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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/29/2007 06:35 PM (UTC)
Shinnok-fan64 Wrote:
i feel like they need to kill off a lot of the old characters, but not all of them.

I think the characters that have no real storyline potential, like all these characters: Reiko,Jarek,Stryker,Sheeva,Scorpion(although he won't),Liu Kang,Tanya,Shujinko,Kitana,Noob Saibot,Shao Kahn,Kano,Kabal,Jax,Shang Tsung,Sonya,Sektor,Mileena(although i love her), and a couple others.

I also think some characters who were joke/extra characters should be killed off, like these ones:Meat,Mokap,Blaze,Chameleon,Khameleon, and a couple more.

I think the characters that stay need to have a great storyline potential, like all of these characters: Ermac, Johnny Cage(iffy on him),Shinnok,Raiden,Sub-zero(maybe),Sareena,Nitara,Quan Chi,Smoke,Cyrax,Rain,Reptile,and some others.

that's mostly what i think.

lol, you are so wrong. Half of those characters you listed hasent even been given a chance. Chamel and Khamel arent joke characters sweetie so get your facts straight. Thanx for your "thoughts" and the conversation, but i totally disagree with you. i'm done.
04/29/2007 07:01 PM (UTC)
"lol, you are so wrong. Half of those characters you listed hasent even been given a chance. Chamel and Khamel arent joke characters sweetie so get your facts straight. Thanx for your "thoughts" and the conversation, but i totally disagree with you. i'm done."

Being condescending isn't the best way to get your point across. Chameleon and Khameleon were never made to be serious charaters, "sweetie". You might need to look into your facts. They were joke charaters who had storylines written for them later. Like Mokap.

Personally I think that all the charaters with stolen powers should be the first cut from the new roster. Especially Shujinko. Words cannot describe my contempt for Shujinko.
04/29/2007 07:06 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
You miss the point: certain characters are no longer necessary.

No longer needed for what? The storyline?

What, is MK a novel? It's a video game series for fuck's sake, in which millions of people have grown up with, becoming fanatics of several characters.

You think it's fair to kill off most characters just for the sake of future stories?

And what? Deadly Alliance didn't have a great story despite its many classic characters? What about Deception's enormous success? Have you forgotten the raves that go on in these forums and among the fans when they hear that a classic character will be returning for a new game? The excitement? The anxiety?

When was the last time Jarek or Kai (non-classic characters) became the center of such excitement and anxious anticipation? Stryker (a classic) got more attention and reaction from fans when MKA was coming out than these 2 guys ever did.

The MK team has come up with generally OK characters at best ever since MK4. You're sure MK8 and after will do a good job of overlapping and replacing our current cast? Ha!

Just look at Taven, the newest star, and he still doesn't stand a match for Mileena or even Rain's popularity.

The new cast will not be so exciting. You'll see. MK8 will be another MK4: New story with a crap-load of characters.

Of course, I could be wrong, but the odds are on my side cuz historical evidence shows Midway can't create characters who exceed the charisma and money-making star power of our classics.

Scorpion and Sub-Zero might be the most popular, and the ones already known to return for next-gen, but millions of fans like other characters more. Isn't why Armageddon became so exciting and successful because all the characters returned? You can bet MK8 will cause Mortal Kombat in general to lose attention from tons of people since the game will only appeal to Scorp and Sub fans, and those few other classics that'll return.

Look at how angry fans become when special moves from certain characters do not return. Now imagine if those certain characters did not return entirely! ...Whoa.... You can sure expect a ton of angry fans.

Logic says MK8 won't be so appealing unless its characters can outmatch our classics. ...And I doubt they will.

Your argument is that for the sake of MK's future we need a new cast, but if you'd analyze it better, you'd see that what it actually needs is to recycle and reintroduce its classics (along with introducing some new characters as well).

If storytelling is the problem, then give the classics new stories. Let the characters evolve. Let Mileena become Shao Kahn's master, let Reptile feud with Chameleon, let Sindel go from queen to slave for some reason, let Frost take over the Lin Kuei and have Sub-Zero do something else, etc.

Goodness, storytelling is such an ever-changing art. These characters should not be judged by Midway's bad storytelling for the classics in recent games. That is so shallow and ignorant.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/29/2007 07:09 PM (UTC)
I do know my facts honey, i know more about my charecters than you,and they were not created as jokes, ask edboon,you don't know crap about me and my characters, so you know what? You can just stop right there.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/29/2007 07:15 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
You miss the point: certain characters are no longer necessary.

No longer needed for what? The storyline?

What, is MK a novel? It's a video game series for fuck's sake, in which millions of people have grown up with, becoming fanatics of several characters.

You think it's fair to kill off most characters just for the sake of future stories?

And what? Deadly Alliance didn't have a great story despite its many classic characters? What about Deception's enormous success? Have you forgotten the raves that go on in these forums and among the fans when they hear that a classic character will be returning for a new game? The excitement? The anxiety?

When was the last time Jarek or Kai (non-classic characters) became the center of such excitement and anxious anticipation? Stryker (a classic) got more attention and reaction from fans when MKA was coming out than these 2 guys ever did.

The MK team has come up with generally OK characters at best ever since MK4. You're sure MK8 and after will do a good job of overlapping and replacing our current cast? Ha!

Just look at Taven, the newest star, and he still doesn't stand a match for Mileena or even Rain's popularity.

The new cast will not be so exciting. You'll see. MK8 will be another MK4: New story with a crap-load of characters.

Of course, I could be wrong, but the odds are on my side cuz historical evidence shows Midway can't create characters who exceed the charisma and money-making star power of our classics.

Scorpion and Sub-Zero might be the most popular, and the ones already known to return for next-gen, but millions of fans like other characters more. Isn't why Armageddon became so exciting and successful because all the characters returned? You can bet MK8 will cause Mortal Kombat in general to lose attention from tons of people since the game will only appeal to Scorp and Sub fans, and those few other classics that'll return.

Look at how angry fans become when special moves from certain characters do not return. Now imagine if those certain characters did not return entirely! ...Whoa.... You can sure expect a ton of angry fans.

Logic says MK8 won't be so appealing unless its characters can outmatch our classics. ...And I doubt they will.

Your argument is that for the sake of MK's future we need a new cast, but if you'd analyze it better, you'd see that what it actually needs is to recycle and reintroduce its classics (along with introducing some new characters as well).

If storytelling is the problem, then give the classics new stories. Let the characters evolve. Let Mileena become Shao Kahn's master, let Reptile feud with Chameleon, let Sindel go from queen to slave for some reason, let Frost take over the Lin Kuei and have Sub-Zero do something else, etc.

Goodness, storytelling is such an ever-changing art. These characters should not be judged by Midway's bad storytelling for the classics in recent games. That is so shallow and ignorant.

HELL YES! The most smartest mk fan ever! Thats what i'm saying, many of these characters need second chances, and while MKA were supposed to give characters like Rain,Sheeva,Chamel ect. second chances, it didn't, so they need another one. And i wish you were in charge of the characters story queensindel, and i love ur sig.
04/29/2007 07:17 PM (UTC)
CagedReality Wrote:
Chameleon and Khameleon were never made to be serious charaters. You might need to look into your facts. They were joke charaters who had storylines written for them later. Like Mokap.

Personally I think that all the charaters with stolen powers should be the first cut from the new roster.

Chameleon and Khameleon strike more hype and fan excitement then lots of other characters. I think that should be enough let them pass.

They're more popular than a handful of others and popularity is what matters. Isn't that why Scorp and Sub are the already chosen characters to return?

They can also be given their own moves down the line, you know?

04/29/2007 07:19 PM (UTC)

"I do know my facts honey, i know more about my charecters than you,and they were not created as jokes, ask edboon,you don't know crap about me and my characters, so you know what? You can just stop right there."

Ha ha, oh man. You lose a bit of your maturity with each post, don't you?

Anyways, I like chameleon, but I realize what he is- a cheap character.

Chrome has written just about all of my exact thoughts on this subject. Except for Mortal Kombat not lasting another decade. I have more faith in the series.
04/29/2007 07:22 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
and i love ur sig.

Thanks. I like yours too. Khameleon looks fantastic. She has traits from several female characters, but mostly from Jade and Sindel (my favorites!).

I seriously wish I could play as her but I don't have a Wii.
04/29/2007 07:25 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
CagedReality Wrote:
Chameleon and Khameleon were never made to be serious charaters. You might need to look into your facts. They were joke charaters who had storylines written for them later. Like Mokap.

Personally I think that all the charaters with stolen powers should be the first cut from the new roster.

Chameleon and Khameleon strike more hype and fan excitement then lots of other characters. I think that should be enough let them pass.

They're more popular than a handful of others and popularity is what matters. Isn't that why Scorp and Sub are the already chosen characters to return?

They can also be given their own moves down the line, you know?

Your post is true, but I am just tired of charaters who's entire movelist is taken form other people. Anyways, I wouldn't mind if Chameleon was in the next game, but I would rather have him as a hidden charater without a storyline.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/29/2007 07:26 PM (UTC)
CagedReality Wrote:
"I do know my facts honey, i know more about my charecters than you,and they were not created as jokes, ask edboon,you don't know crap about me and my characters, so you know what? You can just stop right there."

Ha ha, oh man. You lose a bit of your maturity with each post, don't you?

Anyways, I like chameleon, but I realize what he is- a cheap character.

Chrome has written just about all of my exact thoughts on this subject. Except for Mortal Kombat not lasting another decade. I have more faith in the series.

Bullcrap for real, theres a diffrence between a cheap character and a joke character.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/29/2007 07:28 PM (UTC)
CagedReality Wrote:
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
CagedReality Wrote:
Chameleon and Khameleon were never made to be serious charaters. You might need to look into your facts. They were joke charaters who had storylines written for them later. Like Mokap.

Personally I think that all the charaters with stolen powers should be the first cut from the new roster.

Chameleon and Khameleon strike more hype and fan excitement then lots of other characters. I think that should be enough let them pass.

They're more popular than a handful of others and popularity is what matters. Isn't that why Scorp and Sub are the already chosen characters to return?

They can also be given their own moves down the line, you know?

Your post is true, but I am just tired of charaters who's entire movelist is taken form other people. Anyways, I wouldn't mind if Chameleon was in the next game, but I would rather have him as a hidden charater without a storyline.

Chamel and Khamel were the first characters to do it, thats their nitch, so dont be getting mad at them, get mad at Jinko,reiko and kira, the true copy cats.
04/29/2007 07:28 PM (UTC)
True, and all of them need to go. Including Chameleon and Khameleon.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/29/2007 07:32 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
and i love ur sig.

Thanks. I like yours too. Khameleon looks fantastic. She has traits from several female characters, but mostly from Jade and Sindel (my favorites!).

I seriously wish I could play as her but I don't have a Wii.

And belive it or not, people are trying to hate on her for that. Its like someone told me yesterday, people hate the chameleons for what they are! They are supposed to share others moves, they are supposed to resemble others. and CagedReality THATS YOUR OPINION, And unless you replace ed boon as creater of mk, your opinion does not affect me or my characters.
04/29/2007 07:36 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
and i love ur sig.

Thanks. I like yours too. Khameleon looks fantastic. She has traits from several female characters, but mostly from Jade and Sindel (my favorites!).

I seriously wish I could play as her but I don't have a Wii.

And belive it or not, people are trying to hate on her for that. Its like someone told me yesterday, people hate the chameleons for what they are! They are supposed to share others moves, they are supposed to resemble others.

and CagedReality

THATS YOUR OPINION, And unless you replace ed boon as creater of mk, your opinion does not affect me or my characters.

Of course it's just my opinion, and everything you state is "your opinion". This is a froum, it was made for people to state their opinions, so what is your point?
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/29/2007 07:39 PM (UTC)
CagedReality Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
and i love ur sig.

Thanks. I like yours too. Khameleon looks fantastic. She has traits from several female characters, but mostly from Jade and Sindel (my favorites!).

I seriously wish I could play as her but I don't have a Wii.

And belive it or not, people are trying to hate on her for that. Its like someone told me yesterday, people hate the chameleons for what they are! They are supposed to share others moves, they are supposed to resemble others.

and CagedReality

THATS YOUR OPINION, And unless you replace ed boon as creater of mk, your opinion does not affect me or my characters.

Of course it's just my opinion, and everything you state is "your opinion". This is a froum, it was made for people to state their opinions, so what is your point?

Look, i'm trying to remain polite, i'm not trying to get banned again, but let me tell you:

SHUT UP, because i don't give a flying crap about your condocending opinions sweetie.
04/29/2007 07:43 PM (UTC)
If you don't give a crap about anyone's opinions, then why did you post this topic in a forum where you knew people would disagree with you? WHy don't you calm down and try to have an intelligent discussion. People rag on my fav's all the time, but I don't scream at them for holding their own ideas. Seriously, calm down.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/29/2007 07:45 PM (UTC)
CagedReality Wrote:
If you don't give a crap about anyone's opinions, then why did you post this topic in a forum where you knew people would disagree with you? WHy don't you calm down and try to have an intelligent discussion. People rag on my fav's all the time, but I don't scream at them for holding their own ideas. Seriously, calm down.

I said YOUR opinion, i don't give a crap about YOUR opinion. And i don't. And i will only calm down if you stop conversing with me. Now if you want to turn this into a fight, then we can take it to the pm's papi, i have respect for the mods to not fight and spam on these boards unlike you. And my favorites are ragged on hourly. My favs are the two most hated.
04/29/2007 07:57 PM (UTC)
CagedReality Wrote:
If you don't give a crap about anyone's opinions, then why did you post this topic in a forum where you knew people would disagree with you? WHy don't you calm down and try to have an intelligent discussion. People rag on my fav's all the time, but I don't scream at them for holding their own ideas. Seriously, calm down.

The kid a loser with an OCD problem and a creepy fetish when it comes to Chameleon/Khameleon. His lame sig explains it all.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/29/2007 07:59 PM (UTC)
This coming from the Liu Kang whore. and im a girl.
04/29/2007 07:59 PM (UTC)
Anyways, back to the topic of discussion, I think we do need to kill some charaters. I think that one of the weak points of the game is that there is no finality, everyone just keeps coming back again. I will miss some of them, and have a feeling that a few of my fav's won't make the cut. But seriously, the storyline needs new life breathed into it, which I beleive can be only achieved through the axing of some of our beloved veteran charaters.

Especially Shujinko.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/29/2007 08:00 PM (UTC)
ok, u said that five times already.
04/29/2007 08:02 PM (UTC)
Just trying to swing the thread back to it's intended topic. Calm down.
04/29/2007 08:11 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
This coming from the Liu Kang whore. and im a girl.

Liu Kang is awsome.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/29/2007 08:13 PM (UTC)
prodigy004 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
This coming from the Liu Kang whore. and im a girl.

Liu Kang is awsome.

Liu Kang is zombie shit. "Oh look at me, i can't find my body cause i'm a dumb ass".
04/29/2007 08:18 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
prodigy004 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
This coming from the Liu Kang whore. and im a girl.

Liu Kang is awsome.

Liu Kang is zombie shit. "Oh look at me, i can't find my body cause i'm a dumb ass".

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