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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/05/2007 08:05 AM (UTC)
First off, i dont know how this turned into a gameplay VS. story thread. So let me finnish it, QUEEN SINDEL IS RIGHT! Bing,bong,boom, goodnight,the end!
05/05/2007 08:35 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Ah, but what makes a character kick-ass and appealling? Their appearance? Appearances are easier to fix than a character's storyline/personality.

Appearance, moves, and finishers make the characters kick-ass. Acid-spitting, leg-grabbing, super-screaming, body-freezing, shadow-kicking characters that look good are the kick-ass ones, to name a few. These qualities are what give the popular characters their star power.

Some might call it shallow to like characters just for this, but it's only the truth. The ones who stand out and do cool things are the memorable characters at the end of the day, regardless of their bios.

XiahouDun84 Wrote:
But how can that be used as a judge either if characters' gameplay is constantly changing? As I said, a character can play great one game...then play like shit the next.

True, and Sindel is a perfect example of this, but overall, most of the characters still remain popular whether their given effect gameplay moves or not, and it's because they're still appealing overall. In one department they might not be good, but in others, they're still great.

Drahmin hasn't accumulated many fans despite his supposed high-tier gameplay for whatever games, for instance.

XiahouDun84 Wrote:
THIS is why storyline is necessary in deciding who continues and who doesn't. Like I've been saying, it's harder to fix a story than it is to fix anything else.

No it's not. Oh my god, half the people here at MKO have thrown out more good fan-made bios and story concepts for these characters than Midway itself. Why Midway has sucked at storytelling lately? I don't know, but evolution of the characters in terms of story isn't so important in a fighting game since the story doesn't really have much to do with the game itself.

What's more important is novelty. Mileena's MKD costume compared to her previous costumes was novel to me, bigtime. I consider that to be an evolved image of her. That, and couple of other new things she had made her feel completely refreshed to me, without changing her entirely like Jade with her primary (just doesn't feel like Jade).

XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Sonya and her new battle against Sektor has been mentioned. While that is a "new" battle, what indication do we have that it will be any different than her battles against Kano and the Black Dragon? How would it be different than her battles with Mavado and the Red Dragon? When the battle is over, how will Sonya have grown as a character and changed from the experience?

See the problem with thinking like this is that it depends on the situation.

Does Sonya need a change? In other words, is she boring that you want her to change? That depends on the fans. I love Sonya for being that tough chick, for example. What do want her to evolve into? A wimp? A princess? A Special Forces target? Overall, she's still the same lovable character.

XiahouDun84 Wrote:
You keep bringing up Scorpion and how he's going to keep coming back. Yes, it is repetitive he'll never go away and he never changes. And it's not a good thing. And the people who are happy that Scorpion will never go away need to wake the fuck up and realize their favorite "bad ass" is steadily circling down the drain.

See, this only proves my point. Story or not, characters are loved because they're cool. They're someone appealing. I fucking hate Scorpion, but I'm just mentioning him over and over cuz he's proof that story shouldn't decide anything.

XiahouDun84 Wrote:
That's why characters need to stay fresh and if they don't, we need new characters.

And what makes characters stay fresh in MK? A better story? What relevance does the story have to the characters when you're actually playing as them?

So you'd rather read some boring character's great bio than to play as a cheap-bioed bad-ass character? Literally, you'd spend your gametime reading the bios than actually playing the game? See, RPGs incorporate stories into the gameplay. Fighting games do not. I guess you can say that by playing the game, you're making the characters' bios non-canon cuz you fight against people not even related to the characters' bio.

XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Kitana CAN continue. The real question though is: SHOULD she continue? And I think, in the interest of wanting something new.....no. She should get her happy ending and retire. Allow Jade, who's only been in a handful of game and is currently stuck in Kitana's shadow, a chance to develope.

See, here's the confusing thing about you guys...

Does Kitana need to die for Jade to develop? Isn't just giving Kitana a break for a few games enough while Jade takes a spotlight? Won't that solve the problem? Do you NEED to permanently kill Kitana?

No you don't. That's why eliminating most of the characters is completely irrational, especially since most of the characters are adored and have helped develop MK's appealing qualities; they're MK staples.

To let characters evolve, all u need is to temporarily retire current characters to let new ones show off what they got. That's it. Execution is sooo not necessary. You're exaggerating.

XiahouDun84 Wrote:
But you know what the really sad thing is, even if some characters were to evolve...some fans would probably get upset. Raiden's finally changed and is doing something new. Sure enough...there are fans bitching about how he should turn "light" again. Shao Kahn does have a lot of fans. And guess what? Some of those fans think he should be the boss again. Scorpion did get a change in Deception by becoming Champion of the Elder Gods. Sure enough, there were Scorpion fans whining about how he shouldn't be a hero and he should only be out for revenge.

These are just examples of bad writing, not rejected character evolution.

I think what the fans want is novelty with the characters' stories, but still something fitting for the characters. Raiden has always been a great good leader, so now he's evil? It's a shock to the system to have him take a sharp turn to suddenly. Same thing with Scorp... Vengeful anger-management case turned into the game's hero? ...I don't think so.

I'm sure Raiden and Scorp could have been taken into better directions that were fitting to their personalities, but again, if Midway has gotten uncreative in the story department, the characters shouldn't get penalized for it. So if Vogel is the one in charge of the characters' stories then I guess he's got all the power in controlling who returns and who doesn't, right? That's not fair and that shouldn't be the case.

Perhaps a healthy break is necessary for some characters (like my Storm finally got a break from the X-Men even though she'll return soon... thank god), but eradication is ridiculous... especially over bios. Also, newly introduced characters from MKDA and MKD haven't gotten much to do, so throwing any of them away would just be sad and unfair.

Also, you can't blame fans for wanting a Mortal Kombat 2 to be remade over and over again. In essence, that's why we anticipate new Mortal Kombat games because we want to experience the joy they give us all over again except in a different way. So we have MK1, MK2, MK3, etc. It's the same game for the most part, just different so that it doesn't get boring; it's a new and sometimes improved experience of the same game we like. However, getting rid of most classics indicates MK8 and after might not feel like MK anymore, which is why I'm so worried about the series, especially considering that Midway has failed to introduce a generally popular character since MK4. Frost seems to be the only new character since then that has received a good chunk of fans.

Anyway, you really don't think a simple break for some characters is a better choice than total eradication?
05/05/2007 08:43 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
i dont know how this turned into a gameplay VS. story thread.

It's cuz some people are saying the characters should get killed off because they're stories are stale (which we both know is ridiculous bullshit), so I'm defending the characters they're condemning to death for such a dumb reason. It's still revelant to the topic. Don't worry.
About Me

05/05/2007 09:02 AM (UTC)
You two gave the phrase "inadequate comprehension" a new meaning.
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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05/05/2007 09:11 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:

Aw man, your last post(in response to me) was a rant ridden shame. Focus Qs(Tb)....
Anyway, just to keep this interesting, I'll reply to the whole.."this is not an RpG" thing. With a simple in-game command:

"Choose Your Destiny"......

lol, destiny

"Roll Playing Game" = "Choose Your Destiny"

Destiny: The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one's lot.

Alright, alright...since it's not "classified" as an RpG I'll leave that alone in this thread but....you see the humor. hahaha

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Anyway, you really don't think a simple break for some characters is a better choice than total eradication?

For some characters...of course. But "some" might be too big a word for this roster. Maybe a "few" or a "couple". The rest of them are the majority.....and they should be killed. In one sense or another.
05/05/2007 03:55 PM (UTC)
QS(TB): Onaga was the main villain in MKD, that's it. Shinnok is the main villain in MK4, MKM: SZ, and MKA. Onaga is a more recent antagonist.

So you're saying that Shao Kahn should still exist in the MK Universe and appear in games from time to time because people like him? I find that logic to be flawed. There are people who like Mokap. Does that mean we should keep seeing him in future games?

Yes, Ed Boon pretty much said something along those lines, but when it comes to Scorpion, that's a bad thing.

As for Baraka, let's be real here. Baraka hasn't really changed much at all. He's still the same Baraka he was when he was introduced in MK2. His story is pretty much the same thing and his character hasn't evolved one bit, and I doubt that even if they bring him back that they'll fix this.

Just because MK isn't an RPG series doesn't mean story doesn't/shouldn't have importance. Who is to say that fighting games can't or shouldn't have stories that are important to the game?

You say that things like appearance, moves, etc. instead of story are what make characters "kick-ass" and appealing to you. Well, if I were to go by that, I would definitely favor someone like Hotaru over someone like Johnny Cage or Kano.

You say that the evolution of the characters in terms of story isn't so important in a fighting game since the story doesn't really have much to do with the game itself? Really...? Perhaps for other fighting games, maybe....But for MK, I have to disagree.

I would think that ThePredator151's examples would mean anything to you, but apparently, they don't.

Why do you think MKDA-MKA have their titles named like that? It's because the story DOES have to do with the game. With MKDA, it's about the Deadly Alliance, namely Shang Tsung and Quan Chi teaming up and posing a threat. WIth MKD, it was about Onaga's deception, which is something that Shujinko had to undo. With MKA, it's about the coming battle of Armageddon in the Edenian crater.

Yes, Sonya NEEDS a change. It doesn't mean that she should stop being that "tough chick". It's simply that as a character, people would like to see her grow and develop, something she hasn't done at all. This is the main reason why I'm not really a fan of her.

XiahouDun84 never said that Kitana should die or that he gets the MK games just to read the bios and endings.

You say that RPGs incorporate stories into the gameplay while fighting games do not. What about the little story tidbits behind some of the characters' moves when someone plays MKDA's Konquest mode?

Raiden isn't evil. He's just taken a ruthless approach to protecting Earthrealm. His costumes reflect his storyline.

Scorpion isn't MKD's main hero; Shujinko is. Scorpion wasn't exactly so much so a hero as he was still neutral. But he definitely took a different direction, and it was for reason. Scorpion's MKD primary costume reflects his storyline.

John Vogel doesn't have as much power as you may think he does. Yes, he's the lead story guy and does certain other things in the games. However, he doesn't decide who will return and who won't. That is a group decision that involves a meeting discussing things like "Who hasn't been in an MK game in a while?" and things like that. Story definitely has its importance in deciding who returns, otherwise, we would've been seeing both Onaga AND Reptile in MKD, which wouldn't have made sense. Also, if John Vogel did have all the power in determining who returns and who doesn't, characters like Hsu Hao wouldn't have been in MKA.

You're saying that getting rid of most classics would most likely mean that MK8 and after might not feel like MK anymore? What about the music, blood, gore, fatalities, etc.?

And no, Frost isn't the only new character to receive a good chunk of fans.

Various characters should get killed off, because their stories are either stale and are not going to go anywhere (e.g. Baraka, Kano) or their stories have reached that point in which it would be best to finish (e.g. Liu Kang, Shao Kahn).

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
First off, i dont know how this turned into a gameplay VS. story thread. So let me finnish it, QUEEN SINDEL IS RIGHT! Bing,bong,boom, goodnight,the end!

It hasn't turned into a gameplay vs. story thread. It's simply that your comprehension skills suck, that's all. wink
05/05/2007 06:22 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:

So you're saying that Shao Kahn should still exist in the MK Universe and appear in games from time to time because people like him? I find that logic to be flawed. There are people who like Mokap. Does that mean we should keep seeing him in future games?

Is Mokap even half as popular as Shao Kahn? Is Mokap a fan favorite?

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Just because MK isn't an RPG series doesn't mean story doesn't/shouldn't have importance.

True, but unless it is an RPG, it shouldn't have so much control over the characters, especially when some characters are extremely prominent in one game, story-wise, and then insignificant in the next or vice versa. That is so not fair.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I would think that ThePredator151's examples would mean anything to you, but apparently, they don't.

U mean his "choose your destiny" examples which is just a fancy way of saying "choose your difficulty level"?

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Why do you think MKDA-MKA have their titles named like that? It's because the story DOES have to do with the game.

Very true. So now MK characters are ruled by the title of the games they appear in? So if Vogel doesn't give a character a prominent role or an evolutionary change, people like you can say they're trash now, regardless of how fun they are to play as?

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Yes, Sonya NEEDS a change. It doesn't mean that she should stop being that "tough chick". It's simply that as a character, people would like to see her grow and develop, something she hasn't done at all.

See, but Superman hasn't really evolved in the public's eye either. He's still the same alter-egoed, boyscout superhero. So what is so wrong with Sonya maintaining a tough chick persona?

What do you want her to evolve into? A slave? A mommy? A villain? In order for her to remain faithful to the Sonya who all know and love, she needs to remain a tough chick. Are you asking for her to have more depth? Then does that mean u want to see her emotionally harmed or crying? What!? I don't get what needs to be drastically changed about her. A new problem has already been given to her, Kano is in her past, what more do u need?

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
You say that RPGs incorporate stories into the gameplay while fighting games do not. What about the little story tidbits behind some of the characters' moves when someone plays MKDA's Konquest mode?

Yes, I loved those stories in DA Konquest, it really let me feel like I was getting to know everything about the characters (their life, moves, and position in MK), but Konquest isn't the main mode of MK. It's just a training mode that explains the game's story along the way.

Again, I'm not saying story doesn't matter in MK, just that it's subordinate to other features of MK. Bios are a side part of MK. Konquest didn't even let us get to know the characters in MKA, and MKA came with a story that ignored everything that was built with the Dragon King concept since DA.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Raiden isn't evil. He's just taken a ruthless approach to protecting Earthrealm. His costumes reflect his storyline.

What I mean is he comes off as evil now, entirely different than what was established of his character in all the previous games. I personally don't mind him being more ruthless, but his new look is boring.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
But he definitely took a different direction, and it was for reason. Scorpion's MKD primary costume reflects his storyline.

How? It's still the same yellow ninja costume only made gold and with a different design. If he were suppose to look more like a Champion of the Elder Gods, I'm sure he would have lost the ninja look since he wouldn't be a ninja anymore.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Story definitely has its importance in deciding who returns, otherwise, we would've been seeing both Onaga AND Reptile in MKD, which wouldn't have made sense. Also, if John Vogel did have all the power in determining who returns and who doesn't, characters like Hsu Hao wouldn't have been in MKA.

Not really cuz they just took advantage of Reptile's absence so Onaga could "be in his body." I'm not saying all the popular characters should appear in every game, all the time. I'm just saying they shouldn't get killed off. They should appear every once in a while because they're fan favorites.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
You're saying that getting rid of most classics would most likely mean that MK8 and after might not feel like MK anymore? What about the music, blood, gore, fatalities, etc.?

All I know is if MKD would have included only its new characters, it sooo would not have felt like MK to me and would have been seriously boring. Yeah, the blood and fatalities would have still been there, but who you play as is just as important. Just look at the reception MK games get when Scorpion doesn't appear. Characters matter hugely for MK's appeal. They are the ones bleeding, they are the ones fighting, and they are the ones performing fatalities. Whether they have good bios or not, they can still be very charasmatic.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
And no, Frost isn't the only new character to receive a good chunk of fans.

Really? Then who else? And I'm not talking about a few fans, I mean a chunk of fans like her; A noticeable fan base.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Various characters should get killed off, because their stories are either stale and are not going to go anywhere (e.g. Baraka, Kano) or their stories have reached that point in which it would be best to finish (e.g. Liu Kang, Shao Kahn).

So even though Baraka and Kano will cause more excitement and anticipation for future games, they should be disposed of simply because Vogel doesn't give them bios that show an evolved character?

Listen, Scorpion has become just as stale as Baraka and Kano, yet he was instantly chosen to return for next-gen. Why? Cuz lots of people think he's cool. Period. He looks strong and his moves make him fun to play as and appealing.
(And no, I don't agree with these people. I think he's a boring character.)
By the way, if you and Xia are suggesting that Scorpion is running out of steam just because of his bios, I think you're seriously wrong. His fans haven't broken a sweat and I doubt they ever will as long as he continues to be reintroduced faithfully to his 2D appearances.

The point is... Is a character likable and memorable? Does he impact the players right off the bat and maintain that impact? Yes he does, and so do many of our classics, but why are they gonna be thrown out the window and not him? That is seriously unfair and a disgrace to the fans. And I'm sick of some people thinking it's okay to do this just because Vogel's a shitty writing.

If Sindel would have gotten a role just as prominent and important as her role in MK3, for example, people like u would be saying she should return... Huh? What's the damn difference? Isn't it still "Sindel" whether she has a good bio or not?

Let Scorpion answer that for you.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/05/2007 08:04 PM (UTC)
You guys are not listening to what me and queen sindel are trying to tell you. Just because fans might want Jax to get the spotlight, why does that mean Sonya has to be killed off for good? Why just can't she sit out until she is needed again? It may be 5 or 6 games before she returns, but the point is, you will not have to go through all that hardwork of bringing her back if you kill her off, and all that resurrecting shit and reteconning damages the story big time. Story is very importent, but lets say the MK team had told the fans from the very beginning that MKA would not have bios and wouldn't be canon, do you think fans would have refused to buy the game? Hell no! 63 characters? KAK mode? Kreate a fatality? Motor Kombat? who would not want that? We understand story is importent and is vital to MK, but gameplay is first. Sure its gameplay may be shitty, but dont you guys want that to be improved? I rather have MK as a fighting game with great gameplay than a fighting with shitty gameplay and a great story.

Queen sindel, lets just stop. They obviously think that we oposed of the story.
05/06/2007 03:05 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
You guys are not listening to what me and queen sindel are trying to tell you. Just because fans might want Jax to get the spotlight, why does that mean Sonya has to be killed off for good? Why just can't she sit out until she is needed again? It may be 5 or 6 games before she returns, but the point is, you will not have to go through all that hardwork of bringing her back if you kill her off, and all that resurrecting shit and reteconning damages the story big time. Story is very importent, but lets say the MK team had told the fans from the very beginning that MKA would not have bios and wouldn't be canon, do you think fans would have refused to buy the game? Hell no! 63 characters? KAK mode? Kreate a fatality? Motor Kombat? who would not want that? We understand story is importent and is vital to MK, but gameplay is first.

Yes! Exactly my point.

If they want Jax to get a spotlight, then let another character rest for a while. Elimination is so not necessary, and it's stupid considering how loved these characters are.

Down the line, I'm sure some people are gonna want Reptile or Sonya or Shao Kahn back if they don't return, and what is Midway gonna say.... "Oops, sorry we can't make that happen anymore." And bang... they just lost fans... success. You've got please the customer. That's why they're releasing the MKA bios isn't it?

And story is definitely important, but why on earth should that kill off over half the roster? How unfair. Scorp has a crummy story but he's returning. What about the rest of the characters?

Also, MKDA delivered and new and fresh story. Did it eliminate most of the roster to allow that to happen?

queen sindel, lets just stop. They obviously think that we oposed of the story.

I know, but I have a thing for debates. It's definitely clear that Ed's decision to wipe away most of the roster is controversial among fans.

I'm telling you, when MK8 comes out, there's gonna be lots of bitching fans complaining about the characters that did not make the cut, and I'm most likely gonna be one of them unless MK8 has a spectacular cast.... but I doubt it will since most new characters haven't succeeded our classics, and MK8 will be mostly new characters.
05/06/2007 03:25 AM (UTC)
QS: Which characters are you talking about exactly when it comes to ones who are prominent in one game and insignificant in the next?

The examples I was talking about were the intros.

Not all characters can be stars or have prominent roles. However, with several of the characters, if they aren't really going to go anywhere, what's the point in keeping them, because they're fan favorites? I find the whole fan favorites excuse to be silly.

Also, please give some examples of which characters you're referring to.

Is Sonya the main character of the MK story? No.

I never said there was anything wrong with Sonya maintaining a tough chick persona. I clearly said that Sonya needs a change, but it doesn't mean that she should stop being that "tough chick".

Since when does depth = emotionally harmed or crying? That doesn't make sense.

I never said that she needs drastic change. I just want to see her more developed as a character.

Even though she has a new enemy with Sektor and the Tekunin, Kano is still someone she needs to deal with. She's not one to simply let go of him just like that.

So what if Konquest isn't the main mode of the MK games?

MKA takes place quite some time after MKD unlike how MKDA and MKD's stories are back-to-back. There are lots of gaps to fill and the Dragon King story is one of them.

Just because he's different from his character in the previous games doesn't make him evil. What's boring about his new look anyway?

About Scorpion, I should probably give you a bit leeway on this one as you haven't seen the little MKD comic thing. The point is that his primary costume is his Champion of the Elder Gods' costume. Actually...you look at Monster in MKD's Konquest, you'll notice he has a similar costume though that's namely because Monster's design was originally intended to be Scorpion's alternate costume, along with a time travel story.

Scorpion isn't much of a Ninja anyway, but that's more for a Scorpion-related discussion.

So fan favorites should appear every once in a while just because they are fan favorites? So I guess you wouldn't mind Baraka doing the same old thing over and over again? Is that it?

I said most classics, not all of them. MKD including only its new characters would've been bad from more than one perspective. Yes, I agree that characters matter for MK's appeal, but with some characters, it's better off for them to go. At the end of the day, you can't please everyone.

Whether they have good bios or not, they can still be very charismatic? You say the characters are the ones that are bleeding, fighting, etc. But just what the hell are they fighting for and why?

Now that it comes to mind now, I'm kind of surprised you actually brought up someone like Frost, who is equally given a lot of slack. I was referring to characters like Havik, btw.

I don't see how Kano will cause more excitement and anticipation for future games. Baraka...maybe...but with characters like him, it's more of the same...

Scorpion is liked by lots of people due to him being a ninja specter who shoots a roped spear (which isn't really a roped spear)

Scorpion IS running out of steam. His storyline is part of the reason, yes, but it's also his character, which they've ruined. His MKD alt/MKA primary costume is a joke. His sword is a joke. His spear is overrated. After all these years, he's still bitching about his family and clan.

Characters like Scorpion WERE likeable and memorable.

I don't think it's ok for Scorpion to keep coming back with his idiotic persona, but it's because of Ed Boon that Scorpion keeps coming back, not John Vogel.

Actually, I DO want Sindel to return as she hasn't been in many games and has potential for the future. Scorpion has been in MK since the first game and after MKT, he went downhill. He does have potential to turn out, but it will most likely not happen, which is a damn shame.

Down the line, I'm sure there are fans who want certain classics to return. But like I said, you can't please everyone.

Why should over half the roster be killed? It's because a lot of those characters are unnecessary, have had their run, or just plain suck.

MKDA is not the game that tried to wrap this generation's story up. MKA's story is.

Yes, there'll definitely be bitching fans who'll complain about characters that didn't make the cut. I'll probably be disappointed that a certain few didn't make the cut, but once again, you can't please them all. MK has to move on. This isn't to say that some who don't make the cut for MK8 shouldn't return at all. It's just that unless they are really going to do something with those particular characters, they shouldn't bother to bring them back.

ProfesserAhnka: Who says some fans want Jax to get the spotlight? Sonya doesn't have to be killed off for good, but having her return later on isn't going to mean much unless they really do something more with her.

It depends on which fans you're talking about when it comes to the hypothetical situation of the MK team telling fans from the beginning that MKA will have no bios and won't be canon.

63 characters: unnecessary
KAK mode: half-assed but has some good things in it
Kreate-a-fatality: sub-par
Motor Kombat: haven't played it after all this time and I heard it sucked anyway

Of course I want the gameplay to be improved, but this isn't a gameplay-related thread.
05/06/2007 06:42 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
QS: Which characters are you talking about exactly when it comes to ones who are prominent in one game and insignificant in the next?

Sindel and Liu Kang to name a few. These were both hugely important at some time, but in MKD, their presence didn't really affect the main story.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I find the whole fan favorites excuse to be silly.

It's funny that you say this cuz I find the story excuse to be silly. So who the fans like most shound't matter, in your opinion?

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I clearly said that Sonya needs a change, but it doesn't mean that she should stop being that "tough chick".

How though? I don't understand. What type of change do you want for her? Her costumes have changed and now her story has changed, so what is she missing? I don't get it. Please explain and give examples.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Just because he's different from his character in the previous games doesn't make him evil. What's boring about his new look anyway?

He comes off as evil, I said in my last post. His costume is boring now imo because it just looks like a dull and dim version of his previous costumes. Also, those red eyes are corny, especially if he's not really suppose to be evil.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Actually...you look at Monster in MKD's Konquest, you'll notice he has a similar costume though that's namely because Monster's design was originally intended to be Scorpion's alternate costume, along with a time travel story.

Where did u get this info from? I never heard of Monster being a time-traveled version of Scorpion.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Scorpion isn't much of a Ninja anyway

As long as he wears that masked ninja costume, he'll generally be distinquished as one.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
So fan favorites should appear every once in a while just because they are fan favorites? So I guess you wouldn't mind Baraka doing the same old thing over and over again? Is that it?

Yes to the first question. And to the second... You're exaggerating. Story-wise, there's no way he'll have the exact same story in every game. However, gameplay-wise I would mind. The characters need to be refreshed and redesigned. I wouldn't want the exact same version over and over again. These are new games, so everything should feel new, even old/returning moves.

Mileena has had the exact same special moves in every game she's appeared in and I find that getting boring especially since the moves don't feel much different than from the pevious games. Her Sai Throw still comes with the exact same sound effect as always, and her other moves don't feel any different than in MK2. She's still one of my favs though.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I said most classics, not all of them. Yes, I agree that characters matter for MK's appeal, but with some characters, it's better off for them to go. At the end of the day, you can't please everyone.

Yeah, I know Midway can't please everybody, but since they have fans or customers, they should try, and throwing away most of MK's characters is the opposite of trying to please their customers. If most MK fans hated most characters, then of course, bend to the will of the customer, throw those hated characters away, but they're not mostly hated, so why are they throwing them away?

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Whether they have good bios or not, they can still be very charismatic? You say the characters are the ones that are bleeding, fighting, etc. But just what the hell are they fighting for and why?

And what's the point of them having a purpose for fighting if they're drop-dead boring anyway? How ridiculous. Sonya and Scorp have become stale but both maintain a large fan base and it's because they're both cool still (to most people).

In a way, MKA characters were fighting for no reason because they came with no bios. And they were all in a huge massacre fight together in the desert, and why? How did they get there? What were their individual motives? Yet, the game sold well.

See, you need to take things to the bottomline and stop judging characters solely for one of their aspects. For example... "Is this character overall fun and loved?" Regardless of their bios, Scorp and Sonya both leave a "yes" in place of that question's answer, and in the end, that's what matters.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Now that it comes to mind now, I'm kind of surprised you actually brought up someone like Frost, who is equally given a lot of slack. I was referring to characters like Havik, btw.

What do u mean by "slack" in this particular sentence, and Havik is generally not a fan favorite as I can see. Frost has become a fan favorite, and extremely quickly too.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Scorpion is liked by lots of people due to him being a ninja specter who shoots a roped spear

Uh-huh, so how is story so important in deciding characters' fate if it plays a subordinate role in making characters appealing?

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Scorpion IS running out of steam.

I clearly do not see this happening. After all these years, he's still the most talked-about character who gets the most promotion and praise. As much as I hate hate his guts for overshadowing all other characters while being nothing but a yellow, boring rope-thrower, I'm sure he's gonna remain as the MK star until the MK series ends.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Characters like Scorpion WERE likeable and memorable.

False. It's still happening.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I don't think it's ok for Scorpion to keep coming back with his idiotic persona, but it's because of Ed Boon that Scorpion keeps coming back, not John Vogel.

Well you're saying story is the reason some characters should return, so by that standard Vogel is in charge of who returns and who doesn't since he's in charge of the stories.

I'm sure Ed will pick his favs and then try to invent some new characters, which will inevitably be boring new characters cuz ever since Tobias left, most new characters have sucked. Frost is the only new character who has reached popularity comparable to most of our classics and she's not even original. She's a female Sub-Zero.

So I'm worried about MK's future cuz I'm thinking it's gonna include mostly Ashrahs, Deagons, Dairous, Hsu Haos, Hotarus, etc. (new characters who are generally unexciting to most people and don't really help MK's appealing qualities; characters with virtually no star power overall).

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Yes, there'll definitely be bitching fans who'll complain about characters that didn't make the cut. I'll probably be disappointed that a certain few didn't make the cut, but once again, you can't please them all. MK has to move on. This isn't to say that some who don't make the cut for MK8 shouldn't return at all. It's just that unless they are really going to do something with those particular characters, they shouldn't bother to bring them back.

Do something story-wise with characters, u mean? So you're still all for the bios I can see, instead of the actual playing of the game. So if a funner, cooler, and improved version of Baraka appears in the future, you'll dismiss him entirely if he doesn't have a good bio?

The stories are amusing in MK, no doubt. But you're overrating their importance to the game itself. Some characters have their own personal stories, like Sonya, while others deal with the main events happening in the games like Shujinko.

About the individual stories... It's nice to read about the characters doing different personal things. And Sonya went from a Kano hunter, to a Special Forces officer, to the general or liutenant of her agency. She's done different things, so to me, she has changed and shouldn't be thrown away just because some people consider her stale.

About main storylines, for some characters it shapes a lot about them, such as Shujinko in MKD (his look, his moves, etc.), but mostly, the main story is more like the game's theme to me. If the game is about the Dragon King, the arenas will be about his tombs or his lairs or whatever and he'll be the boss.

The story is more of what drives the game's theme and the characters' bios, but doesn't actually affect the game itself, only flavors it with the theme and bios, and this is why I don't think story should be the deciding factor of most characters' fate. That would be so ridiculous.

And again, I'm not saying only popular characters should stay. I'm only saying it's ridiculous to think story should control so much. I'm with Ahnka still. I don't think anyone should permanently die. It's wasteful, stupid, and unnecessary. These characters have shaped the MK Universe, and it's a freakin cool universe I might add. I don't think anyone should get disposed of.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/06/2007 06:59 AM (UTC)
Queen sindel, good luck with Subzero 7th, he likes to exaggerate what you say and use it against you.

Now let me jump in and say, If story was THE MOST important thing......then baby....MKA wouldn't have sold two copys. It was obvious midway didnt give a shit for the story, they were more worried about trying to do things gameplaywise, and that makes sense! MK IS A FIGHTING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many times do i have to tell you that. I believe story is also vital, but it dosen't and will NEVER come first. And i'm not going to even adress anything subzero7th has to say, cause he TRYS not to listen. And i dont have time to mess around with ignorant people!
About Me

05/06/2007 08:11 AM (UTC)
Sigh, hate to do this, but..

You two are fucking brain-amputated idiots when it comes to conversation on a reasonable level. You cannot bring up any valid points, no explanation beyond rehearsing "thats your opinion", and certainly you really did not bother to run through the overall plot of MK for each character.

I can understand that plot holds little to no interest to you, fine live and die with that, not a problem, nor should it matter, but do not argue over some-thing that you know jackshit about.

Sonya not having repetitive plotlines? How about this?
MK1 -out to get Kano,
MK2 - imprisoned by getting out to get Kano, then released, arresting Kano who escapes,
MK3 - minor importance change, get the goverment to know about Outworld, plot droppend on that second. out to get Kahns minions -Kano.
MK4 - fresh start, out tog et Black Dragon. Yay, no specified character, but they did go out against Shinnok.

For fucking 4 games long her plot consisted of Black Dragon hunting. Oh, and which one of you was the Aristotle that concluded that raiden is evil because he looks "dark"? Skulls applied.

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/06/2007 07:34 PM (UTC)
all that ranting chrome and i still dont understand. And you got skulled.
05/06/2007 09:08 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Now let me jump in and say, If story was THE MOST important thing......then baby....MKA wouldn't have sold two copys. It was obvious midway didnt give a shit for the story, they were more worried about trying to do things gameplaywise, and that makes sense! MK IS A FIGHTING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

100% true, once again.

And we both keep saying that we like MK having a story and that story is a big part of MK, just not the most important. Why these people think story should control the characters, I haven't the slightest clue.

And Chrome, try not to get involved in this discussion if you're just going to add nonsense to it.

Both Ahnka and I are bringing up points that are beyond our opinions...

-MKA had no story and that didn't hurt the series' success.

-Scorpion has a bullshit repetitive story yet he remains enormously popular.... Sonya, Reptile, Baraka, and others too. (So does story really matter to most fans?... Obviously not so much compared to other things). So it's unfair and unreasonable to let Scorp and Sub-Zero pass to next-gen based solely on their popularity while letting other characters be considered for next-gen based solely on their bios.

-Eliminating most characters is entirely unnecessary, and we've already explained how breaks and temporary retirements for characters would be a much better approach that will keep the current (and acclaimed) MK Universe intact while still bringing new characters and letting corner-shoved characters have more chances to shine.

-Most new characters beginning from MK4 have received little or no acclaim and none other than Frost (a non-original character) have reached classic-character popularity status. So MK8 new characters can be expected to be not so appealing for the most part.

-And eliminating any characters from MKDA and MKD would be seriously unfair since they're all brand new and haven't had enough time to become fully-grown members of the series.

-Oh and MK IS a series (a production with the same cast and format and a continuing story with related events happening in a sequence), one that gets new characters along the way, so disposing of most characters is completely irrational and goes against the point of a series.

Have I missed anything?

Ahnka and I are right. It isn't smart to kill of anyone unless the results (the new characters) will surely succeed what we have now... And you can bet they won't judging from Midway's MK character innovations since 1997.
05/06/2007 11:32 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Sindel and Liu Kang to name a few. These were both hugely important at some time, but in MKD, their presence didn't really affect the main story.

That's true. However, unlike Liu Kang, Sindel hasn't been in too many games. That's one reason why I want to see her get some development by first getting into a future game. For her in particular, she needs to step out of Kitana's shadow.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
It's funny that you say this cuz I find the story excuse to be silly. So who the fans like most shound't matter, in your opinion?

I didn't say that. I'm trying to say that certain characters shouldn't simply return just because they are fan favorites.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
How though? I don't understand. What type of change do you want for her? Her costumes have changed and now her story has changed, so what is she missing? I don't get it. Please explain and give examples.

It's her character that hasn't developed. Has she grown wiser or smarter or something in any way? After all these years, she's still the same, nothing else. Again, I'm saying that doesn't mean she shouldn't stop being tough or whatever. But if that's all that she's got going for her in terms of character, it really isn't much. Her story has changed focused from one enemy to another, but it's more or less the same kind of story that we've seen from her before.

Her time as Onaga's slave in MKD could've given her some opportunity to see Sonya's dark potential, but unfortunately, this wasn't done and her MKA bio doesn't make any mention of her time as Onaga's slave.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
He comes off as evil, I said in my last post. His costume is boring now imo because it just looks like a dull and dim version of his previous costumes. Also, those red eyes are corny, especially if he's not really suppose to be evil.

Sure, he may be "evil looking" to some, but he's simply "dark" and his costumes in MKD and MKA reflect this. His MKD primary is actually different from his other costumes, especially due to the incorporation of Samurai armor. I guess the red eyes are supposed to reflect his dark, pissed off nature.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Where did u get this info from? I never heard of Monster being a time-traveled version of Scorpion.

He isn't. I said that Monster's design (his costume design) was originally intended to be Scorpion's alternate costume. Along with this costume design was a story concept for Scorpion that involved him traveling back in time, and if I remember correctly, it was to try to stop Shujinko from making his mistake.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
As long as he wears that masked ninja costume, he'll generally be distinquished as one.

Yes, you're right. But like I said before, this is something that is for more of a Scorpion-related discussion. What I mean by Scorpion isn't much of a Ninja is that he doesn't really have much or any characteristics of historical Ninja like Sub-Zero does.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Yes to the first question. And to the second... You're exaggerating. Story-wise, there's no way he'll have the exact same story in every game. However, gameplay-wise I would mind. The characters need to be refreshed and redesigned. I wouldn't want the exact same version over and over again. These are new games, so everything should feel new, even old/returning moves.

No, I'm not exaggerating. Baraka's story may have changed a bit here and there, but it's more or less the same type of story, which in his case is to serve some powerful evil character and go around killing people. That's it. He's a very 1-dimensional character.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Mileena has had the exact same special moves in every game she's appeared in and I find that getting boring especially since the moves don't feel much different than from the pevious games. Her Sai Throw still comes with the exact same sound effect as always, and her other moves don't feel any different than in MK2. She's still one of my favs though.

Yes, you're right about her special moves, and I would like to see some new ones for her. However, her overall gameplay was pretty good in MKD and pretty decent in MKA. I wish she had her Air Sai Throw. That would've made her better. As a character, she has grown and become more interesting.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Yeah, I know Midway can't please everybody, but since they have fans or customers, they should try, and throwing away most of MK's characters is the opposite of trying to please their customers. If most MK fans hated most characters, then of course, bend to the will of the customer, throw those hated characters away, but they're not mostly hated, so why are they throwing them away?

I'm sure to a certain extent, they have been trying. However, at the end of the day, they still aren't going to please everyone. Why they are getting rid of many characters is to give closure to a lot of stories, trying to wrap things up for the next-generation in which they plan to bring a lot of newness.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
And what's the point of them having a purpose for fighting if they're drop-dead boring anyway? How ridiculous. Sonya and Scorp have become stale but both maintain a large fan base and it's because they're both cool still (to most people).

It depends on which characters that particular fans find boring. It's very subjective.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
In a way, MKA characters were fighting for no reason because they came with no bios. And they were all in a huge massacre fight together in the desert, and why? How did they get there? What were their individual motives? Yet, the game sold well.

Well, the intro pretty much makes it clear that the characters are fighting so that they can get to the top of the pyramid. That should be obvious to everyone.

The game may have sold well to a certain extent, but mainly so in countries like the U.S. However, when it comes to countries like Japan, it'll automatically bomb.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
See, you need to take things to the bottomline and stop judging characters solely for one of their aspects. For example... "Is this character overall fun and loved?" Regardless of their bios, Scorp and Sonya both leave a "yes" in place of that question's answer, and in the end, that's what matters.

You need to stop making such assumptions. I don't judge characters solely on one of their aspects. Your example is somewhat ambigious. Do you mean overall fun and loved by me or overall fun and loved by many people?

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
What do u mean by "slack" in this particular sentence, and Havik is generally not a fan favorite as I can see. Frost has become a fan favorite, and extremely quickly too.

What I mean is that while there are supposedly so many Frost fans, there are equally, if not, more people who hate Frost, a lot of whom who see her as nothing more than a "female Sub-Zero" or "Sub-Zero" rip-off.

Are you sure Havik isn't a fan favorite? I personally have not come across much negative feelings towards him but rather positive views.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Uh-huh, so how is story so important in deciding characters' fate if it plays a subordinate role in making characters appealing?

Story has its importance in deciding a characters' fate by determining what he/she does and where he/she can really go. Do special moves and costumes determine a characters' fate? No.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
I clearly do not see this happening. After all these years, he's still the most talked-about character who gets the most promotion and praise. As much as I hate hate his guts for overshadowing all other characters while being nothing but a yellow, boring rope-thrower, I'm sure he's gonna remain as the MK star until the MK series ends.

What I mean is, for me, he is running out of steam due to him being very shallow.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
False. It's still happening.

To me, he was likeable and memorable. To some Scorpion fans, he was likeable and memorable. But even now, some Scorpion fans are turning against him, though most of them don't know all of the ugly details.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Well you're saying story is the reason some characters should return, so by that standard Vogel is in charge of who returns and who doesn't since he's in charge of the stories.

I'm sure Ed will pick his favs and then try to invent some new characters, which will inevitably be boring new characters cuz ever since Tobias left, most new characters have sucked. Frost is the only new character who has reached popularity comparable to most of our classics and she's not even original. She's a female Sub-Zero.

So I'm worried about MK's future cuz I'm thinking it's gonna include mostly Ashrahs, Deagons, Dairous, Hsu Haos, Hotarus, etc. (new characters who are generally unexciting to most people and don't really help MK's appealing qualities; characters with virtually no star power overall).

Yes, story is a reason why some characters should return (e.g. Sareena). John Vogel is head of the story department, but it's a group decision that determines who comes back with story being one of the determining factors. Sonya is a fan favorite yet she was put in MKD. Sure, she's under Onaga's control at that time, but they could've put her in the game and given her a story.

Most new characters have sucked? Like who, for example compared to say some of the MK4 characters?

I think characters like Hotaru are pretty cool and are kind of refreshing to have in MK. He's certainly better than jokes like Jarek or uninspired pieces of trash like Sheeva.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Do something story-wise with characters, u mean? So you're still all for the bios I can see, instead of the actual playing of the game. So if a funner, cooler, and improved version of Baraka appears in the future, you'll dismiss him entirely if he doesn't have a good bio?

The stories are amusing in MK, no doubt. But you're overrating their importance to the game itself. Some characters have their own personal stories, like Sonya, while others deal with the main events happening in the games like Shujinko.

About the individual stories... It's nice to read about the characters doing different personal things. And Sonya went from a Kano hunter, to a Special Forces officer, to the general or liutenant of her agency. She's done different things, so to me, she has changed and shouldn't be thrown away just because some people consider her stale.

About main storylines, for some characters it shapes a lot about them, such as Shujinko in MKD (his look, his moves, etc.), but mostly, the main story is more like the game's theme to me. If the game is about the Dragon King, the arenas will be about his tombs or his lairs or whatever and he'll be the boss.

The story is more of what drives the game's theme and the characters' bios, but doesn't actually affect the game itself, only flavors it with the theme and bios, and this is why I don't think story should be the deciding factor of most characters' fate. That would be so ridiculous.

And again, I'm not saying only popular characters should stay. I'm only saying it's ridiculous to think story should control so much. I'm with Ahnka still. I don't think anyone should permanently die. It's wasteful, stupid, and unnecessary. These characters have shaped the MK Universe, and it's a freakin cool universe I might add. I don't think anyone should get disposed of.

Yes, I mean something both story-wise and character-wise. When it comes to characters like Baraka, I'm not really expecting much from him as he's always been 1-dimensional.

Sonya may currently have Sektor and the Tekunin as her target, but she's still also after Kano. She's just putting him on hold for now. Overall, her type of story hasn't really changed. The only exception is with MKD, but that wasn't really even explored.

No one should permanently die, because it's wasteful, stupid, and unnecessary? Characters like Jarek are wasteful, stupid, and unnecessary. How much of an impact has he really had? As far as I know, pretty much none.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:

-MKA had no story and that didn't hurt the series' success.

MKA does have story to it, just not as much as it should have.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
-Scorpion has a bullshit repetitive story yet he remains enormously popular.... Sonya, Reptile, Baraka, and others too. (So does story really matter to most fans?... Obviously not so much compared to other things). So it's unfair and unreasonable to let Scorp and Sub-Zero pass to next-gen based solely on their popularity while letting other characters be considered for next-gen based solely on their bios.

Sub-Zero has more going for him than just his popularity. Does story really matter to most fans? Maybe, maybe not. Why don't you ask "most" fans? Either way, it all comes down to the MK team who decides who comes back.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
-Eliminating most characters is entirely unnecessary, and we've already explained how breaks and temporary retirements for characters would be a much better approach that will keep the current (and acclaimed) MK Universe intact while still bringing new characters and letting corner-shoved characters have more chances to shine.

For some characters (e.g. Sindel), this is fine. For other characters (e.g. Baraka), not so much.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
-Most new characters beginning from MK4 have received little or no acclaim and none other than Frost (a non-original character) have reached classic-character popularity status. So MK8 new characters can be expected to be not so appealing for the most part.

I don't know about Frost. It may be a bit of an exaggeration on your part...

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
-And eliminating any characters from MKDA and MKD would be seriously unfair since they're all brand new and haven't had enough time to become fully-grown members of the series.

Maybe...but if we go by your "fan favorite" thing, characters like Kobra wouldn't be making it.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Ahnka and I are right. It isn't smart to kill of anyone unless the results (the new characters) will surely succeed what we have now... And you can bet they won't judging from Midway character innovations since 1997.

How much of a negative impact would killing characters like Hsu Hao, Jarek, Mokap, Meat, etc. have exactly?

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Now let me jump in and say, If story was THE MOST important thing......then baby....MKA wouldn't have sold two copys. It was obvious midway didnt give a shit for the story, they were more worried about trying to do things gameplaywise, and that makes sense! MK IS A FIGHTING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many times do i have to tell you that. I believe story is also vital, but it dosen't and will NEVER come first. And i'm not going to even adress anything subzero7th has to say, cause he TRYS not to listen. And i dont have time to mess around with ignorant people!

What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously...as a legitimate question, what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you so fucking dense that I have to keep explaining the same goddamn things to you?!

You say that I try (trys? wtf?) not to listen yet your comprehension skills seem to be nonexistant or at the most, borderline nonexistant.

I never said story was the most important thing or that it should have importance over gameplay.

John Vogel was told not to really worry much about the story, but he really wanted to explain what happened after MKD and thankfully, he can due to the bios.

Yes, they were worried about what to do gameplay-wise, which they once again executed miserably.

Again, I never said that story should come first. I already said that this is NOT a gameplay-related thread, but it seems you're too much of a fucking imbecile to understand something as simple as that.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
all that ranting chrome and i still dont understand. And you got skulled.

Your comprehension skills suck. That's why you don't understand. Chrome skulled himself. That's what he meant by "Skulls applied.", but you didn't catch that, just like you didn't catch anything I made clear before. And you say I'm not the one who's listening? Fuck you!

But anyway, I'll skull myself accordingly, not that it really makes much of a difference in the long run.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

05/07/2007 12:06 AM (UTC)
all that and you got skulled.
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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05/07/2007 12:12 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I would think that ThePredator151's examples would mean anything to you, but apparently, they don't.

U mean his "choose your destiny" examples which is just a fancy way of saying "choose your difficulty level"?

WoooOOooow. Just-wow.
You actually missed the connection between the defintion of the word "Destiny" and the acronym "RpG".....

Roll playing.....a characters Destiny.....in the Game called Mortal Kombat?
Not to mention MkD and MkAs' Konquest modes being actual RpGs...

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

Look, the message you two aren't recieving correctly(among other things)...Is that we are not disputing nor discussing gameplay or "fan fame of a character" here. The thing I want you to try to focus on...is:

How the story effects the game "Mortal Kombat" and it's characters in relation to why it's important to "die".

Allow me to "lead" you:

The title of this thread is: "I Dont think its smart to KILL off anyone."
We--I think it is smart and that it is nessesary. Coincidentally, so does the entire MkTeam enough for Boon to state so in a public interview. (?? curious) The title of your thread provokes us to tell you who death(in more than one sense of the word) is nessasary for, and why it's nessasary in a continuing series like Mortal Kombat.....Not SuperMan, not any other game or comic book...just Mortal Kombat and it's characters.

You two seem to belive that story shouldn't play a part in that process as long as people have thier favorites in the game. I beleive that if that's the reason alone, that's quite a shallow reason to have any character in the game. And too, I beleive it's a direct neglect of the title "Mortal Kombat".
I think that, being Mortal Kombat "Deadly Alliance"//"Shaolin Monks"//"Deception"//"Armegeddon", story-line is just as vital as gameplay, because without the story of these games, they would just be games without merit. In other words, they would be games simply because Mortal Kombat is a franchise, has "favrorite characters"...and thus, should've been titled Mk5,6,7 ect... The MkTeam stopped simplifying the titles like that(Mk4 for ex) cuz it wouldn't make sense, and because a story was evident in the series.

The team chose to go with a theme for each game. This "theme" not only incorporates the appearance of the characters and the overall game...it also includes a story. Again, in fact, this series would not exsist without its story....

Since this is so, each character comes with their own part in the story(hence the importance of "the character bio"). Like a movie and it's cast, this is where the purpose for each character comes from in the first place. No, nostalgia does not motivate the purpose to develop these games, not even fan favorites does that. It's because those characters bring life to the overall story and theme of the game. Nostalgia and fan favorites might very well help hype the game for customers, but most definatly, favorite characters do never motivate Mortal Kombats' core games conception. Of course we have exceptions in side games such as "MK Sub-Zero Mythologies" or "Shaolin Monks, I am not un-reasonable.

Anyway, since this is fact for the overall theme, story, and individual characters in Mortal Kombat games, assumption isn't nessasary to conclude that each character will have a story-line or a "life-line" in the game and or series of Mortal Kombat. We're talking about why it's important or nessasary to kill off characters due to story.....when story is intertwined with the main theme of EverY MorTal KomBat GamE. That is undeniable. And I posted the links to some of these games' opening movies to prove it to you if you needed more "proof" that story is vital to this series. Let alone if you pay attention to the titles of the games that you are buying. They in fact, create a reason for the game to be a game in the first place...Otherwise we could simply keep having a bunch of MkTs' from now on and just buy it because our favorite character keeps poping up in them.....that would be foolish.

So, since this is a game with realistic qualities, and is titled to co-oberate a story about a fighting contest....The characters who are fighters, like real life people, should die. They should die from old age after a while. People who are actually Mortal....get old and die. That's just what happens to MoRtAlS: Sonya, Cage, Jax, Kano, Sub Zero eventually ect....if they were in their 20s//30s in the earlier games, they would be 40//50 yrs old by now. Reason enough right there to take them out of the game for good.....We all played with Shujinko as he aged. How is this hard to comprehend for you two?. Let alone the fact that all who played the game roll played as him in MkDs' Konquest mode.....

The only exception is that this is a video game of course, and that makes "age" a small obstical to overcome.

Characters should meet adversity and turmoil in their in-game life-lines. They should deal with relationships whether bad or good, they should have trials and tribulations, they should overcome adversities and have triumphs......But with all this, they should also die for good and end thier life-line//story-line in the game. This has always been part of the Mk series dating back to Mk1. It's what makes this game different from the others out there.

Now, we also have characters that are ageless. Gods, Semi-Gods or just have a longer life span based on where they're from. Since this is so, age won't really play a part in "killing" them. If you take a look at thier stories you can make "Mortal" appearant by simply occupying thier time for long stretches. Or what you could do is...dedicate them to a higher force than them like the One Being, Elder Gods, our Bosses, or add stipulations in thier agelessness. You can also change them from immortal to mortal, story-wise, we are dealing with mythology too. To an extent at least.

The point here is that Mortal Kombat will not always remain important to all the characters. Much like the people wondering around in Shujinkos' Konquest mode. Most of them have no concern with the competition at all, and if you stopped and talked to most of them, they just wanted you to do something for them. Then they would go back to wondering around again. Imagine the younger wonderers in that Konquest mode as potential mortal kombat characters....at that moment in time, Mortal Kombat wasn't important to them, so they weren't characters we could play with. They are not relavant to the story YOU were playing....

To take that further, think about the old people you could have Shujinko talk to....They "can't" fight cuz they're just too damn old...They're MoRtAls..they aged just like Shujinko...But more importantly, none of these "wonderers", young or old are not important to the story-line we got to ROLL PLAY with Shujinko in MkDeception.

In a sense, they are "dead" to the story-line of MkDeception.

Anyhow, it's not only "smart" to kill off characters, it makes perfect fuckin' sense. Characters should age out of the game, "life" should take them away from the game....the contest of Mortal Kombat.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:

First, MkA not only had a story, but it IS a story and it was a co-oberative RpG...interactive even. So was MkDeception. Again, recognize that the titles of these games ARE stories themselves. Mortal -- Kombat -- Deadly Alliance // Shaolin Monks // Deception // Armegeddon.

As far as your point with Scorpion and Sub-Zero, Scorpion would be the more "unreasonable" of the two to return. Seeing as how his purpose for being in the game (stop at MkA) has soley been fan recognition. Can't speak on Mk8 yet...he might be one of the characters they "killed" and reconstructed. Same with Sub-Zero but, he's not a hollow character story-wise and to me seems like an easy choice for the next game.

Your point about "eliminating characters being unnessasary" is null and void. The name of the game is Armegeddon. The pupose of the game was to get rid of "too powerful and too numerous" an amount of characters. Otherwise continuing battles would bring about the Apocalypse.

If you used your ears during the MkA opening vid you could see this very easy point. Right out of the opening vid now:

"....Ages of Mortal Kombat have begun to tear the fabric of the realms. The critical point has been reached. It was fore-seen that combatants would grow to powerful, and too numerous, If left unchecked, their intensifying combat would weaken and shatter the realms....and bring about the Apocalypes...."

About Frost, you would do better to say Kenshi.

About new character elimination being "unfair"......I think it's unfair they keep giving us quanity over qualtiy.

Aaand your point about a series: People DIE and are KILLED in series'.

Lastly: Why are you so afraid of change?....that's the irrational thing here. I believe the change from 2D to 3D was the biggest mistake of the entire franchise. But that doesn't mean I don't want the series to continue changing and grow.

There is no way to ensure succesful new characters
(or successful changes for that matter) you just make the changes and go from there.

You're getting boring again. Just like you did pming me about your sig....focus.

For the rest of us:

Define character development. Or lack thereof...

05/07/2007 12:24 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
all that and you got skulled.

I skulled myself, just like I stated I did in that post. Now do you understand or do I have to fucking explain it to you again and again like I did with the other things?
05/07/2007 04:22 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I'm trying to say that certain characters shouldn't simply return just because they are fan favorites.

If they are fan favorites, wouldn't it help the series for them to return since they are who the fans want and get excited over? Keep in mind that the fans are the customers.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Her story has changed focused from one enemy to another, but it's more or less the same kind of story that we've seen from her before.

Okay, so you want Sonya's stories to take a different direction instead of the same old bad guy hunting thing. Makes sense, but to me, she's a character with depth because I take what I've seen from her not just from the games, but from the movies and cartoon also.

Although the movies and cartoon aren't canon, they faithfully portray the characters with their original personalities. This is probably why Sonya doesn't appear 1-dimensional to me but to you.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Her time as Onaga's slave in MKD could've given her some opportunity to see Sonya's dark potential, but unfortunately, this wasn't done and her MKA bio doesn't make any mention of her time as Onaga's slave.

Good point. I never thought of this, but I think Onaga's mind control thing over some of the characters was too brief for anything to really happen like this.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
No, I'm not exaggerating. Baraka's story may have changed a bit here and there, but it's more or less the same type of story, which in his case is to serve some powerful evil character and go around killing people. That's it. He's a very 1-dimensional character.

So he's got the same story problem that Sonya has. Got it. Regardless, he remains popular and it's because he's an overall fun character, despite one of his aspects being repetitive.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Why they are getting rid of many characters is to give closure to a lot of stories, trying to wrap things up for the next-generation in which they plan to bring a lot of newness.

Deadly Alliance brought a lot of newness and all without destroying most of the roster.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Well, the intro pretty much makes it clear that the characters are fighting so that they can get to the top of the pyramid. That should be obvious to everyone.

And what did they want from the pyramid? Was there a promotional parade throughout all the realms that stated "Look kombatants, go to this pyramid to get a prize!"???

I find the whole pyramid thing corny. What will happen when they reach the top of the pyramid isn't even established. It's pathetic. And to top it off, EVERYONE is there at the same place and at the same time wanted the exact same thing, completely ignoring everything that was happening with the characters prior.

That was a stupid way of concluding this gen's story.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
You need to stop making such assumptions. I don't judge characters solely on one of their aspects. Your example is somewhat ambigious. Do you mean overall fun and loved by me or overall fun and loved by many people?

Not by their story? Well you're certainly judging Sonya and Baraka by their story, completely ignoring the fact that regardless of that, people love them.

And I mean overall fun and loved in general; to the fans, not a fan.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
What I mean is that while there are supposedly so many Frost fans, there are equally, if not, more people who hate Frost, a lot of whom who see her as nothing more than a "female Sub-Zero" or "Sub-Zero" rip-off.

True, but the character's success is what matters in the end, and she is successful.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Are you sure Havik isn't a fan favorite? I personally have not come across much negative feelings towards him but rather positive views.

I visit several different MK forums a couple of times a month and he is not one of the most talked about. Sindel is talked about more than him and she's lost tons of popularity.

Despite that, he doesn't seem very pushed by Midway for being a new character. Where was he in MKA Konquest, etc.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Do special moves and costumes determine a characters' fate? No.

Actually the answer is yes. Scorpion's image and spear move are what have made him iconic and his popularity is why he's already chosen to return for next-gen. ......(Just because he says "Get over here"?? Ugh! But it's true)

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
To me, he was likeable and memorable. To some Scorpion fans, he was likeable and memorable. But even now, some Scorpion fans are turning against him, though most of them don't know all of the ugly details.

So you're saying that gradually he's gonna fade and become unpopular? At this rate, it'll be a century from now cuz he's got enough fan base to last for decades and I keep seeing more users register with names that include him.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Yes, story is a reason why some characters should return (e.g. Sareena). John Vogel is head of the story department, but it's a group decision that determines who comes back with story being one of the determining factors. Sonya is a fan favorite yet she was put in MKD. Sure, she's under Onaga's control at that time, but they could've put her in the game and given her a story.

You know, it seems that some characters return for nothing but story. Shinnok, for example. He's not popular and, if my judgement is correct, he's MK's most disliked boss ever. Yet, he has re-appeared and is once again granted large prominence and significance in the story. If he's ever involved in MK, he's doing huge things and affecting much of what's going on, yet not many people like him.

Sonya doesn't have to be in every MK game just because she's a fan fav. Her absence in MKD doesn't really mean anything for that matter. She should still continue to be a recycled character every now and then though, like all fan favs.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Most new characters have sucked? Like who, for example compared to say some of the MK4 characters?

From MKDA, Frost is the only new character that became strongly popular. Kenshi became somewhat popular but I wouldn't call him a fan fav. Bo Rai' Cho has been getting excessive promotion but most people dislike him still.

From MKD, no new characters became strongly popular. Of the new characters, Shujinko is the only one who's receiving attention, but he's not a classic-character-level star anyway.

MK4 characters are just as bad as Deception's. No new characters from that cast have become stars. Quan Chi... somewhat, like Kenshi, but even less that Kenshi as I see. And Reiko, a little, but even less than that.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I think characters like Hotaru are pretty cool and are kind of refreshing to have in MK. He's certainly better than jokes like Jarek or uninspired pieces of trash like Sheeva.

This is subjective.

Hotaru generally receives little praise.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
No one should permanently die, because it's wasteful, stupid, and unnecessary? Characters like Jarek are wasteful, stupid, and unnecessary. How much of an impact has he really had?

None really since he's in the least-liked category of characters, but killing most of the roster would be wasteful, stupid, and unnecessary.

Most characters aren't as trashy as Jarek, so if I few characters die, fine, but MOST....? Ed must be out of his mind.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
MKA does have story to it, just not as much as it should have.

Yeah it does have a story... About Taven. Most characters aren't involved in MKA's story except for fighting to reach the top of the pyramid (and for what, btw?)

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Sub-Zero has more going for him than just his popularity. Does story really matter to most fans? Maybe, maybe not. Why don't you ask "most" fans? Either way, it all comes down to the MK team who decides who comes back.

Sub-Zero... yes, but the decision for his return is obviously for his popularity alone.

I can't ask "most" fans. Be realistic here. I'm generalizing based on my observations, in case you can't tell.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
For some characters (e.g. Sindel), this is fine. For other characters (e.g. Baraka), not so much.

Yes it is because Baraka is a fan fav, and thus... a moneymaker.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I don't know about Frost. It may be a bit of an exaggeration on your part...

I'm exaggerating that she's the only new character since MK4 to achieve high popularity?

For other judgements of mine... I might be wrong, but not about Frost. It's clear that she's successful. I never said she was iconic or anything, if that's what you thought. Then I would have been exaggerating.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Maybe...but if we go by your "fan favorite" thing, characters like Kobra wouldn't be making it.

And if we go by your "story" thing, characters like Sonya and Baraka won't make it.

Kobra is in Jarek's league, btw, as I see it; a clearly unwanted, uncared for character.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
How much of a negative impact would killing characters like Hsu Hao, Jarek, Mokap, Meat, etc. have exactly?

Ed isn't putting just the unpopular characters like these on the line. He's putting MOST characters on the line. Ok, that will surely have a negative impact unless the new characters can outmatch our current ones.

And Ahnka is just getting frustrated with you. Doesn't mean you have to get that offensive with her.

I think what she meant by "ignorant" was that you keep ignoring facts I keep making about characters' success despite their stories.
05/07/2007 05:00 AM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:

Oh what a brilliant lecture. You sure would make a great elementary school teacher, since everything u stated about "story" and shit was completely obvious already.

MK has always had stories. Duh.

When we play MK we are playing the story?... No. That's wrong. When we play MK, we fight other characters regardless if they are related to our character's in-game story or not. So no, we don't play the story. That's stupid to think. And I can't believe you're using Konquest as a means of trying to validate your points. Konquest is a side mode. MK is a fighting game, not an RPG, and for an RPG, Konquest lacks many elements and is, if I may say.... ridiculously short. Don't be stupid.

MK's story is important, clearly. I never said it wasn't, but it's not as important as gameplay.

Drastic character eliminations being necessary isn't true. Why Ed has decided to elimate most characters, I still don't understand since MKDA brought lots of novelty and without elimated most characters.

The fact that you happen to agree with Ed's roster-elimination decision is completely coincidental. Nobody ever said most characters need to die until Ed made it a decision. With any decision he makes, fans will agree and disagree.

And characters should die because their in-game life makes it logical to do so? Oh my god, what a joke. MK is fictional and has never been realistic considering that it's a fantasy-based fighting game. It keeps certain levels of realism, but come on, don't go overboard.

Some characters can die without impacting the series, as I already agreed with Sub_7th about, but killing "most" is a bad idea.

And I'm not afraid of change, just afraid of the new characters that'll arrive in place of our current ones since new characters have been generally unexciting lately.

Anyway, I think I've covered everything you said. Funny how this response post isn't long (like my other posts) to match with your long post. I guess it's because it takes you so much writing to say so little.
About Me

05/07/2007 05:28 AM (UTC)

I will not argue with a brick wall. However do not dare to whine or bitch, Bitch once the preplanned MK games of 2008 will miss the majority of
the roster, if not the whole of it. Either way, I am not the one who will feel like shit about it.

05/07/2007 07:23 AM (UTC)
Pfeww..I have not read it all, but there are a few things I would like to point out from what I've read.

Story is important, even if its a fighting game because..if MK got super fighting gameplay it wil make Mortal Kombat a GOOD FIGHTING GAME.


If a GOOD story is added behind the characters and the game itself..it will make Mortal Kombat a BETTER FIGHTING GAME, because it adds something to the game and characters as a whole.

And about the game designers should listen to the fans. They can keep an open mind and listen if they got any points that can make MK a better game. But it ends there.
05/07/2007 09:30 AM (UTC)
skillz Wrote:
Pfeww..I have not read it all, but there are a few things I would like to point out from what I've read.

Story is important, even if its a fighting game because..if MK got super fighting gameplay it wil make Mortal Kombat a GOOD FIGHTING GAME.


If a GOOD story is added behind the characters and the game itself..it will make Mortal Kombat a BETTER FIGHTING GAME, because it adds something to the game and characters as a whole.

And about the game designers should listen to the fans. They can keep an open mind and listen if they got any points that can make MK a better game. But it ends there.

Welcome to the discussion.

First of all, we all know story is important to MK. No one is saying it isn't.

And second of all, a good story will definitely make MK a better fighting game because it will add something to it, but is killing off most of the characters required for that to happen?

And Chrome, I'll feel like shit only if the MK8 characters suck. Since the cast in unknown yet however, there's a chance that a female character or two might be cool and still keep me interested in the series (such as Frost and Sonya in MKDA).
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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05/07/2007 09:44 AM (UTC)

Allow me:

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
ThePredator151 Wrote:

Oh what a brilliant lecture. You sure would make a great elementary school teacher, since everything u stated about "story" and shit was completely obvious already.

Thank you. All that means then, is that you're doing this shit here.... :

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I would think that ThePredator151's examples would mean anything to you, but apparently, they don't.

U mean his "choose your destiny" examples which is just a fancy way of saying "choose your difficulty level"?

on purpose...trying to provoke people by "playing stupid"... Stop that.^^

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
When we play MK we are playing the story?... No. That's wrong. When we play MK, we fight other characters regardless if they are related to our character's in-game story or not. So no, we don't play the story. That's stupid to think.

Your entire point is criticly flawed. Especially considering that without MkD and MkAs' Konquest modes you would have no "cannon" information to rely on. Both the main characters, Shujinko and Taven hold precedence over the other endings that refer to defeating the main boss in their respected games. In simpleton terms (in case you can't interpret again) that means, You will not succeed this game without (in MkDs' case) Shijinko or (in MkAs' case) Taven's RPG "side game" as it may be....Konquest Modes....story-wise. You conform without even recognizing it.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
And I can't believe you're using Konquest as a means of trying to validate your points. Konquest is a side mode. MK is a fighting game, not an RPG, and for an RPG, Konquest lacks many elements and is, if I may say.... ridiculously short. Don't be stupid.

Mistake, "validation" is un-nessassary when I announce FACT.
Now, As far as these last couple games, Konquest mode stopped being so "side game" when they started contributing to the way the next game should react story wise. (i.e. charaters and bosses get bigger and more powerful until the Elder Gods deem a safe-gaurd in Blaze, and the whole story surrounding Taven and Daegon nessassary to eliminate the threat of "too numerous" - a - warrior.. as an absolute resolution to the problem conserning the possible destruction of the realms).

Don't be incoherent, stupid, inefficiently provocative, illusion-ary, confused, mis-understanding, ignorant as a mutha-fucka,......and try to convince, teach, Or persuade people more coherent, sensible, provacative, illustrative, confident, understanding, intelligent as a mutha-fucka, confincing, tolerant. OR persuasive than you all at the same time.


QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
MK's story is important, clearly. I never said it wasn't, but it's not as important as gameplay.

*she still refuses to use what miniscule comprehensive skills she has.*

Let's say it a little slow-er this time...mmkaaay?"

*Speaking slow-ly this- time*:

Story......in-fact, IS just-as im-por-tant, as-game-play....be-cause, with-out the sto-ry...........the-game-would-have-no-ti-tle. No ti-tle, no game....
No-game or theme, no reason for words like Deception....or Armegeddon or Deadly Aliance....or Shaolin Monks......OR Sub-Zero Mythologies.....OR MORTAL KOMBAT. Be-cause the game IS A STORY.

Listen reeeeeaaaaly closely now: Mor-tal Kom-bat, is a story, about a contest of fighting called "Mortal Kombat"...."Good vs Evil"......We are play-ing what hap-pens in that stor-y.


QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Drastic character eliminations being necessary isn't true. Why Ed has decided to elimate most characters, I still don't understand since MKDA brought lots of novelty and without elimated most characters.

Simple answer is: You're not paying attention enough...to understand. You just wanna argue about incorrect bullshit. That's not even an assumtion because you avidly disagree with fact. Hahahaaaa.....I keep trying to get you to focus on one good point but you fail everytime....

You'll notice the letter "h" and the letter "a" put together alot in this post because of that exactly.

Other than that: Supply your own valid reasoning.....Otherwise, it's just fictional//fabricated opinion with-out self-proclaimed reasoning.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
The fact that you happen to agree with Ed's roster-elimination decision is completely coincidental. Nobody ever said most characters need to die until Ed made it a decision. With any decision he makes, fans will agree and disagree.

My bad, you got me there. I didn't post it on the forums here.....or did I?
Don't be so....what's that word you used incorrectly in response to me once? "Pressumtuous"? Yea, don't be so pressumtuous of me.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
And characters should die because their in-game life makes it logical to do so? Oh my god, what a joke. MK is fictional and has never been realistic considering that it's a fantasy-based fighting game. It keeps certain levels of realism, but come on, don't go overboard.

"Overboard" is going through a "side game" (as you proclaimed), taking peoples powers as you encounter them, growing up, going to whole other worlds in search of things called Kamidogu, in hopes that you can please a "God" that you can consistantly talk to, only for him to turn out to be a Dragon-Man 12or so feet Tall, that can with-stand sorcery, cosmic and elemental powers only to be bound by a shaman in the realm of hell, then escape by way of a certain "fallen elder God" and allign with an absolute adversary until the time is right, then "pop-up" in the opening video of a game that represents "the end of all", and end up trying to explain all this to a certain imbecile on a website called Mortal Kombat Online...........
(/justified rant)

You'll be confused I'm sure.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Some characters can die without impacting the series, as I already agreed with Sub_7th about, but killing "most" is a bad idea.

Supply your own valid reasoning.....Otherwise, it's just fictional//fabricated opinion without slf proclaimed reasoning. You haven't given any substantial reasoning as to "why" killing the majority is a bad idea. You've only provoked the more-knowing.

We//I have on the oposing side...why can't you?

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
And I'm not afraid of change, just afraid of the new characters that'll arrive in place of our current ones since new characters have been generally unexciting lately.

What "change" did you think I was talking about...arenas? Dont' be stupid dude-et...No, I was talking about the change in-roster. Thanks for the admition of guilt. You are afraid of that..kind of..."change".

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Anyway, I think I've covered everything you said. Funny how this response post isn't long (like my other posts) to match with your long post. I guess it's because it takes you so much writing to say so little.

Ahahahaaa! In everything you've ever typed you've only proven how wonderfully colorful and entertaining your ignorance can be. What's hillarious is, you can't even understand the point you're trying to make. Ahah, and I find it uncontrollably hysterical that you're playing this game of "provoke" and then predictably..you say shit like this:

"You sure would make a great elementary school teacher, since everything u stated about "story" and shit was completely obvious"

What's "and shit"?...Lol! Look QS(tb), considering that I'm talking to you, and I'm supposed to be this "great elementary teacher", .....You've got a mountain to climb.

All you consistantly do is conceede the point and provoke another rant based on inconclusive information. LmfaO.

You're done, I'm just about through shittin all over your brain cells in this thread...Of which, according to Chrome, is amputated anyway..

Try it...again.

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