07/26/2005 08:01 AM (UTC)
Kintaro Fatality (called the Tiger Within Me)

Kintaro moves far back from his opponent. He takes a giant run-up at them, and while doing so, claws come out of his fingertips. When he reaches the opponent, he claws them in the face and then all over their body. The opponent falls down in sheer agony, dying. Kintaro decides to give them a helping hand and breathes fire all over them- only a skeleton remains on the floor.
07/30/2005 06:50 PM (UTC)
Scorpion takes off his mask and toasts the dude/girl. They run around on fire, screaming until Scorpion stops them and shoves his Katana through their chest. They continue groaning as Scorpion turns them around and begins pulling the flaming sword though their body and out of their back by its blade...
in short time, Scorpion tugs so violently, that the Katana is ripped out of their back, exploding their entire upper portion into flaming fragments and bones! A flaming legs section is left to burn...
Scorpion flips his sword over and grasps the handle before sheathing it.

Smoke shrouds the area in a dense fog, quickly disappearing into it.
The Victim is engulfed by the cloud... They begin to stumble around, looking for a way out.
We see the shadow of Smoke dart by silently. The victim finally stumbles to the edge of the billowing fogged cloud, glad to be alive. The Victim stands awhile, gasping, unaware that Smoke is nearby...
The Victim is suddenly ceased by pain and spasms... Blood runs from their mouth as they twitch violently. A crunching sound is heard as Smoke's mechanized hand bursts through their chest and pulls back, pulling them into the cloud. A smear of blood is left behind and the Opponent disapears into the mist, screaming horribly for mercy. The cloud gives no glimpse of the carnage...


LIU KANG: Bicycle Trip:
Liu kang pulls out a two-seater bicycle from nowhere. The other fighter and Liu ride Bicycle laps around the arena singing "Raindrops keep falling on my head" in an extremely out of tune fashion.

JOHNNY CAGE: Shadow Kick Demonstration:
Johnny shows the other fighter his patented Shadow Kick. He then does some vague gesticulations with his hands. The other guy/girl knows what he means and with some guidance from Cage, tries to do the Shadow Kick, too. Unfortunately, they slip and fall on their ass! Johnny looks at them with all the mild exasperation of a pained tutor. They struggle to their feet and the lesson begins again... Fadeout.

SCORPION: Hell's Symphony:
Scorpion lashes his spear off screen and pulls back, draggin a Grand Piano into view! After the dischordant wooden protests of a 1930's Piano
being dragged across a stone Kombat arena, Scorpion seats himself at the stool, cracks his knuckles, and begins to play.
He plays the [insert famous classical theme here] beautifully and with great charm...
After Scorpion's Concerto Solo closes, he rises from his seat and takes a bow to a non-visible crowd. Cheers break out as the other fighter presents Scorpion with a Beuquet of flowers.
07/30/2005 08:10 PM (UTC)
Cool Ideas, nobrainer!
07/31/2005 05:28 PM (UTC)
i no this would never be a fatality but it would be funny

millena puts the enemy against a wall and shuffs a sai in both arms the enemy starts screaming no no plz and all that bul crap so millena pulls out the sai and they begin to walk away then millena shoves a sai in the enemys back and slits there throat with the other saigrin
07/31/2005 05:42 PM (UTC)
I still vote for this thread to be stickied tongue. More ideas and replies could make it happen!
07/31/2005 06:23 PM (UTC)
MK7 should have dual fatalities, i.e. al character will summon another additional character.

a proposed Ermac fatality :

Ermac summons Kenshi, and they use their telekinetic power to raise and hover the opponent, and they begin to just tear off parts at random; feet, hands, a chunk of thigh here....ears, a bit of torso and an arm there. With nothing but a screaming head and a disfigured torso remaining, they combine their might and just tear the torso straight down the middle, and rip off the head. The head is, of course, thusly slammed down by Ermac. grin
07/31/2005 08:00 PM (UTC)
I was thinking that Mk could do what it was going to do with Dairou and have an Evil Samurai type Character. He could have some good Fatalities.
Maybe, he might shove his sword through the Opponent, handle-first. (This would be very dishonourable and un-Samurai like.) Then, in the same smooth movement, he would hop behind the pained loser and pull the sword out the back by the bloody handle and cut a horizontal swathe into the Opponent's neck, resulting in death by decapitation.
Kinda like my last Scorpion idea...

In his other Fatality, he could downwards chop the loser, side-ways through their whole body. Then, they would peel apart- not like the banana split, where they peel into left and right vertical portions; they would actually peel apart from their back and front vertically, because the Samurai sliced them when they were standing side-ways to him- resulting in death, of course.

His Hara Kiri: He would use a small ceremonial tanto blade to commit Seppuku. After he can no longer take the pain of dragging a dagger through his gut, he twists his own neck and dies instantly. He'd at least regain some of his honour...

His Friendship: He would kneel on the floor and do some caligraphy on a scroll-sheet.

Fatalities: Test Victim: Sonya

Spine Shivers:
Sub-Zero visciously digs his arm into Sonya's back and rips most of her entire spine out. Sonya somehow remains standing and clutches her spineless neck to prevent her unsupported head from falling off.
Sub-Zero slides a distance back and freezes the Spine into an icy spear.
He hurls this at Sonya, hitting her in the stomach as she turns to face him.
Her spineless floppy body is speared and collapsess completely...

(I think this idea has been posted before, but here goes...)
Kold-Hearted Judgement:
Sub-Zero does a Klassic Kano Fatality and rips Sonya's Heart out!
He slides back and freezes the heart... He throws it Ice Grenade fashion at Sonya... On impact, her torso explodes into blood and Frozen bones!
It's basically an updated Mk2 Ice Grenade...

Hara-Kiri: Test Victim: Who do ya think?

Sub-Zero faces away from the Opposition and freezes the ground, creating a long strip of ice going off into the distance. He walks along this path, slowly freezing... Terminator 2 style. First one off his legs freezes and snaps, then the other. Next, as he struggles to get up, he freezes completely... There's two differences between Sub's Death and the T-1000's: First; there's no "Asta La Vista, Baby!" And Second; Sub's not walking away from this.
Hara Kiri.

"The Ice Man cometh..." Then he dies.

07/31/2005 08:43 PM (UTC)
nobrainer...not bad. not bad at all. tongue

not too fond of Dairou. I could imagine Kenshi doing that, though.
07/31/2005 09:19 PM (UTC)
I don't mean Dairou, I mean a new Character based on the ORIGINAL concept for him.
Know what I'm on about Kaizou?
08/01/2005 01:02 AM (UTC)
Yeah, I do. Reminds me of a late-1800s style Japanese samurai. Kind of like that Hitokiri Battousai character, except much more malicious.

The seppuku is truly one of the most gratuitous and gory hara-kiris one could think of. Would be perfect for MK.grin

Imagine a seppuku with Xbox 360/PS3 graphics.tongue Might even grab a AO rating. glasses
08/01/2005 07:45 AM (UTC)
I think in MK7 they should bring in an all-new bad-ass solid-as-a-rock character. They could make him the end boss (bit like Jinpachi in Tekken 5, but not as cheap.) and give him his own kick-ass fatality. They could even make him a Super Unlockable. Hmmmmm........

Wukana Fatality (called The Boss' Touch)

Wukana bashes the brains out of the opponent. He then holds the opponent by their arms and kicks them so hard that the rest of the opponents body flies onto some spikes in his arena. The opponent is still just alive, before Wukana simply whacks the head off the opponents impaled body.

As for a Hara-Kiri........ I'll think of that later.
08/03/2005 01:00 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero Fatality (called The Lin Kuei Touch):

Subby simply walks up to the opponent and touches them in the chest. He steps back, as the opponent starts screaming. They start to freeze from the inside. When they're completley frozen, Sub-Zero simply pokes them, and they fall onto the floor, shattering completley.
08/06/2005 03:24 PM (UTC)

Smoke put a bomb into the opponet mouth then Smoke disappear and after that Noob show up and he throw 4 shurikens to the opponent stomach. The opponet blow up and alot of organs falling down.


Scorpion shot his spear into the opponent stomach. Scorpion drag him and he will hit the opponent balls. The opponent scream and then Scorpion will slice his body into half.

If the opponent is a girl:
Scorpion shot his spear into the opponent stomach. Scorpion drag her and he will pinch the opponent butt. She will scream and then Scorpion will slice her body into half.
08/06/2005 04:46 PM (UTC)
deadly_dragon Wrote:

Smoke put a bomb into the opponet mouth then Smoke dissaperar and after that Noob show up and he throw 4 shurikens to the opponet stomech. The opponet blow up and alot of organs falling down.


Not bad. Written like an amateur, but gory grin

deadly_dragon Wrote:

Scorpion shot his spear into the opponet stomech. Scorpion drag him and he will hit the opponet balls. The opponet scream and then Scorpion will slice his body into half.

If the opponet is a girl:
Scorpion shot his spear into the opponet stomech. Scorpion drag her and he will pinch the opponet butt. She will scream and then Scorpion will slice ber body into half.


Hot damn, I'll send you a copy of Webster's Collegiate Dictionary for free. tongue

Poorly written, and just....depraved. wow
08/06/2005 05:12 PM (UTC)
omfg! wow i wrote so fast that i forgot to check if there typos wow
08/06/2005 10:37 PM (UTC)
-Noob-Smoke 2nd Fatality-

The opponent will call noob saibot "n00b" and noob saibot will get angry. Noob will throw his shurikens into the opponent head. Then Noob will kick the opponent body 10 times and after that he will blow the opponent head.

Hara Kiri:

Noob will take off his mask and he will look at the mirror. Noob will be shocked to death.

08/07/2005 09:45 AM (UTC)
deadly_dragon Wrote:
-Noob-Smoke 2nd Fatality-

The opponent will call noob saibot "n00b" and noob saibot will get angry. Noob will throw his shurikens into the opponent head. Then Noob will kick the opponent body 10 times and after that he will blow the opponent head.

Hara Kiri:

Noob will take off his mask and he will look at the mirror. Noob will be shocked to death.


Lol, strange Hara-Kiri........

Might work for Kabal, I guess....
08/07/2005 06:21 PM (UTC)

FATALITY(1):Dairou does his Teleport and makes the opponent dizzy. Then he walks up behind em and slits their throat. Simple dirty and to the point. Dairou style. Or he could just snap theyre neck Id like that too.

FATALITY(2):Dairou does his Iron leg and it actually kicks out theyre insides.

Heya there, back. Here's s'more War of the Realms Fatalites


Fan Split

In only a slice of her fan, her opponent's upper body falls down from his lower body, sliced.

Kiss of Terror

Kitana gives her opponent a *SMOOCH*, and lo, the opponent froze in terror, then all of a sudden..... he goes BOOM!!!! Sent him/her to the limbyard.

Captain Sektor
(NOTE: He feels tamed now thanx to Commander Cyrax, but his rampant battle memories gave him still a +100 Battle Advantage. Don't confuse him with the mad one.)

Elevating Compactor

Sektor generates a compactor, the one bit on the floor, and the other at the top. Then he raises the enemy to his brutal demise. SPLAT!!!! Instant blood and limbs!

Flamethrower Pyromania

Sektor goes gung-ho all of a sudden, and ignites his opponent into a running, burning mass of flesh like a fire-lovin' maniac. Mess with the best, burn like the rest!


Pscyho Stomping

Rampage knocks his opponent down by hitting him on the head, then he stomps the loser madly and quickly till his opponent exploded to pulp.

Quick Slice

He generates his Psycho Blades then, in a flash, slices the whole opponent into parts.



Thunder grabs his opponent, then he shocks him/her with a pure sense of torture till the opponent went K'BOOM!!!

Thunder Banishment

Thunder summons a cluster of dark clouds, then he commands them to banish the opponent. Then, without or before a word was said, a thundebolt hit the opponent and kept abusing the tortured opponent until he blew up to ashes and limbs. Noob-Smoke Spear Shock Smoke fires his harpoon at the enemy, then Noob shocks the opponent till he 'splodes. BOOM!!! And lotsa flesh and blood rainin' fro' da sky! Hara Kiri: Self Destruct Smoke grabs a detonator, and self-destructs.... taking the opponent with him. Inner Terror Noob Jumps into the enemy's inside, then when he's in, Smoke will throw an Energy-Shuriken at the enemy, then he/she goes K'BOOM and Noob will reappear from the destroyed enemy.
About Me

PSN: Eazail70x7

10/11/2006 12:09 AM (UTC)
Subzero2 Wrote:
that fatality you said for Kenshi is exactly what happens to you in chess mode when you step on a trap square. wink

Anyways, I definetly am not ready to see Sub-Zero's fatality (when he throws the frozen head at the frozen body) leave yet because it is absolutely FLAWLESS! glasses

His other fatality in Deception is great but he prolly will need at least 1 new fatality. I want it to be like this:


--(he deep freezes them, like on his fatality where he stomps ur body and ur head flys off. Then he takes out his Kori Blade, walks a little closer to the frozen fighter and he does a very strong upper-cut with it, launching the still frozen fighter chipped by the uppercut high into the air. Instead of going straight up, the frozen fighter goes up at more of angle, slightly distancing from Sub-Zero. While in the air the body does about two slow and stiff back flips and finally crashes head first on the ground shattering his entire body except for one of his ankles and both of his feet. The end result of all of this looks like this, a pile of small chunked pieces of ice with the one ankle and two feets of the frozen fighter on top of it still frozen. The pile is very low to the ground because of so much his body is scattered everywhere around it. Sub-Zero then does a winning pose accordingly to this fatality.)--

Hope you all like it! grin

P.S. try to make a mental picture of all this happening! wink

10/15/2006 10:13 AM (UTC)
I actually made a long list of all the ideas ive had....lol there are over 200 or so....I was bored and probably intoxicated in some kinda way at the time tongue but I will only post more if yas want me to lol. grin

Sub-Zero's Chill Touch Fatality

Sub-zero walks up to the victim freezes and rips off both arms...throwing them to smash in peices hitting the ground and then he round houses the victims head freezing and exploding it in shards of gore and ice...then his victory pose.

Frost's Heart Breaker Fatality

Frost walks up to the groggy victim and slams her hand into the victims chest (frost and steam pour from her arm and the victims chest) ripping out the opponents frozen heart squeezing and shattering it in her hand as the victim falls to the ground.

Any of the Shokans(Goro,Kintaro,Sheeva,or even a new shokan)

The shokan walks up to the groggy opponent using its top arms to grab the victims arms and the lower arms to grab the victims legs and then rips them all apart at once leaving the head still on the torso falling to the ground....then the shokan beats the rest of the body thats on the ground with all 4 of the opponents own limbs until a bloody mess.

Reptile's Regurgitate Fatality

At a distance(like in past mk games)Reptile lunges his tounge across the screen and grabs the victims head and pulls them down and drags them on the groung across the screen as he than trys to swallow the whole body but gets only to the waist....he than pukes out the body that is now half skeloten and covered in gross looking greenish acidic saliva. Also I have thought about a Revenge feature,basically it would give the losing opponent a chance to come back out of a fatality or block a fatality....kinda like reversals but only for finishing moves....just so that soar losing players can keep some of there pride HAHAHAHA!!!tongue
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