11/02/2005 08:04 PM (UTC)
Great drawings, great bios... I have one question though, Chrome; although it is highly evident that you are a brilliant artist, I must ask; Do you have a problem drawing feet?
In most of your drawings you seem to either make the feet invisible or cover them over with something like fire or smoke. Just clear that one up for me if you could.
The drawings are excellent nontheless, but I still wonder why you cover the feet up so much.confused
11/06/2005 08:22 AM (UTC)
your sektor and li mei are sorted ! there the best drawings i have seen tongue
About Me

11/07/2005 10:12 PM (UTC)

age: 39
height: 6' 3"
weight: 345 lbs
origin: Earthrealm, Malaysia
affiliation: formerly of the Lin Kuei, currently Tekunin and Japan

allies: Sonya Blade, Jax Briggs, Blind Kenshi, Nitara
enemies: Sektor, Reptile, Moloch, Drahmin
nemesis: none

Kombat styles and weaponry: Kuntao, Cuongh Nu, Pulse Blade

"I were to remain stranded in outworld, have I not met the mysterious and elusive creature NItara to promise aid upon m journey. I agreed to help her find he aforementioned Orb what can be used as an anchor to chain the realms together. As the orb responsible for Nitara's home of twillight was shattered as I could feel it even through the massive maelstrom that swept me back to Earth, I knew something special happened.

On Earth I had to find out that although Nitara has fulfilled her part of the deal, she couldn't precisel send me home. I found myself in the cold, freezing enviroments of the chinese mountains. Thanks to the advanced technology what is my shell, I could locate the only safe place where I co-uld send a distress beacon for the U.S.S.F., the abandoned Lin Kuei Headquarters. but what i found there would move my organic part what comprises my souls remnants.

The headquarters were empty, devoid of any living organism. I have searched extensively the corridors that housed me for a lifetime, only to find dust and decay all over the place. Sub-Zero led the Lin Kuei to those more suitable regions for the clan in Siberia, that I've kept for only myself, but the remaining assassins were gone. All gone, only the stench of self- -evident death remained. I found my old maintaining service bay, and with my already exhausted core, began the last stages of completion. Appa-rently, the Lin Kuei never had the opportunity to upload my highly practical software for my frame, so I could only depend on Sektors data and mini-mal weapon carriage. But now, I've completed what the Lin Kuei could not do after my desertion, and after it's own ruin at the hands of their own child-ren.

My organic parts tell me that something wants my former clan wiped out of the way, and the only reason I can continue, is the fact that it only cared about complete extinction. Just like our former counterparts, those of the Lin Kuei's so called rivals, the Shirai Ryu. No human hand could do this kind of subtle destruction. I have picked up signals of communication from the U.S.S.F. headquarters from Lt. Sonya Blade. It seems that there is evil at work here, and that Sonya Blade wishes me to find the autonomous Jax Briggs, who is adamant on finding the ties of recent disappearances concerning a personal agenda. It seems there is more to this charade as it seems."

Opinions over Sektor: Sektor has always been the more efficient one of us, therefore the Lin kuei found it more evident for the cyborg frames to use his programming and skills in personal combat. Apparently each transfer has left inprints of Sektors personality on my core, but when the U.S.S.F. has found me and rescued me from certain eternal malfunction, I could purge most of theese data from myself. Now that I could find whats originally mine, I perhaps can be of more use.

Opinions over Sub-Zero: apparently the high probability of me defeating Sub-Zero were close to a low score, and the Lin Kuei was aware of this. I wonder why did they test Sektors mechanics through me first? The only important thing is, that Sub-Zero has proven himself to be a superb assai-lant, a superb fighter, and a superb clanmaster as it seems. The recent events have left him more isolated than ever, and I am the only one to un-derstand that. Sub-Zero is highly critical of the knowledge of me alive and functioning for the U.S.S.F. So am I. We still have differences.

Opinions over Smoke: Smoke is the prime example of an already unstab-le and uncollected souls corruption inside the mainrme core of a cold ro-botic shell of a Lin Kuei cyberninja. We were to be monuments of our old clans might, and a tribute to our former rivals, the true ninja of Japan. Smoke was neither. Smoke wasn't a Lin kuei at heart.

Opinions over Sonya Blade: I stand greatly in the debt of the U.S.S.F. As a cyborg instrument of destruction, espionage, negotiation and warfare, I was nothing more than a tool. Awaking from a long slumber, is like a new birth. I owe them honor, all the honor of an honorless assassin can offer as a human, not as a Lin Kuei. Cyrax has purpose and soul again.
About Me
art by fear-sAs
11/08/2005 06:31 AM (UTC)
Love the Cyrax bio. He always seemed like a cool character in terms of all the gadgets he had, but never too strong on storyline. It's nice to see a change for him. I like how you had him discover that he was the prototype for all of Sektor's programing, even though he was te second unit. Not sure about his opinion of Smoke though. But it's a cool outlook nonetheless. Great work.
About Me

11/08/2005 08:48 PM (UTC)

age: 45
height: 6' 0"
weight: 230 lbs
origin: Earthrealm, Australia assumed
affiliation: lead member of the former Black Dragon, Outworld general,
extortionist, thief, murderer and mercenary.

allies: Siobhan, Kabal, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi
enemies: Jax Briggs, Mavado, Hsu Hao, Li Mei,
nemesis: Sonya Blade

Kombat styles and weaponry: Hsing Yi, Aikido, Butterfly Knives

"I think I can consider meself bein' lucky. Not only did I escape the deadly treachery of the bastard Quan Chi if only by thin hair, I managed to get out of his deathtrap by a bit of opportunity. Dumb sorcerers, always mighty and high with their plans and their power, yet they are completely blindfolded to the simplest of solutions. Such as: reinforcements.

In the village where we built Shang Tsung's palace, I pretty much enjoyed making my stay as confortable as it can gt. Such as: letting those maggot dwellers do the hard time job of constructing the palace and the Soulna-do's cornerstone. The villagers were eager to help after we have made a nice decoration of impaled men alongside their fences. Their groans were quite motivating to say at best. But there was only one thing that cought on-ly my eyes, err eye.

One of the gals in those abodes was resourcefull enough to manage sne-aking after the Deadly Alliance, steal food for herself only, and gather the spilled riches out of Shang Tsung's treaury. But most important, the gal could sneak past the guards and enter Quan Chi's chambers and thus, escape into his vast out-of-this-world and empty fortress by mistake. I intercepted this gal and made her a proposal.

Well well, if it isn't the good ol' survival spirit of the wicked! Siobhan is mo-re than it meets the eye. I promised her an escape from this tarpit of a villa-ge, and made a deal about the riches. And so the story goes on. Siobhan possessed the ability to free me from certain deathfall thanks to that bas-tard Mavado's suprise entrance. I owe him nd Quan Chi a world of pains, Black Dragon style. Anyway, with her timely interaction I managed to hide inside the vast fortress untill Quan Chi departed. Then Siobhan and me robbed the stronghold of any item of potential value and seen to that there would be a future place for us to lurk. We set off to use Shang Tsung's abandoned nethership and it's long dead crew.

...wait a second. Goskies, this Seido is swarming with the Red Dragons lackey's! How in the hell did we end up here in the first place? This place has vast deserts, inhabitable and salty waters - hey, this could only mean they're in for the profit! I must get to the core of this, otherwise we won't re-ally make it out of here alive. The Red Dragon won't know for sure who we are, and I have a good little score to settle for myself. I can hope Mavado will see this destruction I will couse, for this world is kinda home to me. Anarchy, rioting wars, bloodshed, anything what a mercenary and a thief can ask for.

Opinions over Sonya Blade: I once captured a special forces agent. I fed him nice big flawa beans with cyanide. Toko him ages to die. Theese buggers are worse than some of Shao Kahns minions. But Sonya, now that's a different story y'all most probably never hear. Or if so, then you'll already smile from ear to ear becouse of it.

Opinions over Jax Briggs: that lil' bulldog of hers won't stop me, even with twice as many platings on himself. Y'all never catch Kano. Only a fool wo-uld fight the Spec.Forces face to face. But the major is prone to get the red eye when his precious soldiers are in danger. Danger becouse of Kano.

Opinions over Li Mei: hahaha, for once ther Deadly Alliance turned out to be fun. Just like the old black drakes: someone messess with you, the rest will mess with her. Dig the facial expression when she found out that the tournaments grand prize wasn't exactly what she thought it to be. Now that was golden I tell ya.

Opinions over Siobhan: poke, poke, poke, thats all she does. If it weren't for her exceptionable thieving ablity and her supernatural powers I would dispose of her in posthaste. Hmm, thanks to her, at least I have hair again. The magical disguise she achieved to drain from the trinkets is worth to have in hand.

11/08/2005 11:19 PM (UTC)

Styles: Choy Gar is an interesting choice and I like it. I'm not sure about Dim Mak though.

Storyline: Well, his story has the essence of chaos to it, but I think it should've gone in a different path. When it comes to the Declaration of Order, Darrius should really be the one more connected to it storywise.

Opinions over Darrius: I see...

Opinions over Shujinko: Uh...ok..

Opinions over Hotaru: Nah, that doesn't sound like something Havik would say about Hotaru.

Opinions over Onaga: No, not exactly. Havik believes Onaga would bring order and stop the turmoil and chaos. This is why Havik opposes him.

Miscalleneous: n/a

Overall: Well, I think you captured Havik in some aspects and didn't capture him in others so overall, I think it's somewhere in the middle as to how I feel with this one.


Styles: Heavy Club? Is that supposed to be a new name for his Iron Club or is that a different type of club weapon altogether?

Storyline: It sounds interesting. So basically, he was once one of Shang Tsung's enforcers?

Opinions over Quan Chi: That sounds about right.

Opinions over Scorpion: Specter assassin? Eh, I think it'd be better if Scorpion were referred to as a ninja specter. Also, I don't think Drahmin is a fighter who uses finesse.

Opinions over Shao Kahn: Ok, but couldn't he just take off his mask to go beserk?

Opinions over Reiko: I don't understand that....

Opinion over Reptile: cute....

Drawing: I think it looks good though I don't like him having hair.

Miscalleneous: n/a

Overall: I think it's pretty good stuff.


Styles: I don't think his unarmed styles suit him. What the hell is a Kobudo Frame? confused

Storyline: Eh, I don't know. From the way his MKTE story was, it seemed to me like Sektor is becoming the type of character that would want to turn all other humans (at least the best suited ones) into cyborgs and wipe out humanity.

Opinions over Sub-Zero: uh..ok.

Opinions over Mavado: I like the idea of a Tekunin/Red Dragon team up, but the goals don't make sense for both Sektor and Mavado.

Opinions over Cyrax: I see..

Opinions over Smoke: Yeah...though it seems to me like Smoke and Sektor fought in MK3 since Sektor is one of Smoke's enemies.

Opinions over himself: um...yeah...

Drawing: I think it looks nicely done. Good stuff.

Miscalleneous: I don't like the concept of him being Vietnamese. Also, I think Sub-Zero would be his nemesis. Like XiahouDun84 said one time, Sektor took the path Sub-Zero didn't.

Overall: Well, I don't like this one too much overall, but I would like to see Sektor in MK7, that's for sure.


Styles: Well, I guess they sort of work for him...

Storyline: Well, it's not bad. At least it seems to be going somewhere.

Opinions over Sektor: um...hmm...

Opinions over Sub-Zero: Still have differences? What does he mean by that?

Opinions over Smoke: I think the term "ninja" for the Lin Kuei is one that shouldn't be used. To me, Tobias was going in the right direction by straying away from such a thing. Unfortunately Vogel screwed things up there. *sighs*

Opinions over Sonya: Yeah..

Miscalleneous: Malaysia? Eh, I don't know...I guess it could kind of work, but it still seems to me he is of African descent.

Overall: It's not bad at all. I think Cyrax is kind of cool and he does need a story boost. I'd like to see him again.


Styles: Nah, I don't think Hsing I or Aikido suit him at all. When I think Kano, I think of him using brutal, brawling techniques, not martial arts styles that use internal energy such as Hsing I and Aikido.

Storyline: It sounds alright for a story. At least it kind of takes him out of the whole backstabbing gig.

Opinions over Sonya: Uh..ok...but I would like to see a bit more...

Opinions over Jax: Yeah...

Opinions over Li Mei: heh, amusing

Opinions over Siobhan: Uh huh..

Drawing: lol...looks good and captures him well..

Miscalleneous: He's 5'10" and 200 lbs. I like how you captured his personality.

Overall: It's not bad. Not really much to say though. I mean, I don't really care to see him in MK7, but there are worse characters than him.
About Me

11/10/2005 10:43 PM (UTC)
OK, let's see how many I've done and with what styles just for memo (btw I included the proper term for each amrtial art whenever possible):

1. Kung Lao: mantis style/ shaolin chuan/ broadsword
2. Sonya Blade: krav maga/ kenpo/ kali sticks
3. Quan Chi: tang soo do/ quan khi dao/ heavy maces
4. Shang Tsung: snake style/ crane style/ jian sword
5. Raiden: nan chuan/ jujutsu/ long staff
6. Scorpion: hapkido/ taijutsu/ shinobi-to
7. Bo' Rai Cho: zui chuan (tsu pa hsien)/ sumo (sumai)/ jujitsu
8. Blind Kenshi: tai chi/ san shou/ kenjutsu
9. Shao Kahn: tantui/ liu shing yi/ wrath hammer
10. Dairou: tiger style/ chin na/ autumn dao

11. Mileena: mian chuan/ ying yeung/ sai (saijutsu)
12. Kitana: zha chuan/ eagle claw (ying jow pai)/ steel fans (tessenjutsu)
13. Sub-Zero: dragon style/ shotokan/ kori sword
14. Shujinko: pak mei (baimei fist)/ koppujutsu/ dan tien dao
15. Johnny Cage: jeet kune do, shorin-ryu, nunchaku
16. Jax Briggs: muay thay, judo, tonfa
17. Smoke: mi tzu/ hakka kuen/ kusarigama
18. Noob Saibot: monkey style/ wudang chuan/ siege hook (ostromkasza)
19. Sareena: tie gou chuan/ siu lam/ melon hammers
20. Mavado: long fist (changchuan)/ wing chun/ sun-moon
21. Ashrah: chou jiao/ ba gua/ heaven and earth blade
22. Ermac: choy lay fut/ hua chuan/ greataxe
23. Kabal: sun bin/ goju-ryu/ hookswords
24. *Tam Yu' Chin: escrima/ bozi lame man fist (bozi chuan)/ kabutsushi
25. Jade: fan zi/ kuo shou/ bojutsu
26. Li Mei: mi jhong/ liu he ba fa/ kun lun dao
27. Darrius: leopard style/ shinto ryu/ hatchet hands
28. Nitara: fu jow pai/ ba shan fan/ kama
29. Goro: shokan/ kuatan/ fang swords
30. Tanya: zi ran men/ yuan yang/ yuan yang razors
31. Fujin: yau kung mun/ daito ryu/ yari spear
32. Havik: choy gar/ dim mak/ morningstar
33. Drahmin: netherrealm/ oni/ heavy club
34. Sektor: ninjutsu/ viet vo dao/ kobudo frame
35. Cyrax: kuntao/ cuongh nu/ pulse blade
36. Kano: hsing yi/ aikido/ butterfly knives
37. Kira: kurash/ tae kwan do/ dragon teeth
38. Frost: ...
39. ?
40. ?
41. *
42. Iharatsu:
43. Kosygin: val tudo/ sambo/ ...
44. Rodjung:
45. Shingen
46. Subotai: baranta böllön/ nadaam wrestling/ cséphadaró

47. The Shabhaol (wait untill I'm done with this abomination)

Allright people, as soon as my writing and drawing abilities come back (just finished Subotai's, Haviks, and one suprise picture with the many) this thread will bloom again. But the fun won't end.

I adapted the interactive storyline plot-tree idea, so that means each cha-racter would have 4 different outcomes depending on their choices in the intermezzo fights. That means 4X46 endings=184 at least.

It won't be that hard, and I may start with them before doing all the playab-le characters (for many old faces will also be in the story if not in the roster) but it will be very ddark, very unusual, eccentric and grotesque. So don't flip out if things in caliber such as "Kitana is a male" are actually appearing on the monitor. smile. This will be even worse than the end of MKDA. Much much worse. (before anyone asks, I found ALL the fitting martial art styles for the whole roster, so everyone will have different styles)
11/10/2005 11:35 PM (UTC)
Well, regarding the styles, I disagree with some of the choices you put.

Jujutsu, Taijutsu, Shaolin Chuan (Siu Lam Kune), and Wudang Chuan are very broad terms so that doesn't really say much.. I know you mean Ninjutsu for Scorpion so why not put that instead of Taijutsu? Nan Chuan and Chang Chuan are also generic terms, but at least I have a better idea of what they're like, especially since I've had a taste of the two before. I totally disagree with Shao Kahn using a graceful style like Tan Tui that uses various kicks and such. I think he's more of a Pankration type fighter with lots of brutal, hard-hitting attacks. Is Liu Shing Yi another name for Xing Yi Quan? If so, I disagree with that too. Sure, it's direct and offensive, but I doubt Shao Kahn is the type of fighter to use internal force in his attacks but rather brute strength. Bo's weapon style is Jojutsu, not Jujitsu.

I'm still confused on how the MK team got Ying Yeung. I've never heard of that. Mian Chuan on the other hand is another name for Tai Chi Chuan if I'm not mistaken unless there's another Mian Chuan style that has no connection to Tai Chi Chuan. Either way, I think Mileena is more of an aggressive fighter probably using fast, aggressive styles like maybe Eagle Claw or something like that. It's Muay Thai, not Muay Thay. It's Koppojutsu, not Koppujutsu. About Koppojutsu, I think that probably Koto Ryu is more widely taught since I've read that Gikan Ryu is hardly taught at all.

For Sareena, you said that when you listed Siu Lam that you mean the Black Tiger style, yes? It seems like you gave Nitara the Black Tiger style (Fu Jow Pai) so do they have the same style but work differently or it something else? Kuo Shou/Kuo Shu (National Art) is just another name given to contemporary Wushu so that doesn't really specify much.

I still think that Xing Yi Quan and Aikido don't fit Kano at all. Like Kahn, I see Kano using brute strength. I'm not saying that Kano should be a powerhouse like Kahn, but Kano seems to be very brawlerish/streetfighterish to me. For Shinto Ryu, well, which one? Are you meaning to have Jade and Nitara have the same style (Fan Zi/Ba Shan Fan) but work differently?

Anyway, I think the multiple endings idea sounds kind of interesting though 4 does seem like quite a bit. 3 would've been fine by me, but *shrugs*, as long as they're good, that's all that matters, right?

About the last bit you said, well, just refer to some of the stuff I said above. wink
About Me

11/11/2005 12:06 AM (UTC)
"Jujutsu, Taijutsu, Shaolin Chuan (Siu Lam Kune), and Wudang Chuan are very broad terms so that doesn't really say much.. I know you mean Ninjutsu for Scorpion so why not put that instead of Taijutsu? Nan Chuan and Chang Chuan are also generic terms, but at least I have a better idea of what they're like, especially since I've had a taste of the two before. I totally disagree with Shao Kahn using a graceful style like Tan Tui that uses various kicks and such. I think he's more of a Pankration type fighter with lots of brutal, hard-hitting attacks. Is Liu Shing Yi another name for Xing Yi Quan? If so, I disagree with that too. Sure, it's direct and offensive, but I doubt Shao Kahn is the type of fighter to use internal force in his attacks but rather brute strength. Bo's weapon style is Jojutsu, not Jujitsu."

-I had Shao kahn use Tantui not Tan Tui - they are separate styles, one is a moslim style, the other is not exactly.

-as I should have stated there are several Siu Lam's, just like Hung Kuen can mean Hung Gar, and a northern style called "flood fist" what has no five animal patterns, what is characteristic for Hung Gar.

-Liu Shin Yi is "meteor fist" in free and crude translation. It may have to do with hsing Yi, but I doubt it. Both are fairly agressive styles in their region.

I'm still confused on how the MK team got Ying Yeung. I've never heard of that. Mian Chuan on the other hand is another name for Tai Chi Chuan if I'm not mistaken unless there's another Mian Chuan style that has no connection to Tai Chi Chuan. Either way, I think Mileena is more of an aggressive fighter probably using fast, aggressive styles like maybe Eagle Claw or something like that. It's Muay Thai, not Muay Thay. It's Koppojutsu, not Koppujutsu. About Koppojutsu, I think that probably Koto Ryu is more widely taught since I've read that Gikan Ryu is hardly taught at all.

-Ying Jow Pai Eagle Claw bases on Chin na, it's essentially a "lock and twist" style at first impression.

"For Sareena, you said that when you listed Siu Lam that you mean the Black Tiger style, yes? It seems like you gave Nitara the Black Tiger style (Fu Jow Pai) so do they have the same style but work differently or it something else? Kuo Shou/Kuo Shu (National Art) is just another name given to contemporary Wushu so that doesn't really specify much."

-Siu lam is black tiger style yes, Fu Jow Pai is black panther style. The problem is, that there is no really large syntax difference between the two terms, but Fu Jow Pai comes from Hark Fu Gar, this Siu Lam does not stem from xialin.

-Kou Shou is a problem.

"I still think that Xing Yi Quan and Aikido don't fit Kano at all. Like Kahn, I see Kano using brute strength. I'm not saying that Kano should be a powerhouse like Kahn, but Kano seems to be very brawlerish/streetfigh-terish to me. For Shinto Ryu, well, which one? Are you meaning to have Jade and Nitara have the same style.

-Kano as a brawler? too perdictable and cliche. And a man of excellent training would use mere brawling? Aside I wan't to go back on his Japa-nese origin to a degree, and I can very well picture him as an aessential multiversed fighter, and not as a mercenary idiot.

-There is a difference between Fan Zi and Ba Shan Fan (it's called eight flash strike method for a reason).
11/11/2005 12:24 AM (UTC)
Well, there are different kinds of Tantui, but the terms Tan Tui and Tantui are the same, both meaning spring leg and about kicking which I don't see Kahn specializing in much. Also, spring leg is graceful and Shao Kahn is rather brutal to me. Meteor Fist does sound interesting though.

Actually, Fu Jow Pai is the black tiger style, not black panther. It was originally called Hark Fu Moon. I am pretty sure that Siu Lam is another name for Shaolin, just in a different Chinese dialect. Another one is Sil Lum.

Kano as a brawler may seem predictable and cliche, but it does make sense. He was simply raised by an American woman in Tokyo. I see him as an honorless, merciless thug that lacks the discipline to use such styles as Xing Yi and Aikido. Besides, he is a thug and a mercernary.

Fan Zi Quan and Ba Shan Fan are the same style even though they have different translations. Ba Shan Fan was the old name for Fan Zi Quan. Either way, it's an acrobatic style with tumbling movements and is more hand technique oriented.
About Me

11/11/2005 07:21 AM (UTC)
Actually Kano was raised in Australia - from MKDA.

Tantui is springy legs. Tan Tuie is Eagle style. it has nothing to do with spring moslim feet style. it's base heavy, solid and it has good chin na techniques.
About Me

11/11/2005 06:55 PM (UTC)

age: 50
height: 5' 6"
weight: 220 lbs
origin: Outworld's wastelands
affiliation: a leader of the Mangudai Horde, clansman, bounty hunter

allies: Shao Kahn, Goro, Reptile, Reiko, Shingen,
enemies: Baraka, Kitana, Mileena, Onaga, Five Divine Generals
nemesis: none

Kombat styles and weaponry: Baranta Böllön, Nadaam Wrestling, Cséphadaró

"A Blue Wolf took as his spouse a fallow doe, and so were born the off-spring of our banished people. We have been forced to liev on the sand torn eternal dark forests and plains of Outworld. Living on rainfall, dry milk of yaks and horseblood, we rarely had opportunity untill the time has came for us to be called upon. Our people ride into war on rare occasions, but this time, the situation is different. New winds blow in the wind, and I am the favored of the spirit world to lead the hordes back to glory.

Our self-proclaimed exile is so long, that even our memory remembers it so vague, that we have long lost it's shape. I am interested in the future. To secure the forests and habitable regions of Outworld again, we must push the tarkatans back to the hells that spawned them. The tarkatans were our arch-enemies from old times, and now, their doom is to be sealed by us. I have ventured from my tribes world since many years to single handedly oppose the tarkatans as a Mangudai, a suicide warrior. I have killed so many of them, that I had to stop count their skulls in fear of going mad.

I huntd and preyed upon theese weak minded but formidable people, but when I heard that the grand emperor Shao Kahn, of whom we only heard word since more than hundreds of years has disfavored them, and now sought out the only ones who are suited to the task of putting an end to this vermin. I sought out in zeal the counsil of Great Kahn and convinced him that I would be able to rally my people under one simple banner in his service. And so is the Mangudai Horde alive again, laying waste to the world. But how does a handfull of theese nomadic warrior people conqu-er so much? I claimed that we shall not fight as warriors, but as a unified army! Woe to all who stands in our way!

I however am an excuse from my brethren. My skills and expertise is needed elsewhere, and allmighty Shao Kahn has given me a trask of utmost importance. And to test my mettle, I am to force his daughters kingdom to it's knees alone, a seemingly not so difficult task if the king-dom is already broken. I shall capture and bring her to Great Kahn as a sign of our friendhsip and esteem. We Mangudai are fierce warriors, but we respect ability and courage. We respect and protect our friends, and annihilate our opponents mercylessly. This is my birthright."

Opinions over Shao Kahn: the Great Kahn has honored my request of our participation, so shall I honor his commands and fulfill them as best I can. We are not fond of failure and we are not fond of betrayers. Therefore, the mangudai only move where I want them. Therefore, the mangudai only obey me, their leader. We are here to stay.

Opinions over Mileena: I find it most disturbing that Great Kahn is not well knowledged over his own daughter. As of yet, this daughter of hers doesn't even resemble the one described to me. This is a wel versed tactician and ruthlessly hard empress of great leadership, not a weak and fragile wo-man of lacking self-conciousness.

Opinions over Baraka: ah, the famed mutant berserker of great rank in his people's hierarchy. I found it most pleasing that i could indulge in mortal competition with him once I accidentally stumbled upon his sewerely wo-unded but still raging carcass. It was a long and bloody fight. I am now here, Baraka is not. I shall remember that day.

Opinion over Goro: the Prince of Shokan understands warfare and deadly combat, perhaps even moreso than we do. With his impressive build and charismatic voice he leads us to to follow his example of the shokan way of doing battle. We shall thunder even more than the shokans, for I think we may surpass even mighty Goro's army and gain Shao Kahn's favor and perhaps graditude. It would be a fitting test for us to go war against the shokan in the near future.
11/12/2005 05:15 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Actually Kano was raised in Australia - from MKDA.

Tantui is springy legs. Tan Tuie is Eagle style. it has nothing to do with spring moslim feet style. it's base heavy, solid and it has good chin na techniques.

No, Tan Tui is the Spring Leg style of Kung Fu. Ying Zhao is the Eagle Claw style of Kung Fu. Also, no feedback on my comments on Fan Zi/Ba Shan Fan or on Fu Jow Pai? I'm a bit surprised.

As for Kano, he sure has the Australian accent though he still may have been raised in Tokyo like it was mentioned in the MK1 comic. Then again, could've been retconned out.

About Me

11/12/2005 09:36 AM (UTC)
A-A-A, Ying Jow Pai is Eagle Claw. It has nothing to do with Eagle style. One is heavy on Chin Na the other has magnificent static blocks, and is less retaliative than other styles. You got that completely wrong, for the two has nothing to do with each other. Eagle style =/= Eagle Claw.

Kano: well yes, I am going with that since Australia is close to Japan in demology. Alot of japanese culture came into the Malaysiabn region since WW2 and even before.

Fan Zi and Ba Shan fan can be considered two different styles, they have some minor changes, one has a lot more linear handling, whereas it is supposed to have circular movements aroubnd the body (like Hotaru has rarely shown any spinned move, aside Pi Gua), it's irrelevant.

11/12/2005 05:31 PM (UTC)
Simply awesome. I love your work Chrome.

Sonya should had kept her Tae Kwon Do fighting style though, I think she is more of a kick attacker then a punch character.
11/13/2005 06:09 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
A-A-A, Ying Jow Pai is Eagle Claw. It has nothing to do with Eagle style. One is heavy on Chin Na the other has magnificent static blocks, and is less retaliative than other styles. You got that completely wrong, for the two has nothing to do with each other. Eagle style =/= Eagle Claw.

Kano: well yes, I am going with that since Australia is close to Japan in demology. Alot of japanese culture came into the Malaysiabn region since WW2 and even before.

Fan Zi and Ba Shan fan can be considered two different styles, they have some minor changes, one has a lot more linear handling, whereas it is supposed to have circular movements aroubnd the body (like Hotaru has rarely shown any spinned move, aside Pi Gua), it's irrelevant.

Really? If Eagle style Kung Fu isn't the same as Eagle Claw Kung Fu, then where does Eagle style Kung Fu come from?

I think Kano should've eventually gone to Australia, one way or another.

As for Fan Zi and Ba Shan Fan, well, with Fan Zi's movements being sorta like that of Xing Yi, I take it that it's linear and with Ba Shan Fan as the older name for Fan Zi, is that supposed to make Ba Shan Fan the one with circular movements or is it that there's another Ba Shan Fan style of Kung Fu that has nothing to do with Fan Zi?

queve Wrote:
Simply awesome. I love your work Chrome.

Sonya should had kept her Tae Kwon Do fighting style though, I think she is more of a kick attacker then a punch character.

Yeah, I think TKD fits her nicely though Kenpo Karate and TKD have quite a bit in common in terms of stances and techniques.
11/13/2005 06:15 PM (UTC)
sorry about the double post. did it by accident.
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Go ahead, make my day. R.I.P Trevor Goddard

11/14/2005 03:29 PM (UTC)
Great work, I hate Johnny Cage but that picture of him is awsome! By the way what is Kano drinking in his picture?! And where's Sindel?
About Me

11/14/2005 04:23 PM (UTC)
CUBSFAN3458 Wrote:
Great work, I hate Johnny Cage but that picture of him is awsome! By the way what is Kano drinking in his picture?! And where's Sindel?

Thanks for the pic, and yes, Kano is drinkin§ hard. Sorry to dissapoint you, but read Kitanas bio for Sindels details. complete solution will have to wait untill I start with the episodes and endings.

New bio possibly in 3 hours.
11/14/2005 05:59 PM (UTC)
Great work.... I was wondering if you were thinking of adding Kira...and possibly the two recruits that she searching for.
11/14/2005 10:04 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
queve Wrote:
Simply awesome. I love your work Chrome.

Sonya should had kept her Tae Kwon Do fighting style though, I think she is more of a kick attacker then a punch character.

Yeah, I think TKD fits her nicely though Kenpo Karate and TKD have quite a bit in common in terms of stances and techniques.

Very true. smile I hope she is given TKD if the fighting styles are still the gameplay mode for the next game (hopefully improved).
About Me

11/14/2005 10:28 PM (UTC)

age: 26
height: 5' 8"
weight: 185 lbs
origin: Earthrealm, Afghanistan
affiliation: smuggler, thug and extortionist, Black Dragon Clan member

allies: Kabal, Kosygin, Havik
enemies: Earthrealm heroes, Shujinko, Kobra, Stavros
nemesis: none

Kombat styles and weaponry: Kurash, Tae Kwan Do, Dragon Teeth

"The life of a Black Dragon member is not an easy one. For years I have preserved thanks to my cunning and masculine build trained for enduran-ce. I have however not ex[pected Outworld to be so...inhospitable. No mat-ter, the Black Dragon under my running will only benefit from this desolate piece of our world. A world some fool believes to be an anarchic utopy of his madman tutor.

I have watched kabal closely, very closely. With the lost contacts, syndica-tes and gangs of the Black Dragon slowly crawling up with fear from their newborn leaders on Earth, our fearless cripple spends most of his time attending to religious fervor and phylosophic scheming. A trait not to be taken seriously in a world full of thieves. There is no time for thinking for the most part, and Kabal's incooperative behavior and cultish organising of the Black Dragon worries me much. If this continue, there will be no future use for Kira, the one who runs the Black Dragon. I musn't allow this to continue. i musn't allow Kabal to carve a sect out of the remains of the syndicate!

As for taking matter into my own hand. I have ran around the world to find the recruits for Kabals menpower. Well well, I have found many pairs, the most of them dissatisfying, but there was one man who cought my attenti-on. A specialist who can deal with the unbelievable, a soldier what rema-ins calm and conditioned and is not hesitant to kill at whim. This man shal be the suprise member of the newborn Black Dragon, for I decided that no matter how, he will help me take over the Black Dragon and give it a future. This partner in crime is an old aquantice of me. he will know what to do.

Be at rest Kabal. the Black Dragon will definitely have a future. A future of reason and not erratic behavior. A future of profit earned with blood. And there is some annoyance left behind Kobra, so I think we shall test Kosy-gin's competence with this mundane task of slaughter."

Opinions over Kobra: semper fidellis, motherfucker, semper fi! I never said I will spare you!

Opinions over Stavros: oh, so an overly conservative bodybuilder of tre-mendous strenght is ought to finish us in gladiator style. Give me a break and let someone get rid of this nuisance.

Opinions over Havik: being dead is one thing. Being half-dead and actual-ly eating your own lips is disgusting. But...Havik's influence and knowledge is yet to be surpassed. Scientia potentia est, the ghoul will serve my goals ideally, I just pray that kabal will play right into my hands. Sometimes the pretty goal of anarchy becomes dumb and dull. Even killers get tired of the slaughter.

Opinions over Shujinko: has that bastard not intervened with all of those people he called upon, we could have taken care of them all. But we had to lend our strength to Shujinko before he reached the Dragon Kings hideout alone. it irks me that if I would have restrained myself and would have spa-red my power, i could have finished off the fool and take Onaga's heart for myself.
11/15/2005 03:39 PM (UTC)
dont like your pictures much sorry just how i feel
also some of the storylines are modicore
About Me

11/15/2005 06:31 PM (UTC)
Luke_Devil Wrote:
dont like your pictures much sorry just how i feel
also some of the storylines are modicore

And the allmighty of mispelling has spoken, bow down and I repent. At least you gave your opinions O_\ Now on to other things. The circle is closing up, only three oldies to go, and the few newbies will be shown in detail (note that the story also contains characters tht didn't make the cut, lol, kinda like Midway). Btw, it's mediocre, but to make each plotline cen-tered on huge things is the first error in writing IMO.

Anyways, I promised that each character will have different plotlines de-pending on interactive storyline play. This would mean vast amount of possible scenarios, therefore actually giving reason for Midway to leave the storyline so open-ended.

Quite linear if you ask me, but there are limits where the storyteller should not step over the game design. Namely that this is a fighting game, not somekind of fleshed out RPG like Icewind Dale or Baldur's Gate, Plane-scape Torment.

Very well, the real fun begins now. I'll start off with a major plotline conerning base but noncritical characters.
About Me

11/15/2005 10:06 PM (UTC)
This is the basic structure of separated plotlines what I may use for each character, at least most of the time. Some characters will have different plotline trees if I can come up with something different from the already weird coloss in my head. Well, enjoy:

Prologue character bios (the ones I 've came up with so far)
Main character plotline choice
/ \
Plotline A choices , Plotline B choices
/ \ / \
Plot A(a) , Plot A(b) , Plot B(a) , Plot B(b)
Ending A(a) , Ending A(b) , Ending B(a) , Ending B(b)

KITANA (note that this well may be an experimental bio plotline)

Main character plotline choice:
"As Kitana has hid away from the scavenging hordes of her trusted guard, she silently made passage through the inhabitable sewers of her capitals palace. With the aid of Bo' Rai Cho, she could elude her vigilant pursuers and make it for her first step of reobtaining the throne. Kitana has reached the long forgotten and banished clanmaster of the Shadowguild.

In service of their information, and passage into Outworld, Kitana reluctant-ly gave asylum to the Shadowguild, Edenias most feared and turncoatish band of mercenary assassins and thieves. With lessening pride, Kitana intends to sacrifice herself for the restoration of Edenias glory, but what part will the Shadowguild play in the future? According to their unlikely dark allies, Kitana has to find the answers with a man named Subotai, the only one who had escaped Edenian custody.

Wether she takes the advice from the servitors of the sewers, Kitana now has to decide wether to continue to Outworld with the unaware Bo' Rai Cho
or take up the gauntlet and burn the Iron Throne of Edenia with a lethal up-rising as the shadow master suggests."

Plotline A choices:

"Kitana heeded the call of Outworld and decided to take the burdening task of pilgrimage to her ancestors tomb. With the aid of Bo' Rai Cho she managed to get through the perilous journey through Edenias ancient de-caying structure, and escaped into Outworld. Much to her fright, all signs were pointing towards that Edenias existence is once again in peril. Vast armies of different banners were gathering on Outworld's scarred plains. Kitana needs to act quickly if she is to save her beloved homeland and throne, for not only Onaga's indestructible armies rally for supremacy, but those very much dreaded sights of Shao Kahn's banners now taint the ho-rizon."

Plotline A(a):
"When finding the entrance to her forefathers tomb, Kitana finally revealed herself to Bo' Rai Cho's eyes. The old master was glad to know that at le-ast one of his proteges has survived relatively unscarred. Knowing now that the deception comes from the throne, Bo' Rai Cho agrees to provide his might for Kitana's course of action.

Already growing faded and drained by the turmoil, a lingering echo of her former self entered the once hallowed halls to question wether or not the throne should fall. Renewed, but forever altered by the encounter of her never known bloodline, Kitana leaves the crypt with her past, her present and the remains of the innocence of her soul behind, with only one goal which she is adamant on fulfilling. Kitana will bring down the usurpers rule infront of Edenias Sacred Gardens."

Ending A(a):
"Kitana had to leave Bo' Rai Cho's aid behind as she made her way back to Edenia. The old master has been sewerely weakened by the battling of adversaries of great importance to him. Kitana thought that this would be better so, as Bo' Rai Cho and she found out that Subotai's timely arrival also signified the event of the return master Cho's worst nightmare. Per-sonal grudges are to be carried out in discretion.

With the skills she once truly possessed, Kitana, a murderous princess has infiltrated her own courtyard, passed most of the misleaded defenses of the palace, and battled only those who swore fealty to the aberrant beast that she once considered as sister. Kitana took no remorse on herself nor on her opponent, as she assaulted her clone as a final act. Through a blo-ody fight, kitana managed to disarm her counterpart, and despite the loath infested words of pleading, Kitana with a hollow heart, tore Mileena's thro-at out without backthought."

Plotline A(b):
"Despite the efforts of making it to her ancestors tomb, Kitana found none of her goals, but ruins. Edenias last preserved memento of it's former self was gone, wrecked and destroyed to the core. Kitana could not miss the familiar pattern of a huge warhammer laying infront of the wrecked entran-ce to her only choice of knowing her heritage and future.

With a wrath unfamiliar to her calm and dignified self, Kitana bid farewell and released Bo' Rai Cho from his service on purpose and made her way to Shao Kahn. This would mean one thing for Kitana. She has to enter the mortal competition she fought through the recent years. infuriated, she has entered the greatest battle ever to be fought for all of the participants, and stormed through the tournament with unrecognised ferociousness."

Ending A(b):
"Kitana found his former father inside the tournament and stalked the warlord to it's throne inside a huge encampment of his massive army gathered from the turncoat shokans, the returning mangudai, but with no signs of her half-sisters beloved tarkata's. Silence fell on the army as they witnessed the intensive and remorseless battle between the father and the daughter, tutor and protege.

Much to Kitana smirking joy, Shao Kahn revealed everything about her and himself inside the bloody frenzy, and Kitana now learned the true meaning of leadership and importance. It was Shao Kahn's greatest wish to make her, to create her and to bind her when she became too perfect under the rigorous sculpture of her being. Shao Kahn found it most fitting that she would take over his place, once he succumbed to the final blow.

Once Kitana has drawed breath again, lying on her knees, watching the bleding carcass of his father, she has been overshadowed by a hulking figure in armor, wielding a war hammer, and bearing a skull mask..."

Plotline B choices:
"Lead by the malicious words of the Shadowguilds headmaster, Kitana decides that there should be no time to be wasted upon waiting. Innocents and her homeworlds life was in peril, and Kitana took the burden on solely herself to cleanse the taint from the palace. With Bo' Rai Cho as her faith-full compainon, she released word to those who were still alive, that she will either join them soon, or Edenia has fallen. Even the grim advice of the elder master could not

With a hand full of her mothers funeral dust, she swore to bring down the rulershiup of her evil sister and reclaim his place in Edenias name. To do so she however needed more than burning rage, fueled by despair over lost friends and dead promises. Kitana will now rewert back to her old self, sacrificing everything for the sake of her people, and so...the Princess of Outworld lives again. Only she knows, how and when she will strike.

Plotline B(a):
"With a nation's army against her goal, Kitana could only count on those who'm she knew. With the death of her mother, the disappearance of Ja-de, and the sinister Shadowguild, Kitana could only do one thing. Count on herself. With tremendous efforts, she slid through the palace gates, and evaded the guards.

Victory could have been near at hand, but Kitana found nothing, but death inside the palace. Countless of Edenian knights slaughtered, and Kitana had to face one of the deadliest beings in existance, one even more gro-tesque than her bastard clone, the general of Onaga. Tam Yu' Chin, the lame harvester of heads. Kitana knew that defeating this abomination of a man would be an impossible feat on it's own."

Ending B(a):
"Kitana has wasted much of her strenght and bood on giving pause to the tarkatan forefather, a true pit lord of the world, Tam Yu' Chin. Apparently Bo' Rai Cho could not, or would not be able to destroy his former comrade in one on one combat. Kitana could not thank her gods enough for surviving the bloodbath necessary for his success.

However, Kitana would find the throne room quite empty, without any trace of her sister. She could not find any trace, but when she looked upon the fallen body of the deefated general, she could only smirk at the sight of razor sharp teeth bound on a necklace. With a battered look, and the dying battles what errupted on her passage, Kitana oversaw the crowd that be-wildered their ruler with suspicious and distrusting gaze, as she set the ancient throne room on fire."

Plotline B(b):

"Enraged with the thought of having her only home and family desecrated by a vile bastardization of her image, Kitana succumbs to her feelings of guilt, anger, confusion and lust for life. Unbound, she set's on a rampage that would shake Edenias core. Even the arriwing band of unlikely heroes led by Shujinko could not stop her progress throught the associates of the usurper.

Kitana spared those who were willing, but gave no mercy, but as she arri-ved to dispose of the evil nightmare that bears her visage, her mind could not withstand the strain that wen't through her mind once he saw the cha-os of the world it became, the news of the newborn deception she has been led into, and the return of Liu Kang, Kitana lost her last bounds of sanity and assaulted none other than his former aqquantice Shujinko."

Ending B(b):
Kitana's achievements in the crazed state she found herself in was howe-ver interrupted by Shujinko's allies, and none other than Mileena. With her traits and talents, Kitana proved to be quite the formidable opponent, but as Ermac once did, they closed him in a circle which she could not esca-pe. Kitana has fallen into a trap.

Then it became apparent, that Kitana may have not been completely bro-ken off from Onaga's mind. With Onaga destroyed previously and now resi-ding in a less corporeal and inactive state, none of the present warrior so-uls knew how the past spell could work on Kitana, however as she slowly regained her senses, she could clear out an image of whom they may ha-ve ben talking about. Kitana identifyed a lurking shadow inside Edenia.

phew..there you go.
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