11/16/2005 08:44 PM (UTC)
hey where are rain and reptile
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11/16/2005 09:07 PM (UTC)
Reptile is prolly on my list. Rain is left to rot for all I care. I won't cripple the already heavy plotline development with him, sorry. have enough trouble with coming up wityh the whole material.
11/16/2005 09:37 PM (UTC)
I must say you're doing a good job with character profiles but I also must say the characters are very heavy! For e.g you have Kira down as 185lbs for 5'8' thats very heavy for someone that height. I know you have to take into account that thye're warriors and stuff but the average weight would be around 120lbs to 140lbs. But other than that the bios are fantastic! I love Kano's design!
About Me

11/20/2005 10:28 PM (UTC)
Allright, since I've got the sloppy lately, I think it will be thrilling enough to give some controll over the whole plotline for those who actually read this lol.

Okay, first of all, we are enaring the rosters end, and from there, we only do the plotlines (the heart of the project) and at the end, the gameplay fea-tures. Let me see some suggestions concerning the storyline, how would you wish it to form, go on, and of course end for each character who is up.

Also, who do you want from the total 50 characters? Who should be imple-mented? (save me from Rain and Kai, those two will however not appear as long as I live, and Sheeva is dead. Permanently.)

Read the bios of some characters and come up with some ideas, I am interested in MKO's creativity on long terms. Let the guessing begin, for we are close to the end of the 50 men roster.
Eh... Chrome, I'm sorry but I can't say I like the majority of your ideas. Kung Lao's story is basically one of the many half-assed ways of getting him to take over as the main hero that I've read. I mean, come on if you're going to do it, then do it in a really awesome gradual thing. Not out of the blue, he's the main hero. Besides I know you don't like Liu Kang, but I've always felt that if Liu Kang is to die permanately he should get a more "heroic" death. I mean his MK:DA was good for shock, but not for permanately sending him off. Besides you apparently seem to be going by his MK:SM attitude and after that, I do NOT want someone like him to be the main hero (I would hope that it's non-canon, but I hate to say it, I think it will be going by what Vogel said)

Sub-Zero's story... now I know you don't like Sub very much, but instead of taking his story backwards, you should've just killed him off... and uh his opinion on Scorpion doesn't make that much sense.

Also, Havik's opinion of Onaga just downright made no sense when you look at his MK:D bio... I mean come on is it really hard to understand that he didn't like Onaga...

Also Shao Kahn wanting an honorable fight with Liu Kang... not really... in MK3, Liu was the Extermination Squad's primary target. Kahn didn't care how it happened, he just wanted Liu dead. And sort of being supportive of Raiden is odd... since Kahn probably hated Raiden more than any other good guy. And the Shao Kahn/Kitana is just wrong.

Sorry Chrome, I like your ideas, but your story ideas really aren't that interesting and you don't apparently know the other game's story all too well. (I recall you saying to me that when I got to Tsung's loss to the original Kung Lao in the MK storyline thread that I've discontinued. That Tsung didn't lose and became the holder of the tournament, but then Anayanka corrected you)
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11/21/2005 06:39 AM (UTC)
ProudNintendofan Wrote:
Eh... Chrome, I'm sorry but I can't say I like the majority of your ideas. Kung Lao's story is basically one of the many half-assed ways of getting him to take over as the main hero that I've read. I mean, come on if you're going to do it, then do it in a really awesome gradual thing. Not out of the blue, he's the main hero. Besides I know you don't like Liu Kang, but I've always felt that if Liu Kang is to die permanately he should get a more "heroic" death. I mean his MK:DA was good for shock, but not for permanately sending him off. Besides you apparently seem to be going by his MK:SM attitude and after that, I do NOT want someone like him to be the main hero (I would hope that it's non-canon, but I hate to say it, I think it will be going by what Vogel said)

Sub-Zero's story... now I know you don't like Sub very much, but instead of taking his story backwards, you should've just killed him off... and uh his opinion on Scorpion doesn't make that much sense.

Also, Havik's opinion of Onaga just downright made no sense when you look at his MK:D bio... I mean come on is it really hard to understand that he didn't like Onaga...

Also Shao Kahn wanting an honorable fight with Liu Kang... not really... in MK3, Liu was the Extermination Squad's primary target. Kahn didn't care how it happened, he just wanted Liu dead. And sort of being supportive of Raiden is odd... since Kahn probably hated Raiden more than any other good guy. And the Shao Kahn/Kitana is just wrong.

Sorry Chrome, I like your ideas, but your story ideas really aren't that interesting and you don't apparently know the other game's story all too well. (I recall you saying to me that when I got to Tsung's loss to the original Kung Lao in the MK storyline thread that I've discontinued. That Tsung didn't lose and became the holder of the tournament, but then Anayanka corrected you)

-why should I? It's not like everyone has a overly important role in life. Accept the fact that people often are something so suddenly. And f4rom where should he get a buildup if he's a radically underdeveloped charac-ter?

-I haven't taken his story backwards. Sub-Zero being essentialy a "naive", good hearted person was the point where they almost ruined him. An assassin can NEVER deny his training, especially if he has been built up in almost a lifetime.There is no reason for him to change in core.

-Why should Havik's opinion make sense? Come again, why should anything have sense in Haviks eyes?

-like it or not, all over the world the royalties rewelled in incest, perversion and various disorders. it started with Mesopotamia, and continued through China, the Mayan kingdom, all over the world. If you can't stomach it, than thats not the plotlines problem.

-also about Kahn. Don't bother trying to unjustify it, since you don't really know my intentions on that. I kinda like oppositions and contradictions.

-if tsung didn't lost to the original kung Lao, than Quan Chi could have never obtained knowledge over the map, temple of the elements and at last, the amulet of Shinnok.
Chrome Wrote:
ProudNintendofan Wrote:
Eh... Chrome, I'm sorry but I can't say I like the majority of your ideas. Kung Lao's story is basically one of the many half-assed ways of getting him to take over as the main hero that I've read. I mean, come on if you're going to do it, then do it in a really awesome gradual thing. Not out of the blue, he's the main hero. Besides I know you don't like Liu Kang, but I've always felt that if Liu Kang is to die permanately he should get a more "heroic" death. I mean his MK:DA was good for shock, but not for permanately sending him off. Besides you apparently seem to be going by his MK:SM attitude and after that, I do NOT want someone like him to be the main hero (I would hope that it's non-canon, but I hate to say it, I think it will be going by what Vogel said)

Sub-Zero's story... now I know you don't like Sub very much, but instead of taking his story backwards, you should've just killed him off... and uh his opinion on Scorpion doesn't make that much sense.

Also, Havik's opinion of Onaga just downright made no sense when you look at his MK:D bio... I mean come on is it really hard to understand that he didn't like Onaga...

Also Shao Kahn wanting an honorable fight with Liu Kang... not really... in MK3, Liu was the Extermination Squad's primary target. Kahn didn't care how it happened, he just wanted Liu dead. And sort of being supportive of Raiden is odd... since Kahn probably hated Raiden more than any other good guy. And the Shao Kahn/Kitana is just wrong.

Sorry Chrome, I like your ideas, but your story ideas really aren't that interesting and you don't apparently know the other game's story all too well. (I recall you saying to me that when I got to Tsung's loss to the original Kung Lao in the MK storyline thread that I've discontinued. That Tsung didn't lose and became the holder of the tournament, but then Anayanka corrected you)

-why should I? It's not like everyone has a overly important role in life. Accept the fact that people often are something so suddenly. And f4rom where should he get a buildup if he's a radically underdeveloped charac-ter?

-I haven't taken his story backwards. Sub-Zero being essentialy a "naive", good hearted person was the point where they almost ruined him. An assassin can NEVER deny his training, especially if he has been built up in almost a lifetime.There is no reason for him to change in core.

-Why should Havik's opinion make sense? Come again, why should anything have sense in Haviks eyes?

-like it or not, all over the world the royalties rewelled in incest, perversion and various disorders. it started with Mesopotamia, and continued through China, the Mayan kingdom, all over the world. If you can't stomach it, than thats not the plotlines problem.

-also about Kahn. Don't bother trying to unjustify it, since you don't really know my intentions on that. I kinda like oppositions and contradictions.

-if tsung didn't lost to the original kung Lao, than Quan Chi could have never obtained knowledge over the map, temple of the elements and at last, the amulet of Shinnok.

-By "he" do you mean Liu Kang or Kung Lao?

-Your opinion. The younger Sub-Zero's story was him basically doing what his brother didn't, he changed his ways he's gone from a neutral assassin and has become a hero. Nothing wrong with that.

-Havik's opinion should make sense. Because it was right fucking there in his MK:D bios! It clearly states that he does not like Onaga because he believes he will believe

-Yes, that much is clear.

-Tsung did lose to the original Kung Lao! It was 50 years later when he returned with Goro, that he become the holder and the tournament and took the original Kung Lao's soul! Read MK's fucking history! My God... you've just proven right there that you know nothing...
11/21/2005 01:47 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero is naive? Since when? I'm sure Sub-Zero hasn't forgotten his training, but to say as if he's become a big goody two-shoes, well, he is on the side of good, yes, but it was more of a transitional thing starting from MK3. He may have been an assassin for years, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have any good in him. You say that it's bad for him to change his "core" like that, but what about Kitana? She was a very loyal and skilled assassin of Shao Kahn's for THOUSANDS of years, but she eventually changed.

On the topic of the Shao Kahn/Kitana incest thing, I understand where you're coming from with that historical stuff. However, in terms of MK, especially in terms of Shao Kahn and Kitana's relationship, having an incest thing between them in the past doesn't strengthen the story. I think it makes things worse as it ruins what I think of their relationship in the past.

Going back to Sub-Zero, not sure if I said this before, but the part about him being ambushed by the Tarkata in his MKD ending actually took place AFTER his bios and BEFORE finding Kenshi. Also, I agree with ProudNintendoFan about Sub-Zero's opinion of Scorpion not making sense. Sub-Zero and Scorpion are no longer enemies, and I'm sure that Sub-Zero understands that Scorpion is simply after his family's and clan's killer, not some mindless, hateful lunatic.

Like ProudNintendoFan stated, Havik's views towards Onaga are clearly mentioned in his bios. He believes that Onaga will bring order to Outworld and Havik opposes that thus why he is against him.

And yes, Shang Tsung lost to the Original Kung Lao. in the next tournament, Shang Tsung brought Goro and Goro defeated Kung Lao. Shang Tsung took the Original Kung Lao's soul thus gaining knowledge of the location of the Map of Elements and the rest is history.
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11/21/2005 04:43 PM (UTC)
OK, about the Shang Tsung thingy we clearly misuderstood each other. I actually pro Shang. So much for that.

Sub-Zero: essentially yes, but the thing I want to set through the plot is not quite clear for the start, becouse its not necessary as of yet. The opposite turn serves a purpose hopefully.

Havik: I know he opposes the DK, its another thing what Havik says. Afterall, he cant be predicted, nor can his expressions be taken as objective.

Shao Kahn incest: zou mean the alreadz reason less and unexploited plotline what has been baiscally brought up by the otherwise good fanfic of XiaoDhun? Becouse that plotline was never exploited in game. Or if so, than I can hardly call that proper writing.


Chrome Wrote:
OK, about the Shang Tsung thingy we clearly misuderstood each other. I actually pro Shang. So much for that.

Sub-Zero: essentially yes, but the thing I want to set through the plot is not quite clear for the start, becouse its not necessary as of yet. The opposite turn serves a purpose hopefully.

Havik: I know he opposes the DK, its another thing what Havik says. Afterall, he cant be predicted, nor can his expressions be taken as objective.

Shao Kahn incest: zou mean the alreadz reason less and unexploited plotline what has been baiscally brought up by the otherwise good fanfic of XiaoDhun? Becouse that plotline was never exploited in game. Or if so, than I can hardly call that proper writing.


Yes, Havik can be unpredictable, but I doubt his opinons on these kinds of matter change, he would never support anyone he thought would bring "order"

And about Kitana... I could barely understand what you said. You made fun of that other member who said he didn't like your story's spelling, yet here you are making spelling errors yourself.
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11/21/2005 10:55 PM (UTC)
Haviks opinions and actually his whole bios is a wordplay. Dare to dwell on it.

Aside the one typo,have you noticed that school comps only have Slovak language on them? Of course you didn't, it doesn't matter. Everyone ma-kes errors. Again, i can hardly call that insuting. If so, than the poor guy hasn't gotten use to MKO yet, lolz.

Anyway, I think that this is growing weary and the immense info to read all around. Well, I dunno. I tried to make something outstading in a sense that it wouldn't follow the overused "light epic" and "predictable" storylines so abundant...rather were abundant?

If this get's nowhere soon, than it will certainly fadfe away, but not before I butcher down the bios f some newbies or crucial characters. And even that is in question as of late.

11/21/2005 11:45 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Sheeva is dead. Permanently.)

So is Scorpion and it didn't stop him coming back again, and again and again and again.
11/21/2005 11:52 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Sheeva is dead. Permanently.)

So is Scorpion and it didn't stop him coming back again, and again and again and again.

Well...actually, he's undead, reborn as a spectre (most likely due to the help of Quan Chi and Shinnok). I'm not sure if this bit still exists for his story, but apparently, he has to be granted a new body (I bet by Shinnok and not Quan Chi) every time he dies. I could be wrong about that though, but even if I am, that sort of concept would actually give consequence if he were to die thus adding a bit more depth. I think it was XiahouDun84 who brought up the new body need thing so I guess you'll have to ask him for more clarification on that...

As for Sheeva herself, at least Chrome and I can agree that neither of us like her. I think with the way the story is going, it wouldn't be a good idea for her to return anyway.
11/22/2005 12:07 AM (UTC)
I'm just sayin that I don't mind resurrections. I mean, I LOVE the MK storyline but I don;t want it to comprimise the games goodness because they can't bring a character back because in a game they said he/she was dead.

If Sub-Zero or Scorpion died officialy in the story peoples ideas about resurrections would really change.

I'm not saying I like ressurections I'm saying stop killing off everyone!!! I would love Sheeva back for a number of reasons.

Sheeva rendered in 3d....wow!!! ^_^
Nostalgia (one of the best things about MKD was playing as one time characters like Sindel and Tanya again)

Mortal Kombat has pretty much succeeded in its roster bar 2 characters (Mokap and Stryker) All its other characters have potential. Rain has potential. Sheeva has potential. Shinnok, Reiko, Fujin...etc.

Just because they told us they were dead means we'll never play as some of these characters in a new MK game and its kind of a waste.
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src=http://tinypic.com/f3hllk.jpg" Oblivion Awaits You...

11/22/2005 10:59 PM (UTC)
Keep it up
11/23/2005 12:05 AM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Sheeva is dead. Permanently.)

So is Scorpion and it didn't stop him coming back again, and again and again and again.

I agree with Keith 100%.

I have said this many many MANY times already and will say it again:

Mks story is NEVER accurate! The Bios, endings and the story of the game itself are always changing. We are told someone is dead, but then he/she apparently was “believed to be dead”. We are told someone dies, but apparently, we find out that someone was only “badly injured”.

See my point? Yes, we were told Sheeva was stabbed and that finished her...but did she really die? Just like Kabal, Kano, Goro, Mileena, Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, and many others, she could had been “believed to be death”. I wouldnt be surprised to see her return in Mk7, and I hope she does.

I also hate how so many people complain about resurrections and deaths but they tend to ignore the fact that their favorite, Scorpion, has died more then any other character, being killed so many times its already lame.

Being a walking dead is no excuse, it simply makes his character and story look sad, repetitive and boring. Scorpion should had officially been dead a very long time ago...so, why not give the chance he keeps getting to other characters with potential that are "dead"?
11/23/2005 02:58 AM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
I'm just sayin that I don't mind resurrections. I mean, I LOVE the MK storyline but I don;t want it to comprimise the games goodness because they can't bring a character back because in a game they said he/she was dead.

If Sub-Zero or Scorpion died officialy in the story peoples ideas about resurrections would really change.

I'm not saying I like ressurections I'm saying stop killing off everyone!!! I would love Sheeva back for a number of reasons.

Sheeva rendered in 3d....wow!!! ^_^
Nostalgia (one of the best things about MKD was playing as one time characters like Sindel and Tanya again)

Mortal Kombat has pretty much succeeded in its roster bar 2 characters (Mokap and Stryker) All its other characters have potential. Rain has potential. Sheeva has potential. Shinnok, Reiko, Fujin...etc.

Just because they told us they were dead means we'll never play as some of these characters in a new MK game and its kind of a waste.

I don't mind resurrections as long as they serve a good purpose. Sheeva in 3D would be yucky, imo. As for the nostalgia, I wouldn't get any from her. I don't see much potential in Sheeva. What sorts of possibilities do you see for her story anyway?

queve Wrote:I agree with Keith 100%.

I have said this many many MANY times already and will say it again:

Mks story is NEVER accurate! The Bios, endings and the story of the game itself are always changing. We are told someone is dead, but then he/she apparently was �believed to be dead�. We are told someone dies, but apparently, we find out that someone was only �badly injured�.

See my point? Yes, we were told Sheeva was stabbed and that finished her...but did she really die? Just like Kabal, Kano, Goro, Mileena, Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, and many others, she could had been �believed to be death�. I wouldnt be surprised to see her return in Mk7, and I hope she does.

I also hate how so many people complain about resurrections and deaths but they tend to ignore the fact that their favorite, Scorpion, has died more then any other character, being killed so many times its already lame.

Being a walking dead is no excuse, it simply makes his character and story look sad, repetitive and boring. Scorpion should had officially been dead a very long time ago...so, why not give the chance he keeps getting to other characters with potential that are "dead"?

Yeah, there is the badly injured thing, but Sheeva did get stabbed in the chest from behind. That sounds pretty fatal to me.

Scorpion died only twice unless Sub-Zero killed him when fighting him in the Netherrealm. Scorpion wasn't so much so resurrected, but he was given a new body, probably by Shinnok. Being a walking dead character doesn't make his character and story sad, repetitive, and boring. It's what you do with his character and story that determines its quality. Scorpion has an interesting backstory, imo.

I think MK4 is the game that started messing up Scorpion's storyline with Scorpion being after the younger Sub-Zero for the death of his family and clan, because in MKM: SZ, Scorpion accuses older Sub-Zero of killing his family and clan. Now, Quan Chi may have told Scorpion that it was really the younger Sub-Zero or both Sub-Zeros, but MKDA basically implies that Scorpion has always only been aware of there being one Sub-Zero. So to sum it up, Scorpion has been hunting down Sub-Zero since MK1 which greatly takes depth out of his story. If the vow thing would've been kept, there would've at least been more depth to his story.

But even so, at least Scorpion has A purpose. Sheeva was pretty much Sindel's protector in MK3 and she hated Motaro and the Centaurs and she doesn't like how Kahn is favoring them instead of the Shokan. I think she does find out that Kahn was planning on having the Shokan wiped out or whatever which is most likely why she wanted to kill him. If she were to come back, would she just go to the side of good? I think that would get some complaints. Maybe she could serve Onaga? Maybe...but there'd need to be more to it. Regardless, I don't like the character, and I'd rather see her stay dead.
About Me

11/23/2005 07:21 PM (UTC)
I'm beginning to wonder wether my ideas would need a completely new gameplot (what I am glad to do, at least people would not disagree upon stuff since nothing would be known, lol) or try to redesign the inconsisten-cies of this fanfic.

BTW, sorry for the break but I have school and drawing to attend to. The latter might be a better news for you all. Or not.
11/24/2005 01:28 AM (UTC)
****Scorpion died only twice unless Sub-Zero killed him when fighting him in the Netherrealm.****

Actually, he died 3 times:

1) Before Mk1, the original Sub-Zero killed him.
2) During MKDA, against Quan Chi. He was thrown to the acid bath, killed, and returned again in the same game...ugh. Thats cannon.
3) In the end of MKDA, according to MKD his body was destroyed and his soul sent to a higher place to “help” the elder gods.

****Scorpion wasn't so much so resurrected, but he was given a new body, probably by Shinnok.****

But thats just the same thing, a boring excuse to bring his vulnerable soul back from the dead to his body so he can actually do something. Besides, we dont know if the Shinnok thing is true. And lets not forget the fact that he has gone back to the Netherealm in all games but MKD. He always does the same:

-Finds a way to escape the Netherealm.
-Goes back to earth for a personal purpose or vendetta.
-Fails and is brought back to the Netheralm.
-Escapes again.

Since Mk1 its been the same, the difference is that in MKD he wasnt thrown back to hell, he was thrown to heaven...which is practically the same idea.

****Being a walking dead character doesn't make his character and story sad, repetitive, and boring. It's what you do with his character and story that determines its quality. Scorpion has an interesting backstory, imo.****

I 100% agree. Maybe I didnt express my self correctly. What I ment was, that it has been done SO many times, that its just not interesting anymore, so it gets boring, repetitive and sad. Just like him other characters keep getting repetitive roles, even if they have something new, they keep being attached to the same old things that don’t let them evolve: Sonya, Kano, Jax, Johnny Cage, Kitana, Reptile, Shang Tsung, Goro, etc...nothing really new or strong is done to develop their characters.

****But even so, at least Scorpion has A purpose.****

Scorpions purpose is not that great. Sure he now is important for being the supposed “chosen one” to help the elder gods defeat Onaga, but many agree that this story is not cannon (just like the Kano-Liu Kang thing in MKDA) because it looks like a desperate attempt from Ed Boon to make his favorite character have more glory, a glory he doesnt really disserve.

Him being the new hero is just something you would assume as predictable when it comes to the end, and silly. Really, I now it all depends to peoples opinions in the end, but wouldnt it look better if a REAL hero were the one to be chosen by the gods to defeat Onaga?

Kung Lao fits that role perfectly, Johnny Cage is another good example for he has been around since the start, and even if he is a joke character he has done a lot more for the realms then Scorpion or other characters have done, even Sub-Zero, he has evolved to become one of the characters with the strongest storyline....but Scorpion? No.

What I mean is that his purpose is just as great as Sheevas, Ermacs, Noob Saibots, Sektors, etc. There is nothing that makes him more important then the rest.

BUT if him being the hero and all turns out to be cannon, all I can say is that just because he has a purpose it doesnt mean that other characters cant have one. Liu Kang was the hero till Mk4, but the rest of the cast also had their purpose, just as important as Lius, without them he wouldnt have succeeded, and vice versa.

****Sheeva was pretty much Sindel's protector in MK3 and she hated Motaro and the Centaurs and she doesn't like how Kahn is favoring them instead of the Shokan. I think she does find out that Kahn was planning on having the Shokan wiped out or whatever which is most likely why she wanted to kill him. If she were to come back, would she just go to the side of good?****

Sheeva and the rest of the underrated characters have potential, and trust me, with a good use of imagination and some creativity you can have an excellent character. Sheeva CAN have a role in the story, all characters can, the team just needs to get their ideas in order. She doesn’t have to be good, nor does she need to join Onaga, but that doesnt mean she isnt evil. So much can be done with her.

With creativity everything is possible, we all know it.

LOL, I finally managed to reply to everything! smile
11/24/2005 03:19 AM (UTC)
Actually, Scorpion wasn't destroyed when he was thrown into the Soulnado. From his bio:
"I would surely have been torn apart by the souls trapped there had I not managed to escape into the void."
So he managed to teleport out before he was destroyed.

As for the rest.....I'd defend pre-retcon Scorpion's role and purpose in the story, but post-retcon Scorpion.....screw him.
11/24/2005 05:57 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Actually, Scorpion wasn't destroyed when he was thrown into the Soulnado. From his bio:
"I would surely have been torn apart by the souls trapped there had I not managed to escape into the void."
So he managed to teleport out before he was destroyed.

As for the rest.....I'd defend pre-retcon Scorpion's role and purpose in the story, but post-retcon Scorpion.....screw him.

Yeah, he didn't die in the Soulnado. I agree with what you're saying about the pre-retcon Scorpion and post-retcon Scorpion. Scorpion's MK4 ending could've been explained in a way that would still save his story, but Vogel unfortunately screwed up big time in MKDA.

As for Sheeva having potential, well, I don't really see it all too well. Either way, I never really liked the character. It would have to take a lot for me to see her as being at least a decent character. To me, there are some characters who should just stay dead.
11/24/2005 12:47 PM (UTC)
LOL. My mistake. smile Thanks for the info, I was wrong then, Scorpion didnt die 3 times, maybe I just got confused since I have also seen him die so much in non-cannon things such as the comics, the movie, etc. and he has gone to hell during his entire life that I got messed up, lol.

Thanks for the info!
11/24/2005 11:17 PM (UTC)
I was just dinkin around waiting for Thanksgiving Dinner, and I decided to do a color job to this SUB, let me know what you think Crome, Oh and I love your work.

11/25/2005 05:13 AM (UTC)
Ekule Wrote:
I was just dinkin around waiting for Thanksgiving Dinner, and I decided to do a color job to this SUB, let me know what you think Crome, Oh and I love your work.

That looks amazing! Good job.
11/25/2005 06:53 PM (UTC)
Chrome... I really like your stuff and all, but... Can I see the characters feet, please?wink

Oh, as for my serious question: I haven't really checked, but did you give all the returning characters at least one new fighting style over Mkd, or have some been unmodified, because I think changing all the characters styles would be unnecessary, as it is unlikely that they would change styles that they have been mastering for years. You follow?
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