Kung Lao still has the most disgusting fatality with the hatsaw.

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More footage:
subzero vs scorpion with fatality at the end:
cyrax vs subzero with cyrax fatality:
subzero vs scorpion with fatality at the end:
cyrax vs subzero with cyrax fatality:
DieHumanless Wrote:
oh i know, i think he was bitching in another video that has reptile in it about omg how they are still fighting after broken bones? what next, how can they keep going after a spear to the chest or impaled by 2 sais during the round...
Code-EM41_25 Wrote:
I hate the guy talking in the background of the Sektor vs Cage vid complaining basically about how X-Ray moves aren't instant round winners lol.
I hate the guy talking in the background of the Sektor vs Cage vid complaining basically about how X-Ray moves aren't instant round winners lol.
oh i know, i think he was bitching in another video that has reptile in it about omg how they are still fighting after broken bones? what next, how can they keep going after a spear to the chest or impaled by 2 sais during the round...
I would only agree with the guy, if they were actually trying to push MK in a truly realistic direction; which they are not.
What he doesn't realize though is, if you are going to set up gameplay to go on for a long period of time without your character dying and also give way to characters using weapon based moves during gameplay, and still make it look brutal....then you have to compensate for some loss of realism. But being able to fight for a long time without dying is what makes gameplay fun. This and trying new strategies on your opponent when you get knocked down.
Although, I speculate many on here haven't thought that far in and are just comfortable with fantasy or supports anything that has the MK name on it; i.e. MKvsDC
But getting back to what I was saying, your attacks will probably look weird if something like a sword doesn't penetrate at least somewhat in your opponent's body with a specific move, such as a forward thrust. Also the type of move properties will be different for the swords attacks.
So while it may look weird that a an overhead downswing from a sword may result in your opponent to bounce off the floor and into the air, it MAY be necessary because of the way the gameplay is designed and for game balance issues.
So ultimately it just comes down to how the game is designed and balanced around the attack animations and how they effect your opponents positioning (stuff like, how far back an attack sends you, how high it launches you into the air, fall to the ground, etc.)

Also thought it was weird seeing the round house kicks just spinning the opponent backwards, now looks like a set up for combos, instead of making them fly backwards landing on their backs.
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I love the touches of slow motion during some of the Fatalites.
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Nightwolf's throw is epic. Edit: As is Kung Lao's victory pose.

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EnKompassedDra9on Wrote:
Nu Tag Battle :)
Nightwolf gets some spotlight
Nu Tag Battle :)
Nightwolf gets some spotlight
That is a pretty awesome vid. IMO best gameplay vid yet.
And is it just me, or does Sub-Zero and Nightwolf (and maybe Reptile) all look to have the same (or similar) stances?
EnKompassedDra9on Wrote:
Nu Tag Battle :)
Nightwolf gets some spotlight
Nu Tag Battle :)
Nightwolf gets some spotlight
uh... did i see a buzzsaw pop out of cyrax's chest then chew up the opponent on the floor?!! that was damn cool. its like an improved version of his mk5 chest saw attack. very, very cool. he just keeps getting better and better. for the first time ever i would say cyrax is looking more of a badass than sektor. usually sektor dominates with his uppercut teleport and missiles but wow, cyrax is just a swiss army knife of kickass.
kung lao's victory pose is nice, too.

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Code-EM41_25 Wrote:
That is a pretty awesome vid. IMO best gameplay vid yet.
And is it just me, or does Sub-Zero and Nightwolf (and maybe Reptile) all look to have the same (or similar) stances?
EnKompassedDra9on Wrote:
Nu Tag Battle :)
Nightwolf gets some spotlight
Nu Tag Battle :)
Nightwolf gets some spotlight
That is a pretty awesome vid. IMO best gameplay vid yet.
And is it just me, or does Sub-Zero and Nightwolf (and maybe Reptile) all look to have the same (or similar) stances?
Yeah the stances look very similiar. Nightwolf has the same stance he had in MK3.

EnKompassedDra9on Wrote:
Nu Tag Battle :)
Nightwolf gets some spotlight
Nu Tag Battle :)
Nightwolf gets some spotlight
I think that video shows a new move of Cyrax. Where he shoots his circle blades into the chest of the other one. When he falls down, de blades move away via the floor (kinda like Kabal move but in reverse
The Sektor fatality is really cool. Good camera work also. Still not fond of Cyrax and Scorpions (duplicate) fatality's.

I am really glad to see Boon and Co. go this direction with Cyrax. If you ever looked at Predator's thread from a few months ago, talking about what we want to see from our favorite characters...I talked about Cyrax using saws as his main attacks alongside the bombs. It definitely fits him IMO. He is like a utility knife, where he has all sorts of tools and gadgets to kill you with. I definitely think they played that up well, and glad to see what I wanted has been their plan for him. One of my main problem's with Cyrax, is that he never had a projectile attack. So I suggested turning his saw into a projectile, and sure enough that's what they went with. Glad to see they had the same thought process as I was hoping.
Nightwolf's throw is great, as well as Kung Lao's victory pose and throw.
Nightwolf's throw is great, as well as Kung Lao's victory pose and throw.

jaxfan Wrote:
i wonder why cyrax sparks when he does his fatality?
any guesses?
i wonder why cyrax sparks when he does his fatality?
any guesses?
Battle damage, or to further add detail to his robotic aesthetics.
blackcyborg Wrote:
Battle damage, or to further add detail to his robotic aesthetics.
jaxfan Wrote:
i wonder why cyrax sparks when he does his fatality?
any guesses?
i wonder why cyrax sparks when he does his fatality?
any guesses?
Battle damage, or to further add detail to his robotic aesthetics.
there's something about the spark. it's almost like it's making him kill.
you could be right though.
jaxfan Wrote:
there's something about the spark. it's almost like it's making him kill.
you could be right though.
blackcyborg Wrote:
Battle damage, or to further add detail to his robotic aesthetics.
jaxfan Wrote:
i wonder why cyrax sparks when he does his fatality?
any guesses?
i wonder why cyrax sparks when he does his fatality?
any guesses?
Battle damage, or to further add detail to his robotic aesthetics.
there's something about the spark. it's almost like it's making him kill.
you could be right though.
he does it right before the net fatality too!
check it out

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Hey jaxfan yeah my guess is that it's suppose to be his programming taking over making him do some thing he normally wouldn't want to do... KILL!

It sucks that even with all this new footage of the build of the game played at Pax, that nothing cool regarding Kitana has been done. Haven't seen an X-Ray from her, no victory pose, no entrance, no fatality, just people using her rather badly in tag team battles. Upside I guess, I like the way she throws her fans this time around, has a very acrobatic quality to it, almost looks like that one particular move from MK vs DC where she's twirling her arms and knocks her opponent to the ground. Can't wait to see her be played by someone who knows what the heck they're doing.
PS: Cryax's X-Ray special is hella awesome! And looks very painful.
PS: Cryax's X-Ray special is hella awesome! And looks very painful.

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WarriorPrincess Wrote:
It sucks that even with all this new footage of the build of the game played at Pax, that nothing cool regarding Kitana has been done. Haven't seen an X-Ray from her, no victory pose, no entrance, no fatality, just people using her rather badly in tag team battles. Upside I guess, I like the way she throws her fans this time around, has a very acrobatic quality to it, almost looks like that one particular move from MK vs DC where she's twirling her arms and knocks her opponent to the ground. Can't wait to see her be played by someone who knows what the heck they're doing.
PS: Cryax's X-Ray special is hella awesome! And looks very painful.
It sucks that even with all this new footage of the build of the game played at Pax, that nothing cool regarding Kitana has been done. Haven't seen an X-Ray from her, no victory pose, no entrance, no fatality, just people using her rather badly in tag team battles. Upside I guess, I like the way she throws her fans this time around, has a very acrobatic quality to it, almost looks like that one particular move from MK vs DC where she's twirling her arms and knocks her opponent to the ground. Can't wait to see her be played by someone who knows what the heck they're doing.
PS: Cryax's X-Ray special is hella awesome! And looks very painful.
Kitana doesn't have a X-Ray move in the build, and is overall the least done character in the build.
Emergency EPISODE on the Fu-Sung E. Cookye Show! Cookye puts NASTY GAMEPRO's Editor AJ Glasser on Blast!!! -SAY COOKYE!-

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Reimijahanna Wrote:
Emergency EPISODE on the Fu-Sung E. Cookye Show! Cookye puts NASTY GAMEPRO's Editor AJ Glasser on Blast!!! -SAY COOKYE!-
Emergency EPISODE on the Fu-Sung E. Cookye Show! Cookye puts NASTY GAMEPRO's Editor AJ Glasser on Blast!!! -SAY COOKYE!-
Thanks for the headache.
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