About Me

11/28/2005 10:06 PM (UTC)
Well, this will continue be I damned, but I'll pull this off to the bitter end. And yes, there wil be feet, infact, one of the characters has a very important fact about his feet. Meet the second of the Five Divine Generals...


age: unknown
height: 6' 3"
weight: 300 lbs
origin: Outworld or some other unnamed or unkown realm
affiliation: Five Divine Generals, supreme commander of Onagas armies

allies: Onaga, Five Divine Generals, Tanya, Hotaru,
enemies: Shao Kahn, Goro, Dairou, Darrius, Seidan forces
nemesis: none

Kombat styles and weaponry: Aikido, Hands of Taizu, Daisho

"the world is still littered by the annoying swarm of shortlived insect-peop-le. Inferior to passion the world has ended when my corpus was broken by treachery. Once, I was a proud overlord harnessing the gain of my lands and my rule, as we marched against the last of the Great Dragons. Those were times when the world was not formed by the cold wishes of the ever vigilant elder gods lording above the lesser deities of every realm had to offer. It was an age of wonder, an age that has came to pass.

To bring Onaga down we needed the ancient army of the Eternal Autumns people, my people, who were eager to resent the contract to the fast paced,
chaotical and erratic world of constant struggle. We have surpassed this limbo of madness, and achieved a perefct harmony where we set foot.

However Onaga, and threats such as he, were brought down viciously by our protective and vigilant blood. I was their best, their highest ranking, and most gifted of them. Pasionate to do battle, I strode to protect the paradise to safekeep the wonder of creation, our home. Inside the craddle of this epic world, taint and malice has grown in my absense.

Onaga was powerfull as an adversary, and we could not subdue him much. His undefeatable army was only to be thought of as of then, and even so, Eternal Autumn failed to stop the onslaught. Such, a coalition had to be formed by all of those who would put their strenght up to the test. But as I did my best through a decade to bring this unity to blossom, I was to be thrown before the Dragon Kings pride and will.

I was betrayed by the very people whom I sought to bring together to defe-at our common foe. Cowardice and fear are powerfull motives, but greed, apathy and avarice is blasphemous in my eyes. The Shokan, the young Edenians, the hasty Centaurians, the strickt Seidan all of them 've betrayed the Fey peoples mightiest champion to their own ends. That I have sworn to never forget, but Onaga had an option for me what was worse than my death itself, for me he proclaimed ...

Mercy, and Onaga decided that he will spawn me to become the greatest warrior of his evener growing army of invincibility. Death to my kind is swift and final, for we are essentially undying untill entropy claims us, but Ona-ga transmuted me into a engine of invimcible calculations, a cold mosnter devoid of any passion but sorrow over it's memory. Neither dead, neither alive and between I am affront to nature's grace and affront to the now long dead Eternal Autumn what only I can recall now into existence.

No matter, as Onagas vassal I shall wipe theese abominations of existen-ces clean of theese pathethic wretches and start a new beginning as I will try to summon back the lost past, and filling the haunted ruins of my mis-sing peoples homeland with the very life that is devoid of me. That is my choice and Onagas prize for my eternal servitude. Let there be rage where peace is intact, let there be growing where the lands are desolate, the very entropy that consumes my corpus will bring swift judgement upon the un-worthy, and let the redeemed walk the soils again.

Opinions over Tam Yu' Chin: where is decadence, there is life, even if still. However, Tam Yu' Chin is more than that. He is pure, his instincts drive him to enjoy the slaughters, where he reaps, there is a harvest of heads,
and where I slay, there is rarely blood spilled. I envy his vigor unless or untill I too succumb to the battlerage.

Opinions over Shao Kahn: the dreaded advisor of Onaga, and the most powerfull ruler to came in many eons. I could have served his goals if he would have bound me to his will. Onaga and Shao kahn are akin, but ...
the Shao Kahn I see now is nothing more than a dual faced puzzle that needs to be solved.

Opinions over Onaga: direct my wrath at Seido, and the sands of theese ageless realms will turn to glass!

Opinions over Rodjung: the sorceress spends too much time with dealing with her old time adversary. I alone know of her, or their secret and will safeguard it to the death. the outcome will be perhaps amusing to me in a certain fashion. I shall safeguard her becouse of this.

Opinions over the world: if the creation is dysfunctional, then how are we? My survival means nothing to me. can you say the same?
About Me

11/29/2005 07:26 PM (UTC)

age: unknown
height: 5' 4"
weight: 265 lbs
origin: Outworlds annexed repilian homeworld
affiliation: Shao Kahn's forces, master of covert endeavours for Kahn

allies: Shao Kahn, Goro, Shingen, Subotai, Reiko, Drahmin, Havik
enemies: Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Nitara, Cyrax,
nemesis: none

Kombat styles and weaponry: Hung Gar, Crab style, Kirehashi

"We are completely eradicated, it iss only I who stand ass last of the once reptilian race I have grown to know about. Shao Kahn iss a deadly force to be reckoned with, and ass for thiss only reason I shall not oppose his rule.
However, my passt incarnation hass became useless, whom I sought out sso many timess without success. Now there iss only one option left for my hopess of a tomorrow.

My previous incarnation of my flesh and blood wass slain as the Dragon King took it ass its wessel. However, when he wass slain, it's body wass dismembered what caussed thiss incarnations death. However not all wass losst to me. The Dragon Kingss corpuss is valuable as I returned to devour the rotten remainss. Onagass blood wass thick and densified by the oils that embalmed him ass he gained hiss immortality from the felled dragons blood. I alsso perceived hiss toughts through the thickblood that lives no within me. Enhanced I am now more primordinal and more cun-ning ass my might and abilitiess grow in number. Alsso is my apetite. I shall have to feast upon Shao Kahnss enemies ssoon.

Broadened and enhanced, I surfaced to offer my sservices to the again la-tent powered emperor, and I shall sserve him unquesstioningly ass my previous mysself did. Sso may it sseem, for now. I shall now sseek out the culling of our common enemiess, the first to fall will be thosse who have betrayed Shao Kahn for the last time. Each of them shall fall to my extinct powers, ass Shao kahn finds it most pleassing that my reverting hass now shown themselves ussefull for his cousse. Each one who betrayed Shao Kahn will find me lurking from behind, and Reptile shall known no boundaries when he will reap the headss of theese maggots.

Let uss see how he will confort himsself with the newest assassin in his folds as one of hiss oldesst servants. Survival of the fittest, Reptile shall be the lasst to fall. To do thiss, he will need the key item of completion: my previous incarnationss heart. Without it, my hatching powerss are useless in long termss.

Opinions over Shao Kahn: besst to ssay it only shady cornerss, Shao Kahn may be felled by various meanss. Reptile knowss how to slay the Emperor but he alsso knowss how to slay his brother by blood, the great Dragon King. Theese are the choicess I play with the mosst.

Opinions over Reiko: ssuch a blatant error to choose not to ssee the one who iss among the ones who are not within the collective. If I am to assu-me my role ass Shao Kahnss assassin, then I shall have to make ssure theese obstruentss are removed in due time. I ssee Reiko as a threat, and perhapss, ass a tool.

Opinions over Onaga: it iss not unlikely that the Dragon King hass seen through my eyes, and discovered me in hiss vasst mind. If it iss so, than I may be a great liability to the Emperorss planss. Who knowss, maybe Reptile hass already betrayed the Emperor, or... maybe the Emperor hass already betrayed Reptile too many often... Either wayss the call of the blood iss strong.

Opinions over Kitana: betrayerss fall in the priority of their crimess. Kitana will come to not ssee her impending doom ssoon enough.
11/29/2005 07:37 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:

it iss only I who stand ass last of

And I didn't even laugh...

Nice bio btw grin
About Me

11/29/2005 07:57 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:

it iss only I who stand ass last of

And I didn't even laugh...

Nice bio btw grin

I knew that excessive "s" is a bad thing to use. Note to self: way to go succumbing to cliche writing, dumbass.
11/29/2005 08:13 PM (UTC)
I like the Reptile plot. It is good, yessssssssss!

The name of the sssecond divine general? Did you make up the name; "Iharatsu", or does it have any real basisss.

Oh, about the feet thing:
I have this certain irregularity... A peversion if you will... I will say only that feet are most precious, most preciousss...

...please draw them.

11/29/2005 08:13 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Keith Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:

it iss only I who stand ass last of

And I didn't even laugh...

Nice bio btw grin

I knew that excessive "s" is a bad thing to use. Note to self: way to go succumbing to cliche writing, dumbass.

it was a nice touch, especially considering this is Reptile speaking himself, just becareful where you use it. grin
About Me

12/01/2005 07:26 AM (UTC)
Don't laugh, but Iharatsu (Iharacu) is a massage technique. Well, he'll be doin' plenty of massage on others.

OK, hmm, onloy a few more to go, a couple of newbies and some oldies remain. Damn, if this will end, than I 'll have to come up with the plotlines too. Damn.
12/01/2005 08:34 AM (UTC)
I'm just here to rate you're work chrome!

Simple likes and dislikes in the form of "yes" and "no" May comment on them. : P

Jax - No
Johnny Cage - HELL NO!!! lol
Shujinko - Yes
Kitana - No - Good though, but just not Kitana
Subzero - Yes - Very awsome subzero!
Kenshi - Yes
Shao Kahn -Yes - The style is a new turn, but would perfer armor suit instead of the threnchcoat robe look. "That style in armor fashion with a cape would rock!"
Dairou - No
Mileena - No
Bo' Rai Cho - Yes
Scorpion - No
Kung Lao - No - No and no! Sorry!
Sonya - Yes
Quan Chi - Yes
Shang Tsung - Yes - Good job this one!
Raiden - No - No and no!
Noob Saibot - No - Good for a Havik concept though!
Smoke - No
Sareena - Yes - The costume is great, I just don't agree with the face art.
Mavado - No
Ashrah - Yes
Nitara - Yes - The outfit is great, but again i don't agree with the face lol
Drahmin - Yes
Sektor - No
Kano - Yes

Could you post back the Reptile?

The Reptile i saw look like you're type of work, he was dark in the sketch, I know he was skinny and very weird looking. Thats all i remember Reptile.

12/01/2005 04:42 PM (UTC)
"Don't laugh, but Iharatsu (Iharacu) is a massage technique."

How could I not laugh!grin MAOL!

12/03/2005 08:44 PM (UTC)
"Let there be rage where peace is intact" I love that quote right there. Very interesting concept on IHARATSU. Very nice description about him and nice name. Fits perfectly in the MK world. Reptile is nice aswell, wish he gain somemore ability after being possessed by Onaga. Very good.
About Me

I swear on my soul, that the Tekunin, will leave no survivers, good or evil! All because of you i lost my soul and my human body. I will be human again!!!And with a barrage of missles, Sektor had slain Shao Kahn for good and took his rightful place as King of all the realms..... until the next tournament.

12/08/2005 08:32 PM (UTC)
unbelieveable! u have to send your application, drawings, and bios to the midway team!
About Me

12/14/2005 08:58 PM (UTC)
Well, the long time period of rereading and resting is over. here comes another bout of university mayhem for me, next week, oh God.

But the thread won't just die down. Anyone who was reading or plans to may directly guess what purpose the whole contradictory story serves (yes there is a purpose, and so on..blah blah). Co creators velcomed.

soon I restart.
12/14/2005 09:09 PM (UTC)
Just a question, Chrome:

How many Characters have had their stories done so far? What'll the number be... Over 30? I could just go and count... But, I'm lazy!glasses
About Me

12/14/2005 09:42 PM (UTC)
Complete list posted yet again, this time corrected a few mistypes, like Kano no longer having Aikido, but goshindo as a fighting style.

1. Kung Lao: mantis style/ shaolin chuan/ broadsword
2. Sonya Blade: krav maga/ kenpo/ kali sticks
3. Quan Chi: tang soo do/ quan khi dao/ heavy maces
4. Shang Tsung: snake style/ crane style/ jian sword
5. Raiden: nan chuan/ jujutsu/ long staff
6. Scorpion: hapkido/ taijutsu/ shinobi-to
7. Bo' Rai Cho: zui chuan (tsu pa hsien)/ sumo (sumai)/ jojutsu
8. Blind Kenshi: tai chi/ san shou/ kenjutsu
9. Shao Kahn: tantui/ liu shing yi/ wrath hammer
10. Dairou: tiger style/ chin na/ autumn dao

11. Mileena: mian chuan/ ying yeung/ sai (saijutsu)
12. Kitana: zha chuan/ eagle claw (ying jow pai)/ steel fans (tessenjutsu)
13. Sub-Zero: dragon style/ shotokan/ kori sword
14. Shujinko: pak mei (baimei fist)/ koppujutsu/ dan tien dao
15. Johnny Cage: jeet kune do, shorin-ryu, nunchaku
16. Jax Briggs: muay thay, judo, tonfa
17. Smoke: mi tzu/ hakka kuen/ kusarigama
18. Noob Saibot: monkey style/ wudang chuan/ siege hook (ostromkasza)
19. Sareena: tie gou chuan/ siu lam/ melon hammers
20. Mavado: long fist (changchuan)/ wing chun/ sun-moon
21. Ashrah: chou jiao/ ba gua/ heaven and earth blade
22. Ermac: choy lay fut/ hua chuan/ greataxe
23. Kabal: sun bin/ goju-ryu/ hookswords
24. *Tam Yu' Chin: escrima/ bozi lame man fist (bozi chuan)/ kabutsushi
25. Jade: fan zi/ kuo shou/ bojutsu
26. Li Mei: mi jhong/ liu he ba fa/ kun lun dao
27. Darrius: leopard style/ shinto ryu/ hatchet hands
28. Nitara: fu jow pai/ ba shan fan/ kama
29. Goro: shokan/ kuatan/ fang swords
30. Tanya: zi ran men/ yuan yang/ yuan yang razors
31. Fujin: yau kung mun/ daito ryu/ yari spear
32. Havik: choy gar/ dim mak/ morningstar
33. Drahmin: netherrealm/ oni/ heavy club
34. Sektor: ninjutsu/ viet vo dao/ kobudo frame
35. Cyrax: kuntao/ cuongh nu/ pulse blade
36. Kano: hsing yi/ goshindo/ butterfly knives
37. Kira: kurash/ tae kwan do/ dragon teeth
38. Frost: tong bei/ yue chuan/ kori daggers
39. Liu Kang: chin wu men/ pao chui/ monks spade
40. ?
41. ?
42. Iharatsu: aikido, hands of taizu, daisho
43. Kosygin: val tudo/ sambo/ ...
44. Rodjung: wu jia chuan/ shuai jiao/ fire wheels
45. Shingen:
46. Subotai: baranta böllön/ nadaam wrestling/ cséphadaró
47. Sabura: taek yon/ ... / pudao
48. ?

49. The Shabhaol (wait untill I'm done with this abomination)
12/14/2005 09:53 PM (UTC)
49 Characters, then.
About Me

12/15/2005 10:30 PM (UTC)

age: 34
height: 5' 7"
weight: 200 lbs
origin: Earthrealm, People's Republic of China, Henan province
affiliation: a shaolin monk, agent of the White Lotus Society

allies: Kung Lao, Sonya Blade, Johnny Cage, Kitana, Raiden
enemies: Dragon King, Five Divine Generals, Shao Kahn, Quan Chi
nemesis: Shang Tsung

Kombat styles and weaponry: Chin Wu Men, Pao Chui, Monks Spade

"It is not wise to break the cycle of life, as did my reunion of mind and mat-ter defy the rules of the natural path. I however, have to make the best out of it, for there is little time for me to waste. As a result of my departure of this world, I have broadened my sight of the world. No longer in search for crystalline solid truths, the world is a fluid whole, constantly shifting. To be a champion for Earth, I will require a change. May master Raiden bless my efforts, for I shall now take my leave of them now.

Hauting images of the outcome of this so called tournament haunt me. For a Dragon King and his vassals are anything we have faced before. I cannot fathom why should we view them as mere evildoers, no, there is much more, something sinister buried under the decision of the fates. I
will find out what it is, and take justice proper for those who are involved
be they on whatever side.

Onagas vassals wil win. Unholy overkill, millions will lay dead if we do not stop this threat, and his ascension to take throne in Outworld. That would mean a sure end, and a threat unbalanced. I however, taken knowledge of how to battle theese demons. Kung Lao's ancestry may be the one who is responsible for protecting our world from Shang Tsungs evil, but mine as it seems, possesses a trait unheard of by the shaolin. My ancestors, those of the Dragon Cannoneers battled evil long before me. I believe this will aid my efforts to give pause to the Dragon King.

And to take justice on my slayer. Shang Tsung may have been a foe un-comparable to anyone, but I know he is alive, and thus, the time has came to settle the feud once and for all. I shall slay Shang Tsung and gice pea-ce for both of our souls. If he has any of his own of course. I am coming to prove, and rule this new tournament."

Opinions over Raiden: master Raiden has held himself true to his word. If our efforts are in vain, we have to sacrifice ourselves to protect this Earth, to protect the ones we care about. I pray for us to be not in error, for we shall now undertake a perilous journey that may cost us the light in our souls. A price no human should have to consider, but we do....

Opinions over Kung Lao: a friend, a brother, an aid, and a pillar to rest un-der should the strenght of one fail. Kung Lao and I are shaolin monks who are descending from lineages of great importance. Both of us are halves of a complete wholeness. It shall be a great honor to walk again together even if battle is our eternal course of cursed bloodshed. We will honor and succeed no matter the cost!

Opinions over Johnny Cage: I sense that his facade finally has fallen and the real Johnny Cage will introduce itself to us. Such highly skilled and talented addition to our cause and friend of pure heart is rare. His true nature, once walled inside the ever-joking mask to uncertain his oppo-nents will now be of use under the real face! A face what must not be ta-ken lightly, from now on to forever!

Opinions over unkown being: if Ermac is right, than the force puppeteering my body has to be foreign to us, and may pose a threat of great malice and chaos. I however know that the one responsible for my corpse slaughte-ring my brethren has to be Shang Tsung. In the name of my fallen brethren
I shall extract justice on Shang Tsung!
12/15/2005 10:47 PM (UTC)
I'm not going to say too much here for now.

Um, for Liu Kang, he's 5'10" and 185 lbs. His story is alright, but I don't like the concept of Shang Tsung being the unknown force behind the reanimation of Liu's corpse.

On a side note, Bo's weapon style is Jojutsu, not Jujitsu.
About Me

12/15/2005 10:55 PM (UTC)
tarara, don't forget..they are the opinions. For the last time people, bios aren't truths, especially whith P.O.V. narration (a.k.a. unreliable narator).

And thanks for noticing the typo.
About Me

12/21/2005 03:43 PM (UTC)
Well, it seems every good thing has to go away. I think there is no more purpose to this thread if it is skipped over and over, and I really don' t want to kick it back to it's place.

Perhaps I will post a few more character, but given the state I believe MK is in, I think it's pretty useless now.
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