10/07/2005 01:17 AM (UTC)
Bring back Reiko. And have him connected to Sareena in some way.

BTW, I like how you brought back Mavado. Really makes sense, especially since Kabal's bio didn't even really go into detail about Mavado's death.
About Me
art by fear-sAs
10/07/2005 02:25 AM (UTC)
Maybe doing something with Sektor and his Tekunin. It's been sometime since he has established himself in Japan. If anything, it would be nice to see your take on him as well as giving some fan service. Also, since Ashrah has a problem with Ermac, maybe adding them to the story and having their outlook on the whole thing as including Ashrah's hatred would be a nice touch. Kai might be a cool addition. He's the third member of the White Lotus, but we haven't seen or heard anything about him since his ending from MK4. And with Raiden going on a stricter agenda, will Kai's personal experience with him change and he becomes stands against him, or does he submit to Raiden's order?
About Me

10/09/2005 11:53 AM (UTC)

height: 5' 9"
weight: 215 lbs
origin: Outworld, the Hado Plane
affiliation: formerly under Shao kahns regime and controll, now freelance

allies: Shujinko, Sub-Zero, Kenshi, Liu Kang
enemies: Ashrah, Shao Kahn, Onaga, Five Divine Generals
nemesis: none

Kombat styles and weaponry: Choy Lay Fut, Hua Chuan, Greataxe

"We wait. As we saw the rise and fall of the Dragon King we knew this was only the silence before the storm. Echoes seep through the web of living energy. The Dragon King has not died. Just when the finishing blow was dealt twice, and the beast was bound to the sins of ancestors past, something intervened on behalf of the creature we sought to subdue. it is highly strange that we could not foresee this...

For there is no ominous force that bends the future to it's will...at least not one. There is five of them who each seek to rupture the chaos out of the fabric of reality. This we cannot allow. We seek to undo thyis damahe and find out the source of this great power, so we could tame it. For there is no intention or power that can be destroyed.

After we have freed the earthrealm warrior with the help of Liu Kang, the champion of holy Mortal Kombat, we disappear. Submerging into the waves of the endless plane of Hado we seek out answers sweeping through the reality to choose from the possibilities that could prove them-selves intrumental in the great mission. There is an odd sound that we might find as our only last chance. Onaga plans to regather the kamidogu again, but this time, the plan is no disguise. His fall, his death only served him advantage: the resurfacing Five Divine Generals are alive and ready to wreck havoc throughout the realms. There was no intention in fusing the artefacts together yet. Onaga did not use Shujinko to allow his return, he tricked the elder into killing him thus recalling his true strenght.

Now, as the kamidogu broke apart and enbedded themselves in other realms we have to act quickly. Unlike previously, we should not protect artefacts of dead power, but aim to strike the beast down. Onaga has commenced a ritual that could possibly allow him apotheosis through an unsacred act: sacrificing the last living ones of those who walked theese worlds on creation's eve. Onaga however does not have all his require-ments to achieve godhood. First, his heart what pumped the ichor of the drakes into his body is torn from his body, and second, one kamidogu achieved a mind of her own through Onagas careless scheming.

We must act quickly. If Onaga sacrifices the elder ones with or without the complete set of kamidogu or without the heart, the consequences would be even moer dire than expected. We sense that this must take place on the Runestone, where the Deadly Aliance has built their powerfull Soulna-do, thus the only weak point in Onagas ritual lies here. I shall assault him through the very souls he would sacrifice and consume. Then, we should unleash a tidal wave that would shake the very foundations of the world!

Opinions over Shujinko: one would think he is responsible for allowing Onaga to step through the border of the dead worlds. Many would think that he is responsible for the death of Onaga. But a legion knows that he is only a part in two of the major opposing schemes. The rage of a singular sage can subdue even the will of tghe gods.

Opinions over Shang Tsung: securing the Runestones remains, we have stumbled upon the sorcerer. One who is capable of sacrificing limitless souls to ensure his cowardly ways of life is the perfect choice to ensure our plans comes to fruitition. To syphon through the Runestone, we will need Shang Tsungs sorcery, for mine alone is limited.

Opinions over Ashrah: the presence of Ashrah opens up great questions within our minds. Should she interfere, it could put the whole effort to ruin but Ashrah is reluctant to take action. Is there perhaps more than it meets our perception? Or the demonborn demon-hunter has shown compassion towards us through the facade of utter arrogance.

Opinions over Shao Kahn: Shao kahn is alive and well. After we have disposed of the primary threat towards our existence, we shall deal with our emperor within the holy tournament itself. Even Shao kahn can possib-ly not withstand the fury of tens of thousands battered souls, for we thirst for revenge!

10/11/2005 07:58 AM (UTC)
Kira I think could work.
10/13/2005 09:19 AM (UTC)
Great job, I especially liked the characters opions over others.

I don't like the fact that Dairou is returning and killed Hotaru though. To me, it should be the other way around. Still, I'm looking forward to your next posts.

Nice work!
About Me

10/13/2005 12:33 PM (UTC)
Deadhead Wrote:
Great job, I especially liked the characters opions over others.

I don't like the fact that Dairou is returning and killed Hotaru though. To me, it should be the other way around. Still, I'm looking forward to your next posts.

Nice work!

hm hmm hmm...check his bios again carefully and Johnny Cages...
-quickly disappears into the shadows again.
10/13/2005 02:26 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
hm hmm hmm...check his bios again carefully and Johnny Cages...
-quickly disappears into the shadows again.

Ah, yes, I see it now.

Er..I mean... I know nothing! confused

10/13/2005 07:19 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Bring back Reiko. And have him connected to Sareena in some way.

I agree, I think Reiko should return too. You could tie him in in a few places in your story.

Also, I notice in your sig, Reptile is included on your roster/select screen image. Depending on his story, I think you could perhaps open the door for Khameleon to return.

Id also like to see Fujin and Shinnok return. Maybe you could tie them in somehow.
10/13/2005 08:11 PM (UTC)
I think your artwork is great. Very good skills on the shadowing and the details. You should definitely work for Midway.

BTW, I think that Baraka, Frost, Reptile, and The One Being should be included.
About Me

10/14/2005 04:48 PM (UTC)

height: 5' 9"
weight: 186 lbs
origin: Earthrealm, unknown
affiliation: formerly a Black Dragon member, now recreator of the very clan

allies: Kira, Kobra, Kosygin, Havik
enemies: Mavado, Sabura, Hotaru, Sonya Blade, Jax Briggs
nemesis: none

Kombat styles and weaponry: Sun Bin, Goju Ryu, Hookswords

"Praise be to the fate I am alive. Where it not for the Priest of Chaos, my wretched body should have never been able to recover. But it did. Even in the abominable state, I am still a menacing gloom over those who think themselves safe behind their static lives and schemes. I am Kabal, leader of the Black Dragon Clan. From the ashes, my ashes, shall rise a newer and undefined world order.

The Black Dragon failed becouse of several resons. For once, it was an undynamic structure unable to change and adapt, too large and outspread on the globe, and ultimately, too material and lacked any kind of spiritual fuel. I however changed the fact. Now, our numbers swell. Few can or will oppose a dreaded figure I have became, and now, the remnants of theese syndicates gather under my flag as my trusted men spread the word of our exploits. We are small, but undetectable to those who search.

I have gathered several warriors around ourselves to put their mettle to the test. The first one was a woman named Kira, and a young man who has nicknamed himself Kobra. I have teached theese two to challenge fate, and thus as a final act, I let them to decide who was worthy to be a Black Dragon. Kobra proved to be resourceful and powerful, however Kira succeeded. Now, Kira is my second hand what does what has to be done.

We owe Havik much, his fanatic beliefs are alien to me, but his teachings are well meaning. I shall adapt to theese visions of anarchy, and recreate a world that shifts and survives. A world that is meant for me. After the defeat of the Dragon King we observe changes in Outworld. We do not fully understand what goes on, but we wait patiently. For the Black Dragon has to be called upon again.

Opinions over Mavado: he fool Mavado hasn't checked my state after our battle and left without caring wether I live or not. Now the man with the iron mask laughs as I have reclaimed my hookswords from the usurper of their holy handle. The Red Dragon shall soon have to deal with us.

Opinions over Kira: always on top and with two feet on the ground, Kira is the practical part the Black Dragon always lacked. It was her resourceful-ness and defiant endurance what serves us greatly. Perhaps in time Kira will serve us too well... I wonder who did she find worthy of being the new Black Dragon member?

Opinions over Sonya Blade: when we fought together against the invading forces of Shao Kahn, I was different. I now know, that despite the human tendencies of relations, every one of us behaves irrationaly, thus, you can-not trust anything: friends turn out to be foes, foes turn out to be valuable allies, the whole world turns out to be nonexistent. Nihil remains.

Opinions over Havik: I unjderstand Havik needs us to repress the forces of the revolutionaries in Seido. He decided not to ask us about this favor, so we shall attend his "call". I also understand Havik usurps the heart of the Dragon King with it's miraculous ability to raise the dead. I shall usurp the very heart from Havik himself. He shall be pleased with my efforts.
10/15/2005 02:16 AM (UTC)
I was meaning to get to this earlier, but anyway, here goes.

Main Storyline

I want to start off by saying that I don't quite like the title that you have. To me, it sounds more political and not dark and/or mystical. Regarding the story, when you say the "Great Dragon", are you referring to the One Being? If so, what makes you say that it's some kind of dragon? I'm not quite clear on who starts this tournament. Is it the Elder Gods or Raiden?

Well, onto the bios...I'll be doing 3-5 at a time so I may post either later or tommorrow.

Kung Lao

Styles: Isn't Shaolin Chuan a broad term for Shaolin martial arts? What Shaolin style are you referring to?


-Shujinko, a vagabond elder? What exactly does that mean?
-The rivalry with Goro kind of makes sense, but what intentions does Goro have for Kitana?

Opinion over Liu Kang:

-Well, Liu Kang isn't really that young....
-What does "house Lao's victory in the first tournament" mean? That makes no sense to me at all.
-When you mean "our competition", are you going by the way the relationship between Liu Kang and Kung Lao was like in MKSM?

Opinion over Shao Kahn: Does Kung Lao think he's a demon or something and isn't Kung Lao more concerned about facing off against Goro?

Opinion over Johnny Cage: Uh...huh...well...least that makes sense about Johnny Cage..to some extent

Opinion over Sub-Zero: Ok..well...sort of makes him sound Batman-ish which I like..

Drawing: It looks pretty good, but what's with the face?

Miscalleneous: I'm surprised that Kitana and Bo' Rai Cho aren't listed as allies and that Kano is listed as an enemy of his.

Overall: Well, it's pretty decent though I'd think that it would've made more sense for him to give opinions on characters like Goro and Shang Tsung instead of Johnny Cage and Sub-Zero.


Styles: Well, they seem pretty fitting overall, imo.

Storyline: Well, it starts off logical and then it got to a point where I don't quite understand it...

Opinions over Jax: Uh huh...

Opinions over Raiden: Ok...

Opinions over Sub-Zero: ok....well, you'd think that after all of these years of his help that she'd have some level of trust in him

Opinions over Mavado: I thought Mavado took care of Kenshi AFTER he dealt with Sonya and Jax...confused

Drawing: I like the look of the costume, but I don't like the way her face looks like it has some kind of markings or make up or something....

Miscalleneous: Don't you think it would make a bit more sense for her to give opinions over people like Johnny Cage and Kano? Also, shouldn't Jarek be listed as an enemy of hers?

Overall: Well, it's not really to my liking.

Quan Chi

Styles: Well, I don't really see how these styles fit him, but then again, it is kind of tough coming up with fitting styles for a character whose fighting skills come from more of an understanding of sorcery as opposed to actual martial arts training.

Storyline: Eh, I don't really like it. It kind of makes his storyline sound Kano-ish and not Quan Chi-ish. I think you should simply have Quan refer to him as Noob.

Opinions over Noob Saibot: Ok...

Opinions over Shang Tsung: Makes sense, but one question..When he talks about Shang being one of those who constructed the gateways, are you referring to the sorcerers that built portals like Ermac said in Konquest?

Opinions over Sareena: How does he learn about her refuge in the Lin Kuei temple?

Opinions over Scorpion: To me, the question that he asks and the answer he gives to it don't make sense. When you say "prize", do you mean "price"? If so, what price are you talking about?

Drawing: Looks quite good.

Miscalleneous: Shouldn't the Sub-Zero brothers be listed as his allies?

Overall: Like Sonya's, not that much to my liking.

Shang Tsung

Styles: They suit him quite nicely.

Storyline: Well, I have problems with this. I don't understand why Ermac would rescue Shang Tsung. Also, since when does Shang Tsung have the knowledge to defeating Onaga? confused

Opinions over Liu Kang: When you say "face him in Mortal Kombat", do you mean some other tournament?

Opinions over Shao Kahn: makes sense to me to some extent

Opinions over Kenshi: How exactly can he see Kenshi's eyes when Kenshi has a blindfold on? confused

Opinions over Rodjung: Well...dunno anything about this one so I'll just have to wait for you to post the bio of this character

Drawing: Looks great just like the Quan Chi drawing you did except it looks like he has no neck...

Miscalleneous: I don't like the way Shang Tsung doesn't say "me" or "I" and keeps saying his name. It reminds me much of the the MK comics that were done by Malibu, which imo, kind of made them sound a bit like cavemen or like Bizarro.

Overall: Well, feel kind of mixed about it...I guess my big fit is with his storyline..


Styles: Which Jujutsu style do you mean?

Storyline: The storyline is pretty good though I don't think that he would aid the mortals any longer given his new persona...

Opinions over Shujinko: Makes sense though I don't think Raiden would give a damn about Shujinko after killing him.

Opinions over Kung Lao: Not much to say here..

Opinions over Shao Kahn: Wtf? Since when is Shao Kahn a counterpart to Raiden? And how does Raiden learn of Shao Kahn's return?

Opinions over Sub-Zero: This not only does not make sense to me, but part of it sounds contrary. First off, why was the Lin Kuei always under his suspicion? Secondly, the younger Sub-Zero is more cold? I thought he was more of a passionate, forgiving warrior. Lastly, if Raiden understood Sub-Zero not being there to deal with the Deadly Alliance and/or their forces, then why does Raiden still put blame on him?

Drawing: It looks great, but why does it look like he has make up or face paint on? Also, is that a mustache he has? If so, I don't like it.

Miscalleneous: I thought Raiden was 230 lbs or did he gain an extra 50 lbs? tongue Also, shouldn't Sub-Zero, Fujin, and Kai be listed in his allies list? One more thing, when you listed his origin, is that a reference to when Raiden's energies reformatted in Earthrealm?

Overall: I think it's pretty good though I'm still kind of confused about the Raiden/Shao Kahn thing.

I'll cover a few more next time.
10/15/2005 02:39 AM (UTC)
spell check duder
10/15/2005 03:28 AM (UTC)
c-loke Wrote:
spell check duder

Who, me or Chrome? confused
About Me

10/15/2005 10:25 AM (UTC)
"I want to start off by saying that I don't quite like the title that you have. To me, it sounds more political and not dark and/or mystical. Regarding the story, when you say the "Great Dragon", are you referring to the One Being? If so, what makes you say that it's some kind of dragon? I'm not quite clear on who starts this tournament. Is it the Elder Gods or Raiden?"

-Becouse every MK had no consequence. And it bugged me to no end, that each character, royalty or no leaves without backthought to battle, AND with-out having to think about the consequences becouse there aren't any. The dark tone is subjective, I am not going into that. The term great dragon shall be explained in due time.


"Styles: Isn't Shaolin Chuan a broad term for Shaolin martial arts? What Shaolin style are you referring to?"

-No. Chuan or Quan means in basic form fist. Therefore it is Shaolin fist. Xiaolin styles are debatable, becouse for example: Pao Chui, Changchu-an(?), Mi Zong and several other styles are all variations of long fist, and Long fist can be considered shaolin in some way.

"Shujinko, a vagabond elder? What exactly does that mean?"
-a vagabond is a wanderer with no home of his own. i is a rarely used foreign term both found in english and hungarian, well, we use it much more frequently as it seem.

"The rivalry with Goro kind of makes sense, but what intentions does Goro have for Kitana?"
-Check back at Goro's bios what will come in proper time. Untill i leave several Goro controversies open.

Opinion over Liu Kang:

"Well, Liu Kang isn't really that young...."
-He is around 35 if I remember correctly his MK1 bios. A decade has passed since MK1 took place.

"What does "house Lao's victory in the first tournament" mean? That makes no sense to me at all."
-Lao is his "house or family" name, therefore the elder Kung Lao was also hailing from House Lao, since he is blood related to the cyurrent one. I think I mean the first tournament which is actually a term for coutning the decisive battles. They will refer to them as the first tournaments.

"When you mean "our competition", are you going by the way the relationship between Liu Kang and Kung Lao was like in MKSM?"
-Yes. I think it is better. A bit egocentric Kung Lao evolved into a poper shaolin monk, well untill the MKDA intro came by.

"Opinion over Shao Kahn: Does Kung Lao think he's a demon or some-thing and isn't Kung Lao more concerned about facing off against Goro?"
-Shao kahn is almost a demigod like being. It is hard to define him, since his origins aren't really exploited. Besides, they refer to him as a demon becouse the word demon here is used like an adjective.

"Opinion over Johnny Cage: Uh...huh...well...least that makes sense about Johnny Cage..to some extent"
-My Cage is a lot more serious than the one in MKSM and MKDA. he is 40 for Gods sake.

"Opinion over Sub-Zero: Ok..well...sort of makes him sound Batman-ish which I like.."
-Assassins aren't mercyfull. Sub-Zeros mercy comes from the avoiding of unnecessary bloodshed. Also he is defined as a good, but not hesitating to kill if command or situatiobn is given.

"Drawing: It looks pretty good, but what's with the face?"
-messed up. Kung Lao has long hair, and you know, he throws his hat frequently. Besides he is getting older too, but I really mcould have done it wayy better.

"Miscalleneous: I'm surprised that Kitana and Bo' Rai Cho aren't listed as allies and that Kano is listed as an enemy of his."
-I only listed the colsest of allies and the most frequent enemies.

"Overall: Well, it's pretty decent though I'd think that it would've made more sense for him to give opinions on characters like Goro and Shang Tsung instead of Johnny Cage and Sub-Zero."
-I think it is quite obvious how he thinks about Shang Tsung, plus, Goro's descriptionis a bit in text. You can conclude somekind of picture out of it, yes? Wait untill you read Goro's bio.


"Styles: Well, they seem pretty fitting overall, imo."

"Storyline: Well, it starts off logical and then it got to a point where I don't quite understand it..."
-yes. Since I am doing several endins and episodes for each character depending on how they fight in single player story mode, much will have to wait 'till later. Suffice to say, Sonya is remaining in the background for the start and begins with evaluating their defenses and liabilities.

"Opinions over Jax: Uh huh..."

"Opinions over Raiden: Ok..."
-yes, both of them are highly practical now.

"Opinions over Sub-Zero: ok....well, you'd think that after all of these years of his help that she'd have some level of trust in him"
-perhaps. But think about this. He is a member, a leader of an untraceable organisation what has unlear goals and is known from only legends of highly regarded assassins. Really assuring you can trust in them.

"Opinions over Mavado: I thought Mavado took care of Kenshi AFTER he dealt with Sonya and Jax..."
-he never dealt with Sonya and Jax, Jax Briggs ambushed Hsu Hao, and both of them were killed shortly after when they attacked the Deadly Allian-ce. Sonya's bio states that Mavado is her greatest foe, plus she didn't recognized him when passing through the portal (check Konquest).

Drawing: I like the look of the costume, but I don't like the way her face looks like it has some kind of markings or make up or something....
-battle damage.

Miscalleneous: Don't you think it would make a bit more sense for her to give opinions over people like Johnny Cage and Kano? Also, shouldn't Jarek be listed as an enemy of hers?
-I am trying to avoid those from fear of creating cliches, and they are rpetty obvious. Besides, we don't know nothing about Sonya's feelings toward the dumbass actor we all love.

Overall: Well, it's not really to my liking.
-yes. prett vague. Check back for episodes later.

Quan Chi

"Styles: Well, I don't really see how these styles fit him, but then again, it is kind of tough coming up with fitting styles for a character whose fighting skills come from more of an understanding of sorcery as opposed to actual martial arts training."
-Tang Soo Do and Quan Khi Dao are both Korean martial arts, and I think one fits him from the intro...second fits him becouse of his name. A bada** martial art btw, though rarely found outside of Korea or Northern China.

"Storyline: Eh, I don't really like it. It kind of makes his storyline sound Kano-ish and not Quan Chi-ish. I think you should simply have Quan refer to him as Noob Saibot."
-for the first time, Quan Chi has to adapt to the idea of him being seconda-ry towards the needs of the group he serves. Not to mention the fact, tha he serves the very man who came to this position becouse of their actions. Quan Chi does the hnchman boogie for a period of time. Also check back for later episodes.

"Opinions over Noob Saibot: Ok..."
-Remeber: although Quan Chi is more brutal than Shang, he acts dignified most of the time, but very straightforward. And I think he tries to remain a bit objective about his chances (what I think Shang didn't really bother to think of - apparently it has lead to his own downfall)

Opinions over Shang Tsung: Makes sense, but one question..When he talks about Shang being one of those who constructed the gateways, are you referring to the sorcerers that built portals like Ermac said in Konquest?"
-"yes, sorcerers constucted the gateways. Shang Tsung however will come into question much later."

"Opinions over Sareena: How does he learn about her refuge in the Lin Kuei temple?"

"Opinions over Scorpion: To me, the question that he asks and the answer he gives to it don't make sense. When you say "prize", do you mean "pri-ce"? If so, what price are you talking about?"
-Typo, my bad. The price he paid was the very existence within his afterlife. Untill of course, he was redesigned to be a weapon of great importance. Scorpions afterlife is/was a burden even if he could kill his slayer, but not untill he kills his sworn enemy..the bald headed bastard.

"Drawing: Looks quite good."
-thanks. Those are ot marshmellows.

"Miscalleneous: Shouldn't the Sub-Zero brothers be listed as his allies?"
-No. One does not exist anymore as Sub-Zero, the second would clearly destroy him. They were tools, but not allies.

"Overall: Like Sonya's, not that much to my liking."
-perfectly understandable why.


"Styles: They suit him quite nicely."

"Storyline: Well, I have problems with this. I don't understand why Ermac would rescue Shang Tsung. Also, since when does Shang Tsung have the knowledge to defeating Onaga?"
-nah nah nah...not in the sense of actual combat. And he is a valuable and immensely instrumental tool in Ermacs plan.

"Opinions over Liu Kang: When you say "face him in Mortal Kombat", do you mean some other tournament?"
-if there will be any, btw, it looks like there will be. As in mortal combat as in a deadly fight to the death.

"Opinions over Shao Kahn: makes sense to me to some extent"
-what's the conflicting part?

"Opinions over Kenshi: How exactly can he see Kenshi's eyes when Kenshi has a blindfold on?"
-methaphorically speaking. Shang Tsung can peer into others soul you know. This one was -thank god- incorporated into the first movie.

"Opinions over Rodjung: Well...dunno anything about this one so I'll just have to wait for you to post the bio of this character"
-it will come in time.

"Drawing: Looks great just like the Quan Chi drawing you did except it looks like he has no neck... "
-his clothing is bulky on the upper torso, and the shoulderplates are quite large under it I suppose.

"Miscalleneous: I don't like the way Shang Tsung doesn't say "me" or "I" and keeps saying his name. It reminds me much of the the MK comics that were done by Malibu, which imo, kind of made them sound a bit like cavemen or like Bizarro."
-hahaha, no. Royalties refer to themselves in either plural, or name themselves as a third person. The name Shang Tsung translates to "senior elder temple dweller" what i can asume is a royal class
to an extent.

"Overall: Well, feel kind of mixed about it...I guess my big fit is with his storyline.."
-you'll see. Don't expect anything light or epic though.


"Styles: Which Jujutsu style do you mean?"
-Jiu Jitsu

"Storyline: The storyline is pretty good though I don't think that he would aid the mortals any longer given his new persona..."
-he would try to make the best ou of those who were his allies. At least to his opinion. Raiden subtly manipulated everything from the start. His new turn of psychology doesn't mean he would turn away fromhis friends.

"Opinions over Shujinko: Makes sense though I don't think Raiden would give a damn about Shujinko after killing him."
-let's see...the first example defies the very existence of you as an authority. And raiden is quite unstable theese times.

"Opinions over Kung Lao: Not much to say here.."
-could have been formed better. Kung Lao is the greatest liability from the forces of Raiden.

"Opinions over Shao Kahn: Wtf? Since when is Shao Kahn a counterpart to Raiden? And how does Raiden learn of Shao Kahn's return?"
-Raiden is constinuously in turmoil with the Elder Gods Tribunal, there he can learn of events from other realms. Aside that, Shao kahn has made his presence known by marching his forces again. And Kahn is the real counterpart o raiden in a sense that he was also an authority, but he was completely corrupted.

"Opinions over Sub-Zero: This not only does not make sense to me, but part of it sounds contrary. First off, why was the Lin Kuei always under his suspicion? Secondly, the younger Sub-Zero is more cold? I thought he was more of a passionate, forgiving warrior. Lastly, if Raiden understood Sub-Zero not being there to deal with the Deadly Alliance and/or their forces, then why does Raiden still put blame on him?"
-As I said, Raiden is unstable. He can magnify his problems and warp his own reality to support his claims. It wasn't always that the Lin Kuei were under his supicion, he just claims so from now on. And of course, Raiden vents his frustration out on others, therefore he now blames anyone for the slightest of mistakes as being or acting like a traitor.

"Drawing: It looks great, but why does it look like he has make up or face paint on? Also, is that a mustache he has? If so, I don't like it."
-he wears a ceramic faceplate, what was common in Japan in medieval eras among those rich enough to afford it.

"Miscalleneous: I thought Raiden was 230 lbs or did he gain an extra 50 lbs? Also, shouldn't Sub-Zero, Fujin, and Kai be listed in his allies list? One more thing, when you listed his origin, is that a reference to when Raiden's energies reformatted in Earthrealm?"
-He wears no small amount of armor now. The allies listed are the ones currently available. Fujin is now a different agenda, check back later for his bios.

"Overall: I think it's pretty good though I'm still kind of confused about the Raiden/Shao Kahn thing."
-agin I say : you'll see...

I'll cover a few more next time.
10/15/2005 10:43 AM (UTC)
I have yet to post any reviews, as I'm still reading, but in your thread title, it's Armageddon, not Armaggedon.
10/15/2005 07:31 PM (UTC)
Kung Lao: Well, Sub-Zero reformed the Lin Kuei as a force for good so I dont quite think it's an assassin clan anymore. I don't see how Kano is a frequent enemy of his and I'd think that Bo' Rai Cho, the guy who helped train Kung Lao to try to defeat Shang Tsung, would be considered as an ally to Kung Lao. Also, aren't Liu Kang and Kung Lao both descendants of the original Kung Lao? I still don't know when it comes to the Shaolin Chuan thing...I'm pretty sure that would be a broad term for Shaolin martial arts...*shrugs*

Sonya: In Mavado's Konquest storyline, he fights and defeats Sonya then fights and defeats Jax then eventually fights and defeats Kenshi.

Quan Chi: lmao, I meant enemies, not allies. silly me. tongue I still don't quite like the direction of his storyline though. I think it's just weird to have Noob and Quan in opposite roles like that.

Shang Tsung: Ermac's plan eh? Hmm...Although Shang has kind of a regalness to him, I still say he sounds like Bizarro. tongue

Raiden: Well, the reason why I asked about Jujutsu is that there are many different kinds of Jujutsu styles so I was wondering if you meant a specific one or maybe just a mixture of many. Regarding the other stuff, I can kind of see where you're coming from.

Anyway, here are 5 more reviews:


Styles: When you say Taijutsu, what do you mean by that? The reason for my asking is because Taijutsu is a very generic term that can be used for unarmed martial arts.

Storyline: I think it's pretty good, but I have one big problem with it and that problem would be his apathy towards his past life, namely things regarding it like his family. I'd think that maybe he would want to be reunited with his family or something.

Opinions over Raiden: ok..

Opinions over the Sub-Zeros: I don't think this works with the way Scorpion's storyline seems to be. From what I've heard, the vow thing was made non-canon by Tobias and even though Vogel is in charge of the storyline, the way Scorpion's MKDA bio was with him believing Sub-Zero to be the murderer of his family and clan for many years gives me the impression that he's unaware of there having been two Sub-Zeros.

Opinion over Noob Saibot: Does he find out about Noob through coming across him or do the Elder Gods tell him about Noob's true identity?

Opinion over Quan Chi: Yeah.

Drawing: It looks pretty good. Say...is it me or does the stance he's in look a lot like Doko no Kamae?

Miscalleneous: Isn't Scorpion supposed to be 6'2" and 210 lbs?

Overall: I think it's pretty good to me.

Bo' Rai Cho

Styles: Jujitsu? Doesn't Raiden already have that or do you mean Bo's weapon style of Jojutsu?

Storyline: Seems alright. When he talks about Kitana, that's really Mileena, right?

Opinions over Shujinko: lol..ok..

Opinions over Raiden: I don't understand this...

Opinions over Liu Kang and Kung Lao: lol...uh huh..

Opinions over Baraka: uh...yeah...

Drawing: I really like this one a lot though maybe he should have his gourd on his side.

Miscalleneous: I think Bo' Rai Cho is 375 lbs but either way, he's a fat ass. tongue

Overall: Pretty good stuff.


Styles: Which style of Tai Chi Chuan do you mean? Also, I don't think San Shou fits him unless you're trying to kind of have him with styles that have opposite attributes like Tai Chi Chuan being soft, circular and fluid while San Shou is hard, linear and aggressive.

Storyline: Lin Kuei mercenary? Sub-Zero's the grandmaster of a new Lin Kuei...one that isn't...(or at least seems to be) a clan of assassins and thieves anymore...Other than, sounds pretty good.

Opinions over Sub-Zero: Sub-Zero's chill?

Opinions over Shang Tsung: Yeah.

Opinions over Mavado: Good to see a possible second encounter of Kenshi and Mavado

Opinions over Special Forces: Gaijins? Btw...his people aren't from Japan. Kenshi is of mixed Chinese and European descent...

Drawing: It looks great, especially with the way you have his sword on his side like the Ronin he is.

Miscalleneous: I don't know...He seems to be older than 27 years...He seems more mid-late 30 ish..

Overall: I like it.

Shao Kahn

Styles: Tan Tui and Lui He? I don't know....A style like Tan Tui, that uses various kicks and such, doesn't seem like the kind of style that would suit him. The same thing can be said for Lui He (aka Xing Yi) which is direct but uses internal force to generate its power. I see him as a direct, aggressive fighter who uses brute force. Maybe some like Pankration would suit him.

Storyline: It sounds good though I'm not sure I like the concept of "fallen throne of Shao"...

Opinions over Liu Kang: Shao Kahn rejoices when it comes to honor? I really don't think so, especially with the way he poisoned Onaga so that he can take Outworld for himself. As for determination, I don't think he's concerned about that unless you mean determination for total domination. Also, it seems like he's just complimenting Liu Kang when I'd think that he'd be saying more..negative things about him and would want to crush him. All in all, this doesn't sound like Shao Kahn to me.

Opinions over Raiden: Again, this doesn't really sound like Shao Kahn to me. I'd think that Shao Kahn would be rather concerned about Raiden in the sense that due to Raiden's new persona that Shao Kahn would be put into danger. Why? It's simple. Raiden will destroy anyone who puts Earthrealm in harm's way and Shao Kahn is that type of guy.

Opinions over Kitana: I need some explanation on this since I don't understand it..

Opinions over Deadly Alliance: Uh...well...I don't think that Shao Kahn knows about the Deadly Alliance slaying his clone since Shao Kahn was off in the wilderness of Outworld, trying to regain his power. Also, we can't really say for sure what kind of person Shang Tsung is though we know he has Outworld origins. Whether Shang Tsung is/was human or not, that doesnt make Quan Chi not being a human the reason why Quan Chi's victory was ensured. Quan Chi's victory over Shang Tsung is due to Shinnok's amulet endowing him with great power even though Quan Chi knows only a small fraction of its true power.

Drawing: It's quite awesome and I'd rather see him be a bit more covered up like he is in your drawing of him. Great stuff there.

Miscalleneous: Nothing reallly to say here...

Overall: I think it's pretty good. The only thing I don't like is his feelings toward certain characters like Raiden. It just doesn't sound like Shao Kahn to me.


Styles: I don't really see him using a direct, aggressive style like Tiger, but I can see where you might be coming from with Chin Na. And the Autumn Dao is a cool weapon for him.

Storyline: I thought the Declaration of Order had to do with Seido only. Also, his goal seems to be contradictory to his MKD storyline where he takes no sides on the order/chaos struggle.

Opinions over Darrius: Makes sense for Dairou to not care about Darrius' plans much or at all.

Opinions over Hotaru: Sounds fitting.

Opinions over Dragon King: I don't know...You'd think that Shujinko would tell Dairou about the threat of Onaga and that Dairou would understand that...

Opinions over Shujinko: That doesn't make any sense since you have Dairou being over 100 years old and Shujinko is only 60 years old or so. Anyway, I wonder what that something is that puzzles him about Shujinko...

Drawing: I like everything about it except for the face.

Miscalleneous: Um...how is Hotaru both his ally and his enemy?

Overall: Overall, well...I feel kind of mixed about it..

Well, more reviews along the way later on...
About Me

10/15/2005 09:36 PM (UTC)
"Kung Lao: Well, Sub-Zero reformed the Lin Kuei as a force for good so I dont quite think it's an assassin clan anymore. I don't see how Kano is a frequent enemy of his and I'd think that Bo' Rai Cho, the guy who helped train Kung Lao to try to defeat Shang Tsung, would be considered as an ally to Kung Lao. Also, aren't Liu Kang and Kung Lao both descendants of the original Kung Lao? I still don't know when it comes to the Shaolin Chuan thing...I'm pretty sure that would be a broad term for Shaolin martial arts...*shrugs*"

-Liu Kang is a descedant of him in a sense of brotherhood. Though he is not blood related though to the Lao lineage.

"Sonya: In Mavado's Konquest storyline, he fights and defeats Sonya then fights and defeats Jax then eventually fights and defeats Kenshi."

-doesn't seem to be in the line of events for me though. However the substitute Mavado could have been the person doing it. Sonya could have gathered some info over him to assume it's not the real Mavado.

"Quan Chi: lmao, I meant enemies, not allies. silly me. I still don't quite like the direction of his storyline though. I think it's just weird to have Noob and Quan in opposite roles like that."

-wait for the calamity this will couse. Quan Chi definitely dosn't takes this easy, and considers this as an insult of fate, while Noob doesn't really care about him, save for his efficiency.

"Shang Tsung: Ermac's plan eh? Hmm...Although Shang has kind of a regalness to him, I still say he sounds like Bizarro."

-good point.

"Raiden: Well, the reason why I asked about Jujutsu is that there are many different kinds of Jujutsu styles so I was wondering if you meant a specific one or maybe just a mixture of many. Regarding the other stuff, I can kind of see where you're coming from."

-from Hungary.

Anyway, here are 5 more reviews:


"Styles: When you say Taijutsu, what do you mean by that? The reason for my asking is because Taijutsu is a very generic term that can be used for unarmed martial arts."

-taijutsu specific for the ninpo methods. that means considering every part of the body as a weapon of choice. Scorpion is a close combatant in this style.

"Storyline: I think it's pretty good, but I have one big problem with it and that problem would be his apathy towards his past life, namely things regarding it like his family. I'd think that maybe he would want to be reunited with his family or something."

-he doesn't really care, for as we know, he has to live without them forever. Aside from that, the Nethterrealm magnifies the evil, and Scorpion no lon-ger resides there, so he is much more collected and at ease. A trait that is necessary for getting his job done.

"Opinions over the Sub-Zeros: I don't think this works with the way Scorpion's storyline seems to be. From what I've heard, the vow thing was made non-canon by Tobias and even though Vogel is in charge of the storyline, the way Scorpion's MKDA bio was with him believing Sub-Zero to be the murderer of his family and clan for many years gives me the impression that he's unaware of there having been two Sub-Zeros."

-Scorpion deals with the Sub-Zero he is confronted with, not with the identity of him. He has sworn revenge for the mantle of Sub-Zero. This will lead to an interesting point in the future.

"Opinion over Noob Saibot: Does he find out about Noob through coming across him or do the Elder Gods tell him about Noob's true identity?"

-he had his suspicions, and yes, he is more than adamant on this idea.

"Drawing: It looks pretty good. Say...is it me or does the stance he's in look a lot like Doko no Kamae?"

-never seen it. Send something over via PM to check it.

"Miscalleneous: Isn't Scorpion supposed to be 6'2" and 210 lbs?"

-everytime Scorpion exits the nethers and after he is rebuilt as a spectre again, he has changed in form and apearance as a minor disguise.


"Styles: Jujitsu? Doesn't Raiden already have that or do you mean Bo's weapon style of Jojutsu?"

-typo probably, I'll check it.

"Storyline: Seems alright. When he talks about Kitana, that's really Mileena, right?"
-probably. For he only knows the first one.

"Opinions over Raiden: I don't understand this..."

-Bo dislikes the hypocrisy and seemingly unattainable knowledge of the gods. He is a well to the ground man, who thinks that sincerety is key in rulership over mortals. he questions the motives of the gods.


"Styles: Which style of Tai Chi Chuan do you mean? Also, I don't think San Shou fits him unless you're trying to kind of have him with styles that have opposite attributes like Tai Chi Chuan being soft, circular and fluid while San Shou is hard, linear and aggressive."

-making him more unique as having him as a japanese educated person who applies chinese arts becouse of evaluation and choice. Kenshi is a multiple times educated warior.

"Storyline: Lin Kuei mercenary? Sub-Zero's the grandmaster of a new Lin Kuei...one that isn't...(or at least seems to be) a clan of assassins and thieves anymore...Other than, sounds pretty good."

-Thieves and assassin that work on behalf of honorable employers. They are the ones who are called upon if there is no other way but elimination.

"Opinions over Sub-Zero: Sub-Zero's chill?"

-Yes. Kenshi has also an afiinity towards fancy speech.

"Opinions over Mavado: Good to see a possible second encounter of Kenshi and Mavado ."

-there will be in the future.

"Opinions over Special Forces: Gaijins? Btw...his people aren't from Japan. Kenshi is of mixed Chinese and European descent..."

-despite that he is raised in a japanese culture.

"Drawing: It looks great, especially with the way you have his sword on his side like the Ronin he is."

-others say he looks like 70 lol.

"Miscalleneous: I don't know...He seems to be older than 27 years...He seems more mid-late 30 ish.."

-he's stressed.


"Styles: Tan Tui and Lui He? I don't know....A style like Tan Tui, that uses various kicks and such, doesn't seem like the kind of style that would suit him. The same thing can be said for Lui He (aka Xing Yi) which is direct but uses internal force to generate its power. I see him as a direct, aggressive fighter who uses brute force. Maybe some like Pankration would suit him."

-definitely may change.

"Storyline: It sounds good though I'm not sure I like the concept of "fallen throne of Shao"..."

-that is reclaiming his stolen honor by regaining it by force.

"Opinions over Liu Kang: Shao Kahn rejoices when it comes to honor? I really don't think so, especially with the way he poisoned Onaga so that he can take Outworld for himself. As for determination, I don't think he's concerned about that unless you mean determination for total domination. Also, it seems like he's just complimenting Liu Kang when I'd think that he'd be saying more..negative things about him and would want to crush him. All in all, this doesn't sound like Shao Kahn to me."

-he respects honor, but not necessarily submits to it's bounds. He consi-ders it an unnecesasry burden, though he values personal choice.

"Opinions over Raiden: Again, this doesn't really sound like Shao Kahn to me. I'd think that Shao Kahn would be rather concerned about Raiden in the sense that due to Raiden's new persona that Shao Kahn would be put into danger. Why? It's simple. Raiden will destroy anyone who puts Earthrealm in harm's way and Shao Kahn is that type of guy. "

-becouse Shao sees the opportunity in Raidens instability, and has well versed knowledge about such events. Explained in episodes of each characters, mostly by Raidens, what will have references to the past.

"Opinions over Kitana: I need some explanation on this since I don't understand it.."

-to put it simple, Kitana is Shao Kahns concubine, and wife of choice if there would be any. Shao Kahn is to put it simple, turned on by Kitanas looks and sophistication as a sentient being. Kahn is well aboev the physical pleasures, but he gladly partakes in them.

"Opinions over Deadly Alliance: Uh...well...I don't think that Shao Kahn knows about the Deadly Alliance slaying his clone since Shao Kahn was off in the wilderness of Outworld, trying to regain his power. Also, we can't really say for sure what kind of person Shang Tsung is though we know he has Outworld origins. Whether Shang Tsung is/was human or not, that doesnt make Quan Chi not being a human the reason why Quan Chi's victory was ensured. Quan Chi's victory over Shang Tsung is due to Shinnok's amulet endowing him with great power even though Quan Chi knows only a small fraction of its true power."

-Shang Tsung IS from Earthrealm, at least the human Tsung was from there. The demon what i he now is purely Outworldish. i will explain Quan Chis origins as well.

"Drawing: It's quite awesome and I'd rather see him be a bit more covered up like he is in your drawing of him. Great stuff there."

-it's different ain't it? BTw, every change is becouse of Shao's new station. He can retake Outworld ina "honorable" way, this would not only justify his rule, but only fuel his treacherous evil by proving he can do otherwise, but he would rule with and in chaos nonetheless.


"Styles: I don't really see him using a direct, aggressive style like Tiger, but I can see where you might be coming from with Chin Na. And the Autumn Dao is a cool weapon for him."

-I shall make Dairous speciality the dealing with spinal or elastic move-ments on himself, or on others. Also Tiger is based on a more kung fu style aproach to his chinese wardrobe.

"Storyline: I thought the Declaration of Order had to do with Seido only. Also, his goal seems to be contradictory to his MKD storyline where he takes no sides on the order/chaos struggle."

-when he realises what he has done....

"Opinions over Dragon King: I don't know...You'd think that Shujinko would tell Dairou about the threat of Onaga and that Dairou would understand that..."

-becouse Shujinko also has a plan of sophisticated diplomacy.

O"pinions over Shujinko: That doesn't make any sense since you have Dairou being over 100 years old and Shujinko is only 60 years old or so. Anyway, I wonder what that something is that puzzles him about Shujinko."

-of course you are smile

"Drawing: I like everything about it except for the face."
-battle damage.

"Miscalleneous: Um...how is Hotaru both his ally and his enemy?"
-you'll see...
10/16/2005 02:36 AM (UTC)
Regarding Liu Kang: Are you sure about that? It really seems to me like he's an actual descendant of Kung Lao.

In MKDA, it was the real Mavado who fought and defeated both Sonya and Jax. You can check the MKDA Konquest stuff at the Kombat Pavillion.

For Scorpion, that makes sense about the Ninpo Taijutsu stuff. I think that personally, he would be using more of an offensive stance like Jumonji no Kamae. I'll try to find pics of both Jumonji no Kamae and Doko no Kamae for you. They are found in Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu and probably all of the Ninjutsu Ryu from Iga. I think that with Scorpion serving the Elder Gods that he could ask to be with them in the heavens since they are dead and are probably there. Sworn revenge for the Sub-Zero mantle? Well, he was angry at the older Sub-Zero for killing him but also, Scorpion believed that he killed his family and clan. Sub-Zero's MKDA Konquest storyline states that Quan Chi framed the older Sub-Zero. Scorpion heard of Sub-Zero's return when the younger Sub-Zero went into Outworld. What happened there is unclear due to Tobias' retcon with Vogel's continuation from there though if you look at the way MK4's storyline is, Scorpion now blames the younger Sub-Zero. Sure, maybe Quan Chi told him that it was actually the younger Sub-Zero or maybe both the brothers, but then again, it doesn't seem to me that Scorpion ever learned of there being two Sub-Zeros with the way those bits in his MK2 and UMK3/MKT endings don't count in the storyline. Suspicions on Noob Saibot? Since when? Regarding his height and weight, well, in MK1, he was 6'2" and 210 lbs. and it stayed the same in MKDA so I think it's kind of odd if it were to change like that.

Interesting feedback on Bo's views toward the gods.

Kenshi: Ok, but what style of Tai Chi Chuan does he use? Like I said before, it doesn't seem to me that the Lin Kuei is a clan of assassins and thieves anymore but a clan of warriors who fight for good. I still don't know what Gaijin means. tongue One more thing on him...The reason why I brought up his age is because it seemed to me that Shang Tsung's manipulation of Kenshi took place sometime before the MK1 timeline so I think that he'd be more in his 20s back then and more in the 30s currently.

Shao Kahn: What opportunity are you talking about? I mean, if Raiden is now sworn to destroy all who put Earthrealm in danger, don't you think that Shao Kahn would have some concern about that since Raiden is a god, a powerful one to say the least and even though Shao Kahn is powerful himself, well, I'd think that he'd still want to be cautious of him. Since when has Kitana been Shao Kahn's concubine? To me, I always got the impression that Shao Kahn only viewed her as his child. About Shang Tsung, I'll have to get back to you on that one. Although we know Quan Chi was an Oni from the Netherrealm, how his change to a more human-like being through sorcery still seems kind of ambigious.

Dairou: I see...

Anyway, here are 5 more reviews:


Styles: Not sure what to say here except I don't know too much on Ying Yeung though I thought I remember reading somewhere that it's aggressive which suits Mileena's gameplay style, imo.

Storyline: Interesting progression in the storyline.

Opinions over Liu Kang: Yeah...

Opinions over Kitana: Sounds like her.

Opinions over Subotai: I see.

Opinions over Bo' Rai Cho: Uh huh.

Drawing: Looks good.

Miscalleneous: Kitana is 5'9" and 128 lbs so I think Mileena would have the same height and weight as her, don't you think? Also, why are Kung Lao, Sonya, and Johnny Cage listed as her allies? Does that have to do with part you mentioned about her now gaining aid from people of other realms?

Overall: I like it quite a bit and I hope to see where it'll go.


Styles: Zha Chuan, eh? I guess it's like a tribute to her mother or something. Well, either way, I think it's a pretty good fit for her.

Storyline: Interesting stuff. So she's the mysterious stranger. I wonder what shall become of this..

Opinions over Liu Kang: Half sister? I thought she was her twin sister.

Opinions over Mileena: Yeah.

Opinions over Shao Kahn: I'm still not sure where you got the whole concubine thing from...And if she was, does that mean that they um....well...you know?

Opinions over Bo' Rai Cho: Yeah, she didn't really seem to be a fan of his training methods...

Drawing: This one is fucking EXCELLENT. I like how it doesn't have her in a swimsuit type costume and how this design you have for her makes her look like a warrior princess. Great stuff. Awesome job.

Miscalleneous: Like I said before, Kitana is 5'9" and 128 lbs. Shouldn't Tanya also count as an enemy of hers? One more thing, isn't Kitana's origin Edenia and not Outworld?

Overall: I think it's pretty good like Mileena's.


Styles: I think they fit him as long as the Dragon style he's using isn't Shaolin or Shaolin derived. For Shotokan, I don't think that suits him since it's more of a power style and also more of an offensive style while I see Sub-Zero as more of a defensive fighter.

Storyline: To be honest, I don't quite like it. First off, doesn't the ordeal with those Tarkatan warriors take place prior to Sub-Zero's encounter with Hotaru? Also, veteran clanmates? I thought that during the time of MK4, the Lin Kuei disbanded thus having Sub-Zero's Lin Kuei clan with a new start and with new people. Finally, I don't see why it would make sense for Sub-Zero go back to the old ways of the Lin Kuei.

Opinions over Shang Tsung: I think that after 10 years or so, he wouldn't really give a damn about his mission to kill Shang Tsung though he would still see him as an enemy.

Opinions over Kenshi: I guess so....

Opinions over Shujinko: I don't know...I'd think that Sub-Zero would move on with that part of his life behind him and to move on as a grandmaster for a force for good.

Opinions over Scorpion: Well, the two have been foes, but never friends or allies. Also, Scorpion has never seemed to exactly mettle against the Lin Kuei as a whole clan...or at least from MKMSZ-MKD timeline...but um...I don't think that the two would be enemies anymore..

Drawing: I like this one though I really did like the way the helmet design for his ancestral armor was.

Miscalleneous: Where in China is the Sichuan province located? I disagree about having Hotaru being listed as Sub-Zero's nemesis. I think it would make more sense if Sektor were to be listed as his nemesis. How can Noob Saibot even be listed as an enemy when your bio for Sub-Zero doesn't make any mention of Noob?

Overall: Well, I'm not too fond of this overall namely due to the storyline and portrayal of the character.


Styles: I think you mean Dan Tien Dao. When it comes to Koppojutsu, are you referring to Koto Ryu or Gikan Ryu?

Storyline: It's ok. There isn't really much for me to say here.

Opinions over Raiden: Yeah, it is though there had to have been some other factor to Raiden's change.

Opinions over Ermac: Wait....Onaga bringing back his Five Generals is his ULTIMATE goal? uh...I have a problem with this as him wanting to gain ultimate power by merging the Kamidogu should be his ultimate goal.

Opinions over Scorpion: uh huh...

Opinions over Shang Tsung: Yeah...I guess

Opinions over Onaga: It? Onaga is clearly a male.

Drawing: This one looks psychotic. I love it. grin

Miscalleneous: Well, I think a very important ally that's missing from his allies list is Bo' Rai Cho, his mentor/teacher. He doesn't seem like he would be 240 lbs...Also, how many years after MKD is this? When Shujinko is an old man, he's supposed to be 60 years old or so, not 78.

Overall: It's not too bad.

Johnny Cage

Styles: Sounds fitting for him. I've been trying to look up on different Karate styles to see which one would fit him the most. To me, he seems to be a fighter with lots of flashy moves and such but with a Karate style.

Storyline: The storyline is alright, but my big problem is that the way he talks doesn't sound like him.

Opinions over Raiden: Doesn't sound like something Johnny Cage would say

Opinions over Sonya: Uh...well....this says close to nothing about his opinions on Sonya....What do you mean by the devil's sister?

Opinions over Quan Chi: cute...

Opinions over Goro: uh huh..

Drawing: Looks pretty good

Miscalleneous: nothing to say here

Overall: I think it's alright...I mean, at least he seems to be in a bit of a different direction this time with his storyline which is good...but he just doesn't sound like Johnny Cage to me...that kind of irks me a bit. I know that he's a bit older now but I think the transition in terms of attitude is a bit too soon and has no real development to it.

I'll be back later with 5 more reviews.
About Me

10/16/2005 07:48 PM (UTC)
"Regarding Liu Kang: Are you sure about that? It really seems to me like he's an actual descendant of Kung Lao."

-I am adamant about this.

"In MKDA, it was the real Mavado who fought and defeated both Sonya and Jax. You can check the MKDA Konquest stuff at the Kombat Pavillion."

-could have been. However my real Mavado was only concerned with the Kabal. He lef tthe less significant tool, the Spec. Forces for the secondary Mavado (why "the Kabal" - Kabal is/was the mans codename, stems from caballism).

"For Scorpion, that makes sense about the Ninpo Taijutsu stuff. ... Regar-ding his height and weight, well, in MK1, he was 6'2" and 210 lbs. and it stayed the same in MKDA so I think it's kind of odd if it were to change like that."

-will be worked upon. I shall definitely put and end to this question in my kind of interpretation.

"Kenshi: Ok, but what style of Tai Chi Chuan does he use? Like I said before, it doesn't seem to me that the Lin Kuei is a clan of assassins and thieves anymore but a clan of warriors who fight for good. I still don't know what Gaijin means. One more thing on him...The reason why I brought up his age is because it seemed to me that Shang Tsung's manipulation of Kenshi took place sometime before the MK1 timeline so I think that he'd be more in his 20s back then and more in the 30s currently. "

-gaijin means foreigner or alien. Aside from that Kenshi could have been around 19 when he actually perfected his skills. A natural born talent. And his age is much younger than his look suggests thanks to the ordeals of Shang Tsungs scheme.

"Shao Kahn: What opportunity are you talking about? I mean, if Raiden is now sworn to destroy all who put Earthrealm in danger, don't you think that Shao Kahn would have some concern about that since Raiden is a god, a powerful one to say the least and even though Shao Kahn is powerful himself, well, I'd think that he'd still want to be cautious of him. Since when has Kitana been Shao Kahn's concubine? To me, I always got the impression that Shao Kahn only viewed her as his child. About Shang Tsung, I'll have to get back to you on that one. Although we know Quan Chi was an Oni from the Netherrealm, how his change to a more human-like being through sorcery still seems kind of ambigious."

-Kahn remains a backstabbing bastard, but since he can achieve total rulership over the realms via the tournament and his armies, his victory this time would be undoubtedly legal and just. This would be a perfect reasoning that Kahn is supreme to all, therefore he can choose his mehods decided by his taste. Believe me, he IS concerned about Raiden, but he knows how short fused Raiden is/was, therefore he is pretty sure of himself. IMO, Kitana: well, Outworld lives in a "dark age", therefore incest and inbred rulership is common. Thats the everydayish life of Outworld under Kahn, Shang, Drahmin and all the others. About Quan Chi: demon does not necessarily equals with spiked horrors with brimstone breath and fiery red skin.


"Miscalleneous: Kitana is 5'9" and 128 lbs so I think Mileena would have the same height and weight as her, don't you think? Also, why are Kung Lao, Sonya, and Johnny Cage listed as her allies? Does that have to do with part you mentioned about her now gaining aid from people of other realms?"

-particulary Mileena's plotline will be somethign that will be somewhat of a shocking revelation to all the wiewers if I do it correctly.


"Styles: Zha Chuan, eh? I guess it's like a tribute to her mother or some-thing. Well, either way, I think it's a pretty good fit for her."

-I need ba Gua elsewhere, and Zha Chuan fits a more mature Kitana in terms of movement culture.

"Storyline: Interesting stuff. So she's the mysterious stranger. I wonder what shall become of this.."
"Opinions over Liu Kang: Half sister? I thought she was her twin sister."


"Opinions over Shao Kahn: I'm still not sure where you got the whole concubine thing from...And if she was, does that mean that they um....well...you know?"


"Drawing: This one is fucking EXCELLENT. I like how it doesn't have her in a swimsuit type costume and how this design you have for her makes her look like a warrior princess. Great stuff. Awesome job."

-I thought I fucked up her bif time with the firehose hair.

"Miscalleneous: Like I said before, Kitana is 5'9" and 128 lbs. Shouldn't Tanya also count as an enemy of hers? One more thing, isn't Kitana's origin Edenia and not Outworld?"

-yes. Prolly a typo, but it was Outworld back then. NO, they don't have the same measurements. Mileena was created as a countermeasure to a possible traitorish Kitana, therefore minor modifications were made.


"Styles: I think they fit him as long as the Dragon style he's using isn't Shaolin or Shaolin derived. For Shotokan, I don't think that suits him since it's more of a power style and also more of an offensive style while I see Sub-Zero as more of a defensive fighter."

-assassins strike only once. if not, there is no assassin, but a fighter instead.

"Storyline: To be honest, I don't quite like it. First off, doesn't the ordeal with those Tarkatan warriors take place prior to Sub-Zero's encounter with Hotaru? Also, veteran clanmates? I thought that during the time of MK4, the Lin Kuei disbanded thus having Sub-Zero's Lin Kuei clan with a new start and with new people. Finally, I don't see why it would make sense for Sub-Zero go back to the old ways of the Lin Kuei."

-yes, thats a bit contradictory even in MKD. But it points out that the tarka-tans came first, BUT: Sub-Zero ould have slain other tarkatas and that made it to Hotaru as dire news. Second: disbanded yes, but they eventu-ally could have came back. Sub-Zero is very practical and objective so he measures how the Lin Kuei could best serve the interests of good, so he may come up with the idea of bringing back the mercenary roots but for the good guys only. Assassin guilds are very loyal, and it doesn' really inte-rests them wether what ideals they follow now, they are only focused on getting the work done. Assassin guild for the good guys. I shall focus on Sub-Zeros deeds then in MKD in another important bios.

"Opinions over Shang Tsung: I think that after 10 years or so, he wouldn't really give a damn about his mission to kill Shang Tsung though he would still see him as an enemy."

-Failure. Sub-Zero does not take failures lightly. And it justifies his dislike for the sorcerer to a degree. Wether he means it or not, will be revealed later.

"Opinions over Shujinko: I don't know...I'd think that Sub-Zero would move on with that part of his life behind him and to move on as a grandmaster for a force for good."

-he also old past knowledge in great esteem. Sub-Zero merges new ideals with traditional use and intentions (remember how he insisted on Frost calling him sifu)

"Opinions over Scorpion: Well, the two have been foes, but never friends or allies. Also, Scorpion has never seemed to exactly mettle against the Lin Kuei as a whole clan...or at least from MKMSZ-MKD timeline...but um...I don't think that the two would be enemies anymore.."

-they aren't. Scorpion indeed saved Sub-Zeros life when banishing Quan Chi with himself in MK4. Quan would have killed him as a loose end. Sub-Zero knows that Scorpion doesn't really care about this, but he holds this momentum of great value. He only realised the true personality of Scorpion
when he sacrificed himself (perhaps him being used to dying) instantly. Sub-Zero knows that he and Scorpion aren't really that much different.

"Drawing: I like this one though I really did like the way the helmet design for his ancestral armor was."

-I have another one, but thats a bit Kabuto-ish though.

"Miscalleneous: Where in China is the Sichuan province located? I disagree about having Hotaru being listed as Sub-Zero's nemesis. I think it would make more sense if Sektor were to be listed as his nemesis. How can Noob Saibot even be listed as an enemy when your bio for Sub-Zero doesn't make any mention of Noob?"

-nemesis is someone who is passionate towards killing him. Both Noob Saibot and Sektor lacks this trait. Nemesis means something hell-bent of destroying you. And besides, you'll see...

"Overall: Well, I'm not too fond of this overall namely due to the storyline and portrayal of the character. "

-I am planning on portraying the characters actually evolve during the epi-sodes and through te choices the player can make.


"Styles: I think you mean Dan Tien Dao. When it comes to Koppojutsu, are you referring to Koto Ryu or Gikan Ryu?"

-all of them. Shujinko utilises koppujutsu on the highest level with tameshi-wari as well.

"Opinions over Raiden: Yeah, it is though there had to have been some other factor to Raiden's change."

"Opinions over Ermac: Wait....Onaga bringing back his Five Generals is his ULTIMATE goal? uh...I have a problem with this as him wanting to gain ultimate power by merging the Kamidogu should be his ultimate goal."

-Onaga is a tricky little bastard. He has several goals. smile Also this will deal with the One Being as a semi-active force of fate.

"Opinions over Onaga: It? Onaga is clearly a male."

-it's meant in a derogatory sense.

Miscalleneous: Well, I think a very important ally that's missing from his allies list is Bo' Rai Cho, his mentor/teacher. He doesn't seem like he would be 240 lbs...Also, how many years after MKD is this? When Shujinko is an old man, he's supposed to be 60 years old or so, not 78.

-corrected at once. Shujinko is also heavy.


"Styles: Sounds fitting for him. I've been trying to look up on different Karate styles to see which one would fit him the most. To me, he seems to be a fighter with lots of flashy moves and such but with a Karate style."

-figures ain't it?

"Storyline: The storyline is alright, but my big problem is that the way he talks doesn't sound like him."

-there is a minor period between MKD and MKArm. That comes with great self-evaluation for Cage.

"Opinions over Raiden: Doesn't sound like something Johnny Cage would say"

-He gained more spine and sense.

"Opinions over Sonya: Uh...well....this says close to nothing about his opinions on Sonya....What do you mean by the devil's sister?"

-Cage is unsure about his relation. Also, this will come in picture a bit later on, when the Cage conflict is resolved.

Opinions over Quan Chi: cute...

"Overall: I think it's alright...I mean, at least he seems to be in a bit of a different direction this time with his storyline which is good...but he just doesn't sound like Johnny Cage to me...that kind of irks me a bit. I know that he's a bit older now but I think the transition in terms of attitude is a bit too soon and has no real development to it."

-it's start is a bit "in-the-middle-of-the-start".
About Me

10/16/2005 08:54 PM (UTC)

height: 5' 4"
weight: 240 lbs
origin: Outworld
affiliation: one of the Five Divine Generals, taskmaster, one of the Scourge

allies: Onaga, others of the Five Divine Generals, Tanya, Hotaru, Baraka
enemies: Bo' Rai Cho, Shao Kahn, Subotai, Raiden, Liu Kang, Kung Lao
nemesis: none

Kombat styles and weaponry: Escrima, Bozi Lame Fist, Kabutsushi

I am Tam Yu' Chin, general of the feared armies of the Dragon King, the dreaded taskmaster of ages past, and most important of all, founder of the dead Scourge. I recall the days when we carelessly roamed the lands, and plundered the living and the dead in the days after creation. ah, those were the times, but I am, we are intent on rebuilding this fraction of the long past glory of Outworld. Things have gotten stale as I see.

We were a dreaded name, one that wasn't spoken out even if necessary to name. I recall theese times, when the rulership of Onaga was at it's peak, and the rule of Shao Kahn was not even preplanned. Those were the times when tens of thousands of earthly years were minor time. it was a time when we died. Only one of the Scourge has survived the fall of the dreaded masters of theese plundering raiders, the youngest of us all, the one known as Bo' Rai Cho, the Eternal Bottle as we called him. He did not died among the ranks o those brought before the will of Onaga.

Onaga prolaimed his rule to the small kingdoms and eradicated those who opposed him even if only in thoughts. We were sentenced to die in Onagas salt mines. From the circle of ten, only I remained and the ele-venth who reannounced his membership within the Scourge. I am really saddened by the fact that he did not died on that very instant. The salt mines were horrid, and only I survived as a wretched shell devoid of his senses. Onaga took great pleasure in executing us as a nuissance, but when I was left as last to enjoy their fallen blood, Onaga proposed some-thing I could not resist. Survival.

Onaga cursed me to become a demon, and banished me to wander the wastes among other roaming demons, dangerous species and kingdoms what were short lived ever since. It was then when I became the progenitor of the tarkatan race. I took a female demon as my pair and I've let myself completely filled with the essence of theese creatures. it has granted me power, and my ridiculous state as a hairy dwarf ws no longer the subject of jokes, but of terrifying tales of a burning rage.

Onaga took interest in me and recalled me to his setrvices. He was pro-bably impressed by my survivalist power, and grantd me purpose as his high regent and taskmaster of the various warior guilds within his king-dom. And when the opportunity of his apotheosis came into question I was gratefull for his actions to remake me to what I am now, and volunteered freely to become the first divine general. I haven't regretted the choice, I now live with more power than ever, and the likes of me will be always sought out becouse of our service as a general, a bounty hunter, a raider and as a spy. Tam Yu' Chin shall wreck havoc, let our wrath be directed on those who pose Onaga harm, and with our band of bloodhounds, nothing shall remain unbitten.

Opinions over Bo' Rai Cho: traitorous dog, gotten soft over the thousands of years. It is a question of duty wether I kill him or not. For I have proven to be themore ersourceful of us all. Well...at least he didn't died along with us, so thats definitely an accomplishment for a flea what he is.

Opinions over Shao Kahn: bah, one that does dwell in treachery and now longs for justification through honorable battles? I say the emperor beca-me even more pitiable than before. His only accomplishment was the death of Onaga, every other conquest is insignificant.

Opinions over Kitana: wretched state that world is in, but the new queen rules with a remorseless iron fist. Now thats something for my liking. I would tame and beat her like a dog, and make her one of my wives. We have to be satisfied with the noble visit to her kingdom as for now on.

Opinions over Raiden: I've raised a species from my blood, I've battled sorcerers face to face and i've tamed pitlords from the netherrealms, why is a god so important to us? Becouse in his foolhardy quest he shall now attack anyone within the tournament rules, and thats what I am looking for. I've never killed gods before.

Opinions over the other Generals: I've bare them no grudge, therefore I'm not interested in them.
10/16/2005 11:14 PM (UTC)
Points taken on Kenshi. As for Mavado, that was definitely him.

For the Shao Kahn and Kitana thing, well, I think probably the only thing in which I saw Shao Kahn show some kind of that type of attraction to Kitana was in MKC in one of the episodes. I think it was the Mileena episode. Either way, not too fond of the idea.

It seems to me though that Mileena looks identical to Kitana (except for the teeth of course) so I'd think that they would have the same height and weight. And although Edenia was part of Outworld when Kitana was growing up, her origins are still from Edenia, not Outworld.

About Quan Chi, yeah, I know. I can picture what he used to look like from the way that one Oni talked about him.

For Sub-Zero, well, Shotokan doesn't seem to be much of an assassination type art. I still don't like the concept of Sub-Zero wanting to go back to his assassin and mercernary roots namely due to that he reformed the Lin Kuei so that it doesn't have those assassin and mercernary roots. Even if he changed his clan back into as assassin guild, a good one in this case, I don't really see how it's necessary.

In a way, Scorpion did save Sub-Zero's life, but I seriously doubt that was his intention. It's much more than likely that Scorpion took Quan Chi with him so that he can take him to the Netherrealm to torture and kill the sorcerer, not so much so saving Sub's life. I really don't think Sub-Zero and Scorpion are that much similar to each other, but maybe they do possess some similarities to each other.

I still disagree about having Hotaru as his nemesis. Hotaru is simply bent on capturing Sub-Zero and bringing him before Onaga. Noob Saibot and Sektor on the other hand would simply try to destroy him. Perhaps maybe Noob might convince Sub to join him, but judging from the way Noob-Smoke's ending was, it seems like Noob is determined to destroy and all traces of things linking to his former life, namely his own brother.

About Onaga, yes, I'm sure he has several goals, but his ultimate one should involve merging the Kamidogu to gain ultimate power. I don't really see how Shujinko is heavy.

Anyway, here are 5 more reviews:


Styles: Yeah, I kind of felt those styles fitted him though I picture him using more of the punching, elbowing and kneeing techniques of Muay Thai as opposed to the kicking ones even though Muay Thai is a kickboxing style.

Storyline: I see....I kind of like to imagine Jax ditching those arms and using his own inner strengths to be victorious. I mean, he's said to be the strongest man on Earth and he dons the metal arms for more power yet he can't take down the Deadly Alliance which is kind of sad. Anyway, I understand the direction you're taking with his storyline.

Opinions over Sonya: good point

Opinions over Kenshi: yeah

Opinions over Cyrax: well, Jax just donned on some metal arms while Cyrax was turned into a cyborg so...Jax still has his humanity.

Opinions over Raiden: guess that means Jax isn't fond of Raiden's new persona...I don't blame him though

Drawing: Looks pretty good; not fond of the metal arms though but you did a good job with his look overall

Miscalleneous: Isn't he 350 lbs or did he lose 30 lbs? tongue

Overall: Well, it's not bad at all. In fact, um, I don't really have much to say here about him except that I look forward to see how you progress his storyline.


Styles: Daito Ryu? Hmm, odd choice. Guess you are wanting him to be more on the defensive side?

Storyline: It sounds pretty good, but I don't quite understand the last part...

Opinions over Noob Saibot: I see...

Opinions over Ashrah: "Us" meaning Noob and Smoke or is it like a Venom thing?

Opinions over Quan Chi: Ah...

Opinions over Sub-Zero: Uh huh...

Drawing: I think it looks good but he's a bit hard to see.

Miscalleneous: If you can have Hotaru as both an ally and enemy to Dairou, why not have Sub-Zero listed as both an ally and enemy to Smoke?

Overall: Pretty good stuff. I'm hoping to see where his storyline will go.

Noob Saibot

Styles: Isn't Wudang Chuan a name that is associated with Taoist fighting arts of Wudang? Doesn't sound very specific to me though perhaps a Xing Yi and Ba Gua mix for one of his styles would be interesting to see since Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu has been said to have some resemblance to Ba Gua Zhang while Koto Ryu Koppojutsu has some resemblance to Xing Yi Quan. Gyokko Ryu and Koto Ryu together sort of makes up like the basis for Ninpo Taijutsu so my point being is that a Xing Yi Quan/Ba Gua Zhang mixture would be interesting to see for Noob Saibot. Also, Siege Hook eh? Is that the thing on his back? I was kind of thinking something like a Scythe for him, especially since he had that in MK4.

Storyline: It's interesting and I look forward to seeing where it goes.

Opinions over Quan Chi: I see...

Opinions over Smoke: Uh huh

Opinions over Netherrealm: Ah.

Opinions over Sub-Zero: WTF? confused

Drawing: I like it a lot, especially with the hood and mask design.

Miscalleneous: Isn't he supposed to be 6'2"?

Overall: I think it's quite good and shows that he's being his own boss of things.


Styles: Dog style, eh? That's a unique choice. As for Siu Lam, well, Siu Lam is another way of saying Shaolin and even with that, there are many many styles of Shaolin Kung Fu so her using Siu Lam doesn't really say anything that specific and even so, I don't really see her using Shaolin Kung Fu styles. As for her weapons, well, I kind of liked how she had the Kama like in MKM: SZ.

Storyline: What do you mean by "We have plans with the elder Sub-Zero, as for his reward of allegiance, he will be most pleased to obtain me."? How exactly does she come to learn about the whereabouts of the older Sub-Zero? I thought that she doesn't need to feed off of auras to retain her human form anymore unless it's something that doesn't last forever which would force her to keep consuming. Even with curiousity about the older Sub-Zero, don't you think that she wouldn't like going back to the Netherrealm since she so desparately wanted to leave it and not come back?

Opinions over Quan Chi: Yeah...

Opinions over Sub-Zero: Does this mean she thinks positively of him?

Opinions over Scorpion: Uh huh..

Opinions over Drahmin: I see.

Drawing: It's not too bad. I think the costume is alright though I'm not sure about the face and hair. *shrugs*

Miscalleneous: Why are Noob Saibot and Smoke listed as her allies? Why is Scorpion listed as one of her enemies? Will her becoming Noh's concubine be mentioned in her ending?

Overall: I find her storyline to be a bit questionable in terms of logic. Overall, so-so.


Styles: Alrightee

Storyline: Ok....but what about the Hookswords? Did Mavado just give them to his decoy? As for the story itself, it's ok..but what about the Special Forces and the Lin Kuei?

Opinions over Jax: I don't understand the last part.

Opinions over Sonya: uh huh...

Opinions over Kabal: I don't know...I don't think the word spiritual is accurate when it comes to describing the new Black Dragon.

Opinions over Kenshi: Although I'm glad that Mavado sees the honor in Kenshi, I think Mavado is being a bit too supportive of him which I really don't like.

Drawing: I don't like the hair, the face, or him having a beard. The costume itself looks pretty good though.

Miscalleneous: Why is Cyrax listed as an enemy of Mavado? The two have never even come across each other before.

Overall: It's so-so.

I'll be back with more reviews on the way.
About Me

10/19/2005 06:10 PM (UTC)

height: 5' 8"
weight: 190 lbs
origin: Edenia, formerly Outworld
affiliation: Kingdom of Edenia, former assassin of the house Shao

allies: Kitana, Sindel,
enemies: Shao Kahn, Tanya, Onaga, Reptile, Mileena, Rain
nemesis: none

Kombat styles and weaponry: Fan Zi, Kuo Shou, Bojutsu

"We have failed to protect Edenia from her downfall. When we were trying to escape the tarkatan onslaught, we have been surrounded. The small band of edenians still free have been massacred without backthought, and even I have been captured and brought before their commandering superior, the traitor Tanya. Even though her victory, I managed to throw concentrated tarkatan essence in a well hidden orb at her, sending the tarkatan males into a frenzy, tearing her apart. Even in supposed death, I achieved a minor victory for the peace of my heart.

But the nightmare wasn't about to end. With grievous wounds, I have awo-ken in the confines of the Heavens Citadel, the hidden palace of this so called Dragon King, a monstrous construct obstrucing even the sunlight.
My tortures have been great, but I could not have been broken, since from dropped information, I learned that our Queen Sindel and Princess Kitana both made it out from Outworld, and to no small thanks to my conditio-ned body partially forged from magical malachite.

Even though I was at ease, my work wasn't done. The information I've obtained is crucial to a degree, since from what I collected, there may be a way to banish all of Onagas Divine Generals at once. This would require a no small bit unfamiliar aid from foreigners. That I can only accept, no mat-ter how alien it may sound. I ensured the escape from Onagas dunge-on, but the maze seems eternal. I have only one option, to travel to the city of Lei Chen, where I might come up with my next move.

However, after finding the battered body of a familiar blood, I've learned that almost everything in creation is in peril. This person of liability shall have to be confined in a safeguarded place alive, even if it disgusts me greatly beyond saneness.

Opinions over Sindel: I really can't help the strange foreboding of her safe-ty. I hope the Queen is at rest and leads us to proper choices in warfare. I can only hope. I can only hope there is someone reliable if something wo-uld happen.

Opinions over Tanya: betrayer to the throne, it was solely Tanya's own cho-ice made in insecurity in fear for her miserable life that has led the forces of hidden darkness to reign over Edenia ever since. I should've taken care of her had I the time or command.

Opinions over Liu Kang: I can't phatom what could possibly bewitch our Princess Kitana to look after the champion of Mortal Kombat. Sure, his intentions are similar to our own, but this could have dire consequences if Kitana falls more under the grievous charm of a reborn mortal of the Earth-realm. Aside that...even if my eyes are hard as diamond jewels, thrusting sais through someones gaze is not something I would consider friendly.

Opinions over Reptile: serpents are untrustworthy. Especially if they are as zealous, fanatic and obvious to their rulers intentions. Reptile is a foe not to be taken lightly at any chance. What worries me, is that Reptiles recent mention within the dungeons has awoken me to a much dreaded suspicion that there might be more of his kind.

About Me
art by fear-sAs
10/19/2005 07:34 PM (UTC)
I don't have anything to say for this since, it's a great bio like always. It fits Jade's "style" of character very well. I'm just wondering how many more are you going to do. Your sig already has an impressive 32 characters. I would like to see a bio for Sektor and Rain though. Might be nice to see what your take on them is.
10/20/2005 01:59 AM (UTC)
Here are 5 more reviews.


Styles: Shuai Chiao, eh? Hmmm, I don't know. I don't really see her as a throwing-based fighter. That's not to say that she shouldn't have throws of course...I'm just saying that I felt that Choujiao was fine for her.

Storyline: The storyline sounds good except for two problems. How did Fujin approach her in the Netherrealm and free her from there? Aren't tainted souls able to enter the Netherrealm? It doesn't seem to me that Fujin has any taint in his soul and him having her escape the Netherrealm kind of makes her Kriss useless unless you're going to have her find a way to head back to the Netherrealm to try to retrieve it.

Opinions over Noob Saibot: Yeah.

Opinions over Smoke: Hmm...

Opinions over Ermac: Why does she feel that he'll bring suffering and chaos? Is it just because he's a being who is fused of many souls or is there more to it than that?

Opinions over Sub-Zero: Funny that Sub-Zero would refer to Sareena as a demon of great malice and evil. Sure, she served Quan Chi, but she seems to just want to escape the Netherrealm and live her own life.

Drawing: Very nicely done

Miscalleneous: What's the Nessus?

Overall: It's pretty good. I like it quite a bit though I just found a bit of logic problems with her storyline, that's all.


Styles: Although I don't exactly feel that these styles suit him, I think it's kind of cool to see him use them.

Storyline: The storyline sounds alright. I kind of wished Ermac's storyline had some kind of mention, namely like a vague one of the One Being. The elder ones? Do you mean the Elder Gods or someone else? One other thing...Onaga's true strength?? If I remember correctly, Onaga was much MORE powerful than before once had obtained the Kamidogu and utilized its powers.

Opinions over Shujinko: I don't know about the last part, but even so, doesn't really say too much about what Ermac thinks of him.

Opinions over Shang Tsung: Ermac has powers of sorcery? Since when?

Opinions over Ashrah: Doesn't sound like it. tongue

Opinions over Shao Kahn: How does Ermac come to learn of Shao Kahn still being alive?

Drawing: I'll have to wait and see for that one.

Miscalleneous: Hado plane?

Overall: It's alright. Maybe I would've liked to have seen a bit more...I don't know...


Styles: I think Sun Bin and Hookswords fit him. As for Goju Ryu, I'm not sure though I don't really have anything against him using that. Weird response, I know.

Storyline: It's pretty nicely done.

Opinions over Mavado: Goodee..can't wait grin

Opinions over Kira: I'm surprised you didn't have him mention her calculated ruthlessness.

Opinions over Sonya: Nihil? What does that mean?

Opinions over Havik: Repress the forces of the revolutionaries in Seido? I'd think that Havik would support them.

Drawing: I hope you can draw one. It'd be cool to see.

Miscalleneous: nothing to say here

Overall: pretty good

Tam Yu' Chin

Styles: Interestingly odd choices...The Kabutsushi looks like a bit of an odd weapon, but it also looks unique. I'm not sure on your style choice of Escrima. I'd think that with a style like Escrima, a weapon style like the Kali Sticks or Bolo Knife would go along with that. *shrugs*

Storyline: It's pretty interesting, especially with the twist to Bo' Rai Cho's storyline. Are you trying to say that he's the one who is the forefather behind the Tarkatan race?

Opinions over Bo' Rai Cho: It'd be interesting to see a battle between Tam and Bo'.

Opinions over Shao Kahn: Honorable battles? confused

Opinions over Kitana: So is he basically saying that they're not going to attack or invade that place or are they?

Opinions over Raiden: Uh huh..

Opinions over the other Generals: okies.

Drawing: I hope that you can also draw him.

Miscalleneous: nothing to say here

Overall: He sounds like a bit of an interesting character.


Styles: Well, I think that Fan Zi suits her in that she would be fitting to be acrobatic and such. Btw, Fan Zi and Ba Shan Fan are the same style. I think I might've told you this before, but I guess you forgot.

Storyline: I think it's pretty good and I assume from the last part of the bio that she's referring to Tanya or maybe even Reptile, yes? Aside from that, well, I would've liked to have seen a bit of a mention on the history of Jade and Tanya since they seem to have known each other for quite some time.

Opinions over Sindel: Ok, but that doesn't really tell me anything about Jade's opinions over Sindel.

Opinions over Tanya: Yeah, definitely.

Opinions over Liu Kang: So, in other words, she isn't fond of Kitana's attraction to Liu Kang? Also, can you explain to me what you mean by that last part you put?

Opinions over Reptile: Reptile's recent mention? Exactly when and where did the two come across each other?

Drawing: It looks very nice and it gives her a distinctive look.

Miscalleneous: It kind of seems to me that Tanya would be her nemesis.

Overall: I think it's pretty good and I look forward to seeing where her story will go.

I hope to see some feedback soon on the 5 previous reviews as well as these 5. I also can't wait to see more of your bios.
About Me

10/20/2005 09:07 PM (UTC)

origin: Outworld
affiliation: formerly Bo' Rai Cho's student, now the retainer of Onaga

allies: Onaga, Five Divine Generals, Tanya, Hotaru, Baraka
enemies: Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Bo' Rai Cho
nemesis: none

Kombat styles and weaponry: Mi Jhong, Liu He Ba Fa, Kun Lun Dao

"I can't feel but helpless to grieve over the loss of Bo' Rai Chos kind and warm tutelage. To know the man who would give his life for you is indeed your worst enemy is unbearable. If it has to be, I shall undertake to kill Bo' Rai Cho. No harm can come to the Dragon King or to his plan. Immortality is at risk, no harm can come to our plan now!

Onagas essence boils within me. With his endless will, he has changed me when the Deadly Alliance left my lingering soul in one of the damned undead soldiers. Now as I realize that the Dragon kings purpose is not the complete undoing of everything worthwhile, but the purge of the obsolete and unnecesary. A purge that could finally tremble the heavens themsel-ves, and allow to gain godlike power to fill my master.

Onagas plan is quite complex. For he has used the vagrant Shujinko to gather the remaining pieces of the kamidogu while lying dormant within the dead world. He was not alone though. Five unprophecied warriors were to be laid to rest with him when Onaga commenced his plan. But Onaga died and theese masterful generals were sleeping uncalled. Thus when Onaga lived again, and with a careful eye he insisted not to call upon his heroes, for he seemingly had enough power and ulterior motives. But he knew also, that by doing so, he would overly harden his way to ascensi-on.

Onaga allowed the elder gods and Shujinko to take the initiative, and allowed them to come victorious, even with power magnified beyond his own recognition. The kamidogu are clearly the key to his vast power, but when the Generals came, this power was distributed, as Onaga lacked one critical detail what the opposition was successful of stealing. The Dragon King had no body to manifest again his triple defeat by multiple opponents. With his body desecrated, Onaga now lies imprisoned into the colossal remains of the Great Dragon San Kun Dai.

With the Five Divine Generals and with his primary forces the inactive our Dragon King now sends me to gather the kamidogu again, for their might can be clearly sensed through their activation. For this time, the fragile Li Mei shall prove that she is more than an average mere mortal fighter. Bestowed with the blood of a demigod, my strenght is hundred times higher than previously. Even if he indeed overestimated the enemies we face and let his body be destroyed by desecration, Onaga is patient and knows that his plan has only started. I shall prove him that from all, only Li Mei's fervor can be matching to him!

Opinions over Bo' Rai Cho: even though I turned on them at the most cru-cial moment, Bo' Rai Cho was adamant that he could reason with me. He could not, but with my lackluster skills, I couldn't even bring harm to this.... obese natural armor that is his belly. Bo' Rai Cho may be a ne'er invulne-rable opponent, but with skills and strenght that can silence the raging vol-canoes of far Outworld, we shall see who is more capable now.

Opinions over the Five Divine Generlas: each of them holds unbelievable provess and all of them can pose a threat to Onaga should they want to do so. However, this five are fanatically zealous to safeguard their master. We all serve our master, and have our places in his grandiose scheme. Howe-ver, every one of them may become obsolete after the universe is ours!

Opinions over Kano: disgusting slaving bastard that butchered my villa-ges honor! Kano took a sound beating when I was done with him. As for himself, this mercenary of no small amount of self-confidence and stami-na, has disappeared from my wiew forever.

Opinions over the Deadly Alliance: I can still feel the malicious laughter of the pale face of Quan Chi, when Shang Tsungs grip ripped the screaming soul out of my body. I shall pay them back dearly! Onaga's prime general Rodjung has already sent me to deal with the sorceror Shang Tsung who is apparently wanted alive to pay for his crimes before Onaga!

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