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10/21/2005 06:52 PM (UTC)
OK, I made some minor modifications on some characters (Smoke, Jade, Ashrah )with their fighting styles.

Also, I would really like to know of other opinions on how character should be brought back and a bit of a discussion about the existing plotline. I am also thinking about releasing a few spoilers.

Kira, Kabal (drawing), Tanya, Frost, and the Five Generals with other new-bies are in production.
10/21/2005 08:39 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
OK, I made some minor modifications on some characters (Smoke, Jade, Ashrah )with their fighting styles.

Also, I would really like to know of other opinions on how character should be brought back and a bit of a discussion about the existing plotline. I am also thinking about releasing a few spoilers.

Kira, Kabal (drawing), Tanya, Frost, and the Five Generals with other new-bies are in production.

Hmm, well Kuo Shu (national art) is basically the name given to replace Wushu when it comes to the contemporary stuff so it doesn't exactly specify a certain style or anything. As for Hakka Kuen, interesting choice for Smoke and it's also complimentary to Mi Tzu since Mi Tzu is a long-ranged style and Hakka Kuen is a close range style. Cool beans. I still think you need to modify Noob's and Sareena's styles since Wudang Quan and Siu Lam are very broad terms, especially Siu Lam.

As for the characters you're talking about, which ones do you have in mind?

I can't wait to see the drawings when you finish them. grin
About Me

10/21/2005 10:22 PM (UTC)
Siu Lam as the Siu Lam Black Tiger style. Thats also called Siu Lam to my knowledge. Any links on a huge variety of specifically chinese arts?
10/22/2005 12:09 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Siu Lam as the Siu Lam Black Tiger style. Thats also called Siu Lam to my knowledge. Any links on a huge variety of specifically chinese arts?

No, fraid not. Are you talking about Fu Jow Pai when you mean Black Tiger style? Siu Lam is cantonese for Shaolin as much as I know there.
About Me

10/22/2005 12:10 PM (UTC)

height: 5' 10"
weight: 220 lbs
origin: Seido, the elemental realm of Order
affiliation: leader of the Seidan Resistance, revolutionary

allies: Havik, Dairou, Mavado, Sabura and the Red Dragon
enemies: Hotaru, Onaga, Five Divine Generals, Dairou
nemesis: none

Kombat styles and weaponry: Leopard, Shinto Ryu, Hatchet Hands

"I am Darrius, a simple man of action. Some would name me as their savior, some not. Some would call me a terrorist, I am not. Infact, I am none of theese. I simply end the opression that has befallen our world ever since the beginning of the rule of the seidan. This regime has bro-ught us nothing but suffering, and is occupied with their own ignorant goals of conquest.

I have ended their iron grasp upon the people of the realm. The big revolution is beyond the reach of the goverment, and their fores are now beheaded thanks to the efforts of my best agent, the rogue guard Dairou. With his help, I have successfully removed the greatest threat to our wast efforts, the war hero Hotaru, icon of Seido's doomed future. With this done, and the Declaration of Order in my hand, the rulership of the realm can only prey for my mercy.

It matters not, soon all of Seido shall be liberated, and the remaining bit of opposition of the Seidan guard will be crusghed beneath our boots. Soon all of us will have names and won't feed the greedy and the ignorant. This shall be the new dawn for the seidan. However we should not be content with just our homeworld. From what I know, an external menace has now arisen in the worlds under the name of Outworld. this does not bode well for us, since the detested Hotaru has been active in Outworlds great city of Lei Chen as regent, and intelligence tells us, that this "Dragon King" is very well interested in claiming Seido as his own. A warlord of no small importance is en route, blessed be the gods, they already confirm my expectations about his meager knowledge about the seidan.

Well, if they are bent on conquering Seido, they shall have a hard time do-ing so. I am sure that all of us could unite under a single banner and stand against this threat. The time has come to reason with the sei-dan councils, and with the declaration of order within my hand, they will do so. Meanwhile, my men are to search for an ancient source of power and supply under theese pyramidic ruins of the capital. If we could find the me-ans to reverse theese cataclysmic increases of the sand and the heat, we might have a future.

Opinions over Dairou: Dairou is my creation. Necessary bloodshed is only a tool for the leaders to ensure that the wrath of theese people is directed at our targets. Dairou and the likes of him are the solid founding on what we shall build out new society o equality and freedom. However to do so, we ve ve to silence the "inconvenient" elements that could possibly slow down or even harm the grandiouse plan. Soon...

Opinions over Hotaru: immensely crucial to disappear, Hotaru was assas-sinated by Dairou on the fields of Outworld. With his death cqn we only be-gin to live in freedom. A zealot is one thing, but a powerful zealot is a prob-lem we have to deal with even after his demise. Hotaru was a symbol of tyranny, but a war hero in the struggle of Seido's independence in the long forgotten past. Apparently they remember him still...

Opinions over Shujinko: ah, the tool that has played itself right into our hands. According to Dairou's report, this man is greatly displeased with the outworlish adversary known as the Dragon King, and has experience with Seido's dungeons too. I shall velcome his party of adventurers and we'll see what can we do to stop the Dragon King.

Opinions over Havik: hailing from the world of chaos, Havik plans to utterly destroy the opressive order of Seido. I can velcome that. However, Havik is too dangerous, and can wreck havoc at whim. We shall carefully eliminate his presence, and perhaps we can even make use of the chaosworld and it's critical water supply. This objective was seemingly the major problem of all of the Seidan goverments. I may know the proper way to kill Havik..

Opinions over Mavado: the Red dragon is one of the few syndicates I have made contact during my travels into the unknown worlds. Apparently they are much like us, save for the fact that they seek to establish a system that is predominant but flexible, even if necessarily overruling the personal needs of individuals. A cold but not rigid construction. Curious. If they can provide us with the efforts and resources we need to liberate inside and of course outsie our realm for survival, we can allow the Red Dragon to be sated with it's benefits of trade and goverment.
About Me

10/23/2005 10:14 PM (UTC)

height: 5' 11"
weight: 175 lbs
origin: unknown vampire realm
affiliation: retainer of the vampire realm, blood priestess general

allies: Cyrax, unknown
enemies: Shao Kahn's forces, Onaga's forces, unknown
nemesis: Reptile

Kombat styles and weaponry: Fu Jow Pai, Ba Shan Fan, Kama

"I could enjoy only relatiev peace on my homeworlds soil. Ever since I ha-ve shattered the relic that kept our realm from separating from the raping grasp of Shao Kahns celestial construction of realms, Outworld. I have since then learned that it was a fatal mistake. Returning from observation, I have evaluated my experiences with The ruling council of our kinfdom, and I have been trusted to anull any threat that could come to our dry soil.

As a priestess of great importance, and a field scout of high experience, I travelled back to Outworld after due time from our unseen world and I 've begun to closely examine the situation. With divine interference, the worlds seem to be engaging in a long term of warring, one that could possibly un-ravel our existence. One thing what I cannot allow. I 've remained hidden in the shadows and closely watched the unfolding events.

It has came to my understanding that Onaga's defeat was only a charade of well executed deceptions, even fooling the gods by foolishly merging their very weapon of cataclysmic capabilty. I know that Onaga craves the weapons power, and has actually played it's parts back to the hands of his enemies. Apparently, Onaga was ultimately right about that. With separa-ted kamidogu's, the forces of the realms are less focused on his acting and finally his long awaited generals have returned from their sleep when his soul was sen back to the dead.

Reborn, if not trully killed or undone in the first place, Onaga calls a dark and opressive regime to life, reclaiming his empire. This is good. Onaga wouldn't bother with our existence for now. However, his generals, one in particular poses great danger to us all. It is frightful how fast they seek the realisation of their intentions as well. And if the most powerful of them truly is what I hold her to be, we could be already undone. If that abomination is real, all my priest powers would be necessary to seal it back to undeath or I shall die trying. Most disturbing of all, m amulet of planar travel has lost it's power to some unknown tampering. I am stranded in Outworld, and the day's are always long and fiery here...

Opinions over Reptile: reptilians once resided around Outworld, now they are all but extinct. I understand Onaga is the actual ruler and is somehow the embodiment is the reptilian creature I've encountered long ago, and by some unkown event, he became the overlord of Outworld. Interesting..very interesting....

Opinions over Cyrax: beings devoid of blood are undetectable for our kind. Perhaps his alien nature and honorable behavior is why I chose the metal warrior made of flesh and steel as my compainon. Uniue to say at least, and he may serve me as a valuable ally in my efforts on homesoil. Aftrerall in the struggle we daily live, who wouldn't want a ne'er invincible partner?

Opinions over Liu Kang: I have observed the champion of Earth, the migh-tiest warrior of the thunder god Raiden. Straight, honorable, methodical, calm and good-willed. Theese fools bring their doom upon themselves.

Opinion over Rodjung: if that abomination is indeed what her name impli-es, then she has indeed grown to eating the corpses of forgotten souls. By the looks of it, her power is far beyond of an average sorceror. However her nature is perplexing to say the least: no longer the sadistic wretch driven mad by our constant hunger, but someting far more frightening.
I dread my responsibilities of leading my fellow sisters to the slaughter what may come, if we don't stop this madness.

10/23/2005 10:23 PM (UTC)
YAY! Li Mei is evil and Nitara is a priestess. Where do you come up with these original stuff? Awesome. Keep it up.
About Me
The boy kicked out at the world. The world kicked back a lot fuckin' harder.

MK Online Featured User 31/3/2010 12/4/2011
Shinnok-fan64 - s3Kt0r
10/24/2005 11:03 AM (UTC)
i wish u were working at midway so we can see your work on our console
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art by fear-sAs
10/24/2005 02:58 PM (UTC)
Great job with Nitara. I like the high ranking position you gave her, as well as the realisation that maybe unwindung her realm from Outworld wasn't the best desicsion. Her opinions of Cryax are interesting. My only problem with her is the face in the picture.
Omega Supreme
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There are three rules for doing scientific research. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.

10/25/2005 01:09 PM (UTC)
Drawings of Li Mei and Nitara are awesome. Nitara's storyline is interesting and original. I would also definitely like to see how her attitude towards Reptile and Cyrax will develop. I can't wait to see your Kabal drawing by the way, as he is my favourite character.

Darrius's story is a bit more muddled imo and would need some work. I'm not really sure why Darrius would align with the very authoritarian and hierarchic Red Dragon. As you know, in my MKR project the Red Dragon allies itself with Seido (Hotaru, Xerxes) precisely because of their great similarities in how they view the world politically.

Keep up the good work!

10/26/2005 12:29 AM (UTC)
Oh yeah!!!! Two more awe-inspiring pieces of art from Chrome, one of the greatest guys on MK online.Keep up the good work!!!!smilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilegringringringringringrin
10/26/2005 02:28 AM (UTC)
Oh yeah!!!! Another Work of art from Chrome, the greatest guy on Mk online!!!!!smilesmilesmilesmilesmilegringringringrin
About Me

10/28/2005 03:06 PM (UTC)

age: around 2000
height: 8' 2"
weight: 560 lbs
origin: Kuatan, Throneworld of the Shokan Kingdom
affiliation: commander of Shao Kahn's armies, heir to the shokan throne

allies: Shao Kahn, Subotai, Shingen, Havik, Reptile, Reiko
enemies: Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Kitana, Noob Saibot t
nemesis: the Shabhaol

Kombat styles and weaponry: Shokan, Kuatan, Fang Swords

"Endurance and will has kept me alive on the battlefield, and if it would not be the presence of Shao Kahn, i would have died a glorious death. All of the shokan warriors have the hoor of dieing in battle, shokan princes need to live further. I realize that my duty as prince is not just the leadership in battle, but the proper lording over the kingdoms. At my return to Kuatan af-ter the Dragon Kings defeat, I am now the only one capable of setting the new future for the Throne of Kuatan. I shall soon be King Goro, as my old fathers time soon aproaches when we place him against odds as a final act of battle.

Shao Kahn and me had no small part in the success of the fall of the Dragon King, but as of now, the beasts return complicates things even more. Kahn could not predict such an abnormally long term scheme, and is interested in obtaining not only the fields of Outworld again, but the full power of the Divine Generals themselves. With that kind of focused power, Kahn could have little little opposition and could defy the gods even further.

I can only aprove of his actions. With fighting alongside my former lord and master, we shall bring down the terrible wrath of the true Outworld Empire upon those who harmed us. Both the conquest of the worlds and the downfall of our enemies are to be accomplished through the newly announced tournament. With each consecutive battle won, our armies move according to the rules set by the elder gods, and Onaga.

But there is another fact why I shall prove that shokan are uncontestable warriors of mortal competition. The reason why Shao Kahns aid was so desperately needed and why I could only wholeheartedly forsake Kitana's peace is the continuous death of shokan in Outworld and in Kuatans heart throne city. Seems that one particular legend of great importance to me has proen itlsef to be true.

A terrible hunter walks the shadows, one that brought my fatal wound down on my body. A combatant of great zeal and heart who defeated me has already seen the world of the deceased and both of them were wise enough to learn from theese events. But the combined might of all of the numerous earthrealms heroes I have faced and killed pale in comparison to the creature dreaded by shokan, the Shabhaol. The very name is what has driven me to become the legend I am now. With the slaying of such malicious creature is my work finally crowned.

Opinions over Kitana: I don not concern myself of delusional peace. However treaties, pacts, bonds, theese are necessary for a leader to understand. However if I am sent to seize Edenia, I shall do it without hesitation to kill any opposition. This is the way of Shokan warriors.

Opinions over Kung Lao: blood feud is renewed as it seems, as I invite Kung Lao personally to Mortal Kombat. This only fitting for a warrior of earth to face off and die properly at the hands of the Prince of Shokan. I shall personally see to it that Kung Lao get's his just deserved death-match, even risking opposition from my lord. Hmm, perhaps a good moti-vation would be indeed in order to ensure he fights with hunger for my bo-od to be spilled. Very well, I shall eradicate every one of them and leave him standing last. Only then should Kung Lao call himself a warrior.

Opinions over Shao Kahn: my lord is mercyless and not as straightfor-ward as my people. His hunger of conqust is just, and his vengeance shall be terrible.Shao kahn deems fit, that his worst adversaries don't deserve death. However, Shao Kahns new tendency of forward attack -despite it's effectiveness - has drawed my attention on him for this is highly unusual from him. Justification for his rule drives him, what is the very fire that burns in a true fighter.

Opinions over Noob Saibot: the shadow warrior Noob Saibot, once an ally of Shao Kahn is responsible for my fall. Now, with my respect among my people is almost restored I shall seek him out if I can, and show him, real shokan warriors are always ready for a rematch of skill. Perhaps if Noob saibot partakes in the tournament, I can kill him.

Opinions over the Shabhaol: my lifestyle, determines my deathstyle. To be torn apart by such thing is the worthy battle of any half-dragon and half man Shokan. I shall bring it down to it's many knees, or I'll die trying. May the hunt begin for each other.
10/28/2005 04:25 PM (UTC)
Yep. Those are great alright. It's a sad fact to know that the next MK's storyline will only be about 1/8 that good. I love the pics too. Kudos, and try not to get hand cramps from all that work.
About Me

10/28/2005 04:54 PM (UTC)
OKay, the next wave is going to be a bit difficult. I have alot of characters ndone onsidering the drawings, plus, I may have to start the storyline's (as you may know each character will have 3 separate possible storylines)

we'll see. I have three days free in a row from today.
About Me

10/30/2005 10:31 PM (UTC)

age: undetermined late 20'es
height: 5' 9"
weight: 160 lbs
origin: Edenia
affiliation: Onaga's enforcer and ambassador

allies: Onaga, Five Divine Generals, Li Mei, Hotaru, Baraka,
enemies: Kitana, Mileena, Sindel, Liu Kang,
nemesis: Jade

Kombat styles and weaponry: Zi Ran Men, Yuan Yang, Yuanyang Razors

"I was employed by the Dragon King Onaga as his personal enforcer to retrieve crucial information about the Kamidogu. Even if we succeeded in gathering all theese artefacts of tremendous power, I soon realized that Onagas plan goes way beyond the limits of the Kamidogu, but it indeed revolves around them. As time told us, Onaga's plan was to lure together the potential threats first, and divert atention from his generals who are now awoken. With the Generals alive, Onaga will crush any resistance, and regather the Kamidogu without obstruction.

My plan of obtaining the Kamidogu had to be delayed, but nonetheless, Onaga found out about my plans somehow. It really doesn't matter anymo-re. When I was spying on potential threats for our plans, I managed to trap and shatter the assault of Edenia's Queen herself, but much to my dis-may, she eluded capture. However, her bodyguard known as Jade walked right into the deathtrap of tarkatans. When I thought I had her in custody, she has thrown a vial of essence at me, and my torn body was only left alive by the tarkatans becouse of their leader Baraka quickly came to his senses.

Onaga annouced his intentions of what to do with me, and apparently before his downfall, he sculpted one of the Kamidogu inside my body gaining restless knowledge of my actions and gaining a foothold, as one of his most wanted jewels of supremacy is now hidden from the eyes of others. I could not bear the thought of my actions controlled, I broke from Onaga's controlllater, and while seriously weakened, I managed to throw myself from a cliff into the icy waters below.

I survived and much to my dismay, found an unlikely compainon to travel along the shores. I must get away as fastest I can, for if Onagas bloodho-unds monitor my actions, they will be eager to punish me for their masters accidental downfall. I must obey Onagas commands that run through my head, as his spirit lives on, and I must gain enough control over myself to refuse his leash. Onagas hidden commands of continuing my work is a solution for the time of being, but my independence is unquestionalby the most important. I have to succeed, or I'll die trying."

Opinions over Liu Kang: champion of Mortal Kombat could have fallen ea-sily into my trap, for his shortsightedness is a trademark of all of the warri-ors I've met. The naive boy didn't even suppose that I could have lured him into a trap. unfortunately, he was informed of my intentions.

Opinions over Kitana: I do not care about Edenia. I am not compelled to die for something as hollow as a home, or belief. I won't give my life away for mere promises of honor, or righteousness! I won't die, Tanya can sur-pass all of them, when they will be lying dead in their homes burned by the numerous threats that raly for supremity!

Opinions over Jade: being reliant on this she-zealot is a nightmare of it's own! But apparently, as she thinks my presence and custody can benefit Edenia and my proper judgement would be deserved death..well, she just leads me where Onaga want's me. Mayhap if Onaga succeeds, I may have rest from all theese threats and carry on. i wonder how Jade escaped the Heaven Fortress so easily?

Opinions over Onaga: I hate what this bastard has done to me. Now I can be the target of wehoever want's to claim the last piece of the set of theese artefacts. Not to mention, Onagas controll is not something someone can oppose with just the power of will. We shall see how his agenda turns out.

About Me

10/30/2005 11:03 PM (UTC)

age: immortal
height: 6' 1"
weight: 190 lbs
origin: the heavens, Earth, Japan
affiliation: Protector of Earthrealm, agent of the Tribunal

allies: Ashrah, Sub-Zero, Shujinko, Liu Kang, Kung Lao,
enemies: Raiden, Onaga's forces, Shao Kahns' forces, Noob Saibot
nemesis: none

Kombat styles and weaponry: Yau Kun Mun, Daito Ryu, Yari Spear

"I am Fujin, god of winds, newly appointed protector of Earth. From hiogh above I have witnessed the turmoil and destruction of the Deadly Alliance, Onaga, and now his generals as they all created massive chaos across the realm with sewere consequences. Even my predecessor, Raiden has called himself up as a renegade god, and took action against all. With him out of border, I am the one to make a stand for the Elder Gods. I now watch, and I observe...

Raidens role was inefficient to protect and ensure constant peace for the people of Earth becouse of his lack of versatility. I shall protect Earth not only through Mortal kombat, but any means I deem fit to mislead those who are wrongdoers. I am now fully capable to move and act on behalf of the elders and can prepare to supervise, enter and battle the tournament what is hosted by the Elder Gods themselves. Only I know of the one true purpose of this grandiose enterprise: to ensure the participation, each of the combatants are promised to make one wish, that can ultimately bend the shape of reality through the powers of the Elders. Should one of those who are with or against us make the wish, it is little of consequence, the elder gods have already ensured that their will subdues all participants.

I question the logic if not the ethic of this plan, but it's efficiency is good, and so shall it be done. I now assure that each of the players are settled in the right position to enter and participate within or outside the tournament, but Mortal Kombat involves even those, who are not scribed as warriors. All of them shall be weakened but protected by us in the end, when the Elders can finally make their move against Onaga.

I now assured that Ashrahs role is given a path. She shall be the one to oppose the Netherrealm threat for now, Shujinko is rescued by the elders, and though his refusal is suprisingly vigorous, i know how I shall direct his wrath to weaken his arch nemesis Onaga. Raidens forces are separate, but I can easily make sure they are isolated for the time of being, since the Scorpion, agent of the elder gods themselves, is to shape the tournament as he wills. being a battle weary unit of destruction, Scorpion can easily do what the gods cannot.

I participate, and make sure everyone is indifferent to the truth, untill I can make my move, and bend he destiny so that good and true comes through in the end. I have been given free hand from the Tribunal with strict rules... well, I think I shall just "adjust" theese rules so that evil cannot root forward anymore. So sayeth the wind god Fujin."

Opinions over Raiden: sad to know tht someone who is so noble indeed succumbs to mere revenge to confort his growing ambition, need to take action, and whats worst of it all, his arrogance. Raiden was a constant thorn in the side of the Elder Gods, but they acknowledged his deeds and the final outcome. Should Raiden become a threat to earth, I shall have to terminate his existence instantly.

Opinions over Scorpion: well done! Recruit the most versatile warrior to do our biding. I wonder what did they offer for Scorpion? And if so, is Scorpion aware of the prize his cursed existence carries? Does he even know, that many of his kind ultimately gave in to this curse, and became nothing mo-re than pityfyul echoes, that linger around midnlessly untill the end of time? Interesting, most interesting. Scorpion has a good chance to subdue the taint, and get independent from the evil that infests the Nether.

opinions over Noob Saibot: I know of the secret threat that may come so-on not only to Earthrealm, but to outworld as well. Noob Saibot is unique amongst the wrath-kin, he bears no emotion nor compassion. Should his plans suceed, we may find ourselves in great danger. Thats why I took the demon hunter Ashrah as a preventive action towards Noob Saibot and his deadly guard Smoke. I bargained for this with the whorish Sareena, and I can only hope that she won't bring the younger Sub-Zero's gaze upon this conflict, for that may have dire consequences.

Opinion over Shao Kahn: to be blunt, Shao Kahn is cunning, ruthless and intelligent. His recent achievements had made him even more dangerous as from his defeat years ago, and his fall at the hands of the Deadly Allian-ce, Shao Kahn became more cautious. A trait we didn't need him to have.
Maybe if we play on his recent desire to win through straightforward and honorable victories can bring us a lead, but this may well be another sche-me of Outworlds former protector and emperor.

10/31/2005 07:32 PM (UTC)
Li Mei

Styles: ok

Storyline: It's pretty good, but I don't like how she says Li Mei instead of "me" or "I". I also would've liked to have seen more on Li Mei's feelings from when she became more and more drawn to Onaga which leads to her defection over to his side. What do you mean by triple defeat when it comes to Onaga?

Opinions over Bo' Rai Cho: So I expect that there'll be a Li Mei vs. Bo' Rai Cho battle in her ending or something, yes?

Opinions over the Five Divine Generals: Yeah, that would make sense.

Opinions over Kano: hmm..ok..

Opinions over the Deadly Alliance: I see.

Drawing: Aside from her right arm looking shorter than her left arm, it looks pretty good. I do wonder though if she's wearing something on her head.

MIscalleneous: You forgot to list her height and weight. Also, you forgot to list Kano as one of her enemies.

Overall: It's pretty good. I like the concept of evil Li Mei.


Styles: Hatchet Hands? Is that another name for his Gauntlets or is that a different weapon altogether? As for Shinto Ryu, it basically looks like Karate in MKDA though I don't think there is a Shinto Ryu Karate.

Storyline: I have to agree with VainQueur about the way you've written Darrius' storyline. The Seidan resistance and the Red Dragon don't really seem to mix, imo.

Opinions over Dairou: Is there meant to be something after "Soon..."?

Opinions over Hotaru: They as in the Seidan?

Opinions over Shujinko: It'd be kind of interesting to see a Darrius/Shujinko team up in terms of alliances though what about the time in which Shujinko had to take down Darrius in the name of the Seidan Guardsmen?

Opinions over Havik: Interesting...

Opinions over Mavado: Like I said before, I agree with VainQueur about the Seidan Resistance/Red Dragon team up.

MIscalleneous: What do you mean by "elemental realm" when you're talking about Seido?

Overall: It's so-so. I'm not really into Darrius much but I don't dislike him.


Styles: Hmm, pretty good choices.

Storyline: Her being a blood priestess is a pretty cool idea. I do have to ask you, are you saying that Onaga DID fuse the Kamidogu? Overall, her story is decent.

Opinions over Reptile: Um...wtf? The raptors, Reptile's race, are from Earthrealm and evolved from dinosaurs millions of years ago. The war between Raiden and Shinnok destroyed many raptors and the remaining raptors fled to the realm of Zaterra (which I still speculate is Nitara's home realm). Also, when you said "now they are all but extinct", that's saying that there are still many of them left which isn't true since they are more or less gone except for ones like Reptile and maybe even Khameleon. When you said that she encountered him long ago, what do you mean by that? Exactly how long after MKD does your story take place?

Opinions over Cyrax: Interesting viewpoints she has on Cyrax.

Opinions over Liu Kang: Wait, when and where did she observe him? confused

Opinions over Rodjung: Hmm..I see.

Drawing: It looks good, but what the hell is up with her face and hair?

MIscalleneous: Um...why does she have "unknown" listed in the allies and enemies list? Is that supposed to be a character or something? Also, why would Reptile be her nemesis?

Overall: It's pretty decent. I like Nitara and I do hope to see her in MK7.


Styles: Fang Swords? Is that basically the Dragon Fangs he had in MKD?

Storyline: It's an ok storyline though I think the whole Shabhaol plot is rather unnecessary.

Opinions over Kitana: So basically, he's just an opportunistic asshole like in MKD?

Opinions over Kung Lao: And to think that the two made peace years ago...

Opinions over Shao Kahn: uh huh...

Opinions over Noob Saibot: I see.

Opinions over Shabhaol: I thought the Shokan are half human dragon.

MIscalleneous: 260 lbs?? Wtf? Isn't he supposed to be 550 lbs? confused Also, I'm a bit surprised you didn't list Onaga as one of his enemies.

Overall: Meh, not too excited about it overall.


Styles: Well, I can understand her having Zi Ran Men since she learned that from her father and Yue Chuan, which she learned in Outworld though Zi Ran Men itself doesn't seem like a kind of style she would use. *shrugs* As for the Yuan Yang Razors, don't you think that someone using Yuan Yang Quan would go well with the Yuan Yang Razors?

Storyline: When you said "However, her bodyguard known as Jade walked right into the deathtrap of tarkatans.", it makes it sound as if the two don't know each other that well or something. Also, what do you mean Onaga sculpted one of the Kamidogu inside her body? Are you basically saying that he put it in her body and someone gained her knowledge? Also, you'd think that Jade would kill Tanya, but I don't know...Overall, I think your story for her is just confusing and relatively pointless.

Opinions over Liu Kang: Can he really be considered a boy? Also, about the trap thing, eh, I don't think Tanya ever tried to lure Liu Kang into a trap. I could be wrong about that though.

Opinions over Kitana: This doesn't tell me anything about her views on Kitana.

Opinions over Jade: uh...riight...well, I would like to see a bit more of an actual view on Jade as it seems the two has had a bit of a history together as enemies or something..

Opinions over Onaga: Well, I guess that's what she gets for being a traitorous bitch.

MIscalleneous: Uh...why would she be in her late 20s? That doesn't make any sense.

Overall: Well, I don't like Tanya to begin with and this doesn't spark any real interest in the character. Sorry, but I just don't like it.


Styles: What's Yau Kun Mun? As for the weapon, eh, I'd rather see him with a crossbow.

Storyline: Well, about Raiden's role being inefficient due to "lack of versatility", that doesn't make sense to me since it seems to me that the real problem lies in the Elder Gods doing jack shit to help Raiden yet through some times of trouble, Raiden had shown himself to be worthy thus why he became an Elder God himself after the defeat of Shinnok. Then when the Deadly Alliance came around and Raiden needed the help of the Elder Gods, guess what? They screw him over so Raiden has to relinquish his status as an Elder God to take matters into his own hands. Overall, his storyline is ok.

Opinions over Raiden: Revenge and arrogance? The new Raiden is really about anger, disgust, and intolerance. And I don't think Raiden would exacty become a threat to Earth since he vows to destroy those who threaten Earth. And how can Fujin have the power to terminate his existence instantly? It just makes him sound way too powerful.

Opinions over Scorpion: Well done? Wtf? Um, what makes you think they offered Scorpion something in his services to them?

Opinions over Noob Saibot: hmmm..ok...

Opinions over Shao Kahn: Fall at the hands of the Deadly Alliance? uh..wasn't that his clone?

MIscalleneous: Wait, shouldn't his origins just be the Heavens and not Japan?

Overall: Eh, like with Darrius', this one is so-so.
About Me

10/31/2005 09:47 PM (UTC)

age: unknown
height: 5' 8"
weight: 200 lbs
origin: the elemental Chaosrealm
affiliation: priest of Chaos, formerly in league with Shao Kahn

allies: Kabal, Kira, Darrius, Shao Kahn, anyone on whim
enemies: Onaga, Five Divine Generals, anyone on whim
nemesis: Hotaru or noone

Kombat styles and weaponry: Choy Gar, Dim Mak, Morningstar

"I could be satisfied with the fruit of my work in Outworld, but the drive for disorder won't let me. Bloodshed and war, peace and prosperity all theese are but segments of what is to come. If all goes well, I can send this accur-sed plane of existence into an entropic form only existant in the moment of creation and destruction, a pure, raw form of energywhere everything is all and nothing at the same time. Time, directions, place, identity would be forever forgotten and the world will be locked in a free loop of free choice without consequence.

To do this, however I need the manifestation of the shard of creation, an item of great power, and holder of the laws that bind. The only law I can acknowledge is defiance to it's very self. The Declaration of Order holds the imprint of the beginning, thus it is crucial for me to steal it, negotiate it, or refuse it. I shall not obtain this valuable jewel of the gods geniality, and I shall not use it against the sustaining effect of Seidos existence.

Seido is a world that is countered by my home soil. Each of them are cru-cial for the existence for all other realities, as they all are dependant on the very core essence of what theese poles represent. When I finally grasp the Declaration and destroy it in a potent nexus of magical raw energy I shall win a battle that endured for a complete existence. However if I do that, it could bring finality to the struggle. Hmm, very well: I shall steal the declara-tion and my actions shall be aimed on those who try to preserve it. In the name of chaos, they shall succeed. This paradox will be enough to create colossal disfunction in logic, one that is appealing in the eyes of my deiti-es who I abhor.

Recent matters are also important: I must wander around blindly to see how the clone of Shao Kahn and the original one shall turn the roots of the Fate Tree upside down. I shall resume my loyalty towards allmighty Shao Kahn, just like I never did in the past, when I became the priest of chaos, and even before that. Or after?

Opinions over Darrius: Darrius is like the world. Lingering between but never at the edge. Most people live like him. Most people die like him. I shall not decide over Darrius and let the free flow of events take care of him and his scheme. Perhaps Seido's recent civilization will be consumed by the vast desert, maybe it will drown in the leeched waters of chaosrealm
and it's all up only to him.

Opinions over Shujinko: one who doesn't have an opinion and mind of his own, can achieve great distruption. I worship Shujinko for what he has do-ne, I bow before Shujinko, and how he turned his color from white to black and to white.

Opinions over Hotaru: i have nothing to think on Hotaru. I think he was a great man. I think he will be a great man.

Opinions over Onaga: Onaga's goal is very similar to mine. however I aim to unite existence through a shredded veil of free energy without concious choice, Onaga wishes to call the universe together as it is now, cousing the great knowledge to assemble again. That I must not allow! I shall sub-due Onaga again through the players on the field.
About Me

10/31/2005 10:22 PM (UTC)

age: unknown
height: 6' 2"
weight: 235 lbs
origin: the Netherrealm, formerly of outworld
affiliation: the Oni Tormentor, Warlord, currently in Shao Kahn's ranks

allies: Shao Kahn, Goro, Reptile, Reiko, Shang Tsung, Moloch
enemies: Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Smoke, Scorpion,
nemesis: none

Kombat styles and weaponry: Netherrealm, Oni, Heavy Club

"I am back! back on my fomer soil to lord and rule as I wish! With the short time of amusement as Shang Tsung's enforcers we had a good time as Oni's finally free from obligation of war inside the Netherrealm. Even as I, who was one of the most powerful Oni, I couldn't simply ignore the call to battle inside the deeper hells, where Oni, Tengu and other various creatu-res battled for eternity without death. I broke away from it, and gained free movement in those hells, but even that pales in a total comparison with the freedom of ruling again in Outworld.

Shao Kahn's offer after Moloch and I have spent weeks if not a month wan-dering around and feeding on innocent bypassers. Their flesh could not really sate us, but when we were brought before the majestic emperor I knew that I will enjoy his picture of a kingdom. As he explained he made an offer only a fool would refuse. In exchange for my services and my in-fluence and demonic potence within the Netherrealms, he would grant me an everlasting place in his world, where I could enjoy the feast of virgins and their bodies with blooded bones.

Shao Kahn could benefit from an emissary within the hells. If he can tap the resources of dead warriors gathered there, Onaga's army would pale in comparison to the unmatched might of dead demons. However, that is not all: the limitless spawn of the pits would not only fuel his almost limit-less power and army, but he would also need a general for controlling it. I am the general he is looking for. And I hold only one truth from Kahn:

The Nethereralms depths hold secrets that cannot be unravelled without total corruption. ONi, Tengu, undead such as specterkin and wraiths are trapped in warring kingdoms only becouse the deeper layers of the dark Nethers are impossible to dwell within, even for demons such as we. I suspect as an enlightened one among my kin, that the deepest layers are other worlds themselves. If so, that could be a perfect battleground for us!"

Opinions over Quan Chi: the Oni Tormentor doesn't take hollow promises lightly! I shall tear his face off and wear it as a charade to entertain those whom I torment. Quan Chi may find himself in a terrible place and state if I am through with him!

Opinions over Scorpion: the specter assassin wasn't too much of a chal-lenge! With the combined might of my finesse and the rather viciously raw brutality of Moloch, we gained great fun out of the helpless specters scre-ams of agony as he was taken to the heavens by the Soulnado.

Opinions over Shao Kahn: I have made a great deal! Constant battle in exchange of lording and endless feasting! Moloch and I are gratefull, for Moloch gained in strenght and guts, while I gained more sanity as Kahn imbued me with the face of Kun-Lo with a more powerful enchantment. now I can shift between murderous rampage and calculated hate only at my own whim and pleasure! Thus, I am completely unaffected by powers of charming and such influence.

Opinions over Reiko: strange. I sense great void in such a burning and charred body. Reiko has eluded me in the Netherrealm what I find most disturbing! If Shao Kahn wishes me to dohis bidding in secret, I must take care o0f any other potential threat from the netherrealm. However, Reiko doesn't even recall the slightest of the Netherrealm I know! Strange...

Opinion over Reptile: his apetite matches my own! Amusing.

About Me

10/31/2005 11:04 PM (UTC)
Damn, this is getting harder and harder, I long to do the endings and stuff, but there are plenty of characters left untouched. Darn it.
About Me
art by fear-sAs
11/01/2005 05:59 AM (UTC)
If you need help just let me know, I'll see what I can do.
About Me

11/01/2005 10:34 PM (UTC)

age: 45
height: 6' 3"
weight: 345 lbs
origin: Earthrealm, Vietnam
affiliation: formerly of the Lin Kuei, currently Tekunin and Japan

allies: Mavado, Sabura, the Red Dragon
enemies: Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei, Cyrax, Jax Briggs, Sonya Blade
nemesis: none

Kombat styles and weaponry: Ninjutsu, Vo Viet Dao, Kobudo Frame

"I am Sektor, prototype unit of the Lin Kuei assassination units made as a last resort on modern warfields and in technological enviroment. As did the Lin Kuei foresee, our shells were especially augmented to the neural grafting of our human internal parts. With sewere problems of adjusting, most of us cyborgs experienced mental feedback and became a liability.

Unexpected, but true, the prototype cybernetic assasin was the only one to adjust completely. Despite the looping, the mainframe has managed to separate itself and work in a coordinated way with the organic lobe. Thus, the cyborg can acknowledge it's own slef as an entity. I am Sektor again, master of the Tekunin program. After my defeat at the hands of the current Lin Kuei grandmaster Sub-Zero, my organic part became unstable, so cer-tain adjustments had to be commenced. The separated mind has merged with the cybernetic coding, and for a short period it remained silent. Each individual temporal merging cleanses the organic material of damaging tension, however it costs the experienced memories of human perception.

No matter, evaluation is both excellent by my two mental poles, and I can clearly recall the memories as facts, but nothing more. This has made me even more curious to the fact, that how did my integral mind come to be so "corrupted"? Clearly, the erratic behavior has held me back from my goal of reclaiming the Lin Kuei and initiate a completely remade reform within it's ranks. To do this, Sub-Zero must disappear.

Thanks to machine and mind, and the escape route into Japan, I finally found the answer. The Tekunin is a project of vast proportions, calibrating possible and perfect humans into a salve of cyborgs constructed from my own frames. This project is however resource dependent. And the provider of theese resources is none other than Japan itself. The country in secret acknowledges and holds the Tekunin in it's employment as a future solu-tion of conflicting interests across the globe. The Tekunin is more than pre-pared to fulfill any kind of task he country gives to us. This happens under the coverage of an actual Japanese initiative, started by mildly radicalists within the Japanese leadership, or to be blunt, the Red Dragon's pawns.

Soon, the world shall look upon a new era of warfare, peacemaking and pacification method. The Tekunin shall also be the first to descend again into the depths of Outworld, and we shall be the ones to flawlessly execute the rounding up of the internationally dangerous crime syndicates, such as the Red Dragon, and the Lin Kuei. The first serves our purpose well, so do we serve theirs. The second is found to be....obsolete.

Thus, this unit, is ready for it's challenge."

Opinions over Sub-Zero: analyst error: the first failure is the last, Sub-Ze-ro clearly defied the will of the Lin Kuei, however further deduction from the situation proposed a newer solution. This was the termination of the late grandmaster. And since Sub-Zero has rallied for grandmastery, his flawed methods and unbefitting morality must be terminated on second encoun-ter, otherwise "negotiations" will take place.

Opinions over Mavado: Mavado is a crucial point in world economics and powerplay. To preserve earthrealms peace, and the Red Dragons future, we have agreed to join forces. World dynamics are kept by the infamous Red Dragon, and the Tekunin shall be kept fairly busy untill the time for total overtaking has came. Then we could fulfill our fated achievements.
The Red Dragon has an army of cyborgs, the Tekunin has the means and the technology in return.

Opinions over Cyrax: even though several enhancements, I still wish to obtain the U.S.S.F. technology of Cyrax. Otherwise, a possible key to our standards and such dangerous weaponry must not get out of hand, and must not be released other than the Lin Kuei, or should I say...Tekunin. I shall obtain Cyrax. I would hate to dismount a fellow Lin Kuei, but possible opposition would be ruthlessly dealt with.

Opinions over Smoke: missing in action. sometimes wonder, how would his mind act on his own volition? Smoke has always been more sophisti-cated than any of us. I wonder if he has a mind of his own like the unit what now leads the Tekunin?

Opinions over self: I am man and machine. Perfectly in harmony and over-ly efficient. A steel shell is no prison for me, obtaining a possible im-mortality was always tempting for my former human self. No name, no reg-ret, no remorse, human and cybernetics both assembled into one self-con-cious world in what the being called Sektor is nearly omnipotent.

About Me

MK vs DC... there's something I never saw coming!

11/02/2005 03:59 PM (UTC)
Sektor looks Awesome!!

This is the best piece of fan art I've ever seen! And a way better storyline when you compare it to all stupid things happened in Deception

Keep up the good work Chrome! If I may, i will post some of these Bio's on a dutch MK forum!
About Me
art by fear-sAs
11/02/2005 07:37 PM (UTC)
Great job on Sektor. I think it's a noce twist that you've given him. Now in the secret employment of Japan as a defense force is a great way to add some depth. I'm not too surprised that he's allied with the Red Dragon to ensure a type of "peace". It's a great bio, definetly one of my favorites.
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