of the Deadly Alliance and the rise and fall of the Dragon King...
Nail was not, however a mindless pawn in these events....
His scheaming ambition was a match for his evil, vile cruelty. He had exceptional powers, but hid them, becoming a servant under a sucssession of Masters... And, as the destruction of the Dragon King took place, He knew that it was his time to become a master of Outworld.
His skills were not just those of any simple Torturer or Interrorgator, He seemed enabled with a power which allowed him to control the will of others.......
He would come to use these powers to gather himself followers, to begin his Konquest.....
His overconfidence had not, however allowed him to see that His biggest threat was still alive, and was planning to reclaim their former glory.
THE END(of the info, that is, not of the story...)

Appearence: 1st costume: Nail is a dull, rusty iron armoured figure with metal spikes protruding from his shoulder armour. He has a helmet with thin black eye slits, allowing little glimpse of his face. His helmet is crowned with a circle of Iron horns.
2nd costume: Nail is wearing light armour, but has a long, black cloak and hood about him. He wears a metal face plate, hiding his features.
A thin purple mist surrounds his feet

Fighting Styles:
(not sure, yet!)
Either a Heavy Full Metal Scythe, or a Huge War Mace to rival Shao Kahn!

Note: I am now going to double post in order to fully seperate the Character 'Bio' from my Fatality Ideas, so don't buzz me, Mr. Moderator!

06/01/2005 11:58 PM (UTC)
2ND POST: Nail's Fatalities:

Iron Maiden:
When the screen goes dark, an Iron Maiden(You know, one of those metal Sarcophaguses with spikes in, that they used in Medievil Torture)appears behind the opponent with it's door open. Nail grabs and punches them, sending the fighter flying into the Iron Maiden and becoming impaled on the spikes. They struggle horriblly on the inner spikes, gushing blood.
Things start to get worse as Nail approaches the still open door.
Nail grasps the door and stares at the Victim as they writhe in seething pain!
......The impaled fighter knows what Nail is planning; "No, No, Don't!" they scream, but to no avail, Nail simply laughs at the opponent and growls at them slowly; "You're Nailed!". On these words, Nail slams the door shut VERY hard. The already impaled victim screams, as a second set of spikes from the door slam into their body!
Blood squirts from the side of the door and runs out of the bottom. In the Iron Maiden there are eye slits and we can see the victims eyes wide open in shock and pain!
Nail steps to the side, pulling the door open. As he takes a victory stance, the Victims gored body slides off the spikes......

The Rack:(I' don't think I' spelled this correctlygrin)-Wrack?
The screen goes black. When everything reapeers, the enemy is tied to a Rack by their arms and legs! Even worse, the rack has them over a set of spiked rollers!
....And worse than that, Nail begins to tighten the Rack wheel, pulling the opponent over the spikes and stretching their limbs!
The victim wails as blood runs from their back....every sinew and muscle popping and ripping...
This frankly, disturbing display goes on for longer.... Until aloud snapping sound signals the disslocation of the opponents limbs.
The poor person's voice rips a scream of torment, but the sickness is not over yet!
The Rack's pressure becomes too great, their arms are ripped clean off!
Screaming and squirting blood, the victim is soon to be dead....
Nail raises his arm and a fire wells up beneath the Rack, torching them to a screaming, rapid incineration!

......The preceding were two incredibly violent texts, which should not have been read by anyone with a nervous disposition or no. Thank you, have a Vomiterfic day!grin
.....I'm a good person really, just got a sick mind!grin
.....sorry, for the double posting.
06/02/2005 02:16 AM (UTC)
I think these is really cool.
Liu kang-Liu kang stabs his hand into his/her body,then lights them on fire
lets them suffer for a while,when his opponet is all burned his bicycle kicks and his opponet blows up.

Raiden hara-kiri-Raiden stabs his hand in his head and uses his electric
powers to blow his head up.
06/03/2005 06:46 PM (UTC)
This thread is such a good idea, that it should be made Official and stickied to the board along with the Returning Characters thread.
Any Moderation dudes or gals take note!grin
06/04/2005 12:53 AM (UTC)

1st Fatality:

Kitana closes one steel fan which will be transformed into a sword. Then, she takes few backward steps and powerfully and horizontally throws the sword fan toward the opponent mouth. The sword roughly enters the opponent mouth and breaks his/her teeth while seeing the teeth coming out because of the sword fan powerful hit. Meanwhile, the sword fan gets stuck inside the opponent throat while he/she is moaning from pain and trying to take out the sword fan from his/her mouth. After few seconds, while it is impossible for the opponent to take out the sword fan from his/her mouth, the sword fan suddenly opens again to be a huge steel fan into the opponent mouth splitting his/her head vertically into half and the fan flips upward to return back into Kitana hands.

(The fan opened because it is very delicate and it has secret ways of using it, if someone touches the fan it will immediately lead to unpleasant results. Only Kitana is able to use her fans).

2nd Fatality:

Kitana takes/opens both of her steel fans from far away and throws them to the opponent both arms cutting them. While the opponent is still standing for few seconds and screaming from pain, Kitana makes few forward steps and stands behind the opponent and pushes him/her with force toward the floor. The opponent quickly faces the floor breaking his/her nose because he/she does not have arms anymore making him/her unable to hold his/her body from hitting the floor with his/her hands. The opponent then directly loses conscious because of the aggressive nasal / facial hit which makes him/her go into a deep deadly sleep.


Kitana opens both steel fans and cut both of her legs with them and falls on the floor tortured from pain. Meanwhile, she is still holding the fans in her hands, she throws one fan upward in the air and then the fan closes in a sword shape while going down toward her laying body and stabs her front head in order to end her pain.
06/07/2005 03:19 PM (UTC)
I've been thinking of this new Character idea and although it's reminescent of that cheesy Bond film, Octopussy, I think it would be neat.
This new Character would have a weapon which is a saw blade on a string, like a Yoyo and I've been thinking of what sort of Fatalities he could have.
Fatality 1:
The New Character(?) would whirl his sawblade forwards, across the floor on its string, creating a shower of sparks as it went. As the saw approaches the Opponent, he would jerk the string, causing the blade to whip up from the floor and spin up the Opponents body. Blood would splatter as the saw cuts them in half vertically. The Victim screams and ? pulls the string back, the saw spaking a reverse trail away from the cut Victim. As ? grabs the saw, we see the Opponent fall in two pieces, like Kung Lao's Mk2 Banna Split!

Fatality 2:
? charges the other fighter and kicks them to the floor. They struggle to get up and as ? stands over them, they cry out in protest. ? lets his saw spin down from its string, right over the Victim's face! The saw cuts into their face splattering blood everywhere... The result being that the Opponent's face is cut in half from chin to crown! Brains and blood are plenty, and since his saw has hit ground, ? whips it up and catches it.

Now for something completely different...

Fujin: Fujin Tell:
Fujin rips their heart out! They fall into a kneeling position and the fun begins! The poor person clutches their ripped chest and blood pours from the mouth and body.... Fujin places the ripped heart gently onto the Victim's head then, He takes some steps back and regards it.
He pulls out a fully loaded Krossbow and aims carefully... the Victim remaining still despite occasional groaning from the pain...
Fujin is about to fire but, instead He drops to one knee with the Krossbow held low. This completely changes the bolts trajectory... Fujin fires and at this angle the bolt travels upward, through the Victim's head and into the heart! Needless to say the one receiving this bolt dies!

Sektor: Skin Grinder:
Out of Sektor's chest appears something ressembling a spiked metal rolling pin. This contraption begins to spin as it extends out on a double armed support. The Skin Grinder(tm) grinds and slices the Victim from their face down to their feet, stripping the skin and ripping muscle layers as it goes... The one being grinded screams as blood splatters around!
Once the ordeal is over, the Opponent is left with no skin on their body and with ripped, tattered muscle and various bones showing....
Sekto's Grinder retracts and a very dead thing kollapses in to a pool of gore!
06/07/2005 03:47 PM (UTC)
Awesome ......... great ideas . I'll post some soon ...
06/07/2005 04:58 PM (UTC)
By the way, Joes04, what did you think of my Nail Character idea and the other idea where a Character has a Yoyo Saw as a weapon?
I think it'd be cool if Nail had some sort of retractable klaws!
...Wolverine esque, but who cares!

.....The Kitana ideas just before my last post were really neat!grin

Kenshi: Bag of Bones: Test Victim: Hotaru!
Kenshi lifts Hotaru aloft Telekenetically and begins to twist and kontort Hotaru, snapping and breaking His bones!

.....Hotaru groans with pain; His bones are dislocated to the extent that they are floating about in His cheast cavity, rupturing odd organs!
He's just an old bag of bones, so Kenshi treats Him like one!
A white light appears on Hotaru's ankles; Kenshi has grabbed Him with His Telekenetic powers. Hotaru begins to spin vertically in the air, as if He's being spun like a bag of trash by His ankles....
His floppy limbs flail and His upper portion swells as He spins!
His body streches somewhat until... He explodes open, showering the ground with gore, organs and the very bones that Kenshi snapped and disslocated!

Sonya's Accidentality: Kissy Katch: Test Victor: Havik!

Sonya attempts to do her HotLips Napalm Fire Kiss, but it backfires; when she blows the Fireball at the Opponent, they catch it and blow it back!
...Sonya tried to run, but to no avail; her own kissy Fireball caught Her and burned her to a krisp!

Havik: Hara Kiri: Test Victim: Havik!

Havik plunges his arm down his own throat and tugs about, blood dribbling from his mouth. He tugs and pulls, until he rips his entire Skeleton out through his mouth!
Havik stands perplexed, holding the Skeleton by the spine... then, it dawns on him; without a Skeleton, he'll fall to mush! His eyes grow wide with realisation and he kollapses into a shapeless blob! His Skeleton shatters beside him and blood runs from his unsupported mouth....

06/11/2005 09:00 PM (UTC)
nobrainer Wrote:
By the way, Joes04, what did you think of my Nail Character idea and the other idea where a Character has a Yoyo Saw as a weapon?
I think it'd be cool if Nail had some sort of retractable klaws!
...Wolverine esque, but who cares!

.....The Kitana ideas just before my last post were really neat!grin

Kenshi: Bag of Bones: Test Victim: Hotaru!
Kenshi lifts Hotaru aloft Telekenetically and begins to twist and kontort Hotaru, snapping and breaking His bones!

.....Hotaru groans with pain; His bones are dislocated to the extent that they are floating about in His cheast cavity, rupturing odd organs!
He's just an old bag of bones, so Kenshi treats Him like one!
A white light appears on Hotaru's ankles; Kenshi has grabbed Him with His Telekenetic powers. Hotaru begins to spin vertically in the air, as if He's being spun like a bag of trash by His ankles....
His floppy limbs flail and His upper portion swells as He spins!
His body streches somewhat until... He explodes open, showering the ground with gore, organs and the very bones that Kenshi snapped and disslocated!

Sonya's Accidentality: Kissy Katch: Test Victor: Havik!

Sonya attempts to do her HotLips Napalm Fire Kiss, but it backfires; when she blows the Fireball at the Opponent, they catch it and blow it back!
...Sonya tried to run, but to no avail; her own kissy Fireball caught Her and burned her to a krisp!

Havik: Hara Kiri: Test Victim: Havik!

Havik plunges his arm down his own throat and tugs about, blood dribbling from his mouth. He tugs and pulls, until he rips his entire Skeleton out through his mouth!
Havik stands perplexed, holding the Skeleton by the spine... then, it dawns on him; without a Skeleton, he'll fall to mush! His eyes grow wide with realisation and he kollapses into a shapeless blob! His Skeleton shatters beside him and blood runs from his unsupported mouth....

You're coming up with some pretty cool ideas , especially for some one without a brain!

Kabal Fatality ( called tongue twister )

Kabal takes out one of his hookswords and stabs his opponents tongue . He twists and twists his hookswoud until he completley rips his opponents tongue off . He/she staggers about screaming and shouting until they simply bleed to death .

Scorpion Hara-Kiri ( called severe headache )

Scorpion shoots his spear directly up into the air . When it comes back down , he catches it in his head . Somehow still alive , he rips off his own head with the spear . The rest of his body collapses in a pile of blood .
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