12/14/2010 04:06 AM (UTC)
I will say this......it seems that the shit we have been arguing about on here is nothing compared to some of the other crazy assumptions that have been made. Some people actually thought that they took away fatalities from Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Reptile for the purpose of retail. Then on Ed Boons twitter page he straight up said every character will have 2 fatalities and that they would not take away character's fatalities, these are just extra.
12/14/2010 04:06 AM (UTC)
really strange that as soon as online gaming became prominent all of a sudden they didnt have enough time to add alt costumes etc... to the game. THEY DID IT BEFORE(millions of times)!!!!!! THEY JUST WANNA FUCK PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR MONEY!!! we shouldnt have to pay for stuff we already should get. furious
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12/14/2010 04:08 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
Fenix Wrote:Words.

Short story - They're doing all these gimmicks for money. Fans don't like having to jump through hoops to get the content they want. Just because others studios do it doesn't mean we have to like it.

Short conclusion - I'll still buy the game. I'll probably adore the game. But I'd prefer it if I didn't have to deal with all the marketing and gimmicky BS that NRS PROMISED me they'd leave behind for this one game.

This. You can write all the essays you want, Fenix. Fact of the matter is that we'll just have to agree to disagree. You're fine with getting nickeled and dimed and ripped off on content, I get that. We aren't. Call me crazy, but just because something has been happening for years and years, doesn't mean I accept it nor will I ever accept it. If wanting a complete game, let alone the game we were told we were getting when news first broke about it, is so horrible to you, then all I can do is throw my arms up at you.

If you really believe that it's all fine and dandy to have to pay for things that should've been (and probably are) on the disc, then you're part of the problem. I don't think it's too much to ask that a publisher/developer tandem be straightforward with fans. DLC should be for the purpose of adding on to a complete game; not for a dev/pub to cover their own asses because the fans become rightfully angered for having to pay extra for the last 10% of a 90% complete game.
12/14/2010 04:09 AM (UTC)
W-why are people whining? O_o

Seriously, its not a big deal. You guys will complain about anything
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
really strange that as soon as online gaming became prominent all of a sudden they didnt have enough time to add alt costumes etc... to the game. THEY DID IT BEFORE(millions of times)!!!!!! THEY JUST WANNA FUCK PEOPLE OUT OF THEIR MONEY!!! we shouldnt have to pay for stuff we already should get. furious

These like the fatalities are extra costumes.
12/14/2010 04:10 AM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:
W-why are people whining? O_o

Seriously, its not a big deal. You guys will complain about anything

Well thats Mortal Kombat fans for ya.....tongue
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The enemy of my enemy of my enemy is my enemy.

12/14/2010 04:11 AM (UTC)
Vash_15 Wrote:
So I see the Scorpion figurine. But where's the Sub Zero one?

My guess is he's "behind" that silhouette on the box, inside. I had the same question. As for the DLC, I really don't care as a whole.
12/14/2010 04:12 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
If you really believe that it's all fine and dandy to have to pay for things that should've been (and probably are) on the disc, then you're part of the problem.

I'm ambivalent to this whole pre-order deal, but if this is the case, I will concede that this is some corny-ass bullshit.
Darkhound74 Wrote:
SubMan799 Wrote:
W-why are people whining? O_o

Seriously, its not a big deal. You guys will complain about anything

Well thats Mortal Kombat fans for ya.....tongue

Y'know I haven't found one series that doesn't have fans that bitch mercilessly.
12/14/2010 04:15 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
Garlador Wrote:
Fenix Wrote:Words.

Short story - They're doing all these gimmicks for money. Fans don't like having to jump through hoops to get the content they want. Just because others studios do it doesn't mean we have to like it.

Short conclusion - I'll still buy the game. I'll probably adore the game. But I'd prefer it if I didn't have to deal with all the marketing and gimmicky BS that NRS PROMISED me they'd leave behind for this one game.

This. You can write all the essays you want, Fenix. Fact of the matter is that we'll just have to agree to disagree. You're fine with getting nickeled and dimed and ripped off on content, I get that. We aren't. Call me crazy, but just because something has been happening for years and years, doesn't mean I accept it nor will I ever accept it. If wanting a complete game, let alone the game we were told we were getting when news first broke about it, is so horrible to you, then all I can do is throw my arms up at you.

If you really believe that it's all fine and dandy to have to pay for things that should've been (and probably are) on the disc, then you're part of the problem. I don't think it's too much to ask that a publisher/developer tandem be straightforward with fans. DLC should be for the purpose of adding on to a complete game; not for a dev/pub to cover their own asses because the fans become rightfully angered for having to pay extra for the last 10% of a 90% complete game.

and honestly it is not even going to be something where it is a full download I bet. I think it is going to be that everything is already on the disc and the download will just be a key to unlock it kind of like the Castle Crashers DLC. Everything was already in the game when you downloaded it, you just had to unlock it. that is why the castle crashers lvl256 glitch worked.

So honestly if they want be to pay for a tiny little key just to unlock the content that is already on the disc because they aren't confident in their normal sales so they have to charge people DLC money just so they can rack up money for the copies of games they don't sell because some people are too pissed at this to buy the game at all, then WE WILL BE PISSED.

SubMan799 Wrote:
W-why are people whining? O_o

Seriously, its not a big deal. You guys will complain about anything

You clearly haven't read any of this at all....
12/14/2010 04:16 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
SubMan799 Wrote:
W-why are people whining? O_o

Seriously, its not a big deal. You guys will complain about anything

Well thats Mortal Kombat fans for ya.....tongue

Y'know I haven't found one series that doesn't have fans that bitch mercilessly.

This is true.....people have things they get a little carried away with, but its mostly the way things are going down now thats making alot of the fans seem to be overreacting just a tad bit.
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Damn its hard being this cool

12/14/2010 04:17 AM (UTC)
you know I was thinking about this...the whole DLC stuff...

We did this to are selves... Think about it...Companies like WB, NRS, and so on Don't make money selling games any more...why?...Gamestop re sells the games for a dollar or two cheaper and those companies never see a dime for it...so what do the companies have to do...DLC..why?..because thats how they make the money..

If people would stop being pre owned games... we wouldn't have this problem..saddly so many of you are to cheap to understand that..so you get bundles like this..WHICH REALLY I LOVE THESE BUNDLES because I for one am well off with money...so really no harm to me..but I can understand the complaints when it comes to other gamers...and really...YOU DO IT TO YOURSELFS...
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12/14/2010 04:18 AM (UTC)
Thats one way to to look at it. Another way to look at it is that developers can keep making and releasing new content for the game long after it's been released. Maybe even stuff that they had never originally planned, like Zombie Mortal Kombat, or something sweet.

You got a point there. But you know just about the only time I can think of when this was done in a non-whorish way?

In Ninja Gaiden,of all things.

First,we got a downloadable Hurricane Pack,which added new locations, weapons, bosses and enemies. This was shortly followed by Hurricane Pack vol. 2,which added even more cool stuff. Now,I maybe wrong,but as far as I know,both of these were free to download. Of course,this was still on the original Xbox,before this whole DLC cancer started to metastasize.

And you know what happened afterwards?

Tecmo actually took all of the new content that came in the Hurricane Packs and released them in the form of Ninja Gaiden Black. Yes,now we had to pay for it,but I personally gladly did. Just for the fact that instead of nickel-and-diming us to death,they cut the bullshit and released all the extra content made for the game in one ample package.

See,one of the main things that deeply irks me about the DLC is not even the fact that it shamelessly whores out the content that was,almost certainly,supposed to be in the game in the first place,but just how intangible the whole concept is. Five years from now,when Xbox 1080 hits the scene,some corporate shitfucker in Microsoft or WB or whatever decides that providing the content for such an old game is unprofitable. Next thing you know,the game's support ceases,and the DLC becomes unavailable. Unless it's been physically preserved on an actual game disc,it's lost forever.

I'm a collector of video games. I immensely enjoy the fact that I can unearth a 20-year old NES game and enjoy it to the fullest extent,just like 20 years ago. I also enjoy getting the most complete version of the game available. But with the advent of this intangible DLC bullshit,we're now getting a whole generation of games that gimp themselves on purpose. Some corporate asshole might one day decide to pull the plug on all that DLC. And once that happens,there would be no way to restore the game to its complete state. It wasn't properly preserved,and now,a part of it is irrevocably gone.

And the thought of that is just utterly revolting to me on a very deep and personal level.

I guess what I'm trying to say in a very round-about way is that I hope this MK turns out to be as close to perfect as we dared to imagine. I hope that this time,NRS can take their time,relax and release some awesome,creative content that would otherwise be left on the cutting room floor. I hope this content isn't just gonna be shitty bells and whistles (looking at you,Capcom),but actual stuff you wouldn't mind paying for,like new characters and stages. I mean,just look at the way Valve does things. Is that not a good example to follow?

But in any case,you know what I also hope?

That they will eventually follow up with an actual,physical update. Ultimate Mortal Kombat Turbo Dynamite Alpha Star-Studded Edition,whatever. Same game as first time,plus all the DLC bullshit that was released in the meantime. New costumes,including the classics,some cameo characters that didn't make it into the original,new stages,new music,new fatalities... A solid package,something that shouldn't be shameful to sell. In all honesty,knowing the team's record and looking at Super Street Fighter 4,I have almost no doubt that we'll eventually get an updated version. And I'll buy the fuck out of it.

But as of right now,I'm pissed off.

I can understand the Head Rip. I can understand the Tongue Lash. But making the Toasty,the second most iconic Fatality in MK history,a DLC that you have to pay extra to get,when it should've been like the first Fatality they ever made for the game? How fucked up is that?

That's like buying a new Zelda game and finding out that the Master Sword is now DLC. Shit just ain't right.
12/14/2010 04:22 AM (UTC)
Allow me to express my gratitude, I am happy as fuck.

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The enemy of my enemy of my enemy is my enemy.

12/14/2010 04:24 AM (UTC)
I think the only DLC that pissed me off was the whole Force Unleashed "Dark Side" levels..........TWO levels? You released only TWO levels of what if's and didn't even FINISH the what if story? Other than that, again, I don't really care/mind about DLC.
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12/14/2010 04:24 AM (UTC)
@ StatueofLiberty

You being an American and me being an Afghan, I'd say thats a safe bet concidering the past decade lol.

@ Garlador

Can't say I disagree with you there. The Capcom-Unity (SFIV) boards are full of DLC threads with those who argue that the content is already on the disc so they shouldn't pay additional money and those who say that time has been spent on these contents so it is only fair that they are asking for money. It was bound to happen here sooner or later.

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12/14/2010 04:27 AM (UTC)
Fenix Wrote:
The only difference is now you have something (DLC) to throw your tomatoes at. You have evidence of it. Before it was just some construct like "time" or "misfortune".

Yes. That's why before,it wasn't as painful or rage-inducing.

I'd much rather prefer to think that my game is incomplete because the developers tried really-really hard to make it perfect,but just didn't finish everything they wanted on time,rather than knowing I only got one half of the game I was supposed to get,because some corporate shitfucker decided his wallet wasn't thick enough.

Ignorance truly is bliss in this case.
12/14/2010 04:33 AM (UTC)

Don't know if anyone has seen it yet, but it's fucking awesome!
12/14/2010 04:38 AM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
@ StatueofLiberty
You being an American and me being an Afghan, I'd say thats a safe bet concidering the past decade lol.

Fuckin' LOL!

But seriously: I'm sorry about my country acting like an asshole.
12/14/2010 04:38 AM (UTC)
ShaolinChuan Wrote:

Don't know if anyone has seen it yet, but it's fucking awesome!

Check the Kratos thread, it's available to stream or download from the site.
12/14/2010 04:41 AM (UTC)
Oops, sorry then for making that post.
12/14/2010 04:45 AM (UTC)
Haha, they are messing with the nostalgia whores, they know their shit.
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Mortal Kombat: Deception ---------- 8/10
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon ------ 4/10
Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe -- 7/10
Mortal Kombat (2011) -------------- 9.5/10

12/14/2010 04:46 AM (UTC)
I'm not a bothered because I place little value on the toasty fatality. I dont really care that much about any fatality honestly. I mean, they're cool and I'm probably going to spend a night doing all of them, but thats not why im going to buy the game.
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Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

12/14/2010 04:49 AM (UTC)
@ StatueOfLiberty

Don't worry about it. Every country has its share of assholes, including us lol.
12/14/2010 04:53 AM (UTC)
Some DLC is worth the price you pay. GTA ,RDR, DAO, ME2 are DLC that is worth getting, hell they could be stand alone games. I don't like DLC that is just an unlock key, something is a few kbs.

I know the all pre order stuff is going to be unlock keys and odds a lot of other "DLC" is going to be as well. This mainly do to the fact it would split online part of MK up big time. It's rare for me to get DLC that more then an unlock code, outside of pre order stuff.
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