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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/29/2007 08:24 PM (UTC)
Well, that was short and sweet ;)
04/30/2007 02:16 AM (UTC)
Well, any argument for or against killing off characters is entirely devoid of objectivity really, so there's no real answer. But, in my biased opinion, I couldn't really give a damn if they genocided the roster. If everyone comes back, yay. If everyone is dead, yay. Sure, there are a few people I want to see again, but really, they could kill off half the cast and I would mind.
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04/30/2007 05:29 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
You miss the point: certain characters are no longer necessary.

No longer needed for what? The storyline?

What, is MK a novel? It's a video game series for fuck's sake, in which millions of people have grown up with, becoming fanatics of several characters.

You think it's fair to kill off most characters just for the sake of future stories?

And what? Deadly Alliance didn't have a great story despite its many classic characters? What about Deception's enormous success? Have you forgotten the raves that go on in these forums and among the fans when they hear that a classic character will be returning for a new game? The excitement? The anxiety?

When was the last time Jarek or Kai (non-classic characters) became the center of such excitement and anxious anticipation? Stryker (a classic) got more attention and reaction from fans when MKA was coming out than these 2 guys ever did.

The MK team has come up with generally OK characters at best ever since MK4. You're sure MK8 and after will do a good job of overlapping and replacing our current cast? Ha!

Just look at Taven, the newest star, and he still doesn't stand a match for Mileena or even Rain's popularity.

The new cast will not be so exciting. You'll see. MK8 will be another MK4: New story with a crap-load of characters.

Of course, I could be wrong, but the odds are on my side cuz historical evidence shows Midway can't create characters who exceed the charisma and money-making star power of our classics.

Scorpion and Sub-Zero might be the most popular, and the ones already known to return for next-gen, but millions of fans like other characters more. Isn't why Armageddon became so exciting and successful because all the characters returned? You can bet MK8 will cause Mortal Kombat in general to lose attention from tons of people since the game will only appeal to Scorp and Sub fans, and those few other classics that'll return.

Look at how angry fans become when special moves from certain characters do not return. Now imagine if those certain characters did not return entirely! ...Whoa.... You can sure expect a ton of angry fans.

Logic says MK8 won't be so appealing unless its characters can outmatch our classics. ...And I doubt they will.

Your argument is that for the sake of MK's future we need a new cast, but if you'd analyze it better, you'd see that what it actually needs is to recycle and reintroduce its classics (along with introducing some new characters as well).

If storytelling is the problem, then give the classics new stories. Let the characters evolve. Let Mileena become Shao Kahn's master, let Reptile feud with Chameleon, let Sindel go from queen to slave for some reason, let Frost take over the Lin Kuei and have Sub-Zero do something else, etc.

Goodness, storytelling is such an ever-changing art. These characters should not be judged by Midway's bad storytelling for the classics in recent games. That is so shallow and ignorant.

Thats why I have never specified characters, just thoser that are in my opinion are redundant. Of course we could recycle every damn character
for great justice....would that stil serve a purpose? No.

Oh about angry fans: imagine the angry fans who still see aforementioned characters alive. Imagine what happened when they took out the Mammoth tank from C&C Tiberian Sun, guess what, nobody began bitching over the new technology introduced in TS. And C&C is a tad little more twelve times bigger than MK ever be (Guiness record holder). Do not try to defend the bitching fanboys with shallow reaso.... talking, for you have not brought up any kind of synthesis on the "why".

And for your own sake, just browse up what you can find on literary criticism on the net.
04/30/2007 09:43 AM (UTC)
TheSilverSurfer Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I hope you're right, because from how Ed seems, it look like they are just killing off characters just to kill them off with no sort of thought.

Dont you think it's time Mortal Kombat starts over? MK needs a new start.

Well, when there is a new start, I bet it wont feel anything like the good old days of Mortal Kombat, they will just be memories now
04/30/2007 06:24 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Do not try to defend the bitching fanboys with shallow reaso.... talking.

If it weren't for its fanboys, MK wouldn't be so successful. It was in high demand in the 90's, and its in high demand now thanks to the them.

Afterall, they're the ones that convinced Midway to release MKA character bios since they're "bitching" made Midway realize how much they were missed and wanted. The fanboys practically demanded for the bios and now look... here they are and with more to come.

MK has stood on its feet for the past decade or so because of its fanboys (and fangirls, like me), so don't try to nullify their importance in MK matters, such as the doing-away with most of their favorite characters.
04/30/2007 07:14 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
prodigy004 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
This coming from the Liu Kang whore. and im a girl.

Liu Kang is awsome.

Liu Kang is zombie shit. "Oh look at me, i can't find my body cause i'm a dumb ass".


That was great. I guess I'll put my cents in. QueenSindel-The Bitch (I like that name and the sig is nice. XD) is right about the franchise selling because of the classic characters. How many people would have bought MK:D if the roster was just the new characters? Hotaru, Dairou, Darrius, Ashrah, Kira, Kobra, Havik, Shujinko, and whoever else I forgot to mention? Well being an Mk fan, I would have bought it, but the sole reason I bought MK:D was for my Jade, Li-mei, Sindel, and Tanya.

I like the classic characters. Kitana, Smoke, Jade, SubZero, Cyrax, Sonya, Shao Kahn...and I've had great times playing with and fighting them. I would be heartbroken if Boon killed Kitana or Jade....but I also want a new MK. I want the MK8 cast to be completely new. Thats one of the reasons I'm exited about it because I wanna see what they come up with. Now I don't want them to kill off the classics, but if its for the good of the franchise...let be it. We all know that Midway can pull some BS reason out their asses on how someone escaped death or came back to life so I'm not worried. Plus, Midway could always make a side game featuring the entire cast old and new. Capcom does it with street fighter. *shrugs*.
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04/30/2007 07:27 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Do not try to defend the bitching fanboys with shallow reaso.... talking.

If it weren't for its fanboys, MK wouldn't be so successful. It was in high demand in the 90's, and its in high demand now thanks to the them.

Afterall, they're the ones that convinced Midway to release MKA character bios since they're "bitching" made Midway realize how much they were missed and wanted. The fanboys practically demanded for the bios and now look... here they are and with more to come.

MK has stood on its feet for the past decade or so because of its fanboys (and fangirls, like me), so don't try to nullify their importance in MK matters, such as the doing-away with most of their favorite characters.

As you would have it and I also rest my case. I cannot decide wether I actually give a shit about MK anymore, or am I completely antagonistic towards it. Probablz the latter: I am aching for the destruction of the roster.
04/30/2007 08:19 PM (UTC)
There are some exceptions for killing of characters. I dont think the whole roster should be redone, that just wouldnt work. They do need to touch up and give more story to some of the previous characters as well as kill a few of the ones that just ruin the game entirely or just arn't origional enough...

For Instance:

Stryker - At present he is just a useless character, however he is just one of a kind, there isn't another riot leader in the game, true alot of people find him crappy. But with a little extra backup story he could be something worth while.

Kenshi - Ok he has done his fair share, True he has a huge fan base but put it this way, his only real connection to the story was that he was blinded by shang tsung (Stryker however was chosen by Rayden - Making him somewhat of a good warrior). He then helps Jax and Sonya with their outer world investigation agency (Woohoo) and then thats it since then hes not done anything nor has he really done anything but spoil the plot.

And by the way Cham/Kammelion ISNT a joke character, just thought id back up the lady there because i know she/he arnt and i quite liked them.

Yes there are alot of un-needed characters also, i know alot will dissagree with me and say stryker is useless kenshi is not, you just need to read into things more i could make a whole list (infact i pretty much have done in another thread) of pointless characters. But there are still some that havn't been touched in a long time. And some characters will need to die to improve the plot of the game otherwise it will get repetetive with more and more characters none of which dying...

However there are some things that are best left alone *coughLiuKang+Raydencough*

oh and that shinnok fan guy, shinnok is third worst character in the game... He even probably has a less of a fan base than Kai.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/30/2007 09:42 PM (UTC)
thank u, excelent post.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

04/30/2007 10:32 PM (UTC)
Now since when a fighting game was just all about the story and background? Of course the Mortal Kombat Story is very interesting and many of the fans love (including myself) to learn the stroy as it progresses but I feel like u guys are gettin so hooked on to the stories to the point where u just don't care about the characters anymore. YES the story is important to the franchise and YES it must be completed but once it's completed, what then? No more characters period? No more Mortal Kombat? My point is MK is a fighting game. People respond to fighting games based on how the characters FIGHT. Not eveybody is so worried about the stories. Besides IMO, the backround story got all screwed up once Deception came out. You guys have to take some of the other characters into consideration. I mean when my little brother (who dosen't know a thing about Mortal Kombat) picks up the controller to play future MK games, I'm pretty sure he would pay attention to who looks the best or has the best moves. And the way it looks now, (MK4-MKD) I don't think he would be saying good things. You have to keep characters like Sector, Raiden, Ermac, Kung Lao, Sindel, Reptile and Baraka just to name a few. Those were the kind of characters that kept me interested as far as looking at a FIGHTING GAME. Unless they can come up with way better character than the previous ones, they shouldn't kill off everyone or most of them.
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05/01/2007 11:55 AM (UTC)
I think people are getting Joke mixed up with Useless, E.G. Mokap, he wasn't a joke but totally useless. I think Useless/Joke characters should all be booted. I drew up a small digram the show this.

05/01/2007 02:00 PM (UTC)
I just noticed in your diagram that you have crossed out all of my african-american brothers and sisters, care to explain? J/k. wink Seriuosly though, I agree with about 75-80% of your cuts. Those that I disagree with I wouldn't be too heartbroken over. Also, I would reccomend crossing out Blaze, as he is not likely to make a return.
05/01/2007 03:48 PM (UTC)
some i can relate too however there are some i entirely dissagree with.

For example

Jax is needed to support Sonya, without him Sonya most probably wouldn't appear again...
Kabal is a very Interesting Character too, he could be made into something so much more...

However everybodys opinions are all bound to be biased as everybody has their favourites and their dislikes. Though there is one character i think we all agree on is the most stupedist character. Mokap...

Also about the story, everygame needs some sort of plot, without it, its pretty much mindless with no thought. I guess it would work for Mortal Kombat but it just wouldn't be the same.

And that comment about MK screwing up about the time of the release of Deception was wrong... MK4 was when it all started going caput bringing in the useless copy cat characters (Jarek for example).

I like the way nobody ever mentions Liu Kang, he was always my favourite hes like the ryu of street fighter, a classic and the "key figure" in the series. But all i can say is nobody has the right to say who to kill next, that is up to Ed Boon, though i cant help but think how much different and better the story line would be if John Tobias was back working on MK...
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

05/01/2007 04:26 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
You miss the point: certain characters are no longer necessary.

No longer needed for what? The storyline?

What, is MK a novel? It's a video game series for fuck's sake, in which millions of people have grown up with, becoming fanatics of several characters.

You think it's fair to kill off most characters just for the sake of future stories?

And what? Deadly Alliance didn't have a great story despite its many classic characters? What about Deception's enormous success? Have you forgotten the raves that go on in these forums and among the fans when they hear that a classic character will be returning for a new game? The excitement? The anxiety?

When was the last time Jarek or Kai (non-classic characters) became the center of such excitement and anxious anticipation? Stryker (a classic) got more attention and reaction from fans when MKA was coming out than these 2 guys ever did.

The MK team has come up with generally OK characters at best ever since MK4. You're sure MK8 and after will do a good job of overlapping and replacing our current cast? Ha!

Just look at Taven, the newest star, and he still doesn't stand a match for Mileena or even Rain's popularity.

The new cast will not be so exciting. You'll see. MK8 will be another MK4: New story with a crap-load of characters.

Of course, I could be wrong, but the odds are on my side cuz historical evidence shows Midway can't create characters who exceed the charisma and money-making star power of our classics.

Scorpion and Sub-Zero might be the most popular, and the ones already known to return for next-gen, but millions of fans like other characters more. Isn't why Armageddon became so exciting and successful because all the characters returned? You can bet MK8 will cause Mortal Kombat in general to lose attention from tons of people since the game will only appeal to Scorp and Sub fans, and those few other classics that'll return.

Look at how angry fans become when special moves from certain characters do not return. Now imagine if those certain characters did not return entirely! ...Whoa.... You can sure expect a ton of angry fans.

Logic says MK8 won't be so appealing unless its characters can outmatch our classics. ...And I doubt they will.

Your argument is that for the sake of MK's future we need a new cast, but if you'd analyze it better, you'd see that what it actually needs is to recycle and reintroduce its classics (along with introducing some new characters as well).

If storytelling is the problem, then give the classics new stories. Let the characters evolve. Let Mileena become Shao Kahn's master, let Reptile feud with Chameleon, let Sindel go from queen to slave for some reason, let Frost take over the Lin Kuei and have Sub-Zero do something else, etc.

Goodness, storytelling is such an ever-changing art. These characters should not be judged by Midway's bad storytelling for the classics in recent games. That is so shallow and ignorant.

Agreed Agreed AGREED! Finally someone who understands me.
05/01/2007 04:49 PM (UTC)
Wu-TangStyle Wrote:
some i can relate too however there are some i entirely dissagree with.

For example

Jax is needed to support Sonya, without him Sonya most probably wouldn't appear again...
cage can do this better than jax
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/01/2007 09:57 PM (UTC)
Deception introduced alot of plot holes. So i agree with the other guy, DA had added to the MK story perfectly, until Deception came along. And i think characters that are JUST RETURNING, aka Sheeva,Rain,Chamel,Khamel ect. should be given another chance.
05/01/2007 10:24 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Deception introduced alot of plot holes. So i agree with the other guy, DA had added to the MK story perfectly, until Deception came along. And i think characters that are JUST RETURNING, aka Sheeva,Rain,Chamel,Khamel ect. should be given another chance.

I can't fully agree.

I had a couple of issues or so with MKDA's story.

Morihei Ueshiba, real life founder of Aikido, as the founder of the Black Dragon clan? That's not only stupid and ironic, but it's also kind of disrespectful.

Cyrax's story was retconned in MKDA in which Jax and Sonya had found him and reprogrammed him and got his soul back. The way it was written retcons Sektor's MKG story, turning it into nothing.

And my "favorite"...

Scorpion going after the younger Sub-Zero for many years, believing that he killed his family and clan when Quan Chi had framed the OLDER Sub-Zero for the same thing. With the retconning out of Scorpion's original stories in MK2 and MK3, plus the "many years" thing, it seems like he's been after the wrong Sub-Zero for many years or just assumes that all the Lin Kuei (or just both Sub-Zeros) were responsible, which his MK4 ending kind of implies. So yeah, either way, a horrible, horrible retcon, which of course meant the raping of Scorpion's storyline.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/02/2007 01:28 AM (UTC)
so only 3 flaws? really 2? count how many deception has. And i never said the DA story was flawless, i said it had a great story. And where did you get all that black dragon stuff from?
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05/02/2007 02:11 AM (UTC)
awwww screw you sektor is the bomb (litterally)
05/02/2007 02:17 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Now since when a fighting game was just all about the story and background? Of course the Mortal Kombat Story is very interesting and many of the fans love (including myself) to learn the stroy as it progresses but I feel like u guys are gettin so hooked on to the stories to the point where u just don't care about the characters anymore. YES the story is important to the franchise and YES it must be completed but once it's completed, what then? No more characters period? No more Mortal Kombat. My point is MK is a fighting game people resond to fighting games based on how the characters FIGHT. Not eveybody is so worried about the stories. Besides IMO, the backround story got all screwed up once Deception came out. You guys have to take some of the other characters into consideration. I mean when my little brother (who dosen't know a thing about Mortal Kombat) picks up the controller to play future MK games, I'm pretty sure he would pay attention to who looks the best or has the best moves and the way it looks now, (MK4-MKD) I don't think he would be saying good things. You have to keep characters like Sector, Raiden, Ermac, Kung Lao, Sindel, Reptile and Baraka just to name a few. Those were the kind of characters that kept me interested as far as looking at a FIGHTING GAME. Unless they can come up with way better character than the previous ones, they shouldn't kill off everyone or most of them.

I completely agree!

I don't understand why some people judge MK primarily by its story.

To me, the story is just the icing on the cake. It should not be what decides the fate of the characters, yet some people treat it like the control center of MK.

There are so many amazing, original, and charismatic characters in the MK series (mostly of the classic characters), but because their stories have become stale they should be thrown out the window? How stupid! How senseless!

I also think the characters' looks and moves (specials and fatalities) are the most important thing, not their stories.
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05/02/2007 02:25 AM (UTC)
Shinnok-fan64 Wrote:
i feel like they need to kill off a lot of the old characters, but not all of them.

I think the characters that have no real storyline potential, like all these characters: Reiko,Jarek,Stryker,Sheeva,Scorpion(although he won't),Liu Kang,Tanya,Shujinko,Kitana,Noob Saibot,Shao Kahn,Kano,Kabal,Jax,Shang Tsung,Sonya,Sektor,Mileena(although i love her), and a couple others.

I also think some characters who were joke/extra characters should be killed off, like these ones:Meat,Mokap,Blaze,Chameleon,Khameleon, and a couple more.

I think the characters that stay need to have a great storyline potential, like all of these characters: Ermac, Johnny Cage(iffy on him),Shinnok,Raiden,Sub-zero(maybe),Sareena,Nitara,Quan Chi,Smoke,Cyrax,Rain,Reptile,and some others.

that's mostly what i think.

you suck . sektor is the best and cyrax is gay he should DIEfurious
05/02/2007 03:05 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
so only 3 flaws? really 2? count how many deception has. And i never said the DA story was flawless, i said it had a great story. And where did you get all that black dragon stuff from?

You said that MKDA added to the MK story perfectly. It didn't. Cyrax's retcon was kind of a minor thing. Scorpion's retcon is a major thing. Having the real life founder of Aikido (way of harmony) as the founder of the Black Dragon clan, doesn't make any sense. There are probably some other plotholes, but the two I mentioned are the ones that come to mind right now.

Speaking of plotholes, which ones in MKD are you referring to? I know there are definitely plotholes in that story, but I want to know which ones you're talking about.

As for where did I get all the Black Dragon stuff from, read Kano's Konquest mission stuff, which is here.

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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





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05/02/2007 11:38 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:

I don't understand why some people judge MK primarily by its story.

To me, the story is just the icing on the cake. It should not be what decides the fate of the characters, yet some people treat it like the control center of MK.

There are so many amazing, original, and charismatic characters in the MK series (mostly of the classic characters), but because their stories have become stale they should be thrown out the window? How stupid! How senseless!

I also think the characters' looks and moves (specials and fatalities) are the most important thing, not their stories.

That's pretty congruent with shallow......
Imagine Sindel with no story at all(extreme case i know). No real place of origin, no known relatives, nor a reason to do what she's been doing....Furthermore to the highlighted, each deserves equal attention and balance to correctly portray the character.

Story is absolute in order to allow the character exsistance....and if you like to fandom over things...it gives way for depth in a character(i.e. something to find out after all the special moves and fatalities are exploited.)

The greater degree of any "fandom" is how much you know about your....."thing"(character or alternate ego, a simple item like toy or jewlery, or business intelligence which stems from product or service knowlege, ect...)

To me, the "icing" is how close the characters interpretation seems to come to my own personality. Based of course, in what appeals to me. That requires information about that character...and for me, Raiden has a story that backs up what appeals about his performance//costumes. It's what keeps me from liking characters like Meat.. Looks o.k., moves and stuff look o.k.....but other than that - there's nothing there that grasp my likeness. There's no "substance" to the character...just looks. Looks are what "appeal", "story" gives purpose....purpose to remain.

To the red highlighted:

In the case of MkA...Yes, greatly so. A vast majority have been battered story-line wise. Retcons, the regurgetation of characters, or stale//dead-ends sour a characters "exsistance". Which, creates dead-wieght on the disc that we buy. They don't need to be there and for a great chunck of our current roster....death is an exceptable exit for them. Others don't really deserve "death" in the common sense of the word, but more a total unrecognizable ressurection of the character. Choosing which ones get that treatment might then "go to the fans"....but ever so cautiously even then. I mean, MkA is a testament of what can happen if the fans have an effect on a game like this. Imagine too much effect...wow

To the black highlighted:

Difference of opinion mainly...but what I've found is that some people lust the substance.....the meaning or purpose for a game like this over the awe of special moves and fatalities. It is what drives the game itself to exsist and without it....kill the game.

Marketing and advertising work backwards from that. Appealing to the eye of the prospect customer, then (generally) supplying some substance to keep the customer buying that product.

(ex. How do you start smoking? Why do you keep buying?)
looked cool in the early days -- habitual.

or in other words:

("Seen a fatality or special move from a good looking character....)
looked cool

(why should you buy the next Mk?" .....for instance)
favorite character will be in the next game."
About Me
The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





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05/02/2007 11:46 AM (UTC)
Just posted this in another thread, but it's relavant here so...here:


1. Reptile: The stress from the Dragon King transforming his body..kills him. Make way for a different saurian super-secret character(sry bout the "S's"). I figure, they had to inhabit another whole planet...there's bound to be another one out there somewhere. Tah Dah!

My Alignment for this Character: I like the Mk1-2 Reptile and the way the MkA reptile looks.

2. Rain: Retcon dummy. I can already see it coming: "He's the son of a god so he can never die." Wow. Kill him with MkA for having loyalties to Shao Kahn. Semi-Godhood shouldn't save you from that fate..."mortal".Your soul is your soul and you dedicated it to a tyrant...bye bye.

My Alignment for this Character: I like Rain.

3. Chameleon: Fun to see, reasonable to die off. According to one speculation I read and thought was interesting is that he's transparent becasue he's already dead. Same as Khameleon so I won't waste time on making her an individual character later. I like this idea because it takes them out before they're "in" the roster as "serious" characters. They're paper-wieght characters, and as far as fans are concerened...they've servered their pupose.
("Yay..at least we got to see them again". Bye now *applaudes MkTeam*)

My Alignment for this Character: I like how they look in MkA. Don't care for either character.

4. Smoke: An example of in-adequate exploitation of a character. Depending on how you look at it, he's a huge waste of an element.
Dis-assemble the robot. When I was interested in his story, it was only slightly.

My Alignment for this Character: Never liked what they did with his character, the concept was always cool though. Don't like the character.

5. Cyrax: Gotta kill one of 'em and he's lost his luster while Sektor shines his armor with the whole Tekunin thing. Dis-assemble Cyrax.

My Alignment for this Character: Liked him more than Sektor in the beginning. Don't like the character...anymore.

6. Stryker: Would love to keep him, reinvent his character but have no idea how to - due to poor development in the first place. He's like Chameleon with a badge essentially....He still doesn't know why his in the tournament. Unfortunate death seems proper since everything else about him is "unfortunate". I guess if he just.....went home after all this it could be just as proper too.

My Alignment for this Character: Love the character from the beginning.

7. Kabal: Flip-Flop too much...Make up your mind and take the cape back off in the process. I think he should double-cross the wrong person and be killed in the vortex that is his alignment problem.

My Alignment for this Character: Loved him in MkT after that...I don't even care.

8. Jarek: What!?! Fatality practic-er? Let the corpse of Kang Kill him in all of Raidens' protection of Earth "by any means nessasary" issues.

My Alignment for this Character: NEVER liked him. Thought he was "King Jerrod" out of the comics at first, but as soon as that was clarified, all interest in the character dissapated.

9. Darrius: Sterotype...Quota. Make another - different one.

My Alignment for this Character: NEver liked him. Cool moves though.

10. Reiko: Shao Kahn gotta go, you gotta go with him. His loyalty to Kahn is undisputed thus far unless his bio expresses something different.

My Alignment for this Character: Loved this Character. One of the only 2 from Mk4 to become a fav.

11. Bo Rai Cho: Chokes on his own puke, lol. Joke character with just enough justification.

My Alignment for this Character: NEVER liked the character.

12. Mavado: Kabal kills him before Havik kills him. Or any "backstabbing" that is internal of his faction will do.

My Alignment for this Character: NEVER liked the character.

13. Nightwolf: I think he's a wonderful character. Just never exploited properly. I think his story, up until his MkD-MkA bio/endings came out, doesn't include him on a cannon basis enough to stick around. I think he should probably use up the last of his life essence transfering Liu Kangs soul from his own to heaven, and then die off. Basiclly, I'd like to see someone like "Siang" from the comic books take his place as a Native American power-house and as Shamen.

They are two, who can combine into one....that kinda looks like shamanistic behavior to me combining two spirits and all. And I think "they" would be more than an adequate replacement for NightWolf. Nightwolf would then become their "inspiration" the same way Liu Kang would be paid homage to, from future Shaolin monk champs.

My Alignment for this Character: Loved this character from concept. But he's done his job very well and should "rest" for good now.

14. Mokap: Joke character...not for Mk8

My Alignment for this Character: Please don't ever do that again.

15. Jonny Cage: "Humor" character. According to the word from Boon that should conclude Cages' exisitance in at least this next game. Besides that, he's been "dead" once or twice already....That doesn't make him much of a "Mortal" if he keeps coming back now does it?...not for Mk8

My Alignment for this Character: thought the nut punch was funny back in Mk1-2. Don't like the character.

16. Kano: Too long an absence, too little development after Mk3. Also, Kano had 1 too many "clones". Jarek and Kira for example. Remember the rumor that Baraka was Kanos' replacement? Kano is tarnished beyond repair. I think he should die from a proverb....Like "Reep what you Sew".

My Alignment for this Character: Never a favorite. Was interested in his absence from Mk2. Don't like the character now.

17. Jax: Reinvent him or let the Tekunin kill him. Stereotypical, Quota. The "strongest man" theme is older than dirt itself. Make him an EarthBender. Make him a more exceptable interpretation of an "earth god"...that's where I think he should go if he stays alive at all....

My Alignment for this Character: Never a favorite. I don't like him.

18. Kai: If he doesn't step up in the Order of Light and as a Shaolin Monk or at least replace Liu Kang..Kill him in the process of "becoming". Probably the first respectable "afro-character"...and he's undeveloped. Wow. I feel like if they're not gonna do anything with him....he shouldn't be there at all. When I first learned of his story, he seemed like a shoe-in for the next Shaolin Champion.

I guess I'm discruntled or aggrivated about this character. He's also one that lacks an on-going relationship with supporting cast members.

My Alignment for this Character: I REALLY like his potential. He could be my next favorite but there's just not enough there to make the decision yet

19. Hsu Hao: He's a spar partner and I think, the only straight forward antagonist for Jax. Welp, I "killed" Mavado and Jax so far...This character has no supporting cast left and is thus left without a purpose in MK.

My Alignment for this Character: I fuckin' hate Hsu Hao. Look, story, gameplay...he's just terrible.

20. Kobra: His story and motivations are wakk for being in Mortal Kombat. I think he gives off a vibe of Styker from a darker angle. Whereas, he knows why he's there, but no clue for why he stays. wink

My Alignment for this Character: Hate him.

21. Liu Kang: Dude...he's dead. Let him go chill out with the Elder Kung Lao in Heaven already. Besides that, I belive that if we're gonna have a character with a "Bruce Lee" complex...at least update it to say a Jet Li, Donnie Yen, or even a Chow Yun Fat.

My Alignment for this Character: Never a favorite, but understood his purpose in the game.

22. Shang Tsung:Should die because of his committment to Shao Kahn. Although I wanna see him continue and finally be exploited properly(long shot but look to Eragons' lead evil Sorcerer. forgot his name), story-wise he should die. My thing about Shang Tsung is: "How do you adequately replace THAT?. I'm awaiting a good interpretation.

If I had a say in it, I would keep this bad guy, and give him new motivations. Then exlploit his power potential because of the motive alteration,....change his look a little bit, and let him go like that for a while.

My Alignment for this Character: Liked him in Mk1-2, then didn't like him in Mk3-T, then liked him again in MkDa-current. I really like the "revamp" on the costume and FmV interpretations too.

23. Quan Chi: I think without an active connection to the BrotherHood of the Shadow and whatever Noob Saibot is doing, Scorpion should get his revenge and kill him.

My Alignment for this Character: I never liked him. I feel like he needed a legion of some sort or to have his sorcery exploited far beyond where it was even in any FmV he appeared in.

24. Shinnok: Fallen Gods evil plan didn't work. It was superseeded and overcome by the Elder Gods through the God of Edenias' son "Taven" and the safegaurd Blaze. Tah dah.

I'd say put Shinnok to rest in a similar fasion as the One Being and be done with him. Have the Elder Gods dispurse his Godly essence (if there is any left in him) or something.

He needs to go because it's nessasary to be rid of this story-plot and motivation for the contest: . Which is what they're trying to do with Mk8 on forward anyway.He's as much a motivator of this story-plot as Shao Kahn and they both have to die in order to continue with even the vague objectives Boon put on the table already.

25. Kitana: I don't want her "killed" in the sense that she dies. I'd rather have her character purpose in the story become more ellaborate, but from outside of the ring. Going by the fact that I killed Liu Kang off, and am definately going to kill Shao Kahn when I get to him, she could actually die, but I'd rather she assume the role of Queen of Edenia. Maybe have Sindel bestow Kitanna with all of her powers, which means Queen Sindel dies, and bring Kitana back in a later game as a reformed character. Maybe even make her an exile, that way she gets away from all of the "Royalty" for a while....

My Alignment for this Character: Not my favorite lady ninja, but I like the colot blue...lol, so she stayed an interesting character since Mk2. In-game, she was probably the most boring of the three at that time. Essentially, I like her story of all the women...but I don't like the character.

26. Mileena: She "dies" the same way Kitana does...of reinvention. Although, I can't imagine a "correct" time to bring her back after she's gone. Or a substatial reason to either. Especially with characters like Kitana, Shao Kahn, Sheeva, Shang Tsung, and probably Baraka gone.

My Alignment for this Character: I like her, but it's a translucent likeness. She's one of the female characters I will play with in these later games.

27. Jade: I like her So much, but she doesn't really have a future without her supporting characters' purposes. If Kitana becomes queen, then maybe there's a chance she could remain a personal bodygaurd(different costumes). I say that becasue she doesn't strike me as a "Lone Wolf" like Mileena. She is by far the most "solder-istic" of the lady ninjas to me. I feel like she can be reinvented....but again "How"? And why//when would you bring her back?

My Alignment for this Character: Love this character from begining to current. She always remains "intriguing".

28. Ashrah: I think she's Mk "fluff" to tell the truth. Her story wasn't one that struck me as unique or compelling. And again to tell the truth, with the whole "ascend from hell" theme, it just looked like they picked Scorpions' story apart and twisted it a little bit for her.

Other than that, now that's she's out of the NetherRealm, what can you do with her exept exile her of her own will, or kill her off for getting mixed up in someone elses problems.

My Alignment for this Character: Don't like her.

29. Li Mei: She is another one I consider "fluff" in Mortal Kombat. She was really kind of a side effect of what happened to Shang Tsung, and if that issue is remedied by Kahns death and all that are loyal to him(Tsung included)....she should be ousted as well.

My Alignment for this Character:Hate her character. Served her purpose in this story-plot.

30. Tanya: Again, more fluff. I think she makes this MkA appearance for that sake of the game like alot of other characters.

My Alignment for this Character: Never liked her.

31. Sindel: If Shao Kahn dies, and then Shang Tsung dies....whatever spells keeping her "alive" wear off. *shrugs* lol

Noh aheh, but it seems like they're refusing to build her up story-wise so, time to let her rest.

My Alignment for this Character: Like this character alot ever since Mk3-T. One of three of my favorite women characters.

32. Kira: I never found anything appealing about her having some of Kanos' moves.

My Alignment for this Character: Don't like this character at all.

33. Sheeva: Dies with the death of Kahn for pledging loyalty to him.

My Alignment for this Character: I actually do like this character alot. I felt like if they were going to keep anything from the Shokans, it should've been her or Kintaro. She wasn't a favorite, but I think I liked her because she was unique from the other Shokan...more interesting to think about.

34. Baraka: Dies with the death of Kahn for pledging loyalty to him. I think Baraka should die, but I do like the Tarkata. So maybe another one comes up in the future that has more to offer story-wise. It'd make the Tarkata seem more....

My Alignment for this Character: Never a favorite. I kinda liked him in Mk2. Don't care for him now though.

35. Motaro: Dies with the death of Kahn for pledging loyalty to him. Motaro is by far my favorite sub-boss. He was built right look wise, and he was placed correctly for his look. "Leader of his own faction, only second to the Huge boss, and fighting for that position with another powerful force: the Shokan. That was right. I feel like they massacred his character in MkA.

He got fucked, and now it's time to just put him to rest. Not only him though, the whole race dedicated loyalty to Shao Kahn so they're all going down if Kahn dies.

My Alignment for this Character: All time favorite Sub-Boss before MkA

36. Moloch: Frankly he's just a big dumb animal and nothing I've seen disputes that so, he can be killed off and never come back. I wouldn't even wish to see a "race" of him either.

My Alignment for this Character:What a useless pile of a character.

37. Meat: Joke character...not for Mk8.

My Alignment for this Character: Don't mind him as much as Mokap or Moloch actually. I guess it's because I don't care about this character SO much, I don't even recognize him as a real character on the roster.

38. Shao Kahn: Dragon King kills him. It's been long enough and now he's just being played with anyway. Seems ironic that a "bigger, badder" boss takes him out.

My Alignment for this Character: Favorite Boss of Mk ever. He's the model for future bosses. Whoever they make in the future, I feel like they should at least size them up to him.

39. Goro: Dies with the death of Kahn for pledging loyalty to him.

My Alignment for this Character:Never liked him. Thought he should've stayed dead the first time.

40. Kintaro: Dies with the death of Kahn for pledging loyalty to him. Highly under-developed character. I think it's a shame that a "monster" that aggressive looking has to go to waste.

My Alignment for this Character: 2nd Favorite Sub-Boss of Mk.

41. Drahmin: Only interested in his back-story. But that doesn't merit him actually being in the game. I wanna see what his whole past looks like and some insight into where his future is headed. Then I might be interested in playing with him. But as of now, I feel like I shouldn't or can't care about the character yet.

My Alignment for this Character:Don't like his look, but the story is intriguing.

42. Blaze: Served his purpose:

My Alignment for this Character: Liked his Look in MkA. Other than that I never liked him.

Leaves me with:

1. Scorpion: - almost garraunteed in Mk8

2. Sub-Zero: - almost garraunteed in Mk8

3. Ermac: - I like where his story has come from and is going.

4. Noob Saibot: - Liked the character before we knew he was the Elder S-Z.

5. Sektor: - "Tekunin". I want to see how far they will take him. I also wanna see a war against the Speacial Forces sub-plot.

6. Dairou: - The only thing I don't like about him is the fighting styles they gave him. I think he's a great character with great storyline potential.

7. Fujin: - They can do more with " thin-air".

8. Hotaru: - He's one of the few successfully unique characters we've gotten in the last couple games and I've come to really like him. I used to hate how "slow" he was. I don't like his fighting styles either.

9. Kenshi: - Same as Dairou and Hotaru besides the fighting styles comment.

10. Raiden: - Favorite character hands down. But I thought he was a gone-r until the whole "puppet-master" and "Liu Kang reserrection" deal. I don't see him being killed off or retiring out in anyway right now.

Now, before he regains himself from taint, I wanna see him take out a few characters that I listed. Maybe for such an action, the elder gods will reprimand him to being a mortal for a while and I'll still get to play with him(cuz it's not really his fault he's tainted in the first place unless he could've known what would happen).
Beyond something like this I can't image him becoming a "badguy" in any-way. It just doesn't seem interesting to me at all. As a matter of fact it kinda comes off as cliché.

I sacrificed myself for the greater good of EarthRealm and to defeat a threat seemingly greater than myself and two very powerful sorcerers, and I got tainted in the process..Oops...First I'll be ruthless for
Earth and then...what the hell I'll be a badguy for a while.."

Whah?!? Just doesn't sit right or make sense considering what he's doing now....

And while I'm here, Raiden is absolutly not "evil". That's a gargantuan misconception. Instead, Raiden is like an extremely over protective parent to EarthRealm, due to taint he inherited directly following his sacrifice....He should be considered over protectve to the point of pro-action. Taking matters unto himself, he will protect EarthRealm by any means nessasary("I can no longer stand idley by"). Like putting on armour before battle knowing you've been stabbed before....like putting plants in the dirt in the Fall, knowing they will grow the coming Spring....like buying insurance for a car you just bought knowing you have a jacked up accident record.

Raiden is more than a few millenia old, just because he has on dark clothes doesn't make him "evil". And futhermore, even if he kills in his current state, it should be pressumed justified because he's doing this for the greater good of EarthRealm. He's ruthless right now, not a tyrant. And he's doing this from a stand-point of ignorance about his taint. Not even other Gods like Fujin know why he's acting like he's acting yet.

Anyway, now that - that's rant-on about....Raiden has great potential outside of being anything like an "evil" character in the future. As I mentioned, if he is reprimanded it gives him challenges to (for once in Mk) become a God from scratch and reside in the Pantheon of the Gods once more. There's all kinds of potential in that.

He could be completely re-born and forced to live as a human from conception like Shujinko Konquest Mode(*nods to a separate conquest type game*). Except that, once he matured he could be let know his terrible mistakes and his missions as a human could co-oberate such.. That's what you do with Raiden....Human Lover....EarthRealm Protector. When you finish a game like that, Fujin and the Elder Gods welcome you back with open arms.....

11. Sonya: See Sektor

12. Frost: Sub-Zeros' "unofficial off-spring".

13. Nitara: Read books and simply portray her correctly while you have the chance to develop her for next gen is all I'd say there. If you gotta watch a movie to get "Vampire": Bram Stokers is good(lol), more modern "exceptable-for what-it-is...is "Queen of the Damned", "Interview with a Vampire" or even "Underworld" is fine with me. Maybe a little bit of the Comic-made-movie "Blade" is cool.

I like her, I like her story and where it's going. I like her design too, but if ya mess up what a vampire is supposed to be....especially in Mortal Kombat.....there is no hope. HA!

14. Sareena: She is probably the best thing to happen to the women on the roster in a long time. Everything "matches" with her. Her look, her story's good, she has enourmous potential...ect I'm still watching her so I don't have much to say right now.

15. Havik: I like Havik. I like the fact that we could see absolutley anything from him at anytime. He could do an evil deed one minute, and then turn around and do some good deed the next minute just so long as it maintains his theme: Chaos. On another note, I wouldn't mind seeing maybe one more character come from that realm that maybe contradicts the custom.


My Hang-Nails:

1. Dragon King: I like him alot. I think he should've suceeded Shao Kahn in the first place. I just don't have any reason to believe he should die..."retire out" or simply go away.

2. Shujinko: I think he could be our next big power-house. Considering he inherits whoevers powers he comes into battle with, he probably has the best potential of getting pissed off by someone and becomeing the next big Boss. I think it would be fitting considering most people already don't like him. Imagine climbing the ladder to kill Shujinko...haha! Frustrating unexpected right? idk that's just a crazy idea I've had for some time now.


I just know I missed someone....
05/02/2007 04:57 PM (UTC)
I agree with alot of that and it was a very nice post, the part i noticed u mentioned was Sektors clan of ninjas, ive tried to mention this but nobody has taken an interest. However not all characters can be killed off they simply can be reinvented as a cyborg which would be awsome.

I dont like what they did to liu kang, true he had to die sometime but to die like he did in DA was wrong, he should die in kombat not by being "back stabbed" so to speak...

I personally think they could make more with Kabal hes a very uniqe character and should most definatly stay.

If Kitana dies, then Mileena can still live on being her clone would make her "The Origional" if you catch my drift.

Stryker is also a very good character though they failed him, if he had reappeared sooner say in MK4 then he might still have been able to stay...
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