About Me
Spoony got a decent interview at PAX. I'm a huge Spoony fan, but I think you guys will enjoy it as well. Also, Spoony's face when Edwards is explaining the time travel story is priceless.
Spoony Coverage
Spoony Coverage

Sorry man, don't think that will ever happen.
StatueofLiberty Wrote:
Real talk:
Real talk:
Sorry man, don't think that will ever happen.
A guy can dream, though.
About Me

Shadaloo Wrote:
Hearing that EVO contacted them made me need a cigarette.
Folks, I propose a strategy forum if this thing hits the big-time. Just sayin'.
Hearing that EVO contacted them made me need a cigarette.
Folks, I propose a strategy forum if this thing hits the big-time. Just sayin'.
I'd be all for it if the users on the site can keep it busy.

Demon_0 Wrote:
@ Brad
Yeah but the imprisoned combatants in Deception weren't selectable/playable in the game, where they? Kitana is..
@ Brad
Yeah but the imprisoned combatants in Deception weren't selectable/playable in the game, where they? Kitana is..
Yeah true. Could be a way to unlock a secret character then? Like how you do it in Shaolin Monks with Sonya and Jax? *shrugs* I guess it wouldn't be so secret thguh, but I mean some kind've unlockable then

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I don't think these have been posted
Scorpion vs. Reptile
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yRCZdOLRP4Johnny vs. Kitana
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16IbB4dtDLkNothing real new except for Reptiles move list and Johnny cunt punching Kitana
Scorpion vs. Reptile
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yRCZdOLRP4Johnny vs. Kitana
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16IbB4dtDLkNothing real new except for Reptiles move list and Johnny cunt punching Kitana

SonOf100Maniacs Wrote:
I don't think these have been posted
Scorpion vs. Reptile
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yRCZdOLRP4Johnny vs. Kitana
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16IbB4dtDLkNothing real new except for Reptiles move list and Johnny cunt punching Kitana
I don't think these have been posted
Scorpion vs. Reptile
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yRCZdOLRP4Johnny vs. Kitana
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16IbB4dtDLkNothing real new except for Reptiles move list and Johnny cunt punching Kitana
That Johnny Cage fatality on Kitana rocked since it was so high quality.
You can actually see the detail done on the bottom of the torso when he finishes her since apparently some entrails come out (though not too well done) and disappear after he throws the torso onto the ground. In addition to that, it seems like Kitana's hair has SOME physics after it's been decapitated, an improvement over the past MK games like MKD or MKA where if the head popped off the hair suddenly became extremely stiff and only pointed in 1 direction, never wavering. Also...boob jiggle physics! Yay! Thanks for the vids!

Sincubus Wrote:
Everybody go vote for Shoa Kahn in that match against Raam!
If Shoa Kahn wins Ed Boon promised to release a new screenshot of a new character! (he said so on twitter!!!)
Everybody go vote for Shoa Kahn in that match against Raam!
If Shoa Kahn wins Ed Boon promised to release a new screenshot of a new character! (he said so on twitter!!!)
Surely, you can't be that gullible

Please god, neither of them. Just make that Jade with changed color.
the skin tone in the twitter pic matches jade or tanya and it definitely is a female leg... but the outfit color is off. hmm... who could it be...

About Me
In response to that interview Ed Boon conducted lol I 100% now believe Stryker is in the game,however I am aware he didn't actually come out of his mouth and confirm it but hey...to me it's close enough!

About Me
Fare Thee Well
btw, new interview by screwattack, craig is interviewing Shaun Himmerick.
hmm possibly Jax is going to be the game, but we knew that already.
hmm possibly Jax is going to be the game, but we knew that already.

About Me

It's Cage's Fatality on Kitana but with the audio from Cage's Fatality in Cyrax so it's all nice and awesome
It's Cage's Fatality on Kitana but with the audio from Cage's Fatality in Cyrax so it's all nice and awesome
About Me
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Spoony got a decent interview at PAX. I'm a huge Spoony fan, but I think you guys will enjoy it as well. Also, Spoony's face when Edwards is explaining the time travel story is priceless.
Spoony Coverage
Spoony got a decent interview at PAX. I'm a huge Spoony fan, but I think you guys will enjoy it as well. Also, Spoony's face when Edwards is explaining the time travel story is priceless.
Spoony Coverage
Fun interview. I kinda agree with Spoony on the X-Ray moves. I really don't like them much for the same reason I didn't like the bone-breaker moves in MK4. At that point, like Spoony said, the fight should be over, or the fighter should at least be extremely impaired, but everything goes on as normal. I realize it's just a game, but that seems way OTT, even for a game.
So the MK team stated April '11, but Spoony says March 1st '11. Kinda hoping Spoony is right.
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Spoony got a decent interview at PAX. I'm a huge Spoony fan, but I think you guys will enjoy it as well. Also, Spoony's face when Edwards is explaining the time travel story is priceless.
Spoony Coverage
Spoony got a decent interview at PAX. I'm a huge Spoony fan, but I think you guys will enjoy it as well. Also, Spoony's face when Edwards is explaining the time travel story is priceless.
Spoony Coverage
Not a big fan of Spoony personally although this vid was interesting.
Skaven13 Wrote:
Fun interview. I kinda agree with Spoony on the X-Ray moves. I really don't like them much for the same reason I didn't like the bone-breaker moves in MK4. At that point, like Spoony said, the fight should be over, or the fighter should at least be extremely impaired, but everything goes on as normal. I realize it's just a game, but that seems way OTT, even for a game.
So the MK team stated April '11, but Spoony says March 1st '11. Kinda hoping Spoony is right.
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Spoony got a decent interview at PAX. I'm a huge Spoony fan, but I think you guys will enjoy it as well. Also, Spoony's face when Edwards is explaining the time travel story is priceless.
Spoony Coverage
Spoony got a decent interview at PAX. I'm a huge Spoony fan, but I think you guys will enjoy it as well. Also, Spoony's face when Edwards is explaining the time travel story is priceless.
Spoony Coverage
Fun interview. I kinda agree with Spoony on the X-Ray moves. I really don't like them much for the same reason I didn't like the bone-breaker moves in MK4. At that point, like Spoony said, the fight should be over, or the fighter should at least be extremely impaired, but everything goes on as normal. I realize it's just a game, but that seems way OTT, even for a game.
So the MK team stated April '11, but Spoony says March 1st '11. Kinda hoping Spoony is right.
whew, thanfully you and loony spoony are not making the game. hopefully the mk team listens to neither of you. you lost all credibility when you compared x-ray attacks to mk4 bone-breakers. who the hell does not want to end a long combo with an x-ray attack?! thank you, please drive thru.

About Me
Fare Thee Well
I would love to in a big combo with a x-ray move. Makes that combo seems so much better, don't you think?
DieHumanless Wrote:
whew, thanfully you and loony spoony are not making the game. hopefully the mk team listens to neither of you. you lost all credibility when you compared x-ray attacks to mk4 bone-breakers. who the hell does not want to end a long combo with an x-ray attack?! thank you, please drive thru.
Skaven13 Wrote:
Fun interview. I kinda agree with Spoony on the X-Ray moves. I really don't like them much for the same reason I didn't like the bone-breaker moves in MK4. At that point, like Spoony said, the fight should be over, or the fighter should at least be extremely impaired, but everything goes on as normal. I realize it's just a game, but that seems way OTT, even for a game.
So the MK team stated April '11, but Spoony says March 1st '11. Kinda hoping Spoony is right.
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Spoony got a decent interview at PAX. I'm a huge Spoony fan, but I think you guys will enjoy it as well. Also, Spoony's face when Edwards is explaining the time travel story is priceless.
Spoony Coverage
Spoony got a decent interview at PAX. I'm a huge Spoony fan, but I think you guys will enjoy it as well. Also, Spoony's face when Edwards is explaining the time travel story is priceless.
Spoony Coverage
Fun interview. I kinda agree with Spoony on the X-Ray moves. I really don't like them much for the same reason I didn't like the bone-breaker moves in MK4. At that point, like Spoony said, the fight should be over, or the fighter should at least be extremely impaired, but everything goes on as normal. I realize it's just a game, but that seems way OTT, even for a game.
So the MK team stated April '11, but Spoony says March 1st '11. Kinda hoping Spoony is right.
whew, thanfully you and loony spoony are not making the game. hopefully the mk team listens to neither of you. you lost all credibility when you compared x-ray attacks to mk4 bone-breakers. who the hell does not want to end a long combo with an x-ray attack?! thank you, please drive thru.
As I don't really know you, I could care less about the credibility I have in your eyes. But since you misunderstood my post, I wil try to explain it for clarity sake. I was NOT saying the mechanic was bad. I agree, ending a combo with a super move is an awesome concept and SHOULD be there. And no, the mechanics between MK4 breakers and XRay moves are NOT the same WHATSOEVER. My POINT was that BOTH MK4 and Xray moves feature intensely brutal, sometimes instantly fatal, injuries, yet the fighters keep on going as if nothing happened. For instance: X-Ray moves. A guy just got fingers shoved into his brain. He is still fighting HOW? In MK4, a guy just got his neck twisted around. He is still fighting HOW? Yes, the mechanics are different, but the CONCEPT is the same: fighters sustaining seriously impairing, sometimes fatal, injuries, yet the fight continues as if nothing happened. THAT is the concept I was trying to convey. I never said the mechanics were the same, nor did I say I didn't want a long combo to end with a super move or even an x-ray attack. Read the context of a post before replying. Thank you. Drive through please.
DieHumanless Wrote:
whew, thanfully you and loony spoony are not making the game. hopefully the mk team listens to neither of you. you lost all credibility when you compared x-ray attacks to mk4 bone-breakers. who the hell does not want to end a long combo with an x-ray attack?! thank you, please drive thru.
Skaven13 Wrote:
Fun interview. I kinda agree with Spoony on the X-Ray moves. I really don't like them much for the same reason I didn't like the bone-breaker moves in MK4. At that point, like Spoony said, the fight should be over, or the fighter should at least be extremely impaired, but everything goes on as normal. I realize it's just a game, but that seems way OTT, even for a game.
So the MK team stated April '11, but Spoony says March 1st '11. Kinda hoping Spoony is right.
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Spoony got a decent interview at PAX. I'm a huge Spoony fan, but I think you guys will enjoy it as well. Also, Spoony's face when Edwards is explaining the time travel story is priceless.
Spoony Coverage
Spoony got a decent interview at PAX. I'm a huge Spoony fan, but I think you guys will enjoy it as well. Also, Spoony's face when Edwards is explaining the time travel story is priceless.
Spoony Coverage
Fun interview. I kinda agree with Spoony on the X-Ray moves. I really don't like them much for the same reason I didn't like the bone-breaker moves in MK4. At that point, like Spoony said, the fight should be over, or the fighter should at least be extremely impaired, but everything goes on as normal. I realize it's just a game, but that seems way OTT, even for a game.
So the MK team stated April '11, but Spoony says March 1st '11. Kinda hoping Spoony is right.
whew, thanfully you and loony spoony are not making the game. hopefully the mk team listens to neither of you. you lost all credibility when you compared x-ray attacks to mk4 bone-breakers. who the hell does not want to end a long combo with an x-ray attack?! thank you, please drive thru.
If the X-ray move has properties that allow the victim to reattack, then I rather have moves that stun-lock them enough for me to deal enough damage to win. Obviously late in the round.
Sure, looks impressive, but in truth it is just an animation for a greater damage manouver - in essence, the bonebreaker from MK4. Only longer and without abuse-prone and half-assed properties.
First is to win, not see the enemy humiliated in some flashy way that gets old after Xth time.
Skaven13 Wrote: A guy just got fingers shoved into his brain. He is still fighting HOW? In MK4, a guy just got his neck twisted around. He is still fighting HOW? Yes, the mechanics are different, but the CONCEPT is the same: fighters sustaining seriously impairing, sometimes fatal, injuries, yet the fight continues as if nothing happened. THAT is the concept I was trying to convey. I never said the mechanics were the same, nor did I say I didn't want a long combo to end with a super move or even an x-ray attack. Read the context of a post before replying. Thank you. Drive through please.
How you ask? The same way a character can take a fireball to the face and continue to fight...or be impaled by a spear and then drug across the screen...or be flash frozen solid only to be fine seconds later. It's a video game dude.
X-rays are just a gimmicky ultra move using a super meter system. Nothing new there. If for some reason it's pushing your suspension of disbelief to the point were you're going, "Nuh uh! No WAY he'd be able to fight after that. This game's SO unrealistic!", then you might want to step back and take a look at what you're playing. HINT: It's not a "real-life simulator".

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TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.
I'm just surprised this is coming up now. One of Scorpion's basic moves involves throwing a sharp metal object into his opponent's chest. Sub-Zero actually freezes people. In a few games characters actually pulled out firearms and started shooting. But now all of a sudden we're thinking "he wouldn't survive that"? I think that ship has sailed years ago.
Even Street Fighter, a much "tamer" game, has moves like Guile's air throw which would no doubt break somebody's spine. I'm not really sure why X-Ray moves are all that big a deal when we've seen obviously deadly attacks mid-fight for years.
Even Street Fighter, a much "tamer" game, has moves like Guile's air throw which would no doubt break somebody's spine. I'm not really sure why X-Ray moves are all that big a deal when we've seen obviously deadly attacks mid-fight for years.
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